The classic Pitts is a fun little aerobat and really does nice precision maneuvers. It's stubby shape and lots of wings make it appear not as exact as an Extra or Edge but the line it follows is spot-on. The only thing it doesn't do very well is glide power off and a big side slip landing is essential to see where the runway is. Considering it's a 1944 design speaks to it's success.
The little plane that could and still can. An excellent aerobatic display, like the hard slide at the end. Congrats!
A Very good and excellent display, of aerobatics. THANK YOU
What makes the Pitts Special such a perfect airplane for aerobatics displays?
The classic Pitts is a fun little aerobat and really does nice precision maneuvers. It's stubby shape and lots of wings make
it appear not as exact as an Extra or Edge but the line it follows is spot-on. The only thing it doesn't do very well is glide power off
and a big side slip landing is essential to see where the runway is. Considering it's a 1944 design speaks to it's success.