@@halielouya453 well you’ve been proven dead wrong! Smith is absolutely the best person to be leading Albertans against the ridiculous policies from Trudeau and GillBolt! Alberta would be a complete train wreck under NDP rule. The Jag/Justin/Rachel regime would have decimated Alberta!
Great conversation. Unfortunately, it will always be about the money/greed. Affordable energy already exist. However, greed/ monopoly regarding the haves and have nots always gets in the way. The need for greed has reached an unconscionable and uncontrollable level. Another thing, there is plenty of land for everyone on planet earth, no such thing as over population, only unorganized and greedy politicians. Thank you Jordan. Luv ya! ✝️❤️👍🏻
@@Cinderella227 Hey Danielle, your argument that you can't produce a wind turbine emissions free in one time construction costs is not an argument. The argument is the sum gain in clean energy over time. JP: Having a messy life and saving the planet, concentrating on one thing CO2, prideful ignorant planetary saviour, no one wants to rank order them like adults... [Prideful ignorant planetary savior with no ideas to save the planet like an adult? Is JP describing himself here?]
Citizens don't want truth from politicians, because the truth is, we are all selfish, and keep wanting more, instead of being satisfied with what we have. Example, we live in the best country on earth, but are always complaining about something. Jordan makes his big money by complaining to people who also love to complain. If we were starving to death, we wouldn't be hammering away with complaints on our keyboards, because we wouldn't even OWN computers or keyboards.
I had no idea that many people were dying from indoor air pollution. Too many in this world don't even have clean driking water or enough food to eat. It's better today than any time in history, but we can't sit back on our laurels either. We still have a ways to go.
I'm no Michael Moore fan, but I am happy that my Premier Danielle Smith mentioned *Planet of the Humans,* as it exposed many of the lies of the Green Cult.
she cuts taxes on the corporations and has no regulations on oil companies when they leave with oil so taxpayers have to pay to clean up the mess. Private profits and public subsidies.
Most people would be happy to do their bit but when you see its the most people that have to do all the givimg up and the rich get way richer and way more powerful then you see it for what it is
Except that they don't know what they are talking about and are terribly misinformed on the topic...during their entire conversation they did not cite a single source of science.
My sister can afford power and heat but she goes to bed in winter wearing about 3 layers and a deep layer of covers, in day time she wears hats and wraps inside and keeps the thermostat at about 65.
carbn is needed, rather what about negative chemicals coming from companies producing products that humans dont actually need and throwing that wastes into the rivers, seas etc.
You know Mr peterson, she made a damn good point about you becoming the premiere! You would make an excellent premiere, what are the odds you would run to it?
Notice how non-fossil fuel Canadian energy solutions are completely absent from this conversation. For example, Eavor, an Alberta company, has proven a geothermal solution that can replace entire coal plants and can go anywhere (see their UA-cam channel). Or Proton technology, a Saskatchewan/Alberta company, that takes spent oil wells and pulls pure hydrogen out of them while leaving the carbon in the ground (see their UA-cam channel). These companies have solutions that can decentralize energy production - which reduces poverty and lowers the risk of armed conflict - while literally solving emissions problems almost entirely. They just don't involve burning hydrocarbons.
Thank you however there is no geothermal that can replace a coal/lng/nuclear fuel as the temp never rises above 17 deg c . Geothermal is an excellent supplement but very dependant on ground heat transfer parameters. Deep geothermal ( mantle heat) requires a 10 mile hole minimum ( Iceland is lucky) and not viable. Proton sounds interesting however thermodynamics will show that the separation of H from C will require energy that is not free as will the sequestering of C into graphite or similar stable molecule/elemental state. But I’ll look before I criticize this one further.
1:19 That’s exactly the issue; how do you have “modern living” if you don’t have all these industries ? By all means, look for alternatives, however, don’t disregard the existing options. Furthermore, say we shutdown all fossil fuel work; forget the global economy, how will the people employed in these industries feed their families ?
I feel the Canadian Conservatives may be on a comeback. We’ve been on a downward trajectory since Bernier got canned. We don’t want any more lefties like O’toole, Kenney and Ford.
No it was an extract from a November 2022 Daily Wire podcast. You are correct that Peterson is misinformed. Thunberg is almost 20 years old so he is off by almost 6 years. He also misinformed on the topic of climate change and likes to cite contrarian Bjorn Lomberg as an authority on climate science and energy policy when in fact he is neither.
If you look at the consumption patterns in modern economies, you'll find inconvenient truths: -consumerism is the basis of the modern economy -advertising drives the modern economy -in advanced countries, advertisement is primarily through television -women watch a lot more TV, than men do -women make or decide, 80% of consumer purchases -it's the top 20% of people in modern economies that make most of the consumer purchases -evolution plays into this, as women evolved as hypergamous, sorting out mating based on a man's ability to acquire resources -men evolved to pursue women hypergamously as well, but the male criteria for competing towards the high end of the lobster hierarchy compels men to seem younger, prettier women -you might say, men working hard and competing for status in the Lobster Hierarchy to impress women and look after their needs, is the basis of capitalism and the modern economy -one of the natural effects of capitalism is the Pareto Distribution happens, meaning most money ends up in the hands of a small percentage of people at the top, basically the top 20% get almost all resources/money -global warming is driven by resource consumption -concern over global warming is much higher among the more educated and affluent...the very people who have most of the money, buy most things, are the main drivers of industry that drives global warming So put this pattern together, what do you find? The pattern is something I call the Leonardo Di Caprio effect. Leo's a very high status man, who is very attractive to women. He makes tremendous amounts of money, allowing him to acquire many very expensive automobiles, houses, jewelry, jets. Leo uses those status symbols, to attract mates. He's had dozens of them. Women can't resist him. From his behavior, the feeling is mutual. Leonardo is a very bright, politically astute man, part of the Davos elite. Flies there for global warming conferences. But Leo lacks self-awareness of his own complicity in global warming, his own hypocrisy and guilt and super-white privilege. For example a large proportion of airplane emissions come from the back of the private jets of rich people, like him. John Kerry is similar. So is Justin Trudeau. Recently he was questioned over his use of his high emitting private jet, Kerry replied something like: "I have to use a private jet. I have important things to do. I have to get stuff done." As if no one else does. Joel Kotkin had several conversations about all this with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, about how the elite wish to rule us, deal with all this, by in effect creating a new global neo-feudalism: with the Bill Gates, the Hollywood elite, the World Economic Forum at the top, controlling technology, controlling you and your family, controlling your banking. And lifeboat morality: if the ship is going out, you won't be included in the lifeboat. Justin Trudeau during the pandemic showed us how easily he could go after your bank account. Justin grew up among the super-elite. The Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, she wrote a book about them, she knows them well. The global elite wants to control the internet, control the media, controlling economics and consumption, control what you eat. The elite wants to control private property and farmland, so it ends up mostly being owned by the super-elite. Such as Bill Gates buying up all the American farmland, to control all the food. He wants you to eat bugs or soylent green 2.0 or such. I guess that makes it easier for Bill Gates to control the peasant class, which is most of us. I believe it was once Bill Gate's friend Klaus Schwab who once said: You will own nothing, and be happy. George Carlin once said long ago, "It's a big club. And you're not in it. You and I, are not in the club." George, gone but not forgotten. George, still right, still ahead of his time.
On wind power, don’t neglect end-of-life site remediation costs. Nobody includes these costs in projecting the net costs of wind power. How much effort will be required to remove the immense amount of concrete in the tower foundation in order to fully restore the site?
The problem is that Carbon Dioxide is not only NOT too high… its so low that were within a few percentage on scale from photosynthesis shutting down. 150ppm is the lowest before all life dies. We’re at 405ppm, the Earth’s average is around 3000ppm and its high mark is 7000 ppm, and at no point has higher CO2 resulted in more heat. On the contrary, when it was at 7000ppm…. We had the longest coldest ice age, “snowball earth”, which lasted a hundred million years. The entire argument on “carbon” is completely bullshit, and the information is right there in the ice-core records. Doesn’t anyone remember day 1 in biology? Photosynthesis requires CO2!!! The more CO2 the happier the Earth!
Yes i have been violently Geronimo'd on Cheam First Nation- the very racist RCMP stole my VALID LICENCE, crushed multiple cars & issued not one but two falsified BC Driving Prohibitions and have continuously stalked me (have vid/photos) non-stop, violently since i came on a longer than expected extended stay in BC from AB while my mother went in and out of the hospital.As a canadian and sovereign indigenous of canada i can travel & work freely- SO I THOUGHT. I have worked nothing but high paying and good careers and now i am Geronimo'd had to resort to collect social assistance to balance caring for my mom as the priority only to have the coercion of both legal aid and the ministry of social development and poverty block not one but two of my cheques Nov & dec and deny me access to my November now! I am a homeless person technically as my mom's needs renos for proper housing so i can be close to care for her and at the same time Legal Aid completely ignoring my messages for legal representation to be alotted so i can prove the illegal, very violent and ongoing grave RCMP targeting! This is the bare minimum these govt services are working against the prone needing these services sadistically and very much in coercion- this is our high death and incarceration rate of the homeless in BC not sure about the rest of country but i am guessing this is nationwide. I had to survive on NOTHING from Oct 24th issue social assistance until Dec 28ths! And they only released the december cheque of $634! Cori the employment manager who ignored my calls and messages (witness to 12! from may to sept) and then noted i wasn't trying to do my employment plan kicked me off already once for HER NOT REPLYING. Now she blocked these two cheques and now stating i might not be ELIGIBLE for my other check she held and cancelled. This is the Nazi state i keep talking about- no wonder we have a highway of tears honestly. Six hundred and thirty four dollars to survive throughout the coldest months we have had in years and make it out alive somehow . Stretch my october 24th issue cheque till December 28th?! These workers need to be audited. Not only that i had a cheque stolen, forged and cashed in a credit union and they denied me a new issue of the stolen check, made it look on paper i cashed it and was attempting to scam a second one and denied me even at two levels after the ministry decision. THIS IS THE PROBLEM not the people collecting social assistance plus we cant even afford half a one bedroom let alone both food and utilities to get out of the technically homeless state to keep a good job and even at that the RCMP can just come and make up BS and steal a citizens VALID LICENCE and make up fake violations and prohibitions. I need to move back to AB but my mom cant handle the cold. NEED major help in StoLo nation the corrupted leaders and managers and gangs of stolo are stealing or misappropriating all the funds and then hunting our prone women, aged out foster kids, homeless and severely disabled addicts to incarceration or death by informants of 1000s and their forces of CFSEU - because Chilliwack and stolo share the RCMP Training Facility ! Ruined this town put the wack in chilliwack. I wrote the PM of Alberta in email asking for help before there is another statistic on highway of tears honestly it is that bad. And far worse. Much Much Much worse please hopefully this can get to the PM Danielle so she checks her mail. Deadly. Highway of Tears.
Complete rubbish from a retired geologist and Australian fossil fuel lobbyist. In scientific circles this book is totally irrelevant nonsense. Pilmer hasn't published a single peer-reviewed article on climate science. Not one.
I am very pessimistic that Alberta can survive, let alone prosper, within Canada as long as Trudeau and the “Nation of Quebec, along with Liberal Ontario continue to dictate national leadership and policies.
I don’t think anyone can speak for the Earth, any more than they can dance for somebody else…I do think we all can communicate with the Earth, just as well as we can be moved by a work of art. I think Christ, used his whole life for his art. (I can only imagine what it’s like..how much suffering one must endure to stand before the masses as representative enough to gather, maintain, and direct the attention of all them others receptive enough to hear and identify with the message being shared…but, I shake for the gang..I hate myself and want to die.) I’m still glad you’re the one doing the talking.
'Universal Climate Policies United Coalition' (UCPUC) And now see this coalition as a Chess board... Start with Dr. Peterson as 'King',, and fill in the rest of the pieces, with the many qualified and astute people already mentioned, in this video... Danielle Smith would make a great 'Pawn',, and etc...
Are these discussions remotely debatable? Do the opponents to these ideas consciously refuse to debate this if they're passionate about their counter ideas?
Since the OT Prophet Isaiah confirmed the NT Apostle John's vision of new Heavens and a new Earth, there's absolutely no cause to be concerned about climate change because we're trying to preserve something which will soon no longer exist. 22As the New Heavens and New Earth that I make, that remain before me, says LORD JEHOVAH, so your seed and your name shall be established Isa. 66:22 Aramaic And I saw new Heavens and a new Earth, for the former Heavens and the former Earth had departed, and the Sea was no more. Rev. 21:1 Aramaic
Logic would tell us that, in an increasingly populated World, more C02 would be a godsend. More C02; more plants; more plants; more food and Oxygen. Yet we talk about Michael Moore, Al Gore, and Greta Thunberg, and not about Richard Lindzen, Will Happer, and say Jordan Peterson.
Please listen to any talk or discussion with Dr John Christy to truly understand why CO2 is not an ìssue as thè Alarmist would hàve the wholè world believe, and then we can get on with sorting out the real issues of the Climate Debate!
We actually don’t have an energy issue, what we have is consumption of energy for useless products , think about the energy consumption of a box of cereal.. a box that maybe holds 5 or 6 cups of food… packaging alone is extremely wasteful, shipping goods around the world is nuts. We need to improve the 3Dprinter, and stop producing garbage. I would like to know the energy consumption of a single tanker from china… right from the raw material extraction to the goods in the hands of the consumer… if you even try to think about this it becomes a brain fog. So stop talking about the BS energy issue and start to understand energy use.
@@washingtonirving1046 mindless,, shallow, selfish society? From my perspective it is a society living a lie, people believe themselves to be educated, smart, hard working and deserving. This myth or lie is the reason why change in the general population is almost impossible.. change can only occur for these people when experience differs from their beliefs. It is the reason that we must stand by until enough people stop living lies and accept truth because the damage to their personal beings has climaxed… for example.. people who were denied access to their loved ones, who died alone, the death of a child and many more to come… sadly.
i wonder if either of these two could set aside their ideology and read the IPCC Sixth Asessment report (2021). Instead of referencing science and evidence, they prefer to traffic in rhetoric and cite contrarians Bjorn Lomberg and Michael Shellenberger -- neither of whom have published any climate science.. Danielle Snith's anti-vax, anti-science, anti-reality campaign to become Alberta Premier is particularly embarrassing.
Oil/gas vs renewable energy. It can not be one without the other. We are all on the titanic and you simply can not turn it on a dime. No pirouette here. Just a transition , a process of combing tech to make a positive change and open up new markets. That’s what an economy needs, new markets to compete not shut each other down. We need Oil/gas till renewables emerge as stable players .
If she is all that for freedom why Alberta website requires to create digital ID to obtain benefits that she offers for families. I will not create digital ID for myself. They have a different plans going in same direction.
@@matiassella4935 How dare you? The young Swedish actress who reads scary weather scripts to scare the masses into more taxation, population control and that everyone will be dying very soon. Like they told us in the 80s. You'd think beach houses would be affordable by now.
I haven't followed her closely, but don't think Greta Thunberg claims to know it all, or that people listen to her because of it, but it is about a teenager engaging, learning, caring and acting upon that care. In case she'd be wrong about some details, please just correct her and see to the fact that she is wanting to actually contribute for saving and change. And maybe it is her passion and courage that appeal to others, apaty from her youth. Even if she doesn't know about the russian danger of the thawing gas-tundras or thé hazard of 5G, don't dismiss her.
8:47 44 Mio deaths per year in B-Columbia…….?……? Isn’t that twice the actual population of that place? Btw. Riding heavily on affordability small nuclear plants is just waaaaaay out of anything reasonable…..this blog is toooo „ 8:47 showbusy“ overdramatized
Not only do wind turbines kill birds they also kill all the bugs in the soil to a 50 acre circle around each turbine. Also,,to keep each of these monstrosities standing you need a 50 foot deep hole filled with concrete.
Until Danielle smith keeps her promise to grant amnesty to all who have been unjustly persecuted and prosecuted during tyrannical mandates she loses her credibility
These conversations are not going to make any difference if we don't eliminate the Marxism from our schools, universities, and media.
Exactly. Our system as a whole has been usurped by enemies from within. Fascist oriented enemies.
@@halielouya453 bahaha, your confused, so are your stats..get help..bahahaha
@@halielouya453 well you’ve been proven dead wrong! Smith is absolutely the best person to be leading Albertans against the ridiculous policies from Trudeau and GillBolt! Alberta would be a complete train wreck under NDP rule. The Jag/Justin/Rachel regime would have decimated Alberta!
Great conversation. Unfortunately, it will always be about the money/greed. Affordable energy already exist. However, greed/ monopoly regarding the haves and have nots always gets in the way. The need for greed has reached an unconscionable and uncontrollable level. Another thing, there is plenty of land for everyone on planet earth, no such thing as over population, only unorganized and greedy politicians. Thank you Jordan. Luv ya! ✝️❤️👍🏻
Did JP say something intelligent or useful?
@@jerrygreene1493 Jordan exudes intelligence. ✝️
@@Cinderella227 Hey Danielle, your argument that you can't produce a wind turbine emissions free in one time construction costs is not an argument. The argument is the sum gain in clean energy over time. JP: Having a messy life and saving the planet, concentrating on one thing CO2, prideful ignorant planetary saviour, no one wants to rank order them like adults...
[Prideful ignorant planetary savior with no ideas to save the planet like an adult? Is JP describing himself here?]
@@jerrygreene1493 The earth doesn’t need saving, it’s the people.
two amazing people; what a great discussion!
Great arguments.
I know very little about Canadian politics but it seems to me that Alberta has caught a break.
I think Danielle Smith's biggest challenge is to continue to be an honest politician. A very rare breed.
A.G.I Will be man's last invention
Citizens don't want truth from politicians, because the truth is, we are all selfish, and keep wanting more, instead of being satisfied with what we have.
Example, we live in the best country on earth, but are always complaining about something.
Jordan makes his big money by complaining to people who also love to complain.
If we were starving to death, we wouldn't be hammering away with complaints on our keyboards, because we wouldn't even OWN computers or keyboards.
@@halielouya453 Time will tell what the people that vote will choose.
@Halie Louya
Don't worry, Jagmeet will come over and help 😉
@@fkb247 jug of meat here to save the day
Listening to it feel so good !!!
I had no idea that many people were dying from indoor air pollution. Too many in this world don't even have clean driking water or enough food to eat. It's better today than any time in history, but we can't sit back on our laurels either. We still have a ways to go.
Danielle is such a great leader. Best leader in Alberta we have had since Ralph Klein.
Photos of her and Trudeau that appear to look way too friendly to be opposition are concerning
So far, one of the best provincial leaders I've ever seen.
Pity shes female.
A.G.I Will be man's last invention
Klein was just a bigot and a drunk. I knew the man, did you. LOL best leader
I'm no Michael Moore fan, but I am happy that my Premier Danielle Smith mentioned *Planet of the Humans,* as it exposed many of the lies of the Green Cult.
Two of my favourite people together. Great conversation revealing many solid points.
Did JP say something intelligent or useful?
Always useful conversation, if you have a high enough level of intelligence to understand.
@@rickcole1565 Did JP say something intelligent or useful? Timestamp?
JP very smart but I'm not a fan of Smith
she cuts taxes on the corporations and has no regulations on oil companies when they leave with oil so taxpayers have to pay to clean up the mess. Private profits and public subsidies.
If we over-simplify a complex problem in order to understand it, then we no longer have any ability to solve the actual problem.
"Plant of the humans" was one of Michael Moore's best works.
LOVE Both Danielle and Jordan!
This woman is awsome! Common sense!
We would take her in BC any day compared to the destructive NDP in BC.
Most people would be happy to do their bit but when you see its the most people that have to do all the givimg up and the rich get way richer and way more powerful then you see it for what it is
Listening to 2 people who really know what they are talking about sure is refreshing.
Except that they don't know what they are talking about and are terribly misinformed on the topic...during their entire conversation they did not cite a single source of science.
What an excellent discussion.
Omg! This was such a powerful discussion.
Let’s also talk about the fact that the poor are more green, they can’t afford cars
Got my vote...stay safe🥰
I would be careful with her Alberta website requires you to create digital ID of You want to receive benefits that she offers
If plants could speak, wonder what they would say about erasing carbondioxide.
These purported environmentalist were described as watermelons; green on the outside, pink on the inside.
My sister can afford power and heat but she goes to bed in winter wearing about 3 layers and a deep layer of covers, in day time she wears hats and wraps inside and keeps the thermostat at about 65.
We keep it at 65 too… not sure why so much bundling?
65 is perfect temp. ( to be set by nature)..?
carbn is needed, rather what about negative chemicals coming from companies producing products that humans dont actually need and throwing that wastes into the rivers, seas etc.
Why is radiant heat from the earth not part of the conversation?
You know Mr peterson, she made a damn good point about you becoming the premiere! You would make an excellent premiere, what are the odds you would run to it?
Notice how non-fossil fuel Canadian energy solutions are completely absent from this conversation. For example, Eavor, an Alberta company, has proven a geothermal solution that can replace entire coal plants and can go anywhere (see their UA-cam channel). Or Proton technology, a Saskatchewan/Alberta company, that takes spent oil wells and pulls pure hydrogen out of them while leaving the carbon in the ground (see their UA-cam channel). These companies have solutions that can decentralize energy production - which reduces poverty and lowers the risk of armed conflict - while literally solving emissions problems almost entirely. They just don't involve burning hydrocarbons.
Thank you however there is no geothermal that can replace a coal/lng/nuclear fuel as the temp never rises above 17 deg c . Geothermal is an excellent supplement but very dependant on ground heat transfer parameters. Deep geothermal ( mantle heat) requires a 10 mile hole minimum ( Iceland is lucky) and not viable. Proton sounds interesting however thermodynamics will show that the separation of H from C will require energy that is not free as will the sequestering of C into graphite or similar stable molecule/elemental state. But I’ll look before I criticize this one further.
That’s exactly the issue; how do you have “modern living” if you don’t have all these industries ? By all means, look for alternatives, however, don’t disregard the existing options.
Furthermore, say we shutdown all fossil fuel work; forget the global economy, how will the people employed in these industries feed their families ?
Energy genocide or MAID - take your pick, sigh….
I feel the Canadian Conservatives may be on a comeback. We’ve been on a downward trajectory since Bernier got canned. We don’t want any more lefties like O’toole, Kenney and Ford.
Me encanta ese titulo, Pescador de Hombres.
Dinero > El Mundo
Note to self. Co2 is beneficial. Plants don't survive without it. People don't survive without plants.
well maybe free energy
Was this from five years ago, because JP says Greta Thurburg is 13 years old?
No it was an extract from a November 2022 Daily Wire podcast. You are correct that Peterson is misinformed. Thunberg is almost 20 years old so he is off by almost 6 years. He also misinformed on the topic of climate change and likes to cite contrarian Bjorn Lomberg as an authority on climate science and energy policy when in fact he is neither.
Jordan is amazing
If you look at the consumption patterns in modern economies, you'll find inconvenient truths:
-consumerism is the basis of the modern economy
-advertising drives the modern economy
-in advanced countries, advertisement is primarily through television
-women watch a lot more TV, than men do
-women make or decide, 80% of consumer purchases
-it's the top 20% of people in modern economies that make most of the consumer purchases
-evolution plays into this, as women evolved as hypergamous, sorting out mating based on a man's ability to acquire resources
-men evolved to pursue women hypergamously as well, but the male criteria for competing towards the high end of the lobster hierarchy compels men to seem younger, prettier women
-you might say, men working hard and competing for status in the Lobster Hierarchy to impress women and look after their needs, is the basis of capitalism and the modern economy
-one of the natural effects of capitalism is the Pareto Distribution happens, meaning most money ends up in the hands of a small percentage of people at the top, basically the top 20% get almost all resources/money
-global warming is driven by resource consumption
-concern over global warming is much higher among the more educated and affluent...the very people who have most of the money, buy most things, are the main drivers of industry that drives global warming
So put this pattern together, what do you find? The pattern is something I call the Leonardo Di Caprio effect. Leo's a very high status man, who is very attractive to women. He makes tremendous amounts of money, allowing him to acquire many very expensive automobiles, houses, jewelry, jets. Leo uses those status symbols, to attract mates. He's had dozens of them. Women can't resist him. From his behavior, the feeling is mutual. Leonardo is a very bright, politically astute man, part of the Davos elite. Flies there for global warming conferences. But Leo lacks self-awareness of his own complicity in global warming, his own hypocrisy and guilt and super-white privilege. For example a large proportion of airplane emissions come from the back of the private jets of rich people, like him. John Kerry is similar. So is Justin Trudeau. Recently he was questioned over his use of his high emitting private jet, Kerry replied something like: "I have to use a private jet. I have important things to do. I have to get stuff done." As if no one else does.
Joel Kotkin had several conversations about all this with John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, about how the elite wish to rule us, deal with all this, by in effect creating a new global neo-feudalism: with the Bill Gates, the Hollywood elite, the World Economic Forum at the top, controlling technology, controlling you and your family, controlling your banking. And lifeboat morality: if the ship is going out, you won't be included in the lifeboat. Justin Trudeau during the pandemic showed us how easily he could go after your bank account. Justin grew up among the super-elite. The Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, she wrote a book about them, she knows them well. The global elite wants to control the internet, control the media, controlling economics and consumption, control what you eat. The elite wants to control private property and farmland, so it ends up mostly being owned by the super-elite. Such as Bill Gates buying up all the American farmland, to control all the food. He wants you to eat bugs or soylent green 2.0 or such. I guess that makes it easier for Bill Gates to control the peasant class, which is most of us.
I believe it was once Bill Gate's friend Klaus Schwab who once said: You will own nothing, and be happy.
George Carlin once said long ago, "It's a big club. And you're not in it. You and I, are not in the club."
George, gone but not forgotten. George, still right, still ahead of his time.
On wind power, don’t neglect end-of-life site remediation costs. Nobody includes these costs in projecting the net costs of wind power. How much effort will be required to remove the immense amount of concrete in the tower foundation in order to fully restore the site?
If we want to conserve resources of the natural world, we should stop printing money (when it’s not needed?).
You've got to love facts and figures , and these two know how to give them
The problem is that Carbon Dioxide is not only NOT too high… its so low that were within a few percentage on scale from photosynthesis shutting down. 150ppm is the lowest before all life dies. We’re at 405ppm, the Earth’s average is around 3000ppm and its high mark is 7000 ppm, and at no point has higher CO2 resulted in more heat. On the contrary, when it was at 7000ppm…. We had the longest coldest ice age, “snowball earth”, which lasted a hundred million years. The entire argument on “carbon” is completely bullshit, and the information is right there in the ice-core records. Doesn’t anyone remember day 1 in biology? Photosynthesis requires CO2!!! The more CO2 the happier the Earth!
Emissions are only a fraction of pollution, and we should not be increasing pollution to decrease emissions, with electric cars for example.
Yes i have been violently Geronimo'd on Cheam First Nation- the very racist RCMP stole my VALID LICENCE, crushed multiple cars & issued not one but two falsified BC Driving Prohibitions and have continuously stalked me (have vid/photos) non-stop, violently since i came on a longer than expected extended stay in BC from AB while my mother went in and out of the hospital.As a canadian and sovereign indigenous of canada i can travel & work freely- SO I THOUGHT. I have worked nothing but high paying and good careers and now i am Geronimo'd had to resort to collect social assistance to balance caring for my mom as the priority only to have the coercion of both legal aid and the ministry of social development and poverty block not one but two of my cheques Nov & dec and deny me access to my November now! I am a homeless person technically as my mom's needs renos for proper housing so i can be close to care for her and at the same time Legal Aid completely ignoring my messages for legal representation to be alotted so i can prove the illegal, very violent and ongoing grave RCMP targeting! This is the bare minimum these govt services are working against the prone needing these services sadistically and very much in coercion- this is our high death and incarceration rate of the homeless in BC not sure about the rest of country but i am guessing this is nationwide. I had to survive on NOTHING from Oct 24th issue social assistance until Dec 28ths! And they only released the december cheque of $634! Cori the employment manager who ignored my calls and messages (witness to 12! from may to sept) and then noted i wasn't trying to do my employment plan kicked me off already once for HER NOT REPLYING. Now she blocked these two cheques and now stating i might not be ELIGIBLE for my other check she held and cancelled. This is the Nazi state i keep talking about- no wonder we have a highway of tears honestly. Six hundred and thirty four dollars to survive throughout the coldest months we have had in years and make it out alive somehow . Stretch my october 24th issue cheque till December 28th?! These workers need to be audited. Not only that i had a cheque stolen, forged and cashed in a credit union and they denied me a new issue of the stolen check, made it look on paper i cashed it and was attempting to scam a second one and denied me even at two levels after the ministry decision. THIS IS THE PROBLEM not the people collecting social assistance plus we cant even afford half a one bedroom let alone both food and utilities to get out of the technically homeless state to keep a good job and even at that the RCMP can just come and make up BS and steal a citizens VALID LICENCE and make up fake violations and prohibitions. I need to move back to AB but my mom cant handle the cold. NEED major help in StoLo nation the corrupted leaders and managers and gangs of stolo are stealing or misappropriating all the funds and then hunting our prone women, aged out foster kids, homeless and severely disabled addicts to incarceration or death by informants of 1000s and their forces of CFSEU - because Chilliwack and stolo share the RCMP Training Facility ! Ruined this town put the wack in chilliwack. I wrote the PM of Alberta in email asking for help before there is another statistic on highway of tears honestly it is that bad. And far worse. Much Much Much worse please hopefully this can get to the PM Danielle so she checks her mail. Deadly. Highway of Tears.
Seems so rational..
Nothing like the cold reality of hard numbers.
Norway's Wealth Fund $1.4 Trillion
Alberta's Heritage Fund $18 Billion
By any measure, incompetence.
Read "Green Murder" by Australian Ian Plimer !!!
Complete rubbish from a retired geologist and Australian fossil fuel lobbyist. In scientific circles this book is totally irrelevant nonsense. Pilmer hasn't published a single peer-reviewed article on climate science. Not one.
I am very pessimistic that Alberta can survive, let alone prosper, within Canada as long as Trudeau and the “Nation of Quebec, along with Liberal Ontario continue to dictate national leadership and policies.
I don’t think anyone can speak for the Earth, any more than they can dance for somebody else…I do think we all can communicate with the Earth, just as well as we can be moved by a work of art. I think Christ, used his whole life for his art.
(I can only imagine what it’s like..how much suffering one must endure to stand before the masses as representative enough to gather, maintain, and direct the attention of all them others receptive enough to hear and identify with the message being shared…but, I shake for the gang..I hate myself and want to die.)
I’m still glad you’re the one doing the talking.
Our planetary magnetic shield is weakening.
Bjorn Lomborg is an excellent resource on this……..
'Universal Climate Policies United Coalition' (UCPUC) And now see this coalition as a Chess board... Start with Dr. Peterson as 'King',, and fill in the rest of the pieces, with the many qualified and astute people already mentioned, in this video... Danielle Smith would make a great 'Pawn',, and etc...
Are these discussions remotely debatable? Do the opponents to these ideas consciously refuse to debate this if they're passionate about their counter ideas?
Since the OT Prophet Isaiah confirmed the NT Apostle John's vision of new Heavens and a new Earth, there's absolutely no cause to be concerned about climate change because we're trying to preserve something which will soon no longer exist.
22As the New Heavens and New Earth that I make, that remain before me, says LORD JEHOVAH, so your seed and your name shall be established Isa. 66:22 Aramaic
And I saw new Heavens and a new Earth, for the former Heavens and the former Earth had departed, and the Sea was no more. Rev. 21:1 Aramaic
Extinction Rebellionists get airtime because buffoonery is always fun to watch. Besides, if they can’t have a house….neither can anyone else.
Logic would tell us that, in an increasingly populated World, more C02 would be a godsend. More C02; more plants; more plants; more food and Oxygen. Yet we talk about Michael Moore, Al Gore, and Greta Thunberg, and not about Richard Lindzen, Will Happer, and say Jordan Peterson.
Thank you for your thoughts and statements.
Take Care 🌿
AND Canada's own Friends of Science and Dr. Patrick Moore.
What did trudoo say... "We (they) are taking up space" Can you explain this Mr trudoo
He’s the globalists are taking up space.
Please listen to any talk or discussion with Dr John Christy to truly understand why CO2 is not an ìssue as thè Alarmist would hàve the wholè world believe, and then we can get on with sorting out the real issues of the Climate Debate!
Hey ma!.. I found footage of Superwoman and Superman talking about joining forces!
We actually don’t have an energy issue, what we have is consumption of energy for useless products , think about the energy consumption of a box of cereal.. a box that maybe holds 5 or 6 cups of food… packaging alone is extremely wasteful, shipping goods around the world is nuts. We need to improve the 3Dprinter, and stop producing garbage. I would like to know the energy consumption of a single tanker from china… right from the raw material extraction to the goods in the hands of the consumer… if you even try to think about this it becomes a brain fog. So stop talking about the BS energy issue and start to understand energy use.
Yes, incredible waste of resources on our continent. Nonstop waste seems like it also reinforces a mindless, shallow, selfish…… society?
@@washingtonirving1046 mindless,, shallow, selfish society? From my perspective it is a society living a lie, people believe themselves to be educated, smart, hard working and deserving. This myth or lie is the reason why change in the general population is almost impossible.. change can only occur for these people when experience differs from their beliefs. It is the reason that we must stand by until enough people stop living lies and accept truth because the damage to their personal beings has climaxed… for example.. people who were denied access to their loved ones, who died alone, the death of a child and many more to come… sadly.
i wonder if either of these two could set aside their ideology and read the IPCC Sixth Asessment report (2021). Instead of referencing science and evidence, they prefer to traffic in rhetoric and cite contrarians Bjorn Lomberg and Michael Shellenberger -- neither of whom have published any climate science.. Danielle Snith's anti-vax, anti-science, anti-reality campaign to become Alberta Premier is particularly embarrassing.
In Alberta we have had almost the exact same winter as last year.
Oil/gas vs renewable energy. It can not be one without the other. We are all on the titanic and you simply can not turn it on a dime. No pirouette here. Just a transition , a process of combing tech to make a positive change and open up new markets. That’s what an economy needs, new markets to compete not shut each other down. We need Oil/gas till renewables emerge as stable players .
If she is all that for freedom why Alberta website requires to create digital ID to obtain benefits that she offers for families. I will not create digital ID for myself. They have a different plans going in same direction.
Greta is 19 years old..
@@matiassella4935 How dare you? The young Swedish actress who reads scary weather scripts to scare the masses into more taxation, population control and that everyone will be dying very soon. Like they told us in the 80s. You'd think beach houses would be affordable by now.
@@matiassella4935 Greta Thurnberg
I haven't followed her closely, but don't think Greta Thunberg claims to know it all, or that people listen to her because of it, but it is about a teenager engaging, learning, caring and acting upon that care. In case she'd be wrong about some details, please just correct her and see to the fact that she is wanting to actually contribute for saving and change. And maybe it is her passion and courage that appeal to others, apaty from her youth. Even if she doesn't know about the russian danger of the thawing gas-tundras or thé hazard of 5G, don't dismiss her.
Nuclear unclear?
I like Jordan, but suddenly getting some Christian prayer message in the middle is going to put A LOT of people off!
8:47 44 Mio deaths per year in B-Columbia…….?……? Isn’t that twice the actual population of that place? Btw. Riding heavily on affordability small nuclear plants is just waaaaaay out of anything reasonable…..this blog is toooo „ 8:47 showbusy“ overdramatized
Listen to Jeffrey Sachs.
Not only do wind turbines kill birds they also kill all the bugs in the soil to a 50 acre circle around each turbine. Also,,to keep each of these monstrosities standing you need a 50 foot deep hole filled with concrete.
LNG is a transitorial Solution…. Why can’t you be realistic in all your discussions
Peterson is occasionally sensible -- Smith never.
Quasımoto prıveste dezastru!
Nu ıntervıne cı asteapta
Oh go away, nothing you say is insightful or interesting
Until Danielle smith keeps her promise to grant amnesty to all who have been unjustly persecuted and prosecuted during tyrannical mandates she loses her credibility
With any luck the first ones to face extinction are the extinction rebellion nut cases.
MAID would do us all a solid IMO