Thank you ma'am for this lecture. Human security approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human being and their complex social and economic interactions. The concept of human security represent a departure from Orthodox security studies which focus on the security of the state. These are economic security, food security, personal security, community security, and political security.
thank you so much mam for this lecture it's useful for all of us 🙏.. Seven issues associate human security :- Economic and security, personal security, community security, political security, health security, food security. Health security :- threats to life and health and inadequate access to health services. Economic security :- unemployedment, homeless, job insecurity, underdeveloped social security. Food security :- the problem of physical and economic access to food.
Poverty a condition in which a person is unable to fulfill basic needs for living.these fundamental needs are food , clothing and housing.a poor person is unable to meet his physical needs when the income level is low. Thank you ma'am for this informative video 😊😊
Thank you for the lecture ma'am!! ▪︎Human security refers to the people centered approach which is founded on the fundamental principle of centrality of an individual. ▪︎Albert Einstein in 1945 formulated that humankind can't be totally claimed to be civilized until and unless there are fair and decent living conditions for all. ▪︎Human security focuses more on freedom from fear, want and indignity . ▪︎It equates security with people and their development rather than arms. ▪︎Seven issues have been associated with human security which are as follows : .Economic security .Food security .Health security .Environmental security .Personal security .Community security .Political security ▪︎Commission on Human security was set up in 2001 which seeks to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and fulfillment. ▪︎ Poverty & economic inequalities are considered as threat to human security as it targets the fundamental principle of the same, i.e., feedom from fear , want & indignity.
Human security reveals a people centre and multi disciplinary understanding of security which involves a number of research fields including development studies , international relation , strategic studies and human rights.
✔Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions ✔The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. ✔The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. ✔first authoritative definition of human security was provided in 1994 when Mahbub ul Haq drew attention to the concept in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Report ✔. Beyond territorial and military concerns, the report argued that human security is fundamentally concerned with human life and dignity Thank you so much ma'am for such an amazing lecture. 💫
thank you ma'am for this wonderful lecture ... Economic well-being is one of the most critical determinants of health. Our projects examine root causes and impacts of labor market discrimination, precarious employment, low wage, and poverty faced by racialized groups, immigrants, and refugees.
The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies which focus on security of the state. Human security approach has became essential in all respects. Human security as defined in the UNDP report consisted of seven components & dimensions that are - Economic , Food , Health , Environment , Personal community and political. Thanku Ma'am for this Greater understanding...🙏
Human security is concerned with safeguarding and expanding people's vital freedoms. It requires both protecting people from critical and pervasive threats and empowering people to take charge of their own lives. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Thanku so much mam for such an informative lecture....🙏🙏
Thank you so much Ma'am for the informative lecture.. Human Security is an approach to assist the member states in identifying and addressing cross cutting challenges to the survival livelihood and dignity of the people. Human Security calls for people centered , comprehensive, context specific and prevention oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people. Its focus is not just military security, but freedom from fear, wants and dignity. Issues associated with Human Security are - Economic security, food Security, health Security, environmental security, personal Security, community Security and political Security.
Thank you so much ma'am for this amazing lecture. Human security is a approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.Human security fully entered the policy and academic debates in the early 1990s. Nevertheless, despite its widespread usage within national and international policy circles, its definition remains highly contested. The holistic vision of protecting the security of people lends itself to a variety of interpretations shaped by relative understandings of what constitutes a threat to the security of individuals, how the intensity and repercussion of any given threat can be measured (i.e., historical data or forward-looking forecasts), and by what possible means the threat can be prevented or removed. The coalition of states and supranational organizations that have supported the approach can count numerous accomplishments, such as the Ottawa Convention (i.e., Mine Ban Treaty), the establishment of the International Criminal Court, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Thank you so much mam for this knowledgeable lecture 🙏🙏. We learnt so many things from here this lecture . Human security has been defined by general assembly resolution 66/290 as"an approach to assist member states in identifying and addressing widespread and crosscutting challenges to survival livelihood and dignity of their people". The UNDP' 1994 Human development report' definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be expended to include threats in seven Areas that are : Economic security, food security, political security, health security, personal security, community security and environmental security. Related concepts : •human development - means for creating a human security. • Human rights - article 3 of the universal declaration of human rights affirms that the "everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person."
Thank you for the lecture!! The core of human security concept is considered to be the idea that focus shifts from the state as a referent object, to individuals. The main thesis of human security is that security risks should be assessed with the people-centred view in mind and with the assumption that when a human faces a threat, so does international security.
Thankyou for the lecture ma'am The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.
Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. A people-centred approach to security has implications for how we carry out and understand conflict assessment, programme planning, implementation, and evaluation of peacebuilding initiatives. Thank you ma'am for this informative lecture.
Thankyou mam for the lecture. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.
Well explained ma'am🙏. The concept of 'human security' aims at bringing about a paradigm shift in the concept of security while transferring the focus of protection from the state to individuals. It calls for widening the scope of security from a completely military-centric conception to focusing on wide ranging areas such a security from poverty ,inequalities, environmental degradation, infectious diseases, etc. The UNDP report of 1994 for the first time proposed the notion of 'human security'. Mahbub ul Haq stated that'we need to fashion a new concept of human security that is reflected in the lives of our people,not in the weapons of our country'. It focused on four characteristics of human security - •human security is a universal concern . •the components of human security are interdependent. •human security is easier to ensure through easy prevention than later invention . •human security is people-centric . The 1994 report has identified 7 dimensions of human security i.e, economic security, food security, health security ,environmental security, personal security, communal security and political security.
Thank you so much Ma'am for the lecture 🙏. It made the concept for clear . For many people, today’s world is an insecure place, full of threats on many fronts. Protracted crises, violent conflicts, natural disasters, persistent poverty, epidemics and economic downturns impose hardships and undercut prospects for peace, stability, and sustainable development. Such crises are complex, entailing multiple forms of human insecurity. Therefore , the concept of human security was first introduced in official parlance in the UNDP 1994 Human Development Report (UNDP 1994). The Report succinctly points out the necessity of going beyond realist IR scholars’ conceptualizations of security: “The concept of security has been far too long been interpreted narrowly: as security of territory from external aggression, or as protection of national interests in foreign policy or as global security from the threat of nuclear holocaust. However, the Report’s definition of human security begins to lose its lucidity as it goes on to refer to all the risks and dangers that people encounter in their daily lives. World leaders have finally come to realise that poverty is the ultimate systemic threat facing humanity. The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr Michael Camdessus, warned that the widening gaps between rich and poor nations were potentially socially explosive. If the poor were left hopeless, he said, poverty would undermine societies through confrontation, violence and civil disorder. Poverty contributes substantially and often directly to the spread of infectious disease. By spurring population growth, contributing to immune-compromising malnutrition and exacerbating crowding and poor sanitary conditions, poverty fuels the transmission of disease.Finally, poverty contributes, indirectly but significantly, to transnational, anti-U.S. terrorism perpetrated by sub-state actors such as Al Qaeda. Inequalities have many dimensions - economic, political and social. Economic inequality itself could produce civil unrest, posing a security threat. But surely this does violence to the concept of “security.” Civil war in Europe over inequality (or the lack of economic growth or unemployment) is unthinkable. Therefore ,the concept of human security has gained prominence in security studies. It echoed the changes which took place in international politics after the end of the Cold War.The United Nations Development Programme's 1994 Human Development Report is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that ensuring "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity.
Thanku so much ma'am for such a wonderful lecture🙏 As noted in General Assembly resolution 66/290, “human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people.” It calls for “people-centred, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people.” A POWERFUL APPROACH The human security approach is a proven analytical and planning framework that supports more comprehensive and preventive responses by the United Nations, cutting across sectors, developing contextually relevant solutions, and adopting partnerships to help realise a world free from fear, want and indignity. From coordination to integration The application of human security advances comprehensive responses that address the multidimensional causes and consequences of complex challenges. As such, it calls for integrated actions among a network of stakeholders to ensure lasting responses to the most difficult deficits in peace and development. Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships Human security draws together the expertise and resources of a wide range of actors from the United Nations system, Governments, private sector, civil society and local communities. This allows for seizing synergies that capitalize on the comparative advantages of various stakeholders. Localisation and ‘leaving no one behind’ Recognizing that the root causes and manifestations of challenges vary significantly across countries and communities, human security promotes responses that are grounded in local realities. It helps localise international and national agendas to ensure that no one is left behind. Prevention and resilience Prevention is the core objective of human security. It addresses the root causes of vulnerabilities, focuses attention on emerging risks and emphasizes early action. It strengthens local capacities to build resilience, and promotes solutions that enhance social cohesion and advance respect for human rights and dignity. Thanku...
Inequality is necessary to encourage entrepreneurs to take risks and set up a new business. Without the prospect of substantial rewards, there would be little incentive to take risks and invest in new business opportunities. Fairness. It can be argued that people deserve to keep higher incomes if their skills merit it.
Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity.
Thank you mam for the lecture. Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. A people-centred approach to security has implications for how we carry out and understand conflict assessment, programme planning, implementation, and evaluation of peacebuilding initiatives.
Thank you so much ma'am..... Human security is a human right, it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. The United Nations Development programme's 1994 Human development report is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that ensuring "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity. For UNDP, human security meant safety from chronic threats such as hunger, disease, poverty, inequality and repression, and it meant protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life.
Thank you so much ma'am There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life. Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc. Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people. Finally political security is concerned with protection of human rights and well-being of all people. It also includes protection against people from state repression such as freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of voting. Abolishment of political detention, imprisonment, systematic ill treatment, and disappearance are also covered under political security. Among the seven elements to human security are considerable links and overlaps. But that one element of human security is likely to travel like an angry typhoon to all forms of human security.
Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. poverty plays a complex and dual role in facilitating the emergence and spread of transnational security threats. First, it substantially increases the risk of conflict, which in turn serves as especially fertile breeding grounds for so many threats. It leads to conflicts diseases and economic degradation which somehow effect the global as well as human security. Thanks mam n cec for this lecture🤗 🙏
✔Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interaction✔The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. ✔The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. ✔first authoritative definition of human security was provided in 1994 when Mahbub ul Haq drew attention to the concept in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Report ✔. Beyond territorial and military concerns, the report argued that human security is fundamentally concerned with human life and dignity Thank uh ma'am for explaining the topic
The concept of security, from the very ancient period, has been interpreted narrowly. It has been treated as security of territory from external aggression, or as protection of national interest in foreign policy or as threat of a nuclear holocaust.
Food security :- The problem of physical and economic access to food. Health security :- threats to life and health and inadequate access to health services.
Poverty is considered as one of the greatest security threats as it reduces quality and quantity of life of the poor and rich, and produces an unequal world resulting in instability.
Seven issues associated human security : Economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, community security, political security, personal security.
There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life. Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc. Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people. Finally political security is concerned with protection of human rights and well-being of all people. It also includes protection against people from state repression such as freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of voting. Abolishment of political detention, imprisonment, systematic ill treatment, and disappearance are also covered under political security. Thankyou maam for the lecture🌻♥
The initial level of inequality affects the poverty reducing capacity of growth, as a more equitable distribution of income and assets provides the poor with more means and opportunities to improve their standard of living.
Seven issues associated human security :- Economic security food security , health security environmental security , personal security , community security , political security .
Increases in the level of income inequality have a negative long-run effect on the level of GDP per capita. ... The estimates from the interaction model thus suggest that in poor countries, increases in income inequality raise GDP per capita while the opposite is the case in high- and middle-income countries.
Human Security: Seven Categories There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life. Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc. Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people.
Thanku mam for the lecture.. In General Assembly resolution 66/290, “ Human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people.” It is a human right refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. •The economic realms include the economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net.
The problem is not confined to certain parts of the world. While in sub-Saharan Africa almost 300 million live on less than $1 (88 pence) a day, an increase from 217 million in 1987, the number of Russians living in poverty has increased from two million to 60 million in the past decade. In East Asia - which, for a long time, was one of the few bright spots in the world where sustained economic growth was lifting many out of poverty - the financial crisis of 1997 has led to dramatic reversals. In Indonesia, the percentage of people living in poverty has risen from 11 per cent to more than 40 per cent in just a few years. Meanwhile, at the heart of the developed world, inequality has been growing in virtually all countries, most markedly in those with the highest levels of economic growth - Ireland and the United States. In the UNDP index of poverty in the industrialised world, these two countries hold the unenviable record of having been in the top two places since the index was first published three years ago. In Latin America, even the World Bank is admitting that the hopes it had in the early 1990s of reducing poverty and inequality have not been met. The UN's most recent estimate puts the number living in poverty at 220 million, an increase from 135 million in 1980 and 200 million in 1990. The gap between these poor and the rich has continued to grow in most of the region's countries, from levels that were already the highest in the world. The number of super-rich has also been growing. The world's richest 225 people have a combined wealth equal to the annual income of 47 per cent of the world's population, while the three richest people have assets exceeding the combined GDP of the 48 least developed countries. While most of these multi-billionaires are from industrialised countries, 43 are from Asia, 22 from Latin America and 11 from the Arab states.
The dominance of a free market system since the end of the Cold War has led to "the success of the few at the expense of the many", he writes. Even if the "few" number over a billion, those who are losing out are four to five times that number. Socio-economic disparities are growing and extreme poverty is experienced by a substantial proportion of the world's population - between one and two billion - and shows little sign of decreasing; it may even be increasing as the world's population continues to grow by more than 80 million each year. Alongside these are an additional three billion people who are substantially marginalised as the world's elite surges ahead.
Effects of income inequality, researchers have found, include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower population-wide satisfaction and happiness and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption.
World leaders have finally come to realise that poverty is the ultimate systemic threat facing humanity. Just before he retired in February, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr Michael Camdessus, warned that the widening gaps between rich and poor nations were potentially socially explosive. If the poor were left hopeless, he said, poverty would undermine societies through confrontation, violence and civil disorder. Mr Camdessus's warning underlines the concern emerging among world leaders about the growing global gap between rich and poor. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been charting this gap in its annual human development reports. The income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest was 74 to 1 in 1997, up from 60 to 1 in 1990 and 30 to 1 in 1960, it said in its 1999 report. While this has long been of concern to development experts, it is increasingly being acknowledged as a major security problem, for the world's poor and rich alike. As Prof Paul Rogers of Bradford University put it in a recently published book, "socio-economic divisions and environmental constraints will be core factors in determining levels of international insecurity in the next three decades".
⬅️The main aspect of human security is considered to have changed from being state focused agenda to an individually focused agenda in security scholarship. Nevertheless, the topic of human security is quite multifaceted and demands caution when analysed in different contexts. ⬅️To reveal the relevance of human security for the pressing issues in international politics, several sections will be successively examined. Firstly, the core elements of the concept will be described, followed by historical context of the concept’s evolution and formulation. ⬅️Secondly, the main scholarly debates existing within the concept will be explored, proceeded by the critical evaluation of the concept. Finally, the analysis of human security as a concept will be used as a basis to understand the extent to which human security could be applied as a paradigm shaping a vision in international politics. ⬅️The human security concept has become a milestone in the field of security studies. The core of the concept is considered to be the idea that the focus shifts from the state as the referent object to humans, to individuals. ⬅️The human security notion is considered to be relatively young. It was coined in the mid-1990s in the wake of crucial changes in the international system.
It's a most knowledgeable video🎥 superb ma'am 👍
Thank you ma'am for this lecture. Human security approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human being and their complex social and economic interactions.
The concept of human security represent a departure from Orthodox security studies which focus on the security of the state.
These are economic security, food security, personal security, community security, and political security.
thank you so much mam for this lecture it's useful for all of us 🙏..
Seven issues associate human security :-
Economic and security, personal security, community security, political security, health security, food security.
Health security :- threats to life and health and inadequate access to health services.
Economic security :- unemployedment, homeless, job insecurity, underdeveloped social security.
Food security :- the problem of physical and economic access to food.
Poverty a condition in which a person is unable to fulfill basic needs for living.these fundamental needs are food , clothing and housing.a poor person is unable to meet his physical needs when the income level is low.
Thank you ma'am for this informative video 😊😊
Thank you so much ma'am for knowledgeable lecture 🙏😊
Thank you for the lecture ma'am!!
▪︎Human security refers to the people centered approach which is founded on the fundamental principle of centrality of an individual.
▪︎Albert Einstein in 1945 formulated that humankind can't be totally claimed to be civilized until and unless there are fair and decent living conditions for all.
▪︎Human security focuses more on freedom from fear, want and indignity .
▪︎It equates security with people and their development rather than arms.
▪︎Seven issues have been associated with human security which are as follows :
.Economic security
.Food security
.Health security
.Environmental security
.Personal security
.Community security
.Political security
▪︎Commission on Human security was set up in 2001 which seeks to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and fulfillment.
▪︎ Poverty & economic inequalities are considered as threat to human security as it targets the fundamental principle of the same, i.e., feedom from fear , want & indignity.
Thanku so much mam
Thank you so much ma'am🙏 it's a great video 👌
Thanks for the very knowledgeable lecture ma'am it really helps us..😊😊
THANK you ma'am , its a great video , well explained the topic.
Human security reveals a people centre and multi disciplinary understanding of security which involves a number of research fields including development studies , international relation , strategic studies and human rights.
Thankyou soo much mam for this wonderful lecture❤️🔥🎉🙏
✔Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions
✔The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state.
✔The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease.
✔first authoritative definition of human security was provided in 1994 when Mahbub ul Haq drew attention to the concept in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Report
✔. Beyond territorial and military concerns, the report argued that human security is fundamentally concerned with human life and dignity
Thank you so much ma'am for such an amazing lecture. 💫
thank you ma'am for this wonderful lecture ...
Economic well-being is one of the most critical determinants of health. Our projects examine root causes and impacts of labor market discrimination, precarious employment, low wage, and poverty faced by racialized groups, immigrants, and refugees.
The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies which focus on security of the state. Human security approach has became essential in all respects. Human security as defined in the UNDP report consisted of seven components & dimensions that are - Economic , Food , Health , Environment , Personal community and political.
Thanku Ma'am for this Greater understanding...🙏
Human security is concerned with safeguarding and expanding people's vital freedoms. It requires both protecting people from critical and pervasive threats and empowering people to take charge of their own lives.
The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it.
Thanku so much mam for such an informative lecture....🙏🙏
Thank you so much Ma'am for the informative lecture..
Human Security is an approach to assist the member states in identifying and addressing cross cutting challenges to the survival livelihood and dignity of the people.
Human Security calls for people centered , comprehensive, context specific and prevention oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people.
Its focus is not just military security, but freedom from fear, wants and dignity.
Issues associated with Human Security are - Economic security, food Security, health Security, environmental security, personal Security, community Security and political Security.
Thank you so much ma'am for this amazing lecture.
Human security is a approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.Human security fully entered the policy and academic debates in the early 1990s. Nevertheless, despite its widespread usage within national and international policy circles, its definition remains highly contested. The holistic vision of protecting the security of people lends itself to a variety of interpretations shaped by relative understandings of what constitutes a threat to the security of individuals, how the intensity and repercussion of any given threat can be measured (i.e., historical data or forward-looking forecasts), and by what possible means the threat can be prevented or removed. The coalition of states and supranational organizations that have supported the approach can count numerous accomplishments, such as the Ottawa Convention (i.e., Mine Ban Treaty), the establishment of the International Criminal Court, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Great mam
Thank you so much mam for this knowledgeable lecture 🙏🙏. We learnt so many things from here this lecture .
Human security has been defined by general assembly resolution 66/290 as"an approach to assist member states in identifying and addressing widespread and crosscutting challenges to survival livelihood and dignity of their people".
The UNDP' 1994 Human development report' definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be expended to include threats in seven Areas that are : Economic security, food security, political security, health security, personal security, community security and environmental security.
Related concepts :
•human development - means for creating a human security.
• Human rights - article 3 of the universal declaration of human rights affirms that the "everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person."
Thank you for the lecture!!
The core of human security concept is considered to be the idea that focus shifts from the state as a referent object, to individuals. The main thesis of human security is that security risks should be assessed with the people-centred view in mind and with the assumption that when a human faces a threat, so does international security.
Thankyou for the lecture ma'am
The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.
Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. A people-centred approach to security has implications for how we carry out and understand conflict assessment, programme planning, implementation, and evaluation of peacebuilding initiatives.
Thank you ma'am for this informative lecture.
Thankyou mam for the lecture.
The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state. The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease. Moving the security agenda beyond state security does not mean replacing it but rather involves complementing and building on it. Central to this approach is the understanding that human security deprivations can undermine peace and stability within and between states, whereas an overemphasis on state security can be detrimental to human welfare. The state remains a central provider of security, but state security is not a sufficient condition for human welfare.
Well explained ma'am🙏.
The concept of 'human security' aims at bringing about a paradigm shift in the concept of security while transferring the focus of protection from the state to individuals. It calls for widening the scope of security from a completely military-centric conception to focusing on wide ranging areas such a security from poverty ,inequalities, environmental degradation, infectious diseases, etc. The UNDP report of 1994 for the first time proposed the notion of 'human security'. Mahbub ul Haq stated that'we need to fashion a new concept of human security that is reflected in the lives of our people,not in the weapons of our country'.
It focused on four characteristics of human security -
•human security is a universal concern .
•the components of human security are interdependent. •human security is easier to ensure through easy prevention than later invention .
•human security is people-centric .
The 1994 report has identified 7 dimensions of human security i.e, economic security, food security, health security ,environmental security, personal security, communal security and political security.
Thank you so much Ma'am for the lecture 🙏. It made the concept for clear .
For many people, today’s world is an insecure place, full of threats on many fronts. Protracted crises, violent conflicts, natural disasters, persistent poverty, epidemics and economic downturns impose hardships and undercut prospects for peace, stability, and sustainable development. Such crises are complex, entailing multiple forms of human insecurity. Therefore , the concept of human security was first introduced in official parlance in the UNDP 1994
Human Development Report (UNDP 1994). The Report succinctly points out the necessity
of going beyond realist IR scholars’ conceptualizations of security: “The concept of
security has been far too long been interpreted narrowly: as security of territory from
external aggression, or as protection of national interests in foreign policy or as global
security from the threat of nuclear holocaust. However, the
Report’s definition of human security begins to lose its lucidity as it goes on to refer to all the risks and dangers that people encounter in their daily lives.
World leaders have finally come to realise that poverty is the ultimate systemic threat facing humanity. The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr Michael Camdessus, warned that the widening gaps between rich and poor nations were potentially socially explosive. If the poor were left hopeless, he said, poverty would undermine societies through confrontation, violence and civil disorder. Poverty contributes substantially and often directly to the spread of infectious disease. By spurring population growth, contributing to immune-compromising malnutrition and exacerbating crowding and poor sanitary conditions, poverty fuels the transmission of disease.Finally, poverty contributes, indirectly but significantly, to transnational, anti-U.S. terrorism perpetrated by sub-state actors such as Al Qaeda.
Inequalities have many dimensions - economic,
political and social. Economic inequality itself could produce civil unrest, posing a security threat. But surely this does violence to the concept of “security.” Civil war in Europe over inequality (or the lack of economic growth or unemployment) is unthinkable.
Therefore ,the concept of human security has gained prominence in security studies. It echoed the changes which took place in international politics after the end of the Cold War.The United Nations Development Programme's 1994 Human Development Report is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that ensuring "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity.
Thanku so much ma'am for such a wonderful lecture🙏
As noted in General Assembly resolution 66/290, “human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people.” It calls for “people-centred, comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and empowerment of all people.”
The human security approach is a proven analytical and planning framework that supports more comprehensive and preventive responses by the United Nations, cutting across sectors, developing contextually relevant solutions, and adopting partnerships to help realise a world free from fear, want and indignity.
From coordination to integration
The application of human security advances comprehensive responses that address the multidimensional causes and consequences of complex challenges. As such, it calls for integrated actions among a network of stakeholders to ensure lasting responses to the most difficult deficits in peace and development.
Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships
Human security draws together the expertise and resources of a wide range of actors from the United Nations system, Governments, private sector, civil society and local communities. This allows for seizing synergies that capitalize on the comparative advantages of various stakeholders.
Localisation and ‘leaving no one behind’
Recognizing that the root causes and manifestations of challenges vary significantly across countries and communities, human security promotes responses that are grounded in local realities. It helps localise international and national agendas to ensure that no one is left behind.
Prevention and resilience
Prevention is the core objective of human security. It addresses the root causes of vulnerabilities, focuses attention on emerging risks and emphasizes early action. It strengthens local capacities to build resilience, and promotes solutions that enhance social cohesion and advance respect for human rights and dignity.
Inequality is necessary to encourage entrepreneurs to take risks and set up a new business. Without the prospect of substantial rewards, there would be little incentive to take risks and invest in new business opportunities. Fairness. It can be argued that people deserve to keep higher incomes if their skills merit it.
Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity.
Thank you mam for the lecture.
Human security is a human right; it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity. A people-centred approach to security has implications for how we carry out and understand conflict assessment, programme planning, implementation, and evaluation of peacebuilding initiatives.
Thank you so much ma'am.....
Human security is a human right, it refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity.
The United Nations Development programme's 1994 Human development report is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that ensuring "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity.
For UNDP, human security meant safety from chronic threats such as hunger, disease, poverty, inequality and repression, and it meant protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life.
Thank you so much ma'am
There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security.
Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life.
Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc.
Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people.
Finally political security is concerned with protection of human rights and well-being of all people. It also includes protection against people from state repression such as freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of voting. Abolishment of political detention, imprisonment, systematic ill treatment, and disappearance are also covered under political security.
Among the seven elements to human security are considerable links and overlaps. But that one element of human security is likely to travel like an angry typhoon to all forms of human security.
Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions. The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state.
poverty plays a complex and dual role in facilitating the emergence and spread of transnational security threats. First, it substantially increases the risk of conflict, which in turn serves as especially fertile breeding grounds for so many threats. It leads to conflicts diseases and economic degradation which somehow effect the global as well as human security.
Thanks mam n cec for this lecture🤗 🙏
✔Human security, approach to national and international security that gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interaction✔The concept of human security represents a departure from orthodox security studies, which focus on the security of the state.
✔The subjects of the human security approach are individuals, and its end goal is the protection of people from traditional (i.e., military) and nontraditional threats such as poverty and disease.
✔first authoritative definition of human security was provided in 1994 when Mahbub ul Haq drew attention to the concept in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Report
✔. Beyond territorial and military concerns, the report argued that human security is fundamentally concerned with human life and dignity
Thank uh ma'am for explaining the topic
Nice video
Focus on not just military security :-
Freedom from fear ,
Freedom from want ,
Freedom from indignity .
The concept of security, from the very ancient period, has been interpreted narrowly. It has been treated as security of territory from external aggression, or as protection of national interest in foreign policy or as threat of a nuclear holocaust.
Food security :- The problem of physical and economic access to food.
Health security :- threats to life and health and inadequate access to health services.
Poverty is considered as one of the greatest security threats as it reduces quality and quantity of life of the poor and rich, and produces an unequal world resulting in instability.
Seven issues associated human security : Economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, community security, political security, personal security.
There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security.
Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life.
Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc.
Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people.
Finally political security is concerned with protection of human rights and well-being of all people. It also includes protection against people from state repression such as freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of voting. Abolishment of political detention, imprisonment, systematic ill treatment, and disappearance are also covered under political security.
Thankyou maam for the lecture🌻♥
The initial level of inequality affects the poverty reducing capacity of growth, as a more equitable distribution of income and assets provides the poor with more means and opportunities to improve their standard of living.
Economic security : Unemployment, job in security income inequality, inflation, underdeveloped social security homelessness.
Seven issues associated human security :-
Economic security food security , health security environmental security , personal security , community security , political security .
Increases in the level of income inequality have a negative long-run effect on the level of GDP per capita. ... The estimates from the interaction model thus suggest that in poor countries, increases in income inequality raise GDP per capita while the opposite is the case in high- and middle-income countries.
Human Security: Seven Categories
There are essentially seven issues associated human security. These are economic security, food security, health security environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security.
Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net. Food security is simply access to basic nutrition and food supply. Health security is more complex, and covers many different issues such as access to safe water, living in a safe environment, access to health services, access to safe and affordable family planning and basic support during pregnancy and delivery, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and to have basic knowledge to live a healthy life.
Environmental security is straightforward and cover such issues as prevention of water pollution, prevention of air pollution, prevention from deforestation, irrigated land conservation, prevention of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, cyclones, earthquakes etc.
Community security on the other hand covers conservation of traditional and cultures, languages and commonly held values. It also includes abolishment of ethnic discrimination, prevention of ethnic conflicts, and protection of indigenous people.
Economic security :- unemployment, job insecurity , income inequality , inflation , underdeveloped social security , homelessness .
Thanku mam for the lecture..
In General Assembly resolution 66/290, “ Human security is an approach to assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people.”
It is a human right refers to the security of people and communities, as opposed to the security of states. Human security recognises that there are several dimensions related to feeling safe, such as freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom from indignity.
•The economic realms include the economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security and political security. Some of the criteria associated with economic security include insured basic income and employment, and access to such social safety net.
The problem is not confined to certain parts of the world. While in sub-Saharan Africa almost 300 million live on less than $1 (88 pence) a day, an increase from 217 million in 1987, the number of Russians living in poverty has increased from two million to 60 million in the past decade.
In East Asia - which, for a long time, was one of the few bright spots in the world where sustained economic growth was lifting many out of poverty - the financial crisis of 1997 has led to dramatic reversals. In Indonesia, the percentage of people living in poverty has risen from 11 per cent to more than 40 per cent in just a few years.
Meanwhile, at the heart of the developed world, inequality has been growing in virtually all countries, most markedly in those with the highest levels of economic growth - Ireland and the United States. In the UNDP index of poverty in the industrialised world, these two countries hold the unenviable record of having been in the top two places since the index was first published three years ago.
In Latin America, even the World Bank is admitting that the hopes it had in the early 1990s of reducing poverty and inequality have not been met. The UN's most recent estimate puts the number living in poverty at 220 million, an increase from 135 million in 1980 and 200 million in 1990.
The gap between these poor and the rich has continued to grow in most of the region's countries, from levels that were already the highest in the world.
The number of super-rich has also been growing. The world's richest 225 people have a combined wealth equal to the annual income of 47 per cent of the world's population, while the three richest people have assets exceeding the combined GDP of the 48 least developed countries. While most of these multi-billionaires are from industrialised countries, 43 are from Asia, 22 from Latin America and 11 from the Arab states.
The dominance of a free market system since the end of the Cold War has led to "the success of the few at the expense of the many", he writes. Even if the "few" number over a billion, those who are losing out are four to five times that number.
Socio-economic disparities are growing and extreme poverty is experienced by a substantial proportion of the world's population - between one and two billion - and shows little sign of decreasing; it may even be increasing as the world's population continues to grow by more than 80 million each year. Alongside these are an additional three billion people who are substantially marginalised as the world's elite surges ahead.
Effects of income inequality, researchers have found, include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower population-wide satisfaction and happiness and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption.
World leaders have finally come to realise that poverty is the ultimate systemic threat facing humanity. Just before he retired in February, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr Michael Camdessus, warned that the widening gaps between rich and poor nations were potentially socially explosive. If the poor were left hopeless, he said, poverty would undermine societies through confrontation, violence and civil disorder.
Mr Camdessus's warning underlines the concern emerging among world leaders about the growing global gap between rich and poor.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been charting this gap in its annual human development reports. The income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest was 74 to 1 in 1997, up from 60 to 1 in 1990 and 30 to 1 in 1960, it said in its 1999 report.
While this has long been of concern to development experts, it is increasingly being acknowledged as a major security problem, for the world's poor and rich alike. As Prof Paul Rogers of Bradford University put it in a recently published book, "socio-economic divisions and environmental constraints will be core factors in determining levels of international insecurity in the next three decades".
⬅️The main aspect of human security is considered to have changed from being state focused agenda to an individually focused agenda in security scholarship. Nevertheless, the topic of human security is quite multifaceted and demands caution when analysed in different contexts.
⬅️To reveal the relevance of human security for the pressing issues in international politics, several sections will be successively examined. Firstly, the core elements of the concept will be described, followed by historical context of the concept’s evolution and formulation.
⬅️Secondly, the main scholarly debates existing within the concept will be explored, proceeded by the critical evaluation of the concept. Finally, the analysis of human security as a concept will be used as a basis to understand the extent to which human security could be applied as a paradigm shaping a vision in international politics.
⬅️The human security concept has become a milestone in the field of security studies. The core of the concept is considered to be the idea that the focus shifts from the state as the referent object to humans, to individuals.
⬅️The human security notion is considered to be relatively young. It was coined in the mid-1990s in the wake of crucial changes in the international system.
Thank you So much mam for your efforts ☺☺
Nice video