Thanks pr. Go. When I quickly listening ur lecture yielding more and empowering me. (many of us not living our dreams as we are living our fear) I bound this quote especially faced more in my life. Thank again go forward.
Hi Dr. Drar, I am one of ur followers and I really do appreciate of ur lessons. I have one request if it's possible. As we all know and agree to build civilized community we have to change our children and shape them at their childhood, so that to achieve such civilised community can u give some important curriculum for our kindergarten Eritrean schools. We r proud to have u.
You are one of the smartest,helpfull habesha guys i ever seen,keep going dear gorgo.God bless u, even this is good courage for some who are educated but never share their knowledge to others
I appreciate your daily motivational speech and you really drive us forward to succeed in our dreams, so that is usefull advice for me as well my smart brother thank you!
Tnx so much for sharing us ur experience bro. Ab guday tmhrtin mstir awet ab hiwet motivate nknkewun tekafilena hasabatka ab hiwetey abi trgum rekibelu tnx more.buzyhat video kb natka fetineyen ewutat koynen rekibeyn tnx more one's again bro... may God bless u more.
ድራር ወድይ ከመይ ቀኒኻ ብምቕጻል ፍልጠት አቲ ዝበለጸ ሐይሊ ኢዩ። አዚ ተቕርቦ ዘለኻ ቪድዮ ኩሉ ወርቃዊ ቀለም ።ኢዩ ።ዝስዕቦን ዝጥቀመሉን አንተረ ኺቡ ከኣ መገዲ ዓወት ዝመርሐና ትምህርቲ ኢዩ"ሞ ነዛ ሐጻር ግዜኻ ተጠቒምካ ኣብ ፡ረብሐ ህዝብኻ ትገብሮ ዘለኻ ወፍሪ ብቐሊል ዘግመት ዓቢ ጸጋ፡ ኢዩሞ ተሳትፎ ኻ ኣይፈለየና ፡ዝብለካ። ኣብ መውዳአታ ክብሎ ዝደሊ ፡አዞም አንግሊዝ ኮይኑና ዝብሉ ስባት ፡መኽዘን ናይ ፍልጠት ኣብ ቓንቓ ከም ፡ዝርከብ ክፈልጡ ኣለዎም ፡ኢየ ዝብል ሰሰናዩ ንኹልና።
ይቕረታ ኣብዛ ኮመንቲ ዝጸሐፍኩዋ ዘለኹ ፡ብቐሊል ዘይግመት ክብል ፡ኢለ ኢየ'ሞ ኣሪምኩም ኣምብብዋ
Teklemarim Bekit u right baba teklemarim he is doing well
ኩሉ ብጣአሚ ንክትሰምኦ ዘብህግ እዩ። ብጣአሚ ሃሪ፣ አተባባኢ ትገብሮዘለካ ካብ ሰማይ ካብ አምላክ ተከፈል ጻማካ፣ ጀሪጆ ድራሪ ሐወይ። ብጣአሚ ኢየ ዘክብረካ፣ ተባረክ ብሩክ ሐወይ።
ኩቡር ሓው ጆርጆ ትምህርትካ ብታሚ እየ ዝካታተሎ፡ ብመጠኑ እውን ጽቡቅ ውጽእት ኣምጽእለይ፡ ካብ ትምህርትካ ንላዕሊ ፡ ትሕትናካ፡ ካቡ ንላዕሊ ፍልጠትካ፡ ካቡ ንላዕሊ እወን ፍርሓት እግዛቡሄር ስለ ዘለካ ክላህና ክንማሃር ክልና፡ ክንማህር እንተደልካ ቀጽሎ ኣምላክ ግልቦትካ የጽንዕ፡ ብዛዕባ ኣብ ምንባብ ዕዉታት ክንኮነሉ ንክእል መንገዲ ሓቤርታ ተትበና ዝያዳ ጽቡቅ ኮይኑ ይስማ ዓኒ።
እግዚኣብሄር ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ኩቡር ሓው!
ብጣዕሚ መሃሪ ተስፋ ዘስንቅ ትምህርቲ እዩ ቀጽሎ ኣጆኻ በርትዕ ኩሉ እትሰዶ ትምህርቲ ማሃሪ እዩ ብዙሕ ውን ንመሃር ኣለና።
ብጣዕሚ አና ነመስግነካ ክቡር ሓወይ ትምህርትካ መግቢ ናይ ኣአምሮ አዩ ነዓና
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቅ ትምርቲ ተስፋ ዝህብ እዩ ኣጆካ ቀጽሎ
ናይ በሃቂ ጽቡቅ ቲምህርቲ ኣነስ ኪገርመኩም ናይ ጆርጆ ደስ ይብለኒ ከምዚ አዩ ደስ ዝብለኒ ዋላ ዕላል ከምዚ ናትካ ደስ ዚብለኒ በጃኩም( like ) ሃቡለይ በጃኩም ።
ኣጆኻ ቀጽሎ፡ኣነ ዝገርመኒ ግን ዝጠቅምን ዘይጠቅምን ዝዝርግሑ ሰባት ብዙሕ ሳብስክራይብ እንዳገበርናስ ነዚ ንርእስና ሃናጺ ዝኾነ ዳኣ ዘይንገብሮ ፕሊስ ነስተውዕል።
Ok aryam hatitnayom alena enda youtube degimana supscripe kngebr ✌✌emebr hanti aykonetn 3 gzie keman Ygbea neza channel dea 👍👍👍 its really fascinating
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቅ ጆርጆ ሓወይ መሃሪ ትምርቲ
ደስ ኢሉኒ
ናይብሓቂ ብሮ ዕድመ ይሃብካ
ዓቢ ሰብ ፡ብሓቂ ዓቢ ትምርቲ 'ዩ GBU.
ብጣሚ መሃሪ መልእክቲ thanks
nay bhaki drar ika. Gbu schim ika tewahibka. Thanky you for all.👍👍👍
ዝኸበርካ ጆርጆ ሓወይ ኣምላኽ ሓይሊ ይሃብካ ዝናኣድ ስራሕ።
believe me you are smart teach Thanks so much and G-d bless u
ክብር ሓውይ ብሓቂ ደስ ትምህርቲ እዩ ኣምላኽ ዕደመ ጥዕና ይሃብካ ቆጽሎ ጅርጆ
ብሃኪ ደስ ዘብል ትምህርቲ ጆርጆ ሓውና ክብረት ይሃበልና
ይቀኒየልና ኩቡር ሓዉና 👍👍
Selam kubur hawu btgeburo zeleka btaemi eye zemesgneka bflay abzi sdet zolona kobasna tefiena zolo kemzi aynet mkiri agedasi eyu nana courage
Eta 2 yti tksi bteami fetieya .good job bro keep it up
ናይ መወዳእታ 7, ዓባይ ነጥቢ ኢያ። 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Bejakum n drar hawuna like nhabo Ato 4 dislike zgeberkum kea kemey yeadawkum yqorexa
Thank you very much teacherey .
Niaka enkrie hayli nay tesfa eyu zmetseni wela ayney entenebee😍
Thanks. gorgo ur advice is more than enough in my life.
የቀንየልና ክቡር ሓውና ጆርጆ
We learn more from you our bright future gorgo beloved brother God bless you dear .
ቡሩኸይ እዚ ናትካ መደብ ቡዙሕ ጥቅሚ ኣለዎ ቀጽሎ ቤትካ ይባረኽ
ኣጆካ ጆርጆ ሓወይ ብጣዕም እየ ዝምስግነካ፡ኩሉ ግዜ ከኣ ብትምህርትካ ሕጉስ እየ
ክቡር ሓው ጆርጆ ኣነ ሓደ ካብ ተኻታተልቲ መደብካ እየ። ሓደ ካብቲ ናትካ ዘድንቖ ማዕረ ማዕረ እቲ እትምህሮ ቋንቋ እንግሊዝ ትምህረና ኣለኻ። Keep it up and thank you !!!
Waww xbuk hasab eu hawey so thanks more
Thanks hawna GBU
ነዚ ሕብረተ ሰብ ኣዚኻ ኣገዳሲ ሰብ ኢኻ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ብጣዕሚ መግለጺ ስኢነልካ ነዘኦም ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ ዓዲ ነንሕድሕዶም ብኻራ ዝተሓራረዱ ዘለዎ ኤርትራውያን ደገፍትን ተቓወምትን እና በሎ ይቃተሉ ኣለው ኣብ እስራኤል ማለትይ የ ኣነ ኣብ እስራኤል የ ዝነብር ብጃኻ ባ ገለ ማዕዳ ግበረሎም
All of those are good but number 7 is very important keep it up
I like you very much my big bro, thank you for your motivation video💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you blesss you
Kibret yhabelna thanks so much I really appreciate you
Thank you so much brother.
Thanks so much Got blesses you
Thanks so much dear jorjo brother
Thanks pr. Go. When I quickly listening ur lecture yielding more and empowering me. (many of us not living our dreams as we are living our fear) I bound this quote especially faced more in my life.
Thank again go forward.
wawww mehari zkone kalat bflay dma number 3 mara mesitatni, Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Really
Thanks teacher 👨🏫
Gorgo kubur seb:) kebirka nber neana metan kihshena.
Hi Dr. Drar, I am one of ur followers and I really do appreciate of ur lessons. I have one request if it's possible. As we all know and agree to build civilized community we have to change our children and shape them at their childhood, so that to achieve such civilised community can u give some important curriculum for our kindergarten Eritrean schools. We r proud to have u.
Yes wawa fantastisk bro bliss qexlo kulu tblo zelka haji zegatmni zelo eyu derar
Gorjo haweyy thanks so agedse seb eka nayyy
Memhr ጆርጅ ትምህርቲ ደጋጊመ ሰሚዐ ዘይጸግቦ
ብጣዕሚ ኩሉ እካ እንተ ዘይበልኩካ ብከፊል ገለ ክወስድ ክውስን ጀሚረ ብዙሕ ኣንባቢ ውን ኣይነበርኩን ሕጂ ግን ጽምኣት ክገብረለይ ጀሚሩ እንተ ዘይ ንበብኩ ናይ ሎሚ ዓመት ተመሊሰ ክሰምዖ ግን ህዝብናስ ገና ኣብ ትምህርቲ ተጋዳስነት ከም ዘየርኢ ክሳብ ሕጂስ 24ሽሕ ጥራሕ ተራእያ እዛ ቪዲዮ ስለዚ ትምህርትኻ ኮንቱ ኣይኮነን ነዓይን ከምዚ ከማይን ኣዝዩ ዩ ጠቂሙና ንሰርሓሉ እካ ጀሚርና ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ቡሩኽ ❤❤❤👈
Jerje nftun hrkutn menesey btaemi u aziu mehari zkene hasab deki sebat zekelom hasab bmhabka hgus ye. Hmaq seb yelen gin nseb moral kemzi nska thbena trah u zdeli, hanti kbleka ay ttfeana brukey sesenayu neaka👍
Oh kbur hawna gorgo my god bless u 🙏 kabaka bzuh ina nmehar thank u
ብጣዕሚ ኢና ነመስግን ጆርጆ ሓውና ኣይትጥፈአና።
Btaomi xubuq thanks brother if you dream it you do it
Betami agedasi mekri thanks🙏🙌👍👍
Grazie mille God bless you!
የቀንየልና ክቡር ሓውና ሰብ ተስፋ የንተይቆረፅ እንተሰሪሑን ሓሲቡን ዘይፍታሕ ሕልሚ፡የለን መወዳሕትኡ ዕዉታት ኢና ንከውን
ናይ ማርያም ባርያ ናይ ኣምላከይ ኣደ፡።ኣጆኪ ናዓኪ ውን ኣነ ኣድንቀኪ ኣለኩ፡ምክንያቱ ተስፍ ዘለኪ ሰብ እኪ፡ ኩሉ ግዜ ናይ ጆርጆ ትከታተል እኪ፡ናይ ጆርጆ ትምህርቲ ተከታትልክን ንእሽተይ ተግባር ንክትገብር እንተ ጀምርኪን ክትዕወት እኪ።ስለዚ ኣብ መገድ ዓወት ኣለኪ ም ቀጽልዮ ኣጆኪ በል፡
I Thanks you Jorjo hawey blessing you more and more keep going 🙏
Thanks you bro god bless you
ጆርጆ ከም ልበይ ኢለካ ኣሎኹ። ምኽንያቱ ኩሉ እቲ ኣብ ልበይ ዘሎ ስለ ትብለለይ። ተሓጒስካ ሕደር! I wish ሓደ መዓልቲ ኮፍ ኢለ ከዕልለካ።
Well done! you are the core and sources of the success for our youth.
You are one of the smartest,helpfull habesha guys i ever seen,keep going dear gorgo.God bless u, even this is good courage for some who are educated but never share their knowledge to others
Kemakas shih yedliyuna etom bnay seb hangol zinkesakesu yehwatna gele tetiblena des mibeleni you are a good teacher jorge thanks.
Viva Gorgino...!
You made my life fulfilled great man.
I can call you Eritrean Les Brown.
Thank you once again.
I appreciate your daily motivational speech and you really drive us forward to succeed in our dreams, so that is usefull advice for me as well my smart brother thank you!
Waww gorgo hawey btani desi zbli tmrti eyu qexilo qexilo
Wawwww betami mehari zikone timhriti. Kalat yihaxinrni kigelsekea
Gorgo hawey. Hanti etea kibla zikelel ente la Amlak kulu etimineyo yihabkea & edmen tienan yihabkea. 😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I really appreciate your advice and support Georgo keep it up thanks again
Tanks dear drar continue
Thanks so much my brother so beutiful advice
We are with you
ነዚ ሕብረተሰብና ኣገዳሲ ኢኻ ዕድመ ይሃብካ 😍😍
Thanks more
Thanks more bro GBU.
Brother Drar I am really proud of you keep going God bless you .
Well done!!!
Thanks so much long life brother
Thanks Teacher Goe best ideas and advice we more people like you bro🇪🇷🇪🇷🥀👍
Tnx so much for sharing us ur experience bro.
Ab guday tmhrtin mstir awet ab hiwet motivate nknkewun tekafilena hasabatka ab hiwetey abi trgum rekibelu tnx more.buzyhat video kb natka fetineyen ewutat koynen rekibeyn tnx more one's again bro... may God bless u more.
thanks more Gorgo!
Well done ✌💖👍 Go head
Tanx you dera 🙏
Good contribution!
Thank you bsul hawina
Btaemi eye zemesgneka Gorgo hawey, naybhaki kulu gze eye moral zlebs kab kalatka slezi thanks alot our god bless you
Thankss memhir Gorjo
Thanks brother
Good job thank u 👏
Thankyou I really appreciate you
Thanks so much bro.
I like all especially 3 start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Be continue.....
U have good idea
You are the best bro thanks
Herzlichen willkommen Drar ,Vielen Dank 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Wow ! Thank you very much. You
are 🎓⭐👍
Nice one bro very useful advice keep it
Excellent job
Exactly bro an kmza tbla zlka eiy nyre Elementary Klku mara hmak nyre Jener school 🏫 gen bitami nfeti temaharit koyne
You are an advicer of highiest quality.