Q&A: Free Stuff and the Proven Winners Discussion Continues

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joanp105
    @joanp105 Місяць тому +12

    Your content is unique and much appreciated over the entire growing season. I do not know of any other channel that gives non biased information and shows your viewers the wins and fails. Your enthusiasm for your subject is wonderful.

  • @colsen4616
    @colsen4616 Місяць тому +3

    I really appreciate all of your videos, Corey, and all the content you creators make available to us…FOR FREE! Y’all do what you need to do to keep it coming and thank you.

  • @wilmasgarden3098
    @wilmasgarden3098 Місяць тому +3

    Great content! I work at an ACE in retirement and somehow became the garden guru, which I am NOT. But, I love to garden. What I noticed is exactly what Corey mentioned... it depends on the grower. We are back using a Michigan grower, and the plants arrive perfect and ready to sell. Heck, people were buying the hanging plants before I could take the plastic off. Illinois 5b.

  • @lisajelle714
    @lisajelle714 Місяць тому +4

    I really appreciate your unbiased and knowledgable viewpoint- thanks for another excellent video!

  • @terigreen8649
    @terigreen8649 Місяць тому +2

    Thank you for your unbiased and helpful videos

  • @cindydavis5365
    @cindydavis5365 Місяць тому +1

    Hi Corey, as always, it was a joy to watch your latest video. You are so very relatable and down to earth! I'm in zone 7b in New Mexico, a much different climate, yet we share that no-fuss approach to gardening and your channel is my very favorite. Thank you for always keeping it real and for sharing your valuable knowledge and experiences with us!

  • @ellenjenner1488
    @ellenjenner1488 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you so much for the benefit of your experience and enthusiasm! I have learned so much from you all season!😊

  • @ryanmetz186
    @ryanmetz186 Місяць тому +1

    I like the ability PW has to buy online. I need Monrovia to step it up.

  • @lauriemiller8954
    @lauriemiller8954 Місяць тому +2

    Another great discussion Corey. Funny how alot us have had similar experiences. I was told by my smaller local nursery that she wouldn't stock PW because they didnt attract pollinators. Also when i was in my 40s I went to work at a different local garden center and learned so much. They did do alot of propagation and sold both wholesale and retail. Now at 65 I do support alot of independent nurseries only. California does restrict watering in alot of areas so drought tolerance and native are big deal here. Thanks again for great video🎉

  • @nancybrown8489
    @nancybrown8489 Місяць тому +1

    Very informative and helpful video. Thank you!

  • @baileycormack2986
    @baileycormack2986 Місяць тому +1

    I feel so much better knowing I am not failing by trying to recreate what I see on some channels 😅
    Also, I trust you’re let’s try it and see if it works methods. You take us into a more educated gardening experience then you realize and we do t have to leave the couch 😂 Thanks Corey ✌🏻

  • @darlas4019
    @darlas4019 Місяць тому

    ❤❤❤ Thank you for reading my comment! My wheelchair bound mother and I love your content! Every time you post I tell her our buddy posted a new video and we watch together. ❤❤❤

  • @hollyborey4789
    @hollyborey4789 Місяць тому +1

    I appreciate all of your videos. Very informative and I live in Michigan.

  • @peggy-ann1961
    @peggy-ann1961 Місяць тому

    Great info Corey! 🇨🇦👏🍁

  • @DianeK-x3n
    @DianeK-x3n Місяць тому

    I alway enjoy your videos Corey. The content is so informative and you are so relatable. I have learned so much from you over the last couple of years. Keep up the great work 👍

  • @heatherk2693
    @heatherk2693 Місяць тому

    Great discussion! I personally love Proven Winners especially their annuals. But I do grow some nonPW plants like sunpatiens and impatiens and love them too! I go to nearby Lancaster County which has numerous greenhouses with great selection, quality, and prices. The PW annuals are under $4. In my immediate area in the Philly suburbs, the greenhouses are not great.

  • @pakoumahadeo2194
    @pakoumahadeo2194 Місяць тому

    Hi Corey!! First time flower girl here. I love the content you make for us. Super useful, informative, and relatable. I live in Wisconsin. This year I planted two deck hanging baskets next to each other. One proven winners bubblegum and the other is a mix of my local nursery’s petunias. Each basket also included PW white verbena. The verbena in both performed amazingly! I had high hopes for the bubblegum supertunias but was unfortunately disappointed. My local nursery’s petunias bloomed much larger and more vigorously than the PW. I was very surprised but happy to have tried different brand blooms.

    • @MsFarant
      @MsFarant Місяць тому +1

      Bubblegum thrives in BIG pots or open ground. It's way too big.

    • @pakoumahadeo2194
      @pakoumahadeo2194 27 днів тому

      @ thank you, I will have to try planting them in a bigger pot next spring. Fingers crossed that it works out.

  • @DebtFreeDana
    @DebtFreeDana Місяць тому

    Great Q&A! Been watching a long time, but don’t often comment. 🌱 👍 (I don’t get free stuff - I’m in the wrong niche for that I guess) 😊

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому

      Thanks for watching and for the comment. Do you have an email set up in your page description? I think that’s how they find me.
      I’ve heard channels with financial content often make more per view on UA-cam than other categories… so let’s hope that works to your advantage 🤞🤞🤞

  • @Shelovesflora
    @Shelovesflora Місяць тому +1

    I,too, bought closer to 900.00 in a mixture of perennials and annual from proven winners and lost easily half of them. One source was by mail from a nursery selling on UA-cam. The other source was a pop up event.
    I’m in zone 9b northern CA. I planted the plants shipped as soon as they came. The nursery replaced two of the dead plants. They were very expensive but I was counting on the quality. Ive been gardening for 40 years, in this area, and am a master gardener. I no longer put any stock in PW. Way overblown. Great marketing strategy.

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +1

      Oh, no. That's terrible news. I can understand your frustration.
      Have you been following Janey from Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat @digplantwaterrepeat? youtube.com/@digplantwaterrepeat?si=CpAikImghLeZy0l_
      She lives in your zone and is quite involved with PW. She might be able to offer some insight. PW plants are generally well trialed in each zone they are listed for -- however, plants at the top and bottom of zone can always be a risk (in Michigan, I have the opposite problem you have -- it's the cold that knocks my "borderline" plants rather than the heat.
      Hopefully, you have found varieties that are doing better for you.

    • @Shelovesflora
      @Shelovesflora Місяць тому +1

      @@UpNorthGardenMI I do follow Janey.

  • @kr13100
    @kr13100 Місяць тому +3

    The person complaining about lack of pollinators on pw needs to try the vermillionaire cuphea and their lantana. This summer my planters were chock full of busy bees. Supertunias and petunias not so much - like you said it might just be the type of flower pollinators prefer.

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +4

      @@kr13100 cuphea, lantana, and salvia are always covered in pollinators in my garden.

  • @marciawright2600
    @marciawright2600 Місяць тому +1

    When you do the fertilizer comparisons, can you talk about fertilizer runoff and how it affects our lakes? I am from Glen Arbor, Mi and the Glen Lake folks want us to use minimal fertilizer and low Phosphorus fertilizer. It is a delema because I want my garden to do well, but I also do not want the lakes to be full of plants!! 🤷‍♀

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +2

      Fertilizer runoff tends to be less of an issue with containers because most people use it in a very targeted manner. That said, choosing an all-purpose fertilizer versus a Bloom-Booster will reduce the amount of phosphorus (a lower middle number in the N-P-K listing on the fertiler).

    • @marciawright2600
      @marciawright2600 Місяць тому

      @@UpNorthGardenMI Thank you!

  • @gosianiewiardowski6934
    @gosianiewiardowski6934 Місяць тому +1

    Hello, really like your content is very informative. What kind of arborvitae are behind you? For those in CA Jenny chanel Dig,Plant,Water,Repeat might be very helpful she garden in California.
    Thank you:-)

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +3

      Some of them are Fluffy Western Arborvitae and some are Filip’s Magic Moment Arborvitae.
      Janey has a great channel… and she’s figured out how to grow beautiful Supertunias in hot conditions too.

  • @dlight9849
    @dlight9849 Місяць тому

    Oh my, how time flies.... how can I submit my photos of annuals? I have no idea which video had that link.
    I've always liked your comparison and substitution segments. It wouldn't be easy, but I'd love to see season-long growth comparisons of similar varities, like PW vs Ball vs whomever.

  • @j.c.linden
    @j.c.linden Місяць тому +2

    Yes SOME Proven Winners plants do perform better than many others but the company has been so successful at their marketing, that SO many of the young UA-cam "plant experts" sound like they are brainwashed. They act as if any plant not branded PW isn't a good plant. Total nonsense.
    Gardening is like many things, there are so many different ways to accomplish the same end result. So I watch people online, who ALWAYS dump something into all planting holes. When their plant lives and does well, suddenly they start to think, this step is crucial. Somehow not realizing that people have planted for centuries and the plants did fine and this company and their products did not even exist.
    If only people used their own brains.

  • @itstidgey
    @itstidgey Місяць тому

    Some growers over spray growth regulators, especially onto petunias. Drives me nuts. Finding someone who doesn't spray any growrh regulators always produces better plants.

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +1

      It’s frustrating when we get small plants in only to find they were over-sprayed with growth regulators and it impedes their performance. That said, there are some plants that result in better branching and flower coverage when growth regulators are used correctly, so they can have their benefits, but it requires application by someone who understands what they’re doing.

  • @janeenwitmer
    @janeenwitmer Місяць тому

    Sorry, South West, mi isn't Detroit. Detroit MI is southeast. Maybe Zeeland MI is southwest, which is what she's talking about

    • @UpNorthGardenMI
      @UpNorthGardenMI  Місяць тому +2

      Sorry, I misspoke. She said south east near Detroit Metro.

    • @janeenwitmer
      @janeenwitmer Місяць тому +1

      @@UpNorthGardenMI thank you 😊

    • @barbaramccann7944
      @barbaramccann7944 Місяць тому +1

      @@janeenwitmer, SE is correct, I shop at Blocks and Schultz’s, near Detroit Metro airport.