• @stillirise4289
    @stillirise4289 2 роки тому +81

    I watched your videos and today's video left me crying.... no not crying for pain I am crying because I can relate to your life stories. I've watched you for almost a year and i can truly say that you are an inspiration. I truly mean this are true, you are you. Please, please, please don't stop posting your videos I have sent your videos to women who were on the brink of ending their life and after watching your videos they simply texted me or called me and said thank you for the video you sent me. I know I can make it...I know I can continue to put one foot in front of he other and keep moving forward. I love your videos and I know that many others love your videos as well. Thank you, I grew up with a narcissitic mother who abused me until I stopped letting her because she was my mother. Your videos were helped me through my most difficult times in life.. your videos showed me that I am loveable, I am wanted, I am appreciated . I am my own woman who has made up her mind that I am important! I am me!

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +22

      You are wonderful, lovable, wise and giving. I can tell that by those beautiful words you took the time to write me. You lifted my heart today and made me feel so much better. I feel I missed the mark on its video...all I wanted to do was reflect back what people were saying or feeling...and I never think of that as a weakness but many do. I think real strength comes from being secure we are not afraid to talk about anything....your words today show me more about you than any resume. Thank you for reminding me today why I pick up that camera every day. I never met you but I'm pretty sure me and Desi love you!

    • @EmilyBltz
      @EmilyBltz 2 роки тому +6

      I lost my fiancee and finances during this pandemic. I had two directions to go and I decided I was worth it and kept moving on. finances are still a work in progress but I am happy again and feel better about myself than I have in years. Maybe I appreciate life more- I don't know.

    • @dixiejohnson5848
      @dixiejohnson5848 2 роки тому +6

      I had written a long post to you and poured out my heart to you. If I were not 6 years older than you and not nearly as pretty, we could be twins. You said what my heart feels. You will never know how much I look forward to seeing you every week. With all the trials I have in my life, once a week I feel like you throw me a lifeline.
      Please just keep being you - I have never heard my life spoken by another person. Thank you for being so open and honest about your feelings- I love you so that you can say what I’m feeling. Please take care.... Dixie

    • @janetm1151
      @janetm1151 Рік тому +2

      I have admired you for how you have moved on in your life. I have a problem with people these days being offended by what others say. I have watched many of your videos and never took anything you said offensively. My advise to those who take things wrong. Move on till you find someone who talks and thinks like you.
      You probably won’t like them.
      Keep saying what you want and that’s what I like about you. I will be here listening and loving it as much as so many of your viewers do too. You are the best!!!!

  • @Denise4ever
    @Denise4ever 2 роки тому +164

    We have a lot in common. My husband left me for someone else in 2019, and I lost my home and everything I thought was important. I was also married 3 times. Now I rent a small house and have cancer. I really know what is important now, and it’s definitely not material things. I just want to be happy and healthy. I need good friends. I need the Lord to guide me one day at a time. I also don’t want to be dependent on a man. I’m doing ok taking care of myself. My illness has made me a stronger woman. Wish you lived near me. I think we’d laugh a lot. I don’t understand why you were ever made to feel you said something wrong. It’s normal to feel like a loser when you lose everything. We just need to heal. Love you, Denise.

    • @JKMA818
      @JKMA818 2 роки тому +5

      I sincerely hope you feel better soon ❤️. I understand about having everything taken however now I may not be in my own house etc but I do have peace and that's a huge deal. Just pray for guidance and wisdom James we can ask as many times as we need it.
      Be Blessed

    • @BR-kk9qu
      @BR-kk9qu 2 роки тому +11

      Denise, You are absolutely right. It’s about being healthy and happy… not the material things… that often require a lot of upkeep! You are definitely on my prayer list. God wants you well and thriving. You will have these things. Thank you for sharing your story. You are inspiring! ~ Belinda🌺🌺🌺

    • @rrhines3151
      @rrhines3151 2 роки тому +10

      Sending you encouragement as you fight that cancer! I too have been fighting it since 2020. It DOES change ones perspective of what is truly important! Wishing you healing ❤️‍🩹 and peace. One day at a time 😊

    • @mariasantiago2902
      @mariasantiago2902 2 роки тому +20

      Denise, I am so there with you with having everything and losing it. My husband left me with 4 young children 2 mortgages and a dog 25 years ago. So much has happened in between, but God has been faithful through it all including being cancer-free for the past 4 years. Praise God! And you will also be writing about your healing and an amazing testimony!!! Oh yeah, I was in a relationship for 9 years on and off. That didn't work out... so I'm still single at 57.. and loving on my children and grandchildren!!! Life is a journey of unexpected unexplainable situations, but when we have God with us all things are possible!!! Praying for you!!! 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

    • @Denise4ever
      @Denise4ever 2 роки тому +4

      @@rrhines3151 Prayers for your healing also. Thank you

  • @phyllisbooth3395
    @phyllisbooth3395 2 роки тому +19

    Susan, a young 24 year old male I know was listening to your channel and your words helped him because he was feeling like a "loser" because of continued job rejections. You are helping way more than you think.

  • @janetsalter9606
    @janetsalter9606 2 роки тому +142

    Wow, people seem to be easily offended these days. You shouldn't have to explain yourself or have your every word scrutinized in my opinion. I watch you all the time and never once was I offended in any way. I just thought that the things you said were your feelings at the time. No worries, you're doing a great job with your utube channel. Keep it up you are very talented and special!!👍🏻😉

    • @bridget6890
      @bridget6890 2 роки тому +14

      I feel the same way. With all that's going on in the world, people would take offense at one of the most dear and delicately sincere of people, who is helping others btw with all her videos... Please continue to be you!

    • @deborahpellerito6117
      @deborahpellerito6117 2 роки тому +6

      I agree

    • @jeanneewaseck6635
      @jeanneewaseck6635 2 роки тому +2

      Exactly what I came in here to say!

    • @jeanyenchik2256
      @jeanyenchik2256 2 роки тому +2

      I also absolutely agree !

    • @lynns8057
      @lynns8057 2 роки тому +2

      I agree with you. I think people are too quick to be offended.

  • @annlagrande5963
    @annlagrande5963 2 роки тому +18

    Susan, I have always found two types of people - those who have a "light" around them and those who have a "darkness" encircling them. You definitely have that "light". Don't you ever apologize for who you are. Those who criticize you in my opinion are jealous of your beauty, your kindness, your intelligence and your special ability to touch and help others....And, I admire you following your own path and not letting a man, a relationship, stifle what obviously gives you so much joy. The right man will give you the space to do what makes you happy. Hold out for that special man. He will be so lucky having you in his life.

  • @LHarrolle
    @LHarrolle 2 роки тому +184

    You're being real, don't worry about it. People need to learn how to read between the lines and lighten up a little. You're sharing all of YOUR thoughts and YOUR feelings. It doesn't offend me to think of a different point of view than what I might have. I'm not ready to can pickles yet either, LOL!

    • @vera214T
      @vera214T 2 роки тому +4

      Very well said. 🌹✨💕

    • @starholistic
      @starholistic 2 роки тому +12

      Be you no need to apologize for wisdom!!
      Wayne Dyer quote I love.
      That which offends you only weakens you. Being offended creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place- so transcend your ego and stay in peace.

    • @starholistic
      @starholistic 2 роки тому +1

      @Carol DeBerry ❤

    • @kitmason2718
      @kitmason2718 2 роки тому


  • @sandyrockenbaugh3275
    @sandyrockenbaugh3275 2 роки тому +96

    Please always be your authentic self with us ! Personally, I can relate to what you say. I can’t tell you how much you have helped me . . I would hate for you to censor or have to explain yourself for sharing your true thoughts and feelings. Your True intentions shine through because we know who you are and we know that you would never Intensionally hurt anyone .

  • @joannneal79
    @joannneal79 2 роки тому +39

    Susan, I learned a long time ago if you try to please everyone, you please no one.
    There are so many people in the world that are offended by anything everything and will jump on the chance to be critical of everything anyone says. Keep being true to yourself. We love you the way you are. If they take things the wrong way it is their fault. I was the most unhappy when I tried to always be a people pleaser.

  • @notanoshow
    @notanoshow 2 роки тому +41

    I was a pastors daughter. We moved a lot, like every 2 years. Never felt like I fit in. Any where. Now older I feel the same way still. The walls are up until a weak moment. But I’m at a point to start telling ppl what I think whether it is received or not. So I totally understand how you feel. We just try to do the best we can .

  • @chlorismcgahee1366
    @chlorismcgahee1366 2 роки тому +29

    I recently read a quote that seems to say it all. "We make our choices, then our choices make us." Blessings and Love to You and Desi.

  • @SRAshley100
    @SRAshley100 2 роки тому +72

    “I feel like a loser” I think so many women that have been through divorce can relate to those words. At the moment, in that time, in that mirror we feel just like that. Then somehow we wake up to another day…maybe it takes a month or two or even a year or two to find that new day but we do! We find our purpose again and we hold our heads high and we look in the mirror and learn to love that broken person back to a whole heart and mind again. It may have taken a few years for you Susan but here you are happy and whole! I can relate so I do not and did not take any offense to what you said. The funny thing is mine came later in life as well and I have been married for 42 years, but 2 previous marriages in my early years. For me it had to come from within…I had to feel I had found my purpose in life and it came years into this marriage. Life is such a magical, mysterious experience.

    • @patticakesintexas
      @patticakesintexas 2 роки тому +3


    • @antoinettechuffa4982
      @antoinettechuffa4982 2 роки тому +1

      I sooooo agree I thought it as I went thru my hard times, don't know if I said it out loud but I was sure thinking it, so I get it.

    • @daisy7141
      @daisy7141 2 роки тому

      Divorce is a life saver. Saving wasted time with someone you are not compatible with. I wish I would have seen how my husband buffaloed/used me earlier. I only found out the truth when he told me himself a couple weeks before he died. I had to idea he would die within the next two weeks from the flu. I wonder if he did.

  • @julieb2398
    @julieb2398 2 роки тому +57

    Susan your story to a point is just the same as mine. Married 3 times, walked to the beat of our own drum, lost our filters, and have a wall around me that I am not sure I will ever be able to take down. I understand everything you said. I have not found my path quite yet and I am 61. I am still not sure what I wanna do or be when I grow up! Many times I feel less than others. I live on Social Security Disability so money is tight. I did get to a thrift store a couple of weeks ago and bought two sweaters. Oh how it felt so nice to have something "new". As I type this in the background the Rolling Stones are on Iheart radio. The song, "you can't always get what you want" is playing quietly. Thank you Susan for being you and sharing yourself with us. Brightest blessings and much love.

    • @susanloveshuskies
      @susanloveshuskies 2 роки тому

      Hugs Julie

    • @patticakesintexas
      @patticakesintexas 2 роки тому +3

      Julie, similar story here too. Also on SSDI for an injury in 08 that only took 10 seconds of my day away yet stuck around for life. Before that, I was a "productive member of society", paying taxes, etc... Life can be v disappointing at times. Susan has such a great bunch of women for followers. I too love thrift stores. I think music is really great and so healing and uplifting. I just had to say hello.

    • @marthaross6301
      @marthaross6301 2 роки тому +2

      Julie and Patty~ in a similar situation.
      Injured in ‘09 on SSDI, so very fixed income too.
      But, I took my recovery in my own direction after giving them the first year.
      My normal is different every day~ I’m doing things they (drs) told me I would never do again.
      Including going to thrift stores unaccompanied.

  • @carolseven3802
    @carolseven3802 2 роки тому +46

    I must have a thick skin or something because none of those comments hit me that way.
    If anything I’ve seen great conversations happen as a result of your videos because you have created a safe space for those who need one.
    I’m sorry you feel you need to apologize because truth be told we’re not going anywhere!
    Maybe all this isolation over the past three years is causing some people to be more sensitive. I don’t know?

    • @donaburns1910
      @donaburns1910 2 роки тому +10

      I agree, she has never said anything that offended me either. As was said above I think some people sure are fragile and thin skinned.

  • @karent3004
    @karent3004 2 роки тому +27

    Honey, you have your own channel. You can say whatever you want. You've earned that right Sues. You really have. If all of us were in a room and went around one after another and had to tell our worst mistakes or things we'd said or done, it would be a shock and awe session girl, I can promise you that. Some of us have lost money, lost husbands, lost friends and we've either caused it or we haven't caused it. Shoot, lots of us live with children we love but husbands who don't love us even though they may not have left us.....they may as well have left us if they aren't emotionally with us or they just don't give a damn. Girl, we are a smorgasbord of crazy, loving, wild, fearless, but frightened, lonely, but sometimes deliriously happy women. We represent the whole world 🌎 🌍 of women. And honestly, we are all doing the very best we can......and so are you Sweetie. We wouldn't want you to be any more perfect than you are. If I told you only a few things in my life, you'd go running back to yours at the speed of light.. 😂. You're awesome Susan, never forget that honey. ❤️

  • @shonnarobertson6936
    @shonnarobertson6936 2 роки тому +68

    I haven't really been watching you that long, but you have never said anything that offended me. I have listened to you and I am starting to understand myself and trying to turn my life around. I understand having a horrible life. I have made a lot of mistakes and made wrong decisions. The only thing I have really been successful about in my life is survival. Life is hard and sometimes I do not understand it. Listening to you has made me realize so many things. I want to thank you for all that you say and do. By the way I love thrift stores ! Have a wonderful day and by all means please keep touching my heart.

    • @patsygraham5530
      @patsygraham5530 2 роки тому

      Susan, I love watching you. I would like for you to tell me what the picture above

    • @patsygraham5530
      @patsygraham5530 2 роки тому +1

      Susan what is the picture above the chair behind you. Maybe it is just me but I cannot figure out what it is. Thanks love you.

    • @debrandw246
      @debrandw246 Рік тому

      Same here. Susan has given me my life back. I have had a difficult few years but what I lost is returning. You said it so well. Thank you.

  • @sheilasmith2579
    @sheilasmith2579 2 роки тому +31

    Girl, I love Aunt Bea and I got a good chuckle from that comment.
    You can’t please everyone, so better please yourself.
    Your a great lady and I love your UA-cam channel . You go girl !!❤️

  • @cactuscottage2167
    @cactuscottage2167 2 роки тому +28

    Oh my, I can really understand your thoughts of never fitting in. I was always a serious person even when I was a child. Now, I just do my own thing. Your life story after you lost everything is amazing! Your ability to be fearless gives strength to all of us! I have grown so much after finding your channel. I was depressed and lonely. I listened to one of your videos and made some changes. I got up every morning, put my makeup on, walked my little dog and met some of my neighbors. Even at my age and health situation I found a part time job which gave me some peace for my heart, my finances, and my feelings of hope. You have given more to us than you can even imagine.

  • @kathyabeauty
    @kathyabeauty 2 роки тому +29

    I always appreciate your honesty. As a fellow senior single, I totally understand your candor about relationships. It is hard at any age to be "replaced" in someones life. Hang in there. People understand more than you know.

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +7

      I think you are right Kathy....I think I really picked the 5 things I said that upset ME the most....well except Aunt Bee...I may stand my ground on that one!!! Remember Clara???

  • @sussannekeith5676
    @sussannekeith5676 2 місяці тому +2

    Don’t ever edit yourself… we rarely get to see real in life right now… so refreshing❤❤❤

  • @bonitaderosa3134
    @bonitaderosa3134 2 роки тому +9

    I think you should be kind to yourself:) we’re all doing the best we can

  • @lorraineankers4931
    @lorraineankers4931 2 роки тому +6

    I also lost everything .... but i thank god i have been given a second chance

  • @Cindy-jw8eq
    @Cindy-jw8eq 2 роки тому +26

    Who are these thin-skinned women who seem to have their feelings hurt by watching your videos? boo hoo. The whole reason I watch your channel is because you speak your mind, so please don't allow these other women to "edit" you. Be your authentic self.

  • @joycetaggart3123
    @joycetaggart3123 2 роки тому +11

    The first thing that comes into my mind is I respect you! You are honest and admit the truth how you see it. We are all like that. We think back and oh oh! I mess up. Being married for 54 years has been a lot of work. I have been with him since I was 16 he was 18. There were times we just got tired of arguing. Nothing big just the daily junk. But now we are in our 70s and we need each other more than we did when we were younger. Who knew the world would be upside down at this time. It is a cruel joke. We are Christians and we are grateful for our Faith . You keep going , I think your life is exciting. I always can't wait to see you. Thanks Joyce

  • @sharonmachin5112
    @sharonmachin5112 2 роки тому +14

    One of the things that always stands out, is that you are, and I'm guessing always have been, a dreamer. Dreamers are the ones that make this world a better place so you keep on dreaming and bringing these videos to us. You are looking so happy and healthy Susan. Have a lovely week and Happy St Patrick's day too to you and Desi ☘☘☘

    • @maryrose7842
      @maryrose7842 2 роки тому +1

      My thoughts exactly. “A Dreamer lives forever and a toiler dies in a day”

  • @JassiJo
    @JassiJo 2 роки тому +22

    You are a wonderful story teller. I get consumed inside the words and emotions. TY. 💜💜

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +4

      Oh thank you so much ..:) I do go on don't I! Happy weekend to you! xo Sues & Dez

  • @maryellenstark9383
    @maryellenstark9383 2 роки тому +10

    Susan with so much horror and sadness in our world right now I look forward to seeing you and Desi every Sunday just for the chance to think about something else for a bit. I love how real and true to yourself you are and your wit and great sense of humor. To each his own and I hope you never find that filter!

  • @judyb503
    @judyb503 2 роки тому +11

    Susan! You were sharing YOU! No place for objections, corrections or filters! If telling your innermost secrets offends someone (boo-boo!), they can watch another channel that caters to their (poor baby), style. You absolutely DO NOT need to address or apologize to anyone for anything!
    Lotsa love from Texas❤️

  • @judycee4
    @judycee4 2 роки тому +22

    Susan, you have never said anything I found offensive. I love your thrift store riffs. Canning pickles or anything else is not my thing, but if it’s somebody else’s, then go for it. You put your heart and thoughts in your videos. I think your relationship was where it was supposed to be at the time. Life is filled with lessons, and we never stop learning from them.

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +1

      Oh Judy....your words are so so true! !!!!! xo Susan & Dez

  • @debhervol9758
    @debhervol9758 2 роки тому +8

    What a beautiful message. As a 69 year old single, happy woman, I can look back at mistakes. But not with regrets. It was what it was. I am happy today and look forward. I love your posts and look forward to each one.

  • @Chunkybutterfly
    @Chunkybutterfly 2 роки тому +13

    Thank you so much for the great video. Miss Susan, you don't fit in because you are meant to stand out.

    • @deborahpellerito6117
      @deborahpellerito6117 2 роки тому


    • @irmaatq9226
      @irmaatq9226 Рік тому

      I know it's a year later, but I want to say you are absolutely right about Susan with this statement.

  • @terrytt2932
    @terrytt2932 2 роки тому +12

    My first instinct was to shout "how dare they" If those are your feelings, how dare anyone diminish or berate them. I appreciate your honesty so very much and look forward to it every week. You said several times, "I won't say that again". Please do not filter...edit your feelings & thoughts. Lies are only lies if they're intentional!
    My story is quite similar with some glaring differences but how you say it, it's heartfelt and real. I've got 7 years on you and I'm not ready to can pickles either!

  • @lose999
    @lose999 2 роки тому +11

    I needed this escape today. Thank you. 💙 I think I will never be in love again. I am 69 years old and have been divorced for 20 years.

  • @sheilagreen7093
    @sheilagreen7093 2 роки тому +11

    I just started listening to you about a month ago and I want you to know how much I appreciate you being so open and honest. Sometimes I feel I don't have any friends and I can watch one of your videos and feel so much better. You are an inspiration to me.

  • @lottieayers395
    @lottieayers395 2 роки тому +7

    Susan, there are so many women 55 and older who have inspirational, sharing, how to channels we could visit; however we choose to visit you weekly for your very funny, sympathetic, emotional, loving, caring, shopping experiences and life's human experiences. The kind of discussions we would hope to share with a best girlfriend. Thanks for you being you!

  • @judithbyerly5888
    @judithbyerly5888 2 роки тому +26

    Please, Please keep sharing how you feel & what’s in your heart - without a filter! Someone will always think something different or even be offended - but that’s their work to do!! I honestly cannot imagine hearing you say anything purposely offensive, especially to all of us. Just be wonderful you! They’ll get over it - or not! 🤣🥰 I’m 72, absolutely determined to be kind and still not always be filtering!!
    A very wise counselor once told me, a relationship/marriage needs to be - not with the person you figure you could probably live with. The right person is that person it would be hard to imagine living your life without!! I hope you wait for that person - he’s waiting for you too! ❤️❤️
    See you guys next week!
    Happy St Patty’s Day! ☘️❤️

    • @rebeccabsomanybooks3558
      @rebeccabsomanybooks3558 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for your insightful comment. It has helped me find a little closure on some things. Wise counselor.

  • @lorraineankers4931
    @lorraineankers4931 2 роки тому +10

    wish you did a video every day because you make my life so much easier

    • @deborahpellerito6117
      @deborahpellerito6117 2 роки тому

      Yes me too

    • @carolineacker475
      @carolineacker475 2 роки тому

      Me too...Sussan makes me feel so happy & at ease..Id pay to go & talk with her 🌺 She has done more for my mental health than any psycologist has ever done !

  • @marysmyth8288
    @marysmyth8288 2 роки тому +4

    Dear Susan, i was fortunate to marry my childhood sweetheart, we stayed married 51yrs , had five
    Beautiful children by the time I was 30yrs old. I am Irish born and bred , emigrated to Canada in 1982
    My dear husband died from cancer, he suffered for 2yrs . My family are all grown up and in the space of two
    Years , my heartbreaking sorrow for lost two of
    My beautiful sons to heart failure, the years have slid by , I was almost in tears while watching your so
    Sensitive video. Yet Susan you inspire me so much, because of your sensitive nature and honestly
    Your natural beauty .❤️ often I do think long about life as a widow of 6yrs, I dream of a new love to spend the
    Autumn of my life as someone’s darling . Can love still catch us ..out of the Blue, I hope so.🤷‍♀️
    Love so much your wee Dessi , so Happy Saint Patrick’s day Blessings to you and your family.💚
    Mary Canada 🇨🇦

  • @nancyciampa3485
    @nancyciampa3485 2 роки тому +3

    My sister followed all the rules in life ..... I did not. I knew I had the better life when she looked at me and said, "I don't think I would have had the courage you had" I've lived a good life!

  • @DeeDee-vl1kt
    @DeeDee-vl1kt 2 роки тому +6

    I was "there" when you mentioned those 5 statements in previous videos. And I "understood" what you meant. But you taking the time and care to address it makes me like you EVEN MORE ☺️!
    I am completely inspired by you! I'm 58 but I'll be 59 next month. You make me feel like I can go and do whatever my heart dreams of doing or going. Thank you!🌸🍃🐝🌺🌻🌱🦋🌿🌸🌺🌻🍃

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you Dee Dee so much....I sort of stepped on my own message here! next week we will go thrifting and have FUN!!!!

  • @carrienecas9867
    @carrienecas9867 2 роки тому +5

    Susan, I have never taken offense at anything you have are so down to earth and we all love your never have to explain or censor yourself! Have a beautiful week!

  • @ritacooke3175
    @ritacooke3175 2 роки тому +5

    Susan, you have the most precious personality and outlook on life that I have ever known. You're such a great mentor for women of all ages. I believe you are one of the most humble, down to earth people living. You're loving, you're beautiful, you're intelligent, so very talented and you relate to women of all ages. Maybe it's because we have experienced so much of life so similarly that I absolutely adore you. You're just who you and are and we love you for that. Many people are overly sensitive these days and I happen to believe that traveling down rough roads qualify us to express our opinions. People need to step back and look at what a grand gesture you're making as a means of looking out for them because you try to prepare us for the unknown and even the unwanted. Don't forget, some people never travel those roads, how fortunate they are. Traveling through life down all the roads is what makes us so real and knowledgeable. So, who are the real fortunate ones......

  • @jackieadamski4753
    @jackieadamski4753 2 роки тому +11

    I’m so glad I stumbled on your channel. You are such a gentle and calming influence and I can honestly say I’ve never been offended by anything you’ve said. I’ve only been watching your videos for a couple months but I did go back and watch you from the beginning. Wow, how you have grown in your journey. You should be nothing but proud of yourself. I was so excited when you did the video on finding your father and when I saw his last name I was even more excited! I have no idea if we could in any way be related but my maiden name is Moore and I grew up near Chattanooga, Tn so when I heard about your father I adopted you as family! Keep doing what your heart leads you to do and keep reaching for your dreams. Just remember nothing says that you can’t reach those dreams with the right person beside you. Don’t give up on love because someone will hit the jackpot when you walk into their life and you become friends, lovers and partners. But even if that special person takes a little while to find you, it’s okay because you are just getting a head start on your forever and ever perfect (for you) life. You are a true inspiration to so many people. Myself included❤️

  • @gailhorrocks
    @gailhorrocks 2 роки тому +2

    Today is my anniversary. My husband is in heaven but 39 years today marks a gift. I had a gift...I had the best and will always cherish the love I was given.
    I do not ever feel you offend.. I wish I could be as honest as you especially sharing your life . I lost the person who could ground me and ease my doubts.
    I struggle with identity and I'm almost 67.
    I ask myself everyday, when will I grow up...
    Keep sharing with us; we need your transparency.

  • @kaylabryson1932
    @kaylabryson1932 2 роки тому +19

    All I can say is now I’m craving pickles !! And yes, I did can them myself, haha😂☺️😍. You are a treasure 💜💜

  • @deborah3912
    @deborah3912 2 роки тому +8

    I saw that episode🤣😂😂Andy, Opie and Barney were so sick of pickles.

  • @FreeRangeDiva
    @FreeRangeDiva 2 роки тому +4

    You know, it's not so much what is said, rather the spirit in which it is said. Susan, you have a kind heart and a giving spirit and most of us can easily see that, and understand that your thoughts and words come from a place of love. Those who cannot, well... it's a reflection on them, on their emotional receptors, not on you. And you have no control over how you're perceived. I have lifelong experience w/ this. The only thing each of us can control is how accurately we communicate. And you do that very well. Sending love and a big hug and Hooray for spring!! xo Cheryl

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you, are such a saint....I think if I had given this video another title it might not have bothered folks so much. I was not apologizing but rather just chatting and looking into comments that evolved so much emotion. I think I hit a nerve that I never aimed at....anybody who knows me knows I have no filter! LOL....I am canning pickles right now!!! Love you and I appreciate your wise words here...

  • @victoriabourgeois3273
    @victoriabourgeois3273 2 роки тому +9

    Susan. I guess I don’t overthink your videos cuz I haven’t felt mad about anything you say, sad maybe but never mad. Always look forward to Saturday’s videos. Tfs cheers

  • @daisy7141
    @daisy7141 2 роки тому +2

    You don't have a mean bone in your body. That's the way you come across to me. I'm glad you are happy at this stage of life. You earned it. ❤❤❤ 🍀

  • @susanneekelund1309
    @susanneekelund1309 2 роки тому +7

    I want you, Susan to be just the way you are - that's why I listen every Sunday morning with a cup of tea! Much love from Susanne 🥰🇸🇪

  • @jaysmith2522
    @jaysmith2522 2 роки тому +3

    i have never felt like i fit in anywhere. always felt like the odd person out there. but am happily married to my sweetheart who is now disabled and i care for him. i love him so very much and we will be married 58 years in may.

  • @denissecafengiu2033
    @denissecafengiu2033 2 роки тому +2

    Dear Susan, I’m turning 60 next month and I can tell you that I still didn’t figure out life. I go with the flow just doing my best to be a good person. People that get offended do not have anything else to keep them busy. I always say if you’re offended get a job. 😄You are such an artist, such a beautiful soul. People are so superficial and judgmental. You keep doing you for those of us that are not that easy to offend! 👍🏻🥰❤️🌸

  • @mbunstine
    @mbunstine 2 роки тому +1

    Susan, When I first started watching your videos, I'm sorry, but I thought you were kind of depressing, a Debbie downer. Haha. But in the past two weeks I've watched many of your videos and you've changed my mind. You're a sweet, sensitive, and a truly beautiful lady, I'm going through a lot right now in my life and I have no clue where I'm going. Like you, I am 67 as of January 14th. For most of my adult life I've felt like an accessory in my husband's life. I've been married two times. I'm so tired of being an accessory but I don't know how to change it. Thank you for being so honest. It's so refreshing. And as for you wishing you hadn't said the things you talked about in this video, you have absolutely no reason to apologize. These days people seem to be offended at the slightest thing. Say what you feel, be who you are! Thank you Susan

  • @reggie9334
    @reggie9334 2 роки тому +3

    Never in a million years do I get offended with anything you say. I get what your saying and feeling ❤️

  • @bridget6890
    @bridget6890 2 роки тому +10

    You are SO authentic, please always be yourself and say exactly what you want, that's the reason you are so successful, we can feel that integrity and are the real deal. Btw, I have never heard one word of anything you ever said that needed explaining. Desi is SO adorable..big hug to him please!

  • @joannaandujo2217
    @joannaandujo2217 2 роки тому +1

    “You don’t find happiness, you make it”
    This is a quote that inspires me 😊

  • @gingershaffer2547
    @gingershaffer2547 2 роки тому +1

    I have never felt like I fit in either and when I would start a relationship with a man i just became a chameleon and became whatever that person wanted me to be. I didn't know how to do "me" so I became who I thought they wanted me to be. Well 3 marriages later, I finally found myself. No more chameleon. It feels so good to like myself flaws and all! God bless my husband because he is secure enough in himself to let me be me because finally finding myself could have cratered marriage number three. Susan you have found you and finally you feel like you fit in. You "love your own company" and you just don't want anyone to squash what you have discovered in you. You are amazing! No need for filters now. You are a power house of creativity. Keep discovering you. Timing is everything right? The right man will stand amazed at your talents and will give you room to breathe and grow. I love how you use the lens of the camera to show us your world. To help us see the beauty in life that we might have missed or to move us emotionally. Your camera and video work does that for me. I love getting behind the camera with you! See you next week! Life is beautiful! and so are you!💖 hugs to sweet Desi!! XO

  • @SweetThing
    @SweetThing 2 роки тому +3

    In essence, you didn't make your ex a priority; he found someone who did. Lesson learned. Happy St. Patrick's Day; Erin Go Bragh. xx

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +1

      Yes. :Lesson learned. And I would od it again...and that is why I suppose I can sleep at night...Happy weekend to you!!

  • @carolewatkins1171
    @carolewatkins1171 2 роки тому +10

    Without a doubt this is my favorite video. Serious subjects, yet you had me laughing out loud.
    I think that’s a big part of our journey through life, we finally see that what we saw and made so serious, could also make us look back and laugh, or at least smile about it.
    You have a wonderful gift for storytelling…🌷

  • @snuggleb100
    @snuggleb100 2 місяці тому +2

    Hey Susan, we all say things we wish we hadn’t said I know this is an older video but don’t be too hard on yourself. We all open our mouths and put our feet in it that’s life that makes us human that makes you real and we love you for that, if you were so particular and so careful with your words because you’re afraid to offend someone it would take away your authenticity and none of us want that so you speak your truth we stand with you and if you stick your foot in your mouth, who cares we all do it we just don’t have a captured on camera You’re far more courageous than us and we love you for that.❤

  • @silkb5386
    @silkb5386 2 роки тому +4

    Through the lens of your camera while expressing your insights & feelings, you share your true self w us! I have had friends IRL, who were less authentic and I appreciate your candor. You’re a treasure, a friend, and I hope you continue to film for many years if you choose! I turned 67 this past week, a single woman raising butterflies in my gardens. Let your Light shine bright Susan and perhaps one day you’ll play your songs as background music to your photography! 💗🦋💗

  • @Texasgirl10
    @Texasgirl10 2 роки тому +8

    Love your channel! I’ve never once taken anything you’ve ever said the wrong way. Guess I really get you! 😘🥰🥰🥰

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +1

      I know you let me Ginger!!!! Now if I only had your hair!!!

    • @Texasgirl10
      @Texasgirl10 2 роки тому

      @@LittlePoet 🥰🥰🥰

  • @donnasymons176
    @donnasymons176 2 роки тому +4

    Remember when Ricky told Lucy… Lucy you have some splainings to do. Everyone path and way is different. Don’t beat yourself up honey. I’m not the Aunt Bee type either. We are who we are and that’s it. I’m 66 and now I feel comfortable in my own skin. It’s liberating!

  • @jeanharbrige8822
    @jeanharbrige8822 2 роки тому +3

    Susan you are so very thoughtful being so concerned about other people's feelings. I have never been offended by anything you have said and appreciate your honesty. Please keep being you- you are such a very special woman! I have been dealing with so many emotions. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer about 2 months ago and started chemotherapy a month ago. The first treatment was really hard on him so they adjusted his chemo and the second was much better for him. His 3rd treatment is this week and we also see his oncologist. I am scared, worried but also holding on to my faith that God will get him thru this and with treatment, we will have more time together. I have quickly come to the reality of how precious each and every day is and how not to ever take for granted the little things like just enjoying a meal together. I pray so much that the chemo will help him. I am a natural worrier and I need to let go of this fear and worry and place my trust in God. I keep a positive attitude and smile on my face for him but I also need to keep it for me. My love to you and Desi and I wish you both a very Happy St. Patrick's Day! 💚☘️

  • @roxy4158
    @roxy4158 2 роки тому +4

    You're happy because you have stopped trying "to fit in ". Don't walk in anyone's shoes!! Strut in your own stilettos and be proud! Each day you look more amazing then the day before!! With age and experience we are wiser. You lost nothing and gained everything. The best is yet to come for you dear Susan ❤

  • @SouthernYankee
    @SouthernYankee 2 роки тому +4

    Your so very sweet to even make this video. I’m not so sure I would have. But the way you care about people shines through so anyone watching you knows this .

  • @nancylorenz5082
    @nancylorenz5082 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you Susan for all your honey. I can identify with you so much on your life’s travels. Keep loving yourself! 🤗❤️😘

  • @connielouhoo
    @connielouhoo 2 роки тому +2

    It is refreshing to see you care enough about your followers to explain things that you had a right to say. That speaks a lot about your character. Thank you.

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому

      Thank you touch my heart tonight...xxooSues & Dez

  • @gailmccolery5542
    @gailmccolery5542 2 роки тому +2

    Like you,I want skies with sunshine and the promise of warm days. It fells as if the freedom to roam was never going to come. I miss road trips with friends and belly laughs. I want to breath easy and smile again. I hope for better days. I'll pray for peace and joy for us all. Blessings to you and hugs for Desi.

  • @dianemgbur547
    @dianemgbur547 2 роки тому +5

    I feel like you just described my life so far to a Tee! I purposely lived my life doing everything unconventionally and never did what was expected of me or wherever someone tried to lead me, I would go opposite!
    I always followed my heart, NEVER my head and now I have been through so many highs and lows, so many hard lessons learned the hard way. I gave too much ch of myself , gave people too many chances and put everybody’s else’s dreams and desires above me own. I believe an independent strong woman will often attract the worse kind of men. I have had 3 marriages also. The last one about did me in and i’m finally recovered after 12 yrs it’s been over. wow! i am now 60 and have wasted 12 yrs of being scared to try again! i wish i was 48 and could relive these past 12 years of being alone.
    I think for me, I am so scared to try again, but I just can’t trust my judgment because of all the times I thought i was right… when i was so terribly wrong.
    I am so totally non-judge mental, there is nothing you could say that would offend me. I always respect others opinions and beliefs. I think it gives us strength to be able to say whatever we feel and think and to know that the ones who truly accept that, are the ones who are truly worth our love. 🌟❤️💪🏻

    • @ravenraven966
      @ravenraven966 2 роки тому

      Diane, thanks for putting into words exactly my story. I feel so alone. Thanks again

  • @lissac67
    @lissac67 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you for your thoughts today, Susan. I always resonate with so much that you say. I am at the same spot now that you were. I am at a time of my life when I am newly divorced and know I have to live life on my own to become whole. I don't know if I will ever want to be with anyone. But I do know that I will have to show myself I can make it on my own first. You are such a delight and the distraction was much needed today.

  • @barbarafrancis533
    @barbarafrancis533 Рік тому

    My little Ruby is a Dachshund. She was rescued from a puppy mill. Her feet never touched grass during the first 7 years of her life. You are a blessing to Dezi.

  • @deeoh3708
    @deeoh3708 2 роки тому +4

    I think that as it's your channel, you can say and share whatever you wish... surely people just have to learn to accept other peoples thoughts and words without judgement. Keep being your usual happy, bright, intelligent, caring self. 💐

  • @TravelingSistas
    @TravelingSistas 2 роки тому +8

    Oh I’ve had a few (3 myself lol) where I was bad at life, then good, then ok, then great … such is life. I love you!! Your vids really, really helped me at a down time. I too wish you were here every day!

  • @nancyreynolds639
    @nancyreynolds639 2 роки тому +4

    You are a treasure to me, and I have enjoyed the beauty, wit, and wisdom in your videos for as long as you've had your channel. I could wax poetic about how your videos have often made my heart soar, but I'll save that for a later date. At this moment, know that I wouldn't want you to be anyone other than your true authentic self.

  • @sparkleighann7282
    @sparkleighann7282 2 роки тому +2

    It doesn't matter what you say or how you say it there will always be someone who's offended. Keep being you. ♥️

  • @elizabethconroy7665
    @elizabethconroy7665 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for always being honest and frank
    This is your gift ,to share
    Never censor your words
    Bless you
    Warm Hugs 🤗

  • @lisab.8450
    @lisab.8450 2 роки тому +4

    Susan, all you express in your videos bring light and ignite joy. Sometimes I’m out doing something and see a quote on a wall or hear a song that connects with something you’ve said. And it makes sense. And I smile because I understand what you meant or at least it makes me realize something I needed to learn. I said all that because I want you to know that your stories, comments, videos help people. They help me.

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +3

      That is such a beautiful thing to tell me Lisa...:) Thank you so much....I had quite a good time chatting with you all in this video and I wasn't apologizing...I just wanted to clear the air and I feel if we are close enough, it feels good to hear others' points of view and hash them out. I can't ever be censored...the Dear Lord knows I was born without a filter, so nothing will change... so I think some misunderstood my video about being misunderstood...which reminds me the Universe has a great sense of humor!!! xo Love to you! Sues & Dez

  • @susanluski3013
    @susanluski3013 2 роки тому +5

    Susan, please don't filter yourself. Even by you clarifying what you have said in the past shows what a kind and thoughtful person you are. So if it made you feel better to talk about these misunderstandings, I'm glad you did (which I sometimes feel the need to do so myself, so I understand...) Every weekend, I look forward to and appreciate your heart-warming videos. How is it that I can relate to each and every one? My heart goes out to you about the feelings you went thru about the news of the former man in your life. Hugs to you and Desi. Wishing you both the very best in finding that house with the yard for Desi. xoxo Susan

  • @newday5
    @newday5 2 роки тому +2

    This vlog is so relatable and when when one door closes a window is opened to reveal something wonderfully beautiful. Keep that optimistic dream .

  • @ehpeachylove
    @ehpeachylove 2 роки тому +1

    Be You always, you are delightful and beautiful.
    I was married twice, first one dishonest second one a cheater with a gf of mine. I couldn’t understand why and I felt a failure . The only thing that kept me sane was my son and working hard as a waitress and baker at a Woolworth store back in the very early 70’s. It took years for me to feel okay with myself, but that wall around my heart has never fully come down. I’m 73 soon to be 74 at the end of this month, I look at my life now and know those experiences I had over the yrs have made me who I am today and I am proud of myself for raising a wonderful, loving son, my four grandchildren and a wonderful daughter in law. Worked hard all my life.
    You have helped open my eyes to a lot of good things to think about and I thank you. You do not need to apologized to anyone .
    Happy to see you and Desi. Happy ☘️ too!

  • @shirlynssleeve4661
    @shirlynssleeve4661 2 роки тому +4

    Being 62, a grandmother of 10 saying exactly what I think to me is a blessing! Feisty women are fabulous. BTW The Grand Rapids & District Pipe Band(bagpipes) will be playing all over GR (see Facebook) on the 17th & performing in Rockford on Saturday (Outside) then 5th street hall that night. Susan I have never heard anything come out of your mouth that I thought offensive.

  • @Cookingforacrowd
    @Cookingforacrowd 2 роки тому +11

    You are a gem! And you have a great name! Susan’s stick together!!!

  • @anafauteux3395
    @anafauteux3395 2 роки тому +2

    You're a special lady!!! Your experiences help me so much when it comes to taking care of me! I grew up being told you are to be seen and not heard. So when I got married, I thought that keeping house and providing for my husband's needs would be it, but sadly not so. I didn't know anything about communication and how important it is in a relationship and life itself!!! This affected me so much in the long run! But hey, I'm working on me and what makes me happy and brings me peace! I'm so glad your videos were recommended last year!!! You helped me through some tough times! I just turned 60 and I'm on my way!!! Lol!!! GBU!!!

  • @DeborahWaltenburg
    @DeborahWaltenburg Рік тому

    I do not comprehend this need to constantly monitor what someone says so it doesn't offend anyone. Someone, somewhere, anywhere on the planet, is always going to find something by which to be offended. Tell your truth. Tell YOUR story. Tell YOUR feelings. If you're constantly self-correcting, then what you really feel might not reach someone who needs to hear it. No, I don't believe we humans should spend copious amounts of time beating ourselves up, but on the flip side, if you are telling a story about something you did that made you feel any kind of way, what is it, other than true? Just be you. You is beautiful. You is amazing. You have a lot of wisdom to impart. 💝

  • @rrichardson53
    @rrichardson53 2 роки тому +9

    ❤️❤️❤️wow I loved this video! I feel like we are so much alike (same age, both love photography, been married multiple times, love dogs etc). But I could never have a weekly vlog- I’d say things that could be taken wrong and maybe offend some. You are so kind and honest- I love that about you

  • @caro.caro.9578
    @caro.caro.9578 2 роки тому +3

    You are such an inspiration. ❤️I have an obligation to one day share my story. Thing are not always what they seem…especially in today’s world. Thanks for always sharing from the heart 🙏🏽

  • @peopleplacesandperspective5564
    @peopleplacesandperspective5564 2 роки тому

    I appreciate and adore your genuine sharing. You make the world a better place! I’m 64 and can relate to your stories. I was thinking in the movie Rocky, one of important lines was him telling Adrian, “ I’ve felt like a loser, and rather I win or loose this fight, it’s really about going the distance.” That’s the real theme of the movie. 💫💛🍀👍🎼So happy for you all your progress and new discoveries continue.

  • @loriaslanian
    @loriaslanian 2 роки тому +1

    I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who sometimes cringes when thinking about something I’ve said that I wish I wouldn’t have! Just to let you know, I have never been offended by anything you’ve said. I feel only gentleness, love, and understanding from you. Thank you for being vulnerable and relatable.

  • @liedyMc
    @liedyMc 2 роки тому +15

    Love the conversation Susan , I truly believe there will always be new lessons new redo’s of things said or not .. to me that just means we are growing learning and it’s called life … I don’t live to fit in I live to standout.
    I think it’s fabulous you are taking time to do you , do everything for you the things you love.
    Life is a journey not a destination, enjoy the journey:) hugs X2 Desi 🥰

    • @LittlePoet
      @LittlePoet 2 роки тому +1

      I am 100% with you Liedy!!!!

    • @kathyabeauty
      @kathyabeauty 2 роки тому +1

      I love your line "I don't live to fit in, I live to stand out". Wow. I'm stealing it. Lol

  • @lindav1189
    @lindav1189 2 роки тому +27

    You are amazing. Gosh, when I just now saw you say, "I felt like a loser". I felt like, "wow, she seems successful, and still feels like I do sometimes". So, don't worry about what you say, there will ALWAYS be someone who is offended these days. I can totally identify feeling like your son would look at you differently. I was always the business dynamo, raising my son as a single parent. Now, I am retired and he has far exceeded me in business. I feel insecure around him. It's MY issue, he is great.

    • @GloryBe123
      @GloryBe123 2 роки тому +16

      Even if the student (son) reaches higher than his teacher and is successful, that says a lot about how very very well you were imitated and respected enough for him to succeed even beyond. Great role model you are Linda. Be proud!

    • @lindav1189
      @lindav1189 2 роки тому +3

      @@GloryBe123 thank you, that was encouraging

  • @pambohnhoff2163
    @pambohnhoff2163 2 роки тому +1

    Although I don't believe you've ever said anything that disturbed me, I want to thank you for caring so much about your viewers, that you put the time and effort into clarification. You are incredibly committed to all of us. Thank you, Susan!

  • @lynettegill14
    @lynettegill14 2 роки тому

    I’ve felt like you many times I don’t fit in, I’ve messed up, made bad choices, said things that in hindsight I wish I hadn’t! Wasted precious time on someone who turned out not worth it! But neither I nor you are unique in that and we all pick ourselves up and keep going. At 66 I am now at peace with myself and my life. Love your posts and your honesty! Don’t change.

  • @carola3046
    @carola3046 2 роки тому +6

    Susan, just so you know, I would never can pickles. Or make jelly! Or can sauce and peppers. That’s because my husband does!!!😉 He loves doing it. I do prepare the jars! Honestly, when I was younger, I didn’t say what I felt or thought. At about 50, I just decided to let it go. It feels better to be authentic. And, you are just that. Just keep being true to yourself. We are here because you are just real! Blessings 🤗

  • @angietiller2332
    @angietiller2332 2 роки тому +3

    Suzy I love this. First,my goodness your crowd is tough on you! I love that you say whatever’s on your mind that’s what makes your videos so endearing.

  • @nancywareham979
    @nancywareham979 2 роки тому

    I live in Florida ,but will be moving to The rolling hills of Kentucky on April 15 th. My husband and I of 54 years have reached the top finally. In all the struggles of raising a family, managing our lives we have reached the “sigh” moment. It’s the dream that we never lost sight of , but for most of our 54 yrs thought we would never have. When I think of the pain we went through to reach this mountain it was all worth it, But in the midst of that pain was 3 sons flourishing, graduating from college, getting married ,having children , becoming successful. That was our reward for the pain, because through that pain of growth they became strong and independent. They grew in gra

  • @karendegraaf1146
    @karendegraaf1146 2 роки тому

    Love your videos, and all the comments. Helps with the lonely times.

  • @BR-kk9qu
    @BR-kk9qu 2 роки тому +6

    I loved this video. You are wonderful at your craft. For me, I am making a list of things I will and won’t change in my life. Thanks for being you. I seriously never noticed any of the comments you mentioned. I just look forward to your videos.~ Belinda 🌺🌺🌺

  • @j9501b
    @j9501b 2 роки тому +3

    I have found the things we say that bother us so badly, tend to not have that affect on the other person. I have apologized for things said... Other person didn't even remember!

  • @widowswisdomtarot6280
    @widowswisdomtarot6280 2 роки тому +2

    Love Watching. I am 62 and alone. Widowed twice. I live in Florida and its been a challenging week. My daughter sided with her obsessed husband and what is worse; make two grandsons have listened to him and aren't speaking to me. Nothing has hurt more. I find comfort from watching your videos

  • @carolinedanielson4387
    @carolinedanielson4387 2 роки тому

    I love you and your videos because of your openness and honesty. You make me feel less alone. Please keep sharing! ❤