Čuden čas - Strange Days, The Struts, cover (zbori Škofijske klasične gimnazije)
- Опубліковано 31 січ 2025
- Solisti: Nina Dovžan Perović, Jakob Kotar, Teo Humar
Dekliški zbor 1. letnika, dir. Marjetka Kozmus
Fantovski zbor 1. letnika, dir. Tine Bec
(Z)Mešani zbor ŠKG, dir. Helena Fojkar Zupančič in Marjetka Kozmus
Dekliški zbor sv. Stanislava Škofijske klasične gimnazije, dir. Helena Fojkar Zupančič
Mešani mladinski zbor sv. Stanislava Škofijske klasične gimnazije, dir. Damijan Močnik
Inštrumentalna spremljava: Simon Prašnikar - klaviature, bas kitara, efekti in Samo Vovk - akustična in električna kitara, programiranje bobnov
Slovenski prevod: Irma Močnik, Sandra Rihter, Marjetka Kozmus, Helena Fojkar Zupančič
Zborovski aranžma: Tine Bec
Montaža videa: Studio Siposh
Mix: Samo Vovk
Avdio in video posnetki pevcev so bili narejeni z osebnimi telefoni v času karantene novembra 2020.
What happens when 230 young singers and 5 conductors join forces to convey their feelings in these strange days? Yes, one could say that science fiction has become reality, but not for the singers at the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium in St. Stanislav’s Institution. The fact is that singing is a common sight at this school nevertheless, we are particularly proud to announce the release of Strange Days as devised by students under a careful supervision of their conductors. All five school choirs, namely The First-Year Girls’ Choir of DCG (conductor Marjetka Kozmus), The First-Year Boys’ Choir of DCG (conductor Tine Bec, who also prepared the song for polyphony singing), (Re)Mixed Choir of the DCG, St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir of the DCG (both under the baton of Helena Fojkar Zupančič) and St. Stanislav Youth Choir of the DCG (conductor Damijan Močnik) participated in the project. They made a cover of Strange Days by The Strunts featuring Robbie Williams.
In a month and a half students prepared their audio and video recordings, took part in individual vocal lessons to brush up their voices, uploaded the recordings in Teams, the conductors listened to each of them, the band prepared the instrumental accompaniment, video and audio editing followed and voilá - the cover is out.
Congrats to everybody who contributed to its making! Indeed every little thing that you do goes a long, long way.