Hamstrings & Hip Openers

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
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    Hamstrings & Hip Openers: Yogalates with Erin
    Props: Small ball
    Techniques and Poses:
    Active Rest:
    Description: Soles of the feet on the mat, shoulders nestled, sacrum grounded, eyes closed or softened, jaw relaxed.
    Benefits: Promotes relaxation, grounding, and mindfulness.
    Ujjayi Breaths:
    Description: Deep, ocean wave-like breathing.
    Benefits: Increases oxygenation, promotes relaxation, tones abdominal muscles during exhale.
    Marching Movements:
    Description: Alternating lifting one foot to tabletop, pressing it down, then the other.
    Benefits: Strengthens core, enhances coordination, engages lower body muscles.
    Toe Taps:
    Description: In tabletop position, alternate lowering one toe to the mat.
    Benefits: Core stabilization, coordination, and control.
    Arm Arcs:
    Description: In tabletop, arms overhead, then arc down to touch the mat.
    Benefits: Core stability, shoulder mobility, coordination.
    Curl Ups:
    Description: Exhaling while lifting head, neck, and shoulders, reaching arms forward.
    Benefits: Abdominal strengthening, spinal mobility.
    The Hundred:
    Description: Pulsing arms while in tabletop or with legs extended, using a five-part breath.
    Benefits: Core endurance, breathing control, full-body engagement.
    Knee Rocks:
    Description: Rocking knees side to side while lying on the mat.
    Benefits: Lower back relaxation, sacrum massage.
    Ball Passes:
    Description: Passing a ball under legs while alternating leg positions.
    Benefits: Core engagement, coordination, leg strength.
    Leg Circles:
    Description: Large circles with extended leg while lying on the mat.
    Benefits: Hip mobility, core stability, coordination.
    Tabletop Opposite Limb Reach:
    Description: Reaching opposite arm and leg away while in tabletop.
    Benefits: Core stability, coordination, balance.
    Child’s Pose/Puppy Pose:
    Description: Stretching back with knees under hips, arms extended.
    Benefits: Back relaxation, shoulder stretch, calming.
    Single Leg Lifts:
    Description: Lifting one leg while maintaining neutral spine in tabletop.
    Benefits: Glute activation, core stability, balance.
    Hip Circles:
    Description: Circling the leg while maintaining torso stability.
    Benefits: Hip mobility, core control, coordination.
    Hamstring Stretch with Resistance:
    Description: Stretching leg up while providing resistance with hands.
    Benefits: Hamstring flexibility, isometric strength, controlled stretch.
    Description: Alternating legs while lifting head, neck, and shoulders.
    Benefits: Core engagement, leg strength, coordination.
    Description: Arching and rounding the back in tabletop.
    Benefits: Spinal flexibility, core activation, relaxation.
    Downward Facing Dog:
    Description: Inverted V position, pressing through hands and feet.
    Benefits: Full-body stretch, shoulder and hamstring flexibility, core strength.
    Summary of Benefits:
    Core Strength: Techniques like toe taps, marching movements, and curl ups focus on engaging and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
    Breathing: Ujjayi breaths and the hundred emphasize controlled breathing, which enhances relaxation and oxygenation.
    Mobility and Flexibility: Leg circles, hamstring stretches, and cat-cow improve mobility in the hips and spine.
    Stability and Balance: Opposite limb reaches and single leg lifts challenge and improve balance and stability.
    Coordination: Exercises like scissors and ball passes enhance coordination by involving complex, synchronized movements.
    Relaxation and Grounding: Active rest, child’s pose, and deep breathing promote mental relaxation and physical grounding.
    This sequence offers a comprehensive workout, targeting various muscle groups and incorporating mindfulness and breathing techniques for a holistic approach to physical fitness and mental well-being.


  • @erinmenut
    @erinmenut  2 місяці тому

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    Erin Menut, MA, E-RYT 500, Wellness Coach
    Follow me on:
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    Website: radiantenergyforlife.com/
    Or download my FREE app: Living Joyfully