Vision Of Love (Acoustic Version) - Reaction Gabriel Henrique

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @CatiaHatherly
    @CatiaHatherly Місяць тому +5

    Gabriel is amazing and this acoustic version was amazing... he always surprises us. Thank you for your support and reaction.

  • @samueldealbuquerquefilho742
    @samueldealbuquerquefilho742 Місяць тому +4

    gabriel Henrique, perfeito, arrasou, fhenômeno.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @elianecosta9576
    @elianecosta9576 Місяць тому +6

    GH, é fenomenal. E ainda temos um show a parte do seu Pai na guitarra elétrica! Melhor, só um show ao vivo e todos nós extasiados por vê-lo fazendo ao vivo - sonhamos com isto!

    • @vaniamotta1722
      @vaniamotta1722 Місяць тому

      Queremos Gabriel Henrique ao vivo!❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @Dannyvieiraphotosport
    @Dannyvieiraphotosport Місяць тому +6

    My friend thank you very much for reacting to Gabriel Henrique with such affection and respect. His voice is as wonderful, phenomenal, wonderful and amazing as he always manages to surprise and thrill us with his interpretations. The one who's playing the guitar is his father. The video you mentioned with the Coral was recorded in the same place. Please react to the music video that Gabriel Henrique posted on September 26 on his UA-cam channel singing with Kevin Vasquez a Spanish version of Jojo's "Too Little Too Late."

  • @nancyskomars1230
    @nancyskomars1230 Місяць тому +5

    In the last few months, he has given us Spanish versions of songs in different genres, he sang a gospel song at an awards show and now he's bringing the blues! I think "Versatile' is his middle name!! He's on fire!🔥🔥🎶🎶He doesn't always use his whistle but it really contrasted well with those low tones this time!

  • @becerranorge
    @becerranorge Місяць тому

    Woooooo what a AMAZING talent end Wonderful voice gabriel henrique has he is one of the best vocalist i the fenitly on of the best vocalist i of all time thanks for reating to this one ❤

  • @jorgealbertolimalima3294
    @jorgealbertolimalima3294 Місяць тому +4


  • @elienainascimento3902
    @elienainascimento3902 Місяць тому

    Gabriel is perfect insane this acoustic cute ficou with his father on the guitar thank you hair support ❤

  • @monicaoliveira9021
    @monicaoliveira9021 Місяць тому +5

    Thank you for reacting to Gabriel. He always impresses me with his vocal versatility. The range, interpretation and emotion he puts into each song is incredible. This acoustic version with his father on the guitar was wonderful. If you could, I would like you to react to the video he released yesterday, October 24th, singing the gospel song "Tu És" in Portuguese.

  • @dionescarpelli
    @dionescarpelli Місяць тому

    Thank you, beautiful and powerful voice.

  • @edilenemarques130
    @edilenemarques130 Місяць тому

    Surreal, de outro mundo!❤❤

  • @emersonbarros2836
    @emersonbarros2836 Місяць тому

    Bhother pai e filho juntos lindo de se ver, GABRIEL HENRIQUE SHOW MAN PHENOMENO

  • @Super102020
    @Super102020 Місяць тому

    Simply phenomenal!

  • @Martagomes.s.b2kv7
    @Martagomes.s.b2kv7 Місяць тому +3

    Obrigada por reagir, pelo apoio ao Gabriel. Essa música ficou incrível na versão acustica, na guitarra e o pai do Gabriel tocando sr. Lucio.

  • @ligianogueira9775
    @ligianogueira9775 Місяць тому

    Obrigada por reagir
    Abraços do Brasil

  • @Larinharadialista
    @Larinharadialista Місяць тому +3

    Hi. Thank you for supporting Gabriel Henrique. I love his voice. Simply wonderful. I would like to suggest that you react to Gabriel Henrique singing "Tu És", video released on October 24th on his official UA-cam channel. Thanks.

  • @Sheiladsiqueira
    @Sheiladsiqueira Місяць тому

    Incredible 🤩😍

  • @rafaelventura9154
    @rafaelventura9154 Місяць тому +3


  • @alalianealves1068
    @alalianealves1068 Місяць тому +3

    Obrigado por reagir a Gabriel Henrique e ao senhor Lucinho. Eles nos proporcionaram uma ótima versão acústica desta maravilhosa Gostaria que reagisse a Gabriel Henrique cantando Tú És.

  • @lidianenascimentoleandro9849
    @lidianenascimentoleandro9849 Місяць тому

    Hello, how are you? Thank you for your reaction. We love Gabriel Henrique and his singing is very beautiful. I would love to see your reaction to him singing the song Tu És posted on October 24th on his official channel. Please react ❤

  • @valerialima9367
    @valerialima9367 Місяць тому

    No one sings Mariah Carey like Gabriel Henrique. He is absurdly perfect. Thank you for reacting. I would like you to react to Gabriel singing Tu És, in Portuguese, posted on his official UA-cam channel, on October 24th.

  • @SuperJulioduarte
    @SuperJulioduarte Місяць тому +1

    Depois dessa versão, tá na hora de Maria assumir seu filho!!! impossível não chegar a ela!!

  • @fabioandrade6323
    @fabioandrade6323 Місяць тому +2

  • @motociclistaaventureirosil4273
    @motociclistaaventureirosil4273 Місяць тому

    Gabriel henrique and your dad ok