I already had some issues with organized religion, but the rise of these far-right Christo-fascist goons in our government has driven me away completely.
Religion is dangerous even when not entrenched in formal institutions, having a populace that is extremely susceptible to myth and superstition and the magical thinking that allows those irrational beliefs to flourish is toxic to reasonable governance
One of my aunts is Opus Dei she's very quietly worked in the background to get sheriff's elected majors elected teachers city council elected etc .. Opus is not openly political yet they are working towards their agenda constantly.. quietly. She's now in her 90s so she is not active now but she spent her entire life very involved yet most everyone that knows her has no clue what she was up to all these years... It's actually easy to do you just work towards an agenda yet never really voice that agenda openly... It's how secret organizations normally operate, It is a direct arm of the Roman Catholic Church and has been for over 100 years... It is extremely powerful... it operates in every town in America... and in many other counties too. It is a huge part of the anti abortion movement,
I'm nearly 300 pages into Gareth's fascinating and terrifying book after buying it earlier this week. Thanks for bringing it to wider attention. It's another example of how conspiracy theorists will believe any random shit some rightwing tool posts on X, with nothing to back it up, while ignoring real conspiracies with serious societal and political implications, uncovered by serious journalists who have done years of proper research. Crazy times
It truly drives me insane, tho these groups take parts of real conspiracies and attach some craziness and they can't tell the real from the bs, but they think they are the ones awake. But playing everyone but the ppl actually doing the craziness
Opus Dei is like Zionism for Catholics. My mom has become more devoted to the movement more recently. Very quickly she went from wanting to be a "more serious catholic" to espousing some of the most wild fascist talking points. Crusades were good, Franco (Spanish dictator) was good for eradicating the communists, the Holy Land belongs to Christians, etc.
It used to be more subtle than zi9nism, borderline insidious, but you nailed it with the description of their revisionist history. I attended one of their girl groups as a preteen, until my folks figured out they were Opus Dei. All the TradCaths terrify me as a lapsed, deconstructed unconfirmed Catholic. I think of Opus Dei'ers as 'kinky for God', due to their self flagellation, sackcloth shirts and medieval self torture (cilices). Would buying her a Dorothy Day biography, or an overview on the struggle of leftist priests in South America from a more moderate view help give her perspective she might question Opus Dei doctrine from? Maybe a progressive group pilgrimage recommendation?
@@TheLisclark You nailed it with "kinky for God". There's a very strange undertone to Opus Dei that I can't put my finger on. When I was 12, I went to an Opus Dei summer camp (not as bad as you think). One of the counselors started speculating about homosexuality and why it exists. He started to hypothesize that it was a disorder of the ego; gay people feel attracted to themselves and therefore wanting to have sex with the same gender. Even at the age of 12, I couldn't help but think it was pure projection. People in Opus Dei ponder their most repressed and taboo feelings through a fascist lens; Justifying that catholic church's worst positions through "logical explanations" (akin to eugenics) instead of recognizing that its just a fucking 2000 year old book.
@@TheLisclark And yeah, I tried. I saw her reading a pro-palestine pamphlet given to her by a jesuit (god bless their souls). But being in the Opus Dei is like a cult. It becomes your whole life, and no one pamphlet or book is enough to combat it.
My uncle was a super Càtholic that wore white robes up on stage during mass. He is viciously right wing in his politics. He has caused untold damage in that way.
Your uncle was an active member of the largest charitable organization in the world that provides free meals, housing and medical care to millions on millions around the world (yes to non-Chrisitians as well, almost no Catholic charity work is faith dependant). And you think that is doing damage?
@acommentator4452 The Catholic church doesn't have a legion of robots doing the charity work, it's the faithful who are doing the charity work themselves
I’ve been warning people that trump is the antichrist and musk is the beast of chapter 13 of the book of revelation. JD fits into the plan to take Israel and make it a Christian nation.
It would conflict with Opus Dei's and other trad-Cath interests, because People of Praise is about converting Roman Catholics to the United Statish Pentecostal Church of Charismatica. They're not like Pentecostals and Charismatics in more thoroughly developed countries. In the US, Pentecostals and Charismaticans have more in common with Martin Ssempa.
There are members who you know are members and there are members you don't know are members. I had a man admit to being one and then later he denied it. I've lived in Spain for 15 years.
@@chancewallace47 He certainly fits (or is trying to fit) and he checks all the boxes for the A.C. There are far too many on the Right who want to stimulate end times. Nuts, right? It can never be rushed by mere mortals except in a case of nuclear war, but even in that case, I am pretty comfortable that Mutually Assured Destruction stops that.
Opus Dei has always been an open secret here in Argentina, I'm very glad more eyes are turning on them internationally and people are getting more aware of it now.
Are there like a secret religious elite like the Muslim brotherhood? I'm really interested because it seems the OD and MB are two international religious organizations that sort of work the same way and were both founded in 1920s
Nah, thats probably the american christian apocalypse cult, that basically owns the republican party by now. They believe that israel needs to exist and belong to the jews so that they and the muslims start a war that ends the world and all christians go to paradise.
The more connections between the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, the less surprising it would be. But I won't convert into a flagellante (sp?) even if the next administration demands it.
There’s a bit more to it than your very good discussion. It was adopted by Franco in fascist Spain to re-create the educational system and stamp out any influence of left thinking from anarchism to Marxism. It was always considered an outlier and never respected as some kind of order by the Vatican, until the reign of John Paul, the second. He elevated them not only to the level of an order at par with the others, such as Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Benedictines, etc., but also turned over to them important institutions of the church in Rome. JP 2 hated the Jesuits and took from them the Vatican radio station and the Vatican newspaper and turned it over to Opus Dei. Ratzinger was brought to power as Benedict 16 with a great deal of help from Opus Dei. You can see why they hate the Jesuit, Francis. This fascist cult in Latin America has been the eyes and ears of repressive governments in Catholic universities and churches. They spy on other Catholics who might lean toward liberation theology, or support for anti-government movements such as peasant unions. You don’t know the half of it. Opus Dei is a cancer on Catholicism. And Pope Francis is well aware of this, though he has not succeeded in eradicating it. I left the Catholic Church at the age of 14 while living in Mexico, because of Opus Dei. They succeeded in getting the Mexican government to deport our parish priest, accusing him of being a communist, of course. And that’s in a country, which is officially secular, constitutionally separate from the Catholic Church, and supposedly not influenced by its doctrines or policies. Imagine what it’s like in countries where Catholicism is the official religion like Peru. Opus Dei will succeed in destroying the Catholic Church. Count on it. Today, extreme, right wing Catholics in the United States like Stephen Bannon already denounce the papacy of Francis and call him Marxist. They don’t even acknowledge his authority. This is worse than the right wing conservatives who want the Tridentine mass in Latin. By the way, followers of Opus Dei ware hair shirts and horse hide garters to inflict pain on the flesh and thereby purify themselves to be worthy recipients of Jesus. I swear to God. For a very long time, the church has condemned this kind of piety for its falseness, and because it is blasphemy. If Jesus died for your sins, you have no business incurring more suffering unless you think His was not enough. They are really evil.
hugely active in franco's spain. The christian church was always very fascistic but Opus Dei really takes the gold. Fascists, retrogrades, pdf-files (of course) ... basically all the creepy stuff you associate with the christian church, they have it.
The Opus Dei is a structured religious organization, similar in this to churches and brotherhoods, while zionism is a mainly political ideology based on ethnic and historical considerations, and under its modern form it didn't begin as a religious thing but the desire for a land for the jewish people. Zionism is a set of ideas, not an organization; but there can be (and there are) zionist organizations.
No it's more like Muslim Brotherhood within Sunni Islam, there an secretive international organization targeting the elites and the wealthy to gain influence.
@@user-ny1wo1vp9r Oh very real. You won't find the extremes in the U.S. when it comes to self-flagellation, but it is a power that takes place out of people's line of sight. Dan Brown really did the world a favor by bringing it to light!
@@drdoloresmize5386 Say what you will about Brown's skills as an author, or Ron Howard's failure to adapt 3 of the books into films with above-water approval ratings, but their instincts will make it easier for the populace to resist Opus Dei's efforts at converting them.
Keep trying to wrap my head around the way conspiracy theorist is used as a slur so often when we have stuff like this going on. I get that there's a massive gulf between this guy and Alex Jones, but still...
The thing with Jones is that he believes anything and everything. A bunch of real and well documented conspiracies get linked to Satanic agendas and lizard people and baby harvesting factories. Eventually the real stuff also ends up seeming insane simply by being linked with it. Right, everybody rightly scoffs at Illuminati conspiracies but because it is so common, something like Opus Dei completely flies under the radar. Missing the forest for the fake trees.
Well, the fundamental difference is this: Most conspiracy believers WANT trump in office! Like, at this point I am willing to believe the NWO is coming, and trump and his people, sponsored by the billionaires, introduce it! The people who voted trump/vance wanted to have rich investment people like peter thiel tried, killed whatsoever half a year ago for being rich, now they voted his proxy vance into the white house?
I'm only now reading about Yaccarino, The Velvet Hammer. I thought Musk would've loathed the World Economic Forum too much to bring her aboard, and the tensions between them aren't surprising in hindsight.
In terms of resource depletion, I feel you've already done a lot to mitigate the crisis. The population isn't sustainable, and 3rd world death rates will speed up several fold because so many United Staters, especially Quiverfulls, have spent so many resources on kids they almost can't afford.
There are plenty of left religious people to counter this. But for many reasons we have no help in organizing. And we find little sympathy from the broader mainstream left.
The GOP has been jacked by wealthy criminals, and is now a criminal enterprise that can operate openly from within our government. The left is compromised, and will soon also be owned by tptb, if they aren't already. Our country is done. I'm glad that I got to experience the real America, before the corruption took over. RIP USA! We'll miss you...🌹
If man embraces humility and develops his conscience , he does not only not need religion but understands how much it holds him back . That's..all of them .
It is widely believed the Pope Francis is a member as he is often seen wearing an iron crucifix (an Opus Dei symbol). It would also fit with his less ostentatious views.
Most Catholics i know, and that includes me, deeply dislike Opus Dei and consider it an elitist cult. We are horrified by the canonisation of Escriva. It is a cult of Escriva.
This didn't even touch the middle of the iceberg about Opus Dei. Dig deeper. It's a rabbit hole you'll wish you could wash, rinse and repeat from your mind. I'm still scrubbing.
Wishful thinking is part of humanity; how to mitigate it or redirect towards a compassionate society rather than to base fears and negative emotions of dystopias?
Why would i want a roman catholic to lead me? Whatever happen to free will? Also if i want to follow Christianity, i will talk to Jesus himself. I don't need statues or a rosary
My father was Opus Dei. They took care of him and gave him a full medical school scholarship. He was a very poor child that was cared for by them. He graduated top of his classes.
I know two guys who are members of OD. A conservative group, for sure, but also very friendly. Charming, some might say. One is very political and you probably have seen him on Fox News over the year. Personally, I don’t know why anyone would think that Jesus would want anything to do with the political world. Jesus had no interest in overthrowing Pilate, perhaps much to the dismay of some in his time. Politics, Jesus understood then and now, is a short term situation. His vision was for eternity. 🎶When you gonna wake up?🎶 - Bob Dylan
@ Jesus is not interested in the machinations of this world. Jesus is interested in our getting to see him in the next world. Jesus wasn’t interested in overthrowing the regimes (political or religious) of his time nor of our time. His is not a physical or political quest but a spiritual one.
Dpends on your view of Jesus, I guess. It is pretty clear to me that he cares about the "machinations of the world", if he did not, he would not have fed the hungry and healed the sick or raised the dead. He would not have overturned tables and driven money changers out of the Temple. None of those actions make any sense if he didn't care about what is happening in this world.
@ The sick and the lame are not machinations of this world. What Jesus was showing us was how blind WE ARE to the disabled. What Jesus notably did not do, which himself acknowledged was within his powers, was to call on a hundred angels from heaven to overthrow the church and government leaders- part of the machinations of this world. Then it would have been game over and we die in sin. A temporary fix that solves nothing. Overturning tables was an expression of his disgust with the money changers (businessmen, also a part of the machinations of this world) who turn his Father’s house into a den of thieves. It continues to this day. Don’t be afraid to crack open your heart every day until you reveal Jesus to yourself like Petra (“stone”) did. We are all suspect to the temptations (due in part to fear) of denying Jesus who resides in us. Through prayer, however, we can get through this. And while you’re praying, say a prayer for me. Thank you.
I am Catholic and have been active in the Catholic Church in the DC area at different times in my life. Opus Dei is not my thing but I also have enough experience to know it is not this secretive organization like he is trying to paint it. That being said, if people are constantly misrepresenting you in a negative light, of course you are naturally not going to want to expose yourself. That's natural. And it's weird how little you both understand about different movements within the church worldwide..
Not just "things going on". Neither one understood or could articulate what a movement in the Catholic Church (which comprises over a billion people) even IS. And they are making a show about that very topic. There are topics I don't understand a lot about but I would absolutely make sure I did understand before i made a show, book or report about it .
Our Holy Bible tells us all about Satan’s Seeds (Genesis 3:15) & how they will disguise themselves as God’s Chosen. That is why we are their Public Enemy #1 because we know who they are & they know who we really are. 🧐🙏🏿🙌🏾
I'm a friend of Opus Dei. I'll be happy to debate Gore or anyone else about Opus Dei. I was raised in an Opus Dei family & have never seen or heard anything like what critics of Opus Dei say. To use a phrase that has been used a lot, debate me, bro.
@@Robert_Bob_Bobrob Thank you for replying. I'll be happy to debate you, Gore or anyone else about Opus Dei. Either online or in person in front of an audience. I was raised in an Opus Dei family & have never seen or heard anything like what critics of Opus Dei say. I'm not a cultist. Please provide evidence that Opus Dei is a cult. However, that's a little difficult because then you start to debate what is a cult. Aren't all beliefs or groups a cult to a certain degree? I would say Trump is similar to a cult leader. But are other things like, maybe Amway, also similar to a cult? So what if I'm a debate bro? That just means I'm willing to debate people. Saying things like "eww" or "double gross" is not an argument. That's just dismissiveness.
You didn't see it? Well, other people say they did. And 1) it's generally hard to "see" from the inside of a cult, 2) if you belong to the organization you have a vested interest in defending it. You wouldn't provide reliable testimony.
@@cendrieeR I was never a member of Opus Dei. I'm a Catholic but I don't even go to church anymore. I'm not involved with Opus Dei anymore for the past ten years but I still have friends in Opus Dei. Please tell me what people have seen and what evidence, besides their own testimony, do they have. Otherwise it's just one person's word against another person's word. The basic accusation is that Opus Dei is organized crime. Evidence, please?
I already had some issues with organized religion, but the rise of these far-right Christo-fascist goons in our government has driven me away completely.
Religion is dangerous even when not entrenched in formal institutions, having a populace that is extremely susceptible to myth and superstition and the magical thinking that allows those irrational beliefs to flourish is toxic to reasonable governance
It's an ideology masked as a religion. Starts with a Z.
Christianity isn’t the only world religion.
I think that any God that needs a name is a small god.
One of my aunts is Opus Dei she's very quietly worked in the background to get sheriff's elected majors elected teachers city council elected etc .. Opus is not openly political yet they are working towards their agenda constantly.. quietly. She's now in her 90s so she is not active now but she spent her entire life very involved yet most everyone that knows her has no clue what she was up to all these years... It's actually easy to do you just work towards an agenda yet never really voice that agenda openly... It's how secret organizations normally operate, It is a direct arm of the Roman Catholic Church and has been for over 100 years... It is extremely powerful... it operates in every town in America... and in many other counties too. It is a huge part of the anti abortion movement,
@@RetireesHelpingRetirees Interesting. I have been Catholic since the cradle and I always thought it was a men-only group!!
Wow. Your aunt must be a real creep.
The more we find out about JD Vance, the scarier it is.
People who sat out the election because they didn't trust Kamala to crack down on Likud and Otzma-Yehudit could've at least elected Walz over Vance.
I'm nearly 300 pages into Gareth's fascinating and terrifying book after buying it earlier this week. Thanks for bringing it to wider attention. It's another example of how conspiracy theorists will believe any random shit some rightwing tool posts on X, with nothing to back it up, while ignoring real conspiracies with serious societal and political implications, uncovered by serious journalists who have done years of proper research. Crazy times
It truly drives me insane, tho these groups take parts of real conspiracies and attach some craziness and they can't tell the real from the bs, but they think they are the ones awake. But playing everyone but the ppl actually doing the craziness
It’s easier to grapple with a fake problem: maladaptive daydreaming for the whole cult😢
You gotta be careful though, everyone's like "our conspiracies are the REAL conspiracies" lol
A cult within a cult. Golly gee whizzers...
Glad to see this getting more mainstream attention
Opus Dei is like Zionism for Catholics. My mom has become more devoted to the movement more recently. Very quickly she went from wanting to be a "more serious catholic" to espousing some of the most wild fascist talking points. Crusades were good, Franco (Spanish dictator) was good for eradicating the communists, the Holy Land belongs to Christians, etc.
It used to be more subtle than zi9nism, borderline insidious, but you nailed it with the description of their revisionist history. I attended one of their girl groups as a preteen, until my folks figured out they were Opus Dei. All the TradCaths terrify me as a lapsed, deconstructed unconfirmed Catholic.
I think of Opus Dei'ers as 'kinky for God', due to their self flagellation, sackcloth shirts and medieval self torture (cilices).
Would buying her a Dorothy Day biography, or an overview on the struggle of leftist priests in South America from a more moderate view help give her perspective she might question Opus Dei doctrine from? Maybe a progressive group pilgrimage recommendation?
inb4 the 'right' weaponizes antiCath accusations
@@TheLisclark You nailed it with "kinky for God". There's a very strange undertone to Opus Dei that I can't put my finger on. When I was 12, I went to an Opus Dei summer camp (not as bad as you think). One of the counselors started speculating about homosexuality and why it exists. He started to hypothesize that it was a disorder of the ego; gay people feel attracted to themselves and therefore wanting to have sex with the same gender. Even at the age of 12, I couldn't help but think it was pure projection. People in Opus Dei ponder their most repressed and taboo feelings through a fascist lens; Justifying that catholic church's worst positions through "logical explanations" (akin to eugenics) instead of recognizing that its just a fucking 2000 year old book.
@@TheLisclark And yeah, I tried. I saw her reading a pro-palestine pamphlet given to her by a jesuit (god bless their souls). But being in the Opus Dei is like a cult. It becomes your whole life, and no one pamphlet or book is enough to combat it.
If you ever were in Spain in Franco's time as I was, no Franco was not good.
thought right wingers hated DEI lol
@@citrineelephant6576 funny!!
Funny funny
Righteous 😊
Only when it doesn’t include their interests and cults
My uncle was a super Càtholic that wore white robes up on stage during mass. He is viciously right wing in his politics. He has caused untold damage in that way.
Your uncle was an active member of the largest charitable organization in the world that provides free meals, housing and medical care to millions on millions around the world (yes to non-Chrisitians as well, almost no Catholic charity work is faith dependant). And you think that is doing damage?
You don't know the uncle. Maybe if he'd been doing that charitable work himself he would not have upset people. @@TheExtremeIRON
@acommentator4452 The Catholic church doesn't have a legion of robots doing the charity work, it's the faithful who are doing the charity work themselves
I first heard about Opus Dei at the start of my teens when Education Secretary Ruth Kelly got appointed she's a member of Opus Dei as was her brother
That's right. In a Labour government. Opus Dei seems a bit like a Catholic version of the Freemasons?
bart augustine santa maria?
The irony that the dude in the middle looks like a Catholic monk 😂
😂😂😂 I saw it too
It's the Dean from Community!
He looks like a member of the Franciscan Order attacking another Order , Opus Dei in this case 😆
I tried to warn as many as I could about how Opus Dei had it's hooks in JD but people want to be ruled by a sky wizard so
I’ve been warning people that trump is the antichrist and musk is the beast of chapter 13 of the book of revelation. JD fits into the plan to take Israel and make it a Christian nation.
At least one would think the populace wanted to submit to an extreme sect based on the terrible voter turnout.
Frank Schaeffer has been warning us for months now. That dude personally knows many of the player in this.
Now I wanna know if Amy Coney Barrett's sect, people of praise, is connected to Opus Dei. I'm being propelled down yet another rabbit hole
Yes she is Opus Dei
No it is not, it is completely different
No she isn't
It would conflict with Opus Dei's and other trad-Cath interests, because People of Praise is about converting Roman Catholics to the United Statish Pentecostal Church of Charismatica. They're not like Pentecostals and Charismatics in more thoroughly developed countries. In the US, Pentecostals and Charismaticans have more in common with Martin Ssempa.
Frank Schaeffer has been going over this for months now in his Duty to warn videos.
There are members who you know are members and there are members you don't know are members. I had a man admit to being one and then later he denied it.
I've lived in Spain for 15 years.
Dominating a Christo-fascist World has been ODs objective for a century.
Im a pretty staunch atheist/anti-theist but I'm starting to think Trump might actually be the antichrist. Lol
@@chancewallace47 He certainly fits (or is trying to fit) and he checks all the boxes for the A.C. There are far too many on the Right who want to stimulate end times. Nuts, right? It can never be rushed by mere mortals except in a case of nuclear war, but even in that case, I am pretty comfortable that Mutually Assured Destruction stops that.
Nah, the anti-Christ is Jewish.
They believe the myth enough to make it reality.
Does the catholic church have a purpose outside of abusing children?
@ money laundering
Opus Dei has always been an open secret here in Argentina, I'm very glad more eyes are turning on them internationally and people are getting more aware of it now.
Is Francis affiliated with them? He doesn't seem like it.
Are there like a secret religious elite like the Muslim brotherhood? I'm really interested because it seems the OD and MB are two international religious organizations that sort of work the same way and were both founded in 1920s
It seems like Opus Dei may have had a lot of input into Project 2025. At least, based on what I have found in that horrendous document.
Nah, thats probably the american christian apocalypse cult, that basically owns the republican party by now.
They believe that israel needs to exist and belong to the jews so that they and the muslims start a war that ends the world and all christians go to paradise.
The more connections between the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, the less surprising it would be. But I won't convert into a flagellante (sp?) even if the next administration demands it.
Very important subject to discuss. Thanks.
There’s a bit more to it than your very good discussion. It was adopted by Franco in fascist Spain to re-create the educational system and stamp out any influence of left thinking from anarchism to Marxism. It was always considered an outlier and never respected as some kind of order by the Vatican, until the reign of John Paul, the second. He elevated them not only to the level of an order at par with the others, such as Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Benedictines, etc., but also turned over to them important institutions of the church in Rome. JP 2 hated the Jesuits and took from them the Vatican radio station and the Vatican newspaper and turned it over to Opus Dei. Ratzinger was brought to power as Benedict 16 with a great deal of help from Opus Dei. You can see why they hate the Jesuit, Francis. This fascist cult in Latin America has been the eyes and ears of repressive governments in Catholic universities and churches. They spy on other Catholics who might lean toward liberation theology, or support for anti-government movements such as peasant unions. You don’t know the half of it. Opus Dei is a cancer on Catholicism. And Pope Francis is well aware of this, though he has not succeeded in eradicating it. I left the Catholic Church at the age of 14 while living in Mexico, because of Opus Dei. They succeeded in getting the Mexican government to deport our parish priest, accusing him of being a communist, of course. And that’s in a country, which is officially secular, constitutionally separate from the Catholic Church, and supposedly not influenced by its doctrines or policies. Imagine what it’s like in countries where Catholicism is the official religion like Peru. Opus Dei will succeed in destroying the Catholic Church. Count on it. Today, extreme, right wing Catholics in the United States like Stephen Bannon already denounce the papacy of Francis and call him Marxist. They don’t even acknowledge his authority. This is worse than the right wing conservatives who want the Tridentine mass in Latin. By the way, followers of Opus Dei ware hair shirts and horse hide garters to inflict pain on the flesh and thereby purify themselves to be worthy recipients of Jesus. I swear to God. For a very long time, the church has condemned this kind of piety for its falseness, and because it is blasphemy. If Jesus died for your sins, you have no business incurring more suffering unless you think His was not enough. They are really evil.
Weren't they also active in Franco's Spain at some point?
It was founded in Spain and originated there. It initially grew to prominence under Franquismo (hijo de puto)
hugely active in franco's spain. The christian church was always very fascistic but Opus Dei really takes the gold.
Fascists, retrogrades, pdf-files (of course) ... basically all the creepy stuff you associate with the christian church, they have it.
@@Swedishpolymath founded in Spain and first rose to prominence under Franquismo
@@friendlyneighbourhoodanarchist Ah, thanks. I vaguely remember hearing it being referenced on Cuentame Como Paso.
Nothing proves they've ceased to be active after 'democracy' came around. They just aren't spoken so openly about.
"The Family International" is a real threat
Pope John Paul I was whacked by this crew what perplexes me is why Pope Francis is still alive
I have been worrying about Kavanaugh and Alito and Opus Dei....
I like beer!
A sub cult within a religious cult
Is it any or much different than Zionism within Judaism?
The Opus Dei is a structured religious organization, similar in this to churches and brotherhoods, while zionism is a mainly political ideology based on ethnic and historical considerations, and under its modern form it didn't begin as a religious thing but the desire for a land for the jewish people. Zionism is a set of ideas, not an organization; but there can be (and there are) zionist organizations.
No it's more like Muslim Brotherhood within Sunni Islam, there an secretive international organization targeting the elites and the wealthy to gain influence.
I thought Dan Brown made this up, didn't know they were real till recently.
@@user-ny1wo1vp9r Oh very real. You won't find the extremes in the U.S. when it comes to self-flagellation, but it is a power that takes place out of people's line of sight. Dan Brown really did the world a favor by bringing it to light!
I grew up in the Opus Dei. This shit is very real. Believe him when he says that their motivations are more political than they are religious.
@@drdoloresmize5386 Say what you will about Brown's skills as an author, or Ron Howard's failure to adapt 3 of the books into films with above-water approval ratings, but their instincts will make it easier for the populace to resist Opus Dei's efforts at converting them.
Because the Dark Ages were such a great time for everyone, Opus Dei would like to bring them back. With them in charge, of course.
wow, I didn't expect the membership to be so big! 😳
Keep trying to wrap my head around the way conspiracy theorist is used as a slur so often when we have stuff like this going on. I get that there's a massive gulf between this guy and Alex Jones, but still...
The thing with Jones is that he believes anything and everything.
A bunch of real and well documented conspiracies get linked to Satanic agendas and lizard people and baby harvesting factories. Eventually the real stuff also ends up seeming insane simply by being linked with it.
Right, everybody rightly scoffs at Illuminati conspiracies but because it is so common, something like Opus Dei completely flies under the radar.
Missing the forest for the fake trees.
I heard it was a CIA push to deflate 9/11 truthers
Well, the fundamental difference is this: Most conspiracy believers WANT trump in office!
Like, at this point I am willing to believe the NWO is coming, and trump and his people, sponsored by the billionaires, introduce it! The people who voted trump/vance wanted to have rich investment people like peter thiel tried, killed whatsoever half a year ago for being rich, now they voted his proxy vance into the white house?
Because they give cover for the actual conspiracies.
Was wearing that hoodie the right choice for this topic? hahah My dude going for the Franciscan monk look
Steve bannon is opus dei
What happens when a congressman has compromat on him from two opposing interest groups? Russia & Israel for example.
It's cute that he's cosplaying a monk.
Should also do a segment on the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).
Linda Yaccarino is O.D. too
That explains a lot.
I'm only now reading about Yaccarino, The Velvet Hammer. I thought Musk would've loathed the World Economic Forum too much to bring her aboard, and the tensions between them aren't surprising in hindsight.
This is a timeline written by Margaret Atwood and made into reality TV being broadcast always and everywhere produced by the guys that made idiocracy
Don't worry, Republicans will throw a tantrum once they see 'Dei' and thinks it's for D.E.I.
Or Democrats will embrace it because they think it's for D.E.I. 😂
I'm getting fixed and not bringing kids into this dumb world that is being devastated by climate change.
In terms of resource depletion, I feel you've already done a lot to mitigate the crisis. The population isn't sustainable, and 3rd world death rates will speed up several fold because so many United Staters, especially Quiverfulls, have spent so many resources on kids they almost can't afford.
There are plenty of left religious people to counter this. But for many reasons we have no help in organizing. And we find little sympathy from the broader mainstream left.
The GOP has been jacked by wealthy criminals, and is now a criminal enterprise that can operate openly from within our government. The left is compromised, and will soon also be owned by tptb, if they aren't already. Our country is done. I'm glad that I got to experience the real America, before the corruption took over. RIP USA! We'll miss you...🌹
😮 good stuff!
If man embraces humility and develops his conscience , he does not only not need religion but understands how much it holds him back . That's..all of them .
Gareth Gore should check the Yunque, there is another book there. Hard to tell which of them is worst
Exemplar of why religion itself is Humanity's Bane.
This is just gonna make more people leave religion as they try to force their rules on people
Where's the rest of the interview?
Sounds like a catholic Muslim brotherhood.
thanks for reaction
Opus Dei? Rather Octopus Dei!
DEI?? 😡
It’s Latin. Opus = work. Dei = genitive of Deus = god. So “work of god.”
It is widely believed the Pope Francis is a member as he is often seen wearing an iron crucifix (an Opus Dei symbol). It would also fit with his less ostentatious views.
"Widely believed"?? No it's not. Pope Francis is a Jesuit. Not Opus Dei. And that is far from being any kind of secret.
Very hard to believe. His ideas don't fit at all in this category.
Being Opus Dei and a Jesuit would be like being a MAGA transgender communist lol
The Catholic Church is corrupt? 😮 God forbid! 😅😊😂
I had never heard of this. Wow. Good to know.
i know about Opus Dei because of the funeral scene for Carmine Sr. in the Sopranos lol
I just read a long interview with this guy a few days ago. Extremely interesting/terrifying/Disgusting.
Most Catholics i know, and that includes me, deeply dislike Opus Dei and consider it an elitist cult. We are horrified by the canonisation of Escriva. It is a cult of Escriva.
The cover of live is life by Slovenian music group Laibach?
This didn't even touch the middle of the iceberg about Opus Dei. Dig deeper. It's a rabbit hole you'll wish you could wash, rinse and repeat from your mind. I'm still scrubbing.
Wishful thinking is part of humanity; how to mitigate it or redirect towards a compassionate society rather than to base fears and negative emotions of dystopias?
Bald head…..brown hooded sweatshirt….wait, this guy is part of OD!!!!!😅
Why would i want a roman catholic to lead me? Whatever happen to free will? Also if i want to follow Christianity, i will talk to Jesus himself. I don't need statues or a rosary
My father was Opus Dei. They took care of him and gave him a full medical school scholarship. He was a very poor child that was cared for by them. He graduated top of his classes.
@ they’re good ppl. They follow a very strict form of Catholicism and are staunch anti-communist but many help those in need.
like Mother Teressa did? Helping those in need does not justify other evils it's just window dressing
cool story, bro
@@allanh7137 apparently they’re also creepy fascists, who supported the takeover of our Supreme Court
I thought that was one of those da vinci code things
I know two guys who are members of OD. A conservative group, for sure, but also very friendly. Charming, some might say. One is very political and you probably have seen him on Fox News over the year.
Personally, I don’t know why anyone would think that Jesus would want anything to do with the political world. Jesus had no interest in overthrowing Pilate, perhaps much to the dismay of some in his time. Politics, Jesus understood then and now, is a short term situation. His vision was for eternity.
🎶When you gonna wake up?🎶 - Bob Dylan
It is through politics that people's lives are improved. How could Jesus NOT be interested in politics?
@ Jesus is not interested in the machinations of this world. Jesus is interested in our getting to see him in the next world. Jesus wasn’t interested in overthrowing the regimes (political or religious) of his time nor of our time. His is not a physical or political quest but a spiritual one.
Dpends on your view of Jesus, I guess. It is pretty clear to me that he cares about the "machinations of the world", if he did not, he would not have fed the hungry and healed the sick or raised the dead. He would not have overturned tables and driven money changers out of the Temple. None of those actions make any sense if he didn't care about what is happening in this world.
@ The sick and the lame are not machinations of this world. What Jesus was showing us was how blind WE ARE to the disabled. What Jesus notably did not do, which himself acknowledged was within his powers, was to call on a hundred angels from heaven to overthrow the church and government leaders- part of the machinations of this world. Then it would have been game over and we die in sin. A temporary fix that solves nothing.
Overturning tables was an expression of his disgust with the money changers (businessmen, also a part of the machinations of this world) who turn his Father’s house into a den of thieves. It continues to this day.
Don’t be afraid to crack open your heart every day until you reveal Jesus to yourself like Petra (“stone”) did. We are all suspect to the temptations (due in part to fear) of denying Jesus who resides in us. Through prayer, however, we can get through this.
And while you’re praying, say a prayer for me. Thank you.
Haha for more revelations about the Catholic church see Jonathan Kleck
Some people will believe anything. I'd rather be non-religious & free.
Send them to their god.
id rather you look into what oprah and the rock are cookin and all those missing kids in hawaii.
QANON but real lmao
No. Leftist Qanon.
I am Catholic and have been active in the Catholic Church in the DC area at different times in my life. Opus Dei is not my thing but I also have enough experience to know it is not this secretive organization like he is trying to paint it. That being said, if people are constantly misrepresenting you in a negative light, of course you are naturally not going to want to expose yourself. That's natural. And it's weird how little you both understand about different movements within the church worldwide..
Why is it weird that two non-Catholics would be unfamiliar with things going on in the church worldwide?
Not just "things going on". Neither one understood or could articulate what a movement in the Catholic Church (which comprises over a billion people) even IS. And they are making a show about that very topic. There are topics I don't understand a lot about but I would absolutely make sure I did understand before i made a show, book or report about it .
Our Holy Bible tells us all about Satan’s Seeds (Genesis 3:15) & how they will disguise themselves as God’s Chosen. That is why we are their Public Enemy #1 because we know who they are & they know who we really are. 🧐🙏🏿🙌🏾
I'm a friend of Opus Dei.
I'll be happy to debate Gore or anyone else about Opus Dei.
I was raised in an Opus Dei family & have never seen or heard anything like what critics of Opus Dei say.
To use a phrase that has been used a lot, debate me, bro.
Eww a cultist and a debate bro? Double gross!
@@Robert_Bob_Bobrob Thank you for replying.
I'll be happy to debate you, Gore or anyone else about Opus Dei.
Either online or in person in front of an audience.
I was raised in an Opus Dei family & have never seen or heard anything like what critics of Opus Dei say.
I'm not a cultist. Please provide evidence that Opus Dei is a cult. However, that's a little difficult because then you start to debate what is a cult.
Aren't all beliefs or groups a cult to a certain degree?
I would say Trump is similar to a cult leader.
But are other things like, maybe Amway, also similar to a cult?
So what if I'm a debate bro? That just means I'm willing to debate people.
Saying things like "eww" or "double gross" is not an argument.
That's just dismissiveness.
You didn't see it? Well, other people say they did. And 1) it's generally hard to "see" from the inside of a cult, 2) if you belong to the organization you have a vested interest in defending it. You wouldn't provide reliable testimony.
@@cendrieeR I was never a member of Opus Dei.
I'm a Catholic but I don't even go to church anymore.
I'm not involved with Opus Dei anymore for the past ten years but I still have friends in Opus Dei.
Please tell me what people have seen and what evidence, besides their own testimony, do they have.
Otherwise it's just one person's word against another person's word.
The basic accusation is that Opus Dei is organized crime.
Evidence, please?
You've been debate checkmated
Interesting 🤔
Sounds like another bs cult
[Hey] I'm Speaking* [*walkin' here]!🐽🏔️
Da Vinci code is real
No, Da Vinci Code is not real.
@@ElizabethMatous-i9n of course not.
He literally said in the interview Dan Brown's version was "highly fictionalized"
@@ElizabethMatous-i9n I literally understand that
Lol. With all the comments on here I just assumed you were being sarcastic
Everyone in Spain knows the Opus Dei. I'm glad we have representation in the US too Lol
Dude If youve ever read a Dan Brown book you know who Opus Dei is .
If you’re talking about cults don’t wear a brown hoodie that makes you look monk like!😁
It doesn’t matter your country is doomed 😂😂😂.
He looks like a monk.
He admits to beavering, 01:41 aren't they pachyderms?
C'mon gang, Opus Dei is Latin for "God's Work".
There's no way they could be evil, right?
The enemy within is what they ate