Paula TG No excuse for that . High functioning kids need to be exposed to the outside world so they can learn to deal with it and to coexist with others. People like you are the problem.
Please reed back again, and show me when i told that de mother is right. I told noby is perfect and i told she needs a professionel help to teacher. No body is born as parent. Parenting is een learning proces. Even i told that i know a koppel they have the same problem en they have 2 kids. The koppel live alone with children, but every day come someone of the family on busy moment to help them, because they get very nervous. They only need a guide. I'm not the problem, i help people. The problem is people hoe make problems. Bye
More one thing. If you are a parent and your child has some issues and you don't now how to handel, i'm very sure that you gone ask some professionel help, because you need to learn what to do in some situation. Parents do mistakes, this mother needs to learn, she's not killing him. Now i'm than. I stop
@@Cristina661224 Ah! I have a sister who is deaf. She writes like you do. To some people it sounds like you are not smart. But that's not true. It's that you are deaf and the English language is not the same as ASL. I'm just guessing, but if it's true, then thank you for your comments.
My sister had to get on the small bus in front of our whole neighborhood. Our house was on the corner and that was where the regular bus stop was. The little 🚌 would come and honk. It was sooooo hard for her. Quite a label to put on someone who has 2 degrees now. They can’t even try to let her fit in.
He was so right to say instead of just looking at IQ they should look at handle day to day life skills. He had a girlfriend, a flat and kids, and when he ran away he got a job. Many people with a higher IQ can't manage that.
Same thought! I thought most parents want to see their children achieve this. She (Tiffany) even taught him how to socialize, keep a house clean all the things I've seen grown adults with no disability not even manage.
Landon's BIGGEST disability is having a mother who is crippling her son's independence. As the mother of a Dyslexic son, I just want my adult son to be HAPPY, well adjusted & a productive part of society-I think Landon articulates himself well. It saddens me to see this mother going SO OVER-BOARD in controlling every part of Landon's life. Who gives up on their child's education & socializing skills at school by Grade TWO-you won't learn THAT smothered at home in a bubble.
Mickeys MDN I'm very sorry for your situation-stay strong! I cope with my severe Bi-Polar depression by reminding myself, I am blessed with a loving,supportive Mother,when I'm not coping with Agoraphobia....& tomorrow's a new day.
Donna Marie I have a good sense a humor. Non of my family supports me, so without it. My immune system is shot, so it's hard to do a lot. Things have gotten better with having a positive attitude and knowing more about my health and rights. I say rights, cause doctors haven't listened to me in the past and now I am looking for a new one and know the questions to ask. It's sad that a doctor won't do their job and treat the person they are seeing.
The mom was passively abusive. He would be a normal functioning person if she had just treated him like a normal kid with normal expectations and taught him the NORMAL basic skills. The mom is crazy.
team14robot the mom did not diagnose him with these things the docs did so he obviously needed help. You saw him speak for 10 minutes and are drawing pretty insane conclusions that he would be normal if it weren't for his mother. He obviously has many issues and needs help.
Okay, I understand where you're coming from. I wasn't clear. Yes, he definitely needs help. I still stand by my point that the mom was a primary reason why his situation was so much more difficult than it needed to be. The man himself made it pretty clear that he wants and needs to get away from his controlling mother, so I think that in itself is definitely a reasonable conclusion.
@@fembot521 He would be normal if it weren't for his mother. I know many people in my neighbourhood who juggle numerous diagnosis and conditions successfully because they had parents and community who support them living as normal a life as possible. What's sad is the Canadian courts nurture the destruction of the family to push whatever the agenda de jour happens to be. The people who are the focus of those agendas ultimately are victimized by them.
It's like his mother has Munchausen syndrome by proxy , she is sick and the one that needs help! How dare she deny her son an education!!!! I am getting angry just watching this!
I was happy to read that he finally emancipated himself, and I was touched by an interview where he was asked what the first thing he would do was. His response was a considered, articulate piece about not having been permitted to make decisions for so long, that it was all so new to him. I would say to him " you made the BIGGEST decision of your life when you fought for your emancipation, and won it!". Kudos to you.... proud of you young man!.
Landon's parents didn't even teach him how to make a bed or do his own laundry, things which he was clearly capable of doing. Seems like they didn't make a great effort in teaching him how to be independent.
My best friend married someone that had a kid like him. She was teaching the girls everything she could to make her independent. And she was quite capable of learning. Little by little, but her own mother didn't care for. It was horrible. My friend ask her to make her bed, and would helped showing how to. The mother was just whatever, like "what is the point?". The point was for her to be able to be living by herself one day. Dobt know what is going on right now, they divorced.
You don't know that for certain. What we have was Landon's version and perception of the what happened. It is possible he was unwilling to learn those types of life skills when he lived at home and only really applied himself after having to do so out on his own. It's easy to blame parents for your own failings - and easy to blame them for their children's failings and shortcomings. It sounds like a very typical struggle for independence, and since Landon is developmentally delayed he is going to be going through that process both later and longer, probably in his early 20s rather than in his early to mid-teens like most others.
+Patty Hearse i was wondering this myself.. i just started to learn the ways of canadian laws and customs but doubt they wouldve out of common sense. maybe high school, but here in the US they dont push leaving school, 2nd grade there is still a level of hope of some significant progress.
lol, you funny. You speak as if his mother had abandoned him. Being a mother is a learning process. And in this situation lacked a professional to guide the parents. There is no perfect parents.
+Paula TG Being a mother is a learning process? You think if she hasn't learned anything by the time her son is an adult maybe the problem lies with her not him? Obviously it's her with the learning disability, ie: she has a flat learning curve, but more likely she has a serious mental disorder. There's nothing wrong with him. She is highly abusive.
One thing you never gonna be A MOTHER ;) And YES be a mother is alearning process. It"s why exist professionels to help parents when someting goes wrong.I'm mother for 20 years. And to educade my child i ask to older parents,, is saw i LEARN, i didn't born a mother.....a learn to be one, miste my daugther is studing for later help peopel like London. Teached them structure, like this they can leave alone. We have in family a couple like London. Every days come somebody inside to teach them some structure, of they get nerves after a while and confused and they hav 2 children. Thanks to his sister(professionel) they can leave in them house with them children. Even the guy says the same, we could'nt without my sister. Bye and thanks for your desrespectefull woords
Yeah you are a perfect mother, you no beter ! Shame for that mother who abandons her children. And not for this mother who wanted to protect her son. Being a mother is a learning process. She's not evil was simply protected him too much. She only was afraid to let go cause of his disability
I didn't say that the mother is right. I wrote be a mother is a learning process, with this i want to say there is mistakes too, we mothers are not perfect ;) Even i told she wants protect too much, and is not goed. But a mother who abandond the children they should be ashamed. AND YES BEING A PARENT IS A LEARNING PROCESS. My child is 20 and believe me let go is not easy, but she has her freedom
Sounds like his mom never gave him a chance, never even taught him to make his bed. He seemed so proud to be out on his own and just to be able to do that. I hope he gets the chance to flourish.
I really hope Landon & Tiffany and their beautiful children are keeping well and i wish them all the best for the future, his mum is the one that needs help.
In Edmonton, doing construction work. Landon had enough sense to get to the bus station, purchase a ticket, apply for a job, get it and work it. Seems that his "clearance" is resolved, he could go most anywhere there is work and be as successful as others.
Clearly he is high functioning. This man has kids now. He's sound enough to work. He clearly has no issues understanding everyday life. Why would you pull him out of school. They literally have special ed classes and teachers in every public school. Teaching kids with disabilities is what they go to school for. That's a chosen field, not assigned. His girlfriend has managed to stick by him for several years now. He started to blossoms once he they started dating. Not to mention she was able to see past the disabilities. Something his parents couldn't see. He has common sense and reasoning. He can make his own choices with help. He's already living with a disabilities and coping. Only to have his rights stolen from him. Didn't even bother to sit down and have a family meeting with him, regarding his life.
Yes, but this mother no one teach her how to deal with this situation. Being a mother is a learning process. In the country where I live, in this situation the parents receive guidance, psychological help from professionals. And the family meeting must be with a professional, because both sides needs help
Landon.... you're my hero. What a brave and strong willed man. I believe Landon has the strong potential to succeed at anything he sets his mind to. What a brilliant mind that perhaps sees the world from a unique perspective. It's time to learn from Landon and others who can educate us on their abilities.
Even with all his disabilities he's still able to function properly within society and he's doing an amazing job of doing so. Those parents should be ashamed, they really should. They weren't listening to their child's needs and it's infuriating that they've constantly hindered his progress at every chance they got.
Good lord, im stunned at this , for all his issues, biggest one being his bloody mother, i think brandon is capable of living for himself, Tiffany clearly loves him for who he is, let him live a normal life, let him make mistakes we all make them, his family can still support him. I dnt believe his mother done wot was best for him growing up, it was wotever is the easiest way to suit her, as he gets older he gets a little more savvy at life x Mum set him up to fall... luckily he got back up and is learning how to be a man. Tiffany is doing great job with him, treats him like a normal human being, its done him the world of good.. phew !! My rant is over now.... just wana shake the mother senseless ...
It pisses me off when his mom said he doesn't have the skills to live away from home. If she would have taught him the skills he needed he could've been out w/out any issues. But she didn't. She wants him to be dependent on her. It's sickening...this mom is sick in the head. & it really pisses me off
The whole IQ discrepancy model of disability diagnosis is very flawed. There should always be a bunch of different testing and then...YOU HELP THEM BE AS FUNCTIONAL AS F***ING POSSIBLE!
His mother did force plenty of false diagnosis on him. That was cruel. Who knows what his actual IQ is. But who cares? It doesn't matter. He is an adult who has shown that he wants to be independant and he is capable. Maybe he needs a little help. But who doesn't? I can't believe that in today's society we literally can control someone else's life solely based on an IQ score! It's ridiculous. If they did IQ scoring for every adult, half of the US would be considered 'low IQ'.
No school since grade 2? I bet most people would score really low in those circumstances. Brenda got jealous of the girlfriend, so she screwed his life up. What a terrible way to live. She needs locking up.
It upsets me when people label others. My brother was so artistic and a genius with hands on stuff but no one saw he’s beauty. They ( teachers) labeled my brother and that effected him , just because school isn’t your strong suit doesn’t mean u have a problem. Wake up mom , ur son needs u to accept him as he is ... how could any mother not believe in their child? Landon your absolutely amazing as u are . Don’t let this define you , believe in yourself and have faith ...
Brenda Hardiman is 100% a hero & an angel. She is a true loving & caring mother. She raised her daughter properly, trusted her & did not ever consider taking away her child's rights. She is supportive & a guide to her daughter. Thank you for showing that there are good people still here with disabled children. YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL FOR EVERYONE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION!
Landon - you are fine, no-one's perfect and any 'problems' you have are not important compared to the way you are able to cope with life and have a loving partner and kids. He needs all his rights as a human being, there is no reason to lean on past diagnoses to prevent this unless you are being really blinkered about life as a whole. Patents of Landon: grow up and let him grow up!!!
Couldn't his girlfriend be his guardian? This is an awful, inhuman situation. Keep fighting everyone in Canada for this man's rights, he is not incompetent.
@@saraallison9469 Why is there something wrong with Tiffany/girlfriend. She appears very sensible considering she was on her own at 16. They seem to have a supportive relationship.
Landon needs to look into NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and possibly even Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Whatever the case may be, his mother seems to have a pathological attention-seeking disorder and a refusal to allow her adult son's natural desire for autonomy. Parents like her often seem like doting concerned parents, but to the detriment of their own children. He said himself that she was "harming" & "suffocating" him. Notice how his limitations were so hard on HER and so sad for HER. She seems to need him to be special needs, when in fact, he is not as limited as she makes him out to be. 6:15 is a blatant example of gaslighting (when an abuser tells their victim that their perceptions or memories of the events are incorrect, in an attempt to make them doubt their memories or think they are crazy). He "did not have any skills" when he moved out, because he was never taught any skills while he was still at home. There is such a thing as learned helplessness...because there is such a thing as taught helplessness. Not the differences between Landon's mother, who help her son back & Michelle's mother, who helped her daughter evolve in her independence. Something is very wrong with the former family dynamic.
I'm a social worker and I am so mad at how that home was run. How can anyone charge someone in their care for throwing a shoe?! I had way worse thrown at me and never once as much as considered pressing charges. If you can't handle the outburst that come with certain disabilities get a new job! And do not ever drag or lift people and lock them in their rooms. They aren't criminals. Use your words!
@@lesterclaypool1You are Dead On The Money... No Pun intended! I Feel a big huge part of the problem is that the Mother feels the Need to Control every aspect of this young Man's Life in every Way... And this is where one naturally has to question both his mothers agenda aswell as those of the Authorities and The Law... Someone needs to question those as to why there is a need to keep him cooped up like a Chicken where he would end up like any of us & become frustrated & push him over the edge... Instead of teaching him... encouraging him... supporting him... Thus assisting him to create as 'normal' Life as is possible...And helping him to become independent as much as is possible!!! His Parents, the Authorities & Legal System have let him down. And one can see where he is taking on the Establishment... He is displaying a true sense of intelligence & determination ... TRUE GRIT if you will to take on those who have failed him & Donot have his Best Interests at heart but only their own!!!
@@womanofsubstance9346 My wife's Godchild is blind. We gave her tools but we didn't do for her. When she got to be 16 and started developing her own interests and needs her pension pity check was signed over to her for her to sink or swim with, herself. She now a mother of two beautiful boys under 5 and a fine musician. The last thing anyone in our chosen family needed was a perpetual child, and not a one of us wanted her government money. I imagine this young man will be just fine. Tribunal will set him up with a good lawyer and he'll win. I do feel sorry that he will lose his parent child relationship. It's still an important relationship, even if it's fractured.
@@lesterclaypool1 If Munchausen's, then definitely Munchausen's By Proxy (although no longer called that). Munchausen's is faking or embellishing your own illness... Munchausen's By Proxy is faking or embellishing someone else's (most often your child's) illness 😊 As Munchausen's (By Proxy or not) is a mental illness, it's not driven by money as it's not something the individual has much control over-it becomes part of their being. Money can become a contributing factor later, but it's not the cause... It stems from deep need for attention/sympathy
What i saw in this video was Landon's parents caring to much for him and not allowing him to grow as a person! They need to step back and allow their child to be a man and do what he needs to do for his family with their support! Be a positive parent and not a crazy one!
What kind of mother cannot see how amazing her son is regardless of what he can or can’t do? She’s a truly awful person who should be proud of what her son has achieved instead of putting him down all the time and trying to control all aspects of his life. She’s not helping him develop and become who he can become in any way shape or form. Be proud of who you are Landon, a very well spoken intelligent human being, who deserves respect and encouragement from everyone around him.
I would love to see a follow up story on how Landon's story with his family be turned out excellent story disability or not everybody has a right to do what they want with their life and him having a family has to be a positive thing for his life I hope the outcome was good and you should really have a follow-up show on the outcome
I'm 13 minutes in and am finding it difficult, too. Whatever his limitations, I don't think they required forced imprisonment or the kind of traumatic arrest/abduction his parents and the police carried out. Treating him like an invalid seems to have created or prolonged a lot of the problems his mother cited. I think that became clear to me when he and his girlfriend were acknowledging the same issues but then describing how he'd improved. Nowadays people with Down's syndrome are increasingly able to lead independent or semi-independent lives; they actually do a lot better than their unfortunate predecessors, who were institutionalized and under-socialized and as a result were robbed of their initial potential. Landon Webbs seems to parallel that situation and in a rather milder form. If his parents had maintained connections with his friends, found ways for him to socialize in a structured environment with other home schoolers, etc. he would have been much better off.
This episode caused me to see the parents as abusers, set on their own agenda, both of which stirred in me deep feelings of dislike towards both of them. Landon Webb is a hero in my eyes! He needs to be entirely free from those oppressors calling themselves guardians otherwise known as parents. If I get the courage I will attempt to watch another portion of this show to see if Landon is allowed to live an independent life.
Landon is a great guy! I think he seems perfectly normal. I hope he and Tiffany have a good life together raising their kids. I applaud Tiffany for hanging in there and being a support for him in spite of his parents interference which seems very extreme. I wish you both the very best!
This was posted Mar 2016, hopefully things will get better for Landon. He is definitely able to function day to day no excuse for parents to send their child to mental institution just cos this isn't what they signed up for. Respect your child. Let the professional help those who REALLY needs help. His mother needs therapy.
You notice when it started, right? It was all ok for him to live on his own until he got disability. Oh, then he has to come home, and the parents get the disability.
I’m Autistic and reviewing the Incompetent Persons act, it is effectively a blank cheque for abusive parents and it is a violation of the charter of rights and freedom. I’m just grateful that Landon Webb won his case which was a victory for all Autistics in Nova Scotia and Canada.
Yes, as a matter of fact my son does have mental health issues. He, Like Landon, is also a father who maintains full-time employment and lives independently from us with as much support as he needs. Landon's mother used the New Brunswick legal system as a means of control, not because it was in his best interest to be virtually incarcerated.
+Massetgirl72 You hit the nail on the head. The mother has a serious mental disorder, maybe some form of Manchausen by Proxy, she's basically driven by some sort of sociopathic compulsion, need of her own, not his best interest. Even if all she said were true, which I highly doubt, there is absolutely no reason to have him locked up for two years. The tragedy here is that the system, instead of looking out for the weak and vulnerable, has helped her abuse him, and helped her all along. The government is totally complicit.
My son has intellectual development delays but he is now 25 years old, lives two hours from me, has his own apartment, works and has a girlfriend. I worked VERY hard so that one day he could become son suffers with depression and had suicidal tendencies as well so he has some mental health issues as well but he obtained the services need with some assistance from me....I NEVER do so much for him that he doesn't have to do anything or else guess what? he would still be in my care needing help doing basic things much like Landon is learning has happened to him
What a lovely young man and against all parenting odds. You are an inspiration. My son sounded a lot like you...I’m so pleased we didn’t wrap him up in cotton wool. I never wanted him to feel different. He was different but different is okay, I’m a little different...different is good. My son is now an electrician, married and owns his own home. Life’s tough enough without having parents/a mother against you like this. Lots of good vibes and wishes going your way 💞💞
The mother obviously had good intentions, but she really stunted this guy. I’m sure he has his issues, but he seems much more cognizant than his mother says. She’s kind of at fault for a lot of his social and self esteem issues.
Since he was a kid, he knew he was capable of living a normal life and that was taken from him. His parents couldn't cope with the fact that he was growing and need it space to make his own decisions. He doesn't look he had all the disorders his mom said. To me he is more down to earth than many people I know.
Sometimes parents make mistakes with a good intention in mind, the one of protecting their children. What they don't realize is that overprotection can be a straight jacket which prevents them from growing up. An extremely insecure and fearful parent can project that onto their child.
The key word is "SELF-harming". He has no history of hurting anyone else. By your reasoning, everyone who smokes, uses meth, drinks and drives or eats greasy cheeseburgers with a side of greasy fries should have a guardian as well because they are stupidly committing acts of "self-harm" upon their bodies. Taking someone's rights and the ability to make their own choices and live with the natural consequences of their actions should always be the last resort.
I am so proud of Landons efforts to fight for himself and everyone else who’s going through this. I feel bad that he did not receive the proper education from home. I do believe his parents are to blame for the most part. Again, his efforts are phenomenal - to move towards his goals and to fight for others as well. I really hope he has a chance to be with Tiffany and his kids. With the last snipet, seeing him play with his kids tugged at my heartstrings. How heartbreaking that child abusers have the privilege of staying with their kids but not Landon.
wow! comments are right. I watched the whole thing and i saw an intelligent young man with the desire to learn and do as much as he could, and given the right setting, he seems entirely capable of learning how live a normal life. I wish his mother would have given him a shot! I am very lald he has a loving girlfriend willing to play that role.
My uncle was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. He had the intellectual level of a child. He lived on his own while being looked over by family. He paid his bills and bought his own groceries. I feel for all of these people.
The mom is definitely in the wrong! My son was in special ed classes,I never treated him any different than my daughter.He has a hard time reading or writing,but can work on cars,install stereos,do his own laundry,cook etc.He gets government help,but lives on his own.Clearly this man can live on his own.His mother is totally keeping him from living his life because she wants to be "right about her diagnosis about him".She has her own mind,she didn't have to listen to doctor's diagnosing him.The mom is a nut job IMO.
there are people with drug problem that do not function as well as Landon. Should their parents take custody of them and declare then unable to be independent. yeah these parents are screwed up, its almost as if they want him to be dysfunctional.
The fact that he did manage to live his day to day life without any support from his parents at that age suggests he is very capable. Many 19 year olds still need their mother to do their laundry, and this guy was out there learning how to do it just because he wanted to. He should have been able to rely on his parents to help teach him the skills he needed to survive in the world on his own, but instead he had to escape his parents to learn this stuff by himself because his parents didn't believe in him or his capabilities. If he functions this well without supportive parents, just imagine how well he'd be functioning if he did have supportive parents.
Landon has a wonderful sense of humor, i believe humor like that takes a certain intelligence. The way he sees his situation and thinks outside himself says something to his intelligence as well. If he has any of the deficits his mom speaks of and he accomplished as much as he did on his own makes him extremely strong and capable.
everyone is attacking the parents but i support them totally, he appears quite normal on camera but you cant judge him based on an interview, a family member of mine who is mentally ill puts on a show for people who dont know him and they think he is completely normal, but he behaves totally differently in private due to his mental illness and cant take basic care of himself, cant work, doesnt care about his hygene, believes aliens are talking to him etc, yet he thinks he is completely healthy and cant accept he is mentally ill and hearing voices in his head... these parents are amazing in my opinion, most people would let him go away and destroy himself
Everyone wants to get on the big bus in their life. We are taught the big bus is best. We should worry less about the bus and more about driving it in the direction that makes us happy.
We all make mistakes parenting is one of the hardest things one does, made even harder with children with disabilities. To say she would do the same all over again is so so wrong especially when your son is telling you where you did. Even if you fail to see the obvious. His one saving grace is he seems to have a lovely supportive girlfriend
Biggest mistake was taking him out of school and sheltering him at age 11. Mother has to stop being so controlling.
No mother is perfect. Maybe she had a professionel who guide her, and teach her .....easy to talk when we are not in her situation.
Paula TG No excuse for that . High functioning kids need to be exposed to the outside world so they can learn to deal with it and to coexist with others. People like you are the problem.
Please reed back again, and show me when i told that de mother is right. I told noby is perfect and i told she needs a professionel help to teacher. No body is born as parent. Parenting is een learning proces. Even i told that i know a koppel they have the same problem en they have 2 kids. The koppel live alone with children, but every day come someone of the family on busy moment to help them, because they get very nervous. They only need a guide. I'm not the problem, i help people. The problem is people hoe make problems. Bye
More one thing. If you are a parent and your child has some issues and you don't now how to handel, i'm very sure that you gone ask some professionel help, because you need to learn what to do in some situation. Parents do mistakes, this mother needs to learn, she's not killing him. Now i'm than. I stop
@@Cristina661224 Ah! I have a sister who is deaf. She writes like you do. To some people it sounds like you are not smart. But that's not true. It's that you are deaf and the English language is not the same as ASL. I'm just guessing, but if it's true, then thank you for your comments.
my heart actually broke when he said he didn't want to get on the small bus, he wanted to be on the big bus like everyone else...
I really feel badly for him in all he has been through and yet he has such a good attitude! Amazing!
My sister had to get on the small bus in front of our whole neighborhood. Our house was on the corner and that was where the regular bus stop was. The little 🚌 would come and honk. It was sooooo hard for her. Quite a label to put on someone who has 2 degrees now. They can’t even try to let her fit in.
Landon is my sisters bsf step dad and he’s quite nive
@kenzeelove7465 do you mean naive?...
He was so right to say instead of just looking at IQ they should look at handle day to day life skills. He had a girlfriend, a flat and kids, and when he ran away he got a job. Many people with a higher IQ can't manage that.
Good 1 - true many people dont even want that or can do that good life !! Hes doing well. but needs to stay away from booze !!
@Jane Doe
The "they" the OP was talking about was the government, not the young man in the documentary, or people with handicaps, in general.
Well said
Ran away, you mean GOT A LIFE OF HIS OWN.
Maybe his mother should do the same, he's not a baby, she needs a hobby her son is not that!
Same thought! I thought most parents want to see their children achieve this. She (Tiffany) even taught him how to socialize, keep a house clean all the things I've seen grown adults with no disability not even manage.
This is so heartbreaking, he is obviously a capable young man. I wish him nothing but happiness.
Landon's BIGGEST disability is having a mother who is crippling her son's independence. As the mother of a Dyslexic son, I just want my adult son to be HAPPY, well adjusted & a productive part of society-I think Landon articulates himself well. It saddens me to see this mother going SO OVER-BOARD in controlling every part of Landon's life. Who gives up on their child's education & socializing skills at school by Grade TWO-you won't learn THAT smothered at home in a bubble.
Mickeys MDN I'm very sorry for your situation-stay strong!
I cope with my severe Bi-Polar depression by reminding myself, I am blessed with a loving,supportive Mother,when I'm not coping with Agoraphobia....& tomorrow's a new day.
Donna Marie
I have a good sense a humor. Non of my family supports me, so without it. My immune system is shot, so it's hard to do a lot. Things have gotten better with having a positive attitude and knowing more about my health and rights. I say rights, cause doctors haven't listened to me in the past and now I am looking for a new one and know the questions to ask. It's sad that a doctor won't do their job and treat the person they are seeing.
The mom was passively abusive. He would be a normal functioning person if she had just treated him like a normal kid with normal expectations and taught him the NORMAL basic skills. The mom is crazy.
Oh I agree 100%. It almost seems she has some form of Manchausen by Proxy. She's extremely abusive and the father's not much better.
team14robot the mom did not diagnose him with these things the docs did so he obviously needed help. You saw him speak for 10 minutes and are drawing pretty insane conclusions that he would be normal if it weren't for his mother. He obviously has many issues and needs help.
Okay, I understand where you're coming from. I wasn't clear. Yes, he definitely needs help. I still stand by my point that the mom was a primary reason why his situation was so much more difficult than it needed to be. The man himself made it pretty clear that he wants and needs to get away from his controlling mother, so I think that in itself is definitely a reasonable conclusion.
He would be normal if it weren't for his mother.
I know many people in my neighbourhood who juggle numerous diagnosis and conditions successfully because they had parents and community who support them living as normal a life as possible.
What's sad is the Canadian courts nurture the destruction of the family to push whatever the agenda de jour happens to be. The people who are the focus of those agendas ultimately are victimized by them.
can not stop look at her eyebrows
It's like his mother has Munchausen syndrome by proxy , she is sick and the one that needs help! How dare she deny her son an education!!!! I am getting angry just watching this!
I totally agree with you.....some kids have to survive despite their parents.and Landon has survived so my anger has finally subsided.
I agree, these were my thoughts also, she's unwell.
That's amazing, I was already thinking that just before I saw your comment.
Unless you have lived 24/7 with an individual, judgments are based in ignorance
Exactly my thoughts. She's F!@&ing crazy!
I was happy to read that he finally emancipated himself, and I was touched by an interview where he was asked what the first thing he would do was. His response was a considered, articulate piece about not having been permitted to make decisions for so long, that it was all so new to him. I would say to him " you made the BIGGEST decision of your life when you fought for your emancipation, and won it!". Kudos to you.... proud of you young man!.
Landon's parents didn't even teach him how to make a bed or do his own laundry, things which he was clearly capable of doing. Seems like they didn't make a great effort in teaching him how to be independent.
Angelica Guerrero and they only read to him and taught him with math flashcards. His IQ was probably lower because of that. sad
@NWAZ flatEarther bully
She obviously wanted to keep him dependent on her. Her closing was if she had it to do over again she'd do the same thing.
My best friend married someone that had a kid like him. She was teaching the girls everything she could to make her independent. And she was quite capable of learning. Little by little, but her own mother didn't care for. It was horrible. My friend ask her to make her bed, and would helped showing how to. The mother was just whatever, like "what is the point?". The point was for her to be able to be living by herself one day. Dobt know what is going on right now, they divorced.
You don't know that for certain. What we have was Landon's version and perception of the what happened. It is possible he was unwilling to learn those types of life skills when he lived at home and only really applied himself after having to do so out on his own. It's easy to blame parents for your own failings - and easy to blame them for their children's failings and shortcomings. It sounds like a very typical struggle for independence, and since Landon is developmentally delayed he is going to be going through that process both later and longer, probably in his early 20s rather than in his early to mid-teens like most others.
I love the second mother. She pushed for her daughter to do better and supported and helped her to live out on her own. Good for you mom!
I seriously doubt that two psychiatrists advised the parents to take their child out of school in grade 2.
+Patty Hearse i was wondering this myself.. i just started to learn the ways of canadian laws and customs but doubt they wouldve out of common sense. maybe high school, but here in the US they dont push leaving school, 2nd grade there is still a level of hope of some significant progress.
I agree
Well done, Landon. Good luck to you and your family
I think Landon should charge his mother under the Incompetent Person's Act
lol, you funny. You speak as if his mother had abandoned him. Being a mother is a learning process. And in this situation lacked a professional to guide the parents. There is no perfect parents.
+Paula TG Being a mother is a learning process? You think if she hasn't learned anything by the time her son is an adult maybe the problem lies with her not him? Obviously it's her with the learning disability, ie: she has a flat learning curve, but more likely she has a serious mental disorder. There's nothing wrong with him. She is highly abusive.
One thing you never gonna be A MOTHER ;) And YES be a mother is alearning process. It"s why exist professionels to help parents when someting goes wrong.I'm mother for 20 years. And to educade my child i ask to older parents,, is saw i LEARN, i didn't born a mother.....a learn to be one, miste my daugther is studing for later help peopel like London. Teached them structure, like this they can leave alone. We have in family a couple like London. Every days come somebody inside to teach them some structure, of they get nerves after a while and confused and they hav 2 children. Thanks to his sister(professionel) they can leave in them house with them children. Even the guy says the same, we could'nt without my sister. Bye and thanks for your desrespectefull woords
Great job London shame on the mother for not letting him live life to the fullest
Until we walk a mile in another's shoes we are not in a position to judge.
Total agree !
Yeah you are a perfect mother, you no beter ! Shame for that mother who abandons her children. And not for this mother who wanted to protect her son. Being a mother is a learning process. She's not evil was simply protected him too much. She only was afraid to let go cause of his disability
I didn't say that the mother is right. I wrote be a mother is a learning process, with this i want to say there is mistakes too, we mothers are not perfect ;) Even i told she wants protect too much, and is not goed. But a mother who abandond the children they should be ashamed. AND YES BEING A PARENT IS A LEARNING PROCESS. My child is 20 and believe me let go is not easy, but she has her freedom
if someone turns 18, this would be out of the house of their parents. it should be law
Sounds like his mom never gave him a chance, never even taught him to make his bed. He seemed so proud to be out on his own and just to be able to do that. I hope he gets the chance to flourish.
I really hope Landon & Tiffany and their beautiful children are keeping well and i wish them all the best for the future, his mum is the one that needs help.
In Edmonton, doing construction work. Landon had enough sense to get to the bus station, purchase a ticket, apply for a job, get it and work it. Seems that his "clearance" is resolved, he could go most anywhere there is work and be as successful as others.
It is amazing what some parents can get away with. Good for you Landon for fighting it and being your own man.
Clearly he is high functioning. This man has kids now. He's sound enough to work. He clearly has no issues understanding everyday life. Why would you pull him out of school. They literally have special ed classes and teachers in every public school. Teaching kids with disabilities is what they go to school for. That's a chosen field, not assigned. His girlfriend has managed to stick by him for several years now. He started to blossoms once he they started dating. Not to mention she was able to see past the disabilities. Something his parents couldn't see. He has common sense and reasoning. He can make his own choices with help. He's already living with a disabilities and coping. Only to have his rights stolen from him. Didn't even bother to sit down and have a family meeting with him, regarding his life.
Yes, but this mother no one teach her how to deal with this situation. Being a mother is a learning process. In the country where I live, in this situation the parents receive guidance, psychological help from professionals. And the family meeting must be with a professional, because both sides needs help
Paula, based on all your comments; seem like you are as coo-coo as his mother. That young man is smarter than most young-men these days.
Harlet thanks for the respect of my mening. I stil think i have right to say what i think. Nice
+Paula TG I've also read all your comments, the core of the problem here seems to completely elude you. Harley's right, you're a nut.
Wel i didn't derespect you. I i call your mother nut you don't like. I never told that the mother is right. I think you interpretation is very bad
Landon if ur watching this... YOU DO DESERVE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE!! You are perfectly capable. God bless! You are in my prayers.
Landon.... you're my hero.
What a brave and strong willed man.
I believe Landon has the strong potential to succeed at anything he sets his mind to. What a brilliant mind that perhaps sees the world from a unique perspective. It's time to learn from Landon and others who can educate us on their abilities.
I agree. I think Landon's family, well intended or not, hindered his progress.
Even with all his disabilities he's still able to function properly within society and he's doing an amazing job of doing so. Those parents should be ashamed, they really should. They weren't listening to their child's needs and it's infuriating that they've constantly hindered his progress at every chance they got.
Lisa Gorman 다시
Good lord, im stunned at this , for all his issues, biggest one being his bloody mother, i think brandon is capable of living for himself, Tiffany clearly loves him for who he is, let him live a normal life, let him make mistakes we all make them, his family can still support him. I dnt believe his mother done wot was best for him growing up, it was wotever is the easiest way to suit her, as he gets older he gets a little more savvy at life x Mum set him up to fall... luckily he got back up and is learning how to be a man. Tiffany is doing great job with him, treats him like a normal human being, its done him the world of good.. phew !! My rant is over now.... just wana shake the mother senseless ...
My brother just passed away at 71 years old. This story mirrrors the history of my family. My family understands!
It pisses me off when his mom said he doesn't have the skills to live away from home. If she would have taught him the skills he needed he could've been out w/out any issues. But she didn't. She wants him to be dependent on her. It's sickening...this mom is sick in the head. & it really pisses me off
the way I'm seeing it the mother has disabled him more than anything
You deserve to be happy Landon!
The second mother is so strong kudos
He's very well spoken and has a sophisticated vocabulary for someone who supposedly has such a low IQ. I do wonder if his IQ test was wrong.
zarasbazaar and really nothing past an elementary education
zarasbazaar It's the mother!!! She made all his "disabilities" up! Can't u see that!!???
He is very smart! You can tell by his demeanor and speech!
The whole IQ discrepancy model of disability diagnosis is very flawed. There should always be a bunch of different testing and then...YOU HELP THEM BE AS FUNCTIONAL AS F***ING POSSIBLE!
His mother did force plenty of false diagnosis on him. That was cruel. Who knows what his actual IQ is. But who cares? It doesn't matter. He is an adult who has shown that he wants to be independant and he is capable. Maybe he needs a little help. But who doesn't? I can't believe that in today's society we literally can control someone else's life solely based on an IQ score! It's ridiculous. If they did IQ scoring for every adult, half of the US would be considered 'low IQ'.
Landon's mom has clipped his wings. His mom ruined his life.
She never gave him the chance to live on his own with support. Go Landon. You can do it!!
That mother is suffocating her son. She is controlling. That poor young man.
I can't even watch this. So sad. My son has ASD, I can't imagine not treating him like a human being or taking care of him.
No school since grade 2? I bet most people would score really low in those circumstances.
Brenda got jealous of the girlfriend, so she screwed his life up. What a terrible way to live. She needs locking up.
It upsets me when people label others. My brother was so artistic and a genius with hands on stuff but no one saw he’s beauty. They ( teachers) labeled my brother and that effected him , just because school isn’t your strong suit doesn’t mean u have a problem. Wake up mom , ur son needs u to accept him as he is ... how could any mother not believe in their child? Landon your absolutely amazing as u are . Don’t let this define you , believe in yourself and have faith ...
This story is so sad. He just wanted to be accepted as a person.
Brenda Hardiman is 100% a hero & an angel. She is a true loving & caring mother. She raised her daughter properly, trusted her & did not ever consider taking away her child's rights. She is supportive & a guide to her daughter. Thank you for showing that there are good people still here with disabled children. YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL FOR EVERYONE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION!
Give him medical and mental health access he can care for himself easy. He's totally capable.
Landon - you are fine, no-one's perfect and any 'problems' you have are not important compared to the way you are able to cope with life and have a loving partner and kids. He needs all his rights as a human being, there is no reason to lean on past diagnoses to prevent this unless you are being really blinkered about life as a whole. Patents of Landon: grow up and let him grow up!!!
Couldn't his girlfriend be his guardian? This is an awful, inhuman situation. Keep fighting everyone in Canada for this man's rights, he is not incompetent.
Annabelle Rankin there must be something wrong with his girlfriend as well
@@saraallison9469 Why is there something wrong with Tiffany/girlfriend. She appears very sensible considering she was on her own at 16. They seem to have a supportive relationship.
no, only his parents or his wife would be able to claim legal guardianship. So they would need to get married.
Landon, you are fine. There is nothing wrong with you. I wish you and your family the best.
Landon needs to look into NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and possibly even Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Whatever the case may be, his mother seems to have a pathological attention-seeking disorder and a refusal to allow her adult son's natural desire for autonomy. Parents like her often seem like doting concerned parents, but to the detriment of their own children. He said himself that she was "harming" & "suffocating" him. Notice how his limitations were so hard on HER and so sad for HER. She seems to need him to be special needs, when in fact, he is not as limited as she makes him out to be. 6:15 is a blatant example of gaslighting (when an abuser tells their victim that their perceptions or memories of the events are incorrect, in an attempt to make them doubt their memories or think they are crazy). He "did not have any skills" when he moved out, because he was never taught any skills while he was still at home. There is such a thing as learned helplessness...because there is such a thing as taught helplessness. Not the differences between Landon's mother, who help her son back & Michelle's mother, who helped her daughter evolve in her independence. Something is very wrong with the former family dynamic.
i could not agree more....well said!
He reminds of the abused neglected boy named Dave Pelzer? " A Boy Named It".
bingo. exactly the two conditions in question. you nailed it.
I'm a social worker and I am so mad at how that home was run. How can anyone charge someone in their care for throwing a shoe?! I had way worse thrown at me and never once as much as considered pressing charges. If you can't handle the outburst that come with certain disabilities get a new job! And do not ever drag or lift people and lock them in their rooms. They aren't criminals. Use your words!
It not Landon that has the problem, it's the parents, let him fly, if he falls, he'll try again.
@Jane Doe
Is he still self harming away from his mother's abuse, though?
That would be a better measure of Landon's mental capabilities.
He is fine. Mom is the crazy one. Would be crazy just based on her eyebrow makeup alone, but it's much more than that.
Daisy hahaha you mean eyebrows on the SIDE versus front of forehead?
She's a control freak, codependent witch. There I said it.
Yeah and you people got your degrees from what university
Landon is just ok ,his mother is crazy and needy sick.I hope that Landon is just doing good
Why did they do this to him? He isn't incapable. :(
@@lesterclaypool1You are Dead On The Money... No Pun intended!
I Feel a big huge part of the problem is that the Mother feels the Need to Control every aspect of this young Man's Life in every Way... And this is where one naturally has to question both his mothers agenda aswell as those of the Authorities and The Law...
Someone needs to question those as to why there is a need to keep him cooped up like a Chicken where he would end up like any of us & become frustrated & push him over the edge...
Instead of teaching him... encouraging him... supporting him... Thus assisting him to create as 'normal' Life as is possible...And helping him to become independent as much as is possible!!!
His Parents, the Authorities & Legal System have let him down.
And one can see where he is taking on the Establishment... He is displaying a true sense of intelligence & determination ... TRUE GRIT if you will to take on those who have failed him & Donot have his Best Interests at heart but only their own!!!
My wife's Godchild is blind.
We gave her tools but we didn't do for her.
When she got to be 16 and started developing her own interests and needs her pension pity check was signed over to her for her to sink or swim with, herself.
She now a mother of two beautiful boys under 5 and a fine musician.
The last thing anyone in our chosen family needed was a perpetual child, and not a one of us wanted her government money.
I imagine this young man will be just fine. Tribunal will set him up with a good lawyer and he'll win. I do feel sorry that he will lose his parent child relationship. It's still an important relationship, even if it's fractured.
@@lesterclaypool1 If Munchausen's, then definitely Munchausen's By Proxy (although no longer called that). Munchausen's is faking or embellishing your own illness... Munchausen's By Proxy is faking or embellishing someone else's (most often your child's) illness 😊
As Munchausen's (By Proxy or not) is a mental illness, it's not driven by money as it's not something the individual has much control over-it becomes part of their being. Money can become a contributing factor later, but it's not the cause... It stems from deep need for attention/sympathy
Landon is my sisters bsf step dad and he’s really nice
So proud of Landon... he is a beautiful precious homan being.
Praise God for Landon's wonderful girlfriend. She taught him all the things his mom should have.
What i saw in this video was Landon's parents caring to much for him and not allowing him to grow as a person! They need to step back and allow their child to be a man and do what he needs to do for his family with their support! Be a positive parent and not a crazy one!
So heartwarming to see him holding his baby and that he has a good chance to get his life back!😊
What kind of mother cannot see how amazing her son is regardless of what he can or can’t do? She’s a truly awful person who should be proud of what her son has achieved instead of putting him down all the time and trying to control all aspects of his life. She’s not helping him develop and become who he can become in any way shape or form. Be proud of who you are Landon, a very well spoken intelligent human being, who deserves respect and encouragement from everyone around him.
I would love to see a follow up story on how Landon's story with his family be turned out excellent story disability or not everybody has a right to do what they want with their life and him having a family has to be a positive thing for his life I hope the outcome was good and you should really have a follow-up show on the outcome
Fifteen minutes into the episode and I cannot continue to watch the actions of the parents. Wow! So much for believing in their child. Horrible.
I'm 13 minutes in and am finding it difficult, too. Whatever his limitations, I don't think they required forced imprisonment or the kind of traumatic arrest/abduction his parents and the police carried out. Treating him like an invalid seems to have created or prolonged a lot of the problems his mother cited. I think that became clear to me when he and his girlfriend were acknowledging the same issues but then describing how he'd improved.
Nowadays people with Down's syndrome are increasingly able to lead independent or semi-independent lives; they actually do a lot better than their unfortunate predecessors, who were institutionalized and under-socialized and as a result were robbed of their initial potential. Landon Webbs seems to parallel that situation and in a rather milder form. If his parents had maintained connections with his friends, found ways for him to socialize in a structured environment with other home schoolers, etc. he would have been much better off.
Also we all know college-age kids who don't know how to do their own laundry so that's not probably not a fair test, either. >>'
This episode caused me to see the parents as abusers, set on their own agenda, both of which stirred in me deep feelings of dislike towards both of them. Landon Webb is a hero in my eyes! He needs to be entirely free from those oppressors calling themselves guardians otherwise known as parents. If I get the courage I will attempt to watch another portion of this show to see if Landon is allowed to live an independent life.
Best of luck to this young man and his girlfriend. They both believe and support one another and their children so long may it last.
That was so touching! Wish Landon all the best!
It sounds like Nova Scotia is a very poor place to be. I live in BC and people with these needs are not warehoused in institutions.
Landon is a great guy! I think he seems perfectly normal. I hope he and Tiffany have a good life together raising their kids. I applaud Tiffany for hanging in there and being a support for him in spite of his parents interference which seems very extreme. I wish you both the very best!
This was posted Mar 2016, hopefully things will get better for Landon. He is definitely able to function day to day no excuse for parents to send their child to mental institution just cos this isn't what they signed up for. Respect your child. Let the professional help those who REALLY needs help. His mother needs therapy.
You notice when it started, right? It was all ok for him to live on his own until he got disability. Oh, then he has to come home, and the parents get the disability.
I’m Autistic and reviewing the Incompetent Persons act, it is effectively a blank cheque for abusive parents and it is a violation of the charter of rights and freedom. I’m just grateful that Landon Webb won his case which was a victory for all Autistics in Nova Scotia and Canada.
Landon's mother said he didn't have the skills to look after himself. Isn't it a mother's job to teach her children those skills? I know I did.
Yes, as a matter of fact my son does have mental health issues. He, Like Landon, is also a father who maintains full-time employment and lives independently from us with as much support as he needs. Landon's mother used the New Brunswick legal system as a means of control, not because it was in his best interest to be virtually incarcerated.
+Massetgirl72 You hit the nail on the head. The mother has a serious mental disorder, maybe some form of Manchausen by Proxy, she's basically driven by some sort of sociopathic compulsion, need of her own, not his best interest. Even if all she said were true, which I highly doubt, there is absolutely no reason to have him locked up for two years. The tragedy here is that the system, instead of looking out for the weak and vulnerable, has helped her abuse him, and helped her all along. The government is totally complicit.
My son has intellectual development delays but he is now 25 years old, lives two hours from me, has his own apartment, works and has a girlfriend. I worked VERY hard so that one day he could become son suffers with depression and had suicidal tendencies as well so he has some mental health issues as well but he obtained the services need with some assistance from me....I NEVER do so much for him that he doesn't have to do anything or else guess what? he would still be in my care needing help doing basic things much like Landon is learning has happened to him
@Jane Doe He's high functioning....As a parent I can speak to this They know what you teach them
Right on Landon! You changed a very important law.... kudos to you for that fight and all the best to you two and your children!!
Can we all talk about the real disability here?? The moms eyebrows 😭😭😭
Bahahaha...I know, right?!
They are a total distraction/ disaster!
She IS scary😱
Nice!! Lol...
Haha now I cant stop looking at them 😂😂😂
I like how you the comments are the best part of UA-cam. Thank you for your wise words of wisdom.
What a lovely young man and against all parenting odds. You are an inspiration. My son sounded a lot like you...I’m so pleased we didn’t wrap him up in cotton wool. I never wanted him to feel different. He was different but different is okay, I’m a little different...different is good. My son is now an electrician, married and owns his own home. Life’s tough enough without having parents/a mother against you like this. Lots of good vibes and wishes going your way 💞💞
He maybe no Einstein but he is learning and growing and she is stunting that growth....
The mom: "I wonder what I did wrong" LITERALLY EVERYTHING!!!!!!
His parents really worked with him. He seems so smart to score so low. I contribute that to his parents
let him live his best Life!
"Everyone else had more severe deficits than I did." This man knows how to live, leave him alone parents, MOM!
Goegeous Landon.
you are Special.
and very Smart.xo
Juliette Purdy lol yeah ok
The mother obviously had good intentions, but she really stunted this guy.
I’m sure he has his issues, but he seems much more cognizant than his mother says.
She’s kind of at fault for a lot of his social and self esteem issues.
Since he was a kid, he knew he was capable of living a normal life and that was taken from him. His parents couldn't cope with the fact that he was growing and need it space to make his own decisions. He doesn't look he had all the disorders his mom said. To me he is more down to earth than many people I know.
Sometimes parents make mistakes with a good intention in mind, the one of protecting their children. What they don't realize is that overprotection can be a straight jacket which prevents them from growing up. An extremely insecure and fearful parent can project that onto their child.
Jeezus, let him grow up. That's downright terrifying that his family would do this to him, when all he wants is to live a normal life.
The young man is highly functional, for the love of God let him grow. Assistance can be made available for when he requests it.
Landon's mom is a smothering CONTROL-FREAK!! For God's sake lady, LET HIM GO!!
The key word is "SELF-harming". He has no history of hurting anyone else. By your reasoning, everyone who smokes, uses meth, drinks and drives or eats greasy cheeseburgers with a side of greasy fries should have a guardian as well because they are stupidly committing acts of "self-harm" upon their bodies. Taking someone's rights and the ability to make their own choices and live with the natural consequences of their actions should always be the last resort.
The lady is the her rocker.. He's fine. Take the mom's IQ and mentality
Maybe they should take your IQ since you're so smart and have the answers
I am so proud of Landons efforts to fight for himself and everyone else who’s going through this. I feel bad that he did not receive the proper education from home. I do believe his parents are to blame for the most part. Again, his efforts are phenomenal - to move towards his goals and to fight for others as well.
I really hope he has a chance to be with Tiffany and his kids. With the last snipet, seeing him play with his kids tugged at my heartstrings. How heartbreaking that child abusers have the privilege of staying with their kids but not Landon.
His laugh is contagious!! What a sweet man. His mom needs to give him his space & help him become independent, & stop holding him back.
Be proud of who you are Landon🥰 Dont stop being you. Xo
wow! comments are right. I watched the whole thing and i saw an intelligent young man with the desire to learn and do as much as he could, and given the right setting, he seems entirely capable of learning how live a normal life. I wish his mother would have given him a shot! I am very lald he has a loving girlfriend willing to play that role.
My uncle was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. He had the intellectual level of a child. He lived on his own while being looked over by family. He paid his bills and bought his own groceries. I feel for all of these people.
Brendan is struggling and he had two kids, praying he finds peace and joy in this life
Wow, his mom can’t seem to let go and allow him to grow and learn on his own. She’s treating him like a 5 year old 🤦🏼♀️
Controlling parents are the ones who have a SEVERE Problem!!!
Lack of Access to land and safe heathy affordable shelter is the #1 most not talked about problem that is at the root of almost everything.
They want his monthly $$. And they got it
oh my GOD people let that boy have a LIFE!
The mom is definitely in the wrong! My son was in special ed classes,I never treated him any different than my daughter.He has a hard time reading or writing,but can work on cars,install stereos,do his own laundry,cook etc.He gets government help,but lives on his own.Clearly this man can live on his own.His mother is totally keeping him from living his life because she wants to be "right about her diagnosis about him".She has her own mind,she didn't have to listen to doctor's diagnosing him.The mom is a nut job IMO.
QueenBee Bargains he's not fully functioning if the government is supporting him
Shame shame on Landon’s parents and the province 😡Tiffany is a beautiful person 😊
there are people with drug problem that do not function as well as Landon. Should their parents take custody of them and declare then unable to be independent. yeah these parents are screwed up, its almost as if they want him to be dysfunctional.
I hope an employer who sees this offers Langdon a full time job.
He seems capable of living on his own. Time for parents to butt out!
The fact that he did manage to live his day to day life without any support from his parents at that age suggests he is very capable. Many 19 year olds still need their mother to do their laundry, and this guy was out there learning how to do it just because he wanted to. He should have been able to rely on his parents to help teach him the skills he needed to survive in the world on his own, but instead he had to escape his parents to learn this stuff by himself because his parents didn't believe in him or his capabilities. If he functions this well without supportive parents, just imagine how well he'd be functioning if he did have supportive parents.
She didn't want her last baby to leave her. Sick. Good luck and blessings towards everyone in this kind of situation.
He's like a normal guy, who just smoked a joint.
Landon has a wonderful sense of humor, i believe humor like that takes a certain intelligence. The way he sees his situation and thinks outside himself says something to his intelligence as well. If he has any of the deficits his mom speaks of and he accomplished as much as he did on his own makes him extremely strong and capable.
Landon would be a lot better off if his parents would just leave him the hell alone!
Especially his mother. Landon seems fine to me.
everyone is attacking the parents but i support them totally, he appears quite normal on camera but you cant judge him based on an interview, a family member of mine who is mentally ill puts on a show for people who dont know him and they think he is completely normal, but he behaves totally differently in private due to his mental illness and cant take basic care of himself, cant work, doesnt care about his hygene, believes aliens are talking to him etc, yet he thinks he is completely healthy and cant accept he is mentally ill and hearing voices in his head... these parents are amazing in my opinion, most people would let him go away and destroy himself
Everyone wants to get on the big bus in their life. We are taught the big bus is best. We should worry less about the bus and more about driving it in the direction that makes us happy.
We all make mistakes parenting is one of the hardest things one does, made even harder with children with disabilities. To say she would do the same all over again is so so wrong especially when your son is telling you where you did. Even if you fail to see the obvious. His one saving grace is he seems to have a lovely supportive girlfriend