I can always fall asleep easily, but every once and a while ill fall asleep, only sleep for one hour, and then not be able to sleep again for like 6 hours
@@Shanecus ohhh, man idk it's been a long time since I experienced a real long one, but I've definitely gone 48+ hours in my youth, these days I usually am able to fall asleep after 20 hours, whether I want to or not. and like Fly Guy I also experience the problem of waking up too early and not being tired again until 5-6 hours later...
Tell me about your case of insomnia or sleep troubles?
you already know my sleep troubles, man. lol
What was the longest time for you?
I can always fall asleep easily, but every once and a while ill fall asleep, only sleep for one hour, and then not be able to sleep again for like 6 hours
@@iguy533 Yea and then that hour just kind of resets you right?
@@Shanecus ohhh, man idk it's been a long time since I experienced a real long one, but I've definitely gone 48+ hours in my youth, these days I usually am able to fall asleep after 20 hours, whether I want to or not. and like Fly Guy I also experience the problem of waking up too early and not being tired again until 5-6 hours later...
your allergies kickin your ass?
No they have been okay ish