Uma das mais bela e melancólica música de todos os tempos, simultaneamente. Sempre que a ouço, retorno à minha juventude. Sou um privilegiado por ter vivido àquela época inesquecível.
Essa música é linda , aos 10 anos era apaixonado por ela , o tempo passou ainda continuo gostando da música, o bom gosto vem de infância , linda a letra obrigado pela legenda. 💓👍
Eu era criança quando essa música apareceu nas paradas de sucesso aqui no Brasil na década de 70 e até hoje escuto ela. Letra e música lindíssima!!!! Vale apena recordar.
Damn,i just found out that he past away in April 15,2014 at the age of 70.R I P (Antonio Morales Barreto junior) AMB Jr. And thank you for all the memorable songs.
my father will always cry whenever he hears this song coz that myy mom and dad's theme song ... sadly my passed mom away 9 yrs ago thats why i dont want him to use the computer nor a cellphone but he still manage to find ways to hear their song . so i buy him a PC to reminisce it whenever he wants to remember my mom, eventhough it hurts me see cry him again and again
I'm always teary-eyed everytime I heard the songs of Junior... reminiscen' d my childhood & adolescent years in Asturias, Cebu way back in the 70's & 80's...thnkz for uploading this songs of Junior......
Thanks for uploading this, it makes me remember the greatest love of my life, which I lost. It was a hard battle, and I am proud to say I fought until the end, and gave my soul to save our life. Unfortunately, all I have now are memories and songs like these to bring good memories back again.
When I was 18 I sing this Song perfectly with the accompaniment of just 2 Acoustic Guitars.Now that I own a BAND I will relive this Song of Junior together with my memories.Wherever you are I still love you💖💕🇵🇭
Oh my, the best love song of the decades, i was in college when i fell in love with this song & heard it again on the radio & memories drawn me back in yesteryears, thank you AMB junior for singing this song
I love ♥️ this song from the Filipino singer named, Junior, whose real name is: Antonio Morales Junior, who became known worldwide in 1974, when he recorded the song "Excuse Me", the English version of the Spanish song "Perdoname" Letter written lyrics of the original pair of Spanish composers: A. Morales and Snapier Bell. -- I didn’t know this song from before. I found it, but I swear I can’t stop listening to it. It’s so deep... It just takes me to another level of emotion… I just wish song lasted longer. 🎵 “Excuse me” -Junior (1974) (lyrics) 🎵 You… A float in the lost world of dreams A mystical maker of schemes Emotion beyond my means Me… No more than a grain of sand And lost on the beach of your land Unable to understand When you're near Reality loses its hold And loneliness tears at my soul But what goes on inside your mind And while I know That fantasy drives us mad It really can't be so bad To let it take me one more time Love… The chances are so very few Excuse me for the strange things I do I'm drowning in an ocean of you When you're near Reality loses it’s hold And loneliness tears at my soul But what goes on inside your mind And while I know That fantasy drives us mad It really can't be so bad To let it take me one more time 🎵 Excuse Me, Junior (Lyrics) Junior, Excuse Me (remastered) English: Zsi=muBh25T4TGXZBYhV Spanish version:
That the loudest call of the deepest void, is from our own heart - the reality we live pushes into, and hold against it simultaneously. Warm greetings and love from Indonesia.
Lagi kong inaabangan yang kantang yan , halos madaling araw na kung patugtugin, buti na lang ngaun anytime na gusto kong pakinggan puede na, thank you ! kundi ako nagkakamali si JUNIOR ay nakatambal ni GOVERNOR VILMA SANTOS sa moviem pamagat yata Ang boyfriend kong kano.
I remember I sent thru sms some of the meaningful lyrics of this song to a friend I met in Villa Josefina square. Her name was Katrina Qara Krizza :). Romantically veiled lyrics. Thank you maam Rachel.
essa música faz lembrar os melhores momento que tive em minha vida, é linda mas fico triste quando escuto porque sei que esse momento que um dia vivi jamais voltaram mas a música Continuar aqui dentro do meu coração aí fora só resta saudade e solidão
Excuse Me! You, a float in the lost world of dreams A mystical maker of schemes Emotion beyond my means Me, no more than a grain of sand And lost on the beach of your land Unable to understand (Chorus) When you're near Reality loses its hold And lonely the tears wet my soul But what goes on inside your mind And where I go That fantasy drives us back It really can't be so bad To let it make people (once fine) Love, the chances are so very few Excuse me for the strange things I do I'm drowning in an ocean of you Perdoe me! Você, uma balsa num mundo perdido de sonhos Uma mística criadora de planos Emocionalmente em meus sentidos Eu, nada mais que um grão de areia E perdido na praia de seu reino Incapaz de entender (Refrão) Quando você está perto A realidade perde sua influência E, sozinho, as lágrimas molham minha alma Mas o que se passa dentro de sua mente E aonde quer que eu vá Aquela fantasia nos leva de volta Realmente não pode ser tão ruim Deixar fazer as pessoas (que já foram felizes) Amor, as oportunidades são tão poucas Perdoe-me pelas coisas estranhas que faço Estou me afogando num oceano de você Eddy Ferraes
Já li em diversos videos a letra dessa maravilhosa música e todas tem vários erros. Segue abaixo a correta. You, afloat in the lost world of dreams A mystical maker of schemes Emotion beyond my means Me, no more than a grain of sand And lost in the beach of your land Unable to understand When you're near Reality loses its hold And lonely, the tears wet my soul For what goes on inside your mind And while I know That fantasy drives us mad It really can't be so bad To let it take me one more time Love, the chances seem so very few Excuse me for the strange things I do I'm drowning in an ocean of you When you're near Reality loses its hold And lonely, the tears wet my soul For what goes on inside your mind And while I know That fantasy drives us mad It really can't be so bad To let it take me one more time Tradução: Você, flutuante em um mundo perdido dos sonhos Uma mística criadora de esquemas Emoção além do que posso suportar Eu, nada além de um grão de areia E perdido na praia de sua terra Incapaz de compreender Quando você está próxima A realidade perde seu espaço E solitário, as lágrimas molham minha alma Pelo que se passa em sua mente E ainda que eu saiba Que a fantasia nos enlouquece Não poder ser tão mal assim Permitir que ela me tome mais uma vez Amor, as chances parecem tão poucas Me perdoe pelas coisas estranhas que faço Estou me afogando no oceano de você Quando você está próxima A realidade perde seu espaço E solitário, as lágrimas molham minha alma Pelo que se passa em sua mente E ainda que eu saiba Que a fantasia nos enlouquece Não poder ser tão mal assim Permitir que ela me tome mais uma vez
During my twenties I can sing this song almost like the way Jr did especially when we are sir rounded by containers of tuba, a coconut wine, but most especially this song has a great memories to me.Yes,like me,I am dying to find this song also in videoke bar.
No! Stop! That's so bad if you still love him if you're married. It's a sin! Try to learn to forget him. It's over! Rather, love your husband! God bless!
Conheco ESTA maravilhisa cancao,pensei seria Para Uma Pessoa,Mas, achei e uma Linda cancao,muito dice e romantica,sucesso inesqueciveis ,que alegram a Alma.Estou aqui pensando...talvez acgarei a quem oferecerei ESTA cancao!?!?
Hayatım boyunca bir çok güzel müzikler dinledim, bir çok şarkılar sevdim. Ama bu şarkının yeri çok başka. Her dinlediğimde beni dünyadan koparır. Junior öyle içten, öyle samimi söylemiş ki her kelimesini, her dinlediğimde iliklerime kadar hiss ederim şarkıdakı duyguyu 😊
I love this song. I was a child at that time, about 10 years old. I couldn't understand the lyrics because my mother language is portuguese. Now I hear this song and it's like a dream to understand. I just can turn back to somewhere in time.
Meus parabéns pela escolha, esta música é simplesmente uma poesia em forma de canção.
Uma das mais bela e melancólica música de todos os tempos, simultaneamente. Sempre que a ouço, retorno à minha juventude. Sou um privilegiado por ter vivido àquela época inesquecível.
Verdade! Também vivi aquela época!!!!
Nelson, também tenho este privilégio de ter vivido esses tempos inesquecíveis!
Nelson onde vivia nessa época? Eu morava no subúrbio do RJ. Era tudo tão lindo e mágico naquela época…
Morava no interior do RN, em Lajes, a 125 km de Natal. Bons tempos.
A orquestra no final é de doer até a alma. A música mais linda do
Essa música é linda , aos 10 anos era apaixonado por ela , o tempo passou ainda continuo gostando da música, o bom gosto vem de infância , linda a letra obrigado pela legenda. 💓👍
Eu era criança quando essa música apareceu nas paradas de sucesso aqui no Brasil na década de 70 e até hoje escuto ela. Letra e música lindíssima!!!! Vale apena recordar.
quanta lembrança com essa musica linda ! podia exitir musica nesse estilo hoje em dia
I love this song so much
Eu também. Até chorava de emoção mesmo antes de entender.
Why is it that when we hear songs such as this it makes us feel nostalgic that sometimes we think if we could just go back to time
Just like a time machine
I would love to go back in time and change so many things😢
@@myworld3250 me too, ...missed my mom
@@myworld3250don’t tell me about it 😢
i never get tired of listening to this song. . . thanks Rachel Reyes, you made me remember my childhood through this song
+Jojo Perez The pleasure is mine :-)
essa música toca no fundo do coração, linda demais difícil segurar as lágrimas
Que música fantástica. Atinge até a alma.
Damn,i just found out that he past away in April 15,2014 at the age of 70.R I P (Antonio Morales Barreto junior) AMB Jr. And thank you for all the memorable songs.
My mom like this song when she's 17
She was a Singer on her younger days,she loves Junior songs
my father will always cry whenever he hears this song coz that myy mom and dad's theme song ... sadly my passed mom away 9 yrs ago thats why i dont want him to use the computer nor a cellphone but he still manage to find ways to hear their song . so i buy him a PC to reminisce it whenever he wants to remember my mom, eventhough it hurts me see cry him again and again
Linda música e lindo vídeo! Me emociono até hoje quando ouço...
So much love this song....everytime I heard I don't know what I tears are falling.
Thank you so much Ma'am Rachel for posting this song...
You're welcome :-))
I'm always teary-eyed everytime I heard the songs of Junior... reminiscen' d my childhood & adolescent years in Asturias, Cebu way back in the 70's & 80's...thnkz for uploading this songs of Junior......
+Kumander Talahib You're welcome :-)
Ang galing.. love how d great Junior sang this.. sayang sana nakapag come back concert muna siya before he joined our Creator...
Sempre venho as lagrimas quando esculto essa linda melodia.
Ouvindo esse clássico em 2022, porque músicas lindas como essa nunca saem de moda, são atemporais.. ❤️❤️
Mais que a letra a melodia e orquestra fecham harmonicamente a interpretação desse magnífico cantor
Essa música é uma das músicas mais belas que já ouvi ,cada fez que escuto me emociono 💜🎶🌊
Thanks for uploading this, it makes me remember the greatest love of my life, which I lost. It was a hard battle, and I am proud to say I fought until the end, and gave my soul to save our life. Unfortunately, all I have now are memories and songs like these to bring good memories back again.
Carla Maranho You're welcome :-)
This is really a wonderful song. I love it 💜💜💜
I remember my youger days
i heard this song from reels.. i got to like the melodies.. and thanks i got to know the full lyrics and music here in youtube.. love it! ❤🎧🎼🎶🎵🎤❤️
Please keep playing the song on full of sentimental meaning during the 70's
I miss his songs... He was such a great singer.
When I was 18 I sing this Song perfectly with the accompaniment of just 2 Acoustic Guitars.Now that I own a BAND I will relive this Song of Junior together with my memories.Wherever you are I still love you💖💕🇵🇭
Boas lembranças de minha infância, eu devia ter uns 7 anos quando ouvi pela primeira vez e nunca mais esqueci
Muito linda essa música muita emoção não podemos desistir do nossos...😍😍😍😍💜💜💜💜👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Oh my, the best love song of the decades, i was in college when i fell in love with this song & heard it again on the radio & memories drawn me back in yesteryears, thank you AMB junior for singing this song
Quando ouço esta música tem que se segurar para não chorar!
Linda demais, época maravilhosa, eterno e lindo Junior ❤
i love this song so much and full of meaning..
I really love this song,very nostalgic,it brings back my young days..
Belíssima canção!!!!
I love ♥️ this song from the Filipino singer named, Junior, whose real name is:
Antonio Morales Junior, who became known worldwide in 1974, when he recorded the song "Excuse Me", the English version of the Spanish song "Perdoname"
Letter written lyrics of the original pair of Spanish composers: A. Morales and Snapier Bell.
I didn’t know this song from before. I found it, but I swear I can’t stop listening to it.
It’s so deep...
It just takes me to another level of emotion…
I just wish song lasted longer.
“Excuse me”
-Junior (1974) (lyrics)
A float in the lost world of dreams
A mystical maker of schemes
Emotion beyond my means
No more than a grain of sand
And lost on the beach of your land
Unable to understand
When you're near
Reality loses its hold
And loneliness tears at my soul
But what goes on inside your mind
And while I know
That fantasy drives us mad
It really can't be so bad
To let it take me one more time
The chances are so very few
Excuse me for the strange things I do
I'm drowning in an ocean of you
When you're near
Reality loses it’s hold
And loneliness tears at my soul
But what goes on inside your mind
And while I know
That fantasy drives us mad
It really can't be so bad
To let it take me one more time
Excuse Me, Junior (Lyrics)
Junior, Excuse Me (remastered)
English: Zsi=muBh25T4TGXZBYhV
Spanish version:
Lovely song from the olden days. Mucis aswell as lyrics. You don't get music like this nowadays!
I remember those once happy times in my life.
I heard this late 70s. Great singer and song writer. I remember this song during my childhood days. Rip Junior.
I love this song, I have watched his concert in Folk Arts theater just about 35 yrs. ago.
Thanks Miss Reyes for uploading this song , this is one of my favorite songs God Bless and regards to your family as well .
My pleasure :-)
love this song i remember when i was little my grandmother used to play it a lot
You are missed..thankyou for the song..RESTED IN PEACE APRIL 15, 2014
Essa música é puro amor, poesia da alma!
Ta certo!!!!
Eu idem
Eu ouço umas três vezes 😌
I'ma brazilian. This song is like a knife in the heart.
Me too!
Jeeez i agree..
That the loudest call of the deepest void, is from our own heart - the reality we live pushes into, and hold against it simultaneously. Warm greetings and love from Indonesia.
Me i'm Pilipino. You are a lucky guy! Is just a knife. To me is like a chainsaw in my heart!
My heart is cut in two! 💔
la original es en espanol del mismo cantante junior
Very beautiful song! Thank you UA-cam❤👏👏👏👏👏👏
those were the days when I'm in the jungle..teary - eyed while humming the songs of junior.. thnkz mam...
+Kumander Talahib You're welcome :-)
+Rachel Reyes i love this song...everytime i hear..i cant excuse to cry...i dont know why..
Beautiful song... good times!
amei o video Rachel Reyes , maravilhosa essa musica bons tempos
Thank you :-)
Rachel Reyes simplys the best
Ang ganda ng kanta at ang guapo ng singer!❤
Thank you for posting this song Rachel, you bring me back to my younger years.
On my part , very touching this song it so much...great ...
Parabéns ótima música ,saudades sempre...
Esta me faz viajar no tempo.....Que belas recordaçoes!!!!
Love this song. Even if you are gone already Junior, your song will live forever. Vaya con Dios.
A lot of good music came from the 70s. I'll remember high school dance with this tune. Thanks...
You're welcome :-)
Belíssima canção.
thank you so much. it makes me nostalgic. one of my favorite songs in my high school days.
I love this song !! Thank you !!
You're welcome :-)
Linda demais 🤩💜
I loved this songs so much when I was in high school days 💞
What a lovely song. I Love It.
grabe miss rachel,,tagl kong hinanap kung anong title ng kntng yan,,sobrang favorite ko tlga yan thnk u so miss rachel..
You're welcome :-)
My most ! favorite sentimental love songs ever
Excuse me by junior avery beautiful song ty Rechelle Reyes❤❤❤
Thanks Rachel for uploading.. I'm going back to past with this song, so relaxing listening to this song
patrick chua You're welcome :-)
Lagi kong inaabangan yang kantang yan , halos madaling araw na kung patugtugin, buti na lang ngaun anytime na gusto kong pakinggan puede na, thank you ! kundi ako nagkakamali si JUNIOR ay nakatambal ni GOVERNOR VILMA SANTOS sa moviem pamagat yata Ang boyfriend kong kano.
This song is deeply wonderful!!!
i remember that yong past. Mi dreams, my life...thanks
I remember I sent thru sms some of the meaningful lyrics of this song to a friend I met in Villa Josefina square. Her name was Katrina Qara Krizza :). Romantically veiled lyrics. Thank you maam Rachel.
Amo essa época onde o amor era tocada nessas lindas canções!!
thanks Miss REyes for the beautiful video and perfect lyrics, I mean, without mistakes. I love this song so much.
Tessa Bella You are welcome :-)
***** Junior it is gone, in 2014, RIP my friend, I miss you!
realmente está entre as musicas mais belas de todos os tempos. sem duvida alguma.
wowww i was always hear this when i was a kid ... tanx so much im sure of the tittle ...i lovethis song its you JUNIOR.
essa música faz lembrar os melhores momento que tive em minha vida, é linda mas fico triste quando escuto porque sei que esse momento que um dia vivi jamais voltaram mas a música Continuar aqui dentro do meu coração aí fora só resta saudade e solidão
Buna dimineata! Frumoasa melodie! Voi faceti frumosul sa fie si cald! Cred ca santeti linistiti! ❤
Thanks Rachel for uploading this song. Reminiscing.
You're welcome :-)
Que bella cancion...gracias
I wont get tired of listening to this kind of reminds of my childhood when i was in bf homes paranaque i love this song
Minha música preferida no karaokê!!!! obrigado Rachel!!!
You're welcome :-)
Magical lyrics and sounds❤❤❤
Excuse Me!
You, a float in the lost world of dreams
A mystical maker of schemes
Emotion beyond my means
Me, no more than a grain of sand
And lost on the beach of your land
Unable to understand
When you're near
Reality loses its hold
And lonely the tears wet my soul
But what goes on inside your mind
And where I go
That fantasy drives us back
It really can't be so bad
To let it make people (once fine)
Love, the chances are so very few
Excuse me for the strange things I do
I'm drowning in an ocean of you
Perdoe me!
Você, uma balsa num mundo perdido de sonhos
Uma mística criadora de planos
Emocionalmente em meus sentidos
Eu, nada mais que um grão de areia
E perdido na praia de seu reino
Incapaz de entender
Quando você está perto
A realidade perde sua influência
E, sozinho, as lágrimas molham minha alma
Mas o que se passa dentro de sua mente
E aonde quer que eu vá
Aquela fantasia nos leva de volta
Realmente não pode ser tão ruim
Deixar fazer as pessoas (que já foram felizes)
Amor, as oportunidades são tão poucas
Perdoe-me pelas coisas estranhas que faço
Estou me afogando num oceano de você
Eddy Ferraes
this is the oldest and most meaningful song that i will surely treasure
Eddy ferraes ....a sua letra e tradução estão erradas...
@@romelbon6385 amen to that
Já li em diversos videos a letra dessa maravilhosa música e todas tem vários erros. Segue abaixo a correta.
You, afloat in the lost world of dreams
A mystical maker of schemes
Emotion beyond my means
Me, no more than a grain of sand
And lost in the beach of your land
Unable to understand
When you're near
Reality loses its hold
And lonely, the tears wet my soul
For what goes on inside your mind
And while I know
That fantasy drives us mad
It really can't be so bad
To let it take me one more time
Love, the chances seem so very few
Excuse me for the strange things I do
I'm drowning in an ocean of you
When you're near
Reality loses its hold
And lonely, the tears wet my soul
For what goes on inside your mind
And while I know
That fantasy drives us mad
It really can't be so bad
To let it take me one more time
Você, flutuante em um mundo perdido dos sonhos
Uma mística criadora de esquemas
Emoção além do que posso suportar
Eu, nada além de um grão de areia
E perdido na praia de sua terra
Incapaz de compreender
Quando você está próxima
A realidade perde seu espaço
E solitário, as lágrimas molham minha alma
Pelo que se passa em sua mente
E ainda que eu saiba
Que a fantasia nos enlouquece
Não poder ser tão mal assim
Permitir que ela me tome mais uma vez
Amor, as chances parecem tão poucas
Me perdoe pelas coisas estranhas que faço
Estou me afogando no oceano de você
Quando você está próxima
A realidade perde seu espaço
E solitário, as lágrimas molham minha alma
Pelo que se passa em sua mente
E ainda que eu saiba
Que a fantasia nos enlouquece
Não poder ser tão mal assim
Permitir que ela me tome mais uma vez
@@RogerioCampanhol! Verdade percebi poucos erros sim , mas vamos que vamos , valeu .👍
During my twenties I can sing this song almost like the way Jr did especially when we are sir rounded by containers of tuba, a coconut wine, but most especially this song has a great memories to me.Yes,like me,I am dying to find this song also in videoke bar.
Same here
Go sir
This song means so much to me.
Tuba... hahaha.. ang ganda ng boses nya no... ang lalim din ng lyrics
I remember my younger years in this song....
Listening this song
Makes me cry ...remembering my true love ... iwill always loved you 💟
Me too love this sing
No! Stop! That's so bad if you still love him if you're married. It's a sin! Try to learn to forget him. It's over! Rather, love your husband! God bless!
Hermoso tema, gracias por publicarlo.
De nada :-)
Conheco ESTA maravilhisa cancao,pensei seria Para Uma Pessoa,Mas, achei e uma Linda cancao,muito dice e romantica,sucesso inesqueciveis ,que alegram a Alma.Estou aqui pensando...talvez acgarei a quem oferecerei ESTA cancao!?!?
Hayatım boyunca bir çok güzel müzikler dinledim, bir çok şarkılar sevdim. Ama bu şarkının yeri çok başka. Her dinlediğimde beni dünyadan koparır. Junior öyle içten, öyle samimi söylemiş ki her kelimesini, her dinlediğimde iliklerime kadar hiss ederim şarkıdakı duyguyu 😊
What a beautiful song!
belíssima canção, linda demais, incrivelmente...
Thanks for this unforgettable song..still listening in 2018...
You're welcome :-)
thank you ..nahanap ko din i like this song..
You're welcome :-)
I love this awesome song of amb jr.great one....
Wow I´ve seen many diferent lyrics for this song, but yours is outstanding. Congrats!!
Fantástico Vídeo Excuse menThanks for letter ! Good Night !.
Thanks soooo much for posting... my first love song..
I was 12 years old when this romantic soulful sweet song hit the radios. It feels like I was always in love
I love this song. I was a child at that time, about 10 years old. I couldn't understand the lyrics because my mother language is portuguese. Now I hear this song and it's like a dream to understand. I just can turn back to somewhere in time.
thank god... at least a video here with the correct lyrics lol.. amazing song... timeless... thanks!
You're welcome :-)
Que linda essa música! Que poesia!