Masha Allah. Just as you say it is Allah who guides whoever he wishes. You are in Iceland away from any Muslim surroundings but your heart is touched by the truth. May Allah bless you sister and give you good in this world and the hereafter. Ameen
I always cry when I listen to Sheikh Mansour al Salimi 😢😢😢 It is sooo calm and touching my heart how beautiful Qalam Allah is 😭 and how kind He is and so Merciful for us. Please stay in deen al Islam 😢❤ Allahu Akbar
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته laa elaha illa Allah إلا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب 🧡❤🧡🤍💚 .. الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام 🎉🌹🍬🤍💚 so beautiful video
Your heart is so pure sister and I am so humbled by your modesty and your full submission to Allah May God keep on your strength to continue on the right path🌹
💢 قال ﷲ ﷻ : [[ قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ. ]] يونس - 58. Allah said : [[ Say, “In God’s grace and mercy let them rejoice. That is better than what they hoard”]]
Nice video. Very sincere. You don't have to be sorry for being emotional when you feel it sincerely. Especially when Allah's words touch your heart. Most of us feel the same way. The last ayah touched my heart deeply as I listened to it for the first time! يُدخل من يشاء في رحمته . والظالمين أعد لهم عذابا أليما You are right when you said we musn't take Islam for granted. We have to thenk Allah day and night for being Muslims. Carry on and share with us more videos. May Allah bless you and protect you. يارك الله فيك وحماك من كل مكروه.
Dear Beloved sisters and brothers, The adam, noah, abraham, moses prophets are not created by jihati god. If alllla created then in Holy Bible it should be shared, but not reported in Holy Thorah(thawrath) and HolyBible.i am sure it is because alllla created on A. D 610 by prophet to live a narcastic life.In AD 610 prophet momaddddd got qurannn, How abraham who lived in B. C 1861 how will he get quran. So you conveying false talk or fake message to people. You taking Holy Bible characters and Holy Bible verses and copy and making fake authorization and placing it in qurannnn. Holy Bible, Thorah says Deutronomy 4:2 "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I am commanding you." Holy Jesus is son of god read qurannn, Al-mariyam suraaaa, chapter 19: 19,20 "Jesus us pure and righteous son" 20 verse it says mariyam telling jibril that she doesnot know the man. This is evidence that Jesus is born from Holy God YAHWEH. Your prophet married a 46 year women from meccaa, He was age 20.prophet mohamadddd was a qureshi tribe young man and stollen idol called alllla. He himself named idol as allllla. Allllla is father of three can you tell steeling is shirk, so who done shirk. Surahhh qurann 8:39 says "And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allahh. And if they cease - then indeed, Allahh is Seeing of what they do". Still terrorism is the fertlizer for islamicc Jihathi. Many nations suffers, still suffer.propet mamooth done shirk stealed idol, not done sunnath, spit on mouth of smal baby. Read surah Qur'ann 10:94 " to know truth seek Holy Bible. Please read Holy Bible then and it will guide you all the truth.
آللـــھمِے صَّلِ وَسُـُلْـﻤ وٌبـ̨̥̬̩ـارگ عَلے سَيدنِـــا #مُــُحـمـ̨̥̬̩ـد عَدد مَا ذگرهُ ألذَاكِرونّ وغَفِلَ عن ذِكِرهِ ألغَافِلونّ آلُلَُّـہِــم صٍَلُِّ ۆَﺳَ̭͠ـــلُِّم ۆَبَْآرِگّْ علُﮯنَْبِْيَِّنَْـــآ مُحٍمَّدِ ۆِأّلَُـﮧِ ۆِصٌٍحٌٍبِْـﮧِ أّجٍِمَعٌيَِّنْﷺِ...ﷺ #םבםב ﷺاللهم صل على سيدنا محمد عدد خلقك ورضا نفسك وزنة عرشك ومدآد كلماتك وعدد الذكرين والذاكرآت وذرات وآلرمالفي For the land, the seas, the mountains, the rivers, and the number of what cannot be counted upon his family and companions all. Oh God, Amen, Lord of the worlds
عليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته أشكرك أختى الكريمة على هذا المقطع الرائع المفيد جزاك الله خيرا الله يحفظك ويسعدك ويوفقك ويرزقك ويبارك فيك ويثبتك على الإسلام الحق دين العفة والطهارة والحياء والحجاب والسعادة في الدنيا والآخرة
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين الى يوم الدين الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام منصور السالمي حقظك اخي صوت فيه هدوء وطمأنينة لاالاه الا الله محمد رسول الله 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
It is beautiful to hear and listen to recitation of Quran. We are Muslim are lucky for been Muslim, it is God will to guiding us to Islam. We fortunate to be Muslim and not everyone can have what God pulsed us with. Be gracious and humble and above all thankful to God the merciful.
حبيب قلوبنا الشيخ منصور السالمي ربي يحفظه ويرزقه الجنه يارب ومايحرمنا منه دنياء واخره
بارك الله فيكي انا من مصر، ربنا يرفع قدرك
Masha Allah. Just as you say it is Allah who guides whoever he wishes. You are in Iceland away from any Muslim surroundings but your heart is touched by the truth. May Allah bless you sister and give you good in this world and the hereafter. Ameen
وما ارسلناك الا *رحمة* للعالمين
اللهم صل وسلم على حبيبنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجعين
سبحان الله كم انت جميييله وكأن الاسلام اعطاك نورا واشراقا
الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام وكفى بها نعمة
منصور السالمي 😔💞
Useful video
الحمد لله الذي هدانا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا ان هدانا الله نسال الله ان يثبتنا على دينه والحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام🇸🇾🌹🕋🕌🤲
مشاءالله تبارك الرحمن الخالق العظيم كما أرى هذه الفتاة شديدة الإيمان الله يحفظها ويبارك فيها ويثبتها امين يارب العالمين
We are also happy and proud of you . mashallah sister Anna
Her name is Amna not anna
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
@@abdulsattar358 Jazak Allah Khayr Brother
فمن يرد آلله ان يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام . طوب لمن أحبه الله وهدا قلبه للإسلام ⚘
Love n peace to all Muslims Brother's n sisters ❤️
👳 Malaysia 🇲🇾
اللهم صلى وسلم بارك على سيدنا محمد 💓💓
ماشاء الله💓💓
ثبتك الله يا اختي وزادك علما وايمانا وجعلك هداية لمن حولك اللهم امين
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
I always cry when I listen to Sheikh Mansour al Salimi 😢😢😢 It is sooo calm and touching my heart how beautiful Qalam Allah is 😭 and how kind He is and so Merciful for us. Please stay in deen al Islam 😢❤
Allahu Akbar
Wow i can learn how to speak English by hearing what u say, u speak one by one. Word by word. Thank you
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته laa elaha illa Allah
إلا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب 🧡❤🧡🤍💚 .. الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام 🎉🌹🍬🤍💚 so beautiful video
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة
ماشاء الله تبارك الله والحمد والشكر لله رب العالمين على نعمة الإسلام وكفى بها نعمة
الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام
إلا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
Masha Allah beautiful recitation
Your heart is so pure sister and I am so humbled by your modesty and your full submission to Allah May God keep on your strength to continue on the right path🌹
قال الرسول صلى الله عليه واله وسلم خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
ربي يحفظك ويوفقك ويثبتك على الدين يااختناالغاليه🌹🌷🌹🌷
How much I feel good whenever i listen to his voice can’t describe in words…..may Allah bless him🌹
Alhamdulillah.. I'm so proud you are muslim now. Subhanallah❤️❤️
You made me cry too and the recitation,,love and respect sister
إنه لقرآن كريم في كتاب مكنون لا يمسه إلا المطهرون
مشأالله شيخ منصور
Masya Allah Ukhty, Barakallahu fik, love from Indonesia.. 😍👍
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
قل للذين كفرو ستغلبون وتحشرون لجهنم ) وجهنم تقول هل من مزيد
Useful video
اللهم لك الحمد كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك يارب
Wa alaikum as salam AMINA.
Salamon aleikom. You are MaschAllah so beautifull, from youre sister from holland. Love you
We are nothing without Quran
Quran Karim is really Real Treatment
For Every single Muslim Person
الحمدلله رب العالمين
Useful video
احسن قارئ سمعته في حياتي وثبتك الله في دينه اختاه
Wsalam..from malacca malaysian east..
I love you my sister. I hope you the best in this life and in the jannah inshAllah
Islam in Iceland masha Allah. Are there Muslims in Iceland also sister. May Allah bless u more with eman n health
You are brave and strong woman bravo for constant improvement and great videos,keep doing it and may Allah reword your for all you do good!
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
Kardesim Boyle guzel videoları paylastigin icin allah razi olsun tek din islamdir
Ma Sha Allah ما شاء اللہ
هنيئا لك نعمه الاسلام والحمدلله الذي انقذها من النار
نسأل الله لكي الثبات علي دين الاسلام حتي تلقي ربك
Mashallah we are also happy and proud of you, allah give you a great life.
MashaAllah Sister you are a true follower and strong believer of Islam. Pray for us to the Almighty.
صدق الله العلي العظيم والحمدلله على نعمه الاسلام ❤❤❤❤❤
اختي لديا تلاوات جميلا بارك الله فيكي انا من سورية لكي اتوفيق التام هاد شي عظيم عندما تنشري القران هاد شي اسعدني كتير الله يجعلها في ميزان حسناتيك
الحمدلله الذي هداك للاسلام وثبتنا الله واياك عليه.Thanks allah to gide you to Islam
ربي يسعدكم ويحفظكم ويرزقكم
الحمدلله ع نعمه الإسلام اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد
الله يثبت عليك دينك وايمانك. أختي في الإسلام.. هنيئا لك على هداية الله لك وهذا بفضل الله وكرمه عليك..
اللهم رحمتك
Useful video
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
ماشاء الله أختي أمنه. أستمري متابعك من اليمن🇾🇪🇾🇪
Mashallah alhamdulillah thank you sister Amna B FROM INDIA
الحمد لله رب العالمين
Useful video
💢 قال ﷲ ﷻ : [[ قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ. ]] يونس - 58.
Allah said : [[ Say, “In God’s grace and mercy let them rejoice. That is better than what they hoard”]]
ما شاء الله 🤲
Mashallah 🤲
Nice video. Very sincere. You don't have to be sorry for being emotional when you feel it sincerely. Especially when Allah's words touch your heart. Most of us feel the same way. The last ayah touched my heart deeply as I listened to it for the first time!
يُدخل من يشاء في رحمته . والظالمين أعد لهم عذابا أليما
You are right when you said we musn't take Islam for granted. We have to thenk Allah day and night for being Muslims.
Carry on and share with us more videos.
May Allah bless you and protect you.
يارك الله فيك وحماك من كل مكروه.
الله يثبتك يا حبيبة قلبي ❤️❤️❤️
Subhanallah Subhanallah Subhanallah
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
I invite everyone to listen to the Holy QURAN
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
@@madomajladov8121 Jazak Allah Khayr Brother
Dear Beloved sisters and brothers,
The adam, noah, abraham, moses prophets are not created by jihati god. If alllla created then in Holy Bible it should be shared, but not reported in Holy Thorah(thawrath) and HolyBible.i am sure it is because alllla created on A. D 610 by prophet to live a narcastic life.In AD 610 prophet momaddddd got qurannn, How abraham who lived in B. C 1861 how will he get quran. So you conveying false talk or fake message to people. You taking Holy Bible characters and Holy Bible verses and copy and making fake authorization and placing it in qurannnn.
Holy Bible, Thorah says
Deutronomy 4:2
"You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I am commanding you."
Holy Jesus is son of god read qurannn, Al-mariyam suraaaa, chapter 19: 19,20
"Jesus us pure and righteous son"
20 verse it says mariyam telling jibril that she doesnot know the man.
This is evidence that Jesus is born from Holy God YAHWEH.
Your prophet married a 46 year women from meccaa, He was age 20.prophet mohamadddd was a qureshi tribe young man and stollen idol called alllla. He himself named idol as allllla. Allllla is father of three can you tell steeling is shirk, so who done shirk.
Surahhh qurann 8:39 says
"And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allahh. And if they cease - then indeed, Allahh is Seeing of what they do". Still terrorism is the fertlizer for islamicc Jihathi. Many nations suffers, still suffer.propet mamooth done shirk stealed idol, not done sunnath, spit on mouth of smal baby.
Read surah Qur'ann 10:94 " to know truth seek Holy Bible. Please read Holy Bible then and it will guide you all the truth.
@@imranvinoth9466 mashallah blessings ja
الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام انه كلام الله العظيم
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
ماشاء الله،ماهذا الجمال الرائع،زادك الله نورا على نور،اللهم صل على كامل النور،صلى الله عليه وسلم
very very beautiful surah
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
آللـــھمِے صَّلِ وَسُـُلْـﻤ وٌبـ̨̥̬̩ـارگ عَلے سَيدنِـــا #مُــُحـمـ̨̥̬̩ـد عَدد مَا ذگرهُ ألذَاكِرونّ وغَفِلَ عن ذِكِرهِ ألغَافِلونّ آلُلَُّـہِــم صٍَلُِّ ۆَﺳَ̭͠ـــلُِّم ۆَبَْآرِگّْ علُﮯنَْبِْيَِّنَْـــآ مُحٍمَّدِ ۆِأّلَُـﮧِ ۆِصٌٍحٌٍبِْـﮧِ أّجٍِمَعٌيَِّنْﷺِ...ﷺ #םבםב ﷺاللهم صل على سيدنا محمد عدد خلقك ورضا نفسك وزنة عرشك ومدآد كلماتك وعدد الذكرين والذاكرآت وذرات وآلرمالفي For the land, the seas, the mountains, the rivers, and the number of what cannot be counted upon his family and companions all. Oh God, Amen, Lord of the worlds
blessed Friday
May ALLAHswt give you and us jannah.Ameen
Alhamdulilahi Rabbal aalameen.
الحمد الله على نعمة الاسلام يارب انصر المسلين المستضعفين يارب و بارك بنا
Nooron Ala Noor - بارك الله فيكي وأسعدك في الدنيا والآخرة
Useful video
لاإله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن اللهم صل وسلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله و صحبه اجمعين
هذا خشوع من الله يخلي في قلوب المسلمين خشوع حتى يبكون الله من يحب من عباده يهدي الى طريق الحق االه ااكبر
May Allah help you.(Mashallah) love from Bangladesh...
Salimi recitation always made me cry. incredible voice❤️❤️❤️❤️
جزاك الله خيرا .
سبحان الله العظيم وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته .. 💐🍁🍀🌺
Subhan Allah Great and praise be to him , la ellaha ella allah .. 💐
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الله على نعمة الاسلام دين حق وطاهر نظيف الله اكبر وانا للحمد هو الي دخلنا في الجنة
مشاء الله اختي الله يحفظك ويحميك من كل شر وسوء
greatest thing that can happen to you. You habe been selected among billions of people. May Allah keep you on the right path
MasyaaAlloh sister Anna...
I hope you "istiqomah" in Islam...
عليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
أشكرك أختى الكريمة على هذا المقطع الرائع المفيد
جزاك الله خيرا
الله يحفظك ويسعدك ويوفقك ويرزقك ويبارك فيك ويثبتك على الإسلام الحق دين العفة والطهارة والحياء والحجاب
والسعادة في الدنيا والآخرة
Subahan Allah ❤🤲
@@imranvinoth9466 Your hatred for the religion of Islam made you lie about everything and cut videos to suit your lies
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين الى يوم الدين الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام منصور السالمي حقظك اخي صوت فيه هدوء وطمأنينة لاالاه الا الله محمد رسول الله 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
This is the word of Almighty Allah, the best blessing for human welfare,
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
إن أصدق الكلام كلام الله عز وجل وخير الهدي هدي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
It is beautiful to hear and listen to recitation of Quran. We are Muslim are lucky for been Muslim, it is God will to guiding us to Islam. We fortunate to be Muslim and not everyone can have what God pulsed us with. Be gracious and humble and above all thankful to God the merciful.
Aamena my sister name aamena,I like you & your reaction is very hart touching & you very soft spoken sound,Allaah give you blessing, indian,From UAE
Alhamdulillah,,,,Sister Welcome to our Islamic Family....May ALLAH be pleased with you.....
ربي يهديها ويثبتها ويثبتنا جميعاً
الله يعافيك ويبارك فيك ويثبتك على دينه آمين
may ALLAH guide all
Useful video
اللهم ثبت قلوبنا على طاعتك
🇸🇴الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام اللهم لا تقبض الا وأنت راض عني
يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى : (وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَى الرَّسُولِ تَرَىٰ أَعْيُنَهُمْ تَفِيضُ مِنَ الدَّمْعِ مِمَّا عَرَفُوا مِنَ الْحَقِّ ۖ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا فَاكْتُبْنَا مَعَ الشَّاهِدِين) صدق الله العظيم
سبحان الله العظيم , اللهم اجعل القران ربيع قلوبنا وجلاء همومنا يااااا الله
Masha allah amna allah ya brak allah yahyik god bless you masha allah ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
May God be pleased with you, my sister, and let you and us enter the gardens of bliss