My family was sent to Veal Veng district in Pursat. We survived, luckily. We are from the city. I became a beggar once in 1979 before leaving to thai border. Khmer people at large are poor throughout the country.
Only Vietnamese and Chinese populations are well off and super rich in Cambodia. Ethnic khmer population is poor and devastated throughout the nation. 100,000 khmer and 2.5 million Chinese and Vietnamese populated in phnom penh city. And other cities in Cambodia, I don't know.
My family was sent to Veal Veng district in Pursat. We survived, luckily. We are from the city. I became a beggar once in 1979 before leaving to thai border. Khmer people at large are poor throughout the country.
គូរឲអាណិតណាស់ព្រះអើយម្តាយគេ ម្តាយខ្ញុំ😭😭😭
ព្រោះតែក្រ ឱ ! ខ្មែរអើយខ្មែរ😢😢😢😢😢
ជនជាតិខ្ញុំ ព្រោះតែអំណោទ។😢 តើនរណាថាប្រទេសខ្ញុំក្លាយជាអ្នកមាន
ខ្មែរកំសត់ណាស់ មិនអាចជឿនលឿនដូចប្រទេសបារាំង រដ្ឋជួយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្លាំងណាស់
Tet Vietnam mo mis youn
To serve and defend our nation.
យើងជិតក្លាយជាប្រទេសអ្នកមានក្លែងក្លាយ ហើយ ។
Only Vietnamese and Chinese populations are well off and super rich in Cambodia. Ethnic khmer population is poor and devastated throughout the nation. 100,000 khmer and 2.5 million Chinese and Vietnamese populated in phnom penh city. And other cities in Cambodia, I don't know.
The entire country is so poor and people are hungry 😪😪🥵
hun sen exist ! all the suffering still exists
No job, but Cambofia is a rich country. Lmorm lmorm Barn heuy, Ah Chas Tum LeuKeu Hun Manet.
រឹត តែ ធ្វើ ឲយ សត្រូវ មើល ងាយ ហើយ ។ អំពើរ នេះ គួរ ឈប់ ធ្វើ ទៀត ។
Chanh Snae Nov Chikraeng
OH, WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW 😮⚰️😭⚰️👊🏿🌎😭
របប ត្រកូល ហ៊ុន ៣០+៤០ ដឹកនាំគ្មានបានប្រយោជន៌អ្វីទាល់តែសោះឃើញតែស្លាប់ជារៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំ រាល់ខែ រាល់ថ្ងៃគ្មានលោះថ្ងៃណា
អាំងប៉ាវ មរណះ (ខ្ញុំសូមចូលរួមនូវសេចក្តីរំលែកទុក្ខផង)
&. សំណួរ សួរថា តើលុយ សុខ គង់.ជាលុយកេរ្ត៍ដូនតា គាត់ ចិត្តល្អ យកមកចែកអោយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ខ្មែរយើង ឫ .????????