How To Make My DIY Aquarium Fertilizer
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- I was experimenting with this DIY fertilizer since February 2021 as request from @BanyukuChannel 's administrator. So it has been tested for a year at least. I remake the recipe of this DIY fertilizer to suit my tank which is a low tech planted aquarium with 35 L of water volume, but it’s easy to multiply the ingredients to suit bigger tank (up to 3 times the volume). More than 3 times is still possible, but it’ll be harder to dissolve all of the ingredients, so more water will be needed. The fertilizer consist of 2 fertilizers. The red fertilizer is almost complete fertilizer while the white is just phosphate fertilizer. We can’t use both at the same time because iron in the red fertilizer can react with the phosphate in the white fertilizer then become insoluble in water. This fertilizer doesn’t have Ca and Cl so it doesn’t work with pure RO water, confirmed based on my past experiments.
To multiply the ingredients, we can use simple math. For example, to make it for 100 L tank, we can multiply the 5.707 g of KNO3 by 100 and divide it by 35. Like this:
5.707 X 100 / 35 = 16.306 g of KNO3, etc
If you follow the recipe for this fertilizer, each pump (2 ml) of red fertilizer will (in theory) gives you about:
1.00000 ppm of NO3
0.07530 ppm of Mg
0.00240 ppm of Fe
0.00019 ppm of Zn
0.00018 ppm of Cu
0.00017 ppm of Mn
0.00011 ppm of B
0.00003 ppm of Mo
While white fertilizer (in theory) will gives you about:
0.09631 ppm of PO4
It is extremely low dosing, but enough to grow plants in low tech set up.
For the dosing routine, I actually just add randomly, lol. That’s the perk of using dirt, you have crazy amount of nutrients under your substrate. Fertilizing become less and less important. Just if I want to add something, I’ll add the red fertilizer. If I see my plants growth become weird, I’ll add the white fertilizer. I don’t use the red fertilizer in the day I use the white fertilizer.
I bought most of the ingredients here:
So the principle of aquarium fertilizer is as long as the nutrients are present in enough quantity, it will works. The ratio isn’t really important. You can make your own recipe. To make fertilizer recipe, we should understand how relative atomic mass works. For example, if we can’t find KNO3, but we have NaNO3, then we can change the recipe. Na has relative atomic mass 22.989769 (just google it), N has atomic relative mass 14.0067, O has relative atomic mass 15.999 so NaNO3 will have reltive mass 22.989769 + 14.0067 + (15.999 * 3) = 84.993469 (or you can just google it lol). While K has atomic mass 39.0983, KNO3 relative mass is 101.102. If for example you use my recipe with 5.707 of KNO3 then we can change it to NaNO3 for about 5.707 * 84.993469 / 101.102 = 4.797732 g of NaNO3. It’ll gives you the same amount of NO3 per pump like my recipe. If you understand this, it’s actually easy to make your own fertilizer recipes.
You’ll need to calculate the K, NO3 and PO4 or to say major macro nutrients because our plants need plenty of them. We can add high amount of K, but try to aim it 3 x N. Shrimps, frogs, axolotl, and other invertebrates can be sensitive to NO3 so we need to regulate this one. Most algae loves PO4 so we need to regulate these one as well.
Ca, Mg, Cl and S safety limit are ridiculously high while our plants only need a few of them, no need to worry. I usually add them mindlessly, in this video, it was just act to make it looks cool. Like I care about their perfect ratio and thus I’m perfectionist, my fertilizer must be perfect lol. I don’t really measure these nutrients in the mix usually. Ofc, don’t add too much or it’ll be hard to dissolve them. Also don’t add PO4 with Fe and Ca, don’t add SO4 with Ca in one bottle. It’s not dangerous, they’ll just turn insoluble. You’ll see some powder in the bottom of your bottle. Plants can’t use that powder. We can mix all of them with some acid, not just water.
For micro fertilizer, it’s even easier because the manufacturer already give us the components of their fertilizer like this for example:
This Vitaflex
So it’s just simple mathematic. We only need to pay attention to Fe and Cu. Fe disappear quickly so add reasonable amount, but don’t go crazy. While Cu is dangerous for shrimps so don’t add too much. The safety limit is actually unknown, but for Fe at the highest consumption, your plants will only take less than 0.015 ppm in a day. So if you add Fe fertilizer daily, no need to add more than this. If you add weekly however, it’s complicated because Fe can disappear quickly. Confuse again yet? Lol, alright, I personally prefer to aim the minimum, but some people prefer to have excess. It’s up to you actually. In low tech even a few drops of diluted micro fertilizer will be enough. Our plants don’t need them too much.
selama ini cuma ngerti bikin yang bening. Gila sih pupuk merahnya.. makasih banyak ilmunya suhu
Wow...Diy chemist.....great job...appreciate all your videos bro..keep em comin..✌
Sampean ki pancen ngeten 👍👍👍
ilmune migunani...
mantul mendal2 suhuuu
Very nice Sir, can you please share progress of your aquarium plants using DIY Fertilizer... Thnx in advance 😊
Is safe for fish
it is
Great video! More informative every time . You should just upload videos frequently. We are waiting for you!
Nice liquid fertilizer 👍🏻
Great! Thanks for sharing the DIY fertilizer recipe.
I see twisted leaves in some of my plants, and leaves are not as smooth. Do you know what is causing the issue? Thanks!
You have better chance to know the answer by asking a fortune teller than me 😁
@@CoretanIjo :) hahaha That's true bro
I suspect Calcium deficiency as I used RO water during setup. Later used RO mixed with tap water. My water is very hard.
@@vijayjoseph8164 Try to tweak the light and or surface agitation first to confirm it's not CO2 deficiency.
@@CoretanIjo I will do. Thanks!
Good day may I ask If does not have a vitaflex available in our country what ingredients will I use to replace it?
If yoh don't use reverse osmosis water, iron fertilizer for micro is enough. If you use RO, CSM + b have similiar ingredients to vitaflex.
Yg mudah tinggal tuang bang 😁, A B mix kok kyaknya masih beresiko, mungkin ada saran lain, soalnya A B mix panas ke tanaman, ada sih caranya ngikutin parameter pas d campurin air, tinggal d samain sama takaran AB mix,
Coba bang bikin semudah mungkin se simpel mungkin 😁🙏
Ini sudah paling simpel. Tinggal ngikut bobot masing2 bahan.
always like your videos 👍
can use for shrimp tank??????................
Yes, I've tested it in shrimp tanks with 10x dose. No negatif impact on my shrimps.
AB mix??
Ini bahannya AB mix.
Are you still using this fertilizer Pak? Are you happy with it after a year?
I don't use fertilizer for my tank anymore. I only use fertilizer for my green water culture and terrestrial plants. This fertilizer however, gave me high satisfaction until I make a new recipe that works better.
Have you ever tried a seaweed based fertiliser?❤️🇦🇺
No, but currently I have 2 seaweed tanks running and begin to mix the trimmed seaweed to my compost pile.
om..saya gak bisa komen apa2...cuma nitip jempol aja...👍👍
Bang klw 1 bungkus ab mix itu dicampur brpa ml air RO . . .
Kurang tahu soal AB mix, produsennya banyak dan beda2 takarannya.
Asalamualaikum bang kalo EDDHA chelator itu apa, apa pupuk eddha fe
Wa'alaikum salam
Chelator itu bahan buat bikin zat nutrisinya awet. Fe itu mudah teroksodasi (anggap saja berkarat). Besi berkarat ga bisa dipakai tanaman. Chelator yg mencegah hal itu. EDDHA itu salah satu jenis chelator. Biasa kalau Fe memang dijual dengan sebutan EDDHA Fe.
@@CoretanIjo ohiya itu pukcirnyh di pake buat harian apa mingguan bang tenk saya tema Dutch style
Terimakasih udh bales bang Aii semoga channel nyh tembus 100rb 😊
@@fundvideo272 Engga, penggunaan sesuka hati, ga ada jadwal khusus kecuali malem jumat kliwon 😁
@@CoretanIjo ok saya coba terimakasih bang Aii
Bang klo bikin dari bio kcl yg botol merah bisa nggk ya
bio kcl itu apa?
@@CoretanIjo pupuk om semacam mirip ab mix cuman dah cair
nanyak lagi, moga dijawab 😁, bang kalau saya mau bikin pupuk dari NPK, sudah dihitung kalau untuk 100 liter air untuk dapat nilai K 5ppm perlu 1158 mg pupuk.. nah, cara convert biar jadi 250ml pekatan dan setiap add 5ml pekatan ke tank 100 liter dapat nilai K 5ppm itu bagaimana ya bang? maaf kalau rada ribet jelasinnya 🙏
Nah, jadi ga out of topic pertanyaanya.
1.158 g x 250 ml / 5 ml = 57.9
Jadi perlu 57.9 gram ditambah air sampai volume 250 ml (bukan ditambah 250 ml air lho ya). Biasanya pupuk NPK ada amoniumnya, buat amannya, 57.9 gram + 50 ml cuka (25%) + air sampai total volume 250 ml.
@@CoretanIjo siap bang.. dipahami..
satu lagi bang, P sama FE kan gak bisa dicampur.. bagaimana dengan pupuk NPK+TE yang jadi 1 antara P dan FE nya..?
@@helcurt4287 Saya cek beberapa produk NPK + Te, engga ada Fenya. Pupuk NPK + Te juga adanya produk buat tanah, ekosistemnya jauh berbeda dengan aquascape.
P dan Fe bakal bereaksi membentuk padatan. Padatan ini tidak larut di air, tanaman menyerap nutrisi sambil menyerap air jadi nanti banyak kebuang baik P atau Fenya.
bang ini pukcir bs buat walstad tank? sdngkan sy baca buku mbah walstad katanya fertilizer tidak diperlukan hanya cukup dgn fish food ato fish poop dgn rutinaja katanya apakah bner? denger2 klo kasi fertz di walstad tank malah jd rawan alga apkh bner?
Semua tergantung...
Gk nyoba pakek A B-MIX bang, lebih simpel aja gk usah d ukur" 😁✌, kali ae mau nyoba bang
Yg di video itukan bahannya AB mix.
Oalah 😁, baru nyadar pas d ulang, ngikutin kyak kemasan bagus gk bang, langsung d larutin semua dengan air 250ml
Tpi saya penasaran bang, klo bikin pukcir pakek micin gmna ya, kan buat tanaman darat bagus tuh 😁
@@rahmadwahyu2318 Ada aturannya di deskripsi. Kalau mau di buat 250 ml, di tambah juga bahannya.
@@rahmadwahyu2318 MSG cuma nambah Nitrogen, di pupuk sudah tercover dengan KNO3.
You’re indonesian?
Hi, I like nasi goring, raindang and gadho gadho. Sorry if I spelled them wrong. I love Indonesia. Indonesia is very great country. Warm regard from Semarang City. 😂
Sampean ki pancen ngeten 👍👍👍
ilmune migunani...