SEE HER by Bracha Jaffe I For Women and Girls Only I In Honor of Amudim's Unite to Heal

  • Опубліковано 17 гру 2023
  • The world is a mosaic of shapes and angles, where rectangles, triangles, and squares refuse to conform to boxes. Some have zigzag and jagged edges, coming together like a beautiful, intricate puzzle visible only from a bird's-eye view. Just as we can't fully grasp why we are the way we are, we each possess unique traits, gifts, and talents that contribute a distinct light to the world.
    The manuscript of our lives wasn't written to confine us; rather, it guides us to embody love, kindness, strength, and knowledge in our own distinct ways. These qualities set us apart, making us unique in our delivery. We're not meant to suppress or hide our gifts, for why were they given to us if not to be celebrated? The song composed by Chayala Neuhaus resonates deeply with me, compelling me to share its message that has been within me for 20 years.
    I chose to pursue my passion for nursing and singing, despite being told that it wouldn't fit. Holding onto my belief, I continue to swim in uncharted territory, using my voice to explore new depths and contribute the light I was given. As I grow and overcome obstacles, I understand the importance of continually discovering new worlds where I can shine my light.
    As I observe others' paths, I realize the importance of looking beyond the surface to hear the voices of those striving to be heard. My message to women and girls is this: never shy away from your incredible gifts and talents. Embrace who you are, keep swimming, and continue to contribute your light. The world needs your unique shine, and you will be seen for your true self beyond the surface.
    First and for most I would like to thank Israel Schachter of CharityBids for affording me the opportunity to share the song and message in this very unique and special way.
    Composed and Lyrics by: Chayala Neuhaus
    Music Producer and Arranger: Shai Bachar
    Lead Vocalist: Bracha Jaffe
    Trumpet: Frank London
    Drums: Yuval Lion
    Bass: Uri Kleinman
    Guitar: Nitzan Alon
    Piano: Shai Bachar
    Backing vocals: Talia Yona Kliger
    Recorded by: Shai Bachar Studios
    Mixed and Mastered: Ilya Lishinsky Art Sonic Studios
    Directed by: Dan Balilty Beetroot Productions
    Filmed by: Helge Gerull
    Song lyrics:
    Remember when I brought you a little girl she was the one with the brightest eyes
    Breezed in with the biggest dreams in the world
    And Set them off like butterflies
    She didn't color in the lines
    she didn't look where she leaped
    She didn't second guess wonder
    she just dove in deep
    And I made her hair
    and packed her bag
    and brought her to your door
    And said before I put her heart in your hands
    Just promise me one thing more
    When you look at her
    Don't just look at her
    Try to see her
    When she tells you
    she'll try again
    Try to believe her
    When she's a shade too bright ,
    To get it right
    Love her and let her
    learn to use her light
    Don't shut it down
    don't blow it out - I'm asking you .
    Remember when you told my little girl
    about the path she had to follow
    After some yesses more nos
    she'll guess as she goes
    there are parts of her she’ll learn to swallow
    And i soothed her bruises brushed her off
    And she kept on moving up
    Cuz the box you made was the smallest place
    And she'd stayed there long enough
    When you look at her
    Don't just look at her
    Try to see her
    When she tells you
    She can do it
    Try to believe her
    if she's a shade too bright ,
    To get it right
    Love her and let her
    learn to use her light
    Don't blow it out
    Don't shut it down I'm asking you .
    painting right in white
    and wrong in black
    It's an easy road to take
    But the artist up in heaven
    Doesn't paint any mistakes
    And there in our secret strength we get to know
    how far to go and how strong to grow
    And He can love what's colorful
    And see how she is beautiful
    When you look at her
    Don't just look at her
    Try to see her
    Instead of reading her a list of rules
    Just Try to read her
    And if you're patient
    Shell get it right
    Love her and let her
    learn to use her might
    Don’t shut it down
    Don’t blow it out
    I am asking you
    I am asking