Muaj cov neeg uas leej twg ua zoo npaum twg los yeej tsis haum nws li tiamsis peb nyiam koj tham heev li txhua hnub mas yeej yuav tsum nrhiav saib koj puas tau tso xwb os
Ua siab ntev brother cov ua hais li ko nws yog tus neeg LOW education xwb O tam sim no koj thiaj yog tus uas hais tau zoo g nyiam nrog lwm tus sib cig txog tej yam g zoo PEB tuajloog keeb kwm thiab mloog dab neeg nyiam mloog zoo2 li koj hais xwb MY personality support you BRO
Tus dab poj ko mas haib tas2 thiab lau.. zij kiag tau tus thaub ko mus yuav lawm thiab. Zoo nkaus li nim no cov mev thiab cov dub nyiam tus maum hmoob twg ces coj kiag lawm thiab .. peb ua neeb hnyav baum Cas los pab tsis tau li lawm thiab.
Kuv nyiam mloog koj tham cov dabneeg luv luv zoo mloog thiab nkag siab zoo heev
Brother xiong video, koj tham tau dab neeg sab sijhuam zoo mloog kawg li keep continuing tham peb mloog os,...
Ka tsis hai tiag tuaj rau peb mloog ntag os py aw ,very nice good story keep it up keep it coming....
Nyiam mloog kawg li os tham ntev tham lub los yeej zoo mloog kawg li ua tsau nawj tij
Kuv nyiam mloog luv luv li ko. Story telling is for fun and it does not have to be true 💯 percent.
Koj hais zoo mloog kawg li os txiv ntxawm kav tsij hais kom ntau2 rau peb mloog nawb.
Phooj ywg!! Koj tham tau zoo kawg lawm!! Leej twg tseem tham zoo tshaj no tuaj tham peb mloog seb thov caw tus koj txawj tham 3 mloog.
Thanks for sharing
I like it keep it up ❤❤❤❤
่ชายเป็นคนเล่านิทานได้ดีสุดทุกคนที่เราฟังมา ฟังหมดเเล้ว ต้องหาของเก่ามาฟังอีก อย่าคนใจคนขี้อิฉา ฟังทุกคืนก่อนนอนเลยเราพี่ชาย
Ntxia siab dhau os.. how mysterious..tks gor story ♥️♥️🌹
Xav mloog neej neeg dab kawg
Tsi txhob tus siab koj yeej yog tus uas hais tau zoo kawg lawm kuv yeej mloog txhua txhua txog ,
Yawm yij thov hais ntag zoo siab rau koj 👍👍
Npawg koj hais tau zoo heev 👌👍🫰🤞
kuvvnyiam koj tham kawg txhob tsum nawb laj22 tos koj tuaj tham li os
Haub yau hmoob ces tham li cas los yeej tsis haum hmoob lub siab li os
Hmoob thiab bua
Thov txhob xav rau cov neeg ntaw nawb es thov koj kav tsij tham rau peb cov nyiam mloog ho mloog nawj..vim peb twb tso tsis tau koj tseg lawm nev..thov tiag2 li o tus phooj ywg aw..
Puas yog paj pov cai maj
Muaj cov neeg uas leej twg ua zoo npaum twg los yeej tsis haum nws li tiamsis peb nyiam koj tham heev li txhua hnub mas yeej yuav tsum nrhiav saib koj puas tau tso xwb os
Hnov koj hais zos naj hab ,puas yog lub zos xyoo 68 peb khiav tsov rog los nkaum ne ze huab toos qhaum na..
Txaus ntshai heev. Ib leeg txhob mloog hmo ntuj nawb.
Cov niag neeg thuam koj ces yog neeg ruam xwb txhob k. Ua koj tsaug.
Ua siab ntev brother cov ua hais li ko nws yog tus neeg LOW education xwb O tam sim no koj thiaj yog tus uas hais tau zoo g nyiam nrog lwm tus sib cig txog tej yam g zoo PEB tuajloog keeb kwm thiab mloog dab neeg nyiam mloog zoo2 li koj hais xwb MY personality support you BRO
Tus dab poj ko mas haib tas2 thiab lau.. zij kiag tau tus thaub ko mus yuav lawm thiab. Zoo nkaus li nim no cov mev thiab cov dub nyiam tus maum hmoob twg ces coj kiag lawm thiab .. peb ua neeb hnyav baum Cas los pab tsis tau li lawm thiab.
You just can’t accept criticism. You need to accept the bad, the good, and the early
Me kwv, cov neeg tsis nyiam yog cov neeg tsis nyiam dab neeg xwb no nawb just don't care about those people okay.
Always been good, bad, and the ugly out there. But all of the ugliness is always against the good. The bad is most likely be in the central.