I was one of the jurors for a murder case last year. In my case, I always wanted to do jury duty because I am interested in law. So I was so excited when I was chosen! I know someone like me is very rare. Most people hate jury duty as you guys say. To me it was a great experience and I want to do it again.
Thank you for explaining the history behind why America adopted the jury system. After six years of living in the U.S., I once received a summons to serve as a juror. However, as a non-U.S. citizen, I wasn’t eligible for jury duty. I simply reported my ineligibility online, but I wish the authorities would recognize citizenship status before sending out jury summonses.
I was called for jury duty for a terrible murder case I had read about in the newspaper. When I was in the jury box the lawyer asked us all if we had prior knowledge of this case. I said I had read about it and that I thought there had already been a guilty verdict. They could not get me out of the room fast enough.
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I was one of the jurors for a murder case last year. In my case, I always wanted to do jury duty because I am interested in law. So I was so excited when I was chosen! I know someone like me is very rare. Most people hate jury duty as you guys say. To me it was a great experience and I want to do it again.
Thank you for explaining the history behind why America adopted the jury system. After six years of living in the U.S., I once received a summons to serve as a juror. However, as a non-U.S. citizen, I wasn’t eligible for jury duty. I simply reported my ineligibility online, but I wish the authorities would recognize citizenship status before sending out jury summonses.
I was wondering whether the movie 12 angry men addresses the theme of jury duty watching this awesome podcast.
I was called for jury duty for a terrible murder case I had read about in the newspaper. When I was in the jury box the lawyer asked us all if we had prior knowledge of this case. I said I had read about it and that I thought there had already been a guilty verdict. They could not get me out of the room fast enough.