Taiwanese Braised Minced Pork 肉燥饭/卤肉饭/肉酱/ 《去有风的地方》Meet Yourself

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • 台式肉燥饭/卤肉饭/肉酱
    洋葱:1 杯
    料酒: 3 汤匙
    生抽: 2 汤匙
    老抽: 1 汤匙
    冰糖: 1 汤匙
    蚝油: 1汤匙
    白胡椒粉: ½ 茶匙
    五香粉: ¼ 茶匙
    青葱: ¼ 杯
    姜: 3 汤匙
    大料: 2
    煮鸡蛋: 5个
    干香菇: 60克
    1. 60克干香菇,在开水里泡2小时,同时可以准备煮鸡蛋,把5个鸡蛋放在锅里,倒入水,水需要完全没过鸡蛋,开中火煮到沸腾,盖锅盖,然后煮5分钟。之后关火,把鸡蛋继续留在开水里,盖锅盖焖3分钟。然后剥皮放在一旁备用。
    2. 青葱 ¼ 杯的量,切成葱花,放一旁。姜3汤匙的量,切成姜末。放一旁备用。洋葱一杯的量,切成小块,也放一旁。2小时以后香菇泡软了,把里边的水分挤掉,但是把泡香菇的水留下一会儿会用到。把香菇硬的根切掉,然后把香菇切成半厘米的小块。
    3. 锅里倒入油2汤匙,开中火,当油开始冒烟时,倒入姜末,接着放洋葱,翻炒至洋葱变透明。加入蘑菇再翻炒2分钟。加入油1汤匙,倒入1磅猪肉馅。大料两个,翻炒至肉末变成浅棕色。接着加入料酒3汤匙,冰糖1汤匙,生抽2汤匙,老抽1汤匙,蚝油1汤匙。白胡椒粉 ½ 茶匙,五香粉 ¼ 茶匙,水2杯,其中包括刚才泡香菇用的水。所有食材搅拌均匀。至煮开,然后盖锅盖转小火炖20分钟。20分钟以后,加入刚才煮好的鸡蛋。这里需要汤料完全没过鸡蛋,所以有需要可以再加一些水。盖锅盖继续炖10分钟。10分钟以后肉酱已经完全煮好,如果水比较多,就转大火浓汁。最后撒上切好的葱花,搅拌均匀,浇在米饭上。这一道香喷喷的肉燥饭就做好了。
    Taiwanese Braised minced pork
    Ground pork: 1 pound
    Oil: 3 Tbsp
    Onion: 1 cup, finely chopped
    Shaoxing wine: 3 Tbsp
    Light soy sauce: 2 Tbsp
    Dark Soy sauce: 1 Tbsp
    Rock sugar: 1 Tbsp
    Oyster Sauce: 1Tbsp
    Ground white pepper: ½ Tsp
    Five spice powder: ¼ Tsp
    Green onion: ¼ cup, chopped
    Ginger: 3 Tbsp, minced
    Star anise: 2
    Hard-boiled egg: 5
    Dried Shiitake Mushrooms: 60g
    1. Rehydrate dried mushroom for 2 hours. Squeeze out the liquid, then dice into ¼ -inch pieces. Keep the soaking water for later use.
    2. Add 2 Tbsp of oil in pan over medium heat, add ginger and onion until onion turn translucent, about 2 minutes. Add mushroom and cook 2 minutes.
    3. Turn to high heat, add 1 Tbsp of oil and pork and star anise, cook until the meat is turns to light brown. Add Shaoxing wine, rock sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, white pepper, five spice powder, and add 2 cups of water including the mushroom soaking water. Bring to a boil, and turn to low heat, simmer for 20 minutes.
    4. Boil the eggs. Put eggs in pot, pour water to cover the eggs completely, turn on medium heat and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, then cover with a lid, turn off the stove and leave the eggs in the hot water for 3 more minutes. Then put the eggs in cold water and peel.
    5. Add the eggs to the sauce, submerge the eggs fully. Need more water if needed. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes. If the sauce is too thin, turn to high heat to reduce it down. Add green onion and mix evenly. Pour the sauce on rice and ready to serve.