I Struggled with Self Harm & Bulimia But then Jesus Did this...(Testimony)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @IsaiahSaldivar
    @IsaiahSaldivar Рік тому +685

    Wow this is so powerful! Proud of you Marcela!

    • @misfitking_0143
      @misfitking_0143 Рік тому +15

      She was being Born Again... We are Supposed to CELEBRATE! In the World you will have Tribulation... God Bless You 🙌 Marcela... 🕊 🕊 🕊 Spiritual Warfare is REAL! Thank you for Sharing!

    • @misfitking_0143
      @misfitking_0143 Рік тому +10

      We are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made! #walkbyFaith! The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always! LetUsPray for those in Darkness... HolySpirit 🔥 Fire!

    • @SalwaSamra
      @SalwaSamra Рік тому +15

      Please pray I suffer immensely after a surgery complications 6 years ago. Pain in my heart, indescribable. The despair. The darkness. The suffering emotionally for no reason. Even in a crowd of people, the loneliness.
      Fear. Terror. Horror. My body is fighting to stay alive. The skin drooping from the loss of so much weight. Scars on my body from being so itchy. Blotches on my skin from who knows where. Day and the night hours of turmoil and sorrow. Fighting with song, scripture and for help.
      The weakness that drags my body to get dressed. Sit up. Type. The list is so extensive but the body is too tortured and weak to explain. The hurt and pain so deep one can’t imagine how in an instant it can all be healed and it can but He’s yet to do it. The mind games and the enormous tiredness of the fight to stay alive for my family. I’m literally fighting to stay here for them. The depth of pain that it can all be taken away now and it keeps going. No rest. No peace. No hope but holding on to some mustard seed of hope.
      The loss of life agonising to live and you’re unable to. The agony of loving life yet life not loving you because you’ve been stripped of life and living. You can never imagine.
      I’ve believed, have faith, worship abundantly, fasted, communion, heaps of deliverance ministries, intercessors pray on a daily basis and Im still not delivered. He can. Why isn’t it happening? It makes no sense.
      I’ve prayed and memorised scriptures, daily, for 26 years, passages and passages. I keep searching for ministries to help, discern, etc. none help me.

    • @tish7254
      @tish7254 Рік тому +3


    • @yahslivingwater3958
      @yahslivingwater3958 Рік тому +1

      *I YAHUVEH, Say ''You are on a Countdown of MY Patience!''* (Prophecy 99)
      (Excerpts): Obedience, obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice! - Take away your tithes and take away your offerings and take away your praise, if you are not obeying ME! For if you do not obey ME now, what makes you think you will obey ME - in the ''Great Tribulation [.. Is Now Only A Breath Away''] when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this? Learn to obey now! How do you prove that you love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Does not MY Word say, "If you love ME, you will obey ME." (Gospel of John 14:15, 21) How did YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH prove that HE loves YAHUVEH? By obedience to every Word I say. Do not make promises to ME that you never intend to keep.
      I am not concerned with manmade marriage vows to marriages I did not even put together and now you see each other for who you are.[even among BornAgain, not honouring, Exodus 34 & 20 A Set of YAH'S Commandments
      I am only concerned with those marriages that have been ordained from Heaven. And how do you know they are ordained from Heaven? Because you are one in ME. It is true that the Word says the husband should be the spiritual leader of the household (Ephesians 5:22) and when that husband is not fit to be the spiritual leader of the household, then I shall have a leader of the household, whether it be the woman or whether it be a child, I will have someone speaking forth MY Words. I will have someone speaking forth MY Words! Even if it be a little child, I will have someone that speaketh forth MY Words! MY glory shall be evident for all to see!
      You in these organized churches, you know that they are a stench in MY nostrils but you say you have to have a building to fellowship in. What happened to fellowshipping with ME one on one? What happened to fellowshipping one on one with MY Son? You are in the countdown of the Omer. You are in the countdown of MY patience. [ YAH’s True Sabbath: Hebrews 4:1-10, Exodus 31:12-17].
      Woe, woe, woe, woe be unto this earth when MY patience is done!
      [ Those preparing toBe YAHUSHUA's ''anointed'' Rev. 14 & 7 Bride]
      Pray that you will be counted worthy to escape MY Wrath!
      This should be your constant prayer each and everyday.
      I am not angry at those who are obeying ME.
      I am not angry at those who are trying to obey ME.
      I am not angry at those who will say,
      "I am listening for YOUR voice. Lead me and guide me."
      I am not even angry at those who will say, "Please forgive me."
      *I am angry at those who refuse to obey.*
      [ have U yet fled Organized Babylonian Ch' demon doctrineS ]
      And Judgment starts at the House of YAHUVEH.
      The heathen do not know how to hear MY voice.
      *But I am angry at those who claim they are MINE*
      and belong to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and refuse to obey!
      [ Return to One-on-One loving relationship with YAH, Holy Trinity,
      [On HIS TRUE Sabbath: Hebrews 4:1-12 Exodus 31:12-17 openBible ]
      China is tasting MY Wrath now. [2008, 2021] But I spare those who are MINE.
      They stood up and they said, "No Bibles allowed here."
      They imprison MY saints, those who truly love and serve ME,
      they execute them. They torture them. They starve them!
      Taste MY Wrath China for more is to come! [round 3]
      *I sent China as an example of what happens when MY patience starts to wear out.*
      Long ago I gave you [YAH's end Time Apostle/prophet] a Word Elisabeth,
      'End of round one,[2008] now for round two.[2021].
      Beware China because a round three is coming.
      (China had a devastating earthquake that killed at least 60,000 people, 2008)
      [ USA/Canada] And America, I have not even begun.
      Again and again I said, I have saved the worst for last.
      You have not even, even, even begun to taste MY wrath.
      And Europe, think not that you will escape your fate.
      *Right now there is only one loud voice protesting that which I find an abomination and*
      I use the Catholic church, remember, as I used the ***donkey to speak out of, (Numbers 22:22-32).
      I use the Catholic church to warn, to warn about the sanctity of life.
      *Where are the others? Where are the other [Sun]organized religions?*
      [ You must begun Protest! = ''Abortion Is Wrong, Abortion Is Murder, Abortion is SIN'' ]
      ( This, One of YAH'S Ten Com't = Exodus 20 & 34 = A set )
      *A worldwide outcry should have gone forth to join together an animal and human embryo, to even devise such a* plan, to have a half human and half animal, [Sunday ch. muzzled by Government, EVIL pastors/congregations choose Tax exemption ] you do not even begin to know the road that you have started to walk upon.
      *To mock ME with the sanctity of marriage?*
      [ Not yet protesting against this abomination L..g..b..t..Q ?? ]
      There should have been a worldwide outcry against same sex marriage!
      *Why is it so silent? Where are the churches?*
      Why don't all those in Islam raise up?
      They care about a cartoon!
      They send terror into anyone that does not agree with them.
      But why are they silent? [ sat/sunday pagan christians? & muslims]
      ‘’If you love Me will you obey Me?’’
      How do you prove that you obey Me.
      This is why I am on a countdown of MY patience now.
      That which you think is years away, all of you, all of you have a rude awakening coming.
      I am commanding this Ministry, [ www.amightywind.com YAH'S OWN Last Chance Ministry ]
      to do that which they are to do and do it quickly.
      There is no time any longer to mollycoddle (over protect) the babies.
      It's time for them to grow up. It's time for men to be men.
      *This is why I have put women in the leadership.*
      This is why I raised up a Deborah!
      [ Eliyahu of NEW: Malachi4:4-5 ]
      The men are Baraks! (Judges, chapter 4)
      They are cowards! Not all MY men.
      *I have MINE, MY own. And they hear MY voice and they speak forth MY Words but oh how few, how few.*
      And you women who have been browbeaten in these unequally yoked marriages and the Scriptures have been used against you to say, "Keep silent." I only told you to obey that husband as he lines up with MY Word. If he does not, kick him to the curb! Enough is enough! Enough is enough! [More].
      *If you are not one of YAHUSHUA'S ''anointed'' Bride you are*
      His Guests(Rev. 7:9-17, 19:9, one of foolish virgins(Matt 25)
      Guests of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb = (Martyrdom @5th Seal),
      (Truly Saved Jews & Christians),
      as you learning daily repentance,
      as you begin to Protest!!,
      ~> Return to Me and I will Return to you.
      ~> May you return to study/obey(DO)
      *Set of YAH's CommandmentsEXODUS 34 & 20*
      (Three holy Days are mentioned here:
      Passover, Pentecost and
      Feast of Tabernacles(Tent/Booth = YAHUSHUA's BirthDay) = John 7
      (May you learn their Spiritual meanings..Led by Holy Spirit )
      *(thus you are honouring TWO GREAT Commandments Matt. 22: 37-40)*
      *INDEX of Prophecies & List of EXCERPTS*
      (May you continue with Prophecy #99 above)
      (for Bride & Guests to be prepared as we are Instructed by YAHUSHUA
      ( given to HIS endTime Apostle/prophet to the nations in 52 Languages).

  • @vickibeaver3441
    @vickibeaver3441 Місяць тому +1

    This was truly one of the most magnificent and most powerful testimonials on this channel that I've heard so far, and I've been listening to them daily for over two weeks... Thank you so much for posting this testimony. I'm 71 years old and have been saved since I was a very young child, and still listening to the testimonials on this channel truly thrills my soul, and refreshes my spirit!! From the absolute bottom of my heart I'm forever grateful for this powerful channel...From the Heart ♥ Vicki in Virginia

    • @delafetestimonies
      @delafetestimonies  Місяць тому

      Thank you for sharing! So glad to hear how the testimonies have impacted you!

  • @liveforgod1562
    @liveforgod1562 Рік тому +5

    ❤ Praise The Lord!!! May God Bless you More! Thank you for sharing your story! ❤

  • @jerrys1
    @jerrys1 Рік тому +2

    It amazes me that you continue to find these amazing testimonies. Great stuff

  • @juanitabaez9662
    @juanitabaez9662 Рік тому

    awsome testimonie my son girl is dealing with that i know that the Lord will set her free

  • @danperez3970
    @danperez3970 Рік тому

    What an amazing testimony! God be with you sister

  • @Adamgaming85979
    @Adamgaming85979 Рік тому

    Amen God is good and jesus is king God bless us all Amen and sorry ✝️🛐🥰❤💒✝️🛐🥰❤💒✝️🛐🥰❤💒✝️🛐🥰❤✝️🛐💒

  • @graceylake7388
    @graceylake7388 Рік тому

  • @arabellamaclean8
    @arabellamaclean8 Рік тому +122

    "Read the Bible. Out loud. Violently."
    Haha I loved this part, so true though. The word is alive and breathing. Proclaiming God's promises out loud, they'll always come to be. He can't lie. Everything is true, we just choose whether to accept and grasp onto it or not.

  • @muhammadabisina4095
    @muhammadabisina4095 Рік тому +344

    I'm ex muslim. Jesus healed my pain. Hallelujah. I believe God always faithful and care. Thank you Jesus

    • @Thaiger2011
      @Thaiger2011 Рік тому +5


    • @Mia-qu8wj
      @Mia-qu8wj Рік тому +5

      Can u help me? Were u from a muslim country? Or just a muslim family?

    • @charisset3344
      @charisset3344 Рік тому +11

      Thank you JESUS for Muhammad Abisina!!! Continue to bless him and show YOURSELF to him!! Amen! Thanks for sharing Muhammad. Jesus Loves you and so do I!!

    • @emmilyfernandes5524
      @emmilyfernandes5524 Рік тому +3

      Amen 🙌🏻✝️

    • @carlajoyswan
      @carlajoyswan Рік тому +3


  • @Everlastingxlovex
    @Everlastingxlovex Рік тому +62

    This has hit me so hard and all I want to do is be free from bondage and give my life fully to god

    • @2004nayeli
      @2004nayeli Рік тому +3

      Jesus saves,delivers and frees us from any and every bondage..Jesus is our Savior!!

    • @whatsnextnora
      @whatsnextnora Рік тому +1

      You most defin can DUDE!

    • @seedofbrandsug4660
      @seedofbrandsug4660 Місяць тому

      To JESUS CHRIST ....John 3:16 because GOD so loved the world that he give his one only son that whoever who believe in him will have eternal life ..only JESUS CHRIST is the way go buy the bible read the word of God

  • @keithmayer1417
    @keithmayer1417 Рік тому +160

    LORD, You know my pain, my depression, the condemning voices, please fill my house with Your Holy Spirit

    • @hildegard361
      @hildegard361 Рік тому +3

      In Jesus Name 🙏

    • @dorothychebet9239
      @dorothychebet9239 Рік тому +4

      Keith, no one can give you peace like Jesus. His peace surpasses human understanding. Lord, I pray that you visit Keith, He needs am encounter with you. Amen.

    • @tanyarobinson2098
      @tanyarobinson2098 Рік тому +1

      I too heard those voices. I do not anymore! As she says, if Jesus did it for us, He’ll do it for YOU!! ❤❤❤

    • @sommerbreeze01
      @sommerbreeze01 Рік тому +1

      Don’t claim the pain or the depression. Jesus took it all on the cross. God loves you, speak over yourself what God says about you. You are blessed, loved, never alone, healed, forgiven…..

    • @GodsDisciple775
      @GodsDisciple775 Рік тому

      Remember it's not your depression.. never refer to any spiritual warfare as yours.. Just rebuke it and continue to claim you will be healed and it will happen..😇

  • @precious14stones
    @precious14stones Рік тому +41

    I do believe that even born again Christians could have some part of their lives under the control of an evil spirit and deliverance is so important in this day and age even during Christ's time on earth there was always casting out of demons and healing taking place so why the shame, why the backlash against deliverance, this was what Jesus did throughout His ministry and He expects us to do the same because right now it feels like a hoard of demons have been unleashed on the earth. Thank you for your wonderful testimony.

  • @aHavenForTheLost
    @aHavenForTheLost Рік тому +80

    When she talked about reading the word out loud and violently I felt that. We have to read every day and as much as possible. And parents if you have children play audio of scripture while they sleep. My kids don't even know I do it. 💖

    • @faith8303
      @faith8303 Рік тому +6

      This is beautiful. When I have children I will do this ❤️🙏🏾😌

    • @aHavenForTheLost
      @aHavenForTheLost Рік тому +2

      @@faith8303 💖

    • @lovejones1897
      @lovejones1897 Рік тому +1

      I do at times

    • @As-cc9ug
      @As-cc9ug Рік тому +2

      That's so crazy I just started in December reading the Word out loud . The spirit led to do that

    • @aHavenForTheLost
      @aHavenForTheLost Рік тому

      @@lovejones1897 Awesome!!💙

  • @dalesuggs3658
    @dalesuggs3658 Рік тому +76

    Your words sooo blessed my heart. I'm 63 yr old man & as I listened to your powerful testimony joyful tears rolled down my checks listening how much you Love Jesus & what He means to you & how God has become your world. Continue to grow with God for He has an amazing road for you to experience ❤️ 🙏 💛

    • @ignatiussilveira4257
      @ignatiussilveira4257 9 місяців тому

      My dear friend, her testimony is a message for you.

    • @44foxyy
      @44foxyy 6 місяців тому

      Is this satire? It feels like satire, but with all the other comments I could be wrong

  • @youtube.comybvv
    @youtube.comybvv Рік тому +37

    Wow! The chills that ran through my body when her friends and the guy told her they saw two people in her car when she had the accident. What a testimony!!

  • @ijctabs
    @ijctabs Рік тому +186

    As someone who has always struggled with depression and suicidal ideation/low self esteem.. and someone who has been in a verbally psychologically abusive marriage .. woah! This is what i needed to hear today. I will start to speak Gods word over my life and looking at myself in the mirror while doing so. Thank you! 🥹 Jesus!!!! Thank You!!!

    • @MissssTai
      @MissssTai Рік тому +2

      Glory to God! This will help you so much hun❤

    • @briannamunoz6534
      @briannamunoz6534 Рік тому +6

      Amen sister the word of God Is a double-edged sword. Jesus Loves You

    • @irishhazelp
      @irishhazelp Рік тому +4

      I suggest also looking into getting delivered. I struggled with those too and I got deliverance from those demons that keep telling me lies!

    • @dzhere4250
      @dzhere4250 Рік тому +1

      Did you feel as tho God freed you from those things after you started speaking scripture over your life?

    • @OldSchoolGenius
      @OldSchoolGenius Рік тому

      UA-cam "Grace Revolution" with Joseph Prince.

  • @danajoseph868
    @danajoseph868 Рік тому +27

    I bawled throughout this testimony. One day I will share my own testimony of deliverance with the world. God is still working on me but I believe that with all my heart. I really really love this testimony. Thank you so much for sharing and God bless and keep you 🙏

  • @lisas9034
    @lisas9034 Рік тому +45

    I pray that everyone who needs to see and hear this young woman's message will touch their lives!! SO POWERFUL!!

  • @oliviajane6453
    @oliviajane6453 Рік тому +41

    I watched this video while I was working today and had to stop and just process the glory and wonder of God and His redeeming power. I've been watching this channel for a few months now, and it's been such a blessing in my life; the transformation in these testimonies are so incredibly inspiring. I'm in Gainesville, FL and am just praying to find a Spirit-filled community here where deliverance is accepted and where people are receiving true freedom. Again, thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord and continuing to put out such fire content. It's truly been the biggest blessing, and I feel refreshed and inspired after watching all of these testimonies. May the Lord bless you!!

    • @irishhazelp
      @irishhazelp Рік тому

      Is Daniel adams too far from you? I know he lives in Florida

    • @oliviajane6453
      @oliviajane6453 Рік тому +1

      @@irishhazelp I love TSNL! I just went to the forerunner conference this November and it was so fire. I think the closest hub to me is in Jacksonville.

    • @irishhazelp
      @irishhazelp Рік тому +2

      @@oliviajane6453 oh wow that’s so awesome! Wish I could’ve gone! Next year God willing! The one here in cali is also sold out..

    • @jenniferibarra7737
      @jenniferibarra7737 Рік тому

      This channel is so comforting and real I’m laying in bed all day from sickness and binge watching all these testimonies all comfy with pajamas I know one day I will share my testimony he comes for the broken misunderstood ones like us

  • @canawolford4491
    @canawolford4491 Рік тому +23

    “He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.” Glory to God!!! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

  • @jfate2311
    @jfate2311 Рік тому +23

    sending virtual hugs cause maaaaaan this blessed me SO much. Especially Marcela speaking on walking out her faith and STILL being in bondage to the enemy and the need for deliverance. I know the whole viewing and hearing body of Christ on this testimony will be deeply blessed and edified. Y'all done done it again 🙌💯

  • @kaylynnosburn4305
    @kaylynnosburn4305 Рік тому +17

    IT IS NOT TRIVIAL!! Hallelujah He set you free. I cried when you were talking about being in front of the mirror and just being able to enjoy the color of the shirt you tried on. Thank you Lord for her freedom, Glory to you God Most High 🙌🏻

  • @uplift5863
    @uplift5863 Рік тому +25

    Thank you many times for sharing these testimonies! They are living proof of God still being the Living and Mighty God and Jesus not being distant, but so close to those who seek Him with all their heart. Praise God for the abundant power and authority in His Word and His grace that reaches out to the humble. His glory alone!

  • @katherineortez
    @katherineortez Рік тому +15

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooow --- I’m watching this at almost 4am in the morning. My jaw is on the floor --- thank you for sharing your testimony. The deliverance part of your story gave me absolute chills, and the part you shared about seeing yourself in the mirror and feeling like a little girl, liking what you were wearing, for the very first time, made me cry so much. Thank you x a million. 🤍🤍🤍🤍✨🫶🏼 You are definitely impacting lives, and sharing your story is shifting things for many across the world. Just like God knew you would be doing. 🤍🤍 He is so so good !!!!! 🥹✨

  • @jacewilliams6478
    @jacewilliams6478 Рік тому +30

    Such an incredible testimony! I hope this one reaches millions!

  • @jeancarlospizzi7730
    @jeancarlospizzi7730 Рік тому +21

    wow girl. I was on my bed and had to get off my bed to write to you, balling. beautiful testimony. thank you lord for allowing me to watch this. I am currently disabled recovering from a tai 2018 and many things the lord testified through you connected with the tender new heart He gave me. JESUS YOU ARE LORD

  • @Juliaa.rosee7
    @Juliaa.rosee7 Рік тому +18

    This testimony had me crying because I related to parts of this and receiving freedom is so beautiful 🥲 my day will come 🙏🏻

  • @sophiaisabelle01
    @sophiaisabelle01 Рік тому +29

    Jesus is more than capable of manifesting wondrous miracles. People sharing their personal testimonies hit close to home. They've now become enlightened to further improve themselves holistically.

    • @mhiebarrera1708
      @mhiebarrera1708 Рік тому

      hi, idk why but i keep seeing your comments. are u filipina?

  • @aandersonbraidwood
    @aandersonbraidwood Рік тому +15

    The Lord has made you a cheerleader for His house - hallelujah! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony ❤

  • @brittanyhunter3331
    @brittanyhunter3331 Рік тому +4

    These testimonies are very powerful, but I do feel as though the impact of poor parenting/bad parents are minimized quite a bit.

  • @amprosper
    @amprosper Рік тому +13

    Thank you for your obedience to the Spirit of the LORD to share this testimony! This help to save my life and I will definitely share this to help save others!! 🤗🙏🏽🥰

  • @asmrpicaloversunited6580
    @asmrpicaloversunited6580 Рік тому +11

    This was powerful. The way she described her deliverance, made me really realize how powerful a community can be. This really touched me.

  • @kristin0943
    @kristin0943 Рік тому +26

    Marcela thank you so very much for sharing your testimony! I didn’t expect to relate to someone so much in my life! I have hope to believe there can and will be complete freedom and knowledge of truth in Jesus! There doesn’t have to be the darkness or bondage and Jesus! I know Jesus was speaking through you. God bless and keep you! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Jovanna3313
    @Jovanna3313 Рік тому +8

    Wow, her story is amazing and it hits home. I understand what she was going through because I was Molested. This made me cry knowing that God save her. GLORY TO GOD. 😢🙌💯

  • @coressh5967
    @coressh5967 Рік тому +10

    Hallelujah! This testimony was awesome! Jesus is real you guys 💃🏾💃🏽💃🏼💃💃🏾🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
    Congratulations everyone! We are blessed people in Jesus mighty name Amen

  • @hannahmiller6170
    @hannahmiller6170 Рік тому +3

    God was not OK with the molestation. YES! Girl, I live in a community where this stuff is shoved under the rug and IT IS NOT OK!

  • @worshipsongsaboutprayer4371
    @worshipsongsaboutprayer4371 Рік тому +8

    GOD is saying to you today;"I'm giving you grace to deal with the challenges you're facing. Things that used to stress you out will no longer have a hold on you!Let My peace guard your heart & your mind!It's going to get better!"

  • @thewaythetruthandthelife3602
    @thewaythetruthandthelife3602 Рік тому +4

    Is it perhaps your desire to enter the kingdom of heaven? Do you wish you had certainty about it? Here is what the Lord Jesus had to say about it:
    "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein." Luke 18:17.
    What did Jesus mean by these words? Notice that Jesus said, "receive" the kingdom; He did not say "work for" or "earn" the kingdom. How then can we be sure to receive the kingdom of God as a little child and truly enter therein?
    To know what Jesus meant we have to understand how a little child receives, since this is what Jesus requires of anyone who wishes to enter the kingdom of God. Have you ever noticed how a little child receives things, let's say from his parents or grandparents? Think about it for a while. By observation we know that little children receive without any inclination that they ought to EARN or DESERVE what is given to them. It does not occur to them that they should first become worthy or deserving. It is clear that little children always receive in humility and without reservations.
    Little children truly know how to receive a gift. They display an absence of pride and self-sufficiency; they simply receive without works and without merit. They do not feel that they first have to earn or deserve what is given to them. They do not measure themselves by their own performance and try to judge whether they should be considered worthy of the gift. They do not think to bring the question of their own merits or goodness into the equation.
    This, dear friend, is the simple point that Jesus was making. He is saying that this is the way that we need to receive the greatest gift that anyone can ever receive -- the gift of eternal life in His kingdom.
    The reason we need to receive it as a little child is because, try as we may, we can never earn or deserve it through our own merits, goodness or performance. God Almighty is holy and righteous and cannot look upon sin; His standard is perfection. Even if we have failed only once in our lifetime to fulfill even the smallest commandment in the law of God, we fall short of that perfection. The Bible states that:
    "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
    We all have failed to keep God's moral law, the 10 commandments perfectly; we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We can never change our imperfection and make ourselves acceptable to God by trying to be good.
    Isaiah 64:6 says:
    "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away."
    God is holy and righteous and therefore has to punish sin. The Bible also reveals that God is love and does not want anyone to be damned to an eternity in hell. So the Creator Himself chose to become flesh and to pay the penalty for our sin, which is death.
    John 3:16-18 states:
    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
    By simply trusting wholeheartedly in the finished work of Jesus, who lived a perfect and sinless life and died for our sin on the cross, and by receiving this free gift of the forgiveness of sin and eternal life by His grace, anyone, regardless of what terrible sins they may have committed, can be be born again by the Spirit of God and receive the gift of eternal life.
    This is how good God is: He was willing to take the punishment for our sin upon Himself. He is unlike anything that we will ever encounter in this dark world that has been marred by man's rebellion and sin and Satan's subsequent evil dominion.
    God created mankind with a free will to choose for themselves what they will and will not believe, and what they will and will not receive. He will never force His love and gifts on anyone. He will never force anyone to have a relationship with Him. In His mercy and love He offers it but still allows everyone to choose to receive it, or not to receive it. The Bible says that God is love. He is a God of mercy and grace. Mercy means that we do not get the judgment, condemnation and punishment that we deserve. Grace means that we get all the good from God that we do not deserve. God is both -- He is both merciful and gracious.
    Our human pride is what leads us to think that we somehow have to earn or deserve God's favour and gifts through our own performance, good conduct and meritorious deeds. But that is deception. We tend to reason that we first have to become 'good enough' before God would forgive us and accept us and allow us entrance into His kingdom. We don't realise that God requires perfection. So we focus on ourselves instead of on what Jesus has done for us through His perfect, finished work on the cross and the complete payment He has made for all our sins, past, present and future, through His blood sacrifice.
    To receive what Jesus did for us requires humility and faith, both of which is found in abundance in a little child.
    Thinking that we ought to merit the things of God will actually prevent us from receiving them, for it is contrary to the way a little child receives. It CANNOT be earned by us. It was earned on our behalf by what Jesus Christ has done for us and we just have to receive it as a gift. If indeed we could earn it then it would mean that we would have opportunity to boast in ourselves. Yet, our imperfect performance can never satisfy God's standard of perfection.
    The only way that we can receive eternal life in the kingdom of God is to receive it from Him as a free gift. It is not available to us in any other way. We can never earn the things of God.
    The Bible makes it very clear:
    "For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
    "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).
    Having said all this we can see how our human pride can be a major hindrance to our receiving from Him, not only the free gift of eternal life and the complete forgiveness of our sins that would secure our entrance into the kingdom of God through being born again, but everything else that we need and that He has provided for us by His grace in Christ; things like healing, provision and blessing. God is truly a good, good God. But we can only receive from Him if we are willing to receive as a little child. My earnest prayer is that you do.
    It is impossible to have any boldness in our relationship with God apart from total dependence on what Jesus did for us. Only those of us who are righteous by faith in Jesus have boldness, having received His righteousness as a free gift. Only His perfect work on the cross saves us from God's righteous judgement on our sin.
    Just believe that Jesus died for your sins, was buried and rose again from the dead on the third day and God will impute the righteousness of Christ to you and make you a new creature in Christ. He that promised is faithful.
    Titus 3:4-7
    "But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,
    Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
    Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
    That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life."
    Romans 10:9-11,13
    "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
    For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
    Kindly share this message.

  • @ionitacatalinionut5324
    @ionitacatalinionut5324 Рік тому +8

    Jesus Christ is GOD :)

  • @dalynn0507
    @dalynn0507 Рік тому +8

    What a POWERFUL testimony. This REALLY encouraged me… you have no idea. I’ve not been through what you’ve been through, but God spoke to me through your story. He is GOOD. Glory to God!!!

  • @ANebrida02
    @ANebrida02 Рік тому +7

    Imagine how much better our world would be if we all decided to turn to God. What an amazing testimony! God saw you.

  • @worshipprayer8165
    @worshipprayer8165 Рік тому +2

    I don't know who needs to hear this today, but just Give GOD a little more time. Give HIM your worries, accept HIS peace & rest. He will carry you & make a way.Amen♥What an awesome & amazing GOD we serve!

  • @annabambus6572
    @annabambus6572 Рік тому +6

    Wow, wow, wow! I resonate with so much with what Marcela felt, though I didn't act out in all the ways she did, it was equally as scary, confusing and terribly harmful. Marcela's anorexia, bulimia then alcohol story is the same as mine. Except that the anorexia started at 11, but I never became really good at anything even though God has gifted me with some wonderful abilities l squandered them all by negating them, and then walking away from them. Foggy thinking, inability to focus, feeling dead and totally empty, just going through the motions of " living". Wanting life to end. Existing to die.
    It's as though she is speaking for me about my inner thoughts and feelings. " I was so set on recovery but I couldn't stop", that'e now with cigarettes and apathy, a terrible feeling of laziness. Wanting to do certain things, and then listlessness gets a grip and I You Tube binge. Still holding on to Jesus and asking Jesus for full deliverance and rebirth. Desperately wanting a deliverance minister to go to in Taiwan but when I thought l had found one they just didn't respond to my calls even though they speak English and call themselves a deliverance Ministry. Honestly feeling that the devil is blocking me.
    Thank you , thank you, thank you for your testimony. Hope renewed. God bless and keep you close always 🙏

    • @DressForAfrica
      @DressForAfrica Рік тому

      Stay faithful, keep studying the word. Follow deliverance ministries here on UA-cam, or Telegram. There are people out there really doing God's work. Trust me, He will touch you in an amazing way

  • @markmaldonado8141
    @markmaldonado8141 Рік тому +5

    Jesus Christ is the SOUL SAVIOR!! This is so AWESOME!!! Congratulations in becoming a believer in Christ Jesus. Lord I praise You for delivering this young lady, I thank You for Your goodness and love You have for Your humanity!!!

  • @Dazireofyourheart512
    @Dazireofyourheart512 Рік тому +8

    Im wrecked and crying. This touched me in deep places I didn’t remember I had. God bless you woman of God may he keep using you❤

  • @caesars.3261
    @caesars.3261 Рік тому +8

    This channel is very good quality please don’t ever stop 👏🏼👍🏼

  • @bebravebianca
    @bebravebianca Рік тому +7

    What a beautiful testimony. This one brought me to tears. I relate to that moment when the little girl inside you finally allows herself a moment to just be. Amen praise our lord

  • @worshiplibrary7157
    @worshiplibrary7157 Рік тому +14

    To whomever reading this you've cried your last cry about that situation. Get ready to live a happiness healthier abundantly blessed & prosperous life.I speak peace over you. GOD has covered up & protected.😇🙌🏽🕊

  • @ericamngadi2742
    @ericamngadi2742 Рік тому +12

    There is POWER in the name of Jesus 🙌

  • @dandv428
    @dandv428 2 місяці тому +2

    I just got into a car accident yesterday & I thought of this testimony about where she said Jesus was in the car with her. He definitely had some angles protecting my baby & I!

  • @melissabelasco3639
    @melissabelasco3639 Рік тому +11

    Love you Marcela. Your testimony is so powerful.

  • @MissssTai
    @MissssTai Рік тому +5

    Thank you sharing your testimony sis ❤I’m so happy you spoke about body/self-image issues because the devil will use any means to condemn and render God’s people ineffective, even things that seem ‘normal’ or no big deal.
    But as you said the power and love of Jesus is transformative. It is possible to be free from all this bondage people. Surrender to Jesus and accept the beautiful life he has for you ❤

  • @christine4224
    @christine4224 Рік тому +5

    This was an awesome testimony. It gives me hope that the same can happen for me someday. Praise God. 🙏

  • @TrueWorshipersof-Jesus
    @TrueWorshipersof-Jesus Рік тому +5

    Wow! I am so blessed by your testimony. I am so glad Jesus delivered me too from depression years back. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. AMEN

  • @JamaicanPrincess7990
    @JamaicanPrincess7990 Рік тому +7

    This is an awesome testimony. Keep sharing the gospel and deliverance from strongholds in the name of Jesus dear.

  • @SisterOliviaBrianna
    @SisterOliviaBrianna Рік тому +9

    Wow so thankful for this testimony, I can relate so much with these mental and emotional battles. I’m going to speak the word violently I’m not giving up

    • @kristin0943
      @kristin0943 Рік тому

      Amen! In agreement with you! With God nothing is impossible! Matt 19:26 There is hope in Jesus ! You keep going girl Father God and Savior Jesus Christ has you! 🤗💜

  • @yupthatsme89
    @yupthatsme89 Рік тому +4

    These testimonies are so powerful and encouraging... I love to listen to them especially when I'm down, it reminds me that I'm not alone and if God can do it for others, her can definitely do it for me ❤️

  • @victoriagirls1
    @victoriagirls1 Рік тому +9

    Such a powerful testimony!!!!! Glory to God

  • @stephanieb6461
    @stephanieb6461 Рік тому +4

    Thank you . Especially for the speaking out loud against those thoughts . I needed this. Years of being saved but still felt a little stick. Praying for my deliverance too. Going to dig into the word more.

  • @yourstrulyniah126
    @yourstrulyniah126 Рік тому +5

    THIS TESTIMONY!! I couldn’t even sit still 😭❤️ my hands were hot, I couldn’t stop smiling with you! Jesus is the way THE TRUTH & THE LIFE

  • @kathleenblakeney9703
    @kathleenblakeney9703 Рік тому +3

    God bless Isaiah Saldivar! God bless YOU and thank you for sharing. Your video was as if they Holy Spirit spoke to me reminding me to press in about there being more. I have not witnessed these fantastic things with my own eyes but in my heart and dreams Jesus confirms the church surely is alive and working, and He is leading me there even now.

  • @evelin6703
    @evelin6703 Рік тому +4

    Your testimony touched me sister, I can relate to certain parts, God bless you so much 🤍🥺

  • @Themaliathomas
    @Themaliathomas Рік тому +5

    Wow. Such a beautiful testimony! This really resonates with me because I had a lot of similar experiences and feelings. I’m so glad Jesus saved you ❤ idk too sometimes, but I trust Jesus because he is lord

  • @JesusIsLord21
    @JesusIsLord21 4 місяці тому +4

    If someone could pray for me I would greatly appreciate it.
    I’ve been struggling with self harm (cutting and punching) basically every day for about 3 months, it started with shallow cuts but now it has gotten to the point where I’m cutting down to the fat layer basically every other day. I’m a 16 year old male and I haven’t told anyone about this and I haven’t got any help for it but I just wanted someone to know and that’s why I’m commenting this. Anyways stay safe and remember Jesus Is Lord.

    • @devernen.2155
      @devernen.2155 3 місяці тому +1

      Be encouraged, God loves you, He sees you and hears you. Continue to reach out for Him, continue to press, continue to fight. Praying for you ❤

    • @Saragastelum99
      @Saragastelum99 2 місяці тому +1

      Hello may I ask how are you doing right now ?

    • @JesusIsLord21
      @JesusIsLord21 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Saragastelum99 the self harm has gotten better but I’ve have history of suicidal thoughts and attempts and recently I’ve been having more and more suicidal thoughts

    • @Saragastelum99
      @Saragastelum99 2 місяці тому

      @@JesusIsLord21 I’m glad to know the self harm has gotten better. About the suicidal thoughts …I obviously don’t know the cause of those unwanted thoughts but I do understand how draining and painful it can be living the suicidal thoughts. I can tell you are familiar with who God is. But I don’t know if u have or don’t have a relationship with him. If you do I’d recommend to pray about your suicidal thoughts and I don’t mean to just pray for a min or for 1 day I want you to pray constantly to God about your suicidal thoughts…kneel down to him and pour out your heart to him and ask him for healing ❤️‍🩹 pray about it for as long as you have too he will not forsake you. You will see his powerful hand working within you. I don’t know you but some how I felt in my heart to reach out to your comment and tell you what I said to do . God loves you and he is waiting for you and he wants to heal you. I’ll be praying for you as well🙏

    • @katiesanders96
      @katiesanders96 Місяць тому

      Hey, brother, I’m so sorry to hear how you are deeply struggling. I really relate so much. A resource that’s been such a blessing to me in my darkness is Mark DeJesus. You can look him up on UA-cam. He’s a super compassionate Christian and just put out in-depth videos about self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Hugs to you, brother. You have what it takes to overcome. ❤️

  • @KafkameetsPlath
    @KafkameetsPlath Рік тому +5

    Truth in this testimony, can relate so much to her story, so grateful for the grace of Jesus. This is truth that our thoughts are not self deprecating in Jesus

    • @KafkameetsPlath
      @KafkameetsPlath Рік тому +1

      By the way way she is a WARRIOR FOR CHRIST!! Woooooo!!! Thank you Jesus!! I am pumped! So excited and happy and joyful to see Christ alive in her and doing His good works!

  • @thefraudproofceo
    @thefraudproofceo Рік тому +3

    I love that she said there is more than a life of bondage and Jesus. Like complete deliverance is possible and I love it!!! This was such an amazing testimony!

  • @riana-tr4bg
    @riana-tr4bg Рік тому +6

    for me it's intrusive thoughts

    • @agnesr.4664
      @agnesr.4664 Рік тому +4

      Speak the Word of God! You are going to win over those thoughts!

    • @ark198989
      @ark198989 Рік тому +3

      Me too! But we are more than an overcomer!!!!! IN JESUS MIGHTY AND PRECIOUS NAME!!!!! 🤗🙏🌹🌷🕊🙌🦋🌻 GLORY!!! ALLELUIA!!!!! 🤗🙏🌹🌻

  • @yayayarelis
    @yayayarelis Рік тому +5

    Wow. This has got to be the most beautiful testimony I have heard in a while. ❤

  • @alejandrameza3968
    @alejandrameza3968 Рік тому +1

    There’s nothing wrong with being Catholic, please don’t feel like you need to put it down. I’m a proud Catholic, and maybe it didn’t work for you but you shouldn’t say thing like ‘unlearning’. That hurts me. Because Catholicism saved my life. God bless you

  • @nicolemadison729
    @nicolemadison729 Рік тому +5

    Thank you Lord everyday is thanksgiving with you❤ thank you for waking me and everyone else up today. Thank you for breathing air into my lungs everyday. There is power in her words! I can feel it in my spirit.

  • @gphillips3775
    @gphillips3775 Рік тому +3

    Wow!!! So powerful this needs to be heard in youth groups, schools, churches. So many young girls are in this bondage.

  • @teresadezylva
    @teresadezylva 9 місяців тому +1

    So incredibly grateful for your life and testimony 🙏 💗 can relate to almost all. Thank you Lord Jesus ❤️

  • @gmoney_77
    @gmoney_77 Рік тому +4

    Marcela! Love you sis. Thank you for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving 💛

  • @janetherrera6403
    @janetherrera6403 Рік тому +3

    AWESOME testimony, thank you so much!! I teared up a few times when the Holy Spirit presented Himself to me and I was saying thank you Lord for saving another!!! Hallelujah 🙌 Glory be to you my Lord!

  • @jessicaaguilar9405
    @jessicaaguilar9405 Рік тому +5

    God is good all the time thanks for your story 🙏 🙌 ❤️

  • @judylinke
    @judylinke Рік тому +2

    Wow! This one really resonates with me! I've been rededicated for 5 years now, but I just thought that was negative self talk. I think I may need delivered. Thank you!

    @SNIPEZONE23 Рік тому +2

    She needs to do an episode with Tim on The Basement! Actually this channel should connect too, so much good stuff! Give God the glory!! 💜🤩

  • @Lanie-princessofgod
    @Lanie-princessofgod Рік тому +3

    This is a great message- Thank you for you testimony.

  • @kgomotsosalome5445
    @kgomotsosalome5445 Рік тому +2

    This is happening to me i left the church i was going to for years then i told
    god that god i want to go back to that church again in 2021 i went back and this year on the 27 of February i gave my life to christ and i started hearing negative voices saying you are stupid coming back to church they don't love you do you think god loves you and the voices are louder when I am at church also when I watch Daniel Adams, isaiah seldivor or any man of god doing deliverance i feel uncomfortable and i asked god yesterday why god am i feeling like this and hearing this testimony just made me realise that speaking out or telling someone will help because the enemy just want us to believe that jesus can't help use now I am going to speak out loud for me to be free from the lies of the enemy watching from south Africa 🇿🇦 what a testimony god is good

  • @childofgod269
    @childofgod269 Рік тому +4

    I love this testimony. When I got saved I remember beginning to actually like myself. I didn’t need makeup anymore. I liked the way things looked on me. I couldn’t believe it. Those voices started going away as well. Things are starting to come up again and I’m starting to feel more disconnected from God. Maybe I need to go through deliverance.
    I feel her when she said, “I don’t know, but Jesus is Lord.” 😂😂 💯 He saved me from new age. When I literally had the demons speaking to me in my mind He saved me and I saw him. I always go back to the moment when doubt attempts to come in.
    Beautiful testimony. Thank you 🙏🏽 ❤

  • @beckytierney552
    @beckytierney552 Рік тому +4

    I got chills when she mentioned someone else in the car🙏

  • @MNIU_
    @MNIU_ Рік тому +1

    This makes me so sad that she was talked about during this time

  • @irishhazelp
    @irishhazelp Рік тому +1

    What a blessing! Same here+ isaiah was a new fresh air to me hahah even though he talks fast. Praise Abba for His freedom and victory! I went from catholicism to Jesus! God is good. I remember those voices finally being gone! And like you starting to feel better dressing nicer and not the usual black baggy clothes. God is good.

  • @jenniferibarra7737
    @jenniferibarra7737 Рік тому +2

    Thanks sister I need to read scripture I’m a lazy bum I sleep with my bible next to me in bed to motivate me but it just sits bed the corner of my feet and never opens. Scripture is God talking to us I need to read scripture to hear from him louder

  • @Bersyukurlah897
    @Bersyukurlah897 Рік тому +1

    Tuhan Yesus adalah sumber kekuatan bagi setiap orang. Tuhan Yesus pulihkan hati orang-orang yang terluka, sembuhkan orang-orang yang sakit, berkatilah mereka yang membutuhkan. Sebab aku tahu tidak ada yang mustahil bagiMu. Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus aku berdoa amin

  • @annabambus6572
    @annabambus6572 Рік тому +1

    God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, l desperately need a true relationship with You!!

  • @18willard18
    @18willard18 Рік тому +1

    How can I submit a testimony?

  • @sparkkeeper77
    @sparkkeeper77 Рік тому +1

    at 17:51, the subtitle said : "the Bible is a lie" but the sister said "the bible is ALIVE"
    You'd better check that for the non english speaker like me.

    • @DressForAfrica
      @DressForAfrica Рік тому

      It sounded so to me too even when she spoke, I got confused for a moment. Her "alive" wasn't quite violent.

    • @主の中信は常
      @主の中信は常 Рік тому

      The caption is automated, it's not a pre-made subtitle.

  • @crystalstorie2874
    @crystalstorie2874 Рік тому +5

    All praises, honor and glory go to Jesus!

  • @angierosales1606
    @angierosales1606 Рік тому +2

    Wow Wow Wow 🙌 Glory to God! What a beautiful woman of God. Thank you for this testimony, I want to "like" it like thousand times! 👍

  • @rebeccadubarry8523
    @rebeccadubarry8523 Рік тому +2

    Spectacular testimony ✨️ 🙌 Praise Jesus 👏 ❤️‍🔥

  • @mirabeth408
    @mirabeth408 Рік тому +2

    Glory to our God Jesus, i've goosebumps hearing your story. God can deliver us from any bondage He's alive He is with us, He directs our paths. He protects us. He really can make miracles happen. I know, i have experienced it. I will be forever grateful to our one and only God.

  • @juliananavia2498
    @juliananavia2498 Рік тому +1

    I keep seeing that everyone has a hole in their life: from something missing.
    There’s a reason why you’re chasing everything else BUT God.
    But until you know the TRUTH. Whatever doesn’t match with that, you are empowered to put away.

  • @myamulvey
    @myamulvey 6 місяців тому +1

    I can relate to this so much😭

  • @MarkAJohnsonEDLDFall
    @MarkAJohnsonEDLDFall Рік тому +1

    I went to a Freedom conference last week on deliverance because I know those same voices well especially in times of depression and exhaustion. They taught that when those voices come at you it is an attack from the enemy which is why the word matters.

  • @georginadelosangeles4477
    @georginadelosangeles4477 Рік тому +1

    WOW!! Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony. Believing it will touch and help bring freedom to so many.

  • @IamHisbeloved33
    @IamHisbeloved33 Рік тому +7

    Praise God! Let’s go Jesus!
    Powerful testimony Marcela! 🙌🏼✨

  • @BornAgainZ
    @BornAgainZ Рік тому +3

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! May God bless you! Thank you for sharing your testimony🙏🏻

  • @singasongiris
    @singasongiris Рік тому +1

    I went through this too I’m lost and hurt and feeling the same right now plz pray for me ty.. I’m Filipino too

    • @yozoraraga
      @yozoraraga Рік тому

      Praying for you and praying that you find God's peace and joy and the knowledge that you are inherently beautiful and worthy. God made you complete with everything you need to get through this, and He will guide you through each step of every day if you just continue to cling to and follow Him. These hard times will pass for you! He loves you no matter what, and just wants you to be near to him so He can keep you safe and lead you to the life that will truly fulfill you, a life with peace and comfort in God beyond what you would have even planned for yourself. I'm sorry about whatever trauma you have endured; just know you're not alone, and you're so valuable and loved.