Let's be very clear about Newton: He was a genius of the likes that can't really be found (or placed) in today's physics. In his day, nobody was talking about higher dimensional vibrating strings, timelike curves, or quantum entanglement, or basically anything "conceptionally exotic". They were more interested in very blunt--yet very difficult--problems like "What shape might a hanging rope take" or "What shape of a hill causes a ball to fall the fastest from A to B" or "What basic assumptions about matter, density, and force yield an inverse square law of gravity." And as crazy difficult as these questions can be to try to puzzle out "a priori", none of them captured his imagination like theological issues. When you think about it, it's kinda baffling how such a brilliant man's thoughts on those matters are basically dismissed out of hand just because he wasn't a "trained and orthodox professional theologian". And perhaps the most neglected aspect of Newton is his particular brand of manliness that's utterly absent in this age of instant comfort and gratification: Newton was a man almost robotically immune to pain and pleasure
@@bmf80085closest human beeing who have ever Come close to his grateness is A.Einstein which by the way used his math and basic principles to acheeve that. Yea!
If he discovered all that under that stress, could you imagine what he would of accomplished with just one nut! Lol be like taking mushrooms dipped in iowaska with the mind of budha! Lol jk. He would of became pure light, true Christ mind!
@@danle7022 when you have conquered the visible you move on to the invisible. You do realize that most of the measured matter in our universe is "invisible", yes!?
There is a strange and fine line between brilliance and madness. Ecclesiastes 1:17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Harry Potter. 6.66 ― "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." There is a strange and fine line between brilliance and madness. Just imagine if instead of exploring science, we would read back-and-forth Harry Potter book.
@@hotbit7327 your comment reminds me of Norm MacDonald telling a comedian his joke about comparing Harry Potter and the Bible is a terrible joke because JK Rowling is a Christian and famously states that if you have read the Bible you can very easily predict the ending of her books. Norm was a 160+ IQ guy, well read, had a high degree of understanding mathematics, and was one of the funniest men ever to live. I figured you should know that since your favorite book was written by someone that you hate based on their faith, and their faith was responsible for writing those books.
Well, I'll attest to those two quotes!! There is much grief and sorrow just trying to deal with the average human these days. Because there's not much Wisdom or Knowledge into society today. Most are parrots for whatever ideology they support. Very little thinking involved.
@@edluke3415 "you hate based on their faith" - that's narrow minded. Where did it come from? I don't hate her or anybody just due to their faith. I don't hate or love her, I don't know her. Also not my favourite book, never read it in fact, I've seen with kids one or two films, though. Allt the best and stay open-minded.
As a Hindu I understand his celibacy. Yogis(spiritually enlightened individuals)choose this path to avoid distractions and conserve their energy in pursuit of their goals. Newton was a polymath and a genius. They're not wired like the rest of us.
One things for sure. Newton will be remembered as long as the Human race continues to exist. This Keating will be lucky to be remembered by his own family in a few generations, if he’s lucky.
I don't see why being celebrate makes you insane. I believe that is a warped societal judgment. If anything being celebrate just shows the commitment he had to his learning. If we had more people like that we'd be living in a better world not a worse one.
I had my first celebration not too long after I turned 18. It helped me figure this out: ==> Hitler was an abused child. Marx was an abused child. Stalin was an abused child. Putin is an abused child. Their displaced rage from the abuse destroyed their morals. The anger is the disease. Along with the accompanying narcissism.
Relationships and family do take time. So it makes sense. I have a kid and it takes much time, but its also great. But I do wish there was a way to both study a lot and spend time with family. Maybe having a nanny is one way to do it
that could depend upon your inclination. treat your woman with respect and she may well do the same to you. then again, it could also depend upon what she feeds you 😯
Jokes aside, no, you would be just a weirdo really. There's much more behind 'geniuses' on Newton's level than just dedicating "99.9%" of one's time to achieve something. Call it "talent", call it "genetic propensity", whatever. Some peoples' brains are just different. Some people are just better.
Its a privilege to be as weird as me. It takes a lifetime of dedicated avoidance of the intellectual authority. Disagreeableness, counterintuitive thinking, and odd coupling of seemingly non related themes puts a target on your back to be argued with like a knee bump reflex, even if they are just winging it . Make up anything and start talking to someone. If they immediately start coining every counter argument unrelentingly for a dopamine boost like a lab test animal, stop and ask for their full understanding on the (made up topic or problem) and poof the conversation changed without you knowing. Clever non weird fools. Go be normal live a normal life. Arguing without a prior exposure to the topic to act as if they always know more because they don't know how to not know something before knowing it. Exhausting for me and a dopamine boost for the vampire
You really ought to read up on Newton. He was in many ways like an Occultist Christian with Taliban like proclivities, who took great sadistic pleasure in hearing about the death/torture of people he disagreed with. The guy was definitely a genius, who accomplished great things, but he was still an unpleasant individual.
@@Aaron-fl2iv Most men are motivated by women, some are not. Hitler conquered vast lands and was not so motivated. Feynman discovered new physics and was so motivated.
Newtown was one of a kind genius. He singlehandedly expanded both fields of mathematics and physics. You can make a rocket that could land on Mars using nothing more than things that Newton invented 350 years ago.if you want to make nukes or travel into future than you will need Einsten.
He was an actual alchemist as well. Most people don't even know what it means they think it means turning objects into gold. For reference, look up Newton's translation of "The Emerald Tablet" (an original alchemy text)
@@Randsurfer the ancient greeks had no understanding of physics. They didn't have the math for it, for one, but they didn't even have a concept of gravity. Aristotle claimed it was "objects moving back to their proper place" due to the four elements. Yeah. So the ancient greeks can bugger off, Newton founded the field, and the math required for it.
@@AustralianHistoryxIt sounds like he has something personal against Newton. I have in the past heard him say something along the lines of “Newton has nothing on Einstein but that could just be my Jewish biasness.”
Newtons streamline focus paid off, and in all that he achieved he never fell into an unhealthy relationship with his tools of approximation. He loved it and worked it his entire life with razor focus but never came to own him . He knew these prescriptions was mystifying and could very easily turn anti realism into realism. For that I can completely understand why his imposter syndrome would be in Christ .
When they mention Alfred Nobel at around 6 minutes, they then show a photo of him, except that’s not Nobel, that’s Louis Pasteur, one of the modern Founders of Microbiology and the Germ Theory of Disease.
@@SecondFrostand Alfred nobel had a wife who left him for a mathematician n that's why he took out maths as a nobel prize cuz he was angry at mathematicians , idk y this guy is talking bollucks
Please watch Bronowski's Ascent of Man episode on Newton. These issues are long standing and do not detract from the greatness of Newton. Keating is off his rocker. If any one suffers from imposter syndrome, it is him, due to his enormous professional embarrassment.
Guy says Isaac Newton tortured people and when asked to elaborate he instantly goes on to not elaborate 😆 I want to know more about how Newton tortured people
I have a master in Physics from 20 years ago, and of course I knew Newton was a genius, and for a genius coming up with classic mechanic laws is extraordinary, but that job is for geniuses. However, when I got my master in data science, and learned about generating numbers based on certain distributions, and learned about Newton's methods, I was blown away by simplicity, accuracy and cleverness. No longer I saw a genius in there, rather than next-to-God mental power, it's like coming from different world.
The IRS thing they are talking about -- in public recognition of his work, he was appointed the Warden of the Mint (later promoted to the Master of the Mint) -- it was a position of honor given to him by the British government. He was also the very first scientist to be knighted.
The story in my family is that Newton had an illegitimate daughter with his housekeeper and we are decended from him through her. Well true or not he is and was always my hero. David-Paul Newton-Scott (Physics and Mathematics teacher).
~Im also supposed to be distantly related to him somehow?!~Its interesting he may be Aspergers, cuz my Dad & i probably are, too, and ive wondered if ours is vaxxx related~
Celibacy for newton was obedience to Christ. He used his immense intellectual gifts for the good of mankind and apparently had the gift of singleness and with the help of the Holy Spirit sublimated whatever sexual energy he had for intense scientific pursuit. God be praised. We all have different gifts.
*Isaac Newton was just the Christopher Columbus of Physics.* I dIsCoVErEd da 3 laws of motion. stupidenglishhead. Rishi Kanad was the founder of ‘Vaisheshik Darshan.’ He presented the 3 laws of motion in shlokas as the principles that govern motion. His seminal work, Vaisheshika Sutra dates back to at least 600 - 200 BCE. *Nearly two thousand years before Newton presented his work* *First Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तववशेषात किमणो जायते| Meaning: A change in motion is caused by an force. Thus, it is clear that this sutra is mirrored by Newton in his first law! *Second Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तापेऺात किमणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु| Meaning: An impressed force can cause a proportional change in Motion in the direction of the force. Thus, it clearly presents the principle that was stated by Newton’s second law of motion. The Sutra establishes the relationship between force and motion. It also emphasizes that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied. *Third Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोधी| Meaning: Any motion is a sum of the action and reaction of forces. This sutra’s depth is shallowly reflected in Newton’s third law! It embodies that every motion is the sum total of opposing forces. Thus, every action will cause an equal and opposite reaction that will affect the motion of the object. An English man that stole from an Indian. Oh my that's a FIRST -__-
Other way around.. T Howard is the epitome of insanity if he's been saying his 3rd grade teacher had arguments with him about his misunderstanding of basic math.
Newton dying a virgin is 100% speculation and yet commentators talk about it as if it were historical fact. He was renowned as being a private man, not wanting to be the focus of selacious gossip or associated with loose women. I know people like that, and they never talk about their private life and I don't ask - I make no guesses about them or their life. Seems to me the people who do, about Newton, do so to degrade his astonishing legacy. He is, in my estimation, the greatest scientist of all time - these trivial snipes reveal more about those making them than they do about Newton.
He tottally died a virgin. He actually called out other people trying to set him up with women. Why do you get upset or offended by it ? For him it was a pride, to be pure. You are kinda mocking his values and life.
@@classicgameplay10 - You've got no more of an idea about this than the people claiming such things. I'm not offended by "it", I'm offended by lies. Him not wanting to get embroiled by women of low morals, means nothing other than that. There's ** zero ** evidence he was a virgin when he died, absolutely zero. The fact he never slept around is not really a big deal.
@youtoob1811 there's zero evidence that he ever had any sexual relationship of any kind with any woman, and from his writings he didn't want any that's the way he liked. You say you are not offended or anything but your posts say otherwise.
The commandment is *"You shall not make a graven image AND worship it."* Making an image is ok as long as you don't worship it. In fact God Instructed Moses to make a statue of a snake to heal the Israelites. If we didn't have graven images, we would have issues with medicine, art, tv, photography, architecture, vehicles, astronomy, and just about everything else.
@@StimParavane 🤦♂️that’s not what that means. Dude was practically agreeing with you and you immediately called him a “keyboard warrior” 🤣🤣🤣 tell us your IQ is shoe sized without tell us
Read about Newton. He spent over half his time trying to prove that the bible's timeline was historically accurate. What would he have done if he focused on science like you think he did?
His greatest achievement Will soon The realised to be putting the West on the Gold Standard. The financial system is collapsing Since Nixon took us off It. I
Speaking of imposter syndrome, Einstein worked at a patent office and often ran away from academic confrontations famously from edmund whittaker. He had a mathematician serbian wife bizzare yes but factual, read about Olinto De Pretto, hilbert-einstein priority issue, infact theory of (both) relatively is based on previous works of lorentz, poincare etc. Hertz observed photoelectric effective long before. Even the math for spacetime was done by Minkowski.
The Imitation of Christ was written on the 1400s as a guidebook. It is precisely for lay people to follow the "narrow way" and live as Christ did to every humanly attainable extent. It is just a sign of the times that people can't fathom celibacy as a a gateway fo fulfillment in life. Look at the various monastic traditions as well. On the other side is a form of freedom because you've shed the encumberances of the ordinary passions of life.
I agree with you, you’re correct. Isaac Newton was about as insane as a highly trained Buddhist monk. In other words, he wasn’t insane and he achieved high-level spiritual practice in his life.
watching this man on joe rogan was awesome. to learn about gallileo and telescopes was fascinating to me. i loved how passionate brian was about that subject in particular.
Christian monks try to emulate Christ too, and one way they do that is by taking a vow of celibacy. It's not that unusual for the deeply religious or those that believe that sex before marriage is wrong, but never get married. Buddhist monks are also required to stay celibate, and they are trying to emulate Buddha. And Nikola Tesla was so focused on his work he died celibate too.
Tortured people? Do you have documentation of this? Had them arrested and someone else did the torturing, maybe, but tortured them himself? I doubt he would ever have been present. And just because he was jealous over his research doesn't make him a terrible person. As to the alchemy claims, I have yet to see proof. The claims againat Newton are stacking up among scientists, but the evidence isn't. It makes me worry about the state of science today beyond the issues involving modern peer review articles.
@@Randsurfer Be careful with those stones. There's a lot of glass about. It doesn't take an historian to challenge another non-historian's claims, or even an historian's claims. Evidence is evidence and a lack of evidence is ignorance.
"As to the alchemy claims, I have yet to see proof." Said proof is trivial to find.. There are numerous sources including transcriptions of his own writings. Here are a few: The Chymistry of Isaac Newton - online article by Indiana university The Newton Project - An online archive of his writings including his works and marginalia on Alchemy Alchemy - Isaac Newton & the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus - An excellently researched YT video at ESOTERICA Techniques and Aims of Isaac Newton’s Alchemy - Washington University The proof you claim you have yet to see is both unequivocal and easy to obtain. The faulty claim therefore rests on your shoulders. After educating yourself on the subject you could do worse than offering an apology to Rand for compounding your ignorance with an attack on his character.
I strongly believe men like Newton are nearly impossible to come by in a millenia. If you ever opened a Physics book at any level, you'll know he EVERYWHERE! Just look at anything that moves around you and you'll find his work somewhere in there. It's almost frightening. He is religious and also a science great. There is common conception that the duo cannot exist, but he's laid that mutual exclusivity to rest imo.
0:35 "Who could he have imposter syndrome about" ?Imposter syndrome isn't typically about comparing oneself to a specific individual. Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where someone feels inadequate, despite their accomplishments, and fears being exposed as a "fraud." It's more about an internalized fear of not being good enough or deserving of success, rather than directly comparing oneself to another person. When someone experiences imposter syndrome, they're not usually thinking about one specific person they feel inferior to; instead, they're often overwhelmed by a broader sense of self-doubt and insecurity. They might feel that they don't belong in their role, that their achievements are due to luck or external factors, or that they're not as competent as others believe them to be. The feeling isn't tied to a comparison with any one individual but rather to a general belief that they are somehow deficient or unworthy.
We'd be living just like it was 1500 hundred without him, he probably was on the autistic spectrum but he started science. Without him we'd still be dying at 30 and using horses
Average life expectancy didn't mean people died at 30. That's just infant mortality skewing the numbers. If you survived past age 10 you'd live to age 70 or so.
Yeah, a lot of people don't realise how infant mortality dragged the average down. I remember as a kid looking at really old gravestones in the UK from the 1700s to the early 1800s and was surprised to see so many people who died in their seventies and eighties.@@city_of_coompton6832
@@Ximik148 Dude He was IMMENSE… He even put The West on the GOLD STANDARD, Whilst In the Royal Mint. That is what gave 1st Britain, and then the West generally all its inspiration and richness, In following Centuries,giving a competitive advantage over the Chinese(Silver standard) from 1700, onwards *Then in 1970 Nixon took The dollar off the gold standard,in order to print Money for the Vietnam war and all currencies were linked to the dollar, So this is why the financial system is on the verge of collapse now internationally, with most national debts out of control
I visited Newtons house and they have apple tree where he had his moment of inspiration. Absolutely awesome. Without doubt the greatest scientist to ever exist. Most scientists are worshipped for one major discovery - this guy made countless. Calculus, Gravity, Laws of Motition, calculating PI, just goes on and on.
What a weird way to summarize Isaac Newton. Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, the laws of motion, optics, and calculus. Any one of those is amazing in its own right. And the coin scraping thing was not just about executions - Newton revolutionized anti-counterfeiting and cheating techniques for the mint. Celibacy is like the last thing to focus on as far as I’m concerned
Lol. The good doctor asking us to be respectful in the comments while disrespecting the giant on whose shoulders he stands in his video is peak, PEAK irony. But I guess talking heads do what talking heads do.
Newton father died when he was a little kid, and his mother went to live with a rich noble abandoning Isaac in his early life. This was the moment he learned that the universe is just cause and effect. He didn’t feel the love of a parent. And it shaped his view of reality more his rigorous than alchemical research
Newton wasn’t just a genius; he was on a whole different level of obsessed. The man invented calculus in his spare time, studied alchemy like a mad scientist, and spent years trying to decode the Bible. Honestly, a little insanity might just be the secret ingredient for groundbreaking ideas!
I heard about Ronald Mallet on This American Life, I think it was. Heartbreaking. I didn’t hear many episodes of that show but this was one of the best.
@@luckyred1818 No they don't compare. The statistical analysis from the Worlds Libraries for the book"Human accomplishment" puts Newton at #1 for physics, #1 for combined sciences and #2 for mathematics, only behind Euler) The book with similar evaluations called "most influential People in history", puts him at #2, behind #1 Mohammed and ahead of #3 St Paul #4 Jesus, and #5-9 = Buddah, Confucius, Cai Lun and Guttenberg *He Achieved what this guest iIndicated as he's Marginally behind 1 and ahead of 2 Demigods🤣🤣 *His Greatest aAchievement was Putting the West on The gold standard. C what has happened since Nixon took us off It. I
@@Rowlph8888 historical opinions are interesting aren’t they? I wonder how the pages of history record the realities of covid, the vaccines, big pharmaceutical’s influence over media, politics, laws, etc. I know what my version of reality is, but it doesn’t align with what i think future generations will read about. Know what i mean?
@@luckyred1818 @luckyred1818 hey, UA-cam didn't notify me that I got a response. This is true and I concur with my opinions, especially with what we have learnt since the pandemic about how the elites truly view us and their willingness to abuse us However, these statistical analyses I mentioned are gathering information from so many different sources, from all parts of the world with diametrically opposed attitudes towards the topics, which gives them more reliability, validity and and overall integrity.
Newton is recognized as one of the greatest mathematical physicists of all time, ranked right along side with other great luminaries like James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein.
Nature and natures ways hid in night God said let Newton be and all was light. Newton didnt have imposter syndrome he was just extremely hard working and focused and dedicated
@@ContentRemoved___ he did not have imposter syndrome nor autism he was just to focused on his work to care about worldly things. He discovered gravity when he was 23 and was alone because of a plague outbreak
I am not really that smart but I am the same way. I am a "neurodivergent" person that is a fixed divergent/convergent thinker. I have severe rational obsessive creative thoughts every second. I also am a draftsman(artist) and multi instrumentalist. My interests are way more important than human relationships and sex. It sucks sometimes ,but that is how it goes.
Newton just wasn’t interested in women. He was interested in intellectual pursuits and the Bible. Nothing wrong with that. Definitely most people aren’t gonna be that way, but Newton went his own way. Nobody in the right minds would deny that Newton was a Towering Genius for his time or any time
*Isaac Newton was just the Christopher Columbus of Physics.* I dIsCoVErEd da 3 laws of motion. stupidenglishhead. Rishi Kanad was the founder of ‘Vaisheshik Darshan.’ He presented the 3 laws of motion in shlokas as the principles that govern motion. His seminal work, Vaisheshika Sutra dates back to at least 600 - 200 BCE. *Nearly two thousand years before Newton presented his work* *First Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तववशेषात किमणो जायते| Meaning: A change in motion is caused by an force. Thus, it is clear that this sutra is mirrored by Newton in his first law! *Second Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तापेऺात किमणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु| Meaning: An impressed force can cause a proportional change in Motion in the direction of the force. Thus, it clearly presents the principle that was stated by Newton’s second law of motion. The Sutra establishes the relationship between force and motion. It also emphasizes that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied. *Third Law of Motion:* Isaac Newton’s Presentation: Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first. KANADA SUTRA: वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोधी| Meaning: Any motion is a sum of the action and reaction of forces. This sutra’s depth is shallowly reflected in Newton’s third law! It embodies that every motion is the sum total of opposing forces. Thus, every action will cause an equal and opposite reaction that will affect the motion of the object. Sorry bruh but Indians mated like bunnies in heat. His celibacy wasn't spiritual, it simply gifted him ego, nothing else.
1 Cor 7 Talks about sex, saying celibacy is best. But if passion causes you to sin, "it is better to marry than to burn with passion." His chosing celibacy does not suggest a Jesus complex, as he implies. It suggests a devout disciple. This guy is off base here.
“So I’m hanging out with Galileo…and I’m like JAMIE PULL A VIDEO OF THIS BEAR..and he starts FReaKiN ouT… Really strange dude, that Galileo guy” -Joe Rogan on hanging out with Galileo
The Nobel (Peace) Prize (at least) has become a pathetic joke... I find this "award" exceptionally disgusting today due to those who have been awarded it... It's at the top of the "I love me" Walls or Shelves... The litter left behind of these so-called great leaders who've gotten the "prize" is shocking... It feels good to recognize feel good people, yet look at South Africa today after Mandela got it... De Klerk was no better... Dog and pony shows... I DO respect people who truly make a difference in science, the "arts", medicine and more... But, IT truly irks me that it is given out to anyone who does not reek of exceptionalism... And IDEA and doing the right thing, even against a mountain you cannot even see the top of is NOT the same... It is akin to my way of thinking regarding HEROS... The ONLY heros that raced up the Towers on 9/11 would be the ones who knew they were coming down... The rest were just doing their jobs, and while seriously courageous, it makes NONE of them a 'Hero' on in and of itself... Same with our military and everyone else... Jump on a grenade to save your guys / gals, yes THAT is HEROIC... I don't give it much thought but I wonder just how many truly brilliant people, of which I am starting to think Dr. Keating might be (just found this channel) are overlooked for politics and popularity...
Time travel seems impossible to me. If you can travel to any point back into time, then there must be an infinite number of identical time events taking place simultaneously. In other words, one world for the person who want to travel back to 1790. Another world for 1810, another world for 1810 + one day. It is not possible to have an infinite number of worlds existing all shifted be a minute amount of time each.
We are all traveling through time and the speed through which we proceed through it can vary depending on gravity ,speed and god knows what other factors. What you are saying only applies to going BACKWARDS in time and even then it might not apply.
@josephmartin5483 I never said backwards was possible ,i consider time to be "succession of events" and many things have happened since I was born (36 years), so I have traveled forward in time. It is much harder NOT to time travel ,that is probably impossible.
@josephmartin5483 I believe time is "succession of events" ,and many things happened since I was born. There was a succession of events from my birth to "now" therefore time has passed ,if there would have been 0 activity (succession of events) no time would have passed. It's a pretty simple concept.
The Nobel prize went the way of the Eurovision Song Contest whereby it lost all of its credibility by becoming a pitiful representation of blatantly transparent virtue signalling and political narratives with undeserving and farcical winners. To give an example, Barack Obama, a confirmed war criminal following a fine US presidential tradition of starting and escalating conflicts across the globe, was awarded the Nobel peace prize 🏆✌️🤣🤣🤣. So the Nobel prize is just another case of rewarding not so much based on what a person did or achieved, that much is laughably clear, and more a case of rewarding a person based on who they are or what they represent.
Newton was the exchequer of England a title given to him for his many intellectual accomplishment in mathematics and physics. Never heard anything about Newton having anyone tortured.
Leibniz created calculus and share it to the world then came Newton and said he invented it before Leibniz. We use the Leibniz way of calculus not the Newton one, Leibniz went to the UK to debate Newton in his own college and lost of course, but the real inventor was Leibniz.
You are deliberately fabricating. Carbon testing proves that Newton was 30 years earlier and Leibniz was confirmed to be at Cambridge University, and had access to Newton's work in the period before Leibniz offerings. You know this, of course, but seek 2 distort for those less informed probability is that Leibniz read newtons stuff and made iit more accessible to others as his notation is more easy 2 Understand. If you think Leibniz ddiscovered the same stuff within 30 years when no one came even close for several thousand years, I say you are naïvele
No, he is right… It's not even close … the statistical analysis from the Aggregate and consolidated evaluation from the Worlds Libraries for the book"Human accomplishment" puts Newton at #1 for physics, #1 for combined sciences and #2 for mathematics, only behind Euler) The book with similar evaluations called "most influential People in history", puts him at #2, behind #1 Mohammed and ahead of #3 St Paul #4 Jesus, and #5-9 = Buddah, Confucius, Cai Lun and Guttenberg *He Achieved what this guest iIndicated as he's Marginally behind 1 and ahead of 2 Demigods🤣🤣
Imagine if someone came up to you in the 1500s-1600s and said something like "why does that apple fall?" Youd most likely say "i dont know" or "because it does.." 😅 Myself included but sometimes a crazy idea can actually change mankind in unfathomable ways
Who was the greatest scientist of all time?
Let's be very clear about Newton: He was a genius of the likes that can't really be found (or placed) in today's physics. In his day, nobody was talking about higher dimensional vibrating strings, timelike curves, or quantum entanglement, or basically anything "conceptionally exotic". They were more interested in very blunt--yet very difficult--problems like "What shape might a hanging rope take" or "What shape of a hill causes a ball to fall the fastest from A to B" or "What basic assumptions about matter, density, and force yield an inverse square law of gravity." And as crazy difficult as these questions can be to try to puzzle out "a priori", none of them captured his imagination like theological issues. When you think about it, it's kinda baffling how such a brilliant man's thoughts on those matters are basically dismissed out of hand just because he wasn't a "trained and orthodox professional theologian". And perhaps the most neglected aspect of Newton is his particular brand of manliness that's utterly absent in this age of instant comfort and gratification: Newton was a man almost robotically immune to pain and pleasure
The one that spends the most time with their kids and loved ones. Maybe Claude Shannon
Cheers from Italy
Isaac newton is single handedly one of the greatest minds to ever exist. “Ahead of his time” is an understatement.
The man was genius of highest order
Yeah. When you look at the list of things he did, it’s really crazy.
Agreed. He was superhuman.
let's not exaggerate
@@bmf80085closest human beeing who have ever Come close to his grateness is A.Einstein which by the way used his math and basic principles to acheeve that. Yea!
Newton was truly a genius. He realized and admitted that the juice ain't worth the squeeze. Somehow he had pre nut clarity.
Wish I had his wisdom 20 years ago
If he discovered all that under that stress, could you imagine what he would of accomplished with just one nut! Lol be like taking mushrooms dipped in iowaska with the mind of budha! Lol jk. He would of became pure light, true Christ mind!
yeah and it gives you way more energy if you don't waste your seed especially on vile succubi
This comment thread is something else 😂😂😂
He was not insane. He was focused and driven and probably as it appears focused on religion as well.
maybe just autistic ^^
he spent the last years of his life trying to measure the dimensions of heaven
@@danle7022 when you have conquered the visible you move on to the invisible. You do realize that most of the measured matter in our universe is "invisible", yes!?
This guy is full of shit.
Here here!!!!!
Dude invented calculus at the age of 24, nuff said
When you invent a branch of mathematics to explain musings of physics, you have a genius intellect.
You were told that he invented calculus, that doesn't mean it's true.
@user-jw4iq5qf8s You were told that your opinion meant something, that doesn't mean it was true.
I didn't offer any opinions, you did. You aren't as smart as you think you are. Your comment makes zero sense. Figures. @@White_Breeder
Who cares how eccentric Newton was, he revolutionised science with his discoveries using parchment, ink and a feather. He was a pure genius.
With that logic, who cares how eccentric the Nazis were? 🤨
Brian is making an awful lot of unfounded assumptions here.
All bullshit.
Brian’s obsession with the Nobel Prize has become incredibly boring.
I wouldn't get too worked up over Brian's 'assumptions', he doesn't know what he's talking about.
@@liamgross7217The emblem of inversion 😂
Unhinged attention seeker with crackpot made up rubbish.
There is a strange and fine line between brilliance and madness.
Ecclesiastes 1:17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Harry Potter. 6.66 ― "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
There is a strange and fine line between brilliance and madness. Just imagine if instead of exploring science, we would read back-and-forth Harry Potter book.
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
@@hotbit7327 your comment reminds me of Norm MacDonald telling a comedian his joke about comparing Harry Potter and the Bible is a terrible joke because JK Rowling is a Christian and famously states that if you have read the Bible you can very easily predict the ending of her books. Norm was a 160+ IQ guy, well read, had a high degree of understanding mathematics, and was one of the funniest men ever to live.
I figured you should know that since your favorite book was written by someone that you hate based on their faith, and their faith was responsible for writing those books.
Well, I'll attest to those two quotes!! There is much grief and sorrow just trying to deal with the average human these days. Because there's not much Wisdom or Knowledge into society today. Most are parrots for whatever ideology they support. Very little thinking involved.
@@edluke3415 "you hate based on their faith" - that's narrow minded. Where did it come from? I don't hate her or anybody just due to their faith. I don't hate or love her, I don't know her.
Also not my favourite book, never read it in fact, I've seen with kids one or two films, though.
Allt the best and stay open-minded.
As a Hindu I understand his celibacy. Yogis(spiritually enlightened individuals)choose this path to avoid distractions and conserve their energy in pursuit of their goals. Newton was a polymath and a genius. They're not wired like the rest of us.
I am celibate because of a horse face, other than that....
He was a Christian mystic from what I remember learning from him in a documentary years ago. Like, Christian Qabalah, lol
It is weird
do u have any book recommendation i can read on celibacy
@Jayo26 don't throw away your virginity before marriage. It's the most precious thing you can offer to your partner
One things for sure. Newton will be remembered as long as the Human race continues to exist. This Keating will be lucky to be remembered by his own family in a few generations, if he’s lucky.
I don't see why being celebrate makes you insane. I believe that is a warped societal judgment. If anything being celebrate just shows the commitment he had to his learning. If we had more people like that we'd be living in a better world not a worse one.
Causes hormonal imbalances bro. Definitely makes you wacky.
Sanity is defined by what is normal. In this sex obsessed generation, not having sex is not normal. Newton lived in a much different generation.
I had my first celebration not too long after I turned 18. It helped me figure this out: ==> Hitler was an abused child. Marx was an abused child. Stalin was an abused child. Putin is an abused child. Their displaced rage from the abuse destroyed their morals. The anger is the disease. Along with the accompanying narcissism.
@@paul-antonywhatshisface3954 More than likely those were wacky to begin with, or why else would they choose to be celibate?
maybe Newton would not have had the time for his interests if he focused on family. Besides, relationships are a pain in the ass.
Relationships and family do take time. So it makes sense. I have a kid and it takes much time, but its also great. But I do wish there was a way to both study a lot and spend time with family. Maybe having a nanny is one way to do it
that could depend upon your inclination. treat your woman with respect and she may well do the same to you. then again, it could also depend upon what she feeds you 😯
Either the looks. Some prudence’s are convenient.
Did you experience it ?
@@user-thel99990 enough never not much. run straight bach
If I had been using my free time to do math instead of whacking off, I would be a genius weirdo too
Jokes aside, no, you would be just a weirdo really. There's much more behind 'geniuses' on Newton's level than just dedicating "99.9%" of one's time to achieve something. Call it "talent", call it "genetic propensity", whatever. Some peoples' brains are just different. Some people are just better.
No, you'd just be a weirdo.
I lmao'ed so hard at this
Its a privilege to be as weird as me. It takes a lifetime of dedicated avoidance of the intellectual authority. Disagreeableness, counterintuitive thinking, and odd coupling of seemingly non related themes puts a target on your back to be argued with like a knee bump reflex, even if they are just winging it . Make up anything and start talking to someone. If they immediately start coining every counter argument unrelentingly for a dopamine boost like a lab test animal, stop and ask for their full understanding on the (made up topic or problem) and poof the conversation changed without you knowing. Clever non weird fools. Go be normal live a normal life. Arguing without a prior exposure to the topic to act as if they always know more because they don't know how to not know something before knowing it. Exhausting for me and a dopamine boost for the vampire
Sounds like Dr Keating has Newton envy.
Most scientists have physics envy. Physicists have Newton envy.
Virgin detected.
Sounds like you're a Newton simp.
More like Nobel envy. He has mentioned many times directly and obliquely his frustration in not winning the Nobel Prize.
Envy newton ?most scientists would shake in his presence.
To call a person who gave so much to the world insane is above my power of understanding! Sometimes I think we don’t deserve the things we have!
just because he is smart doesn't mean he can't be insane
But he was insane 😭
@@YTwatcher926 Most intelligent people either are depressed, have increasingly higher levels of anxiety, or indeed are insane.
Some degree of crazy is required to discover all those things.
@@yangasidziya3245 from a dumb person perspective like you, yeah probably!
They call a guy a weirdo for having discipline and ambition smh. Twisted morals people have in this world
he a virgin lmaoo
Since he could not be a good person to others like Jesus Christ, he tried to be like him in the only way he could.
You really ought to read up on Newton. He was in many ways like an Occultist Christian with Taliban like proclivities, who took great sadistic pleasure in hearing about the death/torture of people he disagreed with. The guy was definitely a genius, who accomplished great things, but he was still an unpleasant individual.
@@HappyCatholicDane I agree. I don’t know everything about him. But I know he wasn’t all good. He had some pernicious intentions for sure
isaac newton = what men can achieve without women
Genghis Khan: what men can achieve with thousands of women.
@@kreek22 So, war? 1,000's of women will lead a man to conquer lands .
Zero women will lead a man to discover mathematics and laws of gravity?
@@Aaron-fl2iv Most men are motivated by women, some are not. Hitler conquered vast lands and was not so motivated. Feynman discovered new physics and was so motivated.
@@kreek22 Hitler wasn't a virgin though. He had a wife, Ava Braun.
Ava wasn't thousands of women, but Hitler wasn't a virgin.
I think this is someone trying explain their own shortcomings.
Maybe so and Brian’s obsession with the Nobel Prize has become boring, I’m not sure I have heard him on a podcast with out him mentioning it. 🥱
Inventor of the cope lol. Tbh I believe him tho
@@bossman-jk9tl sounds like a case of takes one to know one.
Newtown was one of a kind genius. He singlehandedly expanded both fields of mathematics and physics. You can make a rocket that could land on Mars using nothing more than things that Newton invented 350 years ago.if you want to make nukes or travel into future than you will need Einsten.
He was an actual alchemist as well. Most people don't even know what it means they think it means turning objects into gold. For reference, look up Newton's translation of "The Emerald Tablet" (an original alchemy text)
He FOUNDED the field of physics. Also acoustics, optics, and ballistics.
@@jadedandbitter The ancients Greeks would like a word.
As important as expanding those two fields, he INTEGRATED them. Can't be a physicist these days without being a top notch mathematician.
@@Randsurfer the ancient greeks had no understanding of physics. They didn't have the math for it, for one, but they didn't even have a concept of gravity. Aristotle claimed it was "objects moving back to their proper place" due to the four elements. Yeah.
So the ancient greeks can bugger off, Newton founded the field, and the math required for it.
Newton was straight up gangsta.
When you open your mouth, you remove all doubt.
Yes Dan.
The guest is a perfect illustration of what is wrong with what is called science today
Hear, here.
I don’t see why , apart from some of his language choices he is definitely well researched. I am curious why he has triggered you?😊
Curious, care to elaborate?
@@AustralianHistoryxIt sounds like he has something personal against Newton. I have in the past heard him say something along the lines of “Newton has nothing on Einstein but that could just be my Jewish biasness.”
Yeah cause he a indian
Newtons streamline focus paid off, and in all that he achieved he never fell into an unhealthy relationship with his tools of approximation. He loved it and worked it his entire life with razor focus but never came to own him . He knew these prescriptions was mystifying and could very easily turn anti realism into realism.
For that I can completely understand why his imposter syndrome would be in Christ .
When they mention Alfred Nobel at around 6 minutes, they then show a photo of him, except that’s not Nobel, that’s Louis Pasteur, one of the modern Founders of Microbiology and the Germ Theory of Disease.
Keating is a king of scientific misinformation, so this is not surprising at all 😂
@@SecondFrostand Alfred nobel had a wife who left him for a mathematician n that's why he took out maths as a nobel prize cuz he was angry at mathematicians , idk y this guy is talking bollucks
Yes Louis pasteur 🇨🇵
@@AnglephileSwedenGerman LMAO
This is why he didnt win the Nobel 😂
Please watch Bronowski's Ascent of Man episode on Newton. These issues are long standing and do not detract from the greatness of Newton. Keating is off his rocker. If any one suffers from imposter syndrome, it is him, due to his enormous professional embarrassment.
This guy is a quack.
I've heard of that series is it a good episode that sounds interesting, what do they cover in it?
@@BLUEGENE13 it’s about anal bleaching techniques for squirrels in Saudi Arabia. It’s good
Isaac Newton's greatest achievement was the addictive cookies filled with sweet fig paste that he invented. Fig Newtons rule!
ew no way, gross
Let's not forget Billy Graham's crackers.
Actually, Fig Newtons were named after a town in Massachusetts.
Joe complains about the Barbie movie…….this is the same guy that licks trumps butt. They’re both totally vapid inventions
@@Surf..but was the town named after Isaac?
He'd deserve a Nobel Prize for explaining how the universe has a shape IMO.
According to him 2060 is the end of the world.
"I placed the needle betwixt my eyes to see how far it would go." - Isaac Newton before going temporarily blind
@@anubusx still possible
there has yet to be a shape described to the universe. physics are starting to think it may be infinite.
so that was an assumption pal.
@@pauliewalnuts2527 Flat, cone-shaped, doughnut shaped, is what we are told, depending on the 'scientist'. Prof Cox thinks you can slice it too.
Isaac Newton was redpilled!
No, Godpilled
@@markomicevic958 MGTOW*
@@beau9297 No problem I shall not have with this evidently
@@beau9297 i live in the amazons with elon musk and trump
Guy says Isaac Newton tortured people and when asked to elaborate he instantly goes on to not elaborate 😆 I want to know more about how Newton tortured people
He executed people who were serious con men. Which was encouraged in his time He didn't torture anyone.
he tortured his wife
I have a master in Physics from 20 years ago, and of course I knew Newton was a genius, and for a genius coming up with classic mechanic laws is extraordinary, but that job is for geniuses. However, when I got my master in data science, and learned about generating numbers based on certain distributions, and learned about Newton's methods, I was blown away by simplicity, accuracy and cleverness. No longer I saw a genius in there, rather than next-to-God mental power, it's like coming from different world.
The IRS thing they are talking about -- in public recognition of his work, he was appointed the Warden of the Mint (later promoted to the Master of the Mint) -- it was a position of honor given to him by the British government. He was also the very first scientist to be knighted.
The story in my family is that Newton had an illegitimate daughter with his housekeeper and we are decended from him through her. Well true or not he is and was always my hero. David-Paul Newton-Scott (Physics and Mathematics teacher).
~Im also supposed to be distantly related to him somehow?!~Its interesting he may be Aspergers, cuz my Dad & i probably are, too, and ive wondered if ours is vaxxx related~
@@kathyingram3061 If you're worried about vaccines causing autism, you're probably not related to any geniuses.
@@kathyingram3061 you are not.
@@maickelvanee2540 ~I am not what?~
His entire theory is an absolute lie. 'Newton got beaned by the apple good- yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah'. You have all been fooled.
It wasn't a single Apple it was a whole bunch. The man was concussed.
Apparently some people who get head/brain injuries end up being uber talented in random shite. you may be on to something
The Big Apple
I had a math professor in college who referred to Isaac Newton as "The Great One."
@@Shootskas I mean...he did do great things
what a nerd
@@bmf80085 🤣He was a Math Professor after all.
Celibacy for newton was obedience to Christ. He used his immense intellectual gifts for the good of mankind and apparently had the gift of singleness and with the help of the Holy Spirit sublimated whatever sexual energy he had for intense scientific pursuit. God be praised. We all have different gifts.
*Isaac Newton was just the Christopher Columbus of Physics.*
I dIsCoVErEd da 3 laws of motion. stupidenglishhead.
Rishi Kanad was the founder of ‘Vaisheshik Darshan.’ He presented the 3 laws of motion in shlokas as the principles that govern motion. His seminal work, Vaisheshika Sutra dates back to at least 600 - 200 BCE. *Nearly two thousand years before Newton presented his work*
*First Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तववशेषात किमणो जायते|
Meaning: A change in motion is caused by an force.
Thus, it is clear that this sutra is mirrored by Newton in his first law!
*Second Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तापेऺात किमणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु|
Meaning: An impressed force can cause a proportional change in Motion in the direction of the force.
Thus, it clearly presents the principle that was stated by Newton’s second law of motion. The Sutra establishes the relationship between force and motion. It also emphasizes that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied.
*Third Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोधी|
Meaning: Any motion is a sum of the action and reaction of forces.
This sutra’s depth is shallowly reflected in Newton’s third law! It embodies that every motion is the sum total of opposing forces. Thus, every action will cause an equal and opposite reaction that will affect the motion of the object.
An English man that stole from an Indian. Oh my that's a FIRST -__-
Since he could not be a good person to others like Jesus Christ, he tried to be like him in the only way he could.
He was a high ranking Freemason I believe of the 33rd degree who knew they worshipped satan, so I’d personally take that with a grain of salt.
Hilarious. Guy was a piece of shit no matter how much he did for science.
@@SouthernSeasServant Freemasons do not worship Satan. Don't spread false and dangerous misinformation.
Newton was insane and Terrence Howard is a Genius
Other way around.. T Howard is the epitome of insanity if he's been saying his 3rd grade teacher had arguments with him about his misunderstanding of basic math.
@@martinosborne6635 Google Poe's Law
😂😂😂 welcome to 2024, boomers
I always think about that scene in Beowulf when they’re partying before the demon attacks. “Abstinence before battle is essential!” Lol
No amount of abstinence was gonna save those hapless Dane’s from Grendel
Newton's greatest contribution was cookies made with figs...they go great with beer...
Beer and fig newtons?!?! 'skuuz me, I have to go yak.
Newton dying a virgin is 100% speculation and yet commentators talk about it as if it were historical fact. He was renowned as being a private man, not wanting to be the focus of selacious gossip or associated with loose women. I know people like that, and they never talk about their private life and I don't ask - I make no guesses about them or their life. Seems to me the people who do, about Newton, do so to degrade his astonishing legacy. He is, in my estimation, the greatest scientist of all time - these trivial snipes reveal more about those making them than they do about Newton.
Yes ...why care about what he did in private 😮😮😮...completely misleading the genius...
Newton made a documented commitment to chastity and never married and avoided women like the plague. This is a historical fact not conjecture
He tottally died a virgin. He actually called out other people trying to set him up with women. Why do you get upset or offended by it ? For him it was a pride, to be pure. You are kinda mocking his values and life.
@@classicgameplay10 - You've got no more of an idea about this than the people claiming such things. I'm not offended by "it", I'm offended by lies. Him not wanting to get embroiled by women of low morals, means nothing other than that. There's ** zero ** evidence he was a virgin when he died, absolutely zero. The fact he never slept around is not really a big deal.
@youtoob1811 there's zero evidence that he ever had any sexual relationship of any kind with any woman, and from his writings he didn't want any that's the way he liked. You say you are not offended or anything but your posts say otherwise.
“Young and full of.. hormones” nice catch joe 😂
@@Raajahesque Young, dumb and full of cum
The commandment is *"You shall not make a graven image AND worship it."* Making an image is ok as long as you don't worship it. In fact God Instructed Moses to make a statue of a snake to heal the Israelites. If we didn't have graven images, we would have issues with medicine, art, tv, photography, architecture, vehicles, astronomy, and just about everything else.
This Dr doesn't sound bright enough to critique Newton.
Newton was insane and brilliant. Yin yang
@@Theonlysunaz How would you know, keyboard warrior?
Dr Stim Paravane MA PHD in UA-cam COMMENTING is dropping some fact
@@StimParavane 🤦♂️that’s not what that means. Dude was practically agreeing with you and you immediately called him a “keyboard warrior” 🤣🤣🤣 tell us your IQ is shoe sized without tell us
You can criticize anyone. It's called freedom of speech. Live and think without hypocrisy, even if wrong.
Read about Newton. He spent over half his time trying to prove that the bible's timeline was historically accurate. What would he have done if he focused on science like you think he did?
It is my understanding that he wrote more on the Book of Revelation than all of his scientific works. I’d love to get a copy
2:10 That's Louis Pasteur - not Alfred Nobel.
As an Engineer
Newton is a baller!
The amount of Calculus we use in Hydraulic Engineering and Structural Mechanics
It was unfortunate that Newton resisted publication of his results in a timely manner.
Newton, Faraday & Maxwell are my Top 3 Physicists.
Me too
I thought his biggest achievement was sight of the unseen that he tried to teach?
His greatest achievement Will soon The realised to be putting the West on the Gold Standard. The financial system is collapsing Since Nixon took us off It. I
Speaking of imposter syndrome, Einstein worked at a patent office and often ran away from academic confrontations famously from edmund whittaker. He had a mathematician serbian wife bizzare yes but factual, read about Olinto De Pretto, hilbert-einstein priority issue, infact theory of (both) relatively is based on previous works of lorentz, poincare etc. Hertz observed photoelectric effective long before. Even the math for spacetime was done by Minkowski.
@@emperorthylord I read where his wife was helping him with his math. 😁
The Imitation of Christ was written on the 1400s as a guidebook. It is precisely for lay people to follow the "narrow way" and live as Christ did to every humanly attainable extent. It is just a sign of the times that people can't fathom celibacy as a a gateway fo fulfillment in life. Look at the various monastic traditions as well. On the other side is a form of freedom because you've shed the encumberances of the ordinary passions of life.
I agree with you, you’re correct. Isaac Newton was about as insane as a highly trained Buddhist monk.
In other words, he wasn’t insane and he achieved high-level spiritual practice in his life.
Ask a few altar boys how well that celibacy thing works.
Newton, Tesla, Nobel... nuff said.
watching this man on joe rogan was awesome. to learn about gallileo and telescopes was fascinating to me. i loved how passionate brian was about that subject in particular.
Newton also stared into the Sun until he went blind so he could observe the effects.
Christian monks try to emulate Christ too, and one way they do that is by taking a vow of celibacy. It's not that unusual for the deeply religious or those that believe that sex before marriage is wrong, but never get married. Buddhist monks are also required to stay celibate, and they are trying to emulate Buddha. And Nikola Tesla was so focused on his work he died celibate too.
Noble prize is overated..... When aliens are flying here and there
I fully realized the irrelevance of the nobel peace prize when they gave it to Obama.
This UAP/Aliens issue is like that episode of Friends when they thought Phoebe did porn, no one could focus on anything else
Stupid ass comment. There are some unexplained aerial objects, and suddenly it's aliens. Ok
It means less than nothing, it is a political prize for frauds now.
Tortured people? Do you have documentation of this? Had them arrested and someone else did the torturing, maybe, but tortured them himself? I doubt he would ever have been present. And just because he was jealous over his research doesn't make him a terrible person.
As to the alchemy claims, I have yet to see proof.
The claims againat Newton are stacking up among scientists, but the evidence isn't. It makes me worry about the state of science today beyond the issues involving modern peer review articles.
Your comment reads like someone who knows nothing about Newton but has an opinion anyway.
@@Randsurfer Be careful with those stones. There's a lot of glass about. It doesn't take an historian to challenge another non-historian's claims, or even an historian's claims. Evidence is evidence and a lack of evidence is ignorance.
"As to the alchemy claims, I have yet to see proof."
Said proof is trivial to find.. There are numerous sources including transcriptions of his own writings. Here are a few:
The Chymistry of Isaac Newton - online article by Indiana university
The Newton Project - An online archive of his writings including his works and marginalia on Alchemy
Alchemy - Isaac Newton & the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus - An excellently researched YT video at ESOTERICA
Techniques and Aims of Isaac Newton’s Alchemy - Washington University
The proof you claim you have yet to see is both unequivocal and easy to obtain. The faulty claim therefore rests on your shoulders.
After educating yourself on the subject you could do worse than offering an apology to Rand for compounding your ignorance with an attack on his character.
@@Dismythed truth hurts bud.
@@Dutchyyyy74 Truth has evidence.
I strongly believe men like Newton are nearly impossible to come by in a millenia. If you ever opened a Physics book at any level, you'll know he EVERYWHERE! Just look at anything that moves around you and you'll find his work somewhere in there. It's almost frightening. He is religious and also a science great. There is common conception that the duo cannot exist, but he's laid that mutual exclusivity to rest imo.
@@samfisher2306 🏆🏆 Very Best Comment
Thank you for contributing! 💎
Bro, being religious in 1650's was nothing to discuss or oppose.
5:40 "I don't go to the movies. Movies suck. If someone asks me to go to a movie I say I don't go to movies. Movies suck"
-Joe Garrelli
So much more to be said about Gödel!!
The House With A Clock In It's Walls tells about Newton's blood magick
The real reason for Newton’s celibacy: more time for Physics and Calculus
0:35 "Who could he have imposter syndrome about" ?Imposter syndrome isn't typically about comparing oneself to a specific individual. Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where someone feels inadequate, despite their accomplishments, and fears being exposed as a "fraud." It's more about an internalized fear of not being good enough or deserving of success, rather than directly comparing oneself to another person.
When someone experiences imposter syndrome, they're not usually thinking about one specific person they feel inferior to; instead, they're often overwhelmed by a broader sense of self-doubt and insecurity. They might feel that they don't belong in their role, that their achievements are due to luck or external factors, or that they're not as competent as others believe them to be. The feeling isn't tied to a comparison with any one individual but rather to a general belief that they are somehow deficient or unworthy.
@@MeronTewelde exactly, wtf is this "Dr" talking about
The alchemist and celibate connection is interesting for Newton. Much deeper into alchemy than I ever would have thought.
You would go insane if you knew something that no one know
Newtons beliefs put him at odds with almost everyone. His beliefs at the time would have killed him for heresy, no doubt stressed him out
We'd be living just like it was 1500 hundred without him, he probably was on the autistic spectrum but he started science. Without him we'd still be dying at 30 and using horses
Yeah, we wouldn’t.
Average life expectancy didn't mean people died at 30. That's just infant mortality skewing the numbers. If you survived past age 10 you'd live to age 70 or so.
@@city_of_coompton6832 are you crazy, 70 was for the rich combined with very lucky. Even the royals mostly all died before 50
Yeah, a lot of people don't realise how infant mortality dragged the average down. I remember as a kid looking at really old gravestones in the UK from the 1700s to the early 1800s and was surprised to see so many people who died in their seventies and eighties.@@city_of_coompton6832
@@Ximik148 Dude He was IMMENSE… He even put The West on the GOLD STANDARD, Whilst In the Royal Mint. That is what gave 1st Britain, and then the West generally all its inspiration and richness, In following Centuries,giving a competitive advantage over the Chinese(Silver standard) from 1700, onwards
*Then in 1970 Nixon took The dollar off the gold standard,in order to print Money for the Vietnam war and all currencies were linked to the dollar, So this is why the financial system is on the verge of collapse now internationally, with most national debts out of control
I visited Newtons house and they have apple tree where he had his moment of inspiration. Absolutely awesome.
Without doubt the greatest scientist to ever exist. Most scientists are worshipped for one major discovery - this guy made countless. Calculus, Gravity, Laws of Motition, calculating PI, just goes on and on.
What a weird way to summarize Isaac Newton. Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, the laws of motion, optics, and calculus. Any one of those is amazing in its own right. And the coin scraping thing was not just about executions - Newton revolutionized anti-counterfeiting and cheating techniques for the mint. Celibacy is like the last thing to focus on as far as I’m concerned
Lol. The good doctor asking us to be respectful in the comments while disrespecting the giant on whose shoulders he stands in his video is peak, PEAK irony. But I guess talking heads do what talking heads do.
There are two kinds of people in this world those that pee in the shower and those that lie about not peeing in the shower.
Newton father died when he was a little kid, and his mother went to live with a rich noble abandoning Isaac in his early life. This was the moment he learned that the universe is just cause and effect. He didn’t feel the love of a parent. And it shaped his view of reality more his rigorous than alchemical research
If you read his biography it’s pretty clear
Newton wasn’t just a genius; he was on a whole different level of obsessed. The man invented calculus in his spare time, studied alchemy like a mad scientist, and spent years trying to decode the Bible. Honestly, a little insanity might just be the secret ingredient for groundbreaking ideas!
I heard about Ronald Mallet on This American Life, I think it was. Heartbreaking. I didn’t hear many episodes of that show but this was one of the best.
This is the only channel I know of where the podcaster reads and responds to comments.
Newton is the 2nd smartest man in history, behind Da Vinci. Don't do him dirty !!
Not sure N Tesla shouldn’t be in one of those spots, or the guy that made duct tape, lol
@@luckyred1818 or whoever came up with intermittent windshield wipers. Saved alot of people from going crazy,
@@luckyred1818 No they don't compare. The statistical analysis from the Worlds Libraries for the book"Human accomplishment" puts Newton at #1 for physics, #1 for combined sciences and #2 for mathematics, only behind Euler)
The book with similar evaluations called "most influential People in history", puts him at #2, behind #1 Mohammed and ahead of #3 St Paul #4 Jesus, and #5-9 = Buddah, Confucius, Cai Lun and Guttenberg
*He Achieved what this guest iIndicated as he's Marginally behind 1 and ahead of 2 Demigods🤣🤣
*His Greatest aAchievement was Putting the West on The gold standard. C what has happened since Nixon took us off It. I
@@Rowlph8888 historical opinions are interesting aren’t they? I wonder how the pages of history record the realities of covid, the vaccines, big pharmaceutical’s influence over media, politics, laws, etc. I know what my version of reality is, but it doesn’t align with what i think future generations will read about. Know what i mean?
@@luckyred1818 @luckyred1818 hey, UA-cam didn't notify me that I got a response. This is true and I concur with my opinions, especially with what we have learnt since the pandemic about how the elites truly view us and their willingness to abuse us
However, these statistical analyses I mentioned are gathering information from so many different sources, from all parts of the world with diametrically opposed attitudes towards the topics, which gives them more reliability, validity and and overall integrity.
"Loaves into fishes..." That's a good one.
That's new to me as well.
Newton is recognized as one of the greatest mathematical physicists of all time, ranked right along side with other great luminaries like James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein.
He wasn’t insane when he did all the good stuff , he became more insane
Nature and natures ways hid in night God said let Newton be and all was light. Newton didnt have imposter syndrome he was just extremely hard working and focused and dedicated
@@ContentRemoved___ he did not have imposter syndrome nor autism he was just to focused on his work to care about worldly things. He discovered gravity when he was 23 and was alone because of a plague outbreak
You weren't alive back then, you don't know anything about the guy.
I am not really that smart but I am the same way. I am a "neurodivergent" person that is a fixed divergent/convergent thinker. I have severe rational obsessive creative thoughts every second. I also am a draftsman(artist) and multi instrumentalist. My interests are way more important than human relationships and sex. It sucks sometimes ,but that is how it goes.
Isaac Newton wasn’t insane. He created gravity for christ sakes.
Invented dude come on science
@@whysogrim697 History tells us that everything was floating prior to his big revelation bro. Read a book ok?
Created? Realized maybe.
You're confused. He invented the apple.
He practiced sexual alchemy magic, so he never spilled the cup of hermes to tap in to higher forces.
Long after you are dead these people will still be famous and remembered
Newton just wasn’t interested in women. He was interested in intellectual pursuits and the Bible.
Nothing wrong with that.
Definitely most people aren’t gonna be that way, but Newton went his own way. Nobody in the right minds would deny that Newton was a Towering Genius for his time or any time
*Isaac Newton was just the Christopher Columbus of Physics.*
I dIsCoVErEd da 3 laws of motion. stupidenglishhead.
Rishi Kanad was the founder of ‘Vaisheshik Darshan.’ He presented the 3 laws of motion in shlokas as the principles that govern motion. His seminal work, Vaisheshika Sutra dates back to at least 600 - 200 BCE. *Nearly two thousand years before Newton presented his work*
*First Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तववशेषात किमणो जायते|
Meaning: A change in motion is caused by an force.
Thus, it is clear that this sutra is mirrored by Newton in his first law!
*Second Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः निमित्तापेऺात किमणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु|
Meaning: An impressed force can cause a proportional change in Motion in the direction of the force.
Thus, it clearly presents the principle that was stated by Newton’s second law of motion. The Sutra establishes the relationship between force and motion. It also emphasizes that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied.
*Third Law of Motion:*
Isaac Newton’s Presentation: Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.
KANADA SUTRA: वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोधी|
Meaning: Any motion is a sum of the action and reaction of forces.
This sutra’s depth is shallowly reflected in Newton’s third law! It embodies that every motion is the sum total of opposing forces. Thus, every action will cause an equal and opposite reaction that will affect the motion of the object.
Sorry bruh but Indians mated like bunnies in heat. His celibacy wasn't spiritual, it simply gifted him ego, nothing else.
Newton is the greatest scientist that ever lived. Nobody has had a greater impact, he is the goat.
If Bruce Campbell studied instead of acted
1 Cor 7 Talks about sex, saying celibacy is best. But if passion causes you to sin, "it is better to marry than to burn with passion." His chosing celibacy does not suggest a Jesus complex, as he implies. It suggests a devout disciple. This guy is off base here.
“So I’m hanging out with Galileo…and I’m like JAMIE PULL A VIDEO OF THIS BEAR..and he starts FReaKiN ouT… Really strange dude, that Galileo guy” -Joe Rogan on hanging out with Galileo
Be alone, that is the secret of invention, be alone that is when ideas are born.~ Nicola Tesla
Could’ve sworn this way Cenk Uygur
The Nobel (Peace) Prize (at least) has become a pathetic joke... I find this "award" exceptionally disgusting today due to those who have been awarded it... It's at the top of the "I love me" Walls or Shelves... The litter left behind of these so-called great leaders who've gotten the "prize" is shocking... It feels good to recognize feel good people, yet look at South Africa today after Mandela got it... De Klerk was no better... Dog and pony shows... I DO respect people who truly make a difference in science, the "arts", medicine and more... But, IT truly irks me that it is given out to anyone who does not reek of exceptionalism... And IDEA and doing the right thing, even against a mountain you cannot even see the top of is NOT the same... It is akin to my way of thinking regarding HEROS... The ONLY heros that raced up the Towers on 9/11 would be the ones who knew they were coming down... The rest were just doing their jobs, and while seriously courageous, it makes NONE of them a 'Hero' on in and of itself... Same with our military and everyone else... Jump on a grenade to save your guys / gals, yes THAT is HEROIC... I don't give it much thought but I wonder just how many truly brilliant people, of which I am starting to think Dr. Keating might be (just found this channel) are overlooked for politics and popularity...
He stayed focus brothers
Great convo
Bro compared Nobel winners and Newton to mma fighters LMFAO
Time travel seems impossible to me. If you can travel to any point back into time, then there must be an infinite number of identical time events taking place simultaneously. In other words, one world for the person who want to travel back to 1790. Another world for 1810, another world for 1810 + one day. It is not possible to have an infinite number of worlds existing all shifted be a minute amount of time each.
We are all traveling through time and the speed through which we proceed through it can vary depending on gravity ,speed and god knows what other factors. What you are saying only applies to going BACKWARDS in time and even then it might not apply.
@@cristristam9054 So basically you can travel forward in time by being put into a time coma. But the discussion here is backwards.
@@brentlocher5049 I've been traveling forward in time since i was born ,no comas.
@josephmartin5483 I never said backwards was possible ,i consider time to be "succession of events" and many things have happened since I was born (36 years), so I have traveled forward in time. It is much harder NOT to time travel ,that is probably impossible.
@josephmartin5483 I believe time is "succession of events" ,and many things happened since I was born. There was a succession of events from my birth to "now" therefore time has passed ,if there would have been 0 activity (succession of events) no time would have passed. It's a pretty simple concept.
The Nobel prize went the way of the Eurovision Song Contest whereby it lost all of its credibility by becoming a pitiful representation of blatantly transparent virtue signalling and political narratives with undeserving and farcical winners.
To give an example, Barack Obama, a confirmed war criminal following a fine US presidential tradition of starting and escalating conflicts across the globe, was awarded the Nobel peace prize 🏆✌️🤣🤣🤣.
So the Nobel prize is just another case of rewarding not so much based on what a person did or achieved, that much is laughably clear, and more a case of rewarding a person based on who they are or what they represent.
“He was an amazing guy but he was kind of a prick.” 😂
“He Died a Virgin”… sounds like the title of a 50s B Movie…
Newton was the exchequer of England a title given to him for his many intellectual accomplishment in mathematics and physics. Never heard anything about Newton having anyone tortured.
Leibniz created calculus and share it to the world then came Newton and said he invented it before Leibniz.
We use the Leibniz way of calculus not the Newton one, Leibniz went to the UK to debate Newton in his own college and lost of course, but the real inventor was Leibniz.
You are deliberately fabricating. Carbon testing proves that Newton was 30 years earlier and Leibniz was confirmed to be at Cambridge University, and had access to Newton's work in the period before Leibniz offerings. You know this, of course, but seek 2 distort for those less informed
probability is that Leibniz read newtons stuff and made iit more accessible to others as his notation is more easy 2 Understand. If you think Leibniz ddiscovered the same stuff within 30 years when no one came even close for several thousand years, I say you are naïvele
Sir Isaac Newton, smartest man who ever lived, no one has ever come close.
Da Vinci, Tesla...there have been many..
No, he is right… It's not even close … the statistical analysis from the Aggregate and consolidated evaluation from the Worlds Libraries for the book"Human accomplishment" puts Newton at #1 for physics, #1 for combined sciences and #2 for mathematics, only behind Euler)
The book with similar evaluations called "most influential People in history", puts him at #2, behind #1 Mohammed and ahead of #3 St Paul #4 Jesus, and #5-9 = Buddah, Confucius, Cai Lun and Guttenberg
*He Achieved what this guest iIndicated as he's Marginally behind 1 and ahead of 2 Demigods🤣🤣
@@Rowlph8888 your list is suspicious...I didn't see Taylor Swift on it ONCE!
Insane? Closeted? Gatekeeper?
I guess we’ll never know 🎤
Autistic more likely.
Imagine if someone came up to you in the 1500s-1600s and said something like "why does that apple fall?"
Youd most likely say "i dont know" or "because it does.." 😅
Myself included but sometimes a crazy idea can actually change mankind in unfathomable ways