Korean Pro Dancers Compare Karina vs. Winter Dance Line

  • Опубліковано 28 лис 2024


  • @bca-cv1zp
    @bca-cv1zp Рік тому +379

    춤을 춰본 사람은 알겠지만 윈터는 확신의 재능러임. 카리나가 동작이 시원시원해서 확실히 더 돋보이고 당연히 잘 추는 것도 맞는데, 윈터 느낌을 살리라고 하면 못 할걸 윈터는 반대가 가능할거고

    • @냐냐-q7o
      @냐냐-q7o 9 місяців тому +2

      저는 조금 반대인게 카리나는 연생때 영상보면 상하체 입출력이 가능한 타입인 것 같아요, 제가 윈터 같은 스타일인데 힙합, 하우스 그루브가 안나와요ㅜㅜㅜ 가볍지 않은게 너무 스트레스인데 😢

  • @refdvc
    @refdvc 2 роки тому +1527

    노래랑 안무에 따라 달라보임 개인적으로 넥레나 세비지 같이 쫀득함이 어우러진 곡들은 윈터가 낫고 동작 크게 쓰는 블맘이나 스텝 많이 쓰는 스텝백 같은 곡은 카리나가 나은 것 같음

    • @지수-r9p7g
      @지수-r9p7g 2 роки тому +209

      넥레 모기춤은 윈터가 잘 살리고 디귿춤은 통통 튀는게 카리나가 더 잘 살리듯이 각자 정반대 춤선이라 잘 살리는 안무가 천차만별인듯 ㅋㅋ

    • @성이름-z9v1l
      @성이름-z9v1l 2 роки тому +202

      @@kmarie2950 엥.. 스탭백은 카리나임 통통튀는 디테일 개잘살림

    • @지수-r9p7g
      @지수-r9p7g 2 роки тому +30

      @꽃 근데 님은 딴데서 봤었는데 말을 너무 악개같이 했었음 카리나 춤 내려치면서 윈터 칭찬하니까 글치.. 카리나 인지도 높아서 윈터 팬이라 한게 아니라 말을 그렇게 한거,,

    • @RAY-j7q5u
      @RAY-j7q5u 2 роки тому +26

      그냥 둘이 다해먹고있어서 다좋아
      카리나 윈터 직캠보면 다 잘춰 스타일이 다를뿐 둘이 연차쌓이면 아슬처럼 듀오앨범 내줬으면...

    • @gangmoongee
      @gangmoongee 2 роки тому +14

      난 블맘도 무조건 윈터가 낫던데

  • @민초만세-t3k
    @민초만세-t3k 2 роки тому +335

    각자 다른 스타일로 완벽하게 소화하는거 넘 좋음 .. 카리나는 동작 크고 힘있어서 시원하고 윈터는 깔끔하고 절제된듯

  • @VoteKing
    @VoteKing 2 роки тому +58

    같이 놓고 보니 윈터 쪽에 눈이 더 간다. 윈터는 뭔가 보는 사람으로 하여금 관전하기 편하게 춤을 춤. 매우 매끄러움. 카리나도 물론 잘 추지만... 너무 와일드해서 대학교 응원단 혹은 야구장 응원단 같이 무언가를 응원하기 위해 더 적합한 느낌

  • @우리는하나-y3f
    @우리는하나-y3f Рік тому +63

    춤좀 배워보고 춰본 사람은 알겠지만 카리나는 일반인도 열심히 배우면 가능한 춤의영역이라면 윈터는 아 저게 춤의 재능의영역이구나 단순히 배운다고해서 절대 나올 수 없는.. 평가하는 댄서들도 초반엔 살짝 그런 뉘앙스로 얘기하다 괜히 영상 올라가고 까일까봐 필터링으로 계속 걸러내서 자제해서 오히려 뒤로 갈수록 카리나에 대한 칭찬과 부연설명 구구절절 하는거.

    • @ghhh88524
      @ghhh88524 8 місяців тому +10

      뭘좀 아시네요 일반인이 아무리 노력해도 따라하기 힘든걸 재능러라고 하죠. 재능입니다 윈터는

  • @인절미팥빙수먹고싶다
    @인절미팥빙수먹고싶다 2 роки тому +158

    카리나는 춤에 포인트 지점이 있어서 퍼포먼스 형식으로 어떻게 하면 더 좋은 모습을 보일 수 있을까를 생각하면서 춤을 추는 것 같음. 그래서 카리나가 포인트를 안잡은 부분엔 윈터가 동작을 날리지 않는 편이니까 윈터를 보면 됨

  • @kookoo6428
    @kookoo6428 2 роки тому +541

    윈터는 자로 잰것처럼, 안무가 처럼 정확한 박자마다 춤이 정확하게 들어가는게 진짜 카타르시스... 잔움직임이 없어보임.

  • @우유-q5x
    @우유-q5x 2 роки тому +300

    무대 중심을 확실하게 잡아주는건 카리나 파워가 가장 쎔 튕기는 안무 같은거 무게 있는 안무나 먼가 쎈캐 느낌 줘야하는 안무나 제스쳐 잘함

  • @_JuNG6390
    @_JuNG6390 Рік тому +47

    절제된 춤선을 좋아해서 윈터가 이쁘더라구요 직캠도 찾아보고~ 근데 전체로볼땐 아무래도 동작크게하는사람한테 눈길이가죠... 제 취향은 내적으로 절제하면서 추는 넘사벽인 사람을 좋아해서 둘이비교하는 영상보면 윈터만 보게되요ㅋ 이게 취향차이고 누굴좋아하냐 차인거같아요

  • @Rhaphidophile
    @Rhaphidophile 2 роки тому +292

    Personally I think Winter keeps her dancing very centered in her core that's why everything looks so clean, precise, and balanced all the time, whereas Karina kind of relies on her natural talents, which allows her to add more elements and freedom, and like they said, boldness to her moves. They're very similiar to EXO's dance line with Lay and Winter being similar vs Kai and Karina.

    • @argxoxo7326
      @argxoxo7326 Рік тому +3

      the debate ends here= winter is clean cause of slim body, karina is bouncy becoz of her bouncy body

  • @nobody3680
    @nobody3680 2 роки тому +38

    남자 쪽 카리나 되게 좋아하는거 눈에 보임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @하영김-w4d
    @하영김-w4d 2 роки тому +63

    뭔가 춤도 성격이 드러난다고 해야되나? 윈터는 노래할때랑 춤추는거랑 똑같음 뭔가 똑부러져..

  • @kimberlychan5441
    @kimberlychan5441 2 роки тому +1064

    winter be really having one of the sharpest and most accurate angles ive seen in kpop, i know how people usually are attracted to dancers with big movements and strong energy, but theres something about the extreme control (ngl almost robotic) that winter has over her moves that makes it look so clean and satisfying to watch,, for eg the savage chorus movement and 2nd chorus,, i feel that winter would do AMAZING in tutting

    • @avashzz
      @avashzz 2 роки тому +19

      Yes, and the way she moves work so perfectly for their concept.

    • @anushathakur7255
      @anushathakur7255 2 роки тому +14

      yes it's really precise that's why it seems robot like but people take and use this word in a bad mocking way
      finally someone who know how to use it!!

    • @argxoxo7326
      @argxoxo7326 Рік тому +1

      the debate ends here= winter is clean cause of slim body, karina is bouncy becoz of her bouncy body

  • @이름없음-g8n
    @이름없음-g8n 2 роки тому +42

    윈터는 진짜 메보인데 춤도 와우

  • @monamiver
    @monamiver 2 роки тому +76

    에스파 직캠 2번보는 이유가 윈터 춤 때문이라고 웃으면서 말들 하던데 윈터 춤 언급 많고 잘추는데 보여줄 기회도 많았으면 좋겠다,,노래를 너무잘해서 상대적으로 춤 언급 적은데 정말 잘춤😭내적팝에 강약조절도 잘하는데 팔다리골반관절 아이솔레이션도 잘함

    • @yesyesacat10
      @yesyesacat10 2 роки тому +6

      맞아요 윈터 노래 춤 다 잘하는데 보여줄 기회가 많았으면 좋겠네요

  • @MrSkinniSoul
    @MrSkinniSoul 2 роки тому +47

    윈터는 댄동출신에 춤으로 캐스팅 됐음~아무래도 프리스타일보다는 정석적인걸 추구함..그래서 잔동작까지 아주 정확하게 춤..기본기가 탄탄하다고 해야 하나??ㅎㅎ

  • @gangmoongee
    @gangmoongee 2 роки тому +379

    암만봐도 늘 윈터에 눈길감 춤선이 예쁘고 안정적이고 박자에 딱 맞춰서 모든 동작을 느낌도 살리면서 정확하게춤

    • @세움-b8c
      @세움-b8c 2 роки тому +3

      윈터님 진짜 대박대박 근데 카리나는 춤이 시원하고 신나는데도 딱딱 끊기는것도 그렇고 몸이 가벼워보이는것도 넘사임

    • @yonggongzu
      @yonggongzu 2 роки тому +28

      ㅇㅈ 윈터가 훨씬 잘춤. 카리나처럼 잘추는애는 돌판에 널렸는데 윈터같이 추는애는 못봄

    • @파니니-i9y
      @파니니-i9y 2 роки тому +16

      나도 윈터에 눈이 더 많이 감 강약 조절을 훨씬 깔끔하게 잘하는 느낌?? 더 고수 느낌이 남

    • @은-f8p
      @은-f8p 2 роки тому +3

      @@yonggongzu 엥 저는 카리나가 시원시원하게 잘 추는느낌이더라구요..
      둘다 춤선 다르면서 잘추는건 팩트..

    • @틈-p2i
      @틈-p2i 2 роки тому

      난 이 댓글애서의 설명이 카리나로 느껴지는데

  • @선-j6h
    @선-j6h 2 роки тому +79

    춤좀 추는사람들은 확실히 윈터한테 눈길 감 ㅋㅋ뚝딱 없이 간지가 나 영상에서 댄서라고 한 딱 그 느낌 잔 동작 팝핀 다 잡아주면서 쓸데없는 힘은 안씀

  • @emt122
    @emt122 2 роки тому +24

    여돌중 윈터 탑쓰리인 듯...춤 진짜 잘추는 것 같음

  • @Jdjfjfkdk
    @Jdjfjfkdk 10 місяців тому +15

    윈터 춤이 뭔가 간지남 딱딱 잘춤

  • @luckeyheart8980
    @luckeyheart8980 2 роки тому +44

    그냥 성향임..
    카리나는 열심히 동작을 크게 쓰면서 춤을 추고 윈터는 여유롭게 적당히 추는 느낌
    그래서 같이 추면 카리나가 더 잘 보이는 느낌임..
    아무래도 같은 춤을 췄을 때 카리나가 더 힘듦것임..
    좀 더 파워를 실어서 추기 때문에..
    각각의 장단점은
    카리나는 같이 출 때 더 잘 보이고 춤이 다이나믹하지만 라이브 할 때 숨이 찰 수 있음..
    원터는 카리나에 비해 튀진 않겠지만 라이브시 덜 힘들고 춤추면서 보컬을 안정적으로 구사하기 쉬워짐.
    윈터는 춤추면서 고음과 다른 멤버에 비해 더 많이 불러야 하기에 저렇게 적당한 춤선을 가지게 된 걸 수 도 있음

  • @heong8123
    @heong8123 2 роки тому +33

    윈터가 더 잘추는거 같음카리나는 동작을 크게 춤이 잘 보이게 춤 근데 허우적거리는 느낌 받을때가 있음
    타고건 윈터 카리나는 노력을 엄청해서 능력치 최대로 끌어올린

    • @복숭아-w7p
      @복숭아-w7p 2 роки тому +8

      이거다 이거다

    • @gangmoongee
      @gangmoongee 2 роки тому +7


    • @yesyesacat10
      @yesyesacat10 2 роки тому +11

      윈터는 깔끔하고 보는맛이 있더라구요 춤을 정석으로 잘 춰요 몸을 잘 쓰는줄 안달까

    • @화폐-r3v
      @화폐-r3v 2 роки тому +10

      대놓고 허우적거린다고 말한 사람이 있을줄 몰랐어요 그거 금기어인줄 알았어요ㄴㅇㄱ 그게 깔끔이랑 정반대되는 요소인데 댄서분들이 좋게 말씀해주시려고 노력 많이한거 같아요

  • @baezyng3478
    @baezyng3478 2 роки тому +177

    I'm always impressed with Karina.She became my bias when I watched her performance with EXO Kai

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +7

      Oh that was legendery she became my bias than too….

  • @donaldjustinsida3341
    @donaldjustinsida3341 2 роки тому +42

    Karina is the best ace dancer in aespa

  • @jklmn2499
    @jklmn2499 2 роки тому +48

    Winter=clean,sharp,controls,has pops

  • @diyadinesha10
    @diyadinesha10 2 роки тому +52

    I love Karina's way of dancing ✨

  • @karinasgf8419
    @karinasgf8419 2 роки тому +66

    Karina is the main dancer for a reason she's not only good in one style and focuses on all points when she dances, she knows how the attract the viewers attention

  • @Victoria-rd5mx
    @Victoria-rd5mx 2 роки тому +635

    I’ve always thought Winter’s dancing is so clean and precise. Personally I like her dancing style better but I understand why Karina is the main dancer

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +56

      Its not about whos dance style u like better ….its about who is actually a better dancer

    • @oceana311
      @oceana311 2 роки тому +69

      @@hamsa2903 and it’s karina wbk

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +40

      @@cha5156 i havent seen more than 10 ppl saying this….there are way more ppl who think Karina dances better…and that is for a reason…i have even seen ppl saying ningning dances better than winter…there should be no opinion on who is better becuz Karina is objectivly better… and there is a huge gab between Karina and winter esspecially other aespa members….dancing is about tech…Karina is a better dancer than ryujin in itzy so if she was in itzy she would be 3rd best….if winter was in itzy she would compete with lia in dance…becuz yuna is a lit better than her…i have danced for 7 yrs….i am 17 and even teach…we have to be able to accept these facts first… it became really clear there dance level in STEP BACK ERA…when Karina stood out and winter was one of the worst in those performances.

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +7

      @@cha5156 u see this is how it is when i chose to spill the harsh reality…i always try to sugercoat but when u non dancers try to act like this…this is what happens

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +5

      @@cha5156 its not that u cant have ur subjective opinion…. Hey i can prefer lil punk music more than Kanye …but it aint going to change the fact that Kanye is objectivly better…u can have a subjective opinion but there is always for most things an objective truth

  • @블랙맘마-y6j
    @블랙맘마-y6j 2 роки тому +53

    2:35 전문가가 말하는 윈터는 여돌 전형적인 느낌이 아니라 댄서 느낌이 있다는 말만큼 춤 잘춘다만큼 더할 표현이 없을듯🫶 국내해외 댄서분들이 윈터 춤 칭찬 자주할때마다 춤선,팝,동작 안날림,과하지 않고 멋을 안다고 꼭 언급하는데 춤출때 정말 똑부러지는것같아용,,

    • @yesyesacat10
      @yesyesacat10 2 роки тому +2

      맞아요 공감합니다! 윈터 춤도 너무 잘춰요

  • @brotherjin9725
    @brotherjin9725 2 роки тому +90

    비전문가인 제가 정확히 표현주겠습니다...윈터님은 내면의 쫀득 쫀득한 춤선이고 카리나님은 외면의 시원 시원한 춤선이시네...

  • @aliciarcarter3522
    @aliciarcarter3522 2 роки тому +186

    As a non dancer, Karina dance like rent due & its fun and Winter dance like this is what she's told to do, so she does it exact, no more no less.. both amazing to me tho

    • @aliciarcarter3522
      @aliciarcarter3522 2 роки тому +26

      @sev i.e as if rent is due... you don't slack off when rent due.

  • @hessaa1712
    @hessaa1712 2 роки тому +126

    I guess because winter of her clean simple moves many enjoy watching her fancams

  • @akhinayui8732
    @akhinayui8732 2 роки тому +69

    Karina is the best dancer in aespa. I'm always amaze whenever she's on stage. It's not a wonder why she's the main dancer.

  • @stantalentedidols8824
    @stantalentedidols8824 2 роки тому +62

    Karina is THEE Main Dancer for a reason.

  • @kidsagain.stills3970
    @kidsagain.stills3970 2 роки тому +135

    karina puts in emotions into her dance, and she's diverse in dancing from contemporary, hip hop, popping and etc. she does all of them well and that's the reason why she was chosen as the main dancer, even tho she was a vocal trained rapper then become the best dancer in the group, an ace! SM is lucky to have her tbh

  • @zilehuma5345
    @zilehuma5345 2 роки тому +416

    winter is literally a perfect female idol her beauty her vocals and her dance😭❤💋

  • @markse1997
    @markse1997 2 роки тому +368

    my eyes always go to winter in group dances, she has a very precise, sharp way of executing moves thats so pleasing to the eyes.

  • @jazminali9299
    @jazminali9299 2 роки тому +107

    i love winters popping when she dances !!

  • @srizuafah630
    @srizuafah630 2 роки тому +67

    Winter has move own dance and statisfying

  • @tima3905
    @tima3905 2 роки тому +42

    Karina is seriously amazing

  • @kwangyaaa7702
    @kwangyaaa7702 2 роки тому +40

    SM made Karina the main dancer and rightfully so. She IS the main and best dancer in the group.

  • @minji7558
    @minji7558 2 роки тому +62

    karina definitely the main dancer for a reason she always stands out in dance practice videos and she was remarkable in step back especially considering that she’s with seasoned idols/seniors

  • @danlim9510
    @danlim9510 2 роки тому +79

    I really enjoyed watching Karina dance, it just appeals to me. Of cos dancing and singing is all subjective, just personal preferences. Both have their own style and that’s good 👍

  • @rara1138
    @rara1138 2 роки тому +449

    I’m always in love with WINTER dancing style. Her moves are very clean and sharp. She is such an Ace.

  • @papercuts9895
    @papercuts9895 2 роки тому +186

    Winter's cover dance of boa's song at mama 2020 and Karina's cover of "bola rebola" at knowing bros personally my favorite clips of their dancing

  • @stantalentedidols8824
    @stantalentedidols8824 2 роки тому +80

    Karina's dance style is not kind of style for idols she has a big and powerful moves and she knows how to control her energy in the group that she will not overlap with the other members

    • @stantalentedidols8824
      @stantalentedidols8824 2 роки тому +9

      she puts her own flavor in the dance it is not like a plain dance that she memorized

  • @MYBLINK_w
    @MYBLINK_w 2 роки тому +205

    I love how Winter do her Cleans Mover, strong Vibes, Her own Style Dance and all dance moves she doing and perfect as Lead Dancer, and Karina and Winter is aespa best Dancer

  • @hamsa2903
    @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +100

    As a dancer Karinas dance always impressed me… her moves are great, her isolation is so good, her footwork has become alot better shes so light kn her feet now and moves to the rythem better…

  • @Win_01123
    @Win_01123 2 роки тому +42

    윈터님 생각보다 너무 잘추시고 귀여움ㅠㅠ♡ 진짜 저 쫀득쫀득한 춤선 좋아하는데 윈터님이 다 가지고있어..

    • @끝이안보임
      @끝이안보임 2 роки тому +1

      윈터 춤은 뭔가 개성이 있다해야대나... 본인만의 색깔이 있음 ㅋㅋ

    • @Win_01123
      @Win_01123 2 роки тому

      @@끝이안보임 아 맞아요 ㅋㅋ

  • @ytpremium2381
    @ytpremium2381 2 роки тому +35

    Karina best dancer in aespa 👍👍👍

  • @nhk1153
    @nhk1153 2 роки тому +20

    둘 다 다른 방식으로 잘 추는 거 같은데 팬덤에 갠팬이 많은지 누가 더 잘한다 이런 댓글이 많네

  • @yo_jelly
    @yo_jelly 2 роки тому +57

    karina is so amazing! she's really one of the best dancers out there

  • @stantalentedidols8824
    @stantalentedidols8824 2 роки тому +119

    I just love how big Karina's moves and how she puts her own flavor on her dance not just performing

  • @diane5234
    @diane5234 2 роки тому +60

    They should watch Kai and Karina in beyond drive tucson 😇🙏🏻

  • @davinci2367
    @davinci2367 2 роки тому +42

    윈터님처럼 순간순간 깔끔하게 팝 넣으면서 추는거 겁나 어럽죠

  • @duafatima1787
    @duafatima1787 2 роки тому +91

    There is a reason why karina is the center and MAIN DANCER. Her dance is BOLD AND UNRESTRAINED. The power each of her movement holds is amazing. She is always on point and she makes even the hardest of steps look easy. Winter is a good dancer. Her moves are clean and she executes the choregraphy well but KARINA takes the win here. There is a reason why she is the main dancer and GIRLS dance break is the proof.

  • @andreadafnele6541
    @andreadafnele6541 2 роки тому +377

    I have always loved Karina's way of dancing, she is very energetic when she dances, every time she always manages to attract my attention

    • @stantalentedidols8824
      @stantalentedidols8824 2 роки тому +15


    • @strawberrycatto1465
      @strawberrycatto1465 2 роки тому +19

      me too. there’s just really something about the way karina dances that pulls you in. she’s so charismatic, a great performer and dancer.

    • @tytrc
      @tytrc 2 роки тому +3


    • @oceana311
      @oceana311 2 роки тому

      @@nickireginebey9361 momo is a much better dancer than winter and jihyos energy and vibe is way different than karina

    • @midnightmirror4518
      @midnightmirror4518 2 роки тому

      Same 😍

  • @bad_kmj2467
    @bad_kmj2467 2 роки тому +140

    There’s a reason why winter’s fancam always has the most viewed in every era.That’s because of her attractive dance that makes her stands out.People are acting like she’s the worst as a lead dancer but from dancers opinion they keep giving compliments for her and says that winter is not far from karina.Haters are just overreact

    • @z_hange
      @z_hange 2 роки тому +14

      Personally I'm sad she doesn't get much chances to show off her dancing despite being scouted for dancing because SM discovered her marketable vocals. We know from their title tracks that she does really well, but we also saw it from the Kick Back challenge and her BoA stage. From her dancing style, she seems like she'll do really well covering boy group songs or hip-hop songs

    • @mjgoat2366
      @mjgoat2366 2 роки тому +3

      exactly they act like karina is light years ahead of winter same with when it comes to ning ning and winters vocal comparison. Ning ning is better but not by a huge gap.

  • @hariajaaja4295
    @hariajaaja4295 2 роки тому +284

    i love winter's more cause she looks neat. Clean and doesnt look sloppy

  • @꼰대-k5q
    @꼰대-k5q 10 місяців тому +7

    윈터가 박자가 맞아
    노래에 따라 리듬따라 춤을춰
    것도 맞지.
    그냥 뭣도 모르지만 써봤어.

    • @ghhh88524
      @ghhh88524 8 місяців тому +1

      아니야 너가 맞어

    • @dhdjsidifnemakz
      @dhdjsidifnemakz Місяць тому

      나는 춤 볼때 박자감을 진짜 많이 보는데 그런면에서 윈터춤이 진짜 짜릿함 확실히 재능임 그건....

  • @sinzyxx
    @sinzyxx 2 роки тому +135

    minjeong rlly caught my attention. her dancing r so clean and powerful without trying so hard. she's just calm but slaying

  • @요셉-x7l
    @요셉-x7l 2 роки тому +17

    카리나 남돌 춤 추는 거 보고싶다.. 프로그램들 나오면서 조금씩 추던데..

  • @RAY-j7q5u
    @RAY-j7q5u 2 роки тому +24

    Sm에서 각자에 어울리고 맞는 춤선과 방법대로 코치한거같네 윈이 카처럼 춘다고생각하면 시원시원하지않을거같고 카가 윈처럼추면 답답할거같음 아슬처럼 본인의 장점을 잘 살려서 추는거같음 더 맞는곡도 다르고~ 결론은 둘다 좋다!

  • @aexorator
    @aexorator 2 роки тому +34

    I was happy to see such a video... Ignorant people were constantly criticizing Karina by commenting on the dance. I'm glad that professionals are talking about this. Unfortunately, I don't think aespa's choreography is good enough for Karina to stand out. If you look at the "Step Back" stage, you'll see that she is an amazing main dancer with powerful and detailed moves.
    Winter is pretty clear. I don't think the attractive thing about Winter is the way she dances, but Winter has a strange charm. Watching her fancams is so much fun. It's not because of the way you dance. You know. She's just Winter. Stop and watch her fancams for hours. You won't be bored. She is like textbook.
    I also want to talk about other members. After all, aespa has 4 a member.
    Ningning comes after Karina in stage dominance as well as being a good dancer in my opinion. Ningning is a really good dancer. I don't know how to describe her, but it is possible to say that she also has a special aura.
    As for Giselle. She received a lot of unnecessary criticism about her dancing. Giselle is not a bad dancer. I think she has style. She will smile at you in a sassy way and make casual gestures. She adapts the sharp movements to herself, making them a little softer but sassy.
    To me, the way aespa members dance is more like boy groups than SM's girl groups. They remind me of NCT and EXO.

  • @nosae4385
    @nosae4385 2 роки тому +40

    kpop stan twt always discredit aespa's dancing yet here we have PROFESSIONAL DANCERS praising aespa's dancing skills. I hope people won't believe anything your read on social media because everyone on the internet tries to be something they are not and judge people without respect. Only trust professionals when it comes to performances because their opinions are what we can consider constructive and valid. Anyways, stan aespa and let's wait together for their comeback :)

  • @binbinchanbluu
    @binbinchanbluu 2 роки тому +73

    i love karina's dance style, looks so powerfull and on point

    • @miss_you1521
      @miss_you1521 2 роки тому

      Do you like it because she's beautiful?

    • @pripri312
      @pripri312 2 роки тому

      @@miss_you1521 both she’s pretty and she’s a great dancer

    • @binbinchanbluu
      @binbinchanbluu 2 роки тому

      @@miss_you1521 and talented of course

  • @xuxisacul323
    @xuxisacul323 2 роки тому +28

    'winter is the textbook of dance'😮❤

  • @karinter9380
    @karinter9380 2 роки тому +30

    karina famous ullzang in high school yeoksi our leader

  • @greengrass5157
    @greengrass5157 2 роки тому +223

    I'm so mad every time I see international aespa haters called "aespa has no stage presence" or "aespa can't dance", are you blind? why can't you see how good Karina and Winter slay every dance moves and how clean they executions all their choreography, aespa's choreo has many hard details and iconic moves, AESPA jjang 👍 AESPA DANCE LINE "KARINA WINTER" JJANG 👍

    • @leafleaf6575
      @leafleaf6575 2 роки тому +31

      They are all brain washed by some youtube theories

    • @sheetalbiswa5876
      @sheetalbiswa5876 2 роки тому +21

      I think I'll agree they have no stage presence because they seem like robots on stage cause of their group image cause they feel as if they are "perfect" idols but they have no stage presence and on top of that they don't even sing live

    • @jenniesoneexol2526
      @jenniesoneexol2526 2 роки тому

      @@sheetalbiswa5876 ahh, so your one of the blind person who easily got brainwashed by others ☺️

    • @hamsa2903
      @hamsa2903 2 роки тому +10

      @@sheetalbiswa5876 no they dont lmao…thats was one stage in savage only

    • @aldasui5697
      @aldasui5697 2 роки тому +19

      stage presence thing is kinda right though because of they always have to lipsync and don't have the chance to be that active on the stage, i blame SM though. They should allow them to showcase their live vocals

  • @J_SHADY
    @J_SHADY 2 роки тому +31

    나는 암만봐도 카리나가 더 좋던데 힘이 더 들어가고 팝핀하는 느낌

  • @lomengg
    @lomengg 2 роки тому +55

    Theres a reason why Karina is the main dancer in aespa! And why she is the only member introduced as an all rounder! Its quite tiresome how some called MYs disrespect her position! She is indeed an amazing dancer! And since debut she has always been consistent with her energy, shr is always trying to improve and that makes her even more impressive

    • @부채-i8h
      @부채-i8h 2 роки тому +1

      she is not the main dancer lmao

    • @argxoxo7326
      @argxoxo7326 Рік тому

      karina says herself in an interview winter is the all rounder

  • @karinter9380
    @karinter9380 2 роки тому +28

    karina famous girl

  • @얍둘알리3세
    @얍둘알리3세 2 роки тому +29

    춤도 사람 성격이 보이는 것 같음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 특히 윈터가 군인아버지 밑에서 자라서 그런지 춤선도 절도있는..

  • @koizoraraira5847
    @koizoraraira5847 2 роки тому +57

    Karina footwork and body control are amazing while winter is sharp and powerful

  • @noer5754
    @noer5754 2 роки тому +24

    I love Karina dancing style

  • @nnb1333
    @nnb1333 2 роки тому +24

    sm made the right decision chosen Karina as the main dancer

  • @hiemus
    @hiemus 2 роки тому +70

    그룹 내에 여러 스타일이 있으면 팬 입장에서는 환영이죠

  • @nayawgj
    @nayawgj 2 роки тому +17

    난 카리나는 좀 허우적대는? 팔다리가 길어서그런가 그런 느낌이 들고 대부분 영상에서 윈터가 춤 타고난 느낌이 들던데...

  • @yesyesacat10
    @yesyesacat10 2 роки тому +28

    윈터가 춤을 스웩있게 맛깔나게 잘 춘다 정석으로 잘 춤 윈터 춤은 보는 맛이 있음 이런애가 어캐 노래까지 잘하지 완벽한 올라운더야

  • @aa-iz2uy
    @aa-iz2uy 2 роки тому +85

    love watching karina perform, she always gives her hundred percent and her attention to detail is very impressive

  • @varsharajavel8596
    @varsharajavel8596 2 роки тому +16

    I will choose karina main dancer indeed

  • @kpopstertube3563
    @kpopstertube3563 2 роки тому +52

    If you have to trust something in Karina, it's footwork. She can never go wrong in her footwork.

  • @wydreamforever8520
    @wydreamforever8520 2 роки тому +16

    Karina ♡

  • @KamiKami-vw8zu
    @KamiKami-vw8zu 2 роки тому +26

    Karina is a whole goddess

  • @lilikwon7316
    @lilikwon7316 2 роки тому +75

    i agree! winter has that kind of popping dance type(?) she would be good at hiphop dance
    please react to Seventeen new song Darl+ing. it's in english !

  • @Sohotwinter
    @Sohotwinter Рік тому +8

    타고난 끼와 간지는 어쩔 수 없구나

  • @baekhyunaces4194
    @baekhyunaces4194 2 роки тому +35

    I will choose Karina because in all of aespa videos on stage, I never see even once of her slacking on stage. Her dance is so detailed and yet so powerful but she is still able to maintain a great stage presence and control the dance harmony of the group. She is not dancing solo with other members, she is dancing with other members.

  • @aishia2575
    @aishia2575 2 роки тому +166

    I have always been obsessed with watching Karina's fancam ever since her debut. That black mamba fancam of hers were it all started, she just has this certain aura around her that makes her addicting to watch. And her dance moves are always so light and easy to watch too, I've never seen her slacked once be it a rehearsal or the actual performance. That's what i like about her, she has this consistency. Overall i think both are great dancers but i just prefer Karina's dancing style more.

  • @진시황-e5n
    @진시황-e5n 2 роки тому +26

    둘다 춤도 완벽하고 얼굴도 완벽해...☆

  • @kelseyng1128
    @kelseyng1128 2 роки тому +43

    춤선이 깔끔하고 정확한 민정이((내적 팝ㅋㅋ진짜 딱 내 스타일

  • @ajdkkddaskdkd685
    @ajdkkddaskdkd685 2 роки тому +19

    I prefer Winter's dancing

  • @ANDY-dr8zz
    @ANDY-dr8zz 2 роки тому +19

    Karina is just perfect

  • @ST-ch2fn
    @ST-ch2fn 2 роки тому +52

    "karina goes extra miles"
    yep karina always the one that complete every moves every dances steps. Look at karina in DCT she's always the one doing the leg waves and popping!

  • @rina4225
    @rina4225 2 роки тому +27

    Karina moves are so clean and detailed, she put all her energy in every stage, it's pretty obvious why she's the main dancer in the group

  • @viviz666
    @viviz666 2 роки тому +14

    Winter all rounder

  • @aA-sr8dd
    @aA-sr8dd 2 роки тому +56

    one thing about karina is you will never see her slack off, since day 1 from black mamba to savage, her energy is consistently high. she owns the stage.

  • @yassin9782
    @yassin9782 2 роки тому +79

    Winter has less issues than Karina when dancing (hence why she does the moves cleaner and simpler) but Karina has a lot more strength in aspects such as her footwork (not perfect but quite decent still) which makes her still surpass Winter as a dancer imo.

    • @slayer-dj3dc
      @slayer-dj3dc 2 роки тому +10

      winter has like no stage presence

    • @crystalaria4840
      @crystalaria4840 2 роки тому +22

      @@slayer-dj3dc there is a difference between stage presence and dance technique and the person above is correct 💀

    • @hazelo2184
      @hazelo2184 2 роки тому +13

      And yet W can't do a simple body roll in step back. Karina's body control is better. Popping one shoulder here and there doesn't make you a better technical dancer. That's why krn is the main dancer

    • @heysungie8679
      @heysungie8679 2 роки тому

      @@hazelo2184 winter can't do simple body roll?? are you hearing yourself? winter illusion body roll got viral on twitter and tiktok

    • @hazelo2184
      @hazelo2184 2 роки тому

      @@heysungie8679 and you should watch the got the beat performance and dance practice bridge its obvious she hasn't complete control of her body it sticks out like a sore thumb there.

  • @snsd_aespa_tzuyu4329
    @snsd_aespa_tzuyu4329 2 роки тому +43

    Karina is the best but winter is really good too :)

  • @anushathakur7255
    @anushathakur7255 2 роки тому +23

    My eyes are always on winter. Her clean and very precise moves makes it so satisfying to watch like honestly i love it!!!
    Whereas Karina!!! she is some natural moves based dancer, she has great flow and is a kind of bouncy dancer almost similar to kai? if you know what i mean.
    I love it they both are a dangerous duo💙

  • @stevendave8804
    @stevendave8804 2 роки тому +59