Hello, thanks for your question. We recommend contacting our VEGA representative on site directly to find the best solution: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Hello, Thanks for your question. Radar is certainly the best solution for level measurement in diesel tanks. Depending on the vessel size and the ambient conditions, a VEGAPULS 31 or VEGAPULS 6X are possible solutions. Please reach out to your local VEGA representative for further details: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Hello, please have a look at our drinking water solutions which you can find here: www.vega.com/es-es/sectores/agua-y-aguas-residuales/suministro-de-agua-potable
Hola, Que tipo de sensor me serviría para captar el oleaje o las ondas producidas en la superficie del agua. Un sensor que capte las variaciones de las ondas en una superficie de agua no estática.
Hello, thanks for your question. Choosing the right sensor depends on the type of wave and the speed. For measuring ranges up to approx. 10 m, a VEGAPULS 42 would be a good solution, as the sensor has a very high update rate. But since this is a very special application, we recommend contacting our VEGA representative on site directly to find the best solution: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Urgente buenas noches tengo un vegapuls 62 y vegadis 62 tengo q medir una altura de 2.30 Mt para combustible ayúdenme a programarlo con algún manual gracias saludos de Perú
Hola, podran facilitarme unn correo donde pueda realizar una consulta.
Respecto al sensor radar.
Hello, thanks for your question. We recommend contacting our VEGA representative on site directly to find the best solution: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Saludos estimados, necesito saber por favor qué tipo de medidor de nivel puedo usar en un tanque de combustible diésel
Hello, Thanks for your question. Radar is certainly the best solution for level measurement in diesel tanks. Depending on the vessel size and the ambient conditions, a VEGAPULS 31 or VEGAPULS 6X are possible solutions. Please reach out to your local VEGA representative for further details: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Para medir el nivel de agua dentro de un pozo de agua, que equipo me recomendarian. Gracias
Hello, please have a look at our drinking water solutions which you can find here: www.vega.com/es-es/sectores/agua-y-aguas-residuales/suministro-de-agua-potable
Que tipo de sensor me serviría para captar el oleaje o las ondas producidas en la superficie del agua. Un sensor que capte las variaciones de las ondas en una superficie de agua no estática.
Hello, thanks for your question. Choosing the right sensor depends on the type of wave and the speed. For measuring ranges up to approx. 10 m, a VEGAPULS 42 would be a good solution, as the sensor has a very high update rate. But since this is a very special application, we recommend contacting our VEGA representative on site directly to find the best solution: www.vega.com/en/company/vega-worldwide
Urgente buenas noches tengo un vegapuls 62 y vegadis 62 tengo q medir una altura de 2.30 Mt para combustible ayúdenme a programarlo con algún manual gracias saludos de Perú
Hello, thanks for your question, in urgent cases please contact us directly: www.vega.com/es-us/servicio-tecnico-y-formacion/servicio-tecnico