Is **Alice Through the Looking Glass** really that bad? (movie reaction)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @richardmorao9446
    @richardmorao9446 3 роки тому +734

    What a lot of people don't get is that The Red Queen didn't turn evil ONLY because her sister took the tarts, it's because of the accident CAUSED by the sister lying about taking the tarts, she was mean from the beginning but that accident and that lie pushed her into evil! She didn't even THINK of executing people but she was humiliated and lost her crown because of an accident that could've been avoided if the mother didn't believe Mirana so easily!

    • @yugen8195
      @yugen8195 3 роки тому +61

      I honestly feel like she would’ve turned evil anyway then since she was already mean. A mean person with the power of queen just seems like a recipe for disaster.

    • @TheJuiceisLoose7
      @TheJuiceisLoose7 3 роки тому +10

      @@yugen8195 Nah

    • @a.g.demada5263
      @a.g.demada5263 3 роки тому +28

      I was happy to discover the White Queen isn't white like the snow finally

    • @arielplays5629
      @arielplays5629 3 роки тому +6

      So she's also bark but no bite

    • @marvelgirlfan0119
      @marvelgirlfan0119 3 роки тому +25

      People always believe the youngest Sibling

  • @hummus_exual
    @hummus_exual 3 роки тому +724

    Ok, ok, it's not a cinematic masterpiece and it's pretty trope-y, but the hate this movie receives sometimes is really exaggerated.

    • @nicolasmoreno6538
      @nicolasmoreno6538 3 роки тому +10


    • @flurriex
      @flurriex 3 роки тому +7


    • @natsumie.williams3931
      @natsumie.williams3931 2 роки тому +6

      I mean it completely disregarded what the original source material stood for, and made it have sense when it wasn't supposed to have sense

  • @talanfrenzel888
    @talanfrenzel888 3 роки тому +330

    fun fact: when we see the hatter for the first time in the 1st movie, the hatter and his friends are still stuck in the time loop, they mention this when Alice arrives.

    • @pleaseenteraname2745
      @pleaseenteraname2745 3 роки тому +9

      What? They mention this? I really don't remember that in the movie, only in the book

    • @lizzyrank5405
      @lizzyrank5405 3 роки тому +54

      @@pleaseenteraname2745 it is but barely and there are plot points that make not make sense. But when Alice goes back to wonderland in the first film hatter says " I tried to kill time and he was offended so he put the Hare and Hatter in a loop(which is prolly why hatter and the rest are a bit mad). It's not until Alice goes to them that the loop is broken. I think because time is irrelevant that they were stuck in time and so even though small Alice came to see them it wasn't until she was grow for it to work(cause she's similar to their Alice in the 2nd film) I think this is because she messed with time and the past. like I said there aren't plot holes but they did set it up in the first film to then be referenced the 2nd or explained.

    • @autisticdancer
      @autisticdancer 2 роки тому +7

      It took my Mom explaining this to me to realize this but I understand now.

    • @bipolarlive1214
      @bipolarlive1214 2 роки тому +2

      But what about the Dormouse watched Alice with the oraculum and stuff?

  • @lilenwasnothere6867
    @lilenwasnothere6867 2 роки тому +89

    the deleted scenes from this movie actually make it have more sense than the finished product. before the party, alice is in her room, about to get ready, and she opens a drawer in which there are paintings she made from the first movie. one is of the tweedles, the cat, the hound, the rabbit, the dormouse and the white queen after the battle and the other one is of her and the hatter in the balcony, in which she remembers their conversation and says "i'll miss you when i wake up". on their way there, she sees a rabbit hole. it kind of explains why she is acting the way she's acting during the party. then, she sees absolem flying over the table and follows him by _walking on the table_ (like tarrant in the first movie), hamish sees the butterfly, it annoys him and he kills it, which prompts alice to tackle him and start beating him. that's why she's in a mental institution when she comes back.

    • @purplebec9112
      @purplebec9112 Рік тому +6

      Yeah they made an Alice game, she tried to escape and the game is pretty dark. It's on Steam

  • @Avi.joyyy12
    @Avi.joyyy12 3 роки тому +577

    I actually really liked Through the Looking Glass. I don’t know why people were trashing this movie.

  • @agoraspeaks
    @agoraspeaks 3 роки тому +467

    Omg, I was waiting for this. Certainly not as bad as people think.

  • @accousticalalanna290
    @accousticalalanna290 3 роки тому +216

    I enjoy both films. I missed Alan Rickman who is the Caterpillar he was wise. Through Looking Glass is backstories while the first film is more of knowing Alice muchness.

  • @gabrielleduplessis7388
    @gabrielleduplessis7388 3 роки тому +110

    I think the first one was for the world building and the second one deals with (even if it was not executed well) the character and thematic element. I personally loved the theme of time not being a villain, but just doing his job. At least he gives the people the joy and time they do have. It is interesting seeing the personification of time considering that is how we treat it.

  • @blackfeather3959
    @blackfeather3959 3 роки тому +91

    After the credits, they made a dedication to Alan Rickman. 😭

    • @Missy_394
      @Missy_394 3 роки тому +9

      Yeah, so sad this was his last movie..

  • @Entxq_
    @Entxq_ 3 роки тому +91

    as a film student, even though through analysis it has its flaws, but i really enjoyed this film i thought it felt heartwarming

    • @Entxq_
      @Entxq_ 3 роки тому +11

      while i did not like it as much as the first one, i still had a great time watching

  • @Psych_Klipz
    @Psych_Klipz 3 роки тому +182

    This is literally the best movie

    • @a.t3107
      @a.t3107 3 роки тому +9

      Bruh I love this movie😤😤

    • @lolwatisdis3312
      @lolwatisdis3312 3 роки тому +4

      uhh ... bestie its good but not the best movie ever

    • @marci2052
      @marci2052 2 роки тому +4

      @@lolwatisdis3312 they didn’t say it was the best movie “ever” they were just saying it was the best movie out of the two.

    • @infjelphabasupporter8416
      @infjelphabasupporter8416 2 роки тому +1

      It's not the best movie as in The Best Movie, but out of the two... It's definitely the best movie.

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +60

    Anne Hathaway is always a princess every where apparently

  • @Sam-0827
    @Sam-0827 3 роки тому +34

    The theme music for Alice in Wonderland just slaps expeditiously. It's so iconic omg

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +58

    Little queen of hearts is honestly serving

  • @salehaxax1
    @salehaxax1 Рік тому +3

    19:25 😂😂😂😂 that had me dead “aww Goodbyeeee”

  • @autisticdancer
    @autisticdancer 2 роки тому +10

    I don't know why but when Hamish said "You've decided to become a clerk!" toward the end of the movie I heard "You've decided to become a clock!" and I found that so hilarious! XD

  • @MalachiJones-wg7yx
    @MalachiJones-wg7yx 3 роки тому +42

    I don't think this movie deserves as much hate as it gets
    Edit:Ahh yes ' something to do with clocks ' Brilliant

  • @chelsea.1234
    @chelsea.1234 3 роки тому +85

    tbh i like this movie 🤷🏻‍♀️ all the looks and costumes were on point, alsoooo andrew scott (moriarty from sherlock) and sasha baron cohen gave everything with their 2 minutes of screentime 💅

  • @Unhappytimeaper
    @Unhappytimeaper 3 роки тому +10

    Okay but like, expectations are honestly what is what made people disappointed. Whenever there is another adaption or continuation of stories that people like there is such a freakishly high expectation bar for these series. Of course, we want good standards for content, even more with this type of budget but at the same time, people are willing to pick every little thing apart because they have some attachment to the past versions, and if it isn't what they personally wanted it's deemed bad. I don't mean this to say it's a flawless continuation but it's not horrible and very much a watchable movie. I feel out of many of the sequel/continuation adaptions this one does a decent job of adding more to the world and making it this mystical place, even with the overly added troupes. Either way, maybe I am slightly blinded by my love for these aesthetics and my child brain still can overlook some flaws but I still greatly enjoy this film for what it is.

  • @daisy._.9115
    @daisy._.9115 3 роки тому +136

    I would love a reaction to the narnia movies 👏

    • @VaaleBeetancurG
      @VaaleBeetancurG 3 роки тому +4

      Same but is sad becouse the second movie even if is good is not as good as the book the book is the best of the books and in the movies the first one is the best (sorry for my English)

    • @grapesbeverage
      @grapesbeverage 3 роки тому +6

      i want her to hate on edmund

    • @iuile
      @iuile 3 роки тому +2

      @@grapesbeverage and Eustace

    • @mwachter5354
      @mwachter5354 2 роки тому +2

      I hope if she does she watch’s the really old ones as well

  • @annatroncoso7085
    @annatroncoso7085 2 роки тому +9

    The thing about this movie is that it feels a little more for the children (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, after all is a Disney movie), with all the adventure and the cheesiness, while the first one was more of a remake of Alice’s story itself and how the perspective of a child going into Wonderland changes so much after she grows up and understand why things are so messed up there

  • @a.g.demada5263
    @a.g.demada5263 3 роки тому +4

    For answer to your question, it takes place three years after the first movie. Alice's father appears in the begining of the first movie.
    When I saw it for the first time, I couldn't be mad for the Red Queen. After all, nobody is born bad, they just become.

  • @helenalin1493
    @helenalin1493 3 роки тому +9

    This movie looks brighter in colour bc they changed the director
    The first film was directed by Tim Burton and the second one by James Bobin

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +15

    I may not have time for food or to hang out with my friends but I always have time for u I always have time for u ily bestie

  • @sophieamandaleitontoomey9343
    @sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 3 роки тому +9

    I think the main problem it has is that it waited way too long to come out. By then people had moved on.

  • @steveandjeanniefrith236
    @steveandjeanniefrith236 Рік тому +3

    I like this film. Its very imaginative, colourful and creative. I adore its immersive world.

  • @infjelphabasupporter8416
    @infjelphabasupporter8416 2 роки тому +5

    I actually believe it was a lot better than the first one. I mean the first one had me convinced the White Queen would be the final boss or something, since otherwise it was just too predictable. The second one was cheesy but at least I didn't know what was going to happen. It was more surprising, I enjoyed it a lot more.

  • @meimeichan1765
    @meimeichan1765 3 роки тому +11

    I’ve just started to watch your reaction videos and I just love your princess and the frog one 💕🥺❤️😍🥰

  • @julias.6658
    @julias.6658 3 роки тому +4

    Funny enough, Sacha Baron Cohen (Time) was going to play Freddie Mercury in a very early draft of the Queen biopic. Wonder if he’s projecting a little with that stache

  • @andrewsanusi8462
    @andrewsanusi8462 3 роки тому +16

    I liked this film didn’t like it as much as the first one but it was still good.

  • @ryanb4940
    @ryanb4940 2 роки тому +3

    I actually put the movie on because I’ve been dusting all my shelves and cleaning and UA-cam videos felt too short and too time consuming having to keep changing them to something interesting. So I looked in Disney plus and saw this movie and thought “I never saw the second one.. I heard it’s terrible.. eh I’ll put it on”… I’m half way through and I’m like “this isn’t bad..? I actually think this one is better than the first..?” So I stopped the movie and looked up reviews for it and saw negative everywhere. Came across you and see the comments and yourself like “yeah it’s not bad.” Lol. The first was not good in my opinion… had some near Tim Burton style imagery but I didn’t like it. This one actually feels like the book version of Wonderland way more than the first. And I love the seconds. The little teapot second Alice met towards the start was adorable.

  • @livthenekomancer
    @livthenekomancer 3 роки тому +15

    Could you please consider watching the 1999 Alice in Wonderland? They stuck pretty close to the classic book and there's characters from there that haven't been shown in the Disney versions.
    1. The whole movie can be found here on UA-cam
    2. A lot of A-list 90s actors and actresses are in it
    3. Not many people have reacted to it and I'd love to see what you think
    1. Most people thought the Cheshire Cat in this movie was creepy
    2. Johnny Depp isn't in it 😆

  • @victoriamaria9778
    @victoriamaria9778 3 роки тому +2

    I really love your personality!! Your movie reactions are my favorite 🤩

  • @-itslizzy-3251
    @-itslizzy-3251 3 роки тому +7

    I’m not a fan of live action sequels but I like this surprisingly

  • @jacobt6228
    @jacobt6228 3 роки тому +3

    I love the intro 😌✨

  • @afrowit8297
    @afrowit8297 3 роки тому +34

    The visuals are good and the music is good I'll give it that. The thing that irks me is that Alice willingly sacrifices the whole world for one person because they're not feeling so hot. If the stakes were that Hatter dying would mean that the world would end, Alice taking the risk of that happening if she doesn't meddle with the past would make more sense. I like the Hatter, but I was never that invested in his character for me to support Alice for putting so many at risk. I like it, as an aesthetically pleasing movie that means nothing, but it's not good. Same for the first.

  • @lizzyrank5405
    @lizzyrank5405 3 роки тому +3

    It feels like Helena Carter and Sacha Cohen are in everything together and I love it❤

  • @Longshanks1690
    @Longshanks1690 3 роки тому +41

    No, it's not that bad.
    It's just not that good either.

  • @laticalcohol8340
    @laticalcohol8340 3 роки тому +4

    This is so weird because just last week I was bing watching Alice in wonderland movies

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +6

    We love a poetic man .

  • @omi4470
    @omi4470 7 місяців тому +1

    3:59 The Equestria Girls?

  • @Destinnies
    @Destinnies 3 роки тому +1

    " we love a bob....when it's done right" LMAO

  • @kiyamahmah218
    @kiyamahmah218 2 роки тому +1

    "Why would you tell me to mind my step when there's no step to mind?"

  • @Jaystars-r6w
    @Jaystars-r6w 3 місяці тому

    11:58 no but why did I actually start dying when she said this😂😂😂😂

  • @malytheson
    @malytheson Рік тому +1

    9:53 that sounded painfull

  • @lemongirl783
    @lemongirl783 3 роки тому +3

    the music is the best 1:54

  • @sophiecooper1824
    @sophiecooper1824 2 роки тому +1

    🥺 Alan Rickman's last movie . God i miss his silky voice . He was an amazing actor.

  • @purplebec9112
    @purplebec9112 Рік тому +1

    Maybe its me but I love the dark tones about fairytales. And the book is so good to read. Like Red Riding Hood and The Wolf, call me creepy but I always wanted Alice and Hatter together. I love the actual fairytale stories, yes the dark ones. Which is why I love the dark tone in this franchise.

    • @salehaxax1
      @salehaxax1 Рік тому +2

      You’re not creepy, I love Alice and hatter together i ship them so much it hurts I just want them to be together and get married

  • @emmawells55
    @emmawells55 Рік тому +1

    I loved this movie I didn’t realize people thought it was bad I think it’s amazing and so cool

  • @BeeKee404
    @BeeKee404 3 роки тому +8

    While I get that Red Queen's whole reason for being angry was over a tart is kind of weak, I see it as more than that. I feel like it was what it represented which was a lie that got her in trouble when she didn't do anything wrong and because of that, she got herself in the accident that caused her head injury and her sister was praised as the good one when her lie ruined Iracebeth's life. I mean was it kind of her fault for running out? Yeah I guess but she was a kid so I'm gonna choose to blame it on kid logic. I mean Mirana obviously was too but again, point being that Iracebeth grew up being hated and blamed by everyone while Mirana got praise and admiration and that caused her to become angry and resentful.

  • @ryph3
    @ryph3 3 роки тому +2

    your commentary in this one had me laughing extra hard

  • @joselinvalle6219
    @joselinvalle6219 3 роки тому

    This is the third video I’ve watched of you and girl I’m enjoying them!

  • @youllneverknowgorg
    @youllneverknowgorg 3 роки тому +7


  • @AmsYourRave
    @AmsYourRave 3 роки тому +13

    I personally enjoyed this film much more than the previous live action. I felt like it added more to Wonderland and the other characters than it's predecessor

  • @haneen8224
    @haneen8224 3 роки тому

    you are my new FAVORITE UA-camr thank god I found you !!

  • @excelynite
    @excelynite 11 місяців тому +1

    Not Disney stealing plot and visuals from Alice Madness Returns and American McGee's Alice.

  • @nyhsm8748
    @nyhsm8748 3 роки тому +2

    I think the movie you're thinking of when they go into another world through the mirror is called "Mirror, Mirror" I might be wrong though.

  • @steffielouise7043
    @steffielouise7043 2 роки тому +2

    The other movie where they go through a mirror is called mirror mirror and it is soooo good! You should react to it one day! So underrated!

  • @r.i.o.tindustries
    @r.i.o.tindustries 3 роки тому +2

    time is played by Sacha Baron Carter, the same guy who plays Borat.

  • @farnazgh6839
    @farnazgh6839 3 роки тому

    It is the first time I noticed you put some verses at the beginning of your videos. I like it.

  • @anjailbakeer
    @anjailbakeer 2 роки тому +2

    Sacha baron cohen is lowkey an underrated actor

  • @victorthatfriend
    @victorthatfriend 3 роки тому +2

    3:59 girl i think you were thinking about narnia lol

  • @millienevermind3237
    @millienevermind3237 3 роки тому

    omg i'm early to a lakia video and its a movie i love

  • @EvanWinslet-r6o
    @EvanWinslet-r6o 2 місяці тому

    3:05 that euughhh was real😭

  • @ajmalaika1287
    @ajmalaika1287 3 роки тому +1

    Not a mirror but in Narnia they go through the portrait because it floods the room

  • @nxbiira
    @nxbiira 3 роки тому


  • @goldenageofdinosaurs7192
    @goldenageofdinosaurs7192 3 роки тому +1

    Wow, I wasn’t aware that this movie existed. I just thought it was Alice in Wonderland. This should be fun, lol..

  • @Aurora-Welch
    @Aurora-Welch 6 місяців тому

    I saw this yesterday on Father’s Day and This movie is pretty good. 1:27 3 years. I like the concept of time in this movie.

  • @donefr
    @donefr 2 роки тому +1

    love ur shirt gurl

  • @zakthepenguin5106
    @zakthepenguin5106 3 роки тому +6

    I don’t care what anybody says, this movie might be better than the first one, I think people really don’t like it because Timberton didn’t direct it, but in my Pinyan I like a little bit better because how more playful it is color wise, the red queen is not the queen of anything no more therefore it would be more colorful and less gloomy. They kept all the same exact actors from the original one, and it’s a little more Whittier, which I love

  • @addisonratcatcher3287
    @addisonratcatcher3287 3 роки тому +3

    I will literally watch anything Alice in Wonderland and ill have a great time. I just love it!

  • @XyZolda
    @XyZolda 3 роки тому +2

    I never even knew there was a second movie

  • @Hex_Glitches
    @Hex_Glitches 3 роки тому +1

    I live for this one more than the first. I love this one BY FAR

  • @maloneaqua
    @maloneaqua 3 роки тому +3

    It’s bad to most people who are diehard fans of the original material. Personally I don’t think the movies are bad - at least they are dark (which is accurate) but they don’t have the whimsy of literary nonsense humor.

  • @idaf3028
    @idaf3028 3 роки тому +2

    Speaking of Tinkerbell, you need to watch Peter Pan (2003) !!!

  • @tranquilhours
    @tranquilhours 3 роки тому +2

    I don’t think it’s better than the first, but I still enjoyed it

  • @YuukiiHON
    @YuukiiHON 3 роки тому +2

    I get that is not like the first one, but I enjoy it very much, sometimes I like to watch it high hahahahah

  • @lemongirl783
    @lemongirl783 3 роки тому +2

    thank you i asked for this i love this move

  • @daynee26
    @daynee26 Рік тому

    I actually love this. Also love this than the first one. Plus Johnny Deepp is there.

  • @EternalWishes96
    @EternalWishes96 10 місяців тому

    I don´t get the problem many people have with this movie. I liked it, especially the backstory about the red queen and her sister and this whole Hightopp-family thing. My favorite scene was "Tea Time Forever!!!" though 😂.

  • @Musicfromduel
    @Musicfromduel 3 роки тому

    I love your movie reactions

  • @clo7000
    @clo7000 3 роки тому +1

    hey bestie if no one told you today you ARE the baddest on the block

  • @getshwifty3101
    @getshwifty3101 2 роки тому

    "What other movie do they go through a mirror? Into a different world?"
    The only one I can think of is MirrorMask. Which is just 2004 AiW.....yet weirdly....darker?? Edgy? Not sure sure, but I fucking LOVE it.

  • @Solar_X949
    @Solar_X949 2 роки тому +1

    I HATE THIS MOVIE WITH A PASSION!!!! But I love your reactions😁

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому

    The princess is so dramatic and almost animated lol

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +1

    I looked away for two seconds and now there are more comments

  • @p4der
    @p4der 3 роки тому

    I have watched Alice through the looking glass and I just wanted to see your reaction lmao

  • @ririnherinayati4045
    @ririnherinayati4045 5 місяців тому


  • @NyAngel_
    @NyAngel_ Рік тому

    3:55 ain’t it the The Smurf’s or mickey mouse film in like 1930s’?

  • @MM-NolascoPH
    @MM-NolascoPH Рік тому

    Like...if she dropped it... The chronosphere will be like...automatically...magnetized there...?

  • @codegl9237
    @codegl9237 3 роки тому

    3:59 matrix? 🤣🤣

  • @fede6441
    @fede6441 3 роки тому +1

    I really love the second movie too

  • @potatololita2072
    @potatololita2072 3 роки тому +1

    Itlle wittle wonder baby’s are so cute

  • @femylin
    @femylin 3 роки тому +3

    I never knew people thought this movie was trash? I always thought it was a perfect contrast to the grey first movie

  • @lisnotliz7487
    @lisnotliz7487 3 роки тому

    4:03 maybe the Nutcracker???👀

  • @singleminthugger
    @singleminthugger 3 роки тому

    I love your vibe

  • @meimeichan1765
    @meimeichan1765 3 роки тому

    Omg I’m early ahhhhhhh

  • @freddiegreen3610
    @freddiegreen3610 3 роки тому +1

    i really always loved this movie

  • @genevawelsh9133
    @genevawelsh9133 3 роки тому

    I actually had a seizure during this movie in the theater..this is really my first time in 6 years or so since I last saw this.

  • @haleykleckner9425
    @haleykleckner9425 3 роки тому

    Has anyone watched the 10th kingdom? That is an awesome fantasy mini series. My sister and I are kind of obsessed 😊.