
  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2014
  • Kate Kelly, founder of Ordain Women, finds out she has been excommunicated by the LDS church.


  • @core6259
    @core6259 10 років тому +14

    This woman doesn't make sense. She claims to believe in the LDS church, says she accepts President Monson as a prophet, yet refuses to accept the church's decision on Priesthood and says she will continue doing what she has been doing.

    • @pk26pk26
      @pk26pk26 10 років тому

      Thank God I didn't grow up brainwashed as a kid.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 років тому +3

      pk26pk26 I didn't grow up LDS either, but I know it's true, and hundreds of thousands of adults come to Christ through the LDS church every year.

    • @csagiao
      @csagiao 10 років тому

      pk26pk26 I am a member of the LDS church, born and raised, and I don't feel brainwashed. I do the things I am asked of by the Church by CHOICE. I could go out tomorrow and start smoking and drinking, but I don't because I CHOOSE to. I go to church on a weekly basis because I CHOOSE to. I have turned down callings and accepted callings in the Church because I CHOSE to. Nobody has ever made me do what they want me to do, I make my own choices in life, as does anybody else, so when you say you didn't grow up brainwashed as a kid, I can't help but agreeing with you on that statement.

    • @joeyork9907
      @joeyork9907 5 років тому

      Maybe she sees there's something missing.

    • @elizabethshaw734
      @elizabethshaw734 5 років тому

      If you're not a Mormon all you can do is be supportive or not! You have no standing to speak on a church you aren't a part of. There are also thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Catholic women also wanting women to be able to be ordained. These are old religions and the old beliefs need to come forward into the 21st century we are women are allowed to conduct themselves in men's roles. Simply because people accept the church they belong to does not mean that the old ways cannot be changed ever.

  • @tallulah2
    @tallulah2 10 років тому +6

    Stay strong, Kate!

  • @soulure
    @soulure 10 років тому +12

    Kate is braver than I could have been, tons of respect for her. Wishing her the best and looking forward to seeing what happens next for the movement.

    • @lebotonton
      @lebotonton 4 роки тому +1

      @@paulgregersen3570 Christ said what?

  • @manaen1lds
    @manaen1lds 10 років тому +4

    I don't agree with Kate Kelly but I must compliment her on a perfect campaign. She worked hard to earn this and she was the model of persistence in her pursuit. She took control of the situation early and made sure at every turn that there would be no other result. Well played.
    Odd that she grouses *in this video* about how it seems that "everyone has a right to know." Did not they find out from her? From her public demonstrations, interviews in the national media, and -- most incredibly -- as she makes her complaint *in*front*of*a*camera*?
    Either I'm really lost or she's trying to game everybody. But working in a mental hospital, earning a degree in psychology, and working for years with people in counseling leads me to see the similarities between her and other gamers.

  • @ShaneRobinsonLDS
    @ShaneRobinsonLDS 10 років тому +6

    2:25 And you have the classic symptoms of an immature little child. What did you expect to happen? You *REPEATEDLY* defied their requests not to lead people astray. Finally, when they call you for a disciplinary counsel you choose to avoid dealing with it.
    If you really have a testimony, then you would know that it is up to Father to speak through the President. It is not up to you or I to dictate church doctrine.
    But on the plus side, you're now free to join the Community of Christ (formerly Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Go see how well ordaining women has worked out for them.

    • @hungarianrap
      @hungarianrap 10 років тому

      How was she "leading people astray" exactly? Was she encouraging members to leave the church? Was she promoting witchcraft? Was she promoting immodesty? how is she an A P O S T A T E? Why does she deserve to be treated the way you and other Mormons treat her with your self-righteous pretentiousness?

    • @ShaneRobinsonLDS
      @ShaneRobinsonLDS 10 років тому

      MG Berry She publicly led people astray from church teachings on numerous occasions.
      Who, other than you, mentioned witchcraft or immodesty?
      She deserves to feel the repercussions of her actions. That she goes on to characterize her treatment by the church as symbolic of abuse, then "freeing" her from that abuse is the most loving thing we can do.

    • @hungarianrap
      @hungarianrap 10 років тому

      ***** Obviously she's not being ex'd for witchcraft or immodesty.... that was sarcasm.
      What specific church teachings was she leading people astray from on numerous occasions? Can you provide any specific examples?

    • @ShaneRobinsonLDS
      @ShaneRobinsonLDS 10 років тому

      MG Berry In short she was trying to force the Church, through public pressure, to ordain women. That runs contrary to established Church doctrine. She had been counseled on that. She continued to do it.

  • @Nathan_Flamm
    @Nathan_Flamm 10 років тому +4

    It's unfortunate that she doesn't understand the doctrine to the extent of the roles that men and women have, not just in this life, but throughout eternity. There's a lot of doctrine I myself don't understand, and probably won't understand until I leave this life. She wasn't excommunicated for asking questions, but for trying to convince others that doctrine needed to change. God tells us how to run His church, not the other way around.

  • @mandienolastname2524
    @mandienolastname2524 10 років тому +2

    Without taking sides, I'd like to point out that comparing the LDS's Church's actions to abuse doesn't add up. Parents discipline their children out of love. The Church can discipline its members out of love. The whole thing about abusers is that they cross the line into repeated physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and/or mental harm of the victim and pretend they're doing the same thing (ie- doing it out of love).
    It's okay for parents, teachers, and other institutions to discipline its children, students, or members. Abusers twist that rule into something sick and disgusting, but based on everything I have read and studied, the Church is part of the former group, not the latter.

  • @myway43
    @myway43 10 років тому +3

    Well her basic tactic of "the empty can rattles the most" , got her the attention she most craved. It is sad to see this happen, yet at the same time........ My hope is that she takes the time to truly seek God and find out where to go from here. Maybe one day she can return.

  • @0musicistheanswer0
    @0musicistheanswer0 10 років тому +4

    So she complains that her life has become a story... in a video about her excommunication... on youtube... I hope people around the world realize that this can happen completely behind closed doors with few people knowing. We don't publicize it. I hope Kate Kelly is prepared to be responsible for the people she is leading astray by publicizing this so much.

  • @graceethington487
    @graceethington487 10 років тому +3

    I don't think these women understand. This is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. NOT the church of men. These women don't see that arguing against God won't change anything. If this is how God wants his church to be, it will be that way. It's ok for them to question things in the church, but not to the point where they protest and argue against church doctrine. Sure, women don't get the priesthood, but they get the benefits of the priesthood. These women are turning against the church because they want their own way. If they want this so bad, they should just go and start their own church. Not try to change mine.

  • @bjgwell2
    @bjgwell2 10 років тому +6

    If it is so "personal" as she states, why is she insisting on sharing this private matter with every media outlet that will cover it. Isn't that what got her in trouble in the first place? Openly and publicly acting against church leaders?

    • @CorneliaBlue
      @CorneliaBlue 10 років тому +2

      I agree, while I think its a very personal thing to go through excommunication, she was the only one who made it public... she made the choice to tell the media about it. And it looks like she is trying to use it to further her cause as a martyr. She is not forever barred from the church, she simply has to reevaluate and decide if she wants to come back or not. I wish her the best in life and I hope she finds peace in whatever direction she takes.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 років тому


  • @MrSkuldtyr
    @MrSkuldtyr 10 років тому +1

    how women can be oppressed by the LDS church now a days?

  • @cdowis
    @cdowis 10 років тому

    She is not just disagreeing with the church but leading an organization to convert others to her views. She recently released the full contents of the letter to her, and explains the context of the excommunication.

  • @gabuks1
    @gabuks1 10 років тому

    You can join Nova, Sly and Seamoose in their Ex-Communicated series!

  • @coconutstyle9257
    @coconutstyle9257 10 років тому

    You met the Consequences of your CHOICES! You are free to choose and when you make your choice it comes with consequences, thats the full package, right?

  • @steveaustin71
    @steveaustin71 10 років тому +1

    I think she's lucky. Maybe she can find something useful to do with her one life now.

  • @Hippomillepede
    @Hippomillepede 10 років тому +2

    I am not a member of the mormon church, but I have been watching Shay Carl Butler and his family here on youtube for 5 years. I've seen all the amazing things that a foundation in the Mormon faith can bring. The church has obviously helped to create an incredibly passionate and able leader in Kate Kelly. I cannot understand why they would not utilize such an asset as a leader in their church. I believe that no matter what denomination, we are all praying to the same God. I know that Heavenly Father loves Kate and is proud of the actions she has taken to create equality. We are all God's children.

    • @ravcreed
      @ravcreed 10 років тому +1

      First of all, let's not confuse religion with cult here...

    • @robertcamp7451
      @robertcamp7451 10 років тому

      She talks of abuse, but I don't think anyone should have the right to shove their personal beliefs down anybodies throat. That includes the Oscar winning actress Kate Kelly for playing the victim so masterfully, in the made for World Wide Web series called "#OrdainWomen." If she didn't like the standards of The Church of "Jesus Christ" then she is more than welcome apostatize to start her own...St. Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
      "ravcreed" If The Church Of Jesus Christ were a cult as you call it. Wouldn't a cult bend to the will of powerfully convincing men and women instead of excommunicating them. Seems like good commonsense to be the same FOREVER, and not be swayed by the popular opinion of men and women.

    • @hoakerhoaker
      @hoakerhoaker 3 години тому

      @@robertcamp7451YOU are the apostasy the Gospel of Matthew speaks of.
      Get a grip.

  • @bayreuth79
    @bayreuth79 10 років тому

    I am not a Mormon but I used to be. I asked to have my name removed from the records many years ago. That said, it does seem to me inconsistent to (1) believe in Mormonism and (2) not believe that the Prophet is being guided by God.

  • @paulsimons2851
    @paulsimons2851 10 років тому +5

    My prayers and thoughts are with her and her family. The Brethren have failed and the fruit of their actions will be terrible, indeed. Bless you Sister Kelly--stay strong your absence will be filled by thousands ready to take up the truth. May your heart be at rest. That other social revolutionary, Jesus of Nazareth, a unionized carpenter, will take this awesome burden from you and place it on our shoulders to carry on to the day of the light from above.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 років тому +3

      The Brethren didn't have any choice. She is going against the church and taking others with her. That is apostasy.

    • @MichaelGroesbeck
      @MichaelGroesbeck 10 років тому +3

      You sound like a Communist. Jesus was not part of a carpenters union. He was a humble individual engaged in his own enterprise.

    • @0musicistheanswer0
      @0musicistheanswer0 10 років тому +1

      All hail the martyr Kate Kelly!

    • @MichaelGroesbeck
      @MichaelGroesbeck 10 років тому

      All hail the *MORON* Kate Kelly!

    • @paulsimons2851
      @paulsimons2851 10 років тому

      Michael Groesbeck
      Crucifixion was a form of execution reserved by Rome solely for politically dangerous criminals. According to Josephus workers at the time of Christ combined together to establish work rates and to represent their interests to the prevailing political authorities (that's a union). If your Mormon then defacto you're a communist-wanna-be via the United Order of Enoch. Time to hit the books Michael, you're sailing seminary!

  • @mariejosehaerkens
    @mariejosehaerkens 9 років тому +1

    Women less then men ? Weird since Maria Magdalene was closer to Jesus then the male apostels

  • @lloydroberts2243
    @lloydroberts2243 10 років тому +3

    She made it news! The church didn't make it public, she did. SHE IS PLAYING VICTIM... Calling the church her abuser? She said they wouldn't comply or respond in communication, but we now know she deliberately avoided communication with church clergy. Yes, you are a story of your own making. No, you are not a martyr. Sorry.

  • @marylou178
    @marylou178 10 років тому

    This is the best thing that could happen to her. No Reasonable woman would choose a faith that dicrimates against them and opresses them. I'm guessing she was born into the religion and brainwashed early on.. Perhaps the priesthood should excommunicate all LDS women and put "Ordain Women" to rest. I feel sorry for her that she's sad, but maybe now she can reconnect directly with her heavenly father without anyone from the priesthood distorting or currupting her relationship with Christ..

  • @ShawnGordon
    @ShawnGordon 10 років тому +2

    Yes, you are an angry, professional victim. You have no respect for that which you covet.

  • @FindingJOY8668
    @FindingJOY8668 5 місяців тому

    The church doesn’t abuse, people misusing there agency abuses

  • @jxwhit8
    @jxwhit8 10 років тому +7

    Kate Kelly... you compared your membership in the Church as an abusive relationship and you compared the Church to a "very aggressive serial abuser". You also say you are not an apostate in the same breath? This isn't honest. Your heart has left the Church long ago, but now it is official... and the feelings are mutual. I pray that you come to repentance and that you return with a full testimony and understanding of Gospel Doctrine and the fact the holy Priesthood is not a deck of cards that is passed out randomly by men.... it is the power of God and He decides how it is organized.

  • @jacksmith4643
    @jacksmith4643 10 років тому +1

    I'm not LDS I'm atheist
    the LDS church was correct in excommunicating her
    in their believes it is the lords church not governed by man(or woman)
    in trying to get the LDS church to change its doctrine she was trying to make them be governed by man/woman
    if she wants to be "mormon" and have woman priesthood she can join the RLDS church

  • @FindingJOY8668
    @FindingJOY8668 5 місяців тому

    She is not one with the lord because she is fighting against doctrine. She can come back if she choose not to apostatize or lead people in a cause that goes against church teaching. Good for the church!

  • @jimmycaljr
    @jimmycaljr 10 років тому

    OK, just heard this after my comment was posted, "...they are behaving like classic symptoms of a very aggressive serial abuser, uhm, who tells you that the reason that he's beating you is because he loves you, and that's unacceptable..." (sexist comment).
    the only thing "unacceptable" (such a lame corporate word) is the sexist comparison of the Church to a "serial abuser."
    please, Sister, begging you to get on your knees and pray for God's will to be done, not for your will to be done or for your view to be approved.

  • @ferg2100
    @ferg2100 10 років тому

    +I.P. Freeley
    1. the church is not authoritarianism and there is accountability
    2. questions are what our church was founded on. we are encouraged to question to gain knowledge and understanding
    3. they give a financial record every saturday afternoon session of conference every 6 mo.
    4. mormons have actually been persecuted so... that happened, not irrational
    5. does not make sense... no legitimate reason to leave? If you don't believe i'd say that is legitimate, who wants to be a part of a church you don't believe
    6. birds of a feather. Angry people find angry people and angry people can be loud.
    7. the church doesn't claim to have perfect people, it is God's church with the services carried out by imperfect men so if abuse has happened it is not a fault of the church rather those imperfect people who are serving in it.
    8. if followers feel they are never good enough, they don't understand the hope of the atonement which is a central doctrine.
    9. yes we believe the group leader is always right because we believe that there are living prophets that receive revelation
    10. We do believe the prophet is the only means of finding truth and doctrine for the church, that would be a pretty confusing religion if your doctrine changed every time someone wanted it to. We believe in personal revelation meaning you can gain answers for yourself, but also believe that God will not change his commandments or doctrine given. Meaning if you are looking for guidance in YOUR life or for YOUR children you will gain answers from the lord if you sincerely seek. You will not gain answers for the church as a whole.
    If you are really interested in knowing what mormon's believe you should go to mormon.org or lds.org. I think you will find it more reliable than what you find on anti-mormon sites since those are usually formed by people with some ulterior motives. Please try to fact check with these sites before posting in public forums about these things.

    • @i.p.freeley3536
      @i.p.freeley3536 10 років тому +1

      >1. the church is not authoritarianism and there is accountability
      *Incorrect*. Authoritarianism is the cornerstone of the LDS church. Any public criticism or questioning of Dear Leaders is summarily squashed (as is evidenced by this video). Kelly asked leaders to ask of God about women and the priesthood... they refused to even give her an audience.
      >2. questions are what our church was founded on. we are encouraged to question to gain knowledge and understanding
      *Incorrect*. A member may be encouraged to question in private, but any honest, open inquiry of anything except the approved "Deseret Book" version of church history and doctrine is frowned upon at best. Members who doubt or question are marginalized by the herd. Just look at the comments here for evidence of that. The general sentiment is "good riddance, witch." Where is all that Christ-like love you Mormons like to pretend you're famous for?
      >3. they give a financial record every saturday afternoon session of conference every 6 mo.
      *BALD-FACED LIE* The church has kept their financial record sealed since the 1950s. There is absolutely zero transparency with regards to financial matters.
      >4. mormons have actually been persecuted so... that happened, not irrational
      *Partial Truth* Mormons have indeed been persecuted during the early days of their church. Much of this persecution came from disgruntled former members, or folks who didn't like the idea of Smith marrying other people's wives and forming his own military, but it does not make it right. However, it must be noted that Mormons have also been the aggressors, with the slaughter of over 100 peaceful pilgrims of the Baker-Fancher wagon train in 1857.
      >5. does not make sense... no legitimate reason to leave? If you don't believe i'd say that is legitimate, who wants to be a part of a church you don't believe
      *Incorrect* Members who leave the church routinely find themselves shunned by family and former friends. It may not be doctrinal, but by their fruits ye shall know them.
      >6. birds of a feather. Angry people find angry people and angry people can be loud.
      *Incorrect* That's not the point. The same stories surface every time: Deliberate lying by church leaders regarding true church history; completely unqualified lay clergy giving horrendous council to members; institutionalized misogyny (an adulterous male gets disfellowshiped for 6 months, a similar sin by a women results in excommunication), etc, etc, etc. If there weren't systemic problems within the church, the same stories wouldn't surface time and time again from ex-members.
      >7. the church doesn't claim to have perfect people, it is God's church with the services carried out by imperfect men so if abuse has happened it is not a fault of the church rather those imperfect people who are serving in it.
      *Cop out*. The church has historically taught that the leaders were incapable of leading the flock astray. Well, according to the recent essay on Race and the Priesthood on LDS.org, they did, in fact, lead the members astray by withholding the priesthood from black members FOR OVER 130 YEARS. So which is it? Are they guided by God or not?
      >8. if followers feel they are never good enough, they don't understand the hope of the atonement which is a central doctrine.
      *Incorrect*. It is important for the church to make their members feel like they are sinners. It's a manner of control used by many cult-like organizations. Any cult that doesn't make it's members feel like a broken sinner is not worth it's salt. Thankfully, the LDS church excels marvelously at this. They start making kids feel disgusted about normal sexual urges from a very young age. Some of the kids even wind up committing suicide over it. How nice.
      >9. yes we believe the group leader is always right because we believe that there are living prophets that receive revelation
      *Correct*! Follow Dear Leader, for he shall show the way. Have you noticed that aside from Kimball's revelation about blacks and the priesthood, none of the Prophets, Seers and Revelators actually do any prophecy any more? It just gets too sticky, and none of them want to be nailed down. Hell, that Long Island Medium chick on TV has more balls than the 1st pres & Q12 combined. Now, it's just unsigned press releases on the church website, or maybe a sternly-worded pronouncement during general conference about something that matters little... like earrings or tattoos. Let that sink in for a minute.
      10. We do believe the prophet is the only means of finding truth and doctrine for the church[...]
      *Mostly BS* The "unchanging doctrine" has been a mash of changing goo ever since the beginning. Examples: Polygamy manifesto; changes to the BoM ("white and delightsome" becomes "pure and delightsome"); blacks and the priesthood; changes to the "unchanging" endowment ceremony; Hinckley denies core beliefs on Larry King show; no longer believe that Lamanites are the ancestors of current Native Americans... the list goes on, and will continue to grow.
      I won't go so far as to say that the LDS church is a cult. I will say that it does exhibit some pretty *culty* characteristics. If you're really interested in the "unsanitized" history of your church, I suggest you check out CESletter.com or mormonthink.com. I think you'll find it more reliable than the correlated pablum that comes out of the church PR department in Salt Lake City. Please fact check with these sites before posting in public forums about these things.

    • @rndyh77
      @rndyh77 10 років тому

      I.P. Freeley
      Then don't go there! This is simple folks!

    • @i.p.freeley3536
      @i.p.freeley3536 10 років тому +1

      I agree. The church should be able to set its own rules/standards for members.
      The only problem I have is that they currently have a force of 80,000 out there trying to convert people using a story that is wildly different than actual church history. To the church's credit, at least they are finally starting to be more open and honest via the series of essays which have been published on LDS.org in past months. Even if you need a seer stone in order to locate them, it's a good first step.
      Quit selling the religion using the sanitized and white-washed version of church history, and you'll never hear a peep out of me again. I fully support freedom of religion in this country, and worldwide. I just don't like seeing gullible and emotionally-vulnerable people sold a bill of goods.

  • @johnbrown8074
    @johnbrown8074 10 років тому

    did she receive a letter winning the ugly contest? she should !

  • @mrkilledaguy3495
    @mrkilledaguy3495 10 років тому

    We need to stop giving this crazy person attention. In reality that is what she wants. You can't tell me she doesn't love being in the national media, regardless of how negative or positive she is being portrayed.

  • @johnroberts6695
    @johnroberts6695 10 років тому +1

    Why couldn't Kate Kelly just leave this issue alone? One thing Joseph Smith said was that the order of the Kingdom of God will never change, worlds without end. Women will always be mothers and the priesthood will always be given to men. As we have and are taught to this day, men will be unto women as they are to God. Just as men will never be mothers, women will never be priests unto God. This isn't to say either one is superior to the other, for we all fall short of the Kingdom of God.
    So what is the problem? Why would a person give up everything for one's own selfish agenda? And why would Ms Kelly send a prophet to God to ask for something to which he already knew the answer? The Plan of Salvation already has been revealed, and if Ms. Kelly wanted to enquire of the Lord, then why didn't she pursue it? And if she believes that God revealed something to her that he hasn't revealed to his servants, then she needs to petition the Lord to go to His servant and reveal it to the church.
    When the church did not act, it was not her calling to criticize either the Lord nor His servants, nor was it her purview to referance our Mother in Heaven in any way. She has never been the object of our knowledge, love or worship, neither has she been revealed to any mortal of which we're aware. Further, on any website they control, no contrary comments are allowed for publication. And no UA-cam over which they control are comments enabled. Otherwise they risk people bringing up Koreh, who disputed the priesthood with Moses before the Lord. And, shockingly, after the Lord caused the earth to open up and swallow Koreh and his followers, there were those in the congregation who accused Moses of murder. How little people change over time.

    • @itsumademoheiwa
      @itsumademoheiwa 10 років тому

      You and the LDS prophets are wrong and Kate Kelly is right! Sorry! deal with it! Your church is clearly not from a perfect God as Kate Kelly has proven because of the imperfect doctrine. She appears much closer to God than you or the LDS misogynist leaders. Please direct me to the revelation from God banning women and blacks before 1978 to the priesthood. Otherwise, prove that women are banned! And while your at it tell me when God gave your prophets the command to tell members to go against your own 12th article of faith by fighting Non Mormons right to same sex marriage in prop hate!

    • @Tanner1775
      @Tanner1775 10 років тому

      itsumademoheiwa I'm not even Mormon, but you're an idiot. Kate Kelly is playing the victim card here so hard, it's pathetic. The LDS church is a lot of things, but it doesn't subjugate women. She is nothing more than a rebel to her faith. She thinks if she makes enough noise, that will somehow change church doctrine. Sorry to break the news to you but the minute she was excommunicated it became clear that the church wasn't going to ordain women. Not now or at least for long time. To do so now would make the church look incompetent, which it would never stake. Maybe she can grow up and move on with her life and you can grow a brain, good day.

    • @itsumademoheiwa
      @itsumademoheiwa 10 років тому +1

      Tanner1775 Excommunicating Kate was a dick move by LDS leaders that clearly have no revelation from God. If you are not Mormon, you need to realize what Mormons believe excommunication is. Excommunication in the Mormon church is basically kicking someone out of heaven to a lower kingdom after they die unless they repent and get re baptized. By all accounts Kate believed that Bullshit so It is not like getting kicked out of a club as you seem to be trying to make it. Also, there are convicted rapists and thieves in the LDS church that are never excommunicated for it, but they will excommunicate a disagreeing women. Clearly a dick move by clear mysoginists. Finally, I 100% disagree with you and believe it is the opposite. The LDS church is completely incompetent and this action proves it. They have to hide their beliefs because those beliefs cannot stand to criticism. By the way, mark my words, in the next 50 years the LDS church will allow women to hold the priesthood and top leadership authority! That is the same thing that happened when the LDS stopped banning blacks from the priesthood! They excommunicated people for arguing against the ban even up to one year before they allowed black people to hold the priesthood in 1978!

    • @johnroberts6984
      @johnroberts6984 10 років тому

      It was a "dick" move? A *dick* move?? Yeesh, can someone please tell me why our critics are so preoccupied by under-the-belt body parts?
      Look, if the LDS leaders don't receive revelation, the solution is simple. Ordain yourselves and start your own religion! And I'll take your bet on the LDS ordaining women in 50 years and making them top tier elders. Everyone knew the day was coming when blacks would receive the priesthood, but no such promise has been given for women. Likewise, the Church will never join gay couples for time or eternity. There the line has been drawn in the sand.

    • @Tanner1775
      @Tanner1775 10 років тому

      itsumademoheiwa I think you missed the point I was trying to make in my first reply. To assert that the "LDS leaders clearly don't have revelation from God" is to fundamentally misunderstand the issue at hand. Whether the claim is true or false (I think it's false obviously), the members as a whole won't ever question that far down the rabbit hole, because it's all faith. I have nothing personal against Kate Kelly but I think it's quite silly that a grown women is making such a big deal about getting kicked out of her church when she knew full well ahead of time the consequences. The church knows full well it's critics (mainly Evangelical Christians) would harp on them if Ordain Women succeeded because of the progressive precedent it sets. Oh, and "in the next 50 years the LDS church will allow women to hold the priesthood and top leadership authority?" Probably not but who really knows, I don't recall the reason blacks received the priesthood being because they started a movement in rebellion to the church called Ordain Blacks? I think it had something to do with the year 1978 and if that revelation didn't happen the social stigma attached to the LDS would be far different to say the least. Finally, Kate Kelly's excommunication was a significant line drawn in the sand with a clear message. Women will not be getting ordained anytime soon.John Roberts

  • @lebotonton
    @lebotonton 4 роки тому

    She is great woman, Men are scared of intelligent women., but most of all old men at the head of the LDS church too many old men who still live in pass probably . for the church grow women ought to be included in all church positions etc..

  • @graememcpherson2986
    @graememcpherson2986 10 років тому

    I find the whole thing a bit sad. I wish her all the best...but I accepted long ago that the Lords ways are more elevated than man or woman's minds can easily comprehend. I'm happy to find out the why and how questions later. In this age of everyone claiming the rights for every perceived wrong has anyone thought of the most basic right which is over looked by most...The right of every child to be brought up by a loving Mother and a loving Father...get back to basics people

  • @mylilponyranger
    @mylilponyranger 10 років тому +3

    She got excommunicated because of her bangs.

  • @SheBuck
    @SheBuck 10 років тому +4

    Sorry, but you're absolutely selfish and completely missing the boat on so many levels. Total lack of perception! I'm sick of hearing about this story. Give it up and listen to your leaders. As a devout LDS member, realize that you're doing the exact opposite of missionary work by crying to the public over these issues.

  • @paulgregersen3570
    @paulgregersen3570 5 років тому

    Jesus runs the church not the leaders. You should have asked him if that is what he wanted rather than deciding for him what you wanted. Is it my will or thine?

  • @mozess40
    @mozess40 10 років тому +1

    Mrs Kelly, you have me very confused.
    "Personal and Painful and everyone has a right to know".......... Ummm, didn't YOU tell the world? Didn't YOU court the media and endeavor to get them onside? Weren't YOU the one who published your letter informing you of your excommunication? Surely you cant have it both ways?! Surely you cant claim to love the church but publicly state your opposition to it and it's leaders, comparing your relationship with the church to being beaten a "very aggressive serial abuser" because they love you.. Call me simple minded but I don't get it. If you don't like it and feel threatened, abused and oppressed by it, isn't it a good thing that you no longer belong to an organisation you are so very clearly at odds with? Move on already.

  • @JustSeanTime
    @JustSeanTime 10 років тому

    The LDS church is not a democracy. The closest form of organizational structure would be a Theocracy, though it is not a government. As a Theocracy, all power in the organization is claimed to derive from god and not the people. As such, any appeal directed to the people as an effort to change the organization's theology, is an act in direct aggression to the central principal of the organization. In essence, you are seeking to direct the organization by the will of the people, instead of by the will of god.
    Your attempts to change the theology of the LDS church by appealing to the media and by organizing individuals with a purpose, is in direct opposition to the primary and central theological point of the LDS church.
    The one avenue of seeking change that is left to members of the LDS church is prayer. An individual appeal to god seeks a change in theology from what the believer views as the source of the organizations power.
    If in an attempt to change the theology, you appeal to the world, the LDS Church members, the LDS church prophet, or anyone except god, you are showing in a very real and direct manner that you do not think that god leads that organization.

  • @MrSoulauctioneer
    @MrSoulauctioneer 10 років тому +2

    kicked out of a religion of false teachings...count yourself lucky

  • @MrGetonyourbike
    @MrGetonyourbike 9 років тому

    what are you crying for they done you a major favour it is a blessing in disquise

  • @joseirizarry2312
    @joseirizarry2312 10 років тому

    This makes me laugh hahaha oh religion and fanatism.

  • @savannabrown5205
    @savannabrown5205 10 років тому

    You want equality and to be heard but when someone doesn't agree or points out something you don't like you silence them. You will never get the priesthood. And if women do, you won't because you aren't members of the church anymore! God be with you and have mercy on you. I feel SORRY for your husbands!

  • @tinman3586
    @tinman3586 10 років тому

    Part of me wonders if this women ever really believed in the Church when she started promoting women having the Priesthood. How could she not know this would lead to excommunication? It's not like the Church let other women get away with what she did then decided to excommunicate her as an example. She helped form Mormon Mayday, another nefarious activist group that goes against established Church doctrine. The fact of the matter is, she holds feminist and Marxist views, and those views are not compatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed through Joseph Smith and our latter-day Church apostles and prophets. And so she was given a choice between her LDS membership and her Marxist/Feminist world view. It seems she chose the latter. Sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • @brandonrushton5182
    @brandonrushton5182 10 років тому

    Poor lost soul

  • @zeno_aratus
    @zeno_aratus 10 років тому

    Yes YOU DID deserve excommunication otherwise it would not have happened ... Duhhhhhhh

  • @rndyh77
    @rndyh77 10 років тому

    If she doesn't agree with what the Mormon Church teaches why does she care? I almost think she did this just to get attention. Women are being oppressed in the Mormon Church? Really? I don't think so.

    • @ravcreed
      @ravcreed 10 років тому

      Are you a woman in the Mormon church?

    • @tinman3586
      @tinman3586 10 років тому

      Are you in the Mormon Church period? Heaven forbid (no pun intended) there be an organization where women can't rule over men.

  • @Surfxeo
    @Surfxeo 10 років тому

    1 Peter 2:5
    you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
    Men and Women in true Christianity are all priests to God through Jesus Christ.
    There is no Priesthood in Christianity except Christ Jesus. The Old Priesthood is DEAD.
    I am already Sanctified by Christ. I have direct access to the Son of God on His Throne.
    Mormonism is an Anti-Gospel movement and everyone who is fooled by the system are Lost.
    Hebrews 10:10-14
    10  By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
    11  Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins;
    12  but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God,
    13  waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet.
    14  For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

  • @nirtlocj
    @nirtlocj 5 років тому +1

    Poor Kate. She just wanted to be a Bishop.

    • @lebotonton
      @lebotonton 4 роки тому

      you are sarcastic in your comments derogative remarks it isn’t a sign of intelligence.
      Men are scared of intelligent women.

  • @jimmycaljr
    @jimmycaljr 10 років тому

    Sister, come down from your self-appointment and live the Gospel as defined by God. we do not need or want a rework of God's work. we love you-we do not love the work you've been trying to do.