Things to know about tennis racquets: Weight, balance and swing weight

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bowsershark
    @bowsershark 3 роки тому

    I have that old school n Code 95 heavy head light prostaff. It still plays great.

  • @GrungePopRecords
    @GrungePopRecords Рік тому

    Wonderful description! Thanks!

  • @oliverdesouza5741
    @oliverdesouza5741 3 роки тому +3

    At first when you learn about swingweight, you think that that may tell you all you need to know about a racket to assess its performance. However, IMO, you need all three swingweight, balance and static weight to get an idea of how it'll perform in a variety of situations like rallying, volleying, returns, serve, defence, offence etc.

    • @Crispy99999
      @Crispy99999 3 роки тому

      absolutely agree! Per my comment/post above

  • @kvaansharifi4692
    @kvaansharifi4692 2 роки тому +1

    Great, thank u

  • @Crispy99999
    @Crispy99999 3 роки тому +2

    A very timely video Jonas! I bought a 310g Yonex Vcore Pro (with a 310mm balance) without fully testing it, but found it is far too flimsy and unstable, so am now demoing the Head Radical Pro with 315g and 315 feels much better on serves, more stable, more plough-through. Only small 5g and 5mm increments, but they make the difference. Case in Point: I'm also demoing the 330g Yonex Vcore Pro however, as it still has a 310mm balance, it still feels a bit too whippy and bulky in the handle compared to the Radical Pro. Also, despite the Yonex have 15gms more overall weight, their swing weight is 332 for the Yonex and 330 for the Radical Pro!, in swing-weight terms, you're lugging around 15g extra for no benefit.

    • @RigMaster_
      @RigMaster_ 3 роки тому +1

      Have you tried adding some lead tape to the hoop to increase the swingweight and stability any of those racquets? I'd highly recommend it.

    • @Crispy99999
      @Crispy99999 3 роки тому

      @@RigMaster_ yes, I added 6 grams to the Vcore Pro 310, but that made it virtually even balanced; it's not the same as having the weight distributed evenly, which is why I'm going back to the drawing board. Adding more than 5gms means you've bought the wrong racquet imo. I've also demoed the Ezone 98 Tour last was a beast! A bit heavy but, boy-oh-boy, it was sure able to redirect pace and get back balls on-the-run that he Radical and other less capable racquets just couldn't. I'm demoing the 320g and 315mm balance V-Cell 10 and the Pure Strike Tour this suspect they will be a little more maneuverable than the 315g but 320mm balance Ezone Tour, but still redirect pace and pack some serious power.

  • @overdrive_tennis
    @overdrive_tennis 3 роки тому

    Excellent episode. Thank you!

  • @alexandern4140
    @alexandern4140 3 роки тому

    very useful info as always - thanks very much

  • @vinay4886
    @vinay4886 3 роки тому

    Great work! This is probably one of your best videos.
    What about the other great variable in tennis- tennis balls? I find the Head championship has a lot more bounce on the same courts than the Wilson which probably has a bit more felt but seems to not last so long... What do you think?

  • @whoisjoe4143
    @whoisjoe4143 3 роки тому +7

    Never been this early but this episode seems wayyyyyy too intelligent for me:)

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому +4

      It can't be! I made it :D

  • @lucletruc1972
    @lucletruc1972 2 роки тому

    Hey Jonas, love your channel!
    I have Radicals with swingweight 295 unstrung. They are strung with 1.25 poly. Can you tell me what the strung swingweight is round about? Is there some formula like you can add 40% of the string weigth to sw? 😂. Thanks in advance

  • @dalershubirg1037
    @dalershubirg1037 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the many quality videos you put out, fantastic content and production. I was actually wondering what is the brand of arm sleeve you are wearing? it looks much thicker and more supportive than most I've seen on the market. Thanks!

  • @IlyaMirsky
    @IlyaMirsky 3 роки тому +2

    Nice video as always Jonas, thank you! Could you please clarify the trade-offs between a heavier and head-lighter racquet vs. a lighter but head-heavier racquet, both having the same swingweight?

    • @rishijai
      @rishijai 3 роки тому

      Interesting, if you use racquetfinder and input a swingweight many such racquets pop up.

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому +7

      Interesting question! I think this is a great topic for a new video. Will get to that asap.

  • @shriramoka
    @shriramoka 3 роки тому

    Nice video Jonas.. I hv experimented a lot between babo PS 18x20, pure aero and pure drive light . I find PS the most all round balanced racquet among all. Good on serves, stable on volleys and decent on G.strokes , but flatter. the pure drive light swings the easiest. On the other hand the pure aero has the best spin generation and my passing shots r a wonder !! How does one get the best ??

  • @villiam7941
    @villiam7941 3 роки тому

    Nice video. Go on :) hi from South of Sweden 🇸🇪

  • @sssc8611
    @sssc8611 3 роки тому +3

    Hi Jonas, how do you think you'd do against MEP?

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому +2

      Hi, I have played several local MEPs that play exactly the same, but Ben might be even stronger mentally. I don't know, I think my game works pretty well against these players because I tend to come into the net a lot, but on the other hand, I have a tendency to get frustrated. Would probably be a lot closer than I want it to be! :)

  • @Mike0verMatter
    @Mike0verMatter 3 роки тому

    Nice vid, thnx! :) (Did you stop with the 'boomchickawowow' intro music? Which I have to explain myself for, everytime I have my sound on.. ;)

  • @engbergc
    @engbergc 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Jonas! Like you, I also play with head pro tour 2.0 and I love it (except for serving where I can’t find the power for some reason). I also have a Rf97 which I’ve always considered to be slightly too heavy, but when I put both of them on the scale, they are very close to each other (because of a leather grip on the pro tour). Would be very interesting to hear your thoughts on the pro tour 2.0 compared to the RF97? Initial thoughts?

  • @gbicho
    @gbicho 2 роки тому

    Hi!! I play with two Wilson Pro Staff 97, v12 and v13, and they seem to have different balances. v12 is more head weighted than v13. Personally, the v13 seems to be easier to swing so I would look for something similar in the v12. Would that be a solution to add some weight in the grip of v12 racket (even knowing that total racket weight will increase) ?

  • @musicaangomera
    @musicaangomera 8 місяців тому

    Do you recommend the Wilson Clash 100 v2 for people with tennis elbow? I play with Babolat Pure Drive 300 and haven't been able to heal, its kind of difficult for me to handle it and my wrist and arm hurt every time I play with it. I read the Wilson Clash 100 v2 has an easier to use balance.

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  8 місяців тому +1

      Yes, Clash 100 is a good choice for players worried about elbows. Use a multi string or a poly at a lower tension

    • @musicaangomera
      @musicaangomera 8 місяців тому

      @@Tennisnerd Thank you for your answer

    • @musicaangomera
      @musicaangomera 8 місяців тому

      @@Tennisnerd Sorry for one last question: Is it better the Clash 100 v2 or the Clash Pro 100 v2? The swingweight and balance for both is different. For example the Clash Pro has a Swingweight of 325 wich os the point feel the racket passes trough the ball, but the Class v2 only has a Swingweight of 313. The Balance for and weights are different also. I cannot test them, I have to make a decision and purchase. Which do you recommend the most for Tennis Elbow?

  • @jorgeandrescoppiano
    @jorgeandrescoppiano 3 роки тому

    I think the ideal would be to match things this way..
    1 twist weight
    2 swing weight
    3 balance
    3 static weight
    Any thing I could improve?

  • @Oceanborn07_05
    @Oceanborn07_05 3 роки тому

    Your videos are very informative, you helped me a lot, thanks :)
    But I do have a question - which racket today is most similar to the old Head Prestige Tour 600? I used to play with it long time ago, and am now looking for something similar. I looked ofc the new Prestige line, but I have no clue which of those is similar to the 600. And I am also looking at the Prince Phantom 100 (305), which also seems good to me. Could you clarify things to me please?

  • @Mike0verMatter
    @Mike0verMatter 3 роки тому

    Ps; could you do a comparison between the 280 and the 300 Ripsticks? And potential upgrading (weight and such)? My preference would maybe be the 280 blue one, but Im afraid its too light.. And it has a 50/50 1HL!

    • @b.lakeberg7456
      @b.lakeberg7456 3 роки тому

      You could get it, measure yours, and try tailweighting it. I use the 300 version from time to time and enjoy it a lot.

  • @migelowsky
    @migelowsky 3 роки тому

    I still have the Arthur Ashe. After that i went to the Prince Pro 110. About 35 sq in more and it felt gigantic. Like moving to a Weed Big Bubba

  • @claude7473
    @claude7473 3 роки тому +1

    Hope your arm gets better soon !!!

  • @rockettennis5074
    @rockettennis5074 3 роки тому

    I wonder how and where the weight is put in manufacturing. After all it seems impossible to lose a racquet's weight.'

  • @bushmenaa
    @bushmenaa 3 роки тому +1

    Minimum Sw should be 340 if you want to play on top level if someone doesn’t have the technique then use less until it feels comfortable. I don’t like playing with less then 340 :)

    • @Crispy99999
      @Crispy99999 3 роки тому +1

      Indeed. I'm still getting some consistency on my ground-strokes and am heavily considering new the Head Radical Pro with a 330 SW just to ensure enough of my shots are getting in until my game and results can advance and I can get a heavier and higher SW racquet.

  • @stauroskellidis4594
    @stauroskellidis4594 3 роки тому

    What are your thoughts about the new vcore 98 2021?

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому +1

      Review on the channel 👍🏻

  • @SM04.
    @SM04. 3 роки тому +1

    How much does 1g of tungsten at 12 add to the swingweight ?

    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому

      5 pts approx

    • @SM04.
      @SM04. 3 роки тому

      Thank you

    • @jerome_morrow
      @jerome_morrow 3 роки тому +2

      If you’re applying it on the inside of the hoop rather than under the bumper, it’s closer to 3.5 rather than 5.

  • @MrJeepStone
    @MrJeepStone 3 роки тому

    what do you do if u get a racket that is off spec?

    • @Fred_P
      @Fred_P 3 роки тому +1

      If you care about it, just get the matching service before purchase. Otherwise make sure that you're able to return it (with the plastic on the handle and not strung unless it's strung from the factory). If it's under spec you can add lead tape. If it's over spec, you can't do anything other than return it or suck it up.

  • @ariwibowom1984
    @ariwibowom1984 3 роки тому +1

    interesting take on heavy ball (Agassi) vs heavy spin ball (Nadal)

  • @patrikjakobson4718
    @patrikjakobson4718 3 роки тому +1


    • @Tennisnerd
      @Tennisnerd  3 роки тому


    • @bartjavier6327
      @bartjavier6327 3 роки тому

      @@Tennisnerd what are you wearing on your arm? Compression sleeve? What brand do you recommend? forearm has been very tight lately hitting one hand backhands

  • @mteca5093
    @mteca5093 3 роки тому +1

    which 16x19 raket has MOST control on flat shots? top 5

  • @ariwibowom1984
    @ariwibowom1984 3 роки тому +1

    woods are heavier than graphite

  • @elkabras
    @elkabras 3 роки тому

    Jonas is a sinfulness compare Head Radical OS with that thang 😂😂😂...Moyá soft drive must have the same lead tape than the weight of the frame, isn't he???

  • @dianahiggins1928
    @dianahiggins1928 3 роки тому

    The equable football peroperatively kick because mimosa alarmingly poke with a grumpy juice. serious, well-off fire