French Marine Commandos - Djibouti 2003

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Training of french special forces in Djibouti 2003


  • @Hawaiian80882
    @Hawaiian80882 12 років тому +2

    I had the honor to served with and beside French Marines, FFL, & French Army Infantry during combat operations in the middle east and south west asia. Never was I disappointed with their professionalism and warrior spirit. I would not hesitate to serve beside my French comrades again. The same for my friends serving in the British, Canadian, Australian, and Dutch military...your all excellent Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors. I served with them all, what a fantastic honor.
    Semper Fi

  • @aluphasei
    @aluphasei  17 років тому +1

    that's what we must remember. No matter who are the best, they are training together and have lot of respect for each other.

  • @TheCommando65
    @TheCommando65 14 років тому +1

    C'est tout simplement trop beau ! Bravo !

  • @Z12IT
    @Z12IT 17 років тому +2

    Congratulations to my french comrades! I was in exercise with french marine paratroopers - they are great! Forza Europa - Al Quaida watch out

  • @PlayfulY0g1
    @PlayfulY0g1 17 років тому +2

    French commandos were awesome in D-Day

  • @Hawaiian80882
    @Hawaiian80882 12 років тому

    I often wonder about individuals who have harsh opinions about France and her military, "The ignorance is so plain to see" In my humble opinion; There are many tens of thousands of U.S. military personnel and American citizens that are very passionate about our friendship and relationship with our French allies. I served beside them in combat, they are true fighters. The Marines in my company thoroughly enjoyed operating beside them.
    Semper Fi to my French Brothers!

  • @vistighe
    @vistighe 16 років тому

    The French army is in Afganistan, West Africa, Balkans (before you...),was in "Desert storm" , for "operations exterieures " more or less just 22.000 soldiers under the ONU control.

  • @jkpoore
    @jkpoore 16 років тому +1

    True, and I hope we stay friends.
    L'alliés pour l'éternité, mes camarades Francais.

  • @chouser3216
    @chouser3216 12 років тому +1

    I actually do like the French Naval Commando and the Marines. Im going into the USMC next year but theres something about the French that I like better then Britain. Maybe that French soilders dont brag about skill from what I hear. Nothing against British people but they think theyre better then they are but these guys are awesome. Any ally to America is a friend of mine

  • @tox23
    @tox23 17 років тому

    bon vidéo et bonne musique

  • @mobscene111
    @mobscene111 15 років тому

    Germans are awsome people friendly and hospitable, I travelled there for a few weeks and made some great life long mates, never been to Japan but all the Japanese that I've met in Australia seem really friendly.

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    oui remydu33, nos commandos ainsi que nos groupes d'interventions tel GIGN ou RAID sont reconnus comme élites mondiales, ce sont de véritables exemples. Certes nous n'atteignons pas le niveau des NAVY SEALS (Américains) mais cela est une question de budget lol. En revanche nous devons toujours être fier de nos commandos marines ! ;)

  • @Morris1962
    @Morris1962 17 років тому

    Nice video. Kind of found it curious though in the choice of music. Is there no French rock music that could have been substituted?

  • @vistighe
    @vistighe 16 років тому

    I'm sorry, I thougt you were soldier before to be deputy sheriff, because of the Famas.Thank you for your very quick answer and your clever interventions about the USA-FRANCE relationship.
    For us Normandy's beaches are,for ever, US lands on our country.Bonsoir.

  • @survivorattitude
    @survivorattitude 13 років тому

    yea mate good song good pics best french army !

  • @aluphasei
    @aluphasei  17 років тому

    no you are right, this is an US Marines or Us navy chopper, cause since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan Frenchs have allowed US Military to train with them in Djibouti wich is a strategical position regarding to Afghanistan. ;)

  • @aluphasei
    @aluphasei  17 років тому

    non, je ne suis pas du tout l'auteur de cette vidéo, j'aide juste à la diffuser à un plus grand nombre car là où elle était, peu l'avaient vu, ce qui me semblait dommage. Cela est réparé maintenant ;)

  • @Ave88
    @Ave88 17 років тому

    French special forces are known to be the best in the world, generally speaking. In Afghanistan, it is them who are traking down the talibans in the mountains, alongside the Americans.

  • @Rapist87
    @Rapist87 13 років тому

    @derbigpr500 French Foreign Legion are some of the best trained most professional toughest soldiers in the world. One Legionairre is worth three or four US Marines

  • @wallooga
    @wallooga 16 років тому

    I didn't know that. It doesn't suprise me, most elite forces are exactly that - elite - and there aren't many of them about. What started as a ''light hearted pop at the French'' obviously doesn't carry across the channel too well. I think we generally like to have a pop at each other. As long as we're all facing the same way when it counts, so what? vive la difference!

  • @LorkyIV
    @LorkyIV 14 років тому


  • @linkshandig1
    @linkshandig1 16 років тому

    What you see as a long time, is a short time in the entire history of France.

  • @majormayhem1
    @majormayhem1 17 років тому

    I never knew this but WE ( the U.S ) train the worlds Special forces in HALO, out in the West, I thought that was cool, the statistics from that school is that their is 1 death a year I think or something like that.

  • @vistighe
    @vistighe 16 років тому

    Hi deputylastrites, is there a difference between the training of Rangers and Marines troops?.

  • @nl59
    @nl59 17 років тому

    well we lasted longer in world war one... i love the music... rammstein

  • @DuguesclinBZH
    @DuguesclinBZH 17 років тому

    np, it's a small Franco-german amry who use a very good equipement.

  • @aaamondieu
    @aaamondieu 14 років тому +1

    french army

  • @moiGTO
    @moiGTO 16 років тому

    What's the name's song please? :) Nice video ;D

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 14 років тому

    I guess you aren't able to understand that it was a joke?
    I think Jefferson said "Americans have two countries: USA and France" in recognition of the French contribution.

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 16 років тому

    Je vois pas le rapport entre cette vidéo et ton commentaire. On a déjà assez de problèmes avec les américains, ça s'améliore à peine depuis 2007 grâce/à cause de Sarkozy alors si tu pouvais s'il te plaît ne pas les insulter sans raisons. Merci d'avance. D'ailleurs je ne vois pas l'ombre d'un américain dans cette vidéo. C'est un commando Marine Français sur la base de Djibouti et vraisemblablement en Mer Rouge.

  • @patattack33
    @patattack33 17 років тому

    sublime, FUSCO are the best commando troop

  • @CrazyHorseInvincible
    @CrazyHorseInvincible 16 років тому

    Slight clarification: Europe may have been freed of Nazi rule without the help of the United States, but what kind of freedom would there have been under Soviet rule?

  • @smoggyben
    @smoggyben 15 років тому

    France surendered to preserve the beautiful buildings of paris. If we took the same attitude towards london, then the world would have been fucked.

  • @ClaudioMatzke
    @ClaudioMatzke 17 років тому

    at 1:19
    This is not a french army helicopter. am I wrong?

  • @dlfrsilver
    @dlfrsilver 17 років тому

    i have been a French Marine trooper aka "Troupes de Marine", one of the French Elite trooper. I ask to my officer what was the diff between 21st RIMA troop (ours) and US Marine. Answer=you remove to the US troop their logistic, they can't face up. Our soldiers are trained to walk like 50-80km on feet! No need Helicopters to be transported!And funny fact, the rations of food, (see next post)

  • @ClaudioMatzke
    @ClaudioMatzke 17 років тому

    well, While we dispute to know who is best, strongest or most powerfull, our armies work together...

  • @VonDarkensen
    @VonDarkensen 11 років тому +1

    So 300 years... And Louis XIV ? American Independance War? Napoléon (Austerlitz, Marengo, Wagram, Iéna, Arcole) ? Algeria? Crimea (Malakoff Tower)? Independance Italian War (Magenta, Solferino)? World War I (La Marne, Verdun) ? Bir Hakeim?
    French army won 132 battles and just lost 43 in 800 years ;)

  • @vym84
    @vym84 16 років тому

    I love those Pumas!!

  • @killerkohyar
    @killerkohyar 15 років тому

    where is there desert training morocco or algeria?

  • @vinse14
    @vinse14 15 років тому

    trop cool l'armee française et aussi la video !!!

  • @romeodu26
    @romeodu26 16 років тому

    what is the name of this song plz

  • @PeLOmaRgni
    @PeLOmaRgni 15 років тому

    Je dirais le RPIMA (Regiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine), c'est le regiment traditionnel issu des SAS, ils en ont conservés la devise (Qui ose gagme)

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 15 років тому

    From what I've heard, it might be about money, so our troops don't use last generation of equipment, they have to use older equipment, plus i think this French force is a peace keeping force, so they won't use as much material as the Marine corps which is more a fighting force.
    I could be wrong though.

  • @Neo587
    @Neo587 14 років тому

    @miamoto15 Djibouti était français jusqu'en 77. On y est encore très présent avec beaucoup d'infrastructures et de personnels mais il y a une base américaine qui s'y est installé en 2002 suite aux évènements terroristes qui ont frappés les USA peu avant. Cette base américaine cotoie donc la notre afin qu'ils puissent eux aussi controler le golf d'Aden et le detroit de Bab-El-Mandeb.
    A noter la présence plus minime de militaires allemands et japonais.

  • @xXSn1p3rCATXx
    @xXSn1p3rCATXx 15 років тому

    yo in my opinion i think all spec ops are fucking AMAZING!!!!

  • @yakuza4romania
    @yakuza4romania 15 років тому

    sorry, but what music is this?

  • @zoubida90
    @zoubida90 16 років тому

    j'avous c'est clair!ta grave raison

  • @nolifemerc
    @nolifemerc 14 років тому

    is this the french army or the french legion, in Djibouti (Somalia/Eritrea)?

  • @romagnieu
    @romagnieu 15 років тому

    i think there are not american soldier but french because they have the "famas"
    sorry for my bad english, i'm french

  • @xaal001
    @xaal001 13 років тому

    Thanks to the Channel, you were not invaded in 1940.

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 15 років тому

    Oui mais ils étaient plus lents, avaient un canon datant de la 1ère Guerre Mondiale, pas de radio et globalement ne pouvaient pas rivaliser avec les Panzers. Comment crois tu que les allemands nous ont écrasé en 40? Supériorité technique, stratégique et de la préparation des soldats. Quand les allemands s'entrainaient aux parachutages, au actions commandos (comme avec la forteresse Eben-Emael en Belgique), on continuait à entrainer nos soldats à l'équitation.

  • @jopreaa
    @jopreaa 15 років тому

    i hope you are jokin. There were only few french and british soldiers

  • @HLTVpro
    @HLTVpro 17 років тому

    first part of the video is VBSS training huh. i do the same job in US navy but the training is way, way different...i would never get to climb up the hull of a refueler onto the flight deck..only SEAL gets to do that here.

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 15 років тому

    Plus, when the French and British people were defeated in France and surrounded at Dunkerque, guess what happened? Well most of the French Army sacrificed herself, holding long enough for the English to get away in their ships (with a few french with them)
    Even though France was defeated, the Free French kept fighting alongside the Allies!
    Even when the US troops massively bombed French civilian by using the "reckon by fire" technique, the French didn't protest and kept fighting with them.

  • @vistighe
    @vistighe 16 років тому

    Quand on voit le resultat des troupes US aux stages de Mont Louis ,on comprend mieux...

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 16 років тому

    You mean Afghanistan War or the possible future Iran War?

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    Je ne pense pas que les deltas soit basés SAS tu as raison de dire que c'est a confirmer. Disons que personne ne se pose la question quand a tout ce que les americains "apprenent" aux armées européennes, et vice versa. En meme temps il y'a plusieurs type de savoir , est ce qu'on parle de "l experience" ou du savoir des techniques employées etc. "Savoir" qui est un bien grand mot. enfin je t'écoute sur ce sujet

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    pas vraiment, il dépent en un sens du budget sachant que certains pays ne peuvent procurer d'équipements puissants voir fiables a leurs forces speciales, il dépend de l'état, de comment celui-ci arme et equipe (ex: Inde). En fait tu peux comparer car certaines forces speciales "communiquent" entre eux, se donnant des conseils ou autre, il faut en revanche avoir servis ou servir dans des forces speciales pour le savoir bien entendue.

  • @krips22
    @krips22 17 років тому

    "Feuer Frei" by Rammstein

  • @jetaddicted
    @jetaddicted 14 років тому

    man,france and germany's history started more than 2000 years ago.
    in the ninth century,we were one same country(ordinatio imperii)
    it does not limit itself to 4years;70 years ago.
    we've invaded,and occupied germany about as many times (maybe even more) as they have invaded and occupied us.
    besides,today,we are almost back to being one same country again

  • @DuguesclinBZH
    @DuguesclinBZH 17 років тому

    there is Eurocorps, do you know ?

  • @moiGTO
    @moiGTO 15 років тому

    Rammstein - ??? (I don't remember)

  • @Rico8458
    @Rico8458 14 років тому

    general petan?

  • @Mageistheman
    @Mageistheman 13 років тому

    @derbigpr500 granted I'm not one to romanticize war. However, you mentioned Vietnam. I do believe France was defeated there, just prior to the U.S.. (Except they lost even more because it was a colony of theirs) Ak47's were built to last, which is part of the reason they are still used today, it's a great weapon system. Very few wars were as decisive as World War II and World War I, and while the U.S. might have lost 1v1 , the Soviets (who were the true victors) would have beaten HItler anyway.

  • @sandman4132
    @sandman4132 16 років тому

    oh and i heard that they are downsizing their military to. currently i think that french have about 500,000 people in their military and America has around 1,250,000 people in their military.

  • @mobscene111
    @mobscene111 15 років тому

    no it was when the frogs were testing nukes in Tahiti, GreenPeace based their fleet in Auckland while protesting in the french military zone at Numra Atoll, the frogs were blowing up a civilian boat so it was illegal so stealth was very important, just nobody taught the frogs about stealth lol, 2 fisherman on the rocks saw them land on shore, a guy walking his dog saw them prep their explosives & a dock worker saw them enter the boat, what a joke they got caught every part of their mission lol

  • @DuguesclinBZH
    @DuguesclinBZH 17 років тому

    *on 338.226 evacuated combatant only 123.095 were French

  • @Mcmanaman85
    @Mcmanaman85 13 років тому

    @OfficialFearClan french soldier also lost their lives at this battle... and what about Birakheim 2 years after... the french held up the germans in the desert so that the brits and the aussies could re organize after their retreat... just stop thinking that because we lost the war in 1940 that makes us cowards...

  • @Zoumbal
    @Zoumbal 15 років тому

    Do you know the US Special Forces train with French Commando Marines in Bretagne, near Quiberon ?
    French Commando and US SF work hand to hand all over the world my friend (Somalia, Afghanistan, Tchad, Kosovo,...). You must get better information.

  • @mobscene111
    @mobscene111 15 років тому

    yes I mean bad allies, true allies don't collobrate with the enemy, sign (Vichy) treaties, the Vichy Militia's helped the Gestapo, General Goerge patton once said "I'd rather have a German Battalion in front of me than a french one behind me" u were our reluctant allies because we shared the same objectives that is all.

  • @vistighe
    @vistighe 16 років тому

    sorry boy, but that's not me who is going on you tube in French to insult the French army...respect if you want to be respected.

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 15 років тому

    I have a history book next to me so I can tell you for sure
    American civil war : 1775-1783.
    French troops arrived in 1780, (it took time to prepare the army, the ships and to travel) with seasonned soldiers, and ships; but already supplied them before
    Before they were helped, the US troops were poorly equipped, outnumbered and had no real navy.
    French's help and experience was decisive in Yorktown battle, and that's only one example.

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 15 років тому

    Non, en 1918 elle l'était. Puis elle ne s'est pas modernisée et nous avons été littéralement dépassés par de nombreuses armées, à commencer par l'armée allemande. En 1940, notre armée était tout sauf forte.

  • @sethburns1971
    @sethburns1971 11 років тому

    VIVA LA FRANCE from the USA :)

  • @Frenchy627
    @Frenchy627 17 років тому

    Selon moi l'incompétence de celui qui voulai imposer sa langue est plus la raison de pourquoi on parle toujours français. Si il avait continué son avancé vers l'ouest ils auraient pas tenu plus longtemps que nous.

  • @clio2rsminicup
    @clio2rsminicup 16 років тому

    ils ont surtout les bouboules de ne pas nous avoir à leur coté plus souvent ^^
    Nos troupes auraient pas mal a leur apprendre croyez moi et pas seulemetn au niveau des troupes de commandos mais dans les 3 armes ^^
    L'armée US en gros c'est la quantité là où nous c'est la qualité

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 15 років тому

    Ce n'est pas forcément bête mais ce serait très cher, la technologie pour des robots aussi habiles et maniables qu'un humain pas encore existante et surtout un robot il lui faut de l'énergie (comment tu le lui procures sur le long terme?), et il reste un problème majeur: Quid s'il tombe en panne? Si la communication est parasitée? Si une autre force militaire en prend le contrôle? En 2 secondes, la France n'aurait plus d'armée. On ne peut pas tout confier aux machines.

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    on peut plus ou moins comparer quand aux budgets des états, de plus les seals sont comme tu dis sur des "theatres de guerre" et sont en plus de cela 3fois plus actifs que nos commandos. Sur ce point, tu as tout juste nul ne peut révéler le secret d'état/de sureté national, donc c'est vrai que de ce point de vue il est dure d'en deduire des actes des forces speciales. Au passage je le dis meme si je sais que toi meme tu le sais lol: "meme EUX ne peuvent dire ce qu'ils font"

  • @nl59
    @nl59 17 років тому

    yeah rammstein fire feir or whatever! rocking!!

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    ben justement en sachant qui a le meilleur savoir.

  • @wallooga
    @wallooga 16 років тому

    Keep up matey, we're all mates now and doing our bit for the Iraqi's, Afghans, Balkans, - no shoot first, all supporting without complaining.
    This French lot might be good - but what do they DO?

  • @Clavier35
    @Clavier35 17 років тому

    The only French Army unit to wear the green beret ...except the FFL of course
    heirs of the famous British Royal Marines frenchcommandos enlisted during WWII
    Could be compared with US SEALS rather than US MARINES and belong to the French Navy

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 16 років тому

    Oh yes we can. An Example? Independence War of America where we fought the British and created the USA.

  • @Baseshocks
    @Baseshocks 13 років тому

    @OfficialFearClan not really, they just dident want their citys distroyed germany was droping a shit storm of artliery on them, the governemnt dident want paris iradicated. they had to surender, but they should a have ordered their navy and all militery out to the U.K so they can be reorganized to fight back. instead they just gave equipment to the germans

  • @Nettempereur
    @Nettempereur 16 років тому

    Yeah in fact we have 348,000 soldiers but they are not drafted men, they are professionals. Of course France can't stand alone against the USA. First you are 300 millions and we are 64 millions. But there will never be wars between our both nations because we are allied in a lot of organisations and we fight together (Afghanistan).

  • @HotLambo11
    @HotLambo11 13 років тому

    @derbigpr500 plus the United States is how far from Germany? lol

  • @DuguesclinBZH
    @DuguesclinBZH 17 років тому

    Do you know the Bundeswehr ? And there is a Franco-German army too.

  • @miamoto15
    @miamoto15 14 років тому

    Lol allez à 1:13 et vous allez voir un drapeau américain sur le bateau. Ce n'est pas uniquement des morceaux de vidéos français Lol

  • @mobscene111
    @mobscene111 15 років тому

    the American ppl were divided intheir opinion about wether they shld enter the war in Europe & fight a war which at the time posed little threat 2 them, some ppl believe that the U.S. knew the attack on Pearl Harbour was going 2 happen but did nothing 2 prevent it because it gave them an oportunity to enter the war in Europe, as Japan being Germany's Axis.

  • @strikerchamp
    @strikerchamp 17 років тому

    You're hallucinating, after US=(The Best of the Best).The only ones are French Commandos, the SAS, SBS, Royal Marines are only puppies beside those tigers.

  • @damounne
    @damounne 14 років тому

    @Czeeeeeeeeh : Pas le meilleur mais le plus rustique ^^

  • @WrSpectre
    @WrSpectre 15 років тому

    Sauf ceux qui savent lol, bref bonne annalyse au plaisir d'en re-discuter dans le futur

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 15 років тому

    Yeah, and of course you since you met a few Germans you can judge their entire country and people, same for France. Good logic sir.
    (NB: I have nothing against Germans or Japaneses)

  • @njcourcier
    @njcourcier 13 років тому

    @Oasistudios wannabe's :L theyre trying to copy the british royal marine commandos, and special boat service (sbs) S.A.S is special air service..

  • @strikerchamp
    @strikerchamp 17 років тому

    You mix & shake every thing, You need get in the military, then we can talk! Have you good one!

  • @smoggyben
    @smoggyben 15 років тому

    Your obviously a fan of hollywood then. England did a lot more than you think. At one point it was just england vs germany and though germany was 5x more powerful than us, we held them back and stopped them from invading. And heres a fact you wont have heard. Over half the soldiers in the D day landings were British.

  • @begoodenblues
    @begoodenblues 15 років тому

    Yeap... La difference c'est que chez les Commandos, les Delta Forces on les appelle les Delta Farces...

  • @deltaforce12
    @deltaforce12 17 років тому

    Notice how they use American weapons/vehicles

  • @guillaumewb
    @guillaumewb 15 років тому

    have you ever shot a rifle grenade? so..

  • @smoggyben
    @smoggyben 15 років тому

    That was a joke we use to poke fun at the french. America wasnt the only country in the war you know. It was a combined effort. America alone would not have defeated germany.