This song is forever stuck to him it played the other day in dallas and thought diego and i wasnt born til the 90s but this guy i saw tapes from my grandma and was like wow
@@jewviking I am speaking of him as a footballer - nothing else. I suppose if you always look for the negative, you will typically find it, happy hunting.
His speech after his last game before his retirement says it all. He said that the football can never be tarnished and that it's sacred. Maradona lived, breathed and loved football.
Los jueguitos, dormirla en la cabeza, la canción, el bailecito, el trotecito, la manera de pegar los saltitos, el movimiento de la cabeza, el peinado, los shorts, los cordones desatados, todo al ritmo de la música, todo fue icónico y él todavía no era consciente de que estaba actuando una escena histórica. Tremendo.
@@shanky1751 Messi played in an era that routinely sent off players for bad tackles. He has - thankfully - been protected for his whole career. Maradona was regularly kicked to bits most of his career. The tackle from behind was fair game etc.
Maradonna was the best. Not only was he s good friend, he was always such a genuine, helpful guy. I used to be with him almost every day. He had helped so many less fortunate people, but no one saw that side of him. Rip my Good friend.
I was a teenage player in an European football club when Maradona was warming up for that game. He was everyone's hero back then. There's only one number 10 in history.
I truly hope he has found the peace he was seeking and didn’t find in life. In a hundred years from now, when I’m long gone, when we all are, his name will still be searched and someone will be reading this message
I not really think he hated his life mybe somethimes chaotic but the guy was a God and appreciate the ppl loved him. It`s too bad he lost himself in the coke and wanted to have a blast everyday hehehe He s still a legend no matter what the guy was unique and only in once in a while you get ppl like Maradona in their sport just as boxing was with Mike Tyson and other legends in the sport or wathever take off life, you got these one of kind ppl who impacted our lifes! For me Maradona was my childhood hero and when play soccer I was thinking about him and try to be like him! But I had many heros mybe if was an adult mybe I wouldn t be so mesmorized by him but you cannot deny his talents and his dedication for his sport and how unique he was making his country WC almost on his own! He was special Don Diego Maradona 10🙏☝❤
This is exactly why he is "el mas grande". Not only an outstanding talent, but pure joy, like a kid. It wasn't a business, it wasn't about money. He enjoyed himself and loved people having fun. El Diez. Gracias Diego. ❤️
This was a time where not many people had seen someone manipulate a ball like this. The fans are loving it and the opposition must’ve been intimidated by seeing such a talent. What a player.
Leggenda del calcio mondiale, Sei l'idolo degli Argentini, un Dio per i Napoletani, un mito per gli Italiani. Non ti dimenticheremo mai Diego. RIP PIBE DE ORO
When he was doing that and living in those moments that time He was thinking on his game, his warm-up, the big tournament, maybe his strategy. He wasn't aware that those moments will become immortal and forever be cherished as legend's warm-up and watched millions of times over and over again and over so many decades. What a legend! His perfection, his stature is result of sheer focus, endless hardwork and determination.
He’s literally dancing with the ball 🤣 What an incredible player. I’m gutted he was wayyyy before my time but I’m glad we have UA-cam to watch his highlights and documentaries. Legendary figure of football 👏🏻
@@cabj10 Nah Messi is better, its not true that Messi built his career of of other players,he had Ronaldinho on his team sure but you forget that he went from a small Argentinian team to Barcalona when he was about 16. I must admit that Maradona was a great player but Messi outweighs him on every level.
@@Alien_Messi1900 He left at 13 and Newell's is not a small team. Maradona carried average teams at the club and national team level. Messi always played alongside football royalty. Maradona was on a different level.
What a show… He was such a show. I happened to be in Napoli the very day he arrived in town. People there were crazy about it! He was meant for Napoli. Perfect marriage. Seeing this Art master piece of warm-up I get very emotional. I’m in tears… Hello Naples, hello Argentina.
Es así para nosotros también este año Napoli gana el Scudetto, D10s ganó el último aquí y la melancolía y la tristeza de no poder celebrar con él es muy grande Forza Argentina y Forza Napoli siempre... somos un solo pueblo solo nosotros Te entendemos y solo tu nos entiendes...❤❤❤
Eu sou brasileiro moro no rio de janeiro no bairro de bangu sou Mengão mais meu ídolo no futebol sempre foi DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA MEU ETERNO CAMISA 10 ÍDOLO MAIOR✊
@@simoneapolis081 Diego sempre lutou contra a injustiça. Sou Brasileiro e entendo o motivo dele escolher o Napoli para jogar contra o norte da Italia. ✊️
@@MrCucaisme grande ! E devi sapere che noi Napoletani e i meridionali in generale quelli che conosco la vera storia del FALSO risorgimento non ci sentiamo italiani !!!! Falsa unità d'italia a noi ci hanno rubato tutto ! I Savoia piemontesi con l aiuto degli inglesi e degli sporchi soldi ebrei della famiglia Rothshild( la famiglia ebrea oggi piu ricca e potente al mondo) .... guidati dal bandito mercenario farabutto Garibaldi... il ladro dei due mondi al soldo inglese.... Con la falsa unità d Italia noi siamo diventati colonia ... e da lì milioni di meridionali sono emigrati in America.... o migrante o BRIGANTE si diceva ... quando fu fatta l unità d Italia dopo il nostro genocidio... festeggiarono a Londra ! Garibaldi nato a Nizza e cresciuto a Liverpool ... un venduto bastardo che in sud America gli tagliarono le orecchie perché ladro di cavalli... ✊🏽
االاسطورة بلا منازع (رقم 1 لن اشاهد متله) ولن تشاهدوا متله.اكيد .خلق ليكون على عمر 18سنة .قبطان الارجنتين وما ادراك ما الارجنتين .يايايايا. وبموت مرادونا دهبت كرة القدم للحضيض
OMG! Can you imagine the amount of training and hardwork this Man put into his football? He is truly once in a lifetime! A Football Immortal for ever! Thank you Diego! We miss you, we shall never forget you!!
Probably less than most footballers. In Argentina and Brazil people enjoy playing as kids with friends. It's's not like the rest of the world. Everything is a lot more natural and casual. We'll, at least it used to be up until probably 15 years ago.
Maybe we can't really imagine how great it is when a one single person is blessed with sincere respect and love from France, Ethiopia, Japan, USA, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Morocco... or any small or big country in the entire earth and even, maybe one day if we ever connect earth to any existing aliens, they'd show the same amount of love and respect to this LEGEND. RIP Maradona.
The best player ever even though he broke my heart with the handball in the world cup then he scored probably the best world cup goals ever in the same match
@@jaoe821215166 que estupidez esa jaja, estamos hablando del mejor JUGADOR, todos saben lo que hizo con SU VIDA pero como dicen "no importa lo que hayas hecho con tu vida sino con la mia" Pele era muy bueno pero que se deje de contar goles de su casa..
I'm here after Leo did what he did. Argentina were so lucky for having DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA AND THEN LIONEL MESSI. Thank you MESSSSSSIIIIIII I LOVE YOU GOAT
Truly so inspiring if anyone knows who plays football knows how hard some of these tricks are and how effortlessly he does it makes me think life is worth living to see someone so gifted
Ho visto 3-4 volte Udinese-Napoli negli anni di Zico e Maradona. Quello che fa in questo riscaldamento lo ripereva spesso in quegli anni. Si tifava Zico ed Edinho ma in quei momenti i nostri occhi erano tutti per Maradona: il più grande di tutti.
Allenarsi, palleggiare come faceva solo lui e ballare contemporaneamente è la cosa più bella che possa aver visto nello sport! Iconico, resta per sempre! 💥🎶
One of the most fascinating clips you will ever see of any sports person alive or not doing pre game warm up . Totally relaxed , totally at ease . Absolutely amazing
No existe ni existirá una persona que juegue tan bien a la pelota. Éste ser no jugaba al fútbol, éste jugaba a la pelota. El que jugó en Potrero sabe lo que hablo.
Como se extrañan esos cordones desatadosss!!!!!! Parece que la canción la hayan hecho para él!!!! Entrenaba al compás de la música...el mas grande de todos los tiempos!!!
What a legend he was is and will always be 😭😭😭 RIP Legend 😭😭😭 We all love you because you were are and will always be the GREATEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD 🌎😭😭😭
Most iconic warm up in football history
This song is forever stuck to him it played the other day in dallas and thought diego and i wasnt born til the 90s but this guy i saw tapes from my grandma and was like wow
@@KingNerdius6993i was only born in 2005 and the song made me think of him when it came on tv
the best there EVER was is and ever will be
Maradona the real goat 🐐🐐⚽⚽
@@joshuakurtstern6041 ofc...
Maradona’s warmup technique, control, touch and relationship with the football is better than most footballers careers. He was an absolute genius.
Imagine a footballer so popular in this world that even he warming up was so watchable like this .
I think it's more about his talent than popularity
The man was 100% in love with the beautiful game, and it loved him right back.
Peoples have to like good peoples. very famous legend, very bad he left our world. he very liked Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and maybe many other
@@jewviking I am speaking of him as a footballer - nothing else. I suppose if you always look for the negative, you will typically find it, happy hunting.
His speech after his last game before his retirement says it all. He said that the football can never be tarnished and that it's sacred. Maradona lived, breathed and loved football.
He was not made for football...Football was made for him, LEGENDARY
the best footballer in history of the world
messi better
@@bigmikeolan4154Pelé better
Coglopne che CIAO SCRIVI fpezzp di sxemo
@@michelleper5065 messi >
This is the best and most iconic football warm up of all time.
Los jueguitos, dormirla en la cabeza, la canción, el bailecito, el trotecito, la manera de pegar los saltitos, el movimiento de la cabeza, el peinado, los shorts, los cordones desatados, todo al ritmo de la música, todo fue icónico y él todavía no era consciente de que estaba actuando una escena histórica. Tremendo.
Esto es perfección en todos los sentidos
Tv v {£¥¥ ñk
Las imágenes que nos quedan de Diego son dignas del mejor cine.
@@Apokomes az yeterli bu
The most iconic moment in football history.....maradona is the best
I was in Neapel two years ago ... and he's still so present Everywhere
His warm ups are better than most players careers ⚔️🏴
yup... finally someone has said this!
Maradona: THE TEAM
Everybody else: Needs a team.
@@ceciliaolivieri5395you’re joking right?
@@willxiamm9849Of course not. The joke is your question
@@ceciliaolivieri5395 Deja de decir pelotudeces jajaja sabes cuantos años jugó Messi al futbol y maradona no jugo ni la mitad de años que jugo leo
I don't care what the rest of the world says, how great Messi is, but Diego is still the best.
Messi is objectively better though
Facts dont care about your feelings
Warra UCL for maradona😂
@@shanky1751 Messi played in an era that routinely sent off players for bad tackles. He has - thankfully - been protected for his whole career. Maradona was regularly kicked to bits most of his career. The tackle from behind was fair game etc.
If Messi took one challenge Maradonna did he'd been on a sick bed for 12 years crying. Must be a new fan @@shanky1751
Maradona is that guy that makes warm ups more entertaining than the match
Excelente comentario
Your comment it is seriously beautiful.
This man was overflowing with charisma. No one in any field, not even Elvis and Bruce Lee, could match his charisma.
Cuánta envidia le tengo toda la gente de la tribuna que presenciaron ese épico momento
Lo mismo digo
enviada 🤪
cuanta envidia le tengo a la pelota
Yo hubiese querido ver el gol del siglo
Sei un grande sei uno di me viva il calcio ..e lo sport non di raccomandati oh
Dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en iyi futbolcusu.
Maradonna was the best.
Not only was he s good friend, he was always such a genuine, helpful guy. I used to be with him almost every day. He had helped so many less fortunate people, but no one saw that side of him.
Rip my Good friend.
I was a teenage player in an European football club when Maradona was warming up for that game. He was everyone's hero back then. There's only one number 10 in history.
I truly hope he has found the peace he was seeking and didn’t find in life. In a hundred years from now, when I’m long gone, when we all are, his name will still be searched and someone will be reading this message
He's dead
So it’s about you then
I not really think he hated his life mybe somethimes chaotic but the guy was a God and appreciate the ppl loved him. It`s too bad he lost himself in the coke and wanted to have a blast everyday hehehe He s still a legend no matter what the guy was unique and only in once in a while you get ppl like Maradona in their sport just as boxing was with Mike Tyson and other legends in the sport or wathever take off life, you got these one of kind ppl who impacted our lifes! For me Maradona was my childhood hero and when play soccer I was thinking about him and try to be like him! But I had many heros mybe if was an adult mybe I wouldn t be so mesmorized by him but you cannot deny his talents and his dedication for his sport and how unique he was making his country WC almost on his own! He was special Don Diego Maradona 10🙏☝❤
No doubt about that
: DIEGO, Your home. Argentina 🇦🇷
The god of football himself . Greetings from Ghana 🇬🇭 🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭 Rest well Don Diego !!!
3 years gone, but legends never die! Thanks Diego from Scotland 🏴🤝🇦🇷 ⚽️10
The cuteness in doing all these masterful movements with shoes untied. Loved him, absolute legend.
Usually, it's very hard for me to start crying, but whenever I watch this video, tears fall down by themselves... Rest in peace Diego.
Me pasa lo mismo, es la emoción de ver lo perfecto creo.
This is exactly why he is "el mas grande".
Not only an outstanding talent, but pure joy, like a kid. It wasn't a business, it wasn't about money.
He enjoyed himself and loved people having fun.
El Diez.
Gracias Diego. ❤️
Yes, the word is Joy... It makes me tear up
No podría estar mas de acuerdo.
There will never be another footballer like him ever. Simply the greatest of all time.
This was a time where not many people had seen someone manipulate a ball like this. The fans are loving it and the opposition must’ve been intimidated by seeing such a talent. What a player.
Even in these days you hardly see a player control the ball like that
Diego's heart was a heart of a child, pure joy to watch him.
Leggenda del calcio mondiale, Sei l'idolo degli Argentini, un Dio per i Napoletani, un mito per gli Italiani. Non ti dimenticheremo mai Diego. RIP PIBE DE ORO
E qua ti sbagli..lui è il DIO anche per i non napoletani ❤️❤️❤️
grande jugador pero el no es Dio +
You were an Artist of the Ball ... we Always Love you ...... A Football Legend ... From Africa ➡️ Ethiopia 🇪🇹🇪🇹💚💛❤
Vvbb yhhhhhghgbbn hhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhh hbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggbgfdgffgvv fgvvb🚓🚓🚓🚑🚛🚛🚑🚐🦯🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔
Huhhjnnhhhhhhgn ugnghhhhjhmn hjnnnnnnjjhjjnb hgnhgnhhhhhhhhhnhhhhhhhjhhh jbnhhhhhhhhhhhbbbb yhhhhhjjjnnjjjjjjj jhhbkhuhjhhhbhh hbb hbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhnbhhjhnuhhhhh hbnhhhn hbnhhhhhhhh hhjnnnnnbbbbbbbbbbbbnnnnnnnbbbbbbbhhbnnbnbnvnmnmpqpqpqpqpqppqpqqpqqpqpqpqppppppphkf dmdnfnb. Uuuuuhhh uhhhhhhhbb. Uhhhhhhhhhhhbhbbbhhhbbbbvhbggfgvbvbb hggggggggghghhhh
@@jenistiuca492 bros mad that he cant do kick ups irl
When he was doing that and living in those moments that time He was thinking on his game, his warm-up, the big tournament, maybe his strategy. He wasn't aware that those moments will become immortal and forever be cherished as legend's warm-up and watched millions of times over and over again and over so many decades. What a legend! His perfection, his stature is result of sheer focus, endless hardwork and determination.
Hardwork? Not really. Obv you dont know Maradona
He’s literally dancing with the ball 🤣 What an incredible player. I’m gutted he was wayyyy before my time but I’m glad we have UA-cam to watch his highlights and documentaries.
Legendary figure of football 👏🏻
makes messi and ronaldo look like amateur kid league lolz
@@michelleper5065 No actually Messi wasn’t on drugs during warmup so he didn’t do things for show.
@@Alien_Messi1900 Maradona is the greatest player of all time. Messi needs great players around him to be great. Maradona made those around him great.
@@cabj10 Nah Messi is better, its not true that Messi built his career of of other players,he had Ronaldinho on his team sure but you forget that he went from a small Argentinian team to Barcalona when he was about 16. I must admit that Maradona was a great player but Messi outweighs him on every level.
@@Alien_Messi1900 He left at 13 and Newell's is not a small team. Maradona carried average teams at the club and national team level. Messi always played alongside football royalty. Maradona was on a different level.
Danzava con la palla anche durante le partite. Il più grande artista della storia del calcio.
Felicito a quién lo subió con el audio original del estadio.
He is a Legend.
His skills are at another level of football, the ball seem to be a part of his body. 👍
no, it doesn't "seem" to be a part of his body. IT IS a part of it.
@@daviddonayre2654 Hard to detached the ball when he got it.
@@npatton8079 lol right
His love and passion of soccer is unmatched RIP legend and thanks for the show that you gave to us!
@@theshadowl4 The naming is silly and all over the place. People can call it whatever they want
@@toututu2993 you are absolutely right, I'm gonna call you a Dumbass from now on :D
What a show… He was such a show. I happened to be in Napoli the very day he arrived in town. People there were crazy about it! He was meant for Napoli. Perfect marriage.
Seeing this Art master piece of warm-up I get very emotional. I’m in tears…
Hello Naples, hello Argentina.
Esse Maradona, era craque até nos treinos.
eterno Diego Maradona nunca será olvidado mejor jugador de todos los tiempos 🐐
When Italians mix music art with football art, Maradona, fans, stadium, the music, atmosphere, Italy is the paradise on earth
Unforgettable, nobody ever close to this genius for his combinarion of talent and personality on the pitch. Diego unico
Love Argentina and Maradona from 🇮🇳 India
El Diego, leyenda pelusa Peru entero te bancamos, llore por tu partida porque siempre fuiste humilde y de buen corazon.
Genius. Super glue between his body & ball. I don’t think anyone’s ever managed to reproduce this. Not even Ronaldinho
Nah, messi's glue is better than everyone.
Ffffffffffggggvavsfsvsvsvsvvbcggffgd fff gggfgggg hghbb hgggggdgdgddggddgdcdfcgff fgfgfgfggyyyyyyfgtygddd cvvvv
@@issi529 😂
@@abood_na7638 Facts.
It wouldnt surprise me if this song was playing during this warm up. He certainly lived life to the full.
The best player in the World for all times
I've never watched of minute of Maradona playing. But now I am fully conviced that he is one of the best players ever.
Gone, but not forgotten. A legend!
The God of football of all time,the best footballer football has ever produced,love you MARADONA forever.
80 mil ojos viendote sin pestañear en todo momento,lo que generaba diego era increible.
The greatest player of all time.
La reacción del publico viéndolo y riendo es espectacular. Todos viéndolo solamente a él. D10S.
Napoli es campeón y vengo a recordar esto, la verdad dios sepa que tanto te extrañamos señor 10
Melhor jogador de todos os tempos!! Dá-lhe Maradona!!!👊
Cómo se te extraña Dieguito, primer mundial sin vos, TE AMAMOS GENIO, estas en el corazón de todos los Argentinos 💙🇦🇷
Por siempre estará en mi corazón....el mejor de todos 😔
En el corazón de el mundo entero! 🤍
Maradona es tuyo, es mío, es nuestro, es de todos!
And neapolitans
Es así para nosotros también este año Napoli gana el Scudetto, D10s ganó el último aquí y la melancolía y la tristeza de no poder celebrar con él es muy grande Forza Argentina y Forza Napoli siempre... somos un solo pueblo solo nosotros Te entendemos y solo tu nos entiendes...❤❤❤
Vamos vamos argentins 🇦🇷💙from morroco 🇲🇦
Eu sou brasileiro moro no rio de janeiro no bairro de bangu sou Mengão mais meu ídolo no futebol sempre foi DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA MEU ETERNO CAMISA 10 ÍDOLO MAIOR✊
Idolo anche di Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho e Ronaldo il Fenomeno...
Ciao da Napoli.
@@simoneapolis081 Diego sempre lutou contra a injustiça. Sou Brasileiro e entendo o motivo dele escolher o Napoli para jogar contra o norte da Italia. ✊️
@@MrCucaisme grande ! E devi sapere che noi Napoletani e i meridionali in generale quelli che conosco la vera storia del FALSO risorgimento non ci sentiamo italiani !!!! Falsa unità d'italia a noi ci hanno rubato tutto ! I Savoia piemontesi con l aiuto degli inglesi e degli sporchi soldi ebrei della famiglia Rothshild( la famiglia ebrea oggi piu ricca e potente al mondo) .... guidati dal bandito mercenario farabutto Garibaldi... il ladro dei due mondi al soldo inglese....
Con la falsa unità d Italia noi siamo diventati colonia ... e da lì milioni di meridionali sono emigrati in America.... o migrante o BRIGANTE si diceva ... quando fu fatta l unità d Italia dopo il nostro genocidio... festeggiarono a Londra ! Garibaldi nato a Nizza e cresciuto a Liverpool ... un venduto bastardo che in sud America gli tagliarono le orecchie perché ladro di cavalli... ✊🏽
االاسطورة بلا منازع (رقم 1 لن اشاهد متله) ولن تشاهدوا متله.اكيد .خلق ليكون على عمر 18سنة .قبطان الارجنتين وما ادراك ما الارجنتين .يايايايا. وبموت مرادونا دهبت كرة القدم للحضيض
OMG! Can you imagine the amount of training and hardwork this Man put into his football? He is truly once in a lifetime! A Football Immortal for ever! Thank you Diego! We miss you, we shall never forget you!!
Probably less than most footballers. In Argentina and Brazil people enjoy playing as kids with friends. It's's not like the rest of the world. Everything is a lot more natural and casual. We'll, at least it used to be up until probably 15 years ago.
He’s more naturally gifted like Messi Ronaldo had to work harder I feal as was different kind of player
Training? This legend is pure natural talent that you can’t obtain with training.
The best warming up performance in all sports on the planet of Earth.
Maybe we can't really imagine how great it is when a one single person is blessed with sincere respect and love from France, Ethiopia, Japan, USA, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Morocco... or any small or big country in the entire earth and even, maybe one day if we ever connect earth to any existing aliens, they'd show the same amount of love and respect to this LEGEND. RIP Maradona.
Bro India also because he is the sole reason why kerala loves football ❤️
God blessed those present at the stadium to be able to see something like this!!!
The best player ever even though he broke my heart with the handball in the world cup then he scored probably the best world cup goals ever in the same match
U are the best .love to Maradona from Jordan 🇯🇴
Que en paz descanse
El más grande Diego Armando Maradona
Gracias por todo
Pero era un misogino y abandonó hijos, de que hablas, h dp
@@yotecreojuandarthes226 cierto y drogadicto por eso jamás era el mejor de la historia como Pelé
@@jaoe821215166 que estupidez esa jaja, estamos hablando del mejor JUGADOR, todos saben lo que hizo con SU VIDA pero como dicen "no importa lo que hayas hecho con tu vida sino con la mia"
Pele era muy bueno pero que se deje de contar goles de su casa..
@@yotecreojuandarthes226 Hablan de lo que hizo en la cancha, todos sabemos su vida
siempre grande diego, napoli te ama
Video que uno nunca se cansa de verlo
el mejor calentamiento de la historia, esa canción fue hecha para el Diego!!!
اشهر احماء في تاريخ كرة القدم
Cuando estoy algo bajoneada necesito ver a nuestro D10S más humano, por siempre Diego Maradona!!!
A genius of football. The best
Such a beautiful video... There is no one better...still not today....🤩
Two absolute icons, Maradona and the Adidas Tango.
Jogador incrível! inesquecível. precisamos de um estádio em nome de Maradona.
C'è, già a Napoli
@@Carlitostevez91 Gracias
Argentino Jr tem
Maradona was Magic
I'm here after Leo did what he did. Argentina were so lucky for having DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA AND THEN LIONEL MESSI. Thank you MESSSSSSIIIIIII I LOVE YOU GOAT
He was a true footie legend no shadow of doubt.
The Ball never loved a man, like she loved MARADONA
Este si es el mas grande de la historia del fútbol
Truly so inspiring if anyone knows who plays football knows how hard some of these tricks are and how effortlessly he does it makes me think life is worth living to see someone so gifted
Maradona en sincronia con la pelota con la gente con el baile con la musica con la vida!!
El mejor video de UA-cam!!
Ho visto 3-4 volte Udinese-Napoli negli anni di Zico e Maradona. Quello che fa in questo riscaldamento lo ripereva spesso in quegli anni. Si tifava Zico ed Edinho ma in quei momenti i nostri occhi erano tutti per Maradona: il più grande di tutti.
Marvelous!! Making impressive touches with the untied laces. Maradona is a legend. We will always remember you, Diego.
Diego querido, vos no eras un jugador de fútbol, vos fuiste mi superheroe.
When you see a guy throwing the ball 10 meters high up, and then sticking it to his lap like a magnet attracts iron, you know he is Maradona.
After watching this I am proud to say that this man is the god of football.
Genius , football was music and dance for him.
This video alone makes football special. Diego makes the game special
Allenarsi, palleggiare come faceva solo lui e ballare contemporaneamente è la cosa più bella che possa aver visto nello sport! Iconico, resta per sempre! 💥🎶
Yo amo el fútbol por estas cosas ❤️❤️ te quiero Diego y si la pudiera viviría como vos pero no tengo ese talento por lo tanto eres único y te extraño
How is possible that there is only ONE video complete of this MASTERPIECE in the whole internet (is not this one, of course)
Cualquier maravarismo de Diego es 100 veces mejor que toda la carrera de varios jugadores ❤
La mejor epoca de la seleccion de argentina pasando el nuevo milenio no pudo vivirlo Maradona
Aún me acuerdo del día que mi abuelo,me llevo a verlo ,y de eso han pasado casi 40 años
One of the most fascinating clips you will ever see of any sports person alive or not doing pre game warm up . Totally relaxed , totally at ease . Absolutely amazing
This video aged well as a sport and as an art.
لا تنجب الساحة المستديرة مثل
ماردوناا كم أنت رائع
عرااقي 🇮🇶يعشق الكرة الأرجنتينية
No existe ni existirá una persona que juegue tan bien a la pelota. Éste ser no jugaba al fútbol, éste jugaba a la pelota. El que jugó en Potrero sabe lo que hablo.
Hi! Argentinian here, 41 years old. When young I remember everyone wanted to be Maradonna! He was a real lider, reference and a celebrity for us.
Como se extrañan esos cordones desatadosss!!!!!! Parece que la canción la hayan hecho para él!!!! Entrenaba al compás de la música...el mas grande de todos los tiempos!!!
What a legend he was is and will always be 😭😭😭
RIP Legend 😭😭😭
We all love you because you were are and will always be the GREATEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD 🌎😭😭😭
Fantastic! Can`t believe I found this in HD!