Now I can confidently say I understand the 3 pot system, (i.e. vested pot, retirement pot and savings pot) had to watch this video and revert to the one you did previously on " What happens come 01 March 2024" the message has landed ma'am, thank you kindly Maya❤
Quick question, on the vested pot, will this fund continue to grow and administered separately and/or independently from the other two pots? I am just curious as to how it will all work out.
Now I can confidently say I understand the 3 pot system, (i.e. vested pot, retirement pot and savings pot) had to watch this video and revert to the one you did previously on " What happens come 01 March 2024" the message has landed ma'am, thank you kindly Maya❤
I am concerned about reduced years for a defined fund.
Quick question, on the vested pot, will this fund continue to grow and administered separately and/or independently from the other two pots? I am just curious as to how it will all work out.
does this mean if you resign you will not get the money on yje retirement pot
you will still get the money in your vested pot (value up until new system is introduced) and savings pot, but not contributions to retirement pot