What does the Bible say about the Soul?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @Mr9009y
    @Mr9009y 10 років тому +39

    Brethren when Jesus Christ said "fear not the one who can only kill the body but not the soul; but fear HE who can kill both the body and soul in hell". This is very literal. The devil cant touch the soul which clearly means the soul isn't mortal. If the soul dies when you die, how come Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus in Matt. 17:3? Weren't they already dead? When Jesus told the prisoner on the cross "Today you will be with me in paradise". What part of him went to paradise? When the poor man Lazarus died-Bible said he was carried by angels to Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and "WAS BURIED", and "IN HADES", being in torment....How come he was buried yet he was in hades? There is also the example of Elijah raising the child from death; where he called on God to let the boy's soul return to him. The soul doesn't die nor does it sleep with the body in death. There are so many examples. Brethren let us read God's word in the Bible and let us worship HIM in spirit and in truth'. May the grace of Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

  • @ladygem
    @ladygem 7 років тому +23

    In summary--you are a soul, not that you have a soul. Folks have to remember that these books were written in Greek and the ancient Greeks believe of soul is different than what the Hebrews believe. However, when the books were written to the Greeks in Greek, it was written for them to understand in their cultural context and unfortunately, that is where we get our English translations from today. In the Hebrew context--soul refers to something that has a body and is breathing--it is a soul. A soul the thinks, feels (emotion), etc. Which is all done in the front part of your brain, it is not some separate thing from your body. As someone puts it, two parts hydrogen atom and one part oxygen atom makes water--if the two aren't combined then all you have is hydrogen and oxygen--same thing with soul--body plus breath equals soul.

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 роки тому +6

    I feel this explanation speaks truth and makes sense to me, thank you for this. To God almigthy be the powers of the earth and the heavens to rule, god bless, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ: amen. Annelies Bakker, the Netherlands.

  • @ewankerr3011
    @ewankerr3011 4 роки тому +11

    In Genesis, man became a living soul. He was not given a soul.

  • @vitaminesduroyaume85
    @vitaminesduroyaume85 2 роки тому +2

    This idea that after death your immortal soul goes somewhere waiting for resserruction is non sense

  • @shakinbakeful
    @shakinbakeful 11 років тому +18

    Body + spirit = living soul Gen 2:7
    Body - spirit =death James 2:26
    The body is the body. The spirit is the breath of life or a life force. The soul is the combination of both the body and the spirit. You need both body and spirit to be alive or to be a living/breathing creature.
    A sq + B sq = C sq Sometimes the word spirit and soul is interchangeable but again the spirit is not something conscious but it is simply the breath of life which God takes back at death. "commit my spirit".

  • @vitaminesduroyaume85
    @vitaminesduroyaume85 2 роки тому +1

    Very true and very well explained. With an eternal soul, it kills the ressurection. Only one is immortal : God. Man is mortal.

  • @jwindian23
    @jwindian23 11 років тому +8

    Very similar to Jehovah's Witnesses teaching about Soul. Good work.

  • @ashley_brown6106
    @ashley_brown6106 3 роки тому +5

    And also hell is not eternal, because there's no way to live forever without the gift of life ONLY believers in Christ receive!

  • @wendyjones3219
    @wendyjones3219 3 роки тому +5

    Isn't it true that we as humans were supposed to live forever, but Satan came along and spoilt everything?

  • @stpixie70
    @stpixie70 7 років тому +4

    Bible talk about, when we die, the soul go in sleep, but body die. it say in Mose book, but don´t remember where it say it?

  • @RufusCleasby
    @RufusCleasby 12 років тому +2

    Make a video about resurrection. Acts 24:15 says that righteous and unrighteous people will be resurrected. What happens to the unrighteous after they get resurrected, are they judged then put to death again?

  • @neschwarz
    @neschwarz 11 років тому +2

    Thanks for posting this video, very informing! Could you please explain Matt 10:28 more? From your 3 definitions of soul it does not appear possible for there to be "those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul". If soul in this verse means "life", obviously it is killed (ceases to exist) when someone is killed. The same applies if soul means "emotions, feelings, thoughts". And if soul means "a person/entity" it can be burnt. So what does this verse mean?

    • @godisloveministry7
      @godisloveministry7 6 років тому

      The soul of the unrighteous die in the second death, which is the lake of fire (the end of Revelation chapter 20) at the resurrection of the unjust, the great white throne judgment.

  • @Ryuxpale
    @Ryuxpale 11 років тому +5

    The unsaved will be thrown into Gehenna (The Lake of fire) to be destroyed.

  • @coleman6860
    @coleman6860 11 років тому +1

    Brother John, I am very uplifted with your teachings of these bible secrets,but may i ask the meaning of Genesis 4:10"the voice of thy brother blood crieth unto me from the ground" Does it means eternity of soul, Hebrew 11: 4" ....he that dieth yet speaketh" Does it mean continuation of soul in death?

  • @triunitytriple777
    @triunitytriple777 11 років тому +7

    we do have a SPIRIT RIGHT???

    • @ashley_brown6106
      @ashley_brown6106 3 роки тому

      Depends on how you define a "spirit". We don't have anything that is eternal. So even our spirit will die if we don't believe in Jesus.

    • @casualgamer542
      @casualgamer542 2 роки тому +3

      Sprit: Hebrew word "ruach" or Greek word "pneuma" which means breath, air, wind, or spirit (God's life-giving breath). All living things have God's live-giving breath. When we die it returns back to God (Gen 7:22, Psalms 104:29, Ecclesiastes 12:7).

  • @charleshanna2089
    @charleshanna2089 7 років тому +5

    How did the rich man continue a conversation describing his agony in hell if his soul was not living ?

    • @NikolaSekuloski
      @NikolaSekuloski 7 років тому +1

      Charles Hanna maybe he stays in Hades in agony till judgement day when his soul is burnt in lake of fire, put to death

    • @TheGggg321123
      @TheGggg321123 6 років тому +9

      It was a parable

    • @georgeforyan113
      @georgeforyan113 5 років тому +2

      The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man is not a literal teaching about an actual death, then immediately going to heaven or hell. In this logic, the time of resurrection and judgment for all mankind as a future event is totally cancelled out. The Rich Man represents the nation of Israel....Lazarus represents the Gentile nations of the earth. After the death and resurrection of Christ, there will be a change to come on both nations. Israel will be cut off liken to a death and be subject to the anguish and torment brought onto them by the Gentile nations because Israel will not believe Christ is the promised Messiah. They will suffer a loss for this! This will only happen for a time until the full number of Gentiles will come into the fold and become a part of the nation of Israel (Rom. 11:25) Israel has the promise and covenant given to them through Abraham (bosom), and were rich in many blessing given to them by God. The Gentiles are poor, sick and destitute because God did not give the Gentile nations the promise and covenant given to the nation of Israel. After Christ's resurrection, by faith in Christ though the Gentile church, the Gentiles will now become a part of the promise of Abraham (bosom) and Israel will be cut off liken to a death because of their disbelief. Both have to die to the law, in order to be made alive in Christ. The Gentiles through faith will now be a part of the promise given to Abraham. Israel, who already have the promise from Abraham and will never lose this, but with their lack of faith, are cut off for a time and will be in torment and anguish and subject to the cruelty from the Gentile nations....That is why the Rich Man is begging to Abraham to have Lazarus do these merciful favors for him. In this parable, heaven and hell by Jesus is not even spoken of....and Abraham's bosom is not heaven, and hades in not hell.....or more liken to the bible, the fire of Gehenna. If Jesus were to mean a literal heaven and a literal hell, wouldn't it seem plausible that He would have spoken as such instead of speaking about Abraham's bosom and Hades as some kind of metaphor about heaven and hell?

    • @edenicchristian335
      @edenicchristian335 5 років тому

      As another said this was a parable. If he was a soul, why is there many bodily descriptions (fingers, thirst, etc)? Also, if it is an allegory between heaven and earth, if people in heaven can hear the cries from those in hell, it doesn't sound like paradise...

  • @egbertprogrammer4408
    @egbertprogrammer4408 2 роки тому

    Brother, Matthew 10:28, can you explain this please?

  • @johnrose8880
    @johnrose8880 3 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @johne.stinson9759
    @johne.stinson9759 3 роки тому

    Thanks !!

  • @Renegen1
    @Renegen1 3 роки тому

    clear video

  • @sexyang92
    @sexyang92 12 років тому +1

    so since christ has saved us, our souls are saved, and will have eternal life?

  • @greywolf777
    @greywolf777 5 років тому

    So what happens when i die ? Someday Jesus resurrects me at judgment day?

  • @EdgeOfEntropy17
    @EdgeOfEntropy17 12 років тому +4

    I do not agree with the Annihilation view of the soul because they translate things too literal. If I am watching a boxing match and someone gets hit real hard, and I say, He just killed him! You guys would think he was literally killed. No one can explain Matthew 25 46 without twisting the word, punishment. Also, explain why a fire is everlasting if it's not to punish sinners forever. Also Daniel 2 2, John 5 29, Revelation 14 11? And how was anyone resurrected if they cease to exist? Explain.

    • @takakonobe
      @takakonobe 6 років тому

      Jeff Spencer he explains why they say the fire is ever lasting

  • @deeman524
    @deeman524 10 років тому

    If we are Body soul and Spirit; and the soul is mortal, than what about our spirits? surely there is us without a body, so which one is it.?

    • @miketheorganist
      @miketheorganist 10 років тому

      The spirit in this case is the connection to God, that which he put upon the holy men in order to communicate His Word, and that which is born within a person when he is born again. However, it is the nature of God and eternal life, and you might say it kind of goes "on deposit" until the time of the return. It is yours while you live as a saved person, and it will be yours again when you are awakened from sleep. I know that's not a really satisfactory explanation but the spirit is present from the time you're saved until the time you die, and then it is not spoken of again until you awaken. Scripture refers to it as the token of your eternal life, in Ephesians where in the KJV it is described as the 'earnest", which is a term not unlike a "down payment." But while you're dead, you have no consciousness. For a person who dies, really, in HIS OWN frame of reference, the moment of death IS the moment of the return of Christ, and that's why there's the "sleep" comparison ... like when you go to bed, fall asleep, the next thing you know you woke up and can't remember our dreams ... only when you wake up from death it's forever.

    • @deeman524
      @deeman524 10 років тому +1

      miketheorganist I agree with most of what you said except that I always thought it was the soul that gets turned on when we go into eternity. because according to Scripture the Spirit is constantly active in our lives everyday. but if you really look at the Scriptures especially in the Old Testament it seems that the soul is just sitting there waiting , I really believe it's the soul that goes to be with the Lord when we die.
      also too because there's different kinds of spirits, for example everybody has a human spirit,
      but we won't need a human spirit when we die and see the Lord. I could be a little off ,correct me.

  • @lorijutras5008
    @lorijutras5008 10 років тому

    Where does your soul go when the body dies iv been tought your soul gos to heaven or hell

    • @miketheorganist
      @miketheorganist 10 років тому +1

      The soul ceases to exist, Lori. You'll get a life-force like the one powering the resurrected, glorious body of the Lord Jesus Christ when you are awakened. The teaching of heaven and hell has been inferred from Scriptural records because of the religious traditions of paganism and Eastern thought. Death is like a dreamless sleep if Scripture is correct. For the person who dies, in HIS OWN frame of reference, the moment of death IS the moment of being raised to life again, even though in the frame of reference of the living, there's a long period of time between death and resurrection.

    • @jamesmccluskey9237
      @jamesmccluskey9237 6 років тому

      Sin is (death) not torment and torture. Scripture, goes on to say in John 3:13- no one has been into heaven but he whom came from there.

  • @juicylovescouture31
    @juicylovescouture31 10 років тому +1

    Is it okay to be cremated if you want to be resurrected?

    • @miketheorganist
      @miketheorganist 10 років тому +4

      Of course it's OK. Nothing is too hard for God, and when Christ returns, your ashes will be brought together again and your body will become like His body. God's not working with much for ANYONE who has dies, is He? Leave it to Him.

  • @sexyang92
    @sexyang92 12 років тому

    for lev 24:18 , if we cant take life from animals, how can we eat meat? go vegan??