你從小學習英文的方法原來一直都是錯的!要把英文口說練好,原來只需要掌握這個要素! Don’t Learn English ABC!

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @changrace639
    @changrace639 Рік тому +74

    作為學過phonics 嘅人黎講 我完全支持Reynolds family 嘅講法
    細細個俾屋企人送左去English playgroup(唔係幼稚園 幼稚園都係教ABC) 喺嗰度先學到phonics 由發音(articulation + pronunciation) 開始學 之後去到小學就發現 英文默書+listening 變得非常簡單 因為係靠聽個字拼返個spelling 出黎 當然唔係100%次次都work 但係當有D好難/好長嘅vocabulary 要默寫 而我唔識/唔記得點串嘅時候 因為學過phonics 基本上會拼得返95%出黎

    • @peggy962
      @peggy962 Рік тому


    • @changrace639
      @changrace639 Рік тому +2

      @@peggy962 hi 好多年前嘅事啦(我而家就黎讀完大學😂)我真係唔記得 教材都應該揼晒lu 淨係記得係喺屋企附近嘅English learning centre 到學嘅(間嘢都唔知執左未🙈)
      不過可能因係係外籍老師教 教材我印象中都係自己編 所以好著重發音 始終有個英文係mother tongue 嘅外籍老師教嘅話 會容易D理解
      同埋始終係playgroup黎 寓學習於娛樂 又有遊戲玩 比起淨係做教材應該無咁悶?

    • @mingb886
      @mingb886 Рік тому

      @@changrace639 咁即係重點係只要搵到上述條件既環境既學習中心/地方學到phonics既話, 其實都已經事半功培lu~

  • @wantengliu8787
    @wantengliu8787 Рік тому +122

    好鍾意呢個系列嘅video❤呢集簡直係解答咗我點解咁多年嚟,只要一同人講英文就驚驚青青😮希望遲d可以拍幾集教下phonics 發音🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻因為我都係細個無學過😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

    • @Chaelisa-hi2uh
      @Chaelisa-hi2uh Рік тому


    • @tracytsang6204
      @tracytsang6204 Рік тому +4

      教phonics 系列🎉🎉🎉

    • @kellys5581
      @kellys5581 Рік тому


    • @cc4829
      @cc4829 Рік тому

      我自己覺得用IPA chart 學phonics 比較好,好多時我教level one 已經遇到好多問題,例如:voiceless t, p, k after /s/ sound, 係會讀成voiced d, b, g,我係讀大學先發現,係喎,e個係其中一個phonetic rule,即係start, spring, skate 咁。如果你話讀phonics會識串,咁咪全部串做sdart sbring 同sgate 先叫啱喎😅我叫k1 blend,佢哋真係讀成star with t sound,但其實咁係唔啱但又唔知點同太細個嘅幼稚園小朋友講,英文太多rule,變咗skip 咗去就算😔

    • @rainkywong3884
      @rainkywong3884 Рік тому +1

      教phonics 系列。我學左咁多年都學唔好英文😅

  • @ChieflauNYC
    @ChieflauNYC Рік тому +8

    Growing up in HK in the 70s, like everyone else, ABC was the standard issue in a local “English” school. However, my parents were progressive enough to throw me in an English “language” school who taught me to use phonics. My entire HK school life was blessed with my ability to speak better English than anyone else (hence, better grades=more freedom! Golden rule for a Chinese Mum) It also made an easy transition for me when we migrated to NYC in my teenage years. The “system” stayed with me… almost half a century, 3 continents and 5 languages later… This is one of the most important survival skills I have acquired. I can learn and speak any European languages with ease. (now… remembering the volcabulary is another thing 😂). I am baffled why the HK schools are still teaching ABC… Anyhow.. Love your channel and continue your good work! 加油!繼續努力!

  • @iridescentsoul4629
    @iridescentsoul4629 Рік тому +5

    好慶幸小學一二年班學校有教過phonics 打好個底,加上咁多年黎讀書都要成日聽同講英文,所以練到宜家聽英文audiobook/lecture都係平均1.75x起跳 (睇住字幕/lecture notes聽應該都有幫助的)

  • @楊梅玉-s6p
    @楊梅玉-s6p Рік тому +10


  • @katrinaho4410
    @katrinaho4410 Рік тому +78

    我個年代係幼稚園已經學ABC, 到中一先教 phonics, 但已有9年既英文基礎,簡單英文字已經識讀識串,對走回頭路去學phonics非常拒抗,亦唔明白重要性,成件事錯晒。

    • @cindyheartful
      @cindyheartful Рік тому +8

      而家幼稚園有教既,但好像吾系重點甘, 也只教字母發音, 要進一步學也只能比錢出去學

    • @yimhoiyan914
      @yimhoiyan914 Рік тому +1


    • @EugeneLee0704
      @EugeneLee0704 Рік тому +3

      @@cindyheartful都唔係 我女學校 k1教26個英文字發音 k2就教曬44個組合音同Blending k3就教writing and spelling

    • @hohoho9982
      @hohoho9982 Рік тому +4

      我依前讀書班英文唔係特別優秀的同學都走晒去教幼稚園同小學英文。咁你明窮家子弟會從一班咩質素老師身上學英文。想下一代學好英文,一係去讀國際學校,一係移民到英語國家,一係父母係native English user

    • @cryyanexplore24
      @cryyanexplore24 Рік тому +1

      @@yimhoiyan914 完全唔係,卷校K1開始學PHONICS

  • @shizitoulink
    @shizitoulink Рік тому +7

    Laurence 媽媽都係老師??鍾意聽 Laurence 同媽媽教英文,希望媽媽多啲出場🎉

  • @kokloketan1177
    @kokloketan1177 Рік тому +4

    Your mother in law looks glamorous and speaks with clear pronunciations..

  • @JKLklay
    @JKLklay Рік тому +3

    Can't agree more.....細仔入小一,津校真係好著重 spelling 錯對.....串默改串默改.....見到都忟......家姐私校好啲, 會見到佢兩個 reading 個量係差好遠好遠......因為一個會諗自己識唔識個字,唔識唔想睇,一個諗識唔識拼,拼到就繼續睇
    見 Reynolds reading together, 多謝你地提醒我要多啲同呀仔閱讀, Thanks!

  • @BLKS90
    @BLKS90 Рік тому +1


  • @karenchui6453
    @karenchui6453 Рік тому +8

    This is a very important video for me. I am also facing a this kind of challenge for my life and interviews in the UK. So thank you very much.

  • @wacoal0017
    @wacoal0017 Рік тому


  • @TaiwaneseJerry
    @TaiwaneseJerry Рік тому +1


  • @lingmung7961
    @lingmung7961 Рік тому +54

    我係有讀寫障礙,小學嘅時候我嘅英文係班裏面係比較advance 識嘅詞彙比其他人多,但係默書考試就唔識,成日有甩漏, 通常得40-55分,大多數情況下都過唔到60分合格 。小學四年班下學期開始,就去學 phonics,小學四年班下學期考試竟然有64分,之後喺小學五年班嘅英文就好大進步,默書通常有八字頭,甚至去到六年班9字頭係正常,試過有幾次100分。而小六,最後一次呈分試英有85分,對於一個有讀寫障礙的人來講好高分。所以建議大家,真係學好phonics,而呢一樣嘢我覺得係我補咗咁多唔同類型嘅習,真心覺得令我對學習好有幫助,人哋覺得串字係一個煩惱嘅時候,我只需要記得隻字點讀就得,讀書方面,真係輕鬆咗好多,而呢個技能係畢生都應用得到。

    • @hahabl20
      @hahabl20 Рік тому +3


    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому

      我都有讀寫障礙,小學英文成日都好高分,默書80、90係好正常。反而我讀小學嘅時候,我啲中文就成日都唔合格!我升到中學之後,英文啲考試都認真麻麻,因為我覺得佢哋嗰啲教科書同埋試卷勁無聊!我最記得我中二上嘅英文堂,學校個英文先生响堂上面讀緊around the world in 80 days。我讀小學嘅時候,我就已經睇完呢本書啦!

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому

      Really great sharing! Pleased to know you had a positive experience learning in this way 🤙🏻
      The important thing about learning is that there are multiple paths to success, not just the one way that might be taught on a school curriculum ☺️

  • @dominic213w
    @dominic213w Рік тому +5

    除咗香港人成日讀錯l and r 音之外,仲有就係香港人成日讀錯l and n 音。我都覺得用phonics嚟學英文係比較make sense ,因為英文都係拼音文字。咁樣你先至可以用聯想力學到英文發音。仲有香港人講英文好鍾意亂加stress!我記得我以前讀中學同埋小學嘅時候,我嚟英國讀summer school嘅時候係完全聽得明,我同屋企人去戲院睇西片又係完全冇問題。但係返到香港學校開早會,學校啲先生、校長同埋校監用英文演講,就唔知佢哋噏乜嘢囉!我要好辛苦同埋好俾心機去聽,我先至大概聽得明佢哋啲英文!唉,佢哋英文啲音全部都黐埋一舊舊囉!

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +1

      Yes learning a language always has many levels and then it also depends how you are actually using that language in your daily life and at work too. This is hopefully where the Casual Curriculum can give you a bit more confidence 😄

    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому

      @@thereynoldsfamily Yeah actually I looked up from the academic papers about this. Since I'm dyslexic and some Cantonese dyslexic speakers like me; they actually find English is easier than Chinese. There's an article from the BBC about it too. I never had any difficulties in learning English at all but I always find Chinese is pretty hard. Even though I can read and write Chinese, I still make more a lot more typos in Chinese than in English.

  • @Stevecheung-w2d
    @Stevecheung-w2d Рік тому +3

    我非常喜歡這些系列,因為可以學至到English and可以當平時看❤

  • @candicelo7650
    @candicelo7650 Рік тому +24

    我細過自己甚至同學從來無學拼音,英文讀書叻嘅人通常都係不停背書,有啲恐怖到背字典,就好似Gladys 媽媽咁不停串字,用記憶法學英文,結果就係考試叻,但唔識同外國人溝通,一聽到自己冇學過嘅字就啞左唔識反應

    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому +1

      反而我由細都大,我都冇背過字典囉!我細細個就執阿菲傭姐姐口水尾去學,細細個去英國讀summer school 同英國人溝通又完全冇問題。但係我响學校考試啲成績又認真麻麻,我讀中一嘅時候,我已經識得用英文打字去外國啲forum 度問嘢。日常生活應用同埋用英文溝通係完全冇問題,但係香港考試考嘅嘢同日常生活係完全無關!我覺得華人最大嘅問題係當英文係一種工具去學。而家有時我都仲會聽到有啲台灣人話要背字典...... 唉呀!我就真係皺晒眉頭!

    • @cindyheartful
      @cindyheartful Рік тому +1

      記得中學有個男仔學霸真系早會排隊上課室時都拿著本英字典系度背, 佢成績好好

  • @hisonling
    @hisonling Рік тому +4

    When I was studying Elicos in Australia, I also learned phonics at first. It's really enhanced my pronunciation in speaking of English. It's been twenty years already and I do miss my old days.😢
    Btw, first time watching you guys worth my subscription 😊

  • @maxalvin
    @maxalvin Рік тому +2

    English is only considered a partially phonic language (as opposed to fully phonic ones like Spanish). Learning phonics definitely helps to a certain degree but you need to understand that it benefits native English learners and non-native English learners very differently.

  • @clem1300
    @clem1300 Рік тому +10

    It’s absolutely possible to learn English phonetics in less than an hour or even half hour. It’s all there at the back of the Oxford English Learners’ Dictionary. But for some reason it has - so far as I know - never been taught at schools in Hong Kong. I suspect most English teachers do not know phonetics themselves, unless they majored in linguistics in university. Learning phonetics is key and should be one of the first things taught as early as possible in English classes at school.

    • @cc4829
      @cc4829 Рік тому

      Yes I highly recommend children to learn the sounds using IPA chart since it’s more accurate and also have the sound - schwa. I found that it’s quite difficult for me to teach them some words that has more than one syllable cuz the secondary stress is a schwa sound usually. I really dunno how to explain to them😅

    • @clem1300
      @clem1300 Рік тому

      @@cc4829 The consonants shouldn’t cause problems. With experience the students will know how to get it right. The vowels determine the pronunciations so students need to be able to utter them correctly. Try maybe to ask them to associate each vowel with an equivalent Cantonese or other sound, with which they are familiar. This will help them memorise the correct pronunciation of each vowel.
      There is one which is particularly tricky and when I was a student, the tutor in our class asked us to think, when uttering the vowel in question, the sudden, little sound that one makes when one has a hiccup… This trick still works for me.
      Students in Hong Kong will speak the best English in this part of the world if they are taught the consonants and vowels properly. I really think native Cantonese speakers are innately better at speaking foreign languages than say the Japanese, the Singaporeans or the Mandarin speakers.

    • @tywoods3613
      @tywoods3613 Рік тому

      @@cc4829 Depending on their age, giving children another script (of IPA symbols) may not be an evidence-based practice

    • @cc4829
      @cc4829 Рік тому

      @@tywoods3613 but now all the parents in Hk let the child to learn phonics at 3. So it’s kinda hard to explain the rule

    • @cc4829
      @cc4829 Рік тому

      @@clem1300 yeh, when the first letter is a consonant like CVC, then it won’t cause any problems. However, if the word is CCV for example, voiceless sound after S will change to voiced like Star we won’t say s-t-ar instead say s-d-ar. I asked a student to blend in my class and he did say s-t-ar and which is wrong. It’s so hard to explain this phonetic rule since they are only in kindergarten. So somehow I really think learning phonics is quite confusing.

  • @louise8204
    @louise8204 Рік тому +1

    很好的教學影片!支持你地出多啲教英文既video 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @julie22221021
    @julie22221021 Рік тому +1

    The first time I saw you guys was on insta’s reel, I remember it was about pregnancy while you were in college. I’m so happy now I found your UA-cam, such a beautiful family ❤. My dad’s also from Hong Kong 😊

  • @mingming6025
    @mingming6025 Рік тому +41


    • @Neo-xe5gu
      @Neo-xe5gu Рік тому +3

      一般來說can跟can't 都會婉轉避開講,因為意思亦有be able to跟not be able to,即是在判斷一個人的處事能力。要解決問題,最直接的方法就是開影片放慢速度聽,逐漸地提高速度,把聽到的字都默寫出來。

    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому +2

      其實係分到嘅,因為美國講can't 個尾音係會用輕聲,你睇得多美國UA-camr嘅片就會知。英國人講can't 就好明顯,個讀音就完全唔同。

    • @bcjai
      @bcjai Рік тому +1


    • @heymen6891
      @heymen6891 Рік тому +3


    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +6

      Maybe just ask the person, are you saying “Cannot?” 😄

  • @sillybaros
    @sillybaros Рік тому +2

    好鍾意你的教學🙂👍希望遲d可以拍幾集教下phonics 發音🙏🙏

  • @camelofiesta3497
    @camelofiesta3497 Рік тому +11

    This is a really good episode, I realized the same thing happened to my friends, they are good at reading comprehension but not listening. I always wonder why, I think it is really due to the problem of learning English alphabetically in Hong Kong🙈🥲 Inspiring episode! Thank you Gladys and Lawrence! ❤

  • @alexalex-bk5ls
    @alexalex-bk5ls Рік тому +2


  • @Jen2020
    @Jen2020 Рік тому +2

    Learning phonics helps me read and spell different words, especially some challenging words. My spelling and my reading have improved when I learnt teaching young learning phonics. I am still learning because some sounds, especially those in phases 4 and 5, are quite challenging, e.g. digraph or trigraph. As you have mentioned, there are 44 sounds. In addition, there are more words that can't sound them out, which makes spelling even more challenging. However, if we have a strong foundation of phonics awareness, we can read and spell most of the words! Thanks for your video! 😃

  • @wlc142
    @wlc142 Рік тому +3

    多謝你哋教我哋phonics ,2個小朋友好好可愛呀。🥰🥰🥰

  • @mmk3311
    @mmk3311 Рік тому

    尼個形式好好牙👍🏻👍🏻簡單易明又互動🥰仲要學到好味既scones 简簡單嘅做法👍🏻👍🏻~超級喜歡食scones 😍😍

  • @shushu1996
    @shushu1996 Рік тому +4


  • @ivanleung1656
    @ivanleung1656 Рік тому

    excellent, it's a great episode with a warmful and good learning ingredients 👍👍❤❤

  • @mkcs1222
    @mkcs1222 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much! It’s so useful❤

  • @wilsonbeaufort
    @wilsonbeaufort Рік тому +1

    Thank you, thank you very much Grandma. 🙏

  • @cc4829
    @cc4829 Рік тому +3

    我都有教小朋友phonics ,但有時我又覺得好confused,for example, voiceless sounds after s, 全部會變哂voiced,like star, sky,你會actually讀 s-dar, s-gy仲有多過一個 syllable word,好多時secondary stress 係一個schwa,like television, second stress 唔會讀/e/ sound,而phonics 好似冇呢個Schwa音,要讀linguistic 或學IPA chart 先有,所以有時遇到呢啲情況我都唔知點教😭咁細個佢哋又唔明,如果真係用呢個方法串字,其實好多時會串錯got mixed up㗎喎🤔️希望你哋可以幫我解答🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

  • @manmankong2890
    @manmankong2890 Рік тому

    聽你講英文, 會覺得好舒服

  • @L-3-L-3
    @L-3-L-3 Рік тому

    睇咗呢條片先知原來我咁好彩😳 我以爲間間學校都會教拼音!我係80後,小學(好似係5/6年級)有教拼音,對我記spelling好有幫助!雖然依家英文都唔好😅

  • @ashleya8479
    @ashleya8479 Рік тому


  • @jlouie8835
    @jlouie8835 Рік тому +7

    Laurence definitely need to start new You Tube channel teaching English.

  • @CC-di8pe
    @CC-di8pe Рік тому +2

    This is useful! Thanks the Reynolds! But have to say .. Eileen looks like Lawrence's sister instead of his mom!

  • @xjeff
    @xjeff Рік тому

    以前用啞老師, 學拼音就有需要. 學 phonics 讀寫到個字, 都唔識解啦, 現在老師已識得講野, 直接用電話查, 學埋讀最快. 最總要都係現實環境有無使用.

  • @imadcoool6901
    @imadcoool6901 Рік тому +1

    This program is really useful ❤ love love love 😊

  • @Shannon9918
    @Shannon9918 9 місяців тому

    That's what we learn in sch ( pre- sch ) in Singapore! We learn phonics be4 we learn how to read

  • @siusinmanko
    @siusinmanko Рік тому +3

    When I was a child, our teacher taught us sight English. Just list Glady's mother, I tried to spell the word in mind. When I was a Secondary stduent, I found a pattern of words. Try to speak those words base on my understanding. Nowadays, most children learn phonics which really helps their learning in English. Thanks for Laurence and Glady's teaching. It is a very interesting episode.

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing and thanks for your kind words. We hope you find more of the Casual Curriculum interesting too 😊

  • @SandyWang-wc7gp
    @SandyWang-wc7gp Рік тому +1


  • @wongcurry9126
    @wongcurry9126 Рік тому +1

    以前讀小學無教過亦唔知有phonics 呢樣嘢,係到中學(忘記係中三定中四)突然有一堂教點睇英文字典上寫嘅發音,但得果一堂,而且覺得好難,所以我哋都係聽完就算,完全學唔到嘢😅

  • @Iamavaaa
    @Iamavaaa Рік тому

    Sometimes it’s US accent and UK accent. It’s hard to say wrong or right, it’s just not British enough.

  • @mick7827
    @mick7827 Рік тому +1


  • @teresayung9069
    @teresayung9069 Рік тому

    Lawrence said: 'It is just as valuable if not more.' This is also an interesting grammar which if we can use it in our daily conversation, we sound native?

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому

      You can always try to implement things you hear in these episodes yes! 😄

  • @runningman2856
    @runningman2856 Рік тому +4

    想當初中學比人編左入英文班先知英文係用拼音學😢最後死學爛學先學到少少(PS:小學英文勁差 差到唔合格加埋英文底勁差)我係個年D同學同老師教番我用拼音學英文即刻上番合格😢 個下開心到呢

  • @HKwok
    @HKwok Рік тому +1

    敎多啲phonics 吖!7,80後嘅大人明白左原理,教小朋友都容易啲

  • @Agnes_k.
    @Agnes_k. Рік тому

    C & G sound different as prefix😂. G with vowels are the sound made with mouth slightly wider than C by starting with mouth shape of o; eg. Is gone. C with vowels are the sound made with mouth opening less than G by starting with mouth shape of u; eg. Is cone .

  • @hforharriet
    @hforharriet Рік тому

    i think ‘scone’ is pronounced similar to ‘bone’ or ‘phone’ is because the E in the end makes the O is a long O (‘oh’ sound)? correct me if im wrong🤔

  • @JustinTsang168
    @JustinTsang168 Рік тому


  • @carson3448
    @carson3448 Рік тому

    介紹 Star-fall camp 呢個小朋友英國phonic 網,唔係學,係好玩,先學得最快❤

  • @romiyan8844
    @romiyan8844 Рік тому

    phonics真係好重要,係澳洲讀緊master,上年同一個台灣同學一齊係小學實習,睇到local小朋reception, year 1 and 2都會學同練習phonics打好個底,所以year 1的小朋友基本有d字未學過都係用phonics咁嘗試拼出黎,當下台灣同學同我同樣覺得點解我地細個唔係咁樣學英文,唔怪得我地spelling同發音唔好又奇怪

  • @irenewong3950
    @irenewong3950 Рік тому

    It’s really interesting, thanks for teaching ❤

  • @麗華黄
    @麗華黄 4 місяці тому


  • @chapfor7
    @chapfor7 Рік тому +5

    To be fair there are so many different accents in english and on top of it english has so many borrowed words ...phonics is great but when all the vowels can be pronounced differently based on accents and what languages the words are borrowed from ...
    Also ...when you learn a second lamguage you try to use the method you use for your first ...we never learn cantonese in phonics soooo...we are destined to be visual learner first
    It would be the same for english speakers to learn cantonese ...they have to change the method otherwise they will never know the difference of tones...or characters ...or strokes ...

  • @fionho3965
    @fionho3965 10 місяців тому


  • @jasmineliu6289
    @jasmineliu6289 Рік тому

    I love the ending🫶🏻Noah and Finfin are so cute!

  • @goofylemon
    @goofylemon Рік тому

    媽媽所教係CVC pattern. consonant - vowel - consonant. 英文字basic pattern. 我都係同我D小朋友學.

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +2

      This certainly applies to a lot of first words you might learn to say and spell 😊

  • @bonniewan6523
    @bonniewan6523 Рік тому +7

    I want to learn Phonics after watch this video.

    • @gigi9079
      @gigi9079 Рік тому +1

      Me too. I can't find phonics class for audlt in HK.

  • @yanwong8529
    @yanwong8529 Рік тому

    Lovely Noah and Fin Fin🤩

  • @happyfootballgroup
    @happyfootballgroup Рік тому


  • @cappychan6845
    @cappychan6845 Рік тому


  • @mayyik2012
    @mayyik2012 Рік тому

    美國人講英文會用連音, 英國人可以這樣說嗎?
    例如: What are you going to do?
    Whaddaya gonna do?

  • @TopicContemporary
    @TopicContemporary 10 місяців тому

    MORE PLS!!!

  • @jimmy_wong
    @jimmy_wong Рік тому

    我細個一學英文 一定會教拼音開始 a e i o u ABC只係幼稚園教 所有字母既發音都係不一樣

  • @icyhugs
    @icyhugs Рік тому

    Not sure if it is still the same in HK now, I grew up during the 80s and 90s. We were first taught phonics in P5 & 6, the last 2 years of primary school. Then it's thrown away again as we got into junior high school. I heard the word phonics again by the time of college -____-
    We were taught the pronunciation simply by memorizing how the teachers pronounced it, lol. Therefore, it was very confusing as u have a teacher with British accent for 1 year, then another with American accent XDDD Even if we go to a church to join the Mass in English, we will still get confused as most Catholic priests serving foreigners perishes came from Canada and US, and the Anglican church priests came from UK. We still get a lot of toMAto vs toMAYto (tomatoes) , AR-men vs A-men (Amen) moments.
    It's really challenging to try going all English or all American English in HK.

  • @jadejadekeitung
    @jadejadekeitung Рік тому

    Thank you for the informative video!! 可唔可以請教下究竟英國人係句子最後,唔同情況底下會有唔同’X’s, 究竟應該點樣應用🥲 移民去英國生活咗2年,都搵唔到一個實際答案🤣

    • @tywoods3613
      @tywoods3613 Рік тому

      You mean like “good luck xxx”? The crosses are kisses

  • @suetkwanjoanneleung5096
    @suetkwanjoanneleung5096 Рік тому

    I like Noah so much❤❤❤

  • @waiywong9353
    @waiywong9353 Рік тому

    I debated with my british colleague few days ago on the same topic as well.
    Sc(one) or S(cone)😂

  • @irismadcradle1600
    @irismadcradle1600 Рік тому +1


  • @kevinlau5940
    @kevinlau5940 Рік тому

    Phonics and ipa

  • @joannacheung39
    @joannacheung39 Рік тому +1

    TKS ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @dorisfan2689
    @dorisfan2689 Рік тому

    I would like to learn more about phonics where possible please

  • @aupuishan2012
    @aupuishan2012 Рік тому


  • @winnielui1224
    @winnielui1224 Рік тому

    Do you mind to give us scone recipe?

  • @dr.strange-backtofuture3991

    3:52 我覺得簡單d, 叫 G lady s 算😂

  • @9999-g3n
    @9999-g3n Рік тому +1

    Hi. They are so useful to me and please don't delete these. Keep making these. Thanks 👍😊.

  • @juju3610
    @juju3610 Рік тому

    想問咁phonics vs phonetics 呢? 小朋友應該學邊樣?

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +1

      Phonetics is more about the study of how sounds are physically produced and is an area of linguistics. The International Phonetic Alphabet is definitely helpful to learn though.
      Phonics is the application of those sounds in use, for reading, spelling and pronunciation. So this is what children will be taught 😄
      Most educational settings that teach these areas at a young age will classify it as phonics, though phonetics is definitely involved too ☺️

    • @cc4829
      @cc4829 Рік тому

      Highly recommend 學ipa chart ,如果小朋友記得到,有D音phonics 係冇,到學嗰時又唔知點explain 個音係唔同,其實有D rule 大少少先學會好D我自己覺得,但當然細個學咗basic single sounds and digraphs 先都有啲幫助

  • @manson857
    @manson857 Рік тому +4


  • @tangb001
    @tangb001 Рік тому

    好好呀 學英文

  • @pakheichan7830
    @pakheichan7830 Рік тому +3


  • @wongwong3834
    @wongwong3834 Рік тому


  • @imadcoool6901
    @imadcoool6901 11 місяців тому

    Watch 2nd times, never feel bored

  • @olivetsang6568
    @olivetsang6568 Рік тому


  • @noelcheng4371
    @noelcheng4371 Рік тому


  • @dorothy0125g
    @dorothy0125g Рік тому

    Reynold‘s Family 🫶🏻🇭🇰🇬🇧I learn it a lot 🥰👍🙏🏼

  • @kenjifuruhata9337
    @kenjifuruhata9337 Рік тому

    我同意Gladys 所說要用phonetic

  • @Itsbellachan
    @Itsbellachan Рік тому +1

    LOL 😅🤣 the kids now start learning phonics in kindergarten already 🙃

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому

      That’s great. The idea is to be learning phonics as early as possible 🤙🏻😄

  • @1msfashionista
    @1msfashionista Рік тому +1

    more videos pls

  • @lokyi2003
    @lokyi2003 11 місяців тому


  • @jlouie8835
    @jlouie8835 Рік тому +1

    My friend taught English in HK for years, her English pronunciation is terrible but she seems to be proud of being an English teacher and I choked every time I heard her speaking English with a terrible accent . She didn't realize how bad it was until she immigrated to Canada. Her English communications has improved substantially over the next 40 years. But if she is still in HK teaching English, just imagine what would have happened to the next generation students she taught? There are thousands of English teachers in HK teaching bad English and that's terrible. I was lucky enough to learn English from Canadian nuns but in my US household, I only teach my kids and grandkids Chinese, I leave the English learning to my kids teacher and the native Americans.

    • @irisevin7261
      @irisevin7261 Рік тому

      To be honest, I believe that accent is of negligible importance when compared to the quality of teaching. During my PGdE programme interview, the issue of accent was raised, and all the interviewees unanimously agreed that it holds no significant impact as long as the pronunciation is clear and the teaching quality is excellent. The term "native speaker" is often subject to interpretation. For instance, many Singaporeans learn English as their first language, yet they are not deemed native English speakers. Similarly, Scottish people in the UK may face communication challenges with other British citizens who find their accents difficult to comprehend. Instead of attempting to master a so-called "standard" accent, we ought to expose ourselves to a diverse range of English accents. Ultimately, English serves as a lingua franca, uniting people from various regions of the world.

    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому

      @@irisevin7261 Actually even though I grew up in Hong Kong, quite a few people said I have a Malaysian/Singaporean accent. Even a Malaysian student thought I was Malaysian. The Georgie taxi driver thought I have an American accent. The accent doesn't matter but the issue is many Hong Kong English teachers have very poor knowledge of English. They kept on mispronouncing the English words, so my English is always better than my Hong Kong English teachers in practice.

  • @abcabc2680
    @abcabc2680 Рік тому +2

    The correct British way of pronouncing SCONE should be SKON rhyme with gone.
    * had to edit from SC TO SK

  • @kerorokeroro
    @kerorokeroro Рік тому +2


  • @britishterencehongkongese3373
    @britishterencehongkongese3373 Рік тому +1

    The marriage ring can't take off for any situation!

  • @iristang4522
    @iristang4522 Рік тому


  • @lauflora4232
    @lauflora4232 9 місяців тому


  • @dser-tj5nc
    @dser-tj5nc Рік тому +1
