I've got one piece of advice for Kerry Morton to use in future: If you hit a brain buster, GO FOR THE PIN! If Mike kicks out, then you go for your finisher. If Mike doesn't you are champion and you proved that you can beat someone without a finisher that Mike Anthony can clearly counter into a victory roll for the easy pin. This is easily the MISS of the week.
I've got one piece of advice for Kerry Morton to use in future: If you hit a brain buster, GO FOR THE PIN! If Mike kicks out, then you go for your finisher. If Mike doesn't you are champion and you proved that you can beat someone without a finisher that Mike Anthony can clearly counter into a victory roll for the easy pin.
This is easily the MISS of the week.
Welcome Kerry Morton
He needs to stop trying to sound like his father. He's a talented young man he doesn't need to do that. He sounds weird.