• @DiDiSpy
    @DiDiSpy 11 місяців тому +19

    One name,
    Diane Downs. “Someone shot my kids” Eventually her plan to do away with her beautiful kids was found out. So much evidence undeniably pointing towards her!
    Diane has never admitted her guilt. Just like Darlie. I feel for the families of these women.
    No one wants to see their adult child guilty of unbelievable violence like these women.

  • @jerrymarshall2095
    @jerrymarshall2095 2 роки тому +26

    Woman's a psychopath she's learned to mimic a humans emotions by studying their responses but her true self surfaced during this period and stress

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 Рік тому +26

    The thing about the Silly String video is that Darlie's happiness is believable but her sadness is not.

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 5 місяців тому +7

      Its a shocking video, any way you look at it. Ken says it doesnt prove her guilt and he didnt take it into consideration. However, her boys were savagely killed and it shows her character and her stupidity. Darin isnt laughing during it. It hows quite a bit! The PC thing to say is, its not proof. Well it sure doesnt help!

    • @donnyclark4056
      @donnyclark4056 2 місяці тому +1

      I sure can't argue with your point. The silly string video was very damning. But I still don't think that was what got her convicted. There was a lot of evidence and it all pointed to Darlie and no one else.
      I believe the jury convicted her based on that evidence. I also believe that the silly string video made them hate her after they were convinced she was guilty.
      It showed the jury how cold blooded she really is. She is absolutely a very very cold blooded person!

  • @jonnybcool2000
    @jonnybcool2000 11 місяців тому +16

    going to post this again ... First Darlie took a knife from the kitchen to cut the window screen, then put it back and grabbed a bigger knife to commit the crime. why would a killer put a knife back in the holder and grab another knife? Darlie then put a sock on her hand while she murdered her sons, then ran it down the street to drop it. The sock only had Devon and Damons blood on it. it had Darlie's and Darrin's DNA on it though, there's a difference. If Darlie was attacked like she said was there would have been her blood too. also why didn't the family dog start barking?. it took the investigators 4 mins walking back and forth, so she had plenty of time to run 3 houses down. why didn't the motion detector go off if the intruder ran in the back like she claimed?...She ran back and cut herself by the sink with her apposing arm to make it appear she was attacked by an intruder from behind, she then tried to clean up the sink with towels, but she notices Devon was still alive and stabbed him so hard again it went through the floor, that's why the knife got her blood on it and she got 2 cuts on her hand which she couldn't explain, if the intruder attacked her those would have been slashes on her hand not cuts... remember when the police arrived, they notice she was only using the towels for herself not the boys, there were several towels covered in blood by the sink which only had Darlie's blood on them.... She started staging the crime scene, and Darrin woke up when she broke the glass on the floor before she called 911, that's when the timeline started. she had lots of time to stage it. Darlie's blood and footprints were on the bottom of the broken glass too. Darlie's feet would have had cuts on them if the glass was broken during a struggle. where were the intruder's footprints? and why would an intruder murder those little boys so viciously first and then go after Darlie? her wounds were not as bad as she claims. those boys were butchered! Her neck wound did not require stiches, and she was only in ICU because the police wanted to question her without the press, her family allowed those pics to be taken. look closely at the pictures someone put her earrings back in after the nurse took all her jewelry off, that shows her vainness. Her family also violated a police gag order not to discuss the case, but Darlie kept talking to the press and they were the ones who invited the TV coverage of the funeral. after she was arrested, she wrote a letter from jail claiming to know who the intruder was, when confronted on the stand she admitted to lying about it. she also said on the stand she couldn't remember if she was attacked on the couch or by the sink? she also claimed to have fought with the intruder in one of her versions of the attack... Her story makes no sense. as of 2023 Darlie's new defense is trying to blame Darrin for some insurance scam. Darrin had a 200 thousand life insurance policy on her, the boys had 5 grand each on them. If Darrin really set her up, why wasn't she killed first? more money for him..... Her supporter's especially family members claim of a frame up and post constant lies about the case, they never ask for Justice for those little boys... there's so much more don't be fooled by Darlie she is monster and deserves no sympathy...

    • @lemonhead162
      @lemonhead162 2 місяці тому +1

      Also, her skin cells were found INSIDE that sock! That is extremely telling, but her "fans" will try justifying it by saying she folded the laundry, so that is why her skin cells would be inside the sock. What her and her supporters do is learn what evidence is against her, then make up some sort of justification for it.

  • @craigfinnegan8534
    @craigfinnegan8534 Рік тому +21

    The motive behind these murders seems horrifyingly clear to me. Darlie Routier was not just obsessed with material things (she was a shopaholic), she was also obsessed with herself as a material thing. As a little girl she was doted on by her own parents and grandparents as a prized possession, then from her early teen years her hot blonde looks got male attention as a sex object everywhere she went.
    However, at only 26, after three births and one miscarriage, both her finances and her beauty were in mortal danger because of the demands of motherhood, which she blamed not on her own choices in life but on her two innocent boys. Those things that were taken from her by becoming a mother were far more important to her than her children were, or the role of mother was to her. On the surface, Darlie Routier was loving towards those boys (with some disturbing lapses witnesses accounted during the sentencing phase of her trial). But Darlie had always lived her life on the surface of things...with a very different, dark reality hidden underneath.
    As motherhood eclipsed the deeply gratifying, self-centered rewards in her life, the little girl inside of her (who you can actually hear coming through her voice in her interviews) wanted revenge against the two boys as both saboteurs and rivals. Ultimately, she wanted to reclaim all the attention she was used to basking in since her own childhood but was increasingly forced to give up as her own children demanded the attention instead. That includes the attention she got from her doting husband Darin, who was clearly in a father role for her.
    Again, one also has to consider the attention she was used to pouring on herself. The huge quantity of material things Darlie was buying with the money from her husband's successful business wasn't just a fun pastime to her - it was the primary substitute for love that she'd become addicted to over a lifetime of only being loved on the surface of herself. It all makes tragic sense once it's understood that at the core of Darlie Routier was a pathologically selfish child herself, not a sane, responsible adult.
    Over time, that extreme narcissism - combined with treating everything in her life (including herself and her children) as material things - deteriorated into a psychosis underneath the surface. That's why the party she held at the boy's graves only a week after they were murdered (which showed how happy she was, which showed she was actually celebrating their deaths, not their births) has fascinated so many people since. It's because it exposed the psychotic in her that was divorced from all deeper human reality while elevating material things to a value far higher than human life.
    Officially, Darlie Routier never confessed to the murders of her two little boys. But unofficially her confession was recorded on video in her joyful emotions at the graves of her own children.

    • @jamesmcbeth4463
      @jamesmcbeth4463 Рік тому +5 it goes beyond her cavorting with silly string on her sons' grave. When she speaks about evil gossip she comes across as so self absorbed and then she stalks off camera angerily when Darin insults the killer, like she was offended. There's more to the video than just her inappropriate emotions.

    • @kimmyfreak200
      @kimmyfreak200 5 місяців тому +5

      @@jamesmcbeth4463 i literally just came from that video and both me and a relative said those same 2 things...this is how we know they invited the tv crew..u can tell it was all for show..and a vile one at that...1st u woulda seen the tv crew its right there, second u need permission/participation from the routiers to do a story and interview them... and her arm bruises where are they at that funeral..she out stretches her entire arm at many angles and the black down to the wrist bruise (the worst of the entire bruise) and forearm is not there..her neck scar is also completely healed... this was only 1 week for the neck wound and 4-5 days for what her supporters call WORST BRUISING OF ALL TIME..yeah they don't vanish that fast... this case is so unbelievably creepy..i hit my arm once in a bad fall had identical arm bruising all the way down and it took 3 weeks... yet her supporters say to get bruising like that you'd have to be in a huge brawl, not i took photos of my bruises too... only hit it ONCE

    • @steverobertson1729
      @steverobertson1729 4 місяці тому

      Your theory would make sense if she had killed ALL THREE of her kids. The fact that only two were killed means that theory is BUSTED. IF she wanted her old lifestyle back, she would have killed all 3. I keep pointing this out to people, and they never have a response for it. She had no motive for killing two of her three kids, that would accomplish NOTHING.

    • @Scorpio-unicorn14
      @Scorpio-unicorn14 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@steverobertson1729 she tried killing the baby a couple days earlier. I'm sure she would have tried again if she wasn't arrested. Thank God she was arrested when she was

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому

      ​@@steverobertson1729opportunity. If the baby was downstairs, he would have been kkilled too. If she would have gotten away with the first two, that baby's demise would come in time.

  • @DanSlaughter85
    @DanSlaughter85 Рік тому +15

    She's guilty AF. Always been guilty AF. I have no clue how anyone could see it any other way. I hope they still try her for Devon's murder or set a date already.

    • @bertrandlewis4906
      @bertrandlewis4906 9 місяців тому

      For Devon's murder the charge would be for capital murder multiple and the state would have to prove that she killed both of them

  • @jarjar0653
    @jarjar0653 3 роки тому +63

    Excellent, irrefutable analysis. Already suspected strongly she was guilty but now I’m sure. Thanks so much. Great work!!!

    • @bertrandlewis4906
      @bertrandlewis4906 2 роки тому +9

      The Forensic Files Episode Invisible Intruder confirms her guilt.

  • @lizgoldstein4256
    @lizgoldstein4256 Рік тому +15

    I’ll say it again: your analysis of the crime is so much more detailed and profound than any other I’ve encountered throughout the years. Great interpretational skills.
    To be honest, it’s always baffled me how this case was even considered “controversial”, because Ive always found the evidence to be more than just circumstantial, but you erased every reasonable doubt in my mind. She is 100% guilty, and those who believe she isn’t, I feel for them, because it mostly shows that people have a hard time believing a mother could do this. Which speaks to them. Not to her.

  • @almaalvarez5230
    @almaalvarez5230 2 роки тому +24

    What a coincidence the night she and the boys sleep downstairs this supposed intruder comes in unarmed and kills the boys..then Darlie is beat unconcious yet reamarkably wakes up in time to get a glance ...Darlie killed her boys ..

  • @dalecontarino8928
    @dalecontarino8928 Рік тому +10

    She is 100% GUILTY !!! For someone to think Darlie's innocent they did not do their homework. There is so much evidence against her. Why would a person take a chance attacking the kids first knowing that Darlie could wake up and scream for Darin. Like most houses in Texas Darin has a gun. He didn't rape Darlie or rob them. It just makes no sense. He got nothing out of this crime. Also a very important issue, to prove she was trying to set up a scene, she had no underwear on and just a T-Shirt. The rape kit cleared that senerio right away when it came back negative.

  • @polkadots716
    @polkadots716 3 роки тому +42

    I had been on the fence about Darlie's guilt/innocence, leaning more toward her innocence. However, what you two say makes perfect sense. I'm convinced now that Darlie is guilty. Great analysis of the case!

    • @Sj430
      @Sj430 3 роки тому +9

      When I first looked into this case I thought darlie was Innocent but now I think she is guilty.

    • @Justdontlookdown
      @Justdontlookdown 2 роки тому +1


    • @katia7073
      @katia7073 Рік тому +7

      Culpada 1000 por cento

  • @tracie3435
    @tracie3435 7 місяців тому +5

    Why didnt the dog alert the household a stranger was in the house? If you watch the interviews she describes Devon as being super energetic and always acting silly. Damon was still a cuddly sweet boy. Devon received harsher and many more stabs than Damon. Damons wounds didnt kill him as fast as Devon's. Damon lived until the ambulance ride/to the hospital. She had more rage for Devon.

  • @lauraburger1272
    @lauraburger1272 3 роки тому +29

    Your explanation of what happened that night, I believe, is spot-on!!!!

  • @NatalieBryden
    @NatalieBryden 2 роки тому +34

    I think Darlie wanted to punish Darin. I don't think she had any intention of killing herself.

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 6 місяців тому +2

      Me new ther. She’s furious at Darnin for not being able to provide yet she’s STUCK at home with three boys.

    • @kimmyfreak200
      @kimmyfreak200 5 місяців тому +4

      i also feel she took out her despair on those poor boys

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 5 місяців тому +5

      @@kimmyfreak200 she didnt want to take care if them anymore, simply put.

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому

      ​@@ecalose6785👍 she wanted to be THE princess and be lavished with material things and attention

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 2 місяці тому +1

      @@patedwards8844 i think she just didn't want the children anymore, simple as that. She looks really happy at the silly string session. ,How stupid do you have to be to do that. When I first sought it, I was so taken, I got an immediate chest pain. Didnt last long but my reaction was visceral.!

  • @mitchellhouser1572
    @mitchellhouser1572 2 роки тому +12

    This is why I love your podcast and your analysis. Instead of just repeating the same old "lore" of each case like many true crime podcasts do, you look at and consider all of the evidence and even look for further evidence/contacting people involved to further evaluate the case. This results in a much more enlightening and entertaining experience! Thank you very much Brett and Alice!

  • @lovelysphynx7396
    @lovelysphynx7396 2 роки тому +18

    Darlie is a narcissistic sociopath, she thought she could stage the seen and get away with it. RIP poor Angeles I would have adopted and raised these innocent angels. Cannot imagine what they went through😢

    • @coryharry7300
      @coryharry7300 Рік тому +4

      Exactly. And the silly string footage proved it for me: she has no conscience, so A) didn’t have any true feelings about the sons she murdered B) because she felt no true emotion about their deaths, she didn’t realize how appalling her behaviour was to people who do have a conscience, some of whom have lost children themselves and know the excruciating pain of that loss. Sociopaths can only mimic feelings, not truly feel them.

    • @alabama.worley
      @alabama.worley Рік тому +1

      She's a textbook psychopath, which is actually worse.

  • @sandygrogg1203
    @sandygrogg1203 Рік тому +36

    Darlie did it…Her husband had no part in the murders, but I’d net my last dollar that he knows she did it…

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 6 місяців тому +8

      Yep! Agree!!

    • @kimmyfreak200
      @kimmyfreak200 5 місяців тому +8


    • @karenfreytag6074
      @karenfreytag6074 5 місяців тому +4

      I think he was involved if nothing else for knowing he had the best of everything out of his own mouth she was unhappy because she didn’t like going broke

    • @donnyclark4056
      @donnyclark4056 3 місяці тому +4

      You're correct.
      Darin didn't have anything to do with the murder but he absolutely knew what she had done the second he set foot in that family room. HE DEFINITELY KNEW! Any parent would know. Darin DEFINITELY knew!

    • @nono-wo9ky
      @nono-wo9ky 2 місяці тому +2

      They both did it both were in on it together !!

  • @millewalkee
    @millewalkee 3 роки тому +33

    You guys changed my mind on this case. You should be lawyers or something :-)

  • @candiceparr4174
    @candiceparr4174 Рік тому +6

    So if she was trying to kill herself, why did she cut her arm and shoulder? She was trying to fake an attack .

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому

      And why did she cut the screen?🎉

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 Рік тому +21

    Darlie was smart enough to outsmart idiots but not smart enough to outsmart the police, the paramedics, the doctors, the prosecutors and the jury.

  • @Lion_Hamza
    @Lion_Hamza Рік тому +8

    Intruder breaks in without leaving any signs whatsoever. Than he takes a knife from inside cuts the mosquito screen, put’s the knife back, takes a other knife. Than he stabs both children (all of this Darley sleeps) than he slits Darlies throat while she still sleeps. Only after her son who has a pierced lung walks around and touches Darlies shoulder she gets up and walks after the “intruder”. This makes all perfect sense! NOT

  • @carlkarasZoNoNine
    @carlkarasZoNoNine 3 роки тому +24

    I've listened to a couple of different podcasts and at least one doc. My takeaway now is this: she used her left hand to cut her throat though she was right-handed. The reason why is because she was holding her finger over her carotid artery. If so it means the suicide attempt was fake. It goes along with the evidence planting, and her psychopathic behavior after the murders. I'd been wavering, but now I think she's a stone cold killer. And also that the husband did drive her to do it

    • @pennythpmas5787
      @pennythpmas5787 3 роки тому +4

      Never thought of that.

    • @kristalvibes774
      @kristalvibes774 3 роки тому +2

      Interesting 🤔

    • @candiceparr4174
      @candiceparr4174 2 роки тому +1

      She may have been using her right hand to.pinch the skin making sure she only cut skin and fat

    • @Justdontlookdown
      @Justdontlookdown 2 роки тому

      Oh my you have such an imagination

    • @Justdontlookdown
      @Justdontlookdown 2 роки тому

      He had a big loving family should’ve just dropped those kids off somewhere and took off and did what you wanted to do or what she thinks she wanted to do Trent Killam now did Susan Smith have family I don’t think so I think she just had her husband and her kids she had no outlet

  • @pennythpmas5787
    @pennythpmas5787 3 роки тому +33

    Darrin definitely is strange, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt after the horror situation he just experienced.
    He lost EVERYTHING.
    His kids died in front of his eyes.
    He didn't want to lose Darlie as well. He lied to help her, I want to give him a pass.
    But yes he and Darlie are not "normal".
    Yes they are both Strange.
    I do think he is not a killer.
    I think Darlie seems disturbed.
    I don't think just post-partum , hormonal, or depression.
    Something seems off, like an emotionally stunted little girl and need to be center of attention.
    Maybe Histrionic?

    • @christinefougere
      @christinefougere 3 роки тому +5

      I agree, Histrionic Personality Disorder

    • @pennythpmas5787
      @pennythpmas5787 3 роки тому +9

      @@christinefougere the body language panel on UA-cam think she seems psychopathic,
      Something is off about her.
      Watch the first 'in prison interviews.'
      I find this whole case fascinating, and unusual.
      Trial had flaws, but she got a more fair trial than many do. Her lawyer was well paid and respected.
      It's the evidence that convicted her.
      I also wish Barbara Jovell gave more interviews and testimony.
      Her Mother as well.
      One worked with Darin and the other helped around the house, the LAST day of the boys' lives.

    • @JohnMalindretos
      @JohnMalindretos 3 роки тому +1

      The evidence the Rowlett PD contaminated! They also didn’t show the silly string tape in it’s entirety. There’s no motive. She almost died but do to her necklace she was saved.
      This case from the beginning just makes no sense. No motive, no reason, and she deserves a new trial with effective counsel.

    • @emiiimm7436
      @emiiimm7436 3 роки тому +4

      @@JohnMalindretos she wanted to die loll that’s a motive

    • @Anna-Rose-
      @Anna-Rose- 3 роки тому +11

      @@JohnMalindretos, no need to waste any more of the taxpayers money on this homicidal maniac. One cannot commit this crime and not leave a shred of evidence.
      It's ridiculous to say that the police, lab techs, doctors, nurses, and any other witnesses set Darlie up. 🙄 She's guilty and is right where she belongs.
      She's getting on up there in age, she should be begging for forgiveness.

  • @Anna-Rose-
    @Anna-Rose- 3 роки тому +16

    Darin wasn't involved. During the 911 call, she's trying to convince him that an intruder broke in and murdered Devon and Damon.
    At the graves, he had his hands shoved in his pockets wanting no part of the celebration.
    I believe he felt guilty about dismissing her as just having the baby blues. He could have gotten help for her, but instead he ignored her. And truth be told, he was probably treating her badly.
    Yes, I believe he was trying to do everything he could to keep her happy by playing those stupid games with the Teddy bears. He failed Devon and Damon, but that's not a criminal charge.

  • @kevinmichael2593
    @kevinmichael2593 3 роки тому +16

    Darlie told everyone that she was too terrified to leave the house, and couldn't even go to the toilet without someone in the bathroom with her. The tape shows that's not true.

  • @ellendunhill8303
    @ellendunhill8303 3 роки тому +10

    Parents who were never emotionally attached to their boys. I think they are both mentally disturbed. Great series, as two give me hope.

  • @bertrandlewis4906
    @bertrandlewis4906 9 місяців тому +5

    At the gravesite Darlie appears to be under the influence of something and elated. This doesn’t prove her guilt, the forensic evidence proves it.

  • @hawaiiflowers7066
    @hawaiiflowers7066 4 місяці тому +3

    Watching her at the gravesite, and in trial, reminds me of the Diane Downes crime. Diane Downes, murdered or attempted to murder her three children. They were shot numerous times, while she had a minor gunshot wound to the arm. Her coldness of what has happened to her family was very obvious. She complained that she couldn’t tire her shoes for two weeks, but she mentioned nothing about her son being paralyzed and her daughter having a stroke, and the other one had died.
    Darlie is a psycho/sociopath and her children were viewed as an expense, and her reasoning was to eliminate them, because they would save money and help them get out of debt. It was very obvious that the couple worshiped money over everything else.
    Diane Downes tried to eliminate her children so she could be with a man who didn’t want children.
    So Diane Downes, Susan Smith, and Darlie seem to have the same mental illness.
    They never ask why an individual would choose that particular house, and her children for a crime, an invisible intruder just like Diane Downes her predator was a bushy haired stranger, and Susan Smith blamed a black individual at a traffic light. None of those crimes have ever found anyone else but their mother to blame because normal people don’t go out and murder somebody’s children just for the hell of it.

  • @TankZappa
    @TankZappa 3 роки тому +39

    I don't understand how anybody could think she's innocent. I've listened to a bunch of podcasters cover this case and most of them are completely lost. I think this was an attempted murder suicide and postpartum depression had a lot to do with this. As Brett said we don't talk about this enough in our society.

    • @JohnMalindretos
      @JohnMalindretos 3 роки тому +4

      Motive, there’s zero motive. If it was to get rid of the kids, then she would’ve waited for a time when she could’ve killed all of them.
      I don’t give any credence to the Rowlett PD’s handling of the crime scene as people were walking in and out of the crime scene and this was before DNA was totally understood.
      She deserves a new trial with effective counsel. She almost died, and she’s not smart enough to slit her through inches from her artery in her neck to stage that, that’s ridiculous

    • @rcdowdy
      @rcdowdy 3 роки тому +7

      @@JohnMalindretos You do not know this case. Please read the trial transcripts and the appellants. Darlie had one of the best attorneys in the country.

    • @JohnMalindretos
      @JohnMalindretos 3 роки тому +2

      I’m not the only one. A lot of podcasters, as the prosecutors mentioned, all conclude she is innocent. Maggie Frehleng also thinks she is innocent.
      The bottom line is that you either believe that the police didn’t do a good job, or that they did a stellar job on DNA in 1996, which I don’t believe.
      I will admit this case is baffling, and I have my doubts on her innocence some days. But I think there’s enough reasonable doubt.

    • @rcdowdy
      @rcdowdy 3 роки тому +13

      John, educate yourself first. Read the trial transcripts and get the facts. Read the two appeals why you are at it. Than tell what you think.

    • @candiceparr4174
      @candiceparr4174 2 роки тому +1

      @@rcdowdy Thank you.

  • @candiceparr4174
    @candiceparr4174 2 роки тому +12

    I think Darlie was just done with being a mommy. If she could have thought of a plausible reason to have the baby on the living room floor, I think he'd be dead too.

    • @bertrandlewis4906
      @bertrandlewis4906 9 місяців тому

      Don't call her a mommy. Call her a female breeder. That's all she is.

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 Рік тому +6

    If she intended to kill herself she would not have bothered to cut the window screen.

  • @kevinmichael2593
    @kevinmichael2593 3 роки тому +20

    Another excellent episode. Thank you so much for sticking to facts

  • @maria-yr4jq
    @maria-yr4jq 3 роки тому +21

    So even if the people object to the silly string video as being used against her, what about her interview afterwards with Darin at her side, she is almost jovial, lighthearted,smiling and remembering her sons as if they were 2 elderly people who died of natural causes rather than 2 very young boys viciously stabbed just a week ago, god I just cannot stomach it..

    • @tracie3435
      @tracie3435 7 місяців тому +3

      Yes. Minus the silly string footage. Her behavior during the graveside interview was telling.

  • @hawaiiflowers7066
    @hawaiiflowers7066 4 місяці тому +3

    The person that killed those two children were very angry at them, because they put the knife almost completely through their body, showing how much distain/anger they have. It also shows that she cared more about her stuff than her children since there was hardly any damage done to the home.
    I’m not sure the husband was involved, but I think after time he really realized that she did murder her children unless Darlie is a master manipulator and has him drinking the Kool-Aid.
    The pictures of Darley‘s arms could’ve been injured during the hospital stay because now she would be on some type of narcotic and she could just smash her arms a bunch of times. It seems like it’s a delayed healing, or it was placed after the crime. Why only two marks with the knife with Darlie? suddenly they’re not as angry at their biggest obstacle. Because she’s a master manipulator and walks around with entitlement that she has a right to take people off this earth she doesn’t realize how bad her story sounds, unusable. Sociopath do not look at other peoples expressions to learn how their story is impacting the person they’re telling it to. she would’ve been better off saying she was sleeping upstairs. Realize her two children were murdered downstairs but since she’s a psychopath, she thinks her story would be more believed because of her entitlement.

  • @DeeChambers-ci6cn
    @DeeChambers-ci6cn 4 місяці тому +5

    Darn, her neck wound looks completely healed in the one picture at the grave. Am I seeing it wrong?

    • @beckyboo1433
      @beckyboo1433 4 місяці тому +2

      Nope, it was pretty much healed up

  • @lwhitt2218
    @lwhitt2218 3 роки тому +12

    You both did an excellent job stating the facts of this case, you guys are spot on! Guilty!

  • @bonito34
    @bonito34 Рік тому +7

    If my child was murdered, I would be heartbroken forever. Definately not laughing and yoking at the grave. I think she is guilty

    • @clalvis
      @clalvis Місяць тому

      And IF there had been an intruder, she should feel guilty that her boys were brutally murdered while she slept RIGHT next to them. She’s a lying liar that lied.🤬

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 2 роки тому +7

    Darlie Routier : Devon and Damon lived full, happy lives.
    Prosecutor: Devon and Damon didn't live full lives. They never even finished kindergarten. How can that be a full life?

  • @lwhitt2218
    @lwhitt2218 3 роки тому +11

    Her days are numbered, she's guilty and she's lost all her appeals thus far. The DNA evidence on the fingerprint that her defense team said will clear her name, it came back as inconclusive and excluded male DNA, which leads right back to her.

    • @carolynsmith9906
      @carolynsmith9906 2 роки тому

      Since it came back as female dna, how do you know there was no female intruder?

    • @lwhitt2218
      @lwhitt2218 2 роки тому +6

      @@carolynsmith9906 Darlie said a MAN attacked her, she "saw him' leave out the garage door.

    • @carolynsmith9906
      @carolynsmith9906 2 роки тому

      @@lwhitt2218 Darlie was rendered unconscious with xylene and Prozac. She has no knowledge of what really happened because of that.

    • @bethryan9077
      @bethryan9077 Рік тому +4

      @@carolynsmith9906 Oh Pleeease. Doh.

  • @islaflora5917
    @islaflora5917 3 роки тому +26

    Great podcast. Darlie Routier definitely murdered her sons. I really appreciate your outline of key events in this case. However, I wish you had covered Darlie's testimony. There is so much to unpack with everything from reading her journals for the jury to her accusing multiple neighbors as being the intruder. I am surprised that Darlie's family spent so much money on her defense team only to have her end up with her getting sentenced to death. I am curious as to what you guys think about her defense team and what they did wrong.

  • @vickishepard421
    @vickishepard421 Рік тому +9

    I absolutely believe she is guilty I tried to find something that made me think differently but I can’t.Her arms tell the story!!

  • @Stephlmn22
    @Stephlmn22 2 роки тому +10

    It blows my mind that anyone can cover this case and come out thinking Darlie is innocent in any way. I love the way you guys went through all of the evidence and the the transcripts from the trial. I do not believe she did this as a suicide/murder. I do not think she intended to end her life in any way that night. She cut her throat because she needed it to look like she was attacked and that cut could back up her story. She definitely had post partem and was not in the right frame of mind, but she planned this. SHe knew what she was doing by slicing the screen and planting the bloody sock. I feel nothing from her even after listening to the 911 call. I also don't know why she called 911 before getting her husband downstairs. He would be the first one she screams for if she woke to an intruder, a blood bath and her boys killed. All these years later she shows so sign of remorse whatsoever. She had no remorse as she stood over their graves and sprayed silly string. I cannot believe a mother would intentionally, not only kill her children, but stab them to death in the most brutal way and still not show any type of remorse. If anything happened to my children while i was asleep next to them, I would want to die and you get nothing like this from her. Ok vent over lol Thanks for doing these podcasts!

    • @Stelpots
      @Stelpots Рік тому +3

      I've never even seen anger from her. I'd be so angry if someone murdered my kids let alone tried to kill me. And if I get accused of that crime and put on death row, I'd be angry that the real killer is still our there. There's nothing like that from her.

  • @sandygrogg1203
    @sandygrogg1203 2 роки тому +13

    I believe Darlie is guilty… You put on an excellent case..and I encourage you to take a look at The Behavior Panel’s analysis of Darlie’s body language… Thiscwas my second listen to this one…and it was a good one.

  • @Douglas_Hamilton
    @Douglas_Hamilton 2 роки тому +11

    I knew the silly string tape would be covered in part 4. However, the stuffed animal incident is even more disturbing. What is wrong with this couple!

    • @andreaturnquist3345
      @andreaturnquist3345 Рік тому +3

      Incredibly disturbing! Who does that?

    • @Douglas_Hamilton
      @Douglas_Hamilton Рік тому

      @@andreaturnquist3345 Are you by a change Swedish? Pratar du svenska? Your surname sounds extremely Swedish. I'm asking because I'm Swedish but my name is like very British/Scottish.

    • @OliverMagoo
      @OliverMagoo Рік тому

      @@Douglas_Hamilton I'm American so I'm a mutt. I was always told my whole life that I was German, Swedish, and English. Then I took a DNA test through 23andMe. It said I was German, Danish, and English. Close enough, I guess. ;-)

  • @lucianas4919
    @lucianas4919 3 роки тому +12

    Thanks for the episodes guys! I concur with your conclusion, I have a difficult time believing that Darlie is innocent.

  • @jukie16
    @jukie16 2 роки тому +10

    She for sure did it.

  • @christinefougere
    @christinefougere 3 роки тому +8

    Excellent episode once again. This podcast should be no. 1 in the TC genre.
    The silly string tape was perfect impeachment material. Darlie claimed she was too frightened to even go to the bathroom alone but she wasn't too frightened to invite the TV to film her and let the intruder know he left a living witness. Anyway, the interview they gave after the birthday party is far more disgusting and vile. Darlie flirted with the reporter inviting him to move in, etc.

  • @kimmyfreak200
    @kimmyfreak200 5 місяців тому +3

    50:35 there was an episode of forensic files where this woman was raped and killed in her home and she had 2 very small children 1 was like 3 or 4 the other a baby... it ended up being her brother in law and she had always been creeped out by him..he came over, and he pushed past her, then he threatened to kill both the kids if she didn't do exactly what he said... he was very angry too she was stabbed to death upstairs..and he left... the 2 kids were not killed.... the bedroom basher same thing..her small child literally saw him! walked right past him and he didn't hurt him and left... lots of data lots of these type crimes...

  • @April-oj2vg
    @April-oj2vg 10 місяців тому +3

    Darrin was pretty creepy..they both cared mostly about her boobs ( at the police station right after the murders,, police noted that what he mostly wanted to talk about was the size of her breasts & how attractive she is..also they were fighting about her weight gain) i think they both wanted a do over with less responsibilities & being a plaything for each other.

  • @jonwayne70
    @jonwayne70 2 роки тому +7

    I think the sock was put over her kids mouth as she stabbed them, so they couldn't scream. Remember Darlie wants to get the deed done before Daren wakes up. So I think she stabs them using the sock to cover their mouths, runs out to place the sock near the bin, then comes back to set the scene and inflict injuries to herself.

    • @hihoremy3940
      @hihoremy3940 2 роки тому +2

      Her skin cells were inside the sock so I'm thinking she used the sock to cover the handle of the knife when she slaughtered Devon & Damon.

  • @brenmanock
    @brenmanock 2 роки тому +7

    “Glee” is the perfect descriptor. The gravesite was the cherry on top

  • @Itsmysurf
    @Itsmysurf 3 роки тому +17

    So how is this case so controversial? I know how thorough yall are in the cases you present, and the conclusion of this one is: mom did it, there was no intruder. Like, that's it. There is no reasonable doubt.

    • @yoblfor
      @yoblfor 2 роки тому +3

      I don't get it either but there is some Olympic Gold Medal winners in mental gymnastics out there trying to tell you how she is innocent.

    • @OliverMagoo
      @OliverMagoo Рік тому

      The problem is that there's a lot of misinformation put out there by the Routiers and pro-Darlie sites. It's a bunch of BS but you won't know that until you read the transcripts for yourself or listen to a podcast that does it for you, like PP.

  • @victorinegaudet4189
    @victorinegaudet4189 Рік тому +3

    I’m new to your channel! I have a lot to catch up on! I love your delivery, evidence presentation and personalities!

  • @ibbest123
    @ibbest123 Рік тому +5

    She sure looks happy and overly selfprotective considering a situation she was in for having pp depression..
    Thats not suicide prone behaviour either.
    A psychiatrists opinion would have been very important here.
    I think she did do it, but not becaouse od "pp. depression," but more deviant reasons.
    Her neck wound is very crooked ,i think some intruder (unless he had parkinsons)would never have made such a neck wound.

  • @bertrandlewis4906
    @bertrandlewis4906 2 роки тому +4

    For the self inflicted cut near her carotid artery, her supporters are trying to give her credit for being smarter than she actually is.

  • @patticakesforreal
    @patticakesforreal 3 роки тому +11

    This may be moot but I saw a documentary on Darlie that stated that when they were in high school Darren was not paying attention to Darlie. She staged some sort of attack. I forget the exact details but people did not believe her and thought she did it to get attention.

    • @kristalvibes774
      @kristalvibes774 3 роки тому +1

      Interesting…. Maybe a sociopath…🤔

    • @kevinmichael2593
      @kevinmichael2593 3 роки тому +10

      Yes. Darin and Darlie were at a party and Darlie wanted to go home and Darin wanted to stay, so Darlie left, only to come back a few minutes later claiming she'd been sexually assaulted outside.

    • @patticakesforreal
      @patticakesforreal 3 роки тому +1

      @@kevinmichael2593 thanks

    • @tracievendetta1908
      @tracievendetta1908 3 роки тому +1

      Right!! I heard that too!! Behavior Panel said she’s psychopathic!! Her interviews are fake! Fake tears. Fake emotions. And pissed when called out!!!

    • @jamiemccall948
      @jamiemccall948 3 роки тому +1

      I had never heard that before. Wow.

  • @visune1178
    @visune1178 10 місяців тому +4

    Definately Guilty.. and i think the lady prosecutor hit the nail on the head with what happened.. except i do think Darlie used the sock like a glove.. devon was only stabbed twice so wouldnt of been much blood at first.. and damon was stabbed 2 lots of times like you said
    But something else to think about...
    How did Darlie know Darrin and Drake were still alive upstairs when she shouted for him? cos she didnt go upstairs to check

  • @timdoerksen9893
    @timdoerksen9893 3 роки тому +8

    At least 2 sets of top detectives have gone to look at this case to see if maybe she was innocent & they just turned around & went back home. Its only because she has had so many people thinking she is innocent its kept it going for years. Darrin has moved on & he is a weirdo. The comments about her breasts at the scene.W.T.F. How did the so called killer know there would be a nice knive set waiting for him in the house? Cmon

  • @vanessa5129
    @vanessa5129 Рік тому +7

    If I did it I don’t remember:….guilty 💯

  • @Moonchild14928
    @Moonchild14928 11 місяців тому +4

    Guilty as charged.

  • @tracymcdonald8440
    @tracymcdonald8440 4 місяці тому +2

    Many guilty of murder who call 911 begin to tell a story that leads up to them calling. Example would be i came home locked my car noticed the light in the living room was off then i saw a man run from the back door and i looked and saw my husband and in a pool of blood on the floor. Oh yeah hurry and send an ambulance hes not breathing.. .thinking to long should i wait to collect his life insurance? 😅😅😅

  • @Scorpio-unicorn14
    @Scorpio-unicorn14 Рік тому +18

    How can anyone truly believe Darlie is innocent

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 6 місяців тому +3

      How can anyone believe Amber Heards bottle rape charge, but her followers do. Even tho Heard would have been in ICU for a Good three days DEFINITELY. Yet she’s able to walk around after this, on tape and then SIT on a 13 hr flight the next day. I don’t think so. She would have required morphine for the pain alone!

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 5 місяців тому +2

      Especially Ken, who now has an open mind. The PC bullchit is sickening after a 3 hr analysis provng she did it.

    • @steverobertson1729
      @steverobertson1729 4 місяці тому +1

      It becomes clearer that she is innocent when you dig deeper into this case. Like the fact that there was a string of home invasions in her area where the intruder was using tube socks on his hands to prevent fingerprints. The police actually caught that guy, but never bothered to link him to this case. He also had been using kitchen knives from the homes he invaded. There are simply too many bizarre variables involved in this case to pass her off as guilty. There was never any solid PROOF given. In court the prosecution knew they had no proof, so they relied on demonizing her front of a TEXAS conservative, bible thumping jury. They allowed themselves to be swayed by the prosecutions attacks on her character, instead of focusing on facts.

    • @ecalose6785
      @ecalose6785 4 місяці тому +4

      @@steverobertson1729 Darlie killed the boys, period!

    • @Scorpio-unicorn14
      @Scorpio-unicorn14 4 місяці тому +1

      @@steverobertson1729 did that intruder kill anyone?

  • @MrSaltphone
    @MrSaltphone 3 роки тому +10

    That's crazy that jurors said the silly string incident was the most important piece of evidence to reeks of confirmation bias.
    The Behaviour Panel (body language experts, LE interrogators) did a great episode on Darlie's body language during her TV interviews...they all think she is a stone-cold sociopath. It's hard to dismiss the things their expertise picked up on than the silly string incident.

    • @johnlanton9363
      @johnlanton9363 3 роки тому +8

      It’s a sad day in America when someone is given the death penalty because of silly string and not based on actual evidence

    • @MrSaltphone
      @MrSaltphone 3 роки тому +3

      @@johnlanton9363 If I ever found myself accused of a crime, I would ask for a bench trial if I was innocent and a jury trial if I was guilty (more chance of the jury getting it totally wrong)...there's nothing more scary to me than 12 prejudiced people ready to put you to death, and willingly admit they did so by relying pre-eminently on 'evidence' like silly string.

    • @tracyrasmussen8117
      @tracyrasmussen8117 3 роки тому +8

      @@johnlanton9363 ok that's a little dramatic to say silly string put Darlie on DR. There were many points of evidence in the juror's eyes, the silly string incident was just at the top.

    • @christinefougere
      @christinefougere 3 роки тому +8

      @@johnlanton9363 There is enough evidence against Darlie for ten trials. LOL, it wasn't the silly string that put her on DR. Try learning the evidence against her.

    • @christinefougere
      @christinefougere 3 роки тому +5

      @@MrSaltphone Absolute nonsense. did you question every juror as to why they voted guilty? You saw one old juror Charlie Samford claiming that's why he voted guilty, He wasn't even aware the photos of Darllie's bruises were handed to all the jurors to view. Darlie's mother got to him.

  • @rcdowdy
    @rcdowdy 3 роки тому +6

    Darlie was the only one slinging the knife. Darin got caught up in being famous. Just like he told the tattoo artist that inked his sons, these will become famous. The Routier's hired an agent to scout a movie deal. Darlie was going to pin her own book deal to cut out the middle man. So sad to see these two little boys were sacrificed.

    • @loubeelou2362
      @loubeelou2362 2 роки тому +3

      I've often thought this. She wanted to be famous. She wanted people to feel sorry for her but it backfired.

  • @ajamoore6540
    @ajamoore6540 3 роки тому +5

    The fact that her neck wound was “close to fatal” was what had convinced me in the past that Darlie was innocent but the fact that it was “superficial” has completely shifted my opinion. In addition to the talk of postpartum depression and her behavior I believe she’s guilty. A possibility that wasn’t explored was the fact that she possibly could’ve had psychosis, similar to Andrea Yates, however that requires mental gymnastics as well.

    • @JohnMalindretos
      @JohnMalindretos 3 роки тому +2

      There was nothing superficial about her throat being slashed. Also the healing of her arms in the police photos is consistent with someone who fought off an attacker.
      With Diane Downs fresh in everyone’s minds, poor police work, and that 911 tape sounding so real I don’t believe she is innocent.

    • @JohnMalindretos
      @JohnMalindretos 3 роки тому +2

      I mean I don’t believe she is guilty.

    • @tsully4368
      @tsully4368 3 роки тому +3

      @@JohnMalindretos - All 3 doctors that treated Darlie (Dr. Santos, Dr. Dillawn, Dr. Townsend-Parchman) testified to her neck wound being superficial. But, you know better? Lol.

    • @tracievendetta1908
      @tracievendetta1908 3 роки тому +4

      @@JohnMalindretos Diane downs fresh in there minds?? It was at least 10 years after Diane Downs! She is Diane Downs! She wanted Darens attention and her materialistic lifestyle back! 🤦‍♀️

    • @OliverMagoo
      @OliverMagoo Рік тому +1

      Some say that it was so close to the carotid, only a couple of millimeters, that she nearly died, and that's why she couldn't have done it. But that doesn't mean anything when you don't know how close to the surface that artery is in the first place. She meant to make a superficial wound without realizing how close it really was to the carotid artery. That's how I see it anyway.

  • @alabama.worley
    @alabama.worley Рік тому +6

    You guys did a phenomenal job on this case, however there is one important consideration which I've not heard brought up at all; although postpartum depression is a POSSIBILITY, it's important to acknowledge the very real likelihood that she simply has a personality disorder. She's done a ton of appearances/interviews since her conviction, and it's evident that she's far from neurotypical. She certainly displays traits consistent with narcissism, as well as psychopathic characteristics. Writing her behavior off as a case of mere psychosis is removing her from direct accountability in my opinion. This crime shows an undeniable amount of planning, manipulation, and rage.

    • @peggypeggy4137
      @peggypeggy4137 11 місяців тому +4

      I know this is unrelated to the son's deaths-- but I heard on another podcast that she went to a party held because Darrin was going off to college. She stormed out because the focus was on Darrin. When Darrin didn't follow her, she took off, later claiming that she had been SA. It turned out to be a hoax but it really makes you wonder about a personality disorder. That wasn't a little white lie, that was a BIG honkin' lie. I mean, who does that?

    • @alabama.worley
      @alabama.worley 11 місяців тому +3

      @@peggypeggy4137 Those with Cluster B personality disorders or traits. What podcast provided this information? I would be incredibly interested in hearing more.

    • @peggypeggy4137
      @peggypeggy4137 11 місяців тому +2

      @@alabama.worley I looked this up and it was done by True Crime Brewery, called ''A Mom on Death Row'' Start around (12:00) mark to hear about this incident.

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 2 роки тому +4

    The graveside birthday party plus her refusal to provide first aid to her dying son combined speaks far louder than either one by itself.

  • @marytodd9170
    @marytodd9170 5 місяців тому +4

    She’s guilty period!!!

  • @RoboMomo
    @RoboMomo 3 роки тому +11

    Great episode as always!

  • @daryle2402
    @daryle2402 2 роки тому +5

    Before I got to the end of this episode I was thinking about her saying “if I did it I don’t remember doing it.” And I couldn’t help but think of Andrea Yates and her psychotic break that caused her to kill her children. I do think the evidence proves she’s guilty but the degree of the charge could certainly be debated due to her state of mind. I wonder if when she describes “waking up & fighting off the intruder” is sort of true in that she was fighting off her own mind. We’ll never know unless she admits it herself. I hope that’s the case honestly because those boys cannot come back & she’s very cold blooded if this was just premeditated by her for insurance money. 😔

    • @OliverMagoo
      @OliverMagoo Рік тому +2

      She could have used it for a defense but she chose not to. It could've made the difference between the death penalty and life in prison or maybe even an insane asylum. But, she didn't want to admit that she did it at all.

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@OliverMagooplus she cut the screen, out the knife back, get a different one and carry on

  • @patbowlby2497
    @patbowlby2497 4 місяці тому +2

    PPD or just unbelievable narcissisism? A combination of both? My wife gave me 5 children that I can never repay her for and l've seen her with PPD. She would never harm her children though.

    • @missmerbella
      @missmerbella Місяць тому

      If it was PPD I don’t think she would have staged the attack, tried to clean up after herself at the sink, and lied about it to everyone for decades since.

  • @kimmyfreak200
    @kimmyfreak200 5 місяців тому +2

    if the deviant intruder wanted to get the kids out of the way he'd likely cut the throat....many killers think this way because they don't want them to scream and plus it's quick and quiet inside a house..sorry i know thats awful to say but this is something that is a real thing and belief..their wounds caused suffering and i know they said devon died instantly i have some doubts that it was that way.

  • @elireinstadtler3794
    @elireinstadtler3794 3 місяці тому +2

    Sure, it's so inconceivable, but, look at the mountain of evidence.... And I was highly irritated by her behavior.

  • @jeanettemurphy3778
    @jeanettemurphy3778 4 місяці тому +2

    I don’t believe she wanted to commit suicide. Her neck wounds were superficial and even though she was close to the carotid she wouldn’t have known that. This was planned. She wanted rid of them. Also didn’t she try to smoother the baby and the housekeeper intervened.

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому

      And why would she cut the screen then?

  • @TuesdayMoney
    @TuesdayMoney 3 роки тому +18

    No question Darlie is guilty. Her fans are ignorant.

  • @ecalose6785
    @ecalose6785 6 місяців тому +1

    Her sister just gave an interview on Unsolved No More and her reasoning is beyond. She says the glass in the kitchen has no blood on it and if it were thrown at the time when Darlie tracked blood into the kitchen, it would have blood on the glass. Firstly Darlie says the intruder broke the glass. The sister says the crime inspector rattled the wine holder and it fell from there or was kicked there by someone walking thru the kitchen.. So, she can’t have it bth ways. So unwittingly she’s saying her sister is lying about the glass breaking as intruder ran out. And she’s the wine glass whisperer and knows for a fact that f that glass were thrown at the time the tracked blood was n the kitchen floor, it would have blood on it. She’s never getting out f this s the best she can come up with.

  • @christinefougere
    @christinefougere 3 роки тому +5

    Darlie invoked the Fifth to every single question asked her at the Custody Hearing for Drake, as is her right and every American's right to not incriminate themselves. Then Darlie blew it by testifying at her trial.

    • @kevinmichael2593
      @kevinmichael2593 3 роки тому +3

      She even took the fifth on the question "did you love your children?"

    • @tracievendetta1908
      @tracievendetta1908 3 роки тому +1

      @@kevinmichael2593 Damn! Never heard that!

  • @jonwayne70
    @jonwayne70 2 роки тому +4

    Darlie isn't actually featured on the Innocence Project's website! Also I believe Darin is involved somehow. If he is involved, then the only way he could be implicated would be if Darlie admitted it. Obviously it's in both their interests to not do that.

    • @peggypeggy4137
      @peggypeggy4137 11 місяців тому +2

      I'm not sure if Darrin was involved but I must say he WAS weird. He talked about his wife's bust size, both to the cops and on the Leeza Gibbons show. I know everyone grieves differently but he just didn't seem like a grieving father. Especially after the teddy bear incident, reported by neighbour. Insurance scams stuff- so sketchy. Why did he not hear an intruder, let alone hear her until long after attack 1st started. They struck me as 2 greedy parents who screwed up financially when the situation was better. They spent $ stupidly then got into huge fights as to who was to blame.

  • @melindahardin
    @melindahardin 8 місяців тому +2

    Well darlie knew she could not use the same knife on herself because of leaving bloody foot prints

    • @patedwards8844
      @patedwards8844 2 місяці тому

      That makes no kind of sense 😂😂😂

  • @angelafpagano1605
    @angelafpagano1605 5 місяців тому +1

    No, that doesn’t make any sense about her men trying to make it look like somebody else did it because she did it because she did that big defensive wound in her arm with the knife. There was no need to do that unless you were trying to make it look like a defensive wound. Darle’s in love with Darley. She never intended to kill herself. That was all BS.

  • @donnyclark4056
    @donnyclark4056 6 місяців тому +2

    Y'all did a great job on this. Darlie is guilty. There was more than enough evidence to convict her beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury got it right. In the beginning if Darlie had claimed she killed her boys and then attempted suicide because of postpartum depression combined with the effects of the diet drug she was taking it would probably have worked. She would be locked away like Andrea Yates instead of on death row. But that would have meant that she would be incarcerated for the rest of her life. She definitely didn't want that! Y'all did a great job and no one can argue that point. However, I personally believe that she's a psychopath and she murdered Devon and Damen out of desperation. She was thinking of herself and no one else. That's just my opinion. I appreciate hearing yours too. Thank you.
    P.S. As a father myself I must say Darin knew what had happened within in seconds of entering the "Roman room". He didn't know all the details but he knew Darlie did it. Any parent, whether mother or father, will know that I'm right on that one. Darin knows Darlie is guilty and he knew from the beginning.

  • @cama5259
    @cama5259 2 роки тому +6

    After listening all four part series ..all I can say she is guilty!

  • @tracievendetta1908
    @tracievendetta1908 3 роки тому +6

    Wouldn’t she be remorseful, devastated and admitting to it by now if it was PPD??It’s been years. I think she murdered them to go back to her old life and get Darins attention

  • @mistisimpson5504
    @mistisimpson5504 3 роки тому +8

    What I cannot get past with Darin is this…how in the holy hell did he sleep through it??

    • @Anna-Rose-
      @Anna-Rose- 3 роки тому +8

      Knives don't go *pop* like guns do. She stabbed Devon and Damon both twice, while they were asleep. It would take like two seconds to stab each of them, no noise, no screams.
      After she finished staging the "evidence", she threw the glass to the floor and screamed, which woke Darin up.

    • @mistisimpson5504
      @mistisimpson5504 3 роки тому

      @@Anna-Rose- I don’t buy it. Those boys moved around. She didn’t insta-kill them. At minimum there was a scuffle, heavy breathing, gasps,. Damon was stabbed 5 times in the back, once in the left shoulder. His throat was not cut. He had multiple bruises across the top of his feet and toes (signs of kicking at an attacker). He made noise. Devon was stabbed twice in the chest, had a defensive slash on his left forearm (from attempting to block the knife coming at him), and one stab wound on the back of his left thigh (which means he either started on his tummy and turned over to face his attacker, or started on his back and turned to attempt to flee). No wounds to his neck. He had bruises on his hands, arms, hip and legs. These boys fought back. Kicking and hitting. I don’t believe they did so silently. All info from official autopsy reports sourced at

    • @Anna-Rose-
      @Anna-Rose- 3 роки тому +8

      @@mistisimpson5504, from what I understand, Devon never moved. She did kill him where he lay.
      Damon began crawling toward the door trying to get away from her, when she realized he was still alive she stabbed him again. Probably then he quit moving because he was still alive when they got there.
      They said Darin is a heavy sleeper so it is entirely possible that he didn't hear any of it. You can hear the grief and anguish in his voice on the 911 call. He had nothing to do with it.
      He knows Darlie is guilty but will never admit it because of Drake. And that's okay.

    • @jamesmcbeth4463
      @jamesmcbeth4463 2 роки тому

      That kind of explains the blood spatter on the vacuum cleaner. The round drops on the vacuum cleaner and Darlie's blood on the handle indicate she sat it down instead of knock over so she wouldn't wake Darin.

    • @mistisimpson5504
      @mistisimpson5504 2 роки тому

      @@jamesmcbeth4463 good point.

  • @ErinPolic
    @ErinPolic Місяць тому +1

    I just want to say thank you for saying it is okay to feel bothered by that silly string video. I was 17 years old when this story broke, and I remember seeing it and feeling so sick to my stomach over it. It is fair to say that that video was what sucked me into this story. Of course, I have researched the entire story since then. I feel a lot like Crohn (however you spell his name) who worked this case. "It is the totality of all the evidence..." that convinced me and the jury that she is guilty.

  • @wimwesterbaan6466
    @wimwesterbaan6466 5 місяців тому +2

    I believed she was innocent ,but I changed my mind

  • @Mysticstoolbox
    @Mysticstoolbox 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for mentioning Darin! I'm sure the police checked him out because they cleared him of being involved. There is another video of Darlie and Darin a few days after the murders, and both are laughing and smiling. Totally inappropriate. But I've always wondered if he was involved in the murders or had pre-knowledge of it.

  • @bernadettebigger3283
    @bernadettebigger3283 5 місяців тому +4

    Evil mother

  • @soniquefus
    @soniquefus 9 місяців тому +5

    It's funny how on the first few videos of this case there's Darlie supporters in the comments, but in this one... there really isn't any. Cause anyone who actually listened all the way to this point can see she's guilty

    @VTPSTTU 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the raising the possibility of a murder-suicide situation. I think that's a high likelihood scenario.
    In one of the previous episodes, you mentioned her taking diet pills that have been known to have strong side effects. Do you know whether they've looked into a combination effect of these pills with postpartum depression? Did her doctor have to prescribe these pills to her? I wonder whether there should be some warning that extra caution should be taken when prescribing this medication to women who have given birth recently.

  • @jamesmcbeth4463
    @jamesmcbeth4463 Рік тому +4

    For me it's not any one particular thing that makes me think she's guilty. It's that everything points to her being guilty. An avalanche of physical evidence and her lies about it 🙄.

  • @kate4biglittlevoices
    @kate4biglittlevoices 3 роки тому +5

    To me, that bruise on her right arm as photographed by the police at the station , some 8-10 days after the attack, black in color , as would be on day 2, with sharp defined edges as if she hit her arm onto a door or straight edged object .
    The bruise on her left arm was yellow , and much more consistent with a bruise of that age .
    The nurses that handled all parts of her, hadn’t seen even any red areas on her right arm .
    The only question I had , kinda clears up when comparing her other bruises, but my question at first had been if someone looses a ton of blood like she did , and receives blood like I imagine she would have had to of , how and can that effect bruising ? Could it delay the onset of bruising in another words ..

    • @bdlimea7018
      @bdlimea7018 3 роки тому +2

      I am pretty sure she wasn't given any blood at the hospital

    • @myepictbr6968
      @myepictbr6968 3 роки тому

      @@bdlimea7018 but would there have been a reason to, say, put her on the blood thinners?

    • @bdlimea7018
      @bdlimea7018 3 роки тому

      @@myepictbr6968 For the hospital to put her on blood thinners? Or before that?

    • @myepictbr6968
      @myepictbr6968 3 роки тому +1

      @@bdlimea7018 Possibly the hospital. I am not a doctor, so likely talking out of my arse here, but she was in a surgery. With some surgeries you get blood thinners after, no? I am bringing this up only because the dramatic presentation of her right arm bruises reminded me of what people on blood thinners can look like after even a small injury.

    • @lwhitt2218
      @lwhitt2218 3 роки тому +5

      She would not have been put on blood thinners, it would be a risk to increase bleeding. Her wound was superficial, steristrips were used to close the wound. Also, as you can see by the funeral video, 8 days later you can barely see her neck wound, gone are the strips, that's how quick it healed. I agree with you on the bruises, both arms have almost straight line bruising, seems like she hit her arms on an edge of a counter or door. If it was an intruder, you would see finger marks on her arms, wrists and upper arm possibly. Some people say the boys kicked her, I don't think that is the case, it does not account for the straight edges on the bruises.

  • @kevinmichael2593
    @kevinmichael2593 3 роки тому +5

    The police also have the permission of the cemetery owner to plant mics and film from the parking lot

  • @victoriajarboe4477
    @victoriajarboe4477 Рік тому +1

    So after listening to all of this, I came to the same conclusion as Alice with the murder/attempted suicide.

  • @brenmanock
    @brenmanock 2 роки тому +3

    Excellent discussion you two

  • @plumup
    @plumup 3 роки тому +5

    Well, maybe I'm odd too, because I do think Michael Peterson is guilty, and I do think Darlie Did It. =/

  • @Justdontlookdown
    @Justdontlookdown 3 роки тому +4

    She’s not even the one that brought the silly string her sister did

  • @MissLibra-ce8qe
    @MissLibra-ce8qe 3 роки тому +3

    I’ve listened to a few True Crimers cover this case and I’ve always sat on the fence (until now) however, one True Crimer is Emma Kenney. She is a UK psychologist. In her video she says that Darlie was given the silly string and told to treat the “event” as a celebration by people working for the media and who wanted to film her. I have no idea where Emma Kenney got this info and/or if it’s correct, but thought it was quite interesting.

    • @loubeelou2362
      @loubeelou2362 2 роки тому +3

      But even if this was true, if my 2 children had been murdered and someone gave me string and told me to treat his as a celebration, I wouldn't, couldn't do that. I just couldn't. She didn't owe those people anything. I would barely be able to stand never mind lark about.
      ( Also, I'm pretty sure her sister purchased the silly string. )

    • @lisawarner6167
      @lisawarner6167 2 роки тому +2

      That's not correct. Her sister brought the silly string because the boys had really liked it.

    • @lisawarner6167
      @lisawarner6167 2 роки тому +2

      @@loubeelou2362 Exactly. People say oh she was told not to cry, told to be happy, she was just doing what she was told. You wouldn't be able to do that if you didn't feel that way. Not as the mother of two little boys who have just been savagely murdered.

    • @OliverMagoo
      @OliverMagoo Рік тому

      A lot of true crime channels are using misinformation from pro-Darlie sites instead of the trial transcripts like Prosecutors Podcast has done here. I don't see how anyone could have any reasonable doubt after seeing all the actual evidence presented at trial. I was on the fence myself until I read the transcripts and saw what the evidence really was. I don't think most of them are knowingly spreading misinfo though. Most people don't have the time to read long, mostly boring transcripts.

  • @alanasbaby7
    @alanasbaby7 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent analysis. Thank you

  • @rcdowdy
    @rcdowdy 3 роки тому +2

    The bread knife was laid out on the kitchen counter left to dry. She had made bread for dinner along with chicken noodle soup.