I was on a school trip to East Berlin in March 1989. At least it didn't look like a collapse there. It all seemed a bit gray, dreary and lethargic to me, but at least it was German throughout. I was impressed by the guard battalion of the East German army. My grandfather always said that the East German army was much closer to the Wehrmacht in terms of tradition and uniforms than the West German Bundeswehr. He never took the Bundeswehr seriously. Here in the former West Germany, they negated all Prussian military traditions and put colorful berets on their heads. Was that wise? The Soviets knew why they wanted the East German army to be Prussian. Namely because the Prussian traditions were good and suited Germany.
It's great that this footage is uploaded to UA-cam BUT, can no-one at ITN put some subtitles on so we can know what Gorbachev was saying? This is historically important stuff!
Ideologies stopped existing in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the World now is divided again. At one side we have USA and their allies/satellites at the other side we have China, Russia and their allies/satellites. There are few countries that are independent like India but they are a minority. Anyway, the world has become again more dangerous as it was during the Cold War.
@@EdReddish184 I don't agree with that part where you say "especially for economic reasons". Wars can be made for several reasons and power, geo-political reasons can be as important as, or even more important than business. This war has 1st of all geo-political and safety reasons.
I was born in Russia in 1968, and I say that I grew up in the best phase of the USSR. Far removed from the horrors of Stalin. I was at Moscow University when Gorbachev started Perestroika and Glasnost. At first I supported the reforms and his support for the re-democratization of Eastern Europe. After all, we fought for communism, Eastern Europeans did not. It was imposed on them. In my 1985 conception, the USSR should have proceeded without the Warsaw Pact, a bag of rubble that we have been carrying since 1945. Let them be free. But Russia lost a lot with the end of communism. It was horrible for all of us, facing a corporate world after a life protected by communism that gave us everything hand in hand! College vacancies, cars and apartments. When the USSR ended, we didn't even know how to write a check!
I'm British and like you was born in 1968 and therefore witnessed the same events as you from the other side Growing up we never felt animosity towards Russians but rather understood that their control over their neighbours was primarily protective due to what had happened to it during WWII I welcomed the end of the Cold War but was sad to see the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia and their disintegration into ethnic conflict Now Russia itself is under siege due to its intervention in the protection of minorities in former soviet republic's I pray for the return of statesmenship especially here in the west
"Let them be free"? Who asked you? Who are you imperial maniacs even to decide who has shall be free? Nobody needs your USSR trauma or your Russian imperialist narrative! Go home with your russkij mir and leave Europe alone. This is our last warning.
@@boblovell5789Probably the most attractive and embarrassingly eligible first lady in the world, Raisa Gorbachev had a PhD from Kazan University. I say embarrassingly because the American First Lady Nancy Reagan was a song n dance girl from Hollywood
He went, despite the fact Honecker and himself butted heads with regards to policy, as Honecker was opposed to his reforms. Gorbachev saw Honecker, Ceausescu of Romania, and the Communist leaders at the time in Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria as stuck in the past, you might say.
Honecker was a bastard. Even his accent was fake. He was from the Saarland at the French border but for some reason he tried to sound like Walter Ulbricht, who was from Leipzig.
Gorbatschow war der beste russische Staatsmann aller Zeiten, so einer fehlt uns heute. Möge er in Frieden ruhen. Ich verneige mich tief vor solch einen ehrlichen und gerechten Mann. Er hat die Welt zum positiven verändert, Deutschland und Europa sind ihm sehr dankbar dafür.
@@anetawojtera7584 Warum Unsinn, das ist die Wahrheit du dummer unwissender und undankbarer Russentroll. Möchte wetten 1985 warst du noch gar nicht auf der Welt und ich bin ihm heute noch dankbar, denn er hat uns die Freiheit gebracht und ich konnte nach vielen Jahren endlich all meine Geschwister im Westen wiedersehen.
Das stimmt, er hat vieles nur für Deutschland und Europa getan, nicht aber für sein sowjetisches Volk. Haben Sie sich schon einmal Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie viele Kriminalität und wirtschaftliche Probleme die einfache russische Bevölkerung nach dem Zusammenbruch der UdSSR ertragen musste? In unserem Land halten sie ihn für den falschen Politiker, weil Gorbatschow nur an die Deutschen gedacht hat. Hat Sie Russland jemals gestört oder haben Sie nur an sich selbst gedacht?
I reckon this visit was seismic, a game changer in the wall coming down. Apparently, word has it, that the Soviets were broke, out of money themselves and could no longer afford to prop up the DDR. This was reiterated to Honecker in talks for 4 hours between himself and Gorbachev. Gorbachev stated to Honecker that he could no longer support Honecker, which was the end of the DDR. They were in the same room for that time, not once did both agree on any single one thing. That's accirding to Soviet officials present. Only for that, East Germany would have survived. This 40th Anniversary meeting changed everything.
The phrase he used to warn Erich Honecker is in all the history books here in Russia; he said "Those who are late in acting will be punished by history."
كان هذا الرجل مثقفا ولكنه كان في نفس الوقت غبيا ، اراد ان يصلح اتحادا انشئ بالقوة والحديد والنار وطرح افكار مثل البريسترويكا والكلاسنوست وكانت النتيجة هو انهيار هذا الاتحاد ! هؤلاء المصفقين ليسوا الاخائفين ليس الا ، ولايعبرون عن فرحتهم !!
Mein Gott, das war echt ! Die Begeisterung des Volkes für Gorbatschow und vor allem seine Aussagen. Ein grosser Politiker. Respekt. Und heute ? Alles nur noch Schein...
J’étais à Berlin le 9 novembre 2014 pour les festivités des 25 ans de la chute du mur. Je me baladais aux alentours de la porte de Brandebourg et de la rue du 17 juin. Les préparatifs battaient leur plein. À un moment donné, je vois une quinzaine de personnes en train de patienter devant l’hôtel Adlon, je me joins à eux ne sachant pas ce qu’ils attendaient. Et là au bout d’une dizaine de minutes, qui vois-je apparaître sortant de l’hôtel avec sa tache de vin sur le front… Gorbatchev. Je me suis mis à le héler comme un allemand de l’est en 1989 "Gorbi Gorbi" j’ai pris plein de photos. Je me souviens encore du regard complice que j’ai échangé avec un allemand qui était juste à côté de moi. Ils avaient, nous avions tous le visage illuminé par ce que nous venions de vivre. On ne croise pas tous les jours dans la rue ce genre d’homme.
What this man did is unprecedented in world history. He dismantled an entire political, economic and military bloc - an alternative to Western unipolarity, for empty promises (no NATO expansion and the USSR becoming a part of a 'common European home'). His reforms opened a Pandora's box of nationalism and greed, led to millions of deaths, 30 years of NATO aggression around the world from Yugoslavia to Libya, and wars across the ex-USSR including the current Russia and Ukraine crisis. Gorbachev is the man who sold the world.
You gave up your country without firing a shot. You sold it for American, British, Japanese electronics, clothing, sweets. And you had such a beautiful army.
те, кто не жалеет о крушении Советского Союза, у того нет сердца, а кто хочет вернуть его обратно - у того нет головы. Мы просто констатируем факт и знаем, что смотреть нужно не назад, а вперед. Мы не позволим прошлому хватать нас за рукава и не дать нам возможности идти вперед. Мы понимаем, куда мы должны двигаться. Но мы должны исходить из ясного понимания, что произошло.(путин)
Menos mal la URSS desapareció de lo contrario hubiera habido una tercera guerra mundial algo que ni revisionistas y anti revisionistas se niegan aceptar 😂😂🎉
Yo no lamento el fin de las dictaduras militares en Latinoamérica tampoco lamento el fin de la URSS su caída era algo inevitable un sistema económico fallido no había libertad este hombre gorbachov busco la paz aunque pago un precio muy alto la vida sigue
@@владимирглущенко-л6мgorbachov reconoció que la Rusia soviética no iba para ningún lado por algo lo quisieron tumbar y fracasaron con o sin gorbachov la URSS estaba condenada a desaparecer
At least nationalism is more alive in East Germany, for which we can thank the Soviet Russian rule during the forty years following the fall of National Socialism...
Yes, as I have read, the East Germans didn't educate their population to be self-hating. Instead of focusing on Hitler, they reminded people that Germany was the land of Luther and Hegel, Mozart and Marx. I hope the people of Eastern Germany today can keep the real spirit of Germany alive even if the Wessies give in to consumerism and false multiculturalism which is actually the destruction of their own nation.
The autocratic losers who couldn’t even sustain a functioning economy, and had to resort to domestic spying and building a wall to keep people IN? If that’s the “real” Germany…yikes.
rechtes Avatar Bild aber jammert der alten DDR Diktatur hinterher... Wasn Vogel... Aber von Honecker zu Ho(n)ecke(r= is es ja nich weit... Hauptsache ein Dikator der Dir sagt, dass Dein Leben irgendwas bedeutet... wenns auch nur die Geburt auf deutschem Boden ist...
Может быть для немцев это хорошо, доброта русского медведя, но американский орёл, до сих пор сидит на своих ракетах по всей Германии и просто так не уйдёт.. А русские военные ушли... А потом пошло расширение НАТО на восток..
Горбачев вместо того что бы заниматься дипломатией и выторговать преференции для СССР в виде не расширения НАТО и контрибуции за 2 мировую войну, дешево красовался перед англо-саксами... просто дешевый глупец
J was in Berlin that day, j was at Check Point Charlie in the evening. C'era una folla molto arrabbiata sulla Friedrichstraße quella sera,era trattenuta a stento sui marciapiedi dalla polizia.Riuscii con difficoltà ad arrivare in fondo alla strada e chiesi ad un sottufficiale della polizia come potevo attraversare il Chek Point.Lui mi disse che dovevo rivolgermi all'ufficiale americano che stava al centro della strada.Chiesi all' ufficiale di andare a Berlino Est e lui gentilmente mi accompagnò al limite, mi disse che per lui non era un problema ma il problema poteva essere l'ufficiale russo con i suoi soldati schierati di fronte a pochi metri.Anche l'ufficiale russo diede ordine ai soldati di farmi passare e arrivai nell'edificio dove pensai doveva esserci la polizia della DDR. Infatti dopo dieci minuti di silenzio e nervosa attesa si affacció da dietro uno sportellino un "VoPos"dalla faccia molto seria,quasi truce,che mi chiese cosa facevo e dove volevo andare.Gli risposi che ero un turista e quindi volevo visitare la città ma il sempre meno gentile poliziotto mi chiese "WHERE???",gli risposi"Alexanderplatz". Mi respinse con forza il passaporto si giró e se ne andó gridando"Nein Raus!!!" Tornai indietro tra la folla inferocita,l'ufficiale americano mi consigliò di andare via subito da quel posto perché cominciava ad essere molto pericoloso. Dopo 33 giorni cadde il Muro!
Not sure what is sadder here: the drab color, the squeaky brakes on the official party limousines, or the general look of apathy and dismay on everyone’s faces. Life in the USSR really just…sucked.
@@danielvanr.8681 fair enough - there was indeed a territorial and governmental distinction, but the DDR was basically a satellite arm of the Soviet Union. And life for most outside the party elites sucked in both, in a lot of the same ways.
@@VideoAmericanStyleI grew up in the capitalist Western Europe being 12 years at the time of the video. We had colour tv's, video machine and a 8-bit Commodore 64 with disk drive in my room...we lacked nothing..
@@jameslongstreet9259 nicht genug!!! Damals hat man Migranten aus Afrika, LGBT und Transgender schmerzlich vermisst!!! Wer den Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion nicht bereut, hat kein Herz, und wer ihn zurückbringen will, hat keinen Kopf. (Zitat)
Das müsste er gewesen sein er war auf der Beerdigung meines Vaters da das fand ich schon bemerkenswert, weil mein Vater sich immer über ihn nicht positiv geäußert hatte. Das war noch deutsche Tugend
Сколько невинных людей погибло позже в СССР от глупой политики этого человека,в Германии этого не знают!Горбачёв,много говорил,но это однозначно преступник своей родины!
Interessant waren die Worte von Gorbatschow., allso die, vor denen die x-mal gesendet wurden. Ich frage mich auch, was die Frau von Gorbi so gedacht hatte. Ihre Gesichtsausdrücke waren schon interessant.
Le traite fait la mine des mauvais jours. Ce jours la Honecker n a rien pur obtenir du grand frere soviétique. Malheureusement, ont connaît la suite...
What a big difference this man brought to the region as he was one of the most amicable leader Soviet Union produced, total contrary to today's dictator in Russia. Imagine if someone else was in charge that time, perhaps two Germany would be still divided even to this day.
@@gray3377 Genau, das undankbare Volk hat ihn verraten, nun folgen sie einem Massenmörder und Verführer. Wir Deutschen lieben und verehren Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow. Er wird immer mein Held bleiben. Точно, неблагодарный народ его предал, теперь идет за массовым убийцей и соблазнителем. Мы, немцы, любим и восхищаемся Михаилом Сергеевичем Горбачевым. Он всегда будет моим героем.
@@adamfokin3061 если бы его целенаправленно не подталкивали к распаду, то не распался бы. Бывали кризисы и в разы хуже, чем в СССР после 85-го, как Великая Депрессия, но страны не разваливались.
Gorbatchev en arabe garbaa tchouf sa veut dire si tu bouges tu vrrras 😂la vieille Russie 🇷🇺 de principes et de valeurs la Russie 🇷🇺 a toujours été une valeur sûre ! En loyauté correction jusqu’à la reprise en modernisation en technologie en culture . Reste plus que la politique qui se renouvelle au niveau mondiale
😂😂con o sin gorbachov la URSS estaba condenada a desaparecer pero me acordé que ustedes viven con la nostalgia piensan más con el corazón que con la razon
@@antony77ish Estaba destinada a desaparecer? Y eso quien lo afirma? Gorbachov y los idiotas que lo siguieron como tu? Aun sigue China Vietnam Cuba Corea del Norte Laos y se crean nuevos paises socialistas. Asi que no es cierto, mas bien al contrario.
@@josemariapena4226 please speak English so the whole world can read your comment and China is not really communist because they copied the western capitalist open market
A month later, the wall came down
And the east germans suffer untill today because of it
@@StekTM1 I wonder if they suffer when they enter a Saturn mega store.
I was on a school trip to East Berlin in March 1989. At least it didn't look like a collapse there. It all seemed a bit gray, dreary and lethargic to me, but at least it was German throughout. I was impressed by the guard battalion of the East German army. My grandfather always said that the East German army was much closer to the Wehrmacht in terms of tradition and uniforms than the West German Bundeswehr. He never took the Bundeswehr seriously. Here in the former West Germany, they negated all Prussian military traditions and put colorful berets on their heads. Was that wise? The Soviets knew why they wanted the East German army to be Prussian. Namely because the Prussian traditions were good and suited Germany.
It's great that this footage is uploaded to UA-cam BUT, can no-one at ITN put some subtitles on so we can know what Gorbachev was saying? This is historically important stuff!
He said that his generation was the last who experienced war.
Apologies for the delay, subtitles have now been added!
@@ITNArchive I will watch it again then. Cheers!
@@ITNArchivewhere, not on yet!
Говорил, что предал ГДР и собирается развалить СССР
Ideologies stopped existing in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the World now is divided again. At one side we have USA and their allies/satellites at the other side we have China, Russia and their allies/satellites. There are few countries that are independent like India but they are a minority. Anyway, the world has become again more dangerous as it was during the Cold War.
It's called imperialism, and it's never about ideology, it's about economy in the first place.
@@EdReddish184 I don't agree with that part where you say "especially for economic reasons". Wars can be made for several reasons and power, geo-political reasons can be as important as, or even more important than business. This war has 1st of all geo-political and safety reasons.
@@markwhitethorn6743 wars are always for economical reasons
Indias too busy studying toilet technology
@@bobbyantrobus1805Keep up your spirit on hating us 😂😂😂
I was born in Russia in 1968, and I say that I grew up in the best phase of the USSR. Far removed from the horrors of Stalin. I was at Moscow University when Gorbachev started Perestroika and Glasnost. At first I supported the reforms and his support for the re-democratization of Eastern Europe. After all, we fought for communism, Eastern Europeans did not. It was imposed on them. In my 1985 conception, the USSR should have proceeded without the Warsaw Pact, a bag of rubble that we have been carrying since 1945. Let them be free. But Russia lost a lot with the end of communism. It was horrible for all of us, facing a corporate world after a life protected by communism that gave us everything hand in hand! College vacancies, cars and apartments. When the USSR ended, we didn't even know how to write a check!
Bienvenidos al capitalismo donde te enseñaron abrir una cuenta de ahorros en un banco
I'm British and like you was born in 1968 and therefore witnessed the same events as you from the other side
Growing up we never felt animosity towards Russians but rather understood that their control over their neighbours was primarily protective due to what had happened to it during WWII
I welcomed the end of the Cold War but was sad to see the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia and their disintegration into ethnic conflict
Now Russia itself is under siege due to its intervention in the protection of minorities in former soviet republic's
I pray for the return of statesmenship especially here in the west
"Let them be free"? Who asked you? Who are you imperial maniacs even to decide who has shall be free? Nobody needs your USSR trauma or your Russian imperialist narrative! Go home with your russkij mir and leave Europe alone. This is our last warning.
@@stephenchappell7512 lol what happened in WW2 was part of Soviet Russia plans. "Protective" Russia, now that's a great joke.
U nas w Polsce też bardzo ucierpielismy przez tą transformację ustrojową. Całe moje życie poszło nie tak , Gorbaczow popełnił błąd.
Thanks for uploading😃
Rest in peace Mihail Gorbatschov. A great man with a big heart.
His wife was lovely too.
????. życie milionów ludzi poszło źle przez te jego przemiany.
@@boblovell5789Probably the most attractive and embarrassingly eligible first lady in the world, Raisa Gorbachev had a PhD from Kazan University.
I say embarrassingly because the American First Lady Nancy Reagan was a song n dance girl from Hollywood
@@splinterbyrd девушка из Голливуда не предала свою страну , а эти с 10 высшими просто все порешалм
Gorbachev was answering the questions candidly, but in an indirect manner,
Вся его жизнь это уклонение от вопросов
@@АскарНагимов-э4у последователи довели до совершенства.
He went, despite the fact Honecker and himself butted heads with regards to policy, as Honecker was opposed to his reforms. Gorbachev saw Honecker, Ceausescu of Romania, and the Communist leaders at the time in Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria as stuck in the past, you might say.
Honecker was a bastard. Even his accent was fake. He was from the Saarland at the French border but for some reason he tried to sound like Walter Ulbricht, who was from Leipzig.
Gorbachev recognised those despots for what they were; fiefdoms under a red flag, particularly Romania and Bulgaria
To Gorbaczow się pomylił.
At that time, the higher ups knew something big was going to happen- when? Soon!
Ich stand auch an der Fahrstrecke von Gorbi als Streckenposten, schön die Kameraden zu sehen und die Situation an dem Tag im Berliner Zentrum
1:45 Swedish Journalist from SVT
Gorbatschow war der beste russische Staatsmann aller Zeiten, so einer fehlt uns heute. Möge er in Frieden ruhen. Ich verneige mich tief vor solch einen ehrlichen und gerechten Mann. Er hat die Welt zum positiven verändert, Deutschland und Europa sind ihm sehr dankbar dafür.
Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen.
@@anetawojtera7584 Warum Unsinn, das ist die Wahrheit du dummer unwissender und undankbarer Russentroll. Möchte wetten 1985 warst du noch gar nicht auf der Welt und ich bin ihm heute noch dankbar, denn er hat uns die Freiheit gebracht und ich konnte nach vielen Jahren endlich all meine Geschwister im Westen wiedersehen.
Leider hat er nicht gesehen, bzw. vergessen Putin seiner Position zu entheben
Das stimmt, er hat vieles nur für Deutschland und Europa getan, nicht aber für sein sowjetisches Volk. Haben Sie sich schon einmal Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie viele Kriminalität und wirtschaftliche Probleme die einfache russische Bevölkerung nach dem Zusammenbruch der UdSSR ertragen musste? In unserem Land halten sie ihn für den falschen Politiker, weil Gorbatschow nur an die Deutschen gedacht hat. Hat Sie Russland jemals gestört oder haben Sie nur an sich selbst gedacht?
first class document
I reckon this visit was seismic, a game changer in the wall coming down.
Apparently, word has it, that the Soviets were broke, out of money themselves and could no longer afford to prop up the DDR.
This was reiterated to Honecker in talks for 4 hours between himself and Gorbachev.
Gorbachev stated to Honecker that he could no longer support Honecker, which was the end of the DDR. They were in the same room for that time, not once did both agree on any single one thing. That's accirding to Soviet officials present.
Only for that, East Germany would have survived.
This 40th Anniversary meeting changed everything.
The phrase he used to warn Erich Honecker is in all the history books here in Russia; he said "Those who are late in acting will be punished by history."
كان هذا الرجل مثقفا ولكنه كان في نفس الوقت غبيا ، اراد ان يصلح اتحادا انشئ بالقوة والحديد والنار وطرح افكار مثل البريسترويكا والكلاسنوست وكانت النتيجة هو انهيار هذا الاتحاد ! هؤلاء المصفقين ليسوا الاخائفين ليس الا ، ولايعبرون عن فرحتهم !!
Apparently some east Germans actually liked living in east Germany
The translation is a bit long-winded. What he said was 'Honecker, you're fired!' and 11 days later he was gone.
Mein Gott, das war echt ! Die Begeisterung des Volkes für Gorbatschow und vor allem seine Aussagen. Ein grosser Politiker. Respekt. Und heute ? Alles nur noch Schein...
J’étais à Berlin le 9 novembre 2014 pour les festivités des 25 ans de la chute du mur. Je me baladais aux alentours de la porte de Brandebourg et de la rue du 17 juin. Les préparatifs battaient leur plein.
À un moment donné, je vois une quinzaine de personnes en train de patienter devant l’hôtel Adlon, je me joins à eux ne sachant pas ce qu’ils attendaient. Et là au bout d’une dizaine de minutes, qui vois-je apparaître sortant de l’hôtel avec sa tache de vin sur le front… Gorbatchev.
Je me suis mis à le héler comme un allemand de l’est en 1989 "Gorbi Gorbi" j’ai pris plein de photos.
Je me souviens encore du regard complice que j’ai échangé avec un allemand qui était juste à côté de moi.
Ils avaient, nous avions tous le visage illuminé par ce que nous venions de vivre.
On ne croise pas tous les jours dans la rue ce genre d’homme.
Skip this if you haven't add blocker ...
Я гордился содружеством стран Варшавского договора! Сейчас в душе полная пустота! Боролись с СССР а получили "новую россию"...
12:16 What did Gorvachev say?
What this man did is unprecedented in world history. He dismantled an entire political, economic and military bloc - an alternative to Western unipolarity, for empty promises (no NATO expansion and the USSR becoming a part of a 'common European home'). His reforms opened a Pandora's box of nationalism and greed, led to millions of deaths, 30 years of NATO aggression around the world from Yugoslavia to Libya, and wars across the ex-USSR including the current Russia and Ukraine crisis. Gorbachev is the man who sold the world.
You gave up your country without firing a shot. You sold it for American, British, Japanese electronics, clothing, sweets. And you had such a beautiful army.
те, кто не жалеет о крушении Советского Союза, у того нет сердца, а кто хочет вернуть его обратно - у того нет головы. Мы просто констатируем факт и знаем, что смотреть нужно не назад, а вперед. Мы не позволим прошлому хватать нас за рукава и не дать нам возможности идти вперед. Мы понимаем, куда мы должны двигаться. Но мы должны исходить из ясного понимания, что произошло.(путин)
Menos mal la URSS desapareció de lo contrario hubiera habido una tercera guerra mundial algo que ni revisionistas y anti revisionistas se niegan aceptar 😂😂🎉
Yo no lamento el fin de las dictaduras militares en Latinoamérica tampoco lamento el fin de la URSS su caída era algo inevitable un sistema económico fallido no había libertad este hombre gorbachov busco la paz aunque pago un precio muy alto la vida sigue
@@antony77ish Um etwas zu bereuen, muss man es kennen und lieben ... Gorbatschow verschenkte, was ihm nicht gehörte, und erhielt dafür Verachtung ...
@@владимирглущенко-л6мgorbachov reconoció que la Rusia soviética no iba para ningún lado por algo lo quisieron tumbar y fracasaron con o sin gorbachov la URSS estaba condenada a desaparecer
2:13 can’t wait until those mustaches become fashion again…😁
Горбачев развалил империю и определил судьбу преданных СССР людей в трагическом ключе.
Because he was paid by CIA
Staljin Okupator.
@@bashkimgjikokaj275 NATO okupator
@@volosat1y HAHA NATo ist jast e Jok Club.
Putin KGB Boy agresion in Ukraine illegal war not Rassia.
@@bashkimgjikokaj275 how funny) ha-ha
1:38 Саша Коэн в молодости!! А так конечно завербованный в юности Горби блестяще осуществил операцию предательства!
Ein unglaublicher Mensch und Politiker. So jemanden braucht die Welt in jedem Land.
Предатель он
At least nationalism is more alive in East Germany, for which we can thank the Soviet Russian rule during the forty years following the fall of National Socialism...
Yes, as I have read, the East Germans didn't educate their population to be self-hating. Instead of focusing on Hitler, they reminded people that Germany was the land of Luther and Hegel, Mozart and Marx. I hope the people of Eastern Germany today can keep the real spirit of Germany alive even if the Wessies give in to consumerism and false multiculturalism which is actually the destruction of their own nation.
Лучший немец года! - так его наградили в Германии.
В СССР он предатель и на его могилу в Москве, я надеюсь, плюют порядочные и честные люди.
That interpreter though 😅🏆
Народ-то немецкий как радовался
Vy ne predstavljaete kak.
а в СССР уже начиналась нищета и развал страны
The Real Germany.
The autocratic losers who couldn’t even sustain a functioning economy, and had to resort to domestic spying and building a wall to keep people IN? If that’s the “real” Germany…yikes.
rechtes Avatar Bild aber jammert der alten DDR Diktatur hinterher... Wasn Vogel... Aber von Honecker zu Ho(n)ecke(r= is es ja nich weit... Hauptsache ein Dikator der Dir sagt, dass Dein Leben irgendwas bedeutet... wenns auch nur die Geburt auf deutschem Boden ist...
More like Russia´s backyard.
Mr.President Gorbi..A great man..
One month later, problems begin.....until now .
Saturday 7th October 1989
Может быть для немцев это хорошо, доброта русского медведя, но американский орёл, до сих пор сидит на своих ракетах по всей Германии и просто так не уйдёт.. А русские военные ушли... А потом пошло расширение НАТО на восток..
Gorbatschow war ein großer Politiker,er hat die Welt verändert,möge er in Frieden ruhen
Staarsveräter der DDR😅
Little did Honecker knew what would happen to him and his Wall. Not any system would last forever..
Not even the Berlin Wall..The end of umpire..
1975 schenkten mir meine Eltern ein Modell einer Eisenbahn, hergestellt in der DDR... dann gab es noch andere, aber das ist das erste.
Горбачев вместо того что бы заниматься дипломатией и выторговать преференции для СССР в виде не расширения НАТО и контрибуции за 2 мировую войну, дешево красовался перед англо-саксами... просто дешевый глупец
✊🏾👍🏾 DESCANSA EM PAZ 🌿🕊️🕊️🕊️🌿
J was in Berlin that day, j was at Check Point Charlie in the evening.
C'era una folla molto arrabbiata sulla Friedrichstraße quella sera,era trattenuta a stento sui marciapiedi dalla polizia.Riuscii con difficoltà ad arrivare in fondo alla strada e chiesi ad un sottufficiale della polizia come potevo attraversare il Chek Point.Lui mi disse che dovevo rivolgermi all'ufficiale americano che stava al centro della strada.Chiesi all' ufficiale
di andare a Berlino Est e lui gentilmente mi accompagnò al limite, mi disse che per lui non era un problema ma il problema poteva essere l'ufficiale russo con i suoi soldati schierati di fronte a pochi metri.Anche l'ufficiale russo diede ordine ai soldati di farmi passare e arrivai nell'edificio dove pensai doveva esserci la polizia della DDR.
Infatti dopo dieci minuti di silenzio e nervosa attesa si affacció da dietro uno sportellino un "VoPos"dalla faccia molto seria,quasi truce,che mi chiese cosa facevo e dove volevo andare.Gli risposi che ero un turista e quindi volevo visitare la città ma il sempre meno gentile poliziotto mi chiese "WHERE???",gli risposi"Alexanderplatz".
Mi respinse con forza il passaporto si giró e se ne andó gridando"Nein Raus!!!"
Tornai indietro tra la folla inferocita,l'ufficiale americano mi consigliò di andare via subito da quel posto perché cominciava ad essere molto pericoloso.
Dopo 33 giorni cadde il Muro!
Damit hat angefangen was heute aktueller denn je ist.
Чертов предатель! Да и немцы, жившие и в ГДР, потом в ФРГ, смогли прочувствовать на себе последствия предательства Горбачева!
Gorbachev was a disgrace and a shame. 👎
Not 40 days after these stock images were taken, the wall came down😂
Not sure what is sadder here: the drab color, the squeaky brakes on the official party limousines, or the general look of apathy and dismay on everyone’s faces. Life in the USSR really just…sucked.
Except this is the GDR, not the USSR. Agreed, still part of the Eastern Bloc, but let's keep the terminology straight, shall we?
@@danielvanr.8681 fair enough - there was indeed a territorial and governmental distinction, but the DDR was basically a satellite arm of the Soviet Union. And life for most outside the party elites sucked in both, in a lot of the same ways.
@@VideoAmericanStyleI grew up in the capitalist Western Europe being 12 years at the time of the video. We had colour tv's, video machine and a 8-bit Commodore 64 with disk drive in my room...we lacked nothing..
@@jameslongstreet9259 nicht genug!!! Damals hat man Migranten aus Afrika, LGBT und Transgender schmerzlich vermisst!!!
Wer den Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion nicht bereut, hat kein Herz, und wer ihn zurückbringen will, hat keinen Kopf. (Zitat)
👁️🦊👁️ تعمل اللصوصية العالمية بهدوء وجعلت الاقتصاد العالمي الة لترويض البشرية وهاهم اليوم🎩💰🗣️
Er war ein wunderbarer Mensch ❤❤❤
The level of socialism in this video almost erased my bank account 😀
Meanwhile in East Berlin....
Jesus is the truth the way and the life. God is love. Believe in him. We are free in him.
Das gute FDJ hemd . Ach waren das noch Zeiten
CIA Agent
Ist das Stechbarth ?
Das müsste er gewesen sein er war auf der Beerdigung meines Vaters da das fand ich schon bemerkenswert, weil mein Vater sich immer über ihn nicht positiv geäußert hatte. Das war noch deutsche Tugend
Better than modern day germany
Сколько невинных людей погибло позже в СССР от глупой политики этого человека,в Германии этого не знают!Горбачёв,много говорил,но это однозначно преступник своей родины!
Interessant waren die Worte von Gorbatschow., allso die, vor denen die x-mal gesendet wurden. Ich frage mich auch, was die Frau von Gorbi so gedacht hatte. Ihre Gesichtsausdrücke waren schon interessant.
They look kinda guilty
to ona go zapewne namówiła na tą głupotę, spodobał jej się zachodni świat.
el principio del fin....y la traicion..
Gorbachov fue un traidor y cobro con cupones de Pizza.
Das sind keine Gefreiten ,das sind Offizier Schüler der NVA ,Braunes koppel und die Armstreifen !
God bless Lorraine Broughton and vodka "Stolichnaya"!✊😂🤣
С какой пышностью предателя встречают.
Die Führer der russischen, ukrainischen und weißrussischen SSR haben die UdSSR zerstört, nicht Gorbatschow
It shows how much of a fragile facade these things can be
Le traite fait la mine des mauvais jours. Ce jours la Honecker n a rien pur obtenir du grand frere soviétique.
Malheureusement, ont connaît la suite...
Почему все пишут что один Горбачев выноват в развале союза.
Потому что так и есть
@@Alexandrumm11 А до другого правительства вы не имеете претензий?Если так а где была Советская власть и коммунисты патриоты?
@@adamfokin3061 все с Хруща пошло к развалу, в частности полное уничтожение Сталинской системы
@@Alexandrumm11 Но Хрущев то старался , за советскую власть угрожал всем, и кулаком махал с трибуны.
@@adamfokin3061 вот именно ,что махал , а по факту законы и указы другие принимал
What a big difference this man brought to the region as he was one of the most amicable leader Soviet Union produced, total contrary to today's dictator in Russia. Imagine if someone else was in charge that time, perhaps two Germany would be still divided even to this day.
The biggest mistake ever. Gorbachev was a shadow of Lucifer.
zgadzam się
Человек, который предал Родину и свой народ.
Кто именно кого предал?
@@gray3377 Genau, das undankbare Volk hat ihn verraten, nun folgen sie einem Massenmörder und Verführer. Wir Deutschen lieben und verehren Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow. Er wird immer mein Held bleiben. Точно, неблагодарный народ его предал, теперь идет за массовым убийцей и соблазнителем. Мы, немцы, любим и восхищаемся Михаилом Сергеевичем Горбачевым. Он всегда будет моим героем.
Союз то сам распался.
@@adamfokin3061 если бы его целенаправленно не подталкивали к распаду, то не распался бы. Бывали кризисы и в разы хуже, чем в СССР после 85-го, как Великая Депрессия, но страны не разваливались.
Gorbatchev en arabe garbaa tchouf sa veut dire si tu bouges tu vrrras 😂la vieille Russie 🇷🇺 de principes et de valeurs la Russie 🇷🇺 a toujours été une valeur sûre ! En loyauté correction jusqu’à la reprise en modernisation en technologie en culture . Reste plus que la politique qui se renouvelle au niveau mondiale
Всё прос...ал.😅
Чей вы агент и кого предали?
Brilliant leader Gorborchev. Reorganized eastern Europe without firing a shot. Perestroika (not collapse).
@@gomersimpson777ram Denied.
Malicious accusation.
@@arttoegemann for you he is not traitor yes, but for russians he is traitor
Gorbachev: the greatest politician of all time.
Lächerliches Spektakel .
Saludos desde Chile.
Honecker pasó su tiempo jubilado/exilado en Chile, con sus viejos amigos.
@@EdMcF1 así es...
all' epoca eravate separati ma tutti tedeschi, fra poco gli arabi vi obbligheranno al velo
Лучшие времена были. Перестройка, гластность. Всё как то менялось. Но....
From the point of view of today the history bears a tragedy. The good minded Gorbachev has failed. What does it tell to us?
می گوید روش پوتین بهتر بود
@@payman1313 aha
Danke gorbi leider ist die karre jetzt im dreck
Боже , что он несет...
Суперблок - СССР и ГДР
Ja dumaju vy nichego tak i ne ponjali.
Он хотел как лучше
Aricá neká
Предатель,меченныйгареть воду для всего СССР
😂😂con o sin gorbachov la URSS estaba condenada a desaparecer pero me acordé que ustedes viven con la nostalgia piensan más con el corazón que con la razon
@@antony77ish Estaba destinada a desaparecer? Y eso quien lo afirma? Gorbachov y los idiotas que lo siguieron como tu? Aun sigue China Vietnam Cuba Corea del Norte Laos y se crean nuevos paises socialistas. Asi que no es cierto, mas bien al contrario.
@@josemariapena4226 please speak English so the whole world can read your comment and China is not really communist because they copied the western capitalist open market
The greatest loser.
آلمان شرقی چه جای وحشتناکی
بالمقارنة مع ماذا؟
Communism is a horrible thing in reality.
ГОРБатая гора в Берлине
Traitor and nonentity number 1
Ну и параша
Тоже за сникерсы сдали социализм
кому твой социализм был нужен 🤣
@user-fk3fl4li5e: Schwachkopf, dummer
СССР Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции СЛАВА ❤🎉
😂😂la URSS ya no existe aceptalo
@@antony77ish ты неофашист
@@antony77ish genau, diese ewig gestrigen kommen mit den Tatsachen nicht klar.
@@A-zp1jl it hurts does it 😂😂😂
@@lesleyhaan116скоро развалится США , всё идёт к этому , капитализм в кризисе )