You obviously have no experiance in living in the west. I experienced hate and racism while being respectful and friendly just because I said I was muslim.
@@AliMohammed-ez6nt stay strong brother. God give test the servant can handle. Btw yeah I think the west is quiet aggressive. We in the ASEAN country live peacefully with each other. Its too peaceful around here.
@@mohdfarhan5255 yeah bro some are very aggressive and some of them smiles in your face and when u leave you already in trouble. Is hard sometimes in the west. Alhamdulillah as Muslims we still have to be good and patience with them sometimes cos they are brain washed.
@@halalmeatshophk I never saw a contradiction, He explained there is no "Mandatory" clothing. What's mandatory is modesty, so covering of privates and wearing loose clothing's, avoid beautifying yourself for ego or the pleasure of others besides your partner. The beard is also not "Mandatory" but the prophet advised us to keep our beards. So taking his advice we follow it, if you REALLY dislike your beard then its your personal choice to remove it but if your indifferent then follow the advice.
@@Kay8B it was a command from the prophet sallahu alayhi wassalam to let the beard grow and to trim the moustache. Its not an option. Some scholars say that you can trim until it is the length of a fist. Anything less than this is completely haram.
Assalamualaikum my brother may Allah swt gather you with the righteous ones and we made one day inshallah assalamualaikum keep the good work we got to get our brothers and sisters back to Allah swt assalamualaikum hope hope to meet you one day my brother and thank you for the lessons I became a Muslim I think when I was 43 years old I hope one day you come around this part of the part of town Northeast New York up in the Schenectady
A.aleikum Sheikh n Brother in Islam Uthman...thats a great job u r doing...we pray for u and lots of dua to those who u work together with...Allahu Bariq
May Allah SWT Rewards my Brother in Islam, he works so hard to save men kind from hellfire, I love how he is so patient with all the metal, and bad behavior people in America, American People should thanks to his he is giving them the gift of Jannah which is the best gift that Our Creator gave his Creations Humans, and the other thing that we can't see.
God bless you sheikh بارك الله فيكم 6:45 تصحيح بسيط لحضرتكم حول كون الفلسطينيين والأردنيين ليسوا عربًا، ليس عندي علم كافٍ حول تاريخ المغرب العربي لذلك لن أخوض فيه. لكن بالنسبة للفلسطينيين فأصولهم تعود لل"العرب الكنعانيين"والذين هاجروا من شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى بلاد الشام في القرن ١٢ قبل الميلاد (٣٥٠٠ قبل الميلاد) وكانوا هم أول من سكنها وعمرها. لو كنتم تقصدون أنهم ليسوا عربًا لأن الروم كانوا يحكمونها أثناء عصر نبينا محمد-صلى الله عليه وسلم- فهذا أيضًا لا يغير من حقيقة كون السكان الأصليين الأول الذين عاشوا فيها وعليها هم عرب وقد أسلموا وآمنوا بحبيبنا ونبينا محمد-صلى الله عليه وسلم- بفضل الله ورحمته خلال الفتوحات الإسلامية ومنهم من أسلم قبلها وبعدها والله-تعالى- أعلى وأعلم. Palestinians and Jordianians are originally from Arab Canaanites who immigrated from shebh aljazeera alarabeh (The Arabian Peninsula)To blad ashaam (Levant) 3500 bc. So it is a fact that they are Arab that became muslims ((alhamdullah))at the time of Sahabas-raddia Allah Anhum- ومع كل هذا شرفنا وعزنا لا يقع في كوننا عربًا أم عجمًا إنما لكوننا مسلمين (الحمد لله) كما قالها عمر بن الخطاب-رضي الله عنه-:"نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ومهما ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله". Despite all that, wether we are -originally arabs or not-we are thankful not because we are arabs but because we are Muslims(( Alhammdullah )) arabic is honered to be the language of the Quran not vice versa.
The only people who want to reinterpret and change the Qur'an are the enemies of Islam. So do not give these people any attention. Allahumma wa dam'mir àda ad Dìn.
@@bowrudder899 your comment shows you're in a state of ignorance. I think you should educate yourself about the status of non-muslims who live under strict Shariah Law. If anything it's more comfortable for non muslims as non muslims living under Shariah Law only have to pay a small annual tax (Jizyah) and that is it; even if war breaks out, it is the responsibility of the Muslims to protect the non muslims (non muslims are not required to participate in war, whereas all able Muslim men are required). you should educate yourself about Shariah Law from Islamic Scholars and not from reich wing anti Muslim hate sites. Have a sincere and open mind when you study about topics you may have been conditioned to hate without any reason by insecure people who are unable to substantiate their illogical idol worshiping beliefs so they attack the Purity that is found in Islamic Monotheism.
@@bowrudder899 and who are these "scholars" ? What are their names and credentials, so people can do their research to see if these "scholars" are actually scholars of Islam or some exmuslim who doesn't know Surah Al Fatiha but claims to know more on Islam and Muslim since exmuslims are always given a platform by right wing islamophobic bigots. I hate to burst your bubble, but the oral tradition the Qur'an is passed down from generation to generation spanning 1400+ years guarantees that there cannot be any change in the Qur'an. It might come as a surprise to those who frequent Islamophobic websites (you) that the main method of preservation of the Qur'an is based on oral tradition, not by means of text. Although if that were to be the case Muslims still have the Original Qur'an that was collated and printed under the supervision of Uthman (radiyalahu anhu) and other sahaba who met the Prophet Muhammed (salalhu aleyhi wa sallam. lets compare this with the bible: where the ANONYMOUS authors of the bible are at best separated from the source (Jesus Christ) by centuries.
@@bowrudder899 loool you’re such a liar.TBH I never did expect you to tell the truth. How can someone who lies about God be truthful to man. You think you can fool me ?? You think that I don’t know my own religion and I don’t follow Islamic scholars of my time to know if they said such a thing. I know that for a fact no Scholar of Islam would ever say that the Quran was changed over time because that would immediately take them out of the fold of Islam; as they would then be going against what Allah has said in the Quran: إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it. Quran (15:9) So I’m quite sure no Scholar of Islam at anytime in the history of this great Religion has ever made such a statement. Unless you’re confused about the different recitations (Qira’at) that the Prophet Muhammed (salalahu aleyhi wa salad) confirmed himself to be correct: Ibn ‘Abbaas who narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.” (narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3047; Muslim, 819) This is the end of this discussion. I invite you to Islam. Worship God alone without associating partners with Him. Follow the Quran that was given to His last and final Messenger Muhammed (salalahu aleyhi wa sallam).
Mashaa ALLAH as usual brother....please please please can someone tell me the Quran reciter a the beginning, i have been looking for him for a long time...Please share with me. Jazakalahu Khayran
You can reach out to me if you are Male my name is Shafeeq. I live in America. I love to give Dawah. I have multi Religious background. But I'm very much Muslim and love to explain it. (Not Debate) if you want reply and I will give you my email
Don't both of you think that economic powers should solve world issues of hunger and such things before going to space taking care of the best of all planets we have, taking care of humans poverty environment etc etc.
@Visto che what makes you think it was bad? From that squeeze, (which I believe you are referring to), Muhammad SAW realised that this is not a man... It was so immense that it completely shocked him... Thus it was a preparation for what came straight after... The first revelation of Qur'an... How would it have been if he was met by what appears to be a man and then says read this?... So it is believed that this squeeze was to show a certain reality that would shock him in preparation of the revelation so that it would be known that this is something very special.
@Visto che wow... I can't believe how much nonsense you wrote... What on earth possessed you to take such a perspective... Find some help for yourself me. You must be a troll.
@Visto che or copy a pasted for that matter. Seriously man, this is the most distorted and absolutely crazy perspective that I've ever, ever read regarding my Deen that I follow and study and learn properly through Islamic literature and never would you find anything related to the tripe you just shared... You must be sick or a troll, man.
@Visto che "may my parents be sacrificed for you" haha I suppose you think this means they would sacrifice their parents too haha. I don't know if I mentioned mate but again I know the language... Just go find another topic to study mate (40 years studying Islam and probably hasn't learned alif ba ta HAHAHA!).
So Muslims or imams do want people to accept islam, but they are not afraid, what if quantity ofmuslims decrease! And so if anyone is doing other than quran and sunnah is thought as leaving the islam.
Nobody asked😅 Btw, salafisim literally means following early muslim scholars which are the companies of the prophet pbuh and the scholars who followed their way which is sticking to Qura’an and Sunnah, so your sentence is a literal contradiction 😅
The answer is in the Quran and has been explained by a few shaykhs on youtube. But you could pose the question to any shaykh online, or go to a mosque and ask an Imam or perhaps attend a gathering such as the one here and ask the qn. All the best and hope you are able to finally clarify that nagging question - a good qn though.
What’s bad to you doesn’t mean that it’s ultimately bad. And a muslim strives for after life and believes that every hardship grants him more rewards and higher and greater ranks in paradise (because paradise is not only one rank), so a muslim is always in a good state of mind because he trust Allah’s wisdom and justice, but a non muslim will never find true peace weather his life was har or easy. May Allah guide us all🌹
It's not the American people people hate, it's the American government! The people are mostly great and loving 👌
You obviously have no experiance in living in the west. I experienced hate and racism while being respectful and friendly just because I said I was muslim.
@@AliMohammed-ez6nt stay strong brother. God give test the servant can handle. Btw yeah I think the west is quiet aggressive. We in the ASEAN country live peacefully with each other. Its too peaceful around here.
@@mohdfarhan5255 yeah bro some are very aggressive and some of them smiles in your face and when u leave you already in trouble. Is hard sometimes in the west. Alhamdulillah as Muslims we still have to be good and patience with them sometimes cos they are brain washed.
That's such a cowardly lie
TBf that’s what we used to hear back in the day and they where once upon a time but now a days they’re not 😭
May Allah bless you Sheikh Uthman ibn FarooQ.
JazakaAllahu khair my brother, AlhamduliAllah
At 26:08 was the golden question for me...what an excellent reply... Bless you Sheikh and the person for asking this.
@@halalmeatshophk I never saw a contradiction, He explained there is no "Mandatory" clothing. What's mandatory is modesty, so covering of privates and wearing loose clothing's, avoid beautifying yourself for ego or the pleasure of others besides your partner. The beard is also not "Mandatory" but the prophet advised us to keep our beards. So taking his advice we follow it, if you REALLY dislike your beard then its your personal choice to remove it but if your indifferent then follow the advice.
@@Kay8B bro show me where to keep the beard is sunnah
@@LiveGoobyYT prophet muhammad has beard.. then it is sunnah
@@FATEH2708 send salawat on the prophet akhi ( in full, not abbreviated)
@@Kay8B it was a command from the prophet sallahu alayhi wassalam to let the beard grow and to trim the moustache. Its not an option.
Some scholars say that you can trim until it is the length of a fist. Anything less than this is completely haram.
Salam and peace on you from malaysia brothers and sisters.keep uploading sheikh uthman very informative.
Wa'alaicum assalam
Perfect answer with the makeup MashaAllah
Baaraka Llaahu fiikum, Brothers and Sisters.
Salam from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Sheikh, I’m literally ADDICTED to your QnA videos. May Allah reward you for your hard work in the name of Allah !!!
Great and informative session
Assalamualaikum my brother may Allah swt gather you with the righteous ones and we made one day inshallah assalamualaikum keep the good work we got to get our brothers and sisters back to Allah swt assalamualaikum hope hope to meet you one day my brother and thank you for the lessons I became a Muslim I think when I was 43 years old I hope one day you come around this part of the part of town Northeast New York up in the Schenectady
A.aleikum Sheikh n Brother in Islam Uthman...thats a great job u r doing...we pray for u and lots of dua to those who u work together with...Allahu Bariq
Jazak Allah khair shaikh Uthman.
Salam from Indonesia. Tabarakallah
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Alhamdullilah Brother. Well carried out. Much needed.
May Allah SWT Rewards my Brother in Islam, he works so hard to save men kind from hellfire, I love how he is so patient with all the metal, and bad behavior people in America, American People should thanks to his he is giving them the gift of Jannah which is the best gift that Our Creator gave his Creations Humans, and the other thing that we can't see.
Ma sha Allah tabark Allah
Sheikh Uthman...good job. May Allah bless you
keep uploading, very much informative
Humour breaks ice!
جزاكم الله خيرا
Allahumme bareek
thank you ya shik جزاك الله خير و كان امنيتي اكون في محاضرتك اليوم و كل يوم .............. ياليت
حياكم الله و بياكم و جعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم
Sound system is anything but pristine.
Awesome sir
2:47 LooK at the Muslim guy when he was talking about the private parts that we have to cover 🤣🤣💀💀
Miskiin he was so uncomfortable with that one wallahi 😂
Halal Police Hehehe your name match perfectly to that comment here 🤣 🤣 😂 😂
Yeh 😆
islam is the truth❤
God bless you sheikh بارك الله فيكم
تصحيح بسيط لحضرتكم حول كون الفلسطينيين والأردنيين ليسوا عربًا، ليس عندي علم كافٍ حول تاريخ المغرب العربي لذلك لن أخوض فيه.
لكن بالنسبة للفلسطينيين فأصولهم تعود لل"العرب الكنعانيين"والذين هاجروا من شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى بلاد الشام في القرن ١٢ قبل الميلاد (٣٥٠٠ قبل الميلاد) وكانوا هم أول من سكنها وعمرها.
لو كنتم تقصدون أنهم ليسوا عربًا لأن الروم كانوا يحكمونها أثناء عصر نبينا محمد-صلى الله عليه وسلم- فهذا أيضًا لا يغير من حقيقة كون السكان الأصليين الأول الذين عاشوا فيها وعليها هم عرب وقد أسلموا وآمنوا بحبيبنا ونبينا محمد-صلى الله عليه وسلم- بفضل الله ورحمته خلال الفتوحات الإسلامية
ومنهم من أسلم قبلها وبعدها والله-تعالى- أعلى وأعلم.
Palestinians and Jordianians are originally from Arab Canaanites who immigrated from shebh aljazeera alarabeh (The Arabian Peninsula)To blad ashaam (Levant) 3500 bc.
So it is a fact that they are Arab that became muslims ((alhamdullah))at the time of Sahabas-raddia Allah Anhum-
ومع كل هذا
شرفنا وعزنا لا يقع في كوننا عربًا أم عجمًا إنما لكوننا مسلمين (الحمد لله) كما قالها عمر بن الخطاب-رضي الله عنه-:"نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ومهما ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله".
Despite all that, wether we are -originally arabs or not-we are thankful not because we are arabs but because we are Muslims(( Alhammdullah )) arabic is honered to be the language of the Quran not vice versa.
The only people who want to reinterpret and change the Qur'an are the enemies of Islam. So do not give these people any attention.
Allahumma wa dam'mir àda ad Dìn.
@@bowrudder899 your comment shows you're in a state of ignorance. I think you should educate yourself about the status of non-muslims who live under strict Shariah Law.
If anything it's more comfortable for non muslims as non muslims living under Shariah Law only have to pay a small annual tax (Jizyah) and that is it; even if war breaks out, it is the responsibility of the Muslims to protect the non muslims (non muslims are not required to participate in war, whereas all able Muslim men are required). you should educate yourself about Shariah Law from Islamic Scholars and not from reich wing anti Muslim hate sites. Have a sincere and open mind when you study about topics you may have been conditioned to hate without any reason by insecure people who are unable to substantiate their illogical idol worshiping beliefs so they attack the Purity that is found in Islamic Monotheism.
@@bowrudder899 and who are these "scholars" ? What are their names and credentials, so people can do their research to see if these "scholars" are actually scholars of Islam or some exmuslim who doesn't know Surah Al Fatiha but claims to know more on Islam and Muslim since exmuslims are always given a platform by right wing islamophobic bigots.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the oral tradition the Qur'an is passed down from generation to generation spanning 1400+ years guarantees that there cannot be any change in the Qur'an. It might come as a surprise to those who frequent Islamophobic websites (you) that the main method of preservation of the Qur'an is based on oral tradition, not by means of text. Although if that were to be the case Muslims still have the Original Qur'an that was collated and printed under the supervision of Uthman (radiyalahu anhu) and other sahaba who met the Prophet Muhammed (salalhu aleyhi wa sallam.
lets compare this with the bible: where the ANONYMOUS authors of the bible are at best separated from the source (Jesus Christ) by centuries.
@@bowrudder899 loool you’re such a liar.TBH I never did expect you to tell the truth. How can someone who lies about God be truthful to man.
You think you can fool me ?? You think that I don’t know my own religion and I don’t follow Islamic scholars of my time to know if they said such a thing. I know that for a fact no Scholar of Islam would ever say that the Quran was changed over time because that would immediately take them out of the fold of Islam; as they would then be going against what Allah has said in the Quran:
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ
It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.
Quran (15:9)
So I’m quite sure no Scholar of Islam at anytime in the history of this great Religion has ever made such a statement. Unless you’re confused about the different recitations (Qira’at) that the Prophet Muhammed (salalahu aleyhi wa salad) confirmed himself to be correct:
Ibn ‘Abbaas who narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.”
(narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3047; Muslim, 819)
This is the end of this discussion. I invite you to Islam. Worship God alone without associating partners with Him. Follow the Quran that was given to His last and final Messenger Muhammed (salalahu aleyhi wa sallam).
Can I do travel time and back to earth from heaven?
salam alaikum, can i ask the name of the reciter of quran the firsts secondes ?
Salam alikoum, hoes the reciter in the first second of the video please ? Baraka Allah fikoum
Tawfiq As Sayegh if im not mistaken
@@quranrecitation7097 جزاك الله خيرا
Ra Hani بارك الله فيك
I enjoy your videos. Please show the questioners in the q and a.
Mashaa ALLAH as usual brother....please please please can someone tell me the Quran reciter a the beginning, i have been looking for him for a long time...Please share with me. Jazakalahu Khayran
I know this is not answering your question. But I know a really nice reciter, his name is hazza Al balooshi
@@mohamedghassenmahjoub6076 Jazakalahu Hayran bro....I will chevk it out inshaa ALLAH
@@hallildiallo6781 Hazza Al Balushi, fatih seferagic, abdul rahman masood
I need a friend , Muslim only , someone who has good communication skills and someone who has time chat .
Can you define the purpose and the communication skills that you seek?
You can reach out to me if you are Male my name is Shafeeq. I live in America. I love to give Dawah. I have multi Religious background. But I'm very much Muslim and love to explain it. (Not Debate) if you want reply and I will give you my email
@@erasethehate5616 I am a male Cameroonian citizen living in Nigeria , my mom is in Washington and she is my greatest challenge right now .
Or you can give me your own email for me to write you up
sheikh, dont keep steppin on the mic's cable, son... hihi
The sheikh always mentioned Malaysia when making examples. Wonder why 🤔
Can i leave heaven and explore galaxy with space ship from starwars movie?
Surprisingly good question. Heaven can be that and more
Don't both of you think that economic powers should solve world issues of hunger and such things before going to space taking care of the best of all planets we have, taking care of humans poverty environment etc etc.
Why not?
Assalamu alaikum
Sheikh I'm a big fan of yours
I was wondering where do you get the money to arrange dinner invitation?
Why angel Gabriel rarely mentioned as the one who delivered revelation to prophet by Imam.
@Visto che u want an angel to arrange a coffe table and act like a Disney Princess? Angels don't act as u want them to or what u think angel is .
@Visto che what makes you think it was bad? From that squeeze, (which I believe you are referring to), Muhammad SAW realised that this is not a man... It was so immense that it completely shocked him... Thus it was a preparation for what came straight after... The first revelation of Qur'an...
How would it have been if he was met by what appears to be a man and then says read this?... So it is believed that this squeeze was to show a certain reality that would shock him in preparation of the revelation so that it would be known that this is something very special.
@Visto che wow... I can't believe how much nonsense you wrote... What on earth possessed you to take such a perspective... Find some help for yourself me. You must be a troll.
@Visto che or copy a pasted for that matter. Seriously man, this is the most distorted and absolutely crazy perspective that I've ever, ever read regarding my Deen that I follow and study and learn properly through Islamic literature and never would you find anything related to the tripe you just shared... You must be sick or a troll, man.
@Visto che "may my parents be sacrificed for you" haha I suppose you think this means they would sacrifice their parents too haha. I don't know if I mentioned mate but again I know the language... Just go find another topic to study mate (40 years studying Islam and probably hasn't learned alif ba ta HAHAHA!).
Pray time , I use it for break, go to toilet, wash your hand and face, then pray. Its Natural call. And it all healthy
So Muslims or imams do want people to accept islam, but they are not afraid, what if quantity ofmuslims decrease! And so if anyone is doing other than quran and sunnah is thought as leaving the islam.
Poor audio disappoints me.
dont but womans in vedio
Salafism is 300 years old
Nobody asked😅
Btw, salafisim literally means following early muslim scholars which are the companies of the prophet pbuh and the scholars who followed their way which is sticking to Qura’an and Sunnah, so your sentence is a literal contradiction 😅
If allah is so good why does he let people die of starvation?
The answer is in the Quran and has been explained by a few shaykhs on youtube. But you could pose the question to any shaykh online, or go to a mosque and ask an Imam or perhaps attend a gathering such as the one here and ask the qn.
All the best and hope you are able to finally clarify that nagging question - a good qn though.
What’s bad to you doesn’t mean that it’s ultimately bad.
And a muslim strives for after life and believes that every hardship grants him more rewards and higher and greater ranks in paradise (because paradise is not only one rank), so a muslim is always in a good state of mind because he trust Allah’s wisdom and justice, but a non muslim will never find true peace weather his life was har or easy.
May Allah guide us all🌹
Life is a test. Those who dont get tested with starvation get tested in other ways just as bad, when considering the hereafter