Great bike, one of my favorite bikes, I have one like this, it's more than 50 years this bike frame is still in production, everyone who ride this bike will feel what we are missing on modern bikes😊😊😊
Love vintage/mecahnical bike builds, simply for the fact that they start with attaching actual components and not with fiddling a ton of brake hoses and electrical wires through the frame. Just don't understand one thing about this: It is a Cinelli frame and Cinelli finishing kit, so why use Enve bar tape and not the mother of all handlebar tapes, Cinelli Cork?
6:30 what's the name of that tool which pulls the front derailleur cable tight? I so need to buy this tool. It works so good. BTW, I've just ordered a Cinelli Supercorsa. It will be my classic road bike build. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful bike!
Great bike, one of my favorite bikes, I have one like this, it's more than 50 years this bike frame is still in production, everyone who ride this bike will feel what we are missing on modern bikes😊😊😊
Very nice build 👌
Great choice of components and wheels
Thanks for sharing Brother 👍
Thank you sir 🙏🏼
Wow nice fram
Superlike d Superbike!
Kereen..part modern frame klassik
Kombinasi yg klop bgt👍👍
Makasih om
Keren om... sy suka frame classic dg diameter tube yg kecil2 begini... 😀👍👍👍
Orange dan Chrome asli g ada obat.
05:23 bisa kluar sendiri tanpa di guide amazing.
Merah ini mas maaf tone warna nya agak ke orange y hee, iyah enak banget internal cablenya langsung bisa keluar memudahkan pekerjaan
Cakep banget
ampun, ini keren banget. makasih dokumentasinya mas. sukses~
Trima kasih jg mas. Aammiin
Terima kasih mas Ung, udh mengabadikan pembuatannya. Alhamdulillah akhir nya selesai juga y mas. 🙏
trima kasih jg sudah mempercayakan build sepeda nya di trust home bike workshop 😊🙏🏽
Thank you for this great video. How how large are those tires you used ?
700 x 25
😂,turn the botle holder
Yeaa , ☺️ sorry for the mistake
Love vintage/mecahnical bike builds, simply for the fact that they start with attaching actual components and not with fiddling a ton of brake hoses and electrical wires through the frame. Just don't understand one thing about this: It is a Cinelli frame and Cinelli finishing kit, so why use Enve bar tape and not the mother of all handlebar tapes, Cinelli Cork?
6:30 what's the name of that tool which pulls the front derailleur cable tight? I so need to buy this tool. It works so good. BTW, I've just ordered a Cinelli Supercorsa. It will be my classic road bike build. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful bike!
Bicycle cable puller
Last long time!
cantikk ini. cuma spacer neco nya aja lebih enak dihilangin dulu decal nya
Siap om hee
Ini lebih pro dari Gee Milner, Gee Milner masang dropbar baut stem nya dilepas, lah ini langsung masuk😅,
😝 bisa ajah om nya, yaa punya style masing2, saya video bike build jg meniru geemilner salah satunya
11:33 why is the bottle cage upside down?
Yea i know, my mistake 🙏🏼
how did you do that ??? Or where from I get it !!? 2:24
Mas mau bertanya tools yang digunakan untuk narik kabel FD apa ya yang di menit 6:31
Cable puller mas
Super nice bike how much does it weight?
What brand and model of stem adapter you are using?
The stem is obviously a Cinelli Neos, and Cinelli also makes threaded/aheadset-adaptors, so it's safe to assume he used one of those.
Kelihatannya bottle cage terbalik, cmiiw
Betul mas, kesalahan saya 😊🙏🏽
Kelihatannya gagah nih.. Kira kira total berat brp?
9,1kg om
Frame set harga berapa om?
Bottle cage nya kebalik kang kayaknya
iyah betul
bottle cage nya sengaja dibalik ya mas?
Mohon maaf itu kesalahan saya salah pasangya 🙏🏽
Headsetnya merk apa ya...nos apa o.s ? Uda bering apa masih pelor
Nos, pelor, merk campagnolo record
mas, itu tempat bidonnya gak kebalik po? :D
Iyo mas bener, salah masang aq. Maapken y
@@Bengkelmasung lah gpp mas cuma kebalik. cuma nanya lo hahahaha. pake maaf segala. build keren dibuild sama builder keren. top
Stemnya pakai adaptor ya mas?
iyah mas
Frameset harga berapa om?
35juta om
@@Bengkelmasung wuiihh...mantap
terimakasih infonya om
Grupset nya apa Om
Headset was not installed properly 😕
@@fixedgeardemon3105 Yes bro, the lower cup needs to be held when the top is tightened
kabel internalnya bs lgsg keluar gitu mas?
Bisa, didalam sudah ada jalurnya
Mau tanya Om, untuk ukuran BB ya pake berapa? Sama drat Itali ya?