Drive Analysis: Total Time: 11:15 AM -> 9:03 PM: 9hrs48min Driving Time: 26 minutes spent on undisclosed reason (as of now) 37 minutes at In-N-Out 3 minutes spent at prospective (Air)B&B 5 minutes from 5:45 to 5:50 spent at SB Mission (according to photo timestamps) 59 minutes spent in Monrovia - 7hrs38min spent on the road - 78% of Total Time 417 miles 54.6 miles per hour
Drive Analysis:
Total Time: 11:15 AM -> 9:03 PM: 9hrs48min
Driving Time: 26 minutes spent on undisclosed reason (as of now)
37 minutes at In-N-Out
3 minutes spent at prospective (Air)B&B
5 minutes from 5:45 to 5:50 spent at SB Mission (according to photo timestamps)
59 minutes spent in Monrovia
- 7hrs38min spent on the road - 78% of Total Time
417 miles
54.6 miles per hour