Yes it has! Cant wait for the Return of Christ Jesus! The Messiah, the Savior, the Redeemer, and the Lamb that was Slaughtered! Who was and is and is to come! Amen
Barry Smith was a prophetic watchman in his time and season...many of his insights and revelations remain valid today...I became a born again Christian through his ministry and for that I will be forever thankful
I first heard Barry Smith speak at the Hamilton AOG in 1986. His message was mind-blowing. It was the first time that I had heard of the New World Order, the Freemason's role, the symbols and significance on the American dollar. It was the first time I realised that God was the 'God of History'. From that point forward I started to look for God in my history. I understand have over the covid 19 epidemic here in New Zealand 2020 been checking out prophecy significant to us. To have Barry Smith on this site although 10years after publication - his closing korero, '...we thank you Lord, we do understand these things' I thank the Lord for using Barry Smith for opening me up to the immortal invisible the only God the omnipotent the omniscient the ever present God. I
I remember as a new Christian going with the Church to his meetings , He preached on end times , and I have to say it used to frighten the life out of me , still does not do a lot for me , apart from seeing the day drawing nearer with each passing day , Cheers !.
I agree with Barry Smith. In Kenya we were encouraged to focus on tourism instead of agriculture (which was number 1 then). Now in August 2020, with the Covid PLANDEMIC, many people are realising that we were duped. There are no international tourists and many people are being affected by the collapse of tourism. After the easing of the first lockdown on our 2 biggest cities, people are moving to the village to start focusing on Agriculture to be self sufficient.
In addition to that, the terrible conflict we had after elections in 2007 that led to the resultant "peace-deal handshake" between the president and the opposition seems to fulfil the prophecy of the NWO. I'm glad I came across this man..
We have the Holy Spirit, He will lead and guid us into all truth, not any man or woman. The same Holy Spirit that was working through him has not and never will leave us. Look to the Lord alone.
We need Jesus Christ and only He can give Eternal Life . Lets not make an Idol out of man regardless of how Godly inspired they are , that could be a Potential Trap we are all should try to avoid ! .
Barry Smith was a close friend of our family, I'll never forget his teachings at the age of 14 I am now 44 and still revert back to his teachings and videos. Everything he said has happened and still is happening.
Uncle Barry was a great evangelist. The amount of people who made commitments at meetings in New Zealand was wonderful. A very real man that loved people.
Praise God that the legacy of Barry’s teachings are available on these videos. I can hear Jesus saying to Barry on his arrival in Heaven, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
R.I.P. Barry Smith. Your books are so full of valuable information and I thank you so much for leaving them with us so that we may be aware and see what is taking place around us in these evil times and be prepared. God bless you and thank the Lord Jesus that you are with him this day.
Barry had been warning people over 40yr ago. About 35yr ago I read his 2 books and had all the VCRs I could get hold of. History has proven he was Very Spot On. I went to a seminar and in the very brief time I chatted to him. I found an incredibly sincere, truthful and Humble Man. That was Very Spot On. His two books were 'Warning' and 'Second Warning'. He said the last book I intend to write will be when I get to Heaven it will be called 'I Told You So'! His sense of Humor was Very Spot On. He would have finished it by now and I recon it would be Very Spot On- Lovely Man of God and God is Very Spot On.
So right you are. He was instrumental in my early Christian walk in understanding the book of Revelation, thirty odd years ago. He is the loveliest man.He had a marvelous wit. Loved his teaching & hope I meet him in the soon coming rapture event. Thank you Ps Barry. 💚
Barry Smith woke me up to what's happening in the world over 30 years ago Thank you Barry you are a God send, I can imagine you chatting to Jesus these days.
I had the gift of seeing and hearing paster barry Smith in melbourne for five consecutive nights with my two young children barry talked about the end times of this world I was a new Christian then so blessed God directed me to Barry's message then x
I first learnt of the late Barry Smith and his ministry and his book the warning back in the 1980's here in New Zealand where he carried out a lot of his ministry. I've shared his information with many since then with the same response of disbelief. Technology has caught up with prophecy. This One World Order and cashless society is about to come upon us very soon. Praise the Lord for Barry Smith.
@@lynxeffect84 no brother oct 7th 2020 trump did peace deal was the start.danirl 9 .27.. it's about 3 years till the first trumpet but we are going through the four horsemen we are at the 2nd going to the third.. bless Barry smith & you too brother ...6th trumpet is the sixth seal and plagues its say so quite clearly in the 6th trumpet
Praise the Lord for Barry. He was speaking over 3 nights . First night my eoldest son was saved, second night my middle son and his fiancée. Third night me. We have never looked back. Over 30 years ago. Thank you Barry for being such a wonderful servant.
I was thinking about Barry Smith whilst at work this morning @ 6:25am on the 01/11/2021. I saw him speaking @ The Rock in Wellington when I was 30. I believed him then and still so today. I'm 54. I just downloaded this series.
I've always called the GST the get stuffed tax.. I first heard pastor Barry preach in the early 1980s. It's a beautiful thing that this age proves the accuracy of the the living Word😇 🇦🇺🙋♂️🇦🇺
Wow wish I discovered Barry Smith and listened to him much earlier as He has the best articulation of this last days in the most Biblical relevant revelational context Wish all real church leaders teach this most significant knowledge of God The Bible already prophesied "The harvest is plentiful the labour is few"...
There are so many so called Churches today that preach another Gospel , we need another reformation , and then maybe we will have sound doctrine taught in the Churches once again ! .
The chances of us hearing this from the mainstream churches is very slim to nil due to the fact that they benefited from the government,how so?in the form of tax rebate to its members i believe.scriptures tells us to trust the Lord not man ,amen?
@@kafoapenjueli.penjueli8916 Spot on Kafoa , Money is far more important to them the truth , they have sold us the people out for gain . In 1662 came the act of Uniformity ,suppressing by force all diversity of religious opinions , and imposing the Common Book of Prayer , " This is the COE I am talking about " , and reviving for this purpose the whole terrible penal laws of preceding reigns , , this was to take effect from the feast day of St .Bartholomew in 1662the day of a former well known massacre of Protestants in Paris and other French cities .the 25 of Aug.1572 a hundred yrs previous when more then 2,000 conscientious minister were silenced, ejected from their pulpits and thrown into persecution and poverty . For these men to preach , or conduct public worship was made a penal offence against the State . These brave men would preach any where the people were in fields , barns and houses and it was nothing but the Gospel , and if they continued to preach the word of God .,For the first or second offence they were thrown into Jail , the third they were transported ,for 7 years , and in case of escape or return it was death without benefit of clergy , and we think we have it Bad ! there is a lot worse to follow sad to say .Cheers and God Bless !.
As a young Christian many years ago I was introduced to Barry’s books and attended his meetings when he visited Sydney. I acquired many of his videos as well. He was a great man of God and a great teacher and I learnt so much from him.
This is the last Part 3 of these videos If you want to know more about the New World Order than you should listen to this interview! This interviewer gives alot more info than anyone I know!!! Check it out - pray and prepare
Im watching his interviews part 1 ,2and 3 again and again and I wondered why these 3 interviews only viewed a few thousands where as I believed,it should’ve been watched or viewed by at least millions if not billions,how sad .just dawned to me that the so called christians are still asleep and not watching and unprepared like the five foolish virgins and missed the wedding,they came later but it’s too late, can you imagine missing out on the wedding supper after years of waiting?
He spoke about more than just what your seeing, cable tv use show him during the 90s then the show stopped. He talked about the mailitia army employed in America and other countries.
@@LibbySlaughter101 It's building towards it. Peace treaties are signed over time, incorporating more and more countries. He's right, it's not THE peace treaty but it's heading in that direction.
....his wifes name is MAY ..i don't know her samoan surname...but she is the aunty of all black legend..Micheal Jones......Mike use to come with Barry and accompanied his uncle Barry on-stage aswel during his 7day seminars on "The End Times." ...i was there in 1990 Auckland Christian Church Glen Eden as a young man.(i have all his books.)
Wow, I love the explanation of the cap stone! I believe the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven as a pyramid (Revelation 21:16) If you're expecting the Messiah to come back to rule, then you will be deceived by satan who transforms himself into an angel of light. When Christ comes back the 2nd time, His feet will not touch the ground. He calls His people from their graves and they are resurrected (this is the 1st resurrection) then those who are Christ's and still alive will be caught up with them to meet the LORD in the air; then the earth is destroyed by fire (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 2 Peter 3:3-13) The Millennium (thousand years) is spent in heaven not on earth, then Jesus comes back the 3rd time the resurrection of the wicked will occur,(2nd resurrection) and God will execute judgement on satan and his angels; and the wicked. Then comes the 2nd death, eternal destruction. (Revelation chapter 20) Then the earth is made new (Eden restored) and God dwells with man for eternity. (Revelation 21 and 22)
HOLY BIBLE - The Narrow Ancient Way🕊🔥 🔴Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil/ UPHOLD. (not abolished thats why the world is so lawless) 🔴Matt 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 🔴Matt 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 🔴Matt 7:22-23 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the COMMANDMENTS of Elohim AND have the Testimony of Yahushua Messiah. Shabbat Shalom 👂🔊Obey His, YHWH Commandments. Salvation is first step but not to live lawless, but return to the Father, right living and His Appointed Feasts. Instructions He created for us. Pray & Seek, in Yahushua name above all names. Shabbat Shalom🙏🏻 🕊🔥
God says he will bring his people back together, so where will they be in then if not in Israel? I think you may be confusing the zionists who rule the world (those who say they are jews and are not), and those of jewish blood who do move to Isreal.
at 25m 30s Barry said that the deliverer will be a Jew by quoting Isaiah from the Old Testament. The New Testament says that Abrahams seed is Jesus Christ and we all know that Jesus Christ is the deliverer. Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus Christ walked the earth and it should not be used to predict future end-time events as Barry as done because it has already been fulfilled. We must use the NT to interpret OT prophecies as they always clarify them. Most Christians don't do that which is why so many people get end-time prophecy wrong. Gal 3:16 - Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Gal 3:29 - And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Believers in Jesus Christ are Abrahams seed. Watch - Revelation 1-22 verse by verse from Steven Anderson for an inspired end-time teaching.
Matthew 24:4 yes Barry Smith said that as well, Jesus Christ will come back again it is prophesied in Revalations and yes Jesus’ life and death was prophesied Isaiah in chapter 3, what is your point. All prophesies will be fulfilled at Armageddon when finally comes back to take the world away from Satan and the evil antichrist.
Revelations points to the Roman apostate system , The whore that sits upon the waters . drunk with the blood of the Saints , the Roman System has slaughtered millions of peoples down through the ages , the Spanish Inquisition for one , history is full of their committed atrocities against the true Church of God because they would not bow the knee to the Roman System , and its in the process of rising up again , its now called the One world Church , where all faiths are meeting together regardless of what or who they believe in , for as the old pope tells them , there is only one God he just has different names . This is Heresy and will take you to hell , Keep well away from them if you know what's good for you ! .
Slight slip up. Going on Biblical chronology, the pyramids would not have been built 5000 years as that would be a pre-flood world. So maybe about 4000 years ago which is when Abraham lived.
Actually, greg furtier, by looking at your channel it's obvious you are deep into occult and humanism (a branch of occultism). It's obvious you are here as an instigator.
I like Barry, but hes wrong on the Gospel! You can give your life to Jesus all you like, but unless you accept that he died for your sins, until you accept that your sins have been washed in his blood, there is no Salvation. Salvation is a free gift , you only need to trust in Jesus to receive Salvation and eternal life.
I used to go to all Barry’s meetings when he visited Australia in the eighties and the nineties. He always preached salvation by grace only and sometimes over a hundred people would respond to his altar call for salvation. Most people that were saved under Barry’s teaching became strong Christians.
@@suej9329 You have to be the called by the Father into the Kingdom , many people who have walked down the Isle are no longer Christians , and are those who just got caught up in the moment . Romans 8. and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God , to them that are Called according to His purpose , Moreover whom He did foreknow He also did Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of His Son , that He might be the first born among many Brethren . Moreover whom He did Predestinate them He also CALLED , and whom He CALLED He also justified , and whom He justified them He also Glorified . What shall we say to these things ? , If God be for us who can be against us !.
@david mathiesen I used to go and listen to Barry Smith when I was a young Christian , he made a lot of sense then , but what he said used to frighten the life out of me , as a full blown Christian I trust Jesus Christ in and for everything , Cheers and God Bless !.
@david mathiesen There is only One way to salvation and that's through Faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation , for its by Grace you are saved through faith and this is not of yourselves but is a gift from God , and not of works so that no man should boast !.
This man changed my life at 19 years of age , I am now 41 and watching this again 20 years later it has all come true.
Yes it has! Cant wait for the Return of Christ Jesus! The Messiah, the Savior, the Redeemer, and the Lamb that was Slaughtered! Who was and is and is to come! Amen
Tis beautiful for sure of reminissing,... way back them days, & Amen.
Brother has just happened trump did the peace deal oct 7 2020
He was wrong about the I'd licensed though it's more than that
@@groundbreaker5525 was it a 7 year plan?
Barry Smith was a prophetic watchman in his time and season...many of his insights and revelations remain valid today...I became a born again Christian through his ministry and for that I will be forever thankful
I first heard Barry Smith speak at the Hamilton AOG in 1986. His message was mind-blowing. It was the first time that I had heard of the New World Order, the Freemason's role, the symbols and significance on the American dollar. It was the first time I realised that God was the 'God of History'. From that point forward I started to look for God in my history. I understand have over the covid 19 epidemic here in New Zealand 2020 been checking out prophecy significant to us. To have Barry Smith on this site although 10years after publication - his closing korero, '...we thank you Lord, we do understand these things' I thank the Lord for using Barry Smith for opening me up to the immortal invisible the only God the omnipotent the omniscient the ever present God. I
The peace deal was just made, red heffer is ready to be sacrificed, the Abraham Accord from Trump put in place the One World Order.
@@lionessroar8762 No, no seven year peace treaty has been confirmed.
I remember as a new Christian going with the Church to his meetings , He preached on end times , and I have to say it used to frighten the life out of me , still does not do a lot for me , apart from seeing the day drawing nearer with each passing day , Cheers !.
I agree with Barry Smith. In Kenya we were encouraged to focus on tourism instead of agriculture (which was number 1 then).
Now in August 2020, with the Covid PLANDEMIC, many people are realising that we were duped. There are no international tourists and many people are being affected by the collapse of tourism.
After the easing of the first lockdown on our 2 biggest cities, people are moving to the village to start focusing on Agriculture to be self sufficient.
In addition to that, the terrible conflict we had after elections in 2007 that led to the resultant "peace-deal handshake" between the president and the opposition seems to fulfil the prophecy of the NWO. I'm glad I came across this man..
It’s 2020 and We needed Barry so badly
We have him here
He is with us in spirit. He was given the word to help save many who are blinded. I was blinded but now I am saved. Amen
We have the Holy Spirit, He will lead and guid us into all truth, not any man or woman. The same Holy Spirit that was working through him has not and never will leave us. Look to the Lord alone.
It's 2021 and we'll soon be meeting Barry again!
We need Jesus Christ and only He can give Eternal Life . Lets not make an Idol out of man regardless of how Godly inspired they are , that could be a Potential Trap we are all should try to avoid ! .
Barry Smith was a close friend of our family, I'll never forget his teachings at the age of 14 I am now 44 and still revert back to his teachings and videos. Everything he said has happened and still is happening.
Uncle Barry was a great evangelist.
The amount of people who made commitments at meetings in New Zealand was wonderful.
A very real man that loved people.
What happened to those people? NZ is so lost today
Praise God that the legacy of Barry’s teachings are available on these videos. I can hear Jesus saying to Barry on his arrival in Heaven, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
R.I.P. Barry Smith. Your books are so full of valuable information and I thank you so much for leaving them with us so that we may be aware and see what is taking place around us in these evil times and be prepared. God bless you and thank the Lord Jesus that you are with him this day.
If ever we need barry it's now
Anyone else here after watching Gary Abletts video?
Barry had been warning people over 40yr ago. About 35yr ago I read his 2 books and had all the VCRs I could get hold of. History has proven he was Very Spot On. I went to a seminar and in the very brief time I chatted to him. I found an incredibly sincere, truthful and Humble Man. That was Very Spot On.
His two books were 'Warning' and 'Second Warning'. He said the last book I intend to write will be when I get to Heaven it will be called 'I Told You So'! His sense of Humor was Very Spot On.
He would have finished it by now and I recon it would be Very Spot On- Lovely Man of God and God is Very Spot On.
So right you are. He was instrumental in my early Christian walk in understanding the book of Revelation, thirty odd years ago. He is the loveliest man.He had a marvelous wit. Loved his teaching & hope I meet him in the soon coming rapture event.
Thank you Ps Barry. 💚
Do you know where I can find his books for reasonable price?
@@Beencouraged777 The books probably out of print but I'll have a look around at home. Are you following anyone on YT that's into End Times?
@@Beencouraged777 Don't worry Sister, you won't need them 🙂 -
Several videos on UA-cam though
His meetings used to be packed out , if you got a seat you were blessed !.
Thank God for Barry! I used to watch his lectures back in the day with my family...amazing God given insight and a real love for God
Barry Smith woke me up to what's happening in the world over 30 years ago
Thank you Barry you are a God send, I can imagine you chatting to Jesus these days.
Barry is 100% correct.
Wonderful man of God so faithful in delivering this important message
I had the gift of seeing and hearing paster barry Smith in melbourne for five consecutive nights with my two young children barry talked about the end times of this world I was a new Christian then so blessed God directed me to Barry's message then x
If ever I heard a real prophet speak.very bold so many years ago and it is coming to pass right before our eyes.
I first learnt of the late Barry Smith and his ministry and his book the warning back in the 1980's here in New Zealand where he carried out a lot of his ministry. I've shared his information with many since then with the same response of disbelief. Technology has caught up with prophecy. This One World Order and cashless society is about to come upon us very soon. Praise the Lord for Barry Smith.
it is happenning soooon...covid 19...prepare the way for the Lord
I'm confused on a few things ... are we all going to be slaves to the new world order for the next 3.5 years until god returns ?
@@lynxeffect84 no brother oct 7th 2020 trump did peace deal was the start.danirl 9 .27.. it's about 3 years till the first trumpet but we are going through the four horsemen we are at the 2nd going to the third.. bless Barry smith & you too brother ...6th trumpet is the sixth seal and plagues its say so quite clearly in the 6th trumpet
@@groundbreaker5525 and what's the time frame from 1st to 6th trumpet ? What does it say after 6th trumpet ?
Praise the Lord for Barry. He was speaking over 3 nights . First night my eoldest son was saved, second night my middle son and his fiancée. Third night me. We have never looked back. Over 30 years ago. Thank you Barry for being such a wonderful servant.
I was thinking about Barry Smith whilst at work this morning @ 6:25am on the 01/11/2021. I saw him speaking @ The Rock in Wellington when I was 30. I believed him then and still so today. I'm 54. I just downloaded this series.
this is GREAT teaching, thank you, amazing TRUTH , prophetic, connecting the dots, we SEE it now
And Barry Smith is one of the very very few
I would like to know what Barry would think about what is happening now
probably along the lines of what you're thinking too.
Barry Smith is a Legend of the heart and mind.
I've always called the GST the get stuffed tax.. I first heard pastor Barry preach in the early 1980s. It's a beautiful thing that this age proves the accuracy of the the living Word😇
What a Legend... Saw him in Adelaide, Australia in 1983...
I seen him in Taupo NZ 1999 was a significant time bless you Barry and thankyou for all you stood for and sharing with the world true man of God xx
I got saved in Newcastle Australia at Barry Smith seminar 1993 hear we are in 2021 and the Lord is risen and coming back soon see you there Barry
Awesome truth Barry Smith
Wow wish I discovered Barry Smith and listened to him much earlier as He has the best articulation of this last days in the most Biblical relevant revelational context Wish all real church leaders teach this most significant knowledge of God The Bible already prophesied "The harvest is plentiful the labour is few"...
There are so many so called Churches today that preach another Gospel , we need another reformation , and then maybe we will have sound doctrine taught in the Churches once again ! .
The chances of us hearing this from the mainstream churches is very slim to nil due to the fact that they benefited from the government,how so?in the form of tax rebate to its members i believe.scriptures tells us to trust the Lord not man ,amen?
@@kafoapenjueli.penjueli8916 Spot on Kafoa , Money is far more important to them the truth , they have sold us the people out for gain . In 1662 came the act of Uniformity ,suppressing by force all diversity of religious opinions , and imposing the Common Book of Prayer , " This is the COE I am talking about " , and reviving for this purpose the whole terrible penal laws of preceding reigns , , this was to take effect from the feast day of St .Bartholomew in 1662the day of a former well known massacre of Protestants in Paris and other French cities .the 25 of Aug.1572 a hundred yrs previous when more then 2,000 conscientious minister were silenced, ejected from their pulpits and thrown into persecution and poverty . For these men to preach , or conduct public worship was made a penal offence against the State . These brave men would preach any where the people were in fields , barns and houses and it was nothing but the Gospel , and if they continued to preach the word of God .,For the first or second offence they were thrown into Jail , the third they were transported ,for 7 years , and in case of escape or return it was death without benefit of clergy , and we think we have it Bad ! there is a lot worse to follow sad to say .Cheers and God Bless !.
Superior quality broadcasting! Barry's presentation and presence is uniquely captured here ; KUDOS TO U, with many blessings for your witness :))
this is valuable informations.. all coming to reality.. thanks to this Revelation TV
As a young Christian many years ago I was introduced to Barry’s books and attended his meetings when he visited Sydney. I acquired many of his videos as well. He was a great man of God and a great teacher and I learnt so much from him.
R.I.P. Barry
Brilliant. Thank you.
Its all coming to pass
President Moi 🇰🇪 is one man who understood the world
This is the last Part 3 of these videos
If you want to know more about the New World Order than you should listen to this interview! This interviewer gives alot more info than anyone I know!!! Check it out - pray and prepare
Im watching his interviews part 1 ,2and 3 again and again and I wondered why these 3 interviews only viewed a few thousands where as I believed,it should’ve been watched or viewed by at least millions if not billions,how sad .just dawned to me that the so called christians are still asleep and not watching and unprepared like the five foolish virgins and missed the wedding,they came later but it’s too late, can you imagine missing out on the wedding supper after years of waiting?
He spoke about more than just what your seeing, cable tv use show him during the 90s then the show stopped. He talked about the mailitia army employed in America and other countries.
thanks to Barry Smith you mean!
Watched Barry when I was 19 now I'm 51 I'm recapping how fukced we are for sure.
Its not changed your language much has it ?, what a shame ! .
Peace treaty between Israel and Arabs 2020
No that's not it. Must be a seven year peace treaty.
@@LibbySlaughter101 It's building towards it. Peace treaties are signed over time, incorporating more and more countries. He's right, it's not THE peace treaty but it's heading in that direction.
He speak Samoan wowwww
....his wifes name is MAY ..i don't know her samoan surname...but she is the aunty of all black legend..Micheal Jones......Mike use to come with Barry and accompanied his uncle Barry on-stage aswel during his 7day seminars on "The End Times."
...i was there in 1990 Auckland Christian Church Glen Eden as a young man.(i have all his books.)
He’s not outrageous at all. It’s all coming to pass.
Just became real few days ago
Friends listen too the recording Myron Fagan. The illumnati.
Wow, I love the explanation of the cap stone! I believe the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven as a pyramid (Revelation 21:16)
If you're expecting the Messiah to come back to rule, then you will be deceived by satan who transforms himself into an angel of light. When Christ comes back the 2nd time, His feet will not touch the ground. He calls His people from their graves and they are resurrected (this is the 1st resurrection) then those who are Christ's and still alive will be caught up with them to meet the LORD in the air; then the earth is destroyed by fire (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 2 Peter 3:3-13)
The Millennium (thousand years) is spent in heaven not on earth, then Jesus comes back the 3rd time the resurrection of the wicked will occur,(2nd resurrection) and God will execute judgement on satan and his angels; and the wicked. Then comes the 2nd death, eternal destruction. (Revelation chapter 20) Then the earth is made new (Eden restored) and God dwells with man for eternity. (Revelation 21 and 22)
HOLY BIBLE - The Narrow Ancient Way🕊🔥
🔴Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil/ UPHOLD. (not abolished thats why the world is so lawless)
🔴Matt 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
🔴Matt 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
🔴Matt 7:22-23 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the COMMANDMENTS of Elohim AND have the Testimony of Yahushua Messiah. Shabbat Shalom
👂🔊Obey His, YHWH Commandments. Salvation is first step but not to live lawless, but return to the Father, right living and His Appointed Feasts. Instructions He created for us. Pray & Seek, in Yahushua name above all names. Shabbat Shalom🙏🏻 🕊🔥
He came to Fiji and told us about the new world order
They are not the real Jews in Israel! They came from the Caucasus mountains
God says he will bring his people back together, so where will they be in then if not in Israel? I think you may be confusing the zionists who rule the world (those who say they are jews and are not), and those of jewish blood who do move to Isreal.
at 25m 30s Barry said that the deliverer will be a Jew by quoting Isaiah from the Old Testament.
The New Testament says that Abrahams seed is Jesus Christ and we all know that Jesus Christ is the deliverer. Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus Christ walked the earth and it should not be used to predict future end-time events as Barry as done because it has already been fulfilled. We must use the NT to interpret OT prophecies as they always clarify them. Most Christians don't do that which is why so many people get end-time prophecy wrong.
Gal 3:16 - Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Gal 3:29 - And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Believers in Jesus Christ are Abrahams seed.
Watch - Revelation 1-22 verse by verse from Steven Anderson for an inspired end-time teaching.
Matthew 24:4 yes Barry Smith said that as well, Jesus Christ will come back again it is prophesied in Revalations and yes Jesus’ life and death was prophesied Isaiah in chapter 3, what is your point. All prophesies will be fulfilled at Armageddon when finally comes back to take the world away from Satan and the evil antichrist.
Revelations points to the Roman apostate system , The whore that sits upon the waters . drunk with the blood of the Saints , the Roman System has slaughtered millions of peoples down through the ages , the Spanish Inquisition for one , history is full of their committed atrocities against the true Church of God because they would not bow the knee to the Roman System , and its in the process of rising up again , its now called the One world Church , where all faiths are meeting together regardless of what or who they believe in , for as the old pope tells them , there is only one God he just has different names . This is Heresy and will take you to hell , Keep well away from them if you know what's good for you ! .
19:28 Trump did the peace treaty between Israel(Jews)and sudan (Arabe) 😮
A classic example of reading into the text
Such as? What are these examples?
What about revelations 2:9?? Those who say they are but are not and are the S. O. Seitan.
Slight slip up. Going on Biblical chronology, the pyramids would not have been built 5000 years as that would be a pre-flood world.
So maybe about 4000 years ago which is when Abraham lived.
19:50 Gaza/Israel Jan 2025
Time of the gentiles, I don't think that applies to us who's identity is in Christ.
I think Barry Smith has gone of the rails.
too much truth to swallow there greg?
Actually, greg furtier, by looking at your channel it's obvious you are deep into occult and humanism (a branch of occultism). It's obvious you are here as an instigator.
@@ML-ov7wo not really
@@ML-ov7wo Agreed
I like Barry, but hes wrong on the Gospel! You can give your life to Jesus all you like, but unless you accept that he died for your sins, until you accept that your sins have been washed in his blood, there is no Salvation. Salvation is a free gift , you only need to trust in Jesus to receive Salvation and eternal life.
He actually says that in the second video.
I used to go to all Barry’s meetings when he visited Australia in the eighties and the nineties. He always preached salvation by grace only and sometimes over a hundred people would respond to his altar call for salvation. Most people that were saved under Barry’s teaching became strong Christians.
@@suej9329 You have to be the called by the Father into the Kingdom , many people who have walked down the Isle are no longer Christians , and are those who just got caught up in the moment . Romans 8. and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God , to them that are Called according to His purpose , Moreover whom He did foreknow He also did Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of His Son , that He might be the first born among many Brethren . Moreover whom He did Predestinate them He also CALLED , and whom He CALLED He also justified , and whom He justified them He also Glorified . What shall we say to these things ? , If God be for us who can be against us !.
@david mathiesen I used to go and listen to Barry Smith when I was a young Christian , he made a lot of sense then , but what he said used to frighten the life out of me , as a full blown Christian I trust Jesus Christ in and for everything , Cheers and God Bless !.
@david mathiesen There is only One way to salvation and that's through Faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation , for its by Grace you are saved through faith and this is not of yourselves but is a gift from God , and not of works so that no man should boast !.