Modeling of Basement Walls in Autodesk Robot | Part 2: The Design Process

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @donaldkhanye9011
    @donaldkhanye9011 Рік тому +2

    Hello CEE,
    Oh, wow! has the video ended already? I mean, it really feels like we have just started! This session was explosive and I just couldn't get enough of it. Well done CEE, very well done indeed!
    07:41 I think I am converted here; there is no sensible denying of the explanation and proof provided in this video by the CEE regarding situations which are appropriate for one to consider using the wall module in RSAP; and the other situations where one should not touch the wall module even with a ten-foot pole. The closing remarks from 18:36 could not be any clearer. I simply can’t resist the floor module (shell elements) anymore, resistance seem futile 🙃.
    02:19 😁😁. I like it when you keep your videos real, this actually helps me not to feel awkward when I am experiencing the same annoyances during my work.
    13:44 Well said on both takes, the passionate take, and the “milder” second take 😂🤣😂. I 100% agree with you, garbage is garbage, no matter how it comes wrapped. I rest my case!
    16:15 Yep, these rebars spicing details are quite amazing considering that they are coming directly from an analysis and design software. A well-deserved +1 for Autodesk.
    By the way, nice selection and isolation tips (open maps results in new window with scale). Thanks.
    Thank you so much CEE, this video features some of the extremely important concepts, the really really good stuff!
    Keep well and enjoy the rest of your day
    Regards, DK

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому +3

      Hi there Engr. DK,
      I am happy that you found the video beneficial. I hope that this would end the idea of when to use walls vs when to use shells "floors" in RSA. This point was almost the main theme of that video.
      Indeed, the editor sped up the video 20x just that you see the utter confusion I was in after I realized that you do not see anything when activating Mxx, only to later understand that I was selecting an inadequate load case for my comparison purpose.
      The raw video files that I take are usually sometimes hilarious and contain a lot of those strange phrases. On average, the editor cuts around 25% to 33% of video length. In rare occasions, he was cutting almost 50% and modifying the positions of my speech, especially when the raw video is a total incoherent gibberish mess. So, Kudos to him, I guess.
      The amount of cool stuff in the detailing of bars in all modules of RSA is truly fantastic, I remembered that I never talked about this on this channel, so I wanted to talk a little about it in this video.
      While recording my videos, I realize that there is still so much I haven't touched upon. Also, there are so many areas worth a deeper dive, such as a detailed dive into the effect of all reinforcement options (RC beam provided reinforcement) on the outcome of our reinforcements.
      Most welcome, stay tuned for more content. I am planning to release both robot and FEM videos in parallel. I still need to come up with a realistic release schedule to also accommodate with my current duties at my current workplace.
      Stay tuned and have a fantastic day,

    • @donaldkhanye9011
      @donaldkhanye9011 Рік тому +2

      Thank you so much for the feedback,
      I think it is a good idea that you plan to release the FE and Robot videos in parallel, this way all viewers would have been accommodated.
      I also think that the current weekly schedule works very well because it gives enough time (and flexibility) for viewers to schedule when they are able (and available) to properly watch and immerse themselves in the lessons of the week.
      I fear that a shorter release schedule may end up overwhelming some viewers and leave a feeling of always having “too much and too many lessons to catch up on” especially if one is unable to watch the new video soon before the release of the next video for whatever reasons on their part.
      For these reasons, I would recommend weekly or longer release schedules but not shorter than weekly. I would go as far as alternating the releases between “robot on one week” and then “FEM on the next week after” in order to allow yourself more time if your other demands require more of your time. I have no doubt though that you will find a realistic schedule that works best for you.
      Regards, DK

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому +2

      Hi there Engr. DK,
      Yep, a weekly release schedule would avoid causing any overwhelming effects to our dear viewers. I will definitely take your advice to heart.
      Anyways, stay tuned for mo00000aaaaAAAr content. ^_^

  • @function3207
    @function3207 Рік тому +2

    This channel has quickly become one of my favorites. Would there be a possibility, in the future, to talk about modeling of precast RC wall, dowel connections between them and supporting them on top of the RC beam, without the stiffness of the wall taking over the load?

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому +1

      Hi there, I am really glad you like the channel.
      I will keep your idea in my mind. However, I need to make sure that there is an easy way to deal with precast stuff in RSA. The idea being that I need to explain the extra load cases that need to be included when designing those pre-cast elements, especially those that arise from moving those elements via cranes and so on. It is an amazing idea, I will add it to my video list.
      Once again, thank you very much for your feedback. Also, consider supporting this channel by suggesting it to your friends and colleagues.

  • @walshi2292
    @walshi2292 Рік тому +2

    Cool Job, I was straggling to design the walls, now I know that it should be a floor elements rather than a walls
    thanks a lot 💯

  • @canal822
    @canal822 Рік тому +2

    Very nice video,as usual.Keep up the good work!!

  • @ALI-Omar200
    @ALI-Omar200 5 місяців тому +1

    I don't know doctor , I have to admit this is the best channel on earth when it comes to civil engineering essentials , keep it up man .
    A year ago i was working on a project and I totally mess up , i didn't know why my walls aren't correctly designed , so i took the forces and get them into S-Concrete so i can continue my work . This is a huge bug from autodesk that should be fixe, we hope they can't do it 😅 .

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  5 місяців тому +1

      thnx a lot ^_^
      your comment honors me. It is kind of strange that those little details and bugs (or work-arounds) are not really well detailed in RSA. But well, thats why I exist ^_^
      Stay tuned for more content,

    • @ALI-Omar200
      @ALI-Omar200 5 місяців тому +1

      It appears that the actions taken are deliberate, Doctor. Consider the scenario where Autodesk were to elucidate all aspects within their dedicated channels or help center. In such a scenario, the likelihood of individuals creating content, such as videos or articles, would diminish considerably due to the clarity provided. Hence, it is plausible, albeit speculative, that their intent is to foster discussion, content creation, and sharing among users. This strategy could potentially position users as unpaid advocates, effectively serving as marketers for Autodesk. It's worth noting that Autodesk, being a major industry player, possesses the resources to produce professional content internally. However, I will confirm this hypothesis once my market research concludes.

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  5 місяців тому +2

      That is an interesting angle to look at. Seems the vagueness could be viewed as serving a greater purpose of uilding a community. Interesting really. Pretty good way to look at it.

  • @jesuscandea512
    @jesuscandea512 Рік тому +1

    Hi dear CEE, scheduling FE videos in parallel with RSAP is awesome so we can be entertained during the entire week till your next release!!
    Now i have a cuestion, seeing the differences between “walls” and “floors”… which are the ones comparing “walls” and “chalices”?
    Another cuestion if i may ask, have you ever used “gap” link in RSAP? In which case could we use this option?
    Thank you very much as always, hope this channel keeps growing!

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому +1

      Hi there Engr. Candea,
      I am happy you like the double release schedule.
      For the question, chalices, if I understood correctly, are structures in the 3 dimensional space, such has huge domes. In this case, your loads are going to be in-plane and out of plane. Out of plane cause moments on the plate so it should be done via floors/panels in robot. Not via walls.
      As for "walls". It depends on the type of wall. If you have basement walls or retaining walls, those would have out-of-plane forces, so a floor/panel is more adequate.
      The "walls" command in RSA can be used to model load bearing walls such as shear walls and bearing walls.
      I did use gaps, and I will add it to my todo list. It is really cool btw and is used in some special cases.
      I think I will give a deep dive into RC beam design the next video or start my warehouse series.
      Stay tuned,

    • @jesuscandea512
      @jesuscandea512 Рік тому +1

      Sorry it seems that i made an awful translation (i use rsap in spanish) and i was thinking in something different, “core walls” what purpouse can we use that option for? Bearing walls? Thank you so much!

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому +2

      Oh core walls are usually a group of shear walls together. Dedinitely part of a video series on buildings after the steel series.
      Usually found around elevators and staircases, those are the "core" of the structure resistance to lateral loads. Definitely worth a video 🌹🌹🌹

  • @hansoneseigbe8016
    @hansoneseigbe8016 Рік тому +2

    thanks a lot for all you do, I've watched a couple of your videos and I've learnt a lot from them. I only just realized now that I'm not subscribed to your channel lol, which I just did. please what's your take on LOAD TAKE DOWN SLAB?

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  Рік тому

      thnx a lot for your comment, I am happy those vids were helpful.
      Load take down is an amazing new feature in RSA 2023. Actually, I am waiting for 2024 to be released to explain this new cool feature. It is a really great feature in providing a quick initial analysis to see how the loads are distributed to foundations and other elements.
      A cool explanation to this method is found in the official RSA website.
      I will be covering it once I update my RSA to 2024 (will happen very soon)
      Stay tuned for more content, this is only the start ^_^

  • @Eng.Amer_dawa
    @Eng.Amer_dawa 8 місяців тому +1

    شكرا لك مرة آخرى بروفسور...معلومات قيمة كالعادة..
    اتمنى ان تتحدث في فيديو ما عن كيفية وضع تسليح و التحقق منه..في الغالب في سوريا نسعى ان يكون التسليح بسيطاً قدر الامكان بحيث يكون متساوي بالقطر و بالتباعدات
    و بالنسبة اذا كان لدي جدار قص على طرف المبنى و هذه الحالة المفضلة لمقاومة القوى الجانبية...و بنفس الوقت يكون هذا الجدار هو جدار في قبو هل اقوم بتصميمه بالطريقتين و اعتمد النموذجين في التسليح؟؟
    و بالنسبة لجدار القص في روبوت دائما الجدار مع وجود أعمدة بداخله؟؟هل يوجد حالة التسليح المنتظم لجدار القص مثل برنامج ايتابس؟؟

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  8 місяців тому +1

      هذا سؤال أكثر من رائع،
      طبعا أول شيء بالنسبة لقدرات البرنامج،
      ما بيقدر على هذا الكلام، لأنه،
      في البرنامج، إما تنمذج الحائط كجدار قص، أو كبلاطة رأسية (موجود فيديو يقارن الاثنتين)
      وحتى الغريب إنه، لو كنت من متابعي الكود الأمريكي، لن تجد طريقة تصميمية لجدار يجمع بين كلا خصائص جدار القص وجدار الاستنادي،
      وبالتالي، وجهة نظري المقترحة هو إنه يتم تصميم الجدار على الحمل الأكبر أولاً (وليكن القص) ومن ثم إضافة حديد لزوم القوة الأفقية (يعني تصميمه وكأنه جدار استنادي، والحديد اللي يطلع تضيفه)
      هذا طبعا مقترح، لأن الكود صمت على هكذا حالة،
      أتمنى أكون أفدتك، تحياتي إليك،

  • @roboz121
    @roboz121 5 місяців тому +1

    Excelent content!
    Do you have any advice on modeling masnory walls (non-tension is a must)? This is always an interesting topic regarding any software.

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  5 місяців тому

      I need to think about how to do it in RSA actually.
      The problem with masonry walls is that they "as you rightly mentioned" cannot carry tension. They would fail, with failure patterns looking like an inverted V.
      Now the problem in RSA is that it cannot "cancel" the tension resistance of a shell. Not sure if there is an option for it, I have to check.
      An idea I have (it is just an idea, I did not try it out, yet) is to model each block by itself and apply releases between the blocks, but this is a TEDIOUS task and only is feasible if you want to model ONE wall. But in a bigger structure, this becomes prohibitively long and tedious.
      I hope I was able to spark new ideas,

    • @roboz121
      @roboz121 5 місяців тому

      @@CivilEngineeringEssentials One possible solution I've found is to try to model walls as orthotropic, so in X direction they carry loads and in the Y they have no stiffness...example of it in Scia engineer so possibly this could be a way to try to solve it

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  5 місяців тому

      I will definitely look into it
      Thnx a lot 👍🌹

  • @mhdingbi
    @mhdingbi 10 місяців тому +1

    Well done as always. why you don't use panel instead of floor

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  10 місяців тому +1

      That is an amazing question. I even made a video to explain it just now ^_^
      You can find it under:

    • @mhdingbi
      @mhdingbi 10 місяців тому +1

      @@CivilEngineeringEssentials In the type of structure we have Wall, Floor and Panel. I'm talking about this panel. What is Panel for?

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  10 місяців тому

      Panel is another way to define floors. You can access the command from (Geometry -> Panels)
      However, you cannot just use Panels to define floors. You have to define a contour first (Geometry -> Contour) then use the panel command to click inside the contour. This will transform the contour into a floor.
      It is kind of a looong way of defining floors. Instead of using 1 command (floors) to define it, you are using two commands.
      Hope it helps,

  • @sofiaefremiadou5118
    @sofiaefremiadou5118 11 місяців тому +1

    Hi! can we just ask for reiquired reinforcement for basement walls instead of privided, in order to get the minimum required reinforcement?

    • @CivilEngineeringEssentials
      @CivilEngineeringEssentials  11 місяців тому

      Hi there and thank you for your question.
      It could be possible. I know this might sound strange, but I would suggest to you the "slab series" to see how to check provided reinforcements.
      Now I know what you are thinking: wait slabs? I thought we are talking about basements?
      True,, but note that in Robot, if you use "walls" it immediately switches to "shear wall" mode, which is not what you want, as basement walls are loaded perpendicular to their plane whereas shear walls are loaded parallel to their plane.
      Anyways, the link of the playlist is here:
      Please let me know if you have any further questions.