Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. PRAISE GOD!
After salvation there is loving obedience. Jesus Himself said Mark 16:16 believe and be baptized, SHALL be saved. Recorded Historical Baptism BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA, 11TH edition, Vol 3,Pg365-366 The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century. BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 3, Pg 82 Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ. CANNEY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Pg 53 The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until development of Trinity doctrine in the 2nd century. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 2, Pg 263 Here the Catholics acknowledged that baptism was changed by the Catholic Church . HASTINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 377 Christian baptism was administered using the words “In the name of Jesus.” HASTINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 378 The use of a Trinitarian formula of any sort was not suggested in early Church history. HASTINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 389 Baptism was always in the name of Lord Jesus until the time of Justin Martyr when Triune formula was used. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 8 Justin Martyr was one of the early Fathers of the Roman Catholic Church. NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 22, Pg 477 The term “Trinity” was originated by Tertullian, a Roman Catholic Church Father. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION AND ETHICS, (1951), II, 384, 389 The formula used was ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’ or some synonymous phrase; there is no evidence for the use of the triune name… The earliest form, represented in the Acts, was simple immersion….in water, the use of the name of the Lord, and the laying on of hands. To these were added at various times and places which cannot be safely identified, (a) the trine name (Justin)… . INTERPRETERS DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, (1962) I, 351 The evidence … suggests that baptism in early Christianity was administered, not in the threefold name, but ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus’. A HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT (Otto Heick), (1965), I, 53 At first baptism was administered in the name of Jesus, but gradually in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. HASTINGS DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, (1898), I, 241 [One explanation is that] the original form of words was ‘into the name of Jesus Christ’. Baptism into the name of the Trinity was a later development. The new Schaff-Hertzog Encyclopedia OF Religious Knowledge, (1957), I,435 A HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Williston Walker, (1947), Pg 58 The Trinitarian baptismal formula … was displacing the older baptism in the name of Christ. CANNEY’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIONS, (1970), Pg 53 Persons were baptized at first ‘in the name of Jesus Christ’ … or ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus.’…Afterwards, with the development of the doctrine of the Trinity, they were baptized ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. ENCYCLOPEDIA BIBLICA, (1899), I, 473 It is natural to conclude that baptism was administered in the earliest times ‘in the name of Jesus Christ,’ or in that ‘of the Lord Jesus.’ This view is confirmed by the fact that the earliest forms of the baptismal confession appear to have been single - not triple, as was the later creed. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 11TH edition, (1910), Vol 2, Pg 365 The Trinitarian formula and Triune immersion were not uniformly used from the beginning… Bapti[sm] into the name of the Lord [was] the normal formula of the new Testament. In the 3rd century baptism in the name of Christ was still so wide spread that Pope Stephen, in opposition to Cyprian of Carthage, declared it to be valid.
So what's the difference between Jesus' command in Great Commission and Peter's Acts 2:38? and how can you judge a man who is for example like the thief on the cross, yet in his heart he repented and put his faith in Christ?
Poor Josh... The man who baptized him lied to him. He said he was going to baptize him in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...and then he just dunked him in the water and didn't do it! He didn't baptize him in any name at all. The name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. Forgiveness of sins does not come by repeating titles, but by calling on the name of the Lord. Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, 22:16 Josh is still in his sins, according to the Bible...
If you except Jesus as your savior why is it so Hard to take The name of Jesus on in Baptism? This is exactly the way Peter taught in the Book of Acts.Read and obey Acts 2:38 Acts 10:48 Acts 19:5, Galations 3:27Acts 8:12-16, There are so many more..if your truly hungry pick up your Bible and began to read pray befor you start .the Lord will lead you. .Lord bless you
Because he has not obeyed the gospel of Christ... The Bible says that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9). But we can receive remission (forgiveness) of our sins by repenting and being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:38, Titus 3:5, John 3:5, Acts 22:16, etc...). That is how we can be saved. There is no other way.
Sadly not all of the people shown were Biblically baptized by FULL immersion [ BURIEL] in water. Either their hands, arms were not covered [Buried] by water. Thus they need to be baptized again, and it be made sure they are completely covered in water "Buried with him in baptism" as the verse so PLAINLY informs in Roman 4:6. They now have a second chance if they are told and warned about the necessity to be "BURIED with him in baptism".
Father , Son and Holy Spirit = NO NAME GIVEN JESUS is the ONLY name to be used. Mt 28-19 In the name of = NOT repeat after me Acts 4-12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Commandment. Even Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, but Jesus knew no sin, he is perfect, but did this to be obedient so that the scriptures may be fulfilled.
This is not anything happening to them. They are not washing away their sins - their sins have already been washed away with the blood of Christ. Neither are they joining a church or group of churches. What we are seeing here is these people showing what has happened to them. They are showing themselves dying to their old lives and rising to their new lives in Christ Jesus. You put on a wedding ring to show that you are married. You do not become married when you put a wedding ring on your finger.
I cryed when i got Baptized :) amazing feeling
Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
After salvation there is loving obedience. Jesus Himself said Mark 16:16 believe and be baptized, SHALL be saved.
Recorded Historical Baptism BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA, 11TH edition, Vol 3,Pg365-366 The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus
Christ to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic
Church in the second century.
ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 3, Pg 82 Everywhere in the oldest sources it states
that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ.
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Pg 53 The early church always baptized in
the name of the Lord Jesus until development of Trinity doctrine in
the 2nd century. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 2, Pg 263 Here the
Catholics acknowledged that baptism was changed by the Catholic
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 377 Christian baptism was
administered using the words “In the name of Jesus.”
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 378 The use of a Trinitarian
formula of any sort was not suggested in early Church history.
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, Vol 2, Pg 389 Baptism was always in the
name of Lord Jesus until the time of Justin Martyr when Triune
formula was used.
ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 8 Justin Martyr was one of the early Fathers of the
Roman Catholic Church.
INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol 22, Pg 477 The term “Trinity” was
originated by Tertullian, a Roman Catholic Church Father.
RELIGION AND ETHICS, (1951), II, 384, 389 The formula used was ‘in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’ or some synonymous phrase; there
is no evidence for the use of the triune name… The earliest form,
represented in the Acts, was simple immersion….in water, the use of
the name of the Lord, and the laying on of hands. To these were added
at various times and places which cannot be safely identified, (a)
the trine name (Justin)…
DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, (1962) I, 351 The evidence … suggests that
baptism in early Christianity was administered, not in the threefold
name, but ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus’.
CHRISTIAN THOUGHT (Otto Heick), (1965), I, 53 At first baptism was
administered in the name of Jesus, but gradually in the name of the
Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, (1898), I, 241 [One explanation is that] the
original form of words was ‘into the name of Jesus Christ’.
Baptism into the name of the Trinity was a later development. The new
Schaff-Hertzog Encyclopedia OF Religious Knowledge, (1957), I,435
CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Williston Walker, (1947), Pg 58 The Trinitarian
baptismal formula … was displacing the older baptism in the name of
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIONS, (1970), Pg 53 Persons were baptized at
first ‘in the name of Jesus Christ’ … or ‘in the name of the
Lord Jesus.’…Afterwards, with the development of the doctrine of
the Trinity, they were baptized ‘in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
BIBLICA, (1899), I, 473 It is natural to conclude that baptism was
administered in the earliest times ‘in the name of Jesus Christ,’
or in that ‘of the Lord Jesus.’ This view is confirmed by the
fact that the earliest forms of the baptismal confession appear to
have been single - not triple, as was the later creed.
BRITANNICA, 11TH edition, (1910), Vol 2, Pg 365 The Trinitarian
formula and Triune immersion were not uniformly used from the
beginning… Bapti[sm] into the name of the Lord [was] the normal
formula of the new Testament. In the 3rd century baptism in the name
of Christ was still so wide spread that Pope Stephen, in opposition
to Cyprian of Carthage, declared it to be valid.
So what's the difference between Jesus' command in Great Commission and Peter's Acts 2:38?
and how can you judge a man who is for example like the thief on the cross, yet in his heart he repented and put his faith in Christ?
God is great Mark. 16.16 praise the Lord my country India
Poor Josh...
The man who baptized him lied to him.
He said he was going to baptize him in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...and then he just dunked him in the water and didn't do it!
He didn't baptize him in any name at all.
The name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ.
Forgiveness of sins does not come by repeating titles, but by calling on the name of the Lord.
Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, 22:16
Josh is still in his sins, according to the Bible...
If you except Jesus as your savior why is it so Hard to take The name of Jesus on in Baptism? This is exactly the way Peter taught in the Book of Acts.Read and obey Acts 2:38 Acts 10:48 Acts 19:5, Galations 3:27Acts 8:12-16, There are so many more..if your truly hungry pick up your Bible and began to read pray befor you start .the Lord will lead you. .Lord bless you
Because he has not obeyed the gospel of Christ...
The Bible says that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9).
But we can receive remission (forgiveness) of our sins by repenting and being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:38, Titus 3:5, John 3:5, Acts 22:16, etc...).
That is how we can be saved.
There is no other way.
Sadly not all of the people shown were Biblically baptized by FULL immersion [ BURIEL] in water.
Either their hands, arms were not covered [Buried] by water.
Thus they need to be baptized again, and it be made sure they are completely covered in water "Buried with him in baptism" as the verse so PLAINLY informs in Roman 4:6.
They now have a second chance if they are told and warned about the necessity to be "BURIED with him in baptism".
yer man its supose to be in the name of JESUS
why are they doing this for
Antonio chiamami rispondi video Antonio il principe d'egitto sempre parte
Father , Son and Holy Spirit = NO NAME GIVEN
JESUS is the ONLY name to be used.
Mt 28-19 In the name of = NOT repeat after me
Acts 4-12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
2222pauline what
2222pauline why are they doing this for
Pauline comes back year after year to argue the specifics of how these folks are baptizing. The division in christianity is awesome.
tap 5
Avm1 you my 12456790! The woman who
Antonio chiamami rispondi video Antonio il principe d'egitto sempre parte
why are they doing this for
MR JOE CAT to wash away their sins
Commandment. Even Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, but Jesus knew no sin, he is perfect, but did this to be obedient so that the scriptures may be fulfilled.
Baptism is only done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the New Testament Church in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38
This is not anything happening to them. They are not washing away their sins - their sins have already been washed away with the blood of Christ. Neither are they joining a church or group of churches. What we are seeing here is these people showing what has happened to them. They are showing themselves dying to their old lives and rising to their new lives in Christ Jesus. You put on a wedding ring to show that you are married. You do not become married when you put a wedding ring on your finger.