The Week That Destroyed ASIC

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • This past week is the beginning of the end of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in its current form.
    This week, the inquiry held two days of public hearings where they heard from Australians across the country about their disastrous experiences with ASIC.
    These witnesses confirmed that the ASIC poor performance story is no longer a John Adams conspiracy theory. After 15 years of ongoing failure, ASIC was exposed once again.
    The evidence before the inquiry is so bad that it is impossible that the inquiry can advocate for the status quo with a few minor adjustments.
    However, the most extraordinary contribution was from former ASIC Chairman James Shipton. His 14-minute opening statement was the most devastating testimony in the history of ASIC. This speech was one for the ages.
    Adams and North focus on the Shipton's opening statement and its significance.


  • @longine5122
    @longine5122 Рік тому +95

    Spot on. I was involved with the Hastie group collapse which at the time was Australia's largest corporate failure. I was quite senior and reported directly to a board member as I ran an entire division, and I can tell you everything stunk about that Company. Its board culture, its failure only 3 months after an equity raising, its relationship with its auditor,... I could write chapter and verse about what caused the failure yet ASIC found nothing (despite my letter) and the relevant board members took their cash and left the taxpayer and shareholder to pick up the bill. ASIC is utterly useless

  • @dasasco8362
    @dasasco8362 Рік тому +172

    The facade is starting to crumble on all government departments. Keep up the good work ✊✊

    • @jdoe9518
      @jdoe9518 Рік тому

      The truth and reality of the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT 1973 has been available for all to hear since the late 1980's and even more so from the 1990's yet here we are....
      This is all smoke and mirrors

  • @briannewman6216
    @briannewman6216 Рік тому +71

    Asic has a track record of being useless.

  • @robertjolliffe2612
    @robertjolliffe2612 Рік тому +95

    A Royal commission into ASIC is called for now. These criminals have got away with this for to long. The Labour & liberal parties must follow through to stop corruption!! Or are they also so corrupt as well?

    • @ariesred777
      @ariesred777 Рік тому +14

      Yes but we already know that!

    • @judibee28
      @judibee28 Рік тому

      Since the unlawful removal of the Crown from the constitution (1973), there is nothing “Royal” about a Royal Commission. The Queen, or now King’s assent is not obtained. Which is why RC’s have become a mere, though extremely expensive investigation and report with recommendations made as such that government can cherry pick or completely ignore them. The 2-3 year long RC into Aged Care is case in point. We MUST rise and take all measures to restore us to our true 1900 UK Constitution (not the unlawful, fraudulent corporatised constitution which is copyrighted to parliament ). This WILL necessitate and involve a clearing out of all those who sit in parliament in treason, which includes every parliamentarian who has sworn allegiance to that fictitious paper Queen known as “Queen of Australia”.

    • @sidk667
      @sidk667 Рік тому

      Royal commission is crap. We need a criminal investigation here

    • @craigparker4108
      @craigparker4108 Рік тому

      Labor & Greens even more Corrupt, since they did not support this Senate Investigation.

    • @user-qc3wi8un3s
      @user-qc3wi8un3s Рік тому +9

      Royal commission is also one of the systems under the Principalities of those that do not care or know what good is means....their emblems crests seals of all the systems organisation's founded by those that speak of good but are not of good ...

  • @patriciadunmore9767
    @patriciadunmore9767 Рік тому +246

    ASIC is not the only bureaucracy that needs to be gone through with a fine tooth comb, Dept Health is another and no doubt there are many others that bare close scrutiny.

    • @veiloflight
      @veiloflight Рік тому +28

      Don't get me started on the department of health. They are protected and empowered by some of the most draconian laws I have ever seen.

    • @fishnchips8132
      @fishnchips8132 Рік тому +21

      just the cherry on the pile of corporate excreta that is Australia Corporation. Hope the cherry tree gets theirs too!

    • @rexjames0015
      @rexjames0015 Рік тому +29

      yes.. the AEC for another

    • @mousehouse3591
      @mousehouse3591 Рік тому +28

      AHPRA next please.

    • @nickhondros7320
      @nickhondros7320 Рік тому +12

      Spot on

  • @daviecrockett2272
    @daviecrockett2272 Рік тому +174

    If anybody watching think ASIC is the only bad apple, you are very much mistaken. The whole institution is a stain on decency.

    • @mrme3717
      @mrme3717 Рік тому

      Here's a quick primer on what's wrong and what to do about it.
      ALL fiat currency is debt, that's the only way the Central Banks make it, whether through government bondage note, or private bank loans.
      Bankers have developed four practices that
      are unsustainable and catastrophic.
      If we dont understand the causes of a problem we will address the symptoms or actors, not the causes.
      1st. Large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, at interest.
      An increasing population needs an increase in currency, but it is ALL created as a debt to the Central Bank, bearing interest.
      This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts, ( because where can the interest come from) enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, rates, duties, fees, fines, levies, surcharges, adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.)
      2nd. Because of the first fault, (wherein a Central bank has the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new money,) and they attach interest to it, (which they do not create) they must continually create more currency to pay the interest on the last round of debts and to resupply liquidity as debt repayments suck the last round of currency they created out of the national economy.
      The volumes of the booms and busts of 'credit cycles' are totally unnatural and the economy should follow population growth.
      Inflation, (or rather, devaluation through deliberate currency oversupply,) is destructive to all but the rich. There is virtually no limitation on fiat currency creation.
      Because successive governments have abrogated the peoples right to create their own Sound debt free money, the state also sponsors inflation by borrowing and spending, 'stimulus ' in the vain hope that they can 'create wealth through debt,' and inflate away past and present debts with NEW DEBT ! 🤪🤪🤪 This robs the people under their very noses.
      Adding to this is fractional reserve banking wherein private banks effectively create massive new Currency volumes, (but its only temporary because it's all debt) blowing bubbles (in housing/CRE/stocks) which devalues everyone's savings, work, 401k & pension, by raising all prices. (Which don't return to their former level when inflation reduces, the rate of increase simply slows down momentarily. )
      We call price increases inflation, but it's really devaluation of your savings, time, work and while corporations do add to inflation of prices, they generally are Not the primary drivers of inflation. Attacking corporations is becoming side tracked.
      Shrinkflation further adds to our reduction and desolation as companies attemptto make the same or more profits than last year.
      (Did you know the only time our society gets some real new Currency ? It's when someone goes bankrupt and can't repay the banks what they borrowed. )
      The fix ? The first step is to end Central Banks and return to Sound Metalic Money.
      This will slow the rate of currency creation and make it much more difficult to devalue our wages and savings by currency 'printing.'
      The 2nd step would be to legislate that banks publish their reserve ratio. So if they have $100 million on their books in deposits, and $50 million in loans, that's a 50% reserve ratio. We could legislate a reserve ratio, and by openly publishing this people can choose the risk level they are willing to take.
      Along with this we need to legislate an industry to home loan ratio.
      This will change banking and we need to change banking, because it is destructive. The banks wont be able to make as much, and that's a good thing.
      We need to make money anything the people want, but legal tender must meet Metalic standards under the office of weights and measures, and national and state treasury departments and mints could produce and release real intrinsic value Money.
      This will not create inflation like some bankers and their economists would have you think.
      It is not who creates currency that drives the Constant devaluation of your work & money, it is THE VOLUME per population/ productivity.
      The banks increased the base currency supply by over 65 % since March 2020 & 300% since 2008. This has been greatly multiplied as deposits were rolled back into real estate loans creating bubbles, which further lever up equity to back more loans.
      You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings, wages and retirement funds by a similar % as it enters the economy ?
      3rd problem. Fiat currency whether paper OR DIGITAL has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system. Taxation and the 'legal' currency label attached to fiat creates artificial demand for fiat currency. This is the 'Force' component of Fiat currency, wherein you are forced at the point of a gun to accept worthless paper or electrons for your daily work. Metalic Money is the currency of a free sovereign people. Fiat at Debt is the currency of slaves.
      The fix ?
      Return to Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight, not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value. These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against bankers counterfeiting. Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep government mints honest.
      Do not allow bankers and economists of the current system to con you into believing there isn't enough Metalic Money. You float its value, mint it by grams and ounces and you have a Gold and Silver backed currency. Same with Copper & Nickle. Mint 10th ounce, 2 10ths, 5 10ths and 1 ounce and grams in 1 grams, 2 grams, 5 & 10 grams. Never give it a 'value number,' which is a lie. Give it its weight & purity, and let the market decide what it will buy. Call it 'slow money," like 'slow food.' It's slower for sure, but it's 10 times better for you.
      If you think there's not enough metal, live more like the Amish and there will be plenty. We are a totally wasteful people and that can't go on forever. Everything we manufacture should be recycled at end of life. No more landfill.
      Probably necessary to nationalise mines & pay shareholders out in metals. We are aiming at a more just, more perfect union, and that requires we treat shareholders justly and make them whole while preserving a mining and exploration industry. So gently, thoughtfully, carefully on this one.
      4th. The 'World Bank' and IMF are your friendly international arms of the Federal Reserve, who loan worthless US currency invented at zero cost to enslaved nations of people to purchase necessities, when their own commodities or worthless currency would do just as well. This ensures the indebtedness of nation's simply to survive. I suggest a goods and commodities exchange between countries, with a quarterly settlement of shortfalls with Gold or Oil/Gas. And oil and gas are not the monsters they are made of to be, and may well prove to be the greenest energy sources other than hydro. Studies suggest making an electric car requires the moving of 500,000 tonnes of rock/soil, (which is only possible with diesel and oil) so the real energy footprint of a battery that has a 200,000 km life could easily prove to be twice that of a clean running low emission gasoline vehicle.
      This research is now being done.
      Correct these 4 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear.
      Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. They are not seeking your best interests, but theirs. It is easily done.
      Beware. The FED, IMF, WEF wants you totally enslaved with Digital currency.
      Convert your garbage fiat currency into Gold and Silver while you still can, or prepare for destruction.
      Come to think of it, you better prepare for destruction anyway, because humans are animals and always learn the hard way.
      The bankers motto is : 'Preserve your Capital at all costs.' The bankers are buying Gold. We the people can afford Silver.
      Good luck.

    • @redsed1565
      @redsed1565 Рік тому +6


    • @jdoe9518
      @jdoe9518 Рік тому

      @@redsed1565 which one?

  • @katenegri4478
    @katenegri4478 Рік тому +48

    So if the Chairman has no power, who is actually running ASIC? eyebrows are almost falling off the back of my head.

  • @terrencebubb
    @terrencebubb Рік тому +92

    In a world thats so focused on profit at the expense of everything else, it’s great to see someone doing something purely out of principle. ASIC is an important institution that needs to function properly to keep our financial system healthy. That old saying comes to mind “evil triumphs when good men do nothing”

  • @stuartedge5906
    @stuartedge5906 Рік тому +74

    Amazing work gentlemen!
    James Shipton's statement is absolutely damning.
    ASIC: Wholly shit.

  • @lodileipoldt4412
    @lodileipoldt4412 Рік тому +93

    I am incredibly proud of you two, how you did stay the course in spite of being ridiculed and bullied into giving up. I have followed you from the beginning and want to congratulate both John and Martin . Fantastic work, thank you.

  • @ksteinmuller
    @ksteinmuller Рік тому +25

    So Palmer puts up advertisements about the head of ASIC not doing his job properly... and here we are in the middle of a commission into ASIC not doing their job properly... I didn't read Palmers adverts, but on the face of it, he seems to be correct. That useless bastard basically got up there an had a whinge about how nobody was listening to him as the Chairman, and instead of providing the Australian people with inside information to nail ASIC, he just made it all about himself.

    • @gregorywootton3870
      @gregorywootton3870 Рік тому +3

      Palmer was spot on

    • @fishnchips8132
      @fishnchips8132 Рік тому

      Call Palmer all sorts of things, but did he really know what was at the depths of it? They tried to knock him off in a hospital. He did buy up millions of hydroxych. doses which the scummo had destroyed - He gave McGowan a lot of trouble - maybe the worst he is, is a loose cannon - think the heart is in the right place - question: did he pay his employees or did he not?

  • @robertbrandis-gq9pf
    @robertbrandis-gq9pf Рік тому +116

    Well done Sir, Well done ..hold there feet to the fire...send a few to jail....thank you...leaches of society making life harder for everybody by not being Credible and trustworthy...

  • @kg3718
    @kg3718 Рік тому +60

    Clearly the former CEO was not a member of the club and the club did their best to destroy him and his family. How shocking HEADS MUST ROLL

    • @fishnchips8132
      @fishnchips8132 Рік тому

      Or he's crying pity party. Not very high calibre for such a job. OR he's damaged from his experiences - as happens to many.

    • @jdoe9518
      @jdoe9518 Рік тому +2

      um you don't to a position like that without being in the club...
      When the club has problems the club will call on members to sacrifice themselves for the good of the brotherhood.
      It's all staged. It's all controlled through to known and accepted outcomes.

    • @kg3718
      @kg3718 Рік тому +1

      @@jdoe9518 Too right. Now the club wants to destroy Australia completely and send our wealth off shore with the referendum affirmed. What a nightmare in the making

    • @fishnchips8132
      @fishnchips8132 Рік тому +1

      @@jdoe9518 the sacrificial lamb - there's no sheep in that fold - they're all wolves

  • @wethinkweknowitall
    @wethinkweknowitall Рік тому +65

    It'll be great if the organisations fall one by one! Australia has a great chance to go back to our constitution of 1901.

  • @reneedubois309
    @reneedubois309 Рік тому +34

    How about asic put their phone number back and start to answer calls. How can they purport themselves a dept “law enforcement “?.. and not able to contact them. They issue bills and don’t care.

  • @tonymcdonald6482
    @tonymcdonald6482 Рік тому +32

    Responsibility and accountability, or the lack there of, have yielded zero public trust in, or support for our government and ministers. ASIC is under the remit of Treasury. Hence as having accepted the portfolio responsibility the Minister OWES it to the Australian people to respond. So my question to the Snake Charmer is, "What are YOU (not the department or some consultancy) going to do to fix this NOW???

  • @Brianwm295
    @Brianwm295 Рік тому +17

    Stop the rot sack the lot

  • @crikey6981
    @crikey6981 Рік тому +33

    Thank you to all the wonderful people who are standing up and bringing the details to light

  • @fishnchips8132
    @fishnchips8132 Рік тому +22

    Heroes come in all shapes n sizes - am grateful for those with intestinal fortitude - Thank you John & Martin

    • @thepubliccrusader
      @thepubliccrusader Рік тому +2

      You will never guess what is coming!

    • @fishnchips8132
      @fishnchips8132 Рік тому

      @@thepubliccrusader Those who have an idea pray for 'their' - being the whole cabal's - 'removal' & the QFS. Their removal is enough for me - God Bless

  • @tucker2074
    @tucker2074 Рік тому +31

    ASIC is completely bought and paid for and this rat is banging on about how he is a victim, throw them ALL in prison

  • @mitheory3757
    @mitheory3757 Рік тому +38

    These developments are amazing very proud of what you John and Martin have done in illuminating ASIC failings and the need for accountability. This must surely bring about a restructuring and reform needed for this organization to perform its duties to an acceptable standard.

  • @dilligafwoftam985
    @dilligafwoftam985 Рік тому +43

    So now imagine how frustrating, intimidating and unrewarding it is for the little man seeking justice ...AND this had better include Friedenberg and Scum-oh ... OUR elected reps

  • @jara8653
    @jara8653 Рік тому +19

    Corruption almost everywhere. Soon, there will be the time when it's not possible to work and have a decent life. A shift from the obvious will be necessary.

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      I think we are already there, I thought albo was going to turn it around. Labor is the other cheek of the same asshole. As Mr George Galloway would say.

  • @pablohill2156
    @pablohill2156 Рік тому +16

    A criminal organisation with in a criminal organisation

  • @christoering8139
    @christoering8139 Рік тому +14

    Drain the Australian SWAMP ....

    • @Rosco451
      @Rosco451 Рік тому +2

      MAGA.. make australia great again

  • @kevinryan4410
    @kevinryan4410 Рік тому +44

    What else can I say apart from F*#KING WOW, thank the Lord that you guys are bringing this out into the light, well done and thank you.

  • @tlb2970
    @tlb2970 Рік тому +14

    Well done John and Martin. There’s so much corruption in this world, but there’s also a lot of good people working hard to restore trust in society again. I’m beginning to see the light, good is taking over bad, the cabal is already dead. God bless you and keep you safe. ❤🙏

  • @rond5323
    @rond5323 Рік тому +24

    Great work! You two!
    How many elected governments "walked past" corruption at ASIC. If those consecutive governments were genuinely in power; it seems ASIC's performance was approximately as they intended! If not; Who was in power?

    • @corinnewatts6683
      @corinnewatts6683 Рік тому +6

      Seems like ASIC turns up to parliament each year to say "all is well and we need more money". Parliament says "well done, here's more money" no questions asked. And that has been the extent of the interactions between elected representatives and public servants, probably across all depts for about 30 years. Toxic, wasteful and not providing services to the public.
      Any wonder libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism are both on the rise?

    • @clairedelune1431
      @clairedelune1431 Рік тому

      Yes, we are sick of government. We have woken up to the fact that there is no democracy. It is a sham to keep us divided while the oligarchs of this world use our governments to do their bidding. The only people in government who get anywhere are those whom the oligarchs have dirt on and can blackmail.

    • Рік тому

      @@corinnewatts6683 great theory but for the fact that ASIC funding and powers have been incrementally cut by conservative governments, at the behest of party donors and capital interests for years.
      There's an obvious reason why ASIC is not inclined to undertake expensive litigation, it hasn't got the budget. And it's by design!

    • @kingston163
      @kingston163 Рік тому


  • @kimspencer8932
    @kimspencer8932 Рік тому +26

    Oh my Gosh you guys are fantastic! I just wish you were around in 2008 when we we're taken down by a handshake deal between the Commonwealth Bank & Storm Financial. We to it to caught S a class action. I know Asic was involved but not sure how to share that. The same Judge was on the whole Duration of the case, but for some reason taken off at the last minute & another Judge took over & found in favour of the Bank which left all of us how could pay back what they said we owed, in our working life time of working, were left with a debt & others with an agreement that they could live in their home but on their passing it went to the Bank not their Family. 😢 it has been an agonising nightmare & there have been a few deaths because of it. DEAR LORD WE NEED JUSTICE IN OUR COUNTRY

  • @pedritonavaja5596
    @pedritonavaja5596 Рік тому +27

    Your persistence is incredible. I never saw it getting to this point for a long time if ever.

    • @thepubliccrusader
      @thepubliccrusader Рік тому +3

      You will never guess what is coming!

    • @isabellehewitt1070
      @isabellehewitt1070 11 місяців тому

      @@thepubliccrusaderwhen will we see? You guys are fantastic! I just hope something finally gets done, our whole government needs an overhaul!

    • @isabellehewitt1070
      @isabellehewitt1070 11 місяців тому

      @@thepubliccrusaderalso everyone going to have to comply with the CBDC that’s coming? (Please no) I hate being controlled!

  • @iamcleverdic
    @iamcleverdic Рік тому +18

    Well done gentlemen, and thank you.

  • @shazdave8886
    @shazdave8886 Рік тому +5

    TGA, APHRA and Health Dept (very top heavy) need to be dismantled. Thanks John for all your efforts. Has not gone unnoticed by me. I would love to see you in future history books.

  • @wayneditchburn3607
    @wayneditchburn3607 Рік тому +7

    After you have dealt with ASIC you'll never forget it. Even the ex chair of ASIC felt the pain. I cant imagine how other financial victims felt but I know I felt SICK. ASIC is one of the most frustrating human damaging system anyone could ever deal with, but Im guessing in this Inquiry you will all see it for yourselves. Great work John and Martin keep up the pressure, thankyou 👍

  • @philipstallwood9813
    @philipstallwood9813 Рік тому +7

    Thanks for your work exposing the wrongdoers. It appears the regulators in many areas in Australia are not working for Australian citizens but for others.

  • @richardk4844
    @richardk4844 Рік тому +10

    The chair of ASIC should have resigned in disgust a long time ago but an $800k salary is not to be sneezed at, hey

  • @Shamshiadadd
    @Shamshiadadd Рік тому +24

    If only our public sevents were of the same high quality as both of you, what a great country we could have been...but as always great work.

    • Рік тому

      How do you blame the public service for capital's systemic corruption of government?
      And how do you ignore the economic imperatives that make such corruption inevitable? SMH

    • @Shamshiadadd
      @Shamshiadadd Рік тому hm would you be a public servant? It's clear that that behind the scenes for a very long time senior bureaucrats conspire on matters for their own agendas. I certainly don't judge all public servants the same. Let's just take the most recent case highlighted by this channel as an example.
      Also people's indifference is the best breeding ground for corruption to grow.

    • Рік тому

      @@Shamshiadadd Am I a public servant? No, nor am I unable to see the forest for all the trees.

  • @graceg2716
    @graceg2716 Рік тому +16

    John sir, you sound tired but please never give up!

    • @matt79hz
      @matt79hz Рік тому +1

      They've got quite a time difference now. Possibly recorded during John's 1, 2 or 5am.

    • @dk4366
      @dk4366 Рік тому

      telling people they "sound tired" is not helpful in any way.

  • @AndrewHughes71
    @AndrewHughes71 Рік тому +11

    As always, fascinating investigative journalism gentleman. Great work and it’s shocking that you don’t have 100k + views! If only Australians could just wake up to the reality of this once great nation!

  • @chadcadsonvii5258
    @chadcadsonvii5258 Рік тому +17

    Thank you guys so much. You cannot even begin to understand the difference you are making. We absolutely love you, I've shared your content with so many people who love you.

  • @jayembee7067
    @jayembee7067 Рік тому +50

    The former chair is admitting he, as a CEO has no power to enforce his authority. How can this be? Surely his qualifications include management. ❤️from Australia 🇦🇺.

    • @StephensCrazyHour
      @StephensCrazyHour Рік тому +7

      It's virtually impossible to ever fire someone from a beaurocracy like this, which means that there's no real power for managers to manage employees. Blame 100 years of employment "reform" which has basically ensured that large organisations are effectively adult daycare providers.

    • Рік тому +4

      @@StephensCrazyHour Yeah nah, open your eyes. IR legislation and employment protections aren't the reason why oversight bodies have been rendered toothless. Years of conservative incremental erosion of powers and funding cuts that limit investigative capacity, done to serve capital interests is how we get to this point.
      You've completely missed who benefits from a weak ASIC, and thus the point.

    • @StephensCrazyHour
      @StephensCrazyHour Рік тому +2 if you're seeing this through a partisan lens you're not doing it right. Neither side has held ASIC to account. The very thing the previous head of ASIC was complaining about was his own inability to do anything, and the unwillingness of ASIC to listen to him, while he was the head of the organisation.
      At this point the organisation needs to be gutted and made accountable going forward. But that will be difficult to make work when nobody can be fired if they aren't performing.

    • Рік тому

      @@StephensCrazyHour Scoundrels hide behind the accusation of "partisanship" when they can't counter the claim.
      Sure, both major parties are implicit, but one has made a priority of actively white anting the capacity of government and the public service to serve the people. You need to take the blinkers off and ask who really benefits from this strategy.

    • @StephensCrazyHour
      @StephensCrazyHour Рік тому nothing like calling someone a scoundrel to cement your objectivity.
      The fact is that beaurocracies tend to become incompetent and dysfunctional over time. ASIC is one of many. You are attributing to malice what can more easily be explained by incompetence. Nobody benefits from a broken ASIC and Labor are as dependent on financial companies as the LNP (thanks to superannuation). Hell, the current head of the Australian Banking Association is Anna Bligh, a former Labor premier.
      Trying to turn this issue partisan is stupid and won't help get it solved.

  • @huffmanaviation7341
    @huffmanaviation7341 Рік тому +16

    The only thing that needs adding is FREE JULIAN ASSANGE.

  • @build9242
    @build9242 Рік тому +6

    Wow, ok, they did a character assassination on James, Chair of ASIC....why? Make room for a WEF stooge?
    It also got me wondering how bad are things. Then I thought of The Royal Commission reviewing Superannuation in 2019, when James was chair. Now he's come forward, I'd be interested to know if TRC is clean

  • @kenlucas3660
    @kenlucas3660 Рік тому +8

    You guys are the Greatest we are behind you 💯percent 👍💪 stay strong

  • @leopoldpoppenberger8692
    @leopoldpoppenberger8692 Рік тому +10

    no just fire them all ,investigate and jail

  • @corinnewatts6683
    @corinnewatts6683 Рік тому +10

    Two blokes from Wollongong. I hope somebody writes a book about you two, and it gets made into a movie.

  • @crapmalls
    @crapmalls Рік тому +16

    I found that really distressing... I have also had a workplace issue where, among other things, I made report to a government agency about the actions of directors in their role as directors and it wasnt even looked at.. It was one thing to be angry and cynical that perhaps there is no accountability. But to find out that there ACTUALLY IS no accountability, and that this extends to any person all the way up the chain, is too much to take in all at once. I have felt how he describes feeling, and its a lot to find out that it happened to of all people the chair of ASIC, thats just too much to take in

  • @annbarker7707
    @annbarker7707 Рік тому +12

    Great work guys, we need you the go through all parts of the government I’m sure you will find them pretty much the same 🙏🙏

  • @NettieFIRE
    @NettieFIRE Рік тому +8

    If they had paid him off (to go quietly) would we have heard from him or the many others like him? 🤔
    Since they didn’t not, is this now why (primarily) we are hearing from him?
    [I say this not to detract, or be dismissive of the clear harm that he experienced].
    The true crux of the problem is that there was *no* focus (at all) by ASIC collectively, towards those that they were responsible for protecting. A clear sign of total disarray. And for those of us at the receiving end - whether within the industry or as a members of public - that had misfortune to required ASIC assistance, would (I suspect) that they too would paint a similar picture to that painted by the former Chair.
    Any work place bullying is clearly a product of the “the fish rots from the head” and in such a work place the poison spreads and infects quickly.
    and may I say … “something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. Truely saddening.
    I am relieved that this is an industry I have since left but nonetheless, I keenly watch, as someone that devoted decades to the cause.
    I hope these matters can be resolved for the sake (and protection) of the public. Anarchy is no way to run any society, organisation, group or family!
    The foundation clearly need ‘blowing up’ and relaying but, how will it be properly re-built to justly serve the people?
    Who has the gumption and conviction to try (at their own destruction, no doubt) since the world is a much more vicious environment?
    It is certainly not the job of one ‘unsupported’ person; it is going to take an army of highly ethical and adeptly skilled persons to rebuild (all while the criminals grow stronger by the day). 😞

  • @7starlight32
    @7starlight32 Рік тому +4

    Wonderful achievement. Cudos and gratitude to the two of you. However this is just the very tip of the iceberg. The whole government is wrotten to the core. I've believed and trusted you right through all of this and will continue to do so! 🇦🇺❤️🙏

  • @davidsmithson865
    @davidsmithson865 Рік тому +6

    Why did Mr Shipton not sue? It sounds like he was severely slandered. If you were the boss how come you put up with it? Couldn't you fire them? It sounds like ASIC needs to be disbanded and reformed with different staff and constitution. All power and thanks to you guys for exposing this ghastly organizational culture. The boss should have power to hire and fire!

    • @chrisruss9861
      @chrisruss9861 Рік тому +1

      Palmer has deep pockets and loves litigation.
      It would be hard for an individual to bankroll a never ending case against him.

  • @patzzpatz1572
    @patzzpatz1572 Рік тому +15

    Wow, amazing amazing work!!!!!!

  • @orsoncart802
    @orsoncart802 Рік тому +1

    Well done!
    And all past injustices committed by ASIC need to be fully investigated and righted, with the culprits inside and outside ASIC being fully dealt with harshly.

  • @richardk4844
    @richardk4844 Рік тому +9

    Let me also say STOP THE ROT, SACK THE LOT

  • @michaelw3326
    @michaelw3326 Рік тому +5

    Congratulations. Public servants are there to serve the public. They need to be reminded of that.

  • @peterbell663
    @peterbell663 Рік тому +3

    High Class Australian Journalism,
    I have had 2 personal experiences with ASIC as an interviewee...over 20 years.....I was not very immpressed with their staff...

  • @shaunm1030
    @shaunm1030 Рік тому +1

    Your efforts to bring these very endemic issues to light are so vitally important!
    It is becoming more and more clear that the land we know as Australia is completely rudder-less as we stumble into a very uncertain future.
    Corporations posing as government organisations are not acting in the IOTP, instead working for foreign shareholders of the corporation known as the Commonwealth, and there are a select group of appointees here that are solely focussed on self-interest, self-enrichment, and protection. From the highest office in the land, down to local (so-called) government, yes councils too are corporations funnelling revenue to the IMF and doing the bidding of UN agendas, the genuine welfare of we men and women is low on their priority list, we are viewed as revenue sources to tax and fine into submission and servitude, only to be shown faux concern when politically expedient around election time.😔

  • @readyorknot2344
    @readyorknot2344 Рік тому +6

    Agency capture in Medicine & Finance is well beyond the Pale and no one should be surprised. To deny it is to be implicated

  • @zippy7020
    @zippy7020 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Marten and John ❤

  • @humanwrites5752
    @humanwrites5752 Рік тому +17

    Good job guys .

  • @AlanKirke
    @AlanKirke Рік тому +3

    And a great reason why the mis-information bill should not go through.

  • @ConvictIsland
    @ConvictIsland Рік тому +10

    Well done!

  • @stanstreatfield3485
    @stanstreatfield3485 Рік тому +4

    A corporate regulator that doesn't function and do what it's supposed to do. Thats a deliberately manufactured situation , not a naturally occurring mess.

  • @jeremybray9586
    @jeremybray9586 Рік тому +17

    Well done John and Martin.
    Are the videos of the hearings available anywhere?

    • @WalkTheWorldDFA
      @WalkTheWorldDFA Рік тому +3

      All on Parl TV.

    • @jeremybray9586
      @jeremybray9586 Рік тому +1

      @@WalkTheWorldDFA Many thanks

    • @jeremybray9586
      @jeremybray9586 Рік тому

      @@WalkTheWorldDFAmany thanks. For a precise location:

    • @johnnykay8261
      @johnnykay8261 Рік тому +1

      The rudder on that ASIC ship got broken along time ago.., it's a ship heading for the rocks. And good riddance. Good work John and Martin.

  • @janereynolds7555
    @janereynolds7555 Рік тому +10

    Me me me! Former ASIC head. Karma!

  • @stephaniescanlan2807
    @stephaniescanlan2807 Рік тому +5

    If there's been 15 years of not taking action, then isn't Mr Shipton as the ex CEO part of that problem?
    Still, I empathise with his personal suffering.

  • @traditionalfood367
    @traditionalfood367 Рік тому +7

    Beyond organisational incompetence lies ... malice.

  • @loop1479
    @loop1479 Рік тому +2

    “Truth does not mind being questioned, A lie does not like being challenged”

  • @iamcleverdic
    @iamcleverdic Рік тому +8

    I probably should not say this, but I do often lol. He was to soft to be in that position. That is what we have now. Soft, woke people in positions of power who will stand and cope abuse. It can never work. Hell we have Albo as PM and the US has slow Joe. Hopeless.

  • @pablohill2156
    @pablohill2156 Рік тому +4

    This is so bad they need to be dismantled and scattered too the wins and this man and others should be paid compensation

  • @rodneycroft5889
    @rodneycroft5889 Рік тому +3

    Fantastic work you two gentlemen, you have given me so hope back.

  • @accountfake1070
    @accountfake1070 Рік тому +5

    All by design. Another department set up to look like they are doing something to serve the people, while achieving nothing at all.
    It's not a flaw, its a feature. All according to plan.

  • @shmengipictures487
    @shmengipictures487 Рік тому +3

    When you get the invoice for the ASIC fees after the due date and you pay the fee immediately you still get a late fee. Then you pay the late fee, they send you another invoice for another late fee. Then there is no way to fight this kind of ridiculous system. What do the fees really do for any business??

    • @eved4718
      @eved4718 Рік тому

      I haven't paid the late fees. Exorbitant.

    • @shmengipictures487
      @shmengipictures487 Рік тому

      they will deregister you if you don't pay and just keep adding more fees. that is a whole lot of mess.@@eved4718

  • @LodgicalThoughts
    @LodgicalThoughts Рік тому +2

    I wonder what else will be revealed from the testimony...
    Thank you Gentleman!!

  • @stompinknowledge3968
    @stompinknowledge3968 Рік тому +1

    Exceptional, fellas! So glad to see your work hitting home!

  • @markosswald7041
    @markosswald7041 Рік тому +1

    THE WHOLE 'Government' needs to go. RESTART Australia from scratch.

  • @christoering8139
    @christoering8139 Рік тому +4

    Get em into court ..jail time

  • @offroadingfoz
    @offroadingfoz Рік тому +1

    Amazing effort!🙏🏻💪🏻this is such a damning opening statement, and when a chairman has no power and no support it shows the system is broken.

  • @peterpegrem9837
    @peterpegrem9837 Рік тому +2

    Private enterprise has a lot more money that Government employees are likely to see. Corrupt people are very self-protecting. Good Luck! When they hide things from public disclosure, it is rotten to the core.

  • @christinecullen4539
    @christinecullen4539 Рік тому +2

    I agree with you. It’s about time. All those points you raised are true. The department did everything but do the job they were tasked to do. I attempted taking my life in the hope a coroners inquest would uncover the truth. Thank you. I am so sorry for that CEO. I was there once as head of my company being treated the same way. I as a person born in this country found I had no rights and any hard evidence was dismissed. To have no rights is so traumatic.

  • @georgemav7
    @georgemav7 Рік тому +3

    I have to commend both of you for a great job. I have the greatest respect for both of you.

  • @margaretkobier
    @margaretkobier Рік тому +3

    organisations that we once though protected people have shown that they don't. Is it any wonder that so many no longer trust government agencies or community organisations.

  • @nevillereimers6336
    @nevillereimers6336 Рік тому +1

    We need more men like this with integrity in positions of government and parliament needs to protect these people , the CEO of of Australia post was treated exactly the same by the Morrison government

  • @sjamesholland
    @sjamesholland Рік тому +4

    Well done and thank you!

  • @stefanie.elinor
    @stefanie.elinor Рік тому +9

    So just to clarify, was the former ASIC Chairman saying he was publicly bullied by Clive Palmer? Anyone know what that conflict was actually about?

    • @ruddo1970
      @ruddo1970 Рік тому +4

      I can't remember the campaign specifically, but it sounded like he was saying his position was beyond public criticism somehow...
      There wasn't enough information about his complaint to discern its merits, but i found myself thinking 'This guy needed to grow a thicker skin if he wanted that position'...

  • @avee8574
    @avee8574 Рік тому +4

    Sounds like a push for censorship,
    Bro worked out he is expendable to the machine
    ~Shutdown, Investigate!,
    Then restructure,
    Thank-you Gentlemen.

  • @lllllukeify
    @lllllukeify Рік тому +8

    how can a man say so much, and say nothing at all, fuck me, just sayit, this paper said this shit, these people protected them, because these people were doing dodgy shit... he said nothing.

  • @williamkaydunn31
    @williamkaydunn31 Рік тому +3

    Thanks guys

  • @wivvix
    @wivvix Рік тому +2

    Dept of Health and the TGA next please John. The TGA make ASIC look like saints.

  • @kingdomfor1
    @kingdomfor1 Рік тому +3

    When they finally dig deep enough, they wil probably find that some employees of ASIC have been protecting some large businesses from thorough investigations .

  • @harrywebbwebb346
    @harrywebbwebb346 Рік тому +3

    Thank you again for your brave work!

  • @jeanettenorman7052
    @jeanettenorman7052 Рік тому +2

    It seems that Australia is rotten to the core.

    • @wefsux
      @wefsux Рік тому

      Was a prision island wasn't it? guess the crooks never left

  • @jongeism
    @jongeism Рік тому +2

    A wonderful honest Ma

  • @1toneboy
    @1toneboy Рік тому +2

    If meaningful change along the lines of Jonathan Bowden “clear them out” occurs, I dare say Adams should be Australian of the Year.

  • @jeremylee3772
    @jeremylee3772 Рік тому +3

    It will be interesting to watch the "revolving door" and see where all those dismissed end up. No doubt another govt department where their particular talents can still be utilised to deceive and obfuscate protecting the corporate interests!!!!??

  • @rachael2119
    @rachael2119 Рік тому

    This is brilliant news and thank you for persuading this This needs to happen with the parliament and to bin the government constitution and to return under the uk constitution

  • @monamorgan2588
    @monamorgan2588 Рік тому +1

    Thaks for standin for the interests of the people's

  • @rondawelsh1028
    @rondawelsh1028 Рік тому

    Keep bringing this into the light, thank you.

  • @simonharrison9727
    @simonharrison9727 Рік тому

    I sincerely hope JA’s and MN receive the accolades they deserve! History will prove the importance of their work!! Great show!!!

  • @alimay1011
    @alimay1011 Рік тому

    Spectacular. Congrats John and Martin

  • @1965tezza
    @1965tezza Рік тому +3

    ASIC, is that the abbreviation for the Absolute Satanists In Canberra.