Yup if you got a lot of bulky low yeilding scrap one if these will definitely earn its keep. It frees the metal from the trash and allows it to be easily concentrated in a form that steel recyclers want. The foam wood fabric from fridges and furniture also is in a good form to feed Waste to Energy or trash fuelled calcining plants with.. ❤
@luck484 use a chute with a powerful AC electromagnet that the shredded materials pass through after you recover the ferrous scrap. The nonferrous stuff gets kicked away, the garbage gets to fall streight through unaffected.❤
Mr Digg, We run a shredder similar to the rotor chopper. what we find is better it to run it in reverse for a few minutes after feeding stuff like the fabric rolls. it helps to un-clog the rotors and give you a better out put
In Ontario (Canada), where I dump, all that stuff has to be separated and sorted before you can dump it or you pay double for them to do that. Theres piles for anything that is recyclable (drywall, shingles, metal, HFC devices like fridges and AC's, regular recyclables, electronics, tires). That would be a great way to prevent this problem in the first place.
Genau so muss das sein. Dieses alles muss auf die Deponie muss endlich aufhören. Da werden so viele Stoffe unwiderruflich vernichtet und ist biologisch gesehen eine Katastrophe. Zudem ist dieser Schredder dafür völlig falsch. Bei Matratzen etc verstopft das Teil sofort wie man sehen kann. Völlig ungeeignet
Mr Digg I was the one that came by your nursery Friday 6/7/24 what a beautiful nursery you have . All your staff was friendly. They you was out of town . I was the person who pull up there in a red Freightliner MBI . On it. Love all the videos you have put out on both channels. Be safe my God bless you and your business.
if you end up buying one of these machines make sure you set up sprinkler systems on it and around it. this seems like a recipe for fires. I bet those rotors are scorching hot after a few hours of running
This machine is literally "mesmerizing" , I agree you guys should purchase one of these units and have a specific channel just for the videos it would put out. MD Shredder Cam!!
Massive increase in metal recovery and huge reduction in space being taken. Can't remember the exact numbers, but there is a fair percentage of space taken by air. I know you compact, but this is REAL compaction! Awesome contents as always, Mr D!
one thing I have learned from watching your videos, is how wasteful we are. I admit I am no better, something breaks instead of fixing it just buy new one and throw old thing away.
Thinking about objects that no longer have any good purpose and that now brings misery to people (through labor of dealing with it, or by taking up space in people's homes) getting loaded into a massive rocket and sent into the sun is exhilarating to me. I'm sure one day this will be attempted or may even become a regular occurrence. We can't save every little thing, and sometimes it's better to just erase. Like being liberated from shackles.
Greetings from northern Sweden and a few subcriber,, channel came up as I was scrolling and I thought I just had to watch it, seen a few of your videos. We don't have landfill here, we have recycle centre run by city council for private citizens and a few commercial ones for business owners. I am real big on recycle and I am a part time scrapper so I sort my trash in categories, mostly for inceneration. Stay safe and take care,, keep shredding.
I used to work at a place with shredders like these, we tended to use our 2 single shaft shredders more than our twin shaft as they were more reliable. We didn’t shred stuff for landfill though, our shredded was loaded up on to 44 tonne artics and taken to incineration plants for use in generating electricity. Landfill stuff got carted off to a different site and buried.
The stuff coming out of this would be a good fuel source. In that reduced size it would be easier to control a super hot burn to make steam and then electricity. Small scale power plants that burn this material as cleanly as possible seems like a better plan then contaminated ground soil. Neither is ideal but it has to go somewhere. We have a abundance of trash to make power with. Ash would be the final stage of compaction .
Thanks, Mr Digg I think you're right about the shear for the fabric, reduce the bulk down a bit. The shredder didn't mind it but it's got a relatively small gap to force things through to do it's job Or ask Rotochopper if there's any dedicated fabric shredder drums and then do a monthly or quarterly or however run on just fabric Always good to see you, Mr Digg 👍
On the fabric rolls,, how about stripping off the clear plastic, and find the one loose end. Feed the loose end into the machine and let the roll unfurl like a cat unspooling a roll of TP. That should unburden the machine enough to keep it running.
These shredders are awsome fir separating recyclable mepals from bulky items. Run it through then use the magnet to grab the iron out. The remaing stuff is usually useful as a fuel source for a high temperature incineration machine as well.
Hey Ryan, Chris from the UK, i was looking at this Shredder from day 1 and it is a BEAST for sure. But i know in Europe some countries send their tyres and large fabric rolls to the power stations to burn off for Electricity production, and if it was me i would ban all those products from entering the site, purely so you don`t have to worry about shipping it out to the Power stations at your expense, and you are prolonging the life of the shredder. It just handles everything else so well, it really is the way forward for you for sure. Can`t wait to see the next slip n slide progress video and looking forward to the Event itself. Good Luck Buddy, and thks for sharing todays video. Chris.
I guess everyone has their own way or preferred way. I personally believe in recycling & repurposing. I don't know how much landfill space could or would be created just by repurposing but, that's probably the smaller of the 2. With recyclable materials being kept out of landfills, that creates so much space I think it would be unimaginable. There's so much to be gained from recycling but, the biggest advantage to landfills is the space that's created. Items kept out for the material: mattresses-metal springs; box springs-wood frame; furniture-all wood or parts, metal; appliances-metals & plastic; tires-rubber & steel; kids ride-on toys/vehicles- rubber & plastic; electronics- glass, metals & plastic; etc.-most of this is or could be residential waste. Construction & demolition waste is mostly recyclable. Think of the materials that should be considered as "NOT ALLOWED" in landfills because they're recyclable. I don't know everything that's recyclable but, I do know the list is quite long. You could start a very diversified recycling business & be "THE ANSWER" for people in a number of different areas. You've already got mulch, compost, large natural waste disposal-stumps/ branches/ logs & anything else you're doing that I left out. You could be the Stan Kroenke of reuse/utilization of natural material, recycling, etc.
I think the only way it’ll happen is for government to “not allow” these materials in landfills. Then folks are forced to recycle. Until then, we just have to do the best we can do
They make MUCH larger. My job just bought one about a month ago. Still gotta wait to hook up the electrical tho. Ill post videos but we didnt buy it for heavy duty stuff but there will be metal lol
Looks like every now and then it needs some hard crunchy stuff to clear out the soft squishy stuff from the rollers. But man does it eat through stuff.
Great to see just how big some of these shredders actually are. Personally i got fed up with those claims by "Other" firms who claim they shred the hardest items then don't show them, because we know old railway track and sledge hammers for example would break the machines. But we can see that you are the REAL DEAL!👍👍👍
Inside the bucket cam = kick ass! Love the 75DK Shredder. You all will have to make a viewing platform if you end up buying one. And man, the way it eats through fridges like their small potatoes…love it! Great video Mr. Digg.
I hope you people realize that running refrigerators and anything with refrigerant in it throug that is an EPA violation. Refrigerant must be recovered out of any appliance containing it
Probably one of the most satisfying videos yet to date as a business plan this has got to be one of the best most versatile machine you could own and far as the fuel consumption it's unheard of in today's day and age ❤ not to mention 1 person operating 2 machines at the same time im sure it's got a hefty price tag however id be interested to know what the longevity of the machine especially what the maintenance cost would turn out to be great video Ryan lot's to think about but so far i don't see the negatives unless of course maintenance might be the only one can't wait to hear Dad's side of this
Not sure why you would shread the rolls since they are already fairly compacted. Just place them in the bottom of some pit and forget? Maybe a regulation against it or some other reason. Enjoy watching this thing do its work. Could watch for much longer.
Being a retired C&D worker I loved to see those mattresses going through that thing. It's funny you don't realize how tough a mattress is till you run over it with a fifty some thousand pound compactor all day and it springs right back every time. Remember one year they were hauling them to me by the tractor trailer loads after demolishing a motel in town what a nightmare. One of them shredder's would have been nice. 👍👍👍👍
Ryan, there’s something oddly satisfying about that shredder that I can’t explain.. whatever that thing costs you need to invest in it! An hour long video with this thing will get you some major views! It’s a win,win situation in my book! Keep up the great content!
Several years ago we did a major renovation of the main floor of our home. All the demolition materials were put in the backyard. My wife said it would take 3 years to send it all to the landfill. I vetoed the cost and ugliness of large trash in our driveway and decided to hand reduce everything into a 90 gallon trash tote every week to send with regular trash. Sorting was not needed . It only took about 3 months of fun stuff to do for a retiree 😊. That project kept me out of my wife's hair. I still reduce trash for security reasons. It just doesn't make sense to me to ship dead air space to the dump.
WOW!! That Rotor Chopper is Truly Impressive!! I Think if y’all end up buying it that it would be a total game changer for your landfill That’s would be a machine that after running awhile you would not know how you ever got along without it
Ryan, please consider adding 2 more cameras so you can split the screen and show the outcome of different items coming off the conveyors...thanks for the awesome content, dude !
I love watching that monster chew things up. However I wonder about the plastic and foam. These are petroleum based products. Will they break down or will they just stay as is for ever.
Great video as always buddy..! If the trucks could just dump right onto a conveyor belt feeding the shredder then onto another conveyor belt take out to where want to in landfill…
Hi...I have been watching smaller shredder machines videos and came across your landfill shredder machine. I can see the landfill shredder machine will be a great resource for compaction in the landfill reducing the big stuff that takes up so much space creating air pockets in the landfill. I really enjoyed watching the excavator and shredder. ❤
How do you get debris out of the rotors? It looks like foam rubber, EPS and polyester padding challenge the shredder. Fabric rolls are made of strings, I am guessing rope and rope like stuff fouls the shredder. Is there a fiber recycling market accessible?
Hey Mr. Digg, you might as well go ahead and write that check for that baby because I watched this whole video and everything that he run through that thing and it didn’t have but that small of a pile just think of the air time that y’all could have in that dump with that machine running it would save you so much yardage and space it would be unbelievable. I bet that machine would pay for itself in a year but anyway, my friend another great video keep them coming and will keep watching
Great camera angle. It would be cool if you took, lets say 5 fridges and then show the pile after it's been shredded just to see the difference in volume. Very cool.
Every landfill should have a shredder (at least one😊)!! Feed it all the tires, mattresses, appliances, furniture, bulky plastics.....sell the metal to scrap yard. Imagine, getting paid to do something so FUN, and help the environment....it's a win-win!👍👍
never thought I would enjoy watching a machine eat rubbish as much as I have watching these shredding videos. Better be careful with the excavator bucket I reckon that machine would give a go at chewing the whole machine through.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and videos. Always interesting and entertaining to watch shredder videos. Definitely didn’t like the fabric, was pondering if it would be any better if you were to cut them off the spools or maybe just give it an end like spaghetti and let it suck it in while it un rolled and ate other stuff. Did your guys determine what kind of things flossed it teeth the best? In thinking the pallet wood and maybe rimless tires. Wishing you and your family the best.
Sure, makes a difference. Cut all the size down for sure. I watch a lot of videos on shredders and mulchers and balers for steel. Really interesting. Going to watch your next one there when you're doing a bunch of car parts. Interesting stuff. I'm watching this from Bethany Ontario, Canada. 👍👍🙂🇨🇦
Dude Ryan that machine is a beast, I bet you could shred 3 containers to fill 1 container an it still have room for more, that would be interesting to see, heck he shredded 2 or 3 containers it seemed, an that pile wasn't even that big, gotta try that bud, I'm gonna say 3 containers to fill 1 container!!! On another note, I CANT BELIEVE THAT THING ATE THAT CRABKSHAFT, THATS INSANE, that's a chunk of steel, thanks for sharing an I look forward to seeing the next video as always buddy, y'all are awesome an keep up the excellent work 🇺🇲💪👍🤙✊ Watching from Cumberland Maryland
For the rolls of fabric, could you essentially feed in 1 end of the fabric and allow it to unroll as its pulled into the shredder thus preventing it from binding up.
Super cool machine! Not cheap at all I’m sure, but getting ahead of the ball now and using it to break down stuff + recycle the steel & copper will easily pay off in the longevity of the landfill. Especially in those later years that your descendants will get out of the business.
Mr. Digg I think the shredder is a problem solver for your mattress issue. Do you think running some wood through that shredder would clear the debris that’s left on the rotor after you got done doing the mattresses and all enjoy your video man. Enjoy your video.
those rolls of rubber why not use them as edging or barriers around roads to help direct traffic or stop the ones from going where they not meant to just a thought
Recycling company i worked for had a shredder just for mattresses, it would recover the metal springs and fire it all onto another conveyor. Don't know about the US but here in the UK it's very expensive to dump mattresses, i guess because of the space they take up.
It didn’t like the fabric roll. You might consider putting some things in that it likes at the same time to help keep it soft stuff from wrapping up so bad. Maybe some wood or other lightweight but stiff material.
Looks like you found a solution to the mattress issue. You were saying they're the bain of landfills because you can't compact them, this shredded them into bits that can be compacted. Maybe pile them like you do the tires and run a batch of mattress a month or so? That would be a cool video seeing a pile of mattress and box springs reduced to bits.
Speaking as a dad who spent the better part of Christmas Eve assembling a Barbie jeep as well as other accessories, that was rather gratifying
Love this! 😂
I definitely would like to see a comparative video of a 40yd filled before and after the shredding to demonstrate the space savings.
Me too! Will try to do video soon
Metal recovery+saving of space=$$$ great idea
How is non-ferris metal recovered? Not only from the shredder output but in general.
@@luck484exactly what I was thinking. Looked like a lot of stainless steel fridges that won’t be recovered
Yup if you got a lot of bulky low yeilding scrap one if these will definitely earn its keep. It frees the metal from the trash and allows it to be easily concentrated in a form that steel recyclers want. The foam wood fabric from fridges and furniture also is in a good form to feed Waste to Energy or trash fuelled calcining plants with.. ❤
@luck484 use a chute with a powerful AC electromagnet that the shredded materials pass through after you recover the ferrous scrap. The nonferrous stuff gets kicked away, the garbage gets to fall streight through unaffected.❤
Mr Digg, We run a shredder similar to the rotor chopper. what we find is better it to run it in reverse for a few minutes after feeding stuff like the fabric rolls. it helps to un-clog the rotors and give you a better out put
Yeah and after running a mattress through let it run a bit to clear the fabric.
@@Middleman570 no really ??? u really think they are idiots ??? u probably but not them
yo dude do u really think i should call the new-york times and giving them a breaking news like that ????
Do it or you lack the testicular fortitude of an average male
Thanks for the tip! Appreciate you watching
In Ontario (Canada), where I dump, all that stuff has to be separated and sorted before you can dump it or you pay double for them to do that. Theres piles for anything that is recyclable (drywall, shingles, metal, HFC devices like fridges and AC's, regular recyclables, electronics, tires). That would be a great way to prevent this problem in the first place.
Genau so muss das sein. Dieses alles muss auf die Deponie muss endlich aufhören. Da werden so viele Stoffe unwiderruflich vernichtet und ist biologisch gesehen eine Katastrophe.
Zudem ist dieser Schredder dafür völlig falsch. Bei Matratzen etc verstopft das Teil sofort wie man sehen kann. Völlig ungeeignet
It does. Especially for bulky low scrap value stuff like refrigerators and furniture.
Most of that recyclable stuff just gets shipped to some third world country and either dumped or burned. Recycling is largely a scam.
totally agree
That's actually a terrible idea. There's a reason it should be separated and sorted, to maximize the amount that's recycled.
I am going to send a picture of this to my teenage son and tell him this is what I had to rent to clean his room while he is at boot camp. lol
Great way to get disowned by your son btw, if not give him hella trust issues.
@tailsdblack463 it’s a joke loser
When you come Home All your Stuff will be in The ShreddA....
@@tailsdblack463who cares learn to respect the parents b I t c h
Mr Digg I was the one that came by your nursery Friday 6/7/24 what a beautiful nursery you have . All your staff was friendly. They you was out of town . I was the person who pull up there in a red Freightliner MBI . On it. Love all the videos you have put out on both channels. Be safe my God bless you and your business.
sorry i missed you!
if you end up buying one of these machines make sure you set up sprinkler systems on it and around it. this seems like a recipe for fires. I bet those rotors are scorching hot after a few hours of running
Great point!
This machine is literally "mesmerizing" , I agree you guys should purchase one of these units and have a specific channel just for the videos it would put out. MD Shredder Cam!!
no they won t do a specific channel okay ???
It's addicting to watch, spent all 45 minutes just amazed!!!!😮😮😮
Massive increase in metal recovery and huge reduction in space being taken. Can't remember the exact numbers, but there is a fair percentage of space taken by air. I know you compact, but this is REAL compaction! Awesome contents as always, Mr D!
Thanks for watching buddy
Spoton I have worked at a waste transfer station and at our biggest landfill locally and straight away I can see the translation into R.O.I.
one thing I have learned from watching your videos, is how wasteful we are. I admit I am no better, something breaks instead of fixing it just buy new one and throw old thing away.
We live in a throw away world😢
Start washing your TP off and drying it over a clothes line or you dont care about the planet😠
@@thisismyusername6717 It's called a bidet. No TP needed.
Sadly they make stuff designed to break in a way that makes it either very difficult or impossible to fix by design. It's depressing 😞
Thinking about objects that no longer have any good purpose and that now brings misery to people (through labor of dealing with it, or by taking up space in people's homes) getting loaded into a massive rocket and sent into the sun is exhilarating to me. I'm sure one day this will be attempted or may even become a regular occurrence. We can't save every little thing, and sometimes it's better to just erase. Like being liberated from shackles.
Greetings from northern Sweden and a few subcriber,, channel came up as I was scrolling and I thought I just had to watch it, seen a few of your videos.
We don't have landfill here, we have recycle centre run by city council for private citizens and a few commercial ones for business owners. I am real big on recycle and I am a part time scrapper so I sort my trash in categories, mostly for inceneration.
Stay safe and take care,, keep shredding.
Thanks for checking out my channel!! 🍻
I used to work at a place with shredders like these, we tended to use our 2 single shaft shredders more than our twin shaft as they were more reliable. We didn’t shred stuff for landfill though, our shredded was loaded up on to 44 tonne artics and taken to incineration plants for use in generating electricity. Landfill stuff got carted off to a different site and buried.
The stuff coming out of this would be a good fuel source. In that reduced size it would be easier to control a super hot burn to make steam and then electricity. Small scale power plants that burn this material as cleanly as possible seems like a better plan then contaminated ground soil. Neither is ideal but it has to go somewhere. We have a abundance of trash to make power with. Ash would be the final stage of compaction .
Interesting idea
oh yess this is the best, you need to buy this machine and give us shredding videos all day! 🥰
Hope so
Those videos wouldn’t be very constructive 😂 We all secretly want to destroy stuff 😂
Live stream from the shredder!
@@TheRealMrDiGGso you Shredder all this stuff and gets recycled. Or it gets buried in the landfill I'm just being curious
Some trash is not cost effective to recycle. We need to be adaptive and selective.
Thanks, Mr Digg
I think you're right about the shear for the fabric, reduce the bulk down a bit.
The shredder didn't mind it but it's got a relatively small gap to force things through to do it's job
Or ask Rotochopper if there's any dedicated fabric shredder drums and then do a monthly or quarterly or however run on just fabric
Always good to see you, Mr Digg 👍
On the fabric rolls,, how about stripping off the clear plastic, and find the one loose end. Feed the loose end into the machine and let the roll unfurl like a cat unspooling a roll of TP. That should unburden the machine enough to keep it running.
I was looking for this comment so i didnt have to type all that out🤣🙌
Would like to try this
These shredders are awsome fir separating recyclable mepals from bulky items. Run it through then use the magnet to grab the iron out. The remaing stuff is usually useful as a fuel source for a high temperature incineration machine as well.
Hey Ryan, Chris from the UK, i was looking at this Shredder from day 1 and it is a BEAST for sure. But i know in Europe some countries send their tyres and large fabric rolls to the power stations to burn off for Electricity production, and if it was me i would ban all those products from entering the site, purely so you don`t have to worry about shipping it out to the Power stations at your expense, and you are prolonging the life of the shredder. It just handles everything else so well, it really is the way forward for you for sure. Can`t wait to see the next slip n slide progress video and looking forward to the Event itself. Good Luck Buddy, and thks for sharing todays video. Chris.
thanks Chris!
I guess everyone has their own way or preferred way. I personally believe in recycling & repurposing. I don't know how much landfill space could or would be created just by repurposing but, that's probably the smaller of the 2. With recyclable materials being kept out of landfills, that creates so much space I think it would be unimaginable. There's so much to be gained from recycling but, the biggest advantage to landfills is the space that's created. Items kept out for the material: mattresses-metal springs; box springs-wood frame; furniture-all wood or parts, metal; appliances-metals & plastic; tires-rubber & steel; kids ride-on toys/vehicles- rubber & plastic; electronics- glass, metals & plastic; etc.-most of this is or could be residential waste. Construction & demolition waste is mostly recyclable. Think of the materials that should be considered as "NOT ALLOWED" in landfills because they're recyclable. I don't know everything that's recyclable but, I do know the list is quite long. You could start a very diversified recycling business & be "THE ANSWER" for people in a number of different areas. You've already got mulch, compost, large natural waste disposal-stumps/ branches/ logs & anything else you're doing that I left out. You could be the Stan Kroenke of reuse/utilization of natural material, recycling, etc.
I think the only way it’ll happen is for government to “not allow” these materials in landfills. Then folks are forced to recycle. Until then, we just have to do the best we can do
It doesn’t cost anything to push like ! It also helps him out to put more of these out
Good entertainment
Decent education opportunity also
appreciate it!
I just love the sounds it makes when it crunches and munches!!
If they make a larger size shredder, I would recommend you buy the step up. You won't regret it in the future.
They make MUCH larger. My job just bought one about a month ago. Still gotta wait to hook up the electrical tho. Ill post videos but we didnt buy it for heavy duty stuff but there will be metal lol
There is a larger one it’s called the Linder uraco 95 dk. My company have a couple
lot more money
How many years do you think it will be before people start mining old landfills for the metal and carbon based items buried in them?
I really hope it never comes to that
Tires, metal, wood, foam rubber, plastics are all valuable raw materials. 1 ton of sorted garbage is more expensive than 1 ton of grain.
this guy is very brave to get into the bucket and film over the shredder
Magnet mount base lol
Maybe he was volunteering for the job....😂😂😂😁
Looks like every now and then it needs some hard crunchy stuff to clear out the soft squishy stuff from the rollers. But man does it eat through stuff.
Great to see just how big some of these shredders actually are. Personally i got fed up with those claims by "Other" firms who claim they shred the hardest items then don't show them, because we know old railway track and sledge hammers for example would break the machines. But we can see that you are the REAL DEAL!👍👍👍
Inside the bucket cam = kick ass! Love the 75DK Shredder. You all will have to make a viewing platform if you end up buying one. And man, the way it eats through fridges like their small potatoes…love it! Great video Mr. Digg.
The space that that machine will saved in the landfill would be remarkable
I agree
Auburn, Washington. Amazubf to see the reduction in volume after shredding! Wow!!
I hope you people realize that running refrigerators and anything with refrigerant in it throug that is an EPA violation.
Refrigerant must be recovered out of any appliance containing it
I'm watching from Grand Rapids Michigan. It was amazing to watch tires,chairs frig, mattress, and car toys.
Probably one of the most satisfying videos yet to date as a business plan this has got to be one of the best most versatile machine you could own and far as the fuel consumption it's unheard of in today's day and age ❤ not to mention 1 person operating 2 machines at the same time im sure it's got a hefty price tag however id be interested to know what the longevity of the machine especially what the maintenance cost would turn out to be great video Ryan lot's to think about but so far i don't see the negatives unless of course maintenance might be the only one can't wait to hear Dad's side of this
T thank you buddy
Maybe with those large rolls of carpet/fabric you could feed one end into the shredder, and let it unroll it as it pulls it through.
Might try
Not sure why you would shread the rolls since they are already fairly compacted. Just place them in the bottom of some pit and forget? Maybe a regulation against it or some other reason. Enjoy watching this thing do its work. Could watch for much longer.
Thanks for watching
Just watched this one for the second time! So fascinating. Would love to see more of this.
what a great boss you are lots of people should take a leaf out of your book great vids to
So nice of you
Being a retired C&D worker I loved to see those mattresses going through that thing. It's funny you don't realize how tough a mattress is till you run over it with a fifty some thousand pound compactor all day and it springs right back every time.
Remember one year they were hauling them to me by the tractor trailer loads after demolishing a motel in town what a nightmare. One of them shredder's would have been nice. 👍👍👍👍
They take up so much air space, it's crazy!
The camera angle on the bucket is the best with the shredder
It impresses both you and Aaron so that is a plus bro. Sure is a great gadget for shredding almost anything you get in ya landfill. Safe travels. Ken.
So satisfying watching things get shredded.
Ain’t it?!
Ryan, there’s something oddly satisfying about that shredder that I can’t explain.. whatever that thing costs you need to invest in it! An hour long video with this thing will get you some major views! It’s a win,win situation in my book! Keep up the great content!
A machine that can eat a Crankshaft and a Massive roll of carpet !! what a beast !
I wonder how well it would do against plant material.
Several years ago we did a major renovation of the main floor of our home. All the demolition materials were put in the backyard. My wife said it would take 3 years to send it all to the landfill. I vetoed the cost and ugliness of large trash in our driveway and decided to hand reduce everything into a 90 gallon trash tote every week to send with regular trash. Sorting was not needed . It only took about 3 months of fun stuff to do for a retiree 😊. That project kept me out of my wife's hair. I still reduce trash for security reasons. It just doesn't make sense to me to ship dead air space to the dump.
Nice job!!
WOW!! That Rotor Chopper is Truly Impressive!! I Think if y’all end up buying it that it would be a total game changer for your landfill
That’s would be a machine that after running awhile you would not know how you ever got along without it
We agree!
Ryan, please consider adding 2 more cameras so you can split the screen and show the outcome of different items coming off the conveyors...thanks for the awesome content, dude !
Cool idea!
Someone said run a car through it. Well, several were run through it! Those rolls will have to be cut down for sure. Nice video!
You got that right!
Was just wanting to watch something and bam! Awesome series on the shredder
I love watching that monster chew things up. However I wonder about the plastic and foam. These are petroleum based products. Will they break down or will they just stay as is for ever.
looooong time
Great video as always buddy..!
If the trucks could just dump right onto a conveyor belt feeding the shredder then onto another conveyor belt take out to where want to in landfill…
Great point
Hi...I have been watching smaller shredder machines videos and came across your landfill shredder machine. I can see the landfill shredder machine will be a great resource for compaction in the landfill reducing the big stuff that takes up so much space creating air pockets in the landfill. I really enjoyed watching the excavator and shredder. ❤
Fantastic, first time watching and loved it. From Central West New South Wales in Australia
Thanks Australia!
How do you get debris out of the rotors? It looks like foam rubber, EPS and polyester padding challenge the shredder.
Fabric rolls are made of strings, I am guessing rope and rope like stuff fouls the shredder. Is there a fiber recycling market accessible?
Feed hard material thought it
Hey Mr. Digg, you might as well go ahead and write that check for that baby because I watched this whole video and everything that he run through that thing and it didn’t have but that small of a pile just think of the air time that y’all could have in that dump with that machine running it would save you so much yardage and space it would be unbelievable. I bet that machine would pay for itself in a year but anyway, my friend another great video keep them coming and will keep watching
I highly doubt it will pay for itself in a year but he will definitely get a return from it
Appreciate ya watching
This is mesmorizing. I could watch by the hour. First rate entertainment.
Fun ain’t it?!
I think it's a little bit small for what you do.
Great camera angle. It would be cool if you took, lets say 5 fridges and then show the pile after it's been shredded just to see the difference in volume. Very cool.
Cool idea
man i wanted to see that riding lawnmower go into the grinder! great video!
next time
Every landfill should have a shredder (at least one😊)!! Feed it all the tires, mattresses, appliances, furniture, bulky plastics.....sell the metal to scrap yard. Imagine, getting paid to do something so FUN, and help the environment....it's a win-win!👍👍
Those boxy appliances seem to go well after the softer items in clearing the shredder's teeth.
It definitely needed some fiber to clear out all the gunk!
Love these videos! I have to ask tho are you not worried about cancer breathing and touching all that stuff?
I can't believe it ate that crankshaft. That was impressive! Did it do any damage to the rotors?
dont think so, crazy right?!
Awesome machine for sure factor everything in i think it has really good potential for the reduction of a lot of material in your landfill 👍😎🇺🇸 NY
The shredder seems to choke on soft bouncy stuff that is compressible. Takes several passes but it does get the job done.
Sweet machine. God bless.
never thought I would enjoy watching a machine eat rubbish as much as I have watching these shredding videos. Better be careful with the excavator bucket I reckon that machine would give a go at chewing the whole machine through.
My little guy and I just watched. Liked the refrigerators getting chopped. Really cool stuff. TY
Thank y’all for watching!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and videos. Always interesting and entertaining to watch shredder videos. Definitely didn’t like the fabric, was pondering if it would be any better if you were to cut them off the spools or maybe just give it an end like spaghetti and let it suck it in while it un rolled and ate other stuff. Did your guys determine what kind of things flossed it teeth the best? In thinking the pallet wood and maybe rimless tires. Wishing you and your family the best.
Thanks for watching!!
Very entertaining and fun to watch. Thanks for posting this.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Love your videos. This is one of my favorite channels
So satisfying. Unbelievable brute strength of that machine it incredible
It really is!
I would not be productive if I had a shredder on the property. I would be putting 1 thing at a time in to watch it get shredded. Lmao
wellll u can see his crane man is not productive at all you should put MORE AND MORE IN THE SHREDDER all crane drivers knows that idiot pea-brainiac
Sure, makes a difference. Cut all the size down for sure. I watch a lot of videos on shredders and mulchers and balers for steel. Really interesting. Going to watch your next one there when you're doing a bunch of car parts. Interesting stuff. I'm watching this from Bethany Ontario, Canada. 👍👍🙂🇨🇦
Thanks Canada
Really wanted to see that lawnmower go through and them wheels
Next time
Great watching again been a while gets rid of those horrible mattresses Great equipment mr dig plenty of metal in the fridges ect
thanks for watching!
That shedder is AMAZING
thanks for watching!
Who'd a thought watching stuff getting shredded could be so entertaining !
that chopper is so cool
Dude Ryan that machine is a beast, I bet you could shred 3 containers to fill 1 container an it still have room for more, that would be interesting to see, heck he shredded 2 or 3 containers it seemed, an that pile wasn't even that big, gotta try that bud, I'm gonna say 3 containers to fill 1 container!!!
On another note, I CANT BELIEVE THAT THING ATE THAT CRABKSHAFT, THATS INSANE, that's a chunk of steel, thanks for sharing an I look forward to seeing the next video as always buddy, y'all are awesome an keep up the excellent work 🇺🇲💪👍🤙✊
Watching from Cumberland Maryland
I couldnt believe the crankshaft either!
Time to get a bigger shredder!
For the rolls of fabric, could you essentially feed in 1 end of the fabric and allow it to unroll as its pulled into the shredder thus preventing it from binding up.
Might try
I think you could livestream the landfill shredding videos 10 hours a day ;)
I think so too
What a beast, the way it just munched its way through those fridges and mattresses was awesome. 👍
Super cool machine! Not cheap at all I’m sure, but getting ahead of the ball now and using it to break down stuff + recycle the steel & copper will easily pay off in the longevity of the landfill. Especially in those later years that your descendants will get out of the business.
Very true!
Putting that large bail of rubber in was a mistake and lesson learned.
The fridge. Lol..😂
What fridge lol. They gone.
Could not stop watching!
Fun ain’t it?!
Mr. Digg I think the shredder is a problem solver for your mattress issue. Do you think running some wood through that shredder would clear the debris that’s left on the rotor after you got done doing the mattresses and all enjoy your video man. Enjoy your video.
I think so. Appreciate you watching
those rolls of rubber why not use them as edging or barriers around roads to help direct traffic or stop the ones from going where they not meant to just a thought
not a bad idea!
You were a brave man, putting that camera on the excavator, right above a shredder XD
Why .. they are tax deductible
Compliments to Aaron for how he operates the equipment.
Love the shredder. Buy another one. 🙂
Recycling company i worked for had a shredder just for mattresses, it would recover the metal springs and fire it all onto another conveyor. Don't know about the US but here in the UK it's very expensive to dump mattresses, i guess because of the space they take up.
It didn’t like the fabric roll. You might consider putting some things in that it likes at the same time to help keep it soft stuff from wrapping up so bad. Maybe some wood or other lightweight but stiff material.
Great idea!
Im wondering if the foam mattresses are worth shredding. Wouldn't the pile of fluffy pieces take up more space?
i think less space when size is reduced
I’m glad you don’t have smell vision some of that stuff looks like it might’ve been stinky lol
Not that bad
Looks like you found a solution to the mattress issue. You were saying they're the bain of landfills because you can't compact them, this shredded them into bits that can be compacted. Maybe pile them like you do the tires and run a batch of mattress a month or so? That would be a cool video seeing a pile of mattress and box springs reduced to bits.
its helping a lot
yeah more bridge or sea bridge