Marcus your editing keeps on getting better and better, the part with the speeding forward on the music and then stopping when the music stopped at the traffic light was so creative and those little things make these vlogs so awesome, so great job mate!
You guys are my absolute favorite vloggers! Don't listen to the haters "haters gonna hate". I always look forward to when I get the notification from UA-cam and then finally watching it during my lunch time, it is the best part of my day.
Love your channel. Disregard the haters. You have more love on this channel than hate. There will always be haters. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the honesty and truthfulness.
I'm thinking the same. Jon doesn't need management. He already has an established name, all the right gear and money of his own. If you are looking for some more information about UA-cam just hire a consultant for a couple of times that way you are in full control.
I was a good skier, but I was much better on the business aspect of being a pro skier. If I ask for help its because the stats that I can see only offers me 0.0001% of the info compared to a MCN that has 50 000 000 views a month. They have stats on what week/days/periods are good, what periods we should expect to have a decrease in views as UA-cam usage worldwide is down those weeks. When companies buys add space, connecting us with other youtubers etc ect Info that we cant get anywhere else with the same accuracy. Why would I not want all the info I can get if I am doing youtube videos every day. Its like being a pro skier and saying that I am so good I dont need a coach to shoot video and help me out... ;-)
Jon, don't listen to the ignorant haters. Never let that get you down. You guys do great work and 99% of your subs support you!! Keep up the good work.
Great video, excellent editing by Marcus as usual. Thank you for bringing us along with you on your journey. By reading the comments I think that some people are concerned with the signing because they think that the channel will change. However I think that it is good step for you since it'll help the productivity of the channel. So congrats! And I hope for you the best. Ps Keep doing what you're doing
Jon, you look a little overwhelmed and stressed in a way recognizable. You have to remember that when you try to please people, you will end up in a bad place. Just be you and do what feels right to you. When you enjoy what you do, we enjoy even more. Viewers feel everything! Relax and take it easy!
That sounds like a lot of editing work for Marcus to do all those subtitles. Plus, his English is getting worse by the day, so it would probably be terrible! He's too busy eating ice cream.
The dogs are getting cuter every day, and Jon looks worse & worse. His No Regrets shirt has more rips & holes in it than that awful jean jacket that Janni has! If he stood on the side of the road with a cardboard sign, I bet people would give him a few dollars, unless the sign says "Need Money to Buy RED Camera". :)
maybe, just maybe, they can even spin left instead of spinning right for a change, too!! Eventually it'll probably get over-used, though and everybody will hate it.
Also just read all the comments which I never do and this is literally my expectations 😑😑🤔🙄😡 like seriously do whatever the fuck you want to do. When your started this it wasn't about none of us being apart of what you did or do. That was the fun of it surprises are always better then being a part of it. Like the episode of the wedding you and Janni had no idea of how it look so idk just an example. You guys are awesome at whatever you do just stay that way 😘😏✌🏾
Oavsett vad du/ni hittar på i din vlogg är det fortfarande lika kul att se på dem! Blivit helt fast och sett varje vlogg du lagt upp under typ 2 veckor och sitter varje dag och väntar på en ny som om det vore en julkalender eller liknande haha! Ha en go helg! :D
Busy week for you guys I know but this vlog just feels like you are ticking the daily vlog box and not going overkill. It's a hard balance but i think you guys are better than the last few blogs
lol, for me, a huge part of this blog is Marcus, not as a "cameraman-editor" but also as a character, lets not forget he is the one showing us a glipse of Jon'r world and he is a big part of the blog, it wouldn't be the same without him, he should totally be signing with them!!
We did not forget actually, we have been talking about removing it for a couple weeks and today we did it. We think its better with shorter titles so that why! ;-)
Jon is so nice!!! he is always very kind with anybody... your albanian friend is very funny...i am from Albania too, but i live in Greece!! you should come in Greece and also in Albania ..they are both very beautiful mediterranean countries !!
*Jon, you are amazing man ! And Markus too, and NO I'm not gay haha. Just keep going like this. Being once or twice a little lazy its not that bad. Who is perfect? They need to try doing daily Vlogs to see how difficult that life is. So, don't listen. Just do your thing. You guys are great but Janni as most beautiful one ;-).*
They've missed it 2-3 times before so hopefully not a permanent change. Vlog # in title is a must if you want to go back and watch episodes chronologically.
Dude fuck those commentators that says those type of things , at the end of the day your doing something and it's your blog . Love you guys for what you do, been a big fan since you first started gumball rallys
JON!!! I'm planning to go on my first trip to the states and i wonder what you like the best and what you would recommend, Los Angeles or New York City?
if you cant do 2 things at a time is fuz you had learn not to. beeing a extreme sport atleet makes you focus on 1 thing and do it 100% good. a person who lives like that will never lose that skill
why did you sign with a mcn, i would think that it is a bad decision for growing the channel as i have only heard bad things about them apart from defending copy right claims which doesn't really affect your channel. no hate just wondering?
The knowledge they have is huge and there is a ton of reasons to do it and no real reason not to do it. Had a Scandinavian MCN before but we thought it was time for a bigger international one. Nothing bad about MCN from my experience, just a lot of knowledge that you cant find anywhere else. ;-) /JON
You will regret it Jon. They will not deliver what they told you they will....You should just get your own CMS via youtube. If you want to learn more about youtube just sign up for UA-cam classes at the YT space. I guess you will be able to switch in 18 months... And you will.
Haha, Thanks! ;-) We had an MCN for 150 days so we know exactly what it means and how it effects a channel. Being in a bigger one means that they have more info to help us out and just by the info we got yesterday I got answers to a ton of questions I have been asking myself, so signing a 1 year deal would have been worth the info I got yesterday. Devin Supertramp is with them and seems like he is not doing all that bad.... ;-) Whats up with all the hate on everything lately? ;-)
Jon and Marcus, Here's a challenge for one of your Vlogs. Do a whole video speaking Swedish & Norwegian with swear words in English. Maybe test Marcus's editing skills and have sub titles for some or all of it. Just a thought, What happened to Team Overkill ?
Marcus your editing keeps on getting better and better, the part with the speeding forward on the music and then stopping when the music stopped at the traffic light was so creative and those little things make these vlogs so awesome, so great job mate!
Jon is good at making a simple day seem hectic.
Apparently all people do in LA is eat and fight traffic on the freeways.
and catch pokemon and skate
You guys are my absolute favorite vloggers! Don't listen to the haters "haters gonna hate". I always look forward to when I get the notification from UA-cam and then finally watching it during my lunch time, it is the best part of my day.
Do they even have haters? :D
Love your channel. Disregard the haters. You have more love on this channel than hate. There will always be haters. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the honesty and truthfulness.
Forget about yesterday jon...what I appreciate is the honesty in your vlogs.
love from australia
What about that Q&A with Riley?
Please guys, don't ever stop vloging together!! Best idea ever. Love to watch u guys every day
I definitely missed the drone shots when you were in NY 👌🏼
I love seeing my city from such a sweet angle ☺️
I don't know how, but you guys produce beyond Neistat-level drone footage! Keep on grinding, the vlogs continues as my daily highlight!
Fantastic vlog again Jon and Marcus! I enjoyed every second of it.
Signing with a management company is a horrible decision. The vlog should be all about Jon and Marcus being creative. Don't let any fucking suits in.
that's not what a management company does...
I'm thinking the same. Jon doesn't need management. He already has an established name, all the right gear and money of his own. If you are looking for some more information about UA-cam just hire a consultant for a couple of times that way you are in full control.
I was a good skier, but I was much better on the business aspect of being a pro skier.
If I ask for help its because the stats that I can see only offers me 0.0001% of the info compared to a MCN that has 50 000 000 views a month. They have stats on what week/days/periods are good, what periods we should expect to have a decrease in views as UA-cam usage worldwide is down those weeks. When companies buys add space, connecting us with other youtubers etc ect
Info that we cant get anywhere else with the same accuracy. Why would I not want all the info I can get if I am doing youtube videos every day. Its like being a pro skier and saying that I am so good I dont need a coach to shoot video and help me out... ;-)
50mill views isnt much
Every night I wait for your vlog and Casey's vlog in equal anticipation. It's like a ritual for me
Jon, don't listen to the ignorant haters. Never let that get you down. You guys do great work and 99% of your subs support you!! Keep up the good work.
Great video, excellent editing by Marcus as usual. Thank you for bringing us along with you on your journey. By reading the comments I think that some people are concerned with the signing because they think that the channel will change. However I think that it is good step for you since it'll help the productivity of the channel. So congrats! And I hope for you the best.
Ps Keep doing what you're doing
The Riley Q&A needs to happen!
Great to see max!! Finally some energy to the blog!
Jon, you look a little overwhelmed and stressed in a way recognizable. You have to remember that when you try to please people, you will end up in a bad place. Just be you and do what feels right to you. When you enjoy what you do, we enjoy even more. Viewers feel everything! Relax and take it easy!
Great to see you guys are back at it again.👍🏻 excited Jon. Great work Team Overkill!
Jon and Marcus! Amazing done with the vlog streak! Love Sweden!
You know you have a boring life when you binge watch Jon Olson vlogs at night. It's so Dan addictive!!!!!!!!
That ending drone montage was sick!
Jon, one suggestion. How about a vid where you and Marcus speak no English but speak your native languages? W/ subtitles, of course.
This is a good idea
That sounds like a lot of editing work for Marcus to do all those subtitles. Plus, his English is getting worse by the day, so it would probably be terrible! He's too busy eating ice cream.
too busy eating icecream mmd
I think English is the only language they have in common.
msnpassjan2004 Norwegians and Swedes understand one another, no problem.
Grattis till kontrakt! Grymt jobbat det förtjänar ni!
Loves this vlog because it feels like a vlog/reality show mix, since Jon doesn't really hold the camera much.
Congrats Jon!!
Love your vlogs Erik!
If there's no Q&A with Riley, pls tell us at least where he bought this stunning sweater!! Thanks a lot! 👌
I'll say you guys are not lazy. And I enjoyed the other video. I'm do excited to see what you guys have to show us when the videos come out.
What happened with the Q/A you were suppose to have with Riley?
promises, promises. The golden retriever thought he was going to get more vlog time too, but it's always Marley hogging the camera.
hahahaaha lucky marley!
Dudes, what about the Q&A with Riley?
Those dogs are still as pretty as yesterday 😍😍
No shit.
I LOVE the golden
The dogs are getting cuter every day, and Jon looks worse & worse. His No Regrets shirt has more rips & holes in it than that awful jean jacket that Janni has! If he stood on the side of the road with a cardboard sign, I bet people would give him a few dollars, unless the sign says "Need Money to Buy RED Camera". :)
I love the spinnig-thing. It's like a game. You should do this more often with giving two options where the spin goes! 👍
maybe, just maybe, they can even spin left instead of spinning right for a change, too!! Eventually it'll probably get over-used, though and everybody will hate it.
You should come and visit Santa Barbara, nicest place on earth with some great hiking and waterlife!
I love Santa Barbara! But i will take my town over SB any day of the week - San Clemente : )
Also just read all the comments which I never do and this is literally my expectations 😑😑🤔🙄😡 like seriously do whatever the fuck you want to do. When your started this it wasn't about none of us being apart of what you did or do. That was the fun of it surprises are always better then being a part of it. Like the episode of the wedding you and Janni had no idea of how it look so idk just an example. You guys are awesome at whatever you do just stay that way 😘😏✌🏾
Reactions *
What are your thoughts on the GoPro Karma? Will it replace your DJI?
On the 27th you will get our answer to that... crazy thibgs to come...🙌🏼😃💥
Looking forward to it!!! Keep up the great stuff. You overtook Casey as my favourite UA-camr some time ago 😂
don't forget the DJI box we saw few vlogs back, can't wait ;P
Na Jon is at a new dji drone release next week the dji mavic
The in between shots were on point in this vlogg👍
Hi Jon, what's that for a sunglass brand at 2:52 ? I think it isn't a dior, right?
best words ever "filming the whole day "
keep it up
Love your editing Marcus!
Oavsett vad du/ni hittar på i din vlogg är det fortfarande lika kul att se på dem! Blivit helt fast och sett varje vlogg du lagt upp under typ 2 veckor och sitter varje dag och väntar på en ny som om det vore en julkalender eller liknande haha! Ha en go helg! :D
Great vibe to this vlog
Busy week for you guys I know but this vlog just feels like you are ticking the daily vlog box and not going overkill. It's a hard balance but i think you guys are better than the last few blogs
11:00 everybody that plays GTA V will know this place :)
i played the game but still dont know it :)
Damn haven't seen that, it's freaking exactly the same in the game lol. Thought you were talking about that crossing on venice where they ate. 5:24
yeeeep 😁
What brand is Riley's jacket?
are we getting the Q&A with Riley?
What, do you use "snus", Jon?
he was rEALLY pissed by the one who called him lazy 😁😂
Can't wait for this Mavic, buying one for sure, better have better range than the Karma! Gonna fly it skiing Verbier all winter :) :)
lol, for me, a huge part of this blog is Marcus, not as a "cameraman-editor" but also as a character, lets not forget he is the one showing us a glipse of Jon'r world and he is a big part of the blog, it wouldn't be the same without him, he should totally be signing with them!!
When are you going to Marbella again??
10 days! ,-)
We miss Marbella! And where is Richard? Maby there will be a special "happy 50 birthday Richard"- vlog:-)
yaya can't wait to see you!
Are You going to buy the brand new audi rs 6 avant performance?? and tuned it to 1500 hp and a fully carbon kit??
Are you guys comming to the FIS freestyle ski championship at Sierra Nevada in March?
Jon, don't give a sh*t on what those teenagers say who haven't worked a single minute in their entire lives.
You're doing great stuff, keep it up!
Bummer this is the end of the Cali 🌴 vlogs, but excited to see what the future brings🌅 😜🤘by the way those end shots were 🙌!
VLOG 162? The title doesnt show VLOG-number
He's lazy.
Team overkill ain't lazy, you are.
Sure, I'm lazy, but I got here before you did! :)
Oh, apply water to burned area
Does Somebody know where rileys jacket are from?
Please! I also hope someone knows it
Best vlogger in the world!!
When Janni and Jon re-unite they should do an all Swedish vlog with subtitles!
Jon, what is your favourite snus? Do you use white or not?
you forgot to put vlog 162 in the title
We did not forget actually, we have been talking about removing it for a couple weeks and today we did it. We think its better with shorter titles so that why! ;-)
But i like it with number on
Liked it better with the vlog number. Makes it a bit more manageable ;)
Turn the numbers on again please :(
Jon is so nice!!! he is always very kind with anybody... your albanian friend is very funny...i am from Albania too, but i live in Greece!! you should come in Greece and also in Albania ..they are both very beautiful mediterranean countries !!
Another great video!
*Jon, you are amazing man ! And Markus too, and NO I'm not gay haha. Just keep going like this. Being once or twice a little lazy its not that bad. Who is perfect? They need to try doing daily Vlogs to see how difficult that life is. So, don't listen. Just do your thing. You guys are great but Janni as most beautiful one ;-).*
you forgot the number of the vlog
maybe a new kind of title style ?
They've missed it 2-3 times before so hopefully not a permanent change. Vlog # in title is a must if you want to go back and watch episodes chronologically.
Nice work guys!
Where will you be the 29th of November because im going on vacation in Marbella on the Höstlov and I really want to meet you there😬
great vlog work again!
Dude fuck those commentators that says those type of things , at the end of the day your doing something and it's your blog . Love you guys for what you do, been a big fan since you first started gumball rallys
The GT3 RS have no plates...?!
Congrats on your Full Screen Media contract! :-)
Good Luck Dude !!!
Där fick vi de, snus på bordet 1:10 .. General måntro?
Hi Jon! Could u tell me which company is ur friends hoodie from ? :D this one when he say "your coffee has arrived" ;)
JON!!! I'm planning to go on my first trip to the states and i wonder what you like the best and what you would recommend, Los Angeles or New York City?
Jon, varför bor du inte i huset i Marbella på hösten? Jag menar det är super fint väder där även nu.
if you cant do 2 things at a time is fuz you had learn not to. beeing a extreme sport atleet makes you focus on 1 thing and do it 100% good. a person who lives like that will never lose that skill
Did I just saw you holding your phone with Maps while driving again at the end? haha. nevermind. enjoyed your vlog again as always. thumbs up.
Did u guys forget making the Q&A with Rilley?! :(
ahah Jon Olsson look at Marcus' 7:30 edit-frenzy. Dont give him so much Red Bull at night
snusar du jon på soffbordet brevid datorn 0:51
Haha jaa, men han skulle aldrig erkänna :)
var såg du det?
brevid datorn 0:51 AudioWizard4
Haha jag såg också det :) Jon + General
Watching Jon hurt himself in these vlogs makes me laugh so much! :3
U seen betsafes new add? Supercar on glacier :D
why did you sign with a mcn, i would think that it is a bad decision for growing the channel as i have only heard bad things about them apart from defending copy right claims which doesn't really affect your channel. no hate just wondering?
The knowledge they have is huge and there is a ton of reasons to do it and no real reason not to do it. Had a Scandinavian MCN before but we thought it was time for a bigger international one. Nothing bad about MCN from my experience, just a lot of knowledge that you cant find anywhere else. ;-)
You will regret it Jon. They will not deliver what they told you they will....You should just get your own CMS via youtube. If you want to learn more about youtube just sign up for UA-cam classes at the YT space. I guess you will be able to switch in 18 months... And you will.
You only provided a positive thing MCN does...What exactly have you heard about them thats negative?
Good for You! You can only do so much - a great Team will build for you - you and Marcus are focused on your growth- Congratulations 😄👊🏼😄
Haha, Thanks! ;-) We had an MCN for 150 days so we know exactly what it means and how it effects a channel. Being in a bigger one means that they have more info to help us out and just by the info we got yesterday I got answers to a ton of questions I have been asking myself, so signing a 1 year deal would have been worth the info I got yesterday. Devin Supertramp is with them and seems like he is not doing all that bad.... ;-) Whats up with all the hate on everything lately? ;-)
Jon, I can't believe you haven't gone to Huntington Beach = Surf City. Let me know if you need a tour.
This is so much GTA. I love this :D
can you explain what are the benefits of signing your UA-cam channel with a company?
yes, I want to know too please Jon.
Like before watching ;)
bon appetit guys
What kind of phone subscription do you have to be able to use data in all the countries you visit Jon?
why is Riley moving when he comes back, seems like a nice house?
it was for sale for $639,000
Maybe he wants something bigger
how do u know it's 639k?
Jon please put the numbers back on the vlogs. Marcos, make sure he does it. Thanks
Where is the Riley Q&A?
2:10 is that grove street??
Jon do you miss the headphone jack on your iPhone? Are you still able to use Jannis present (the headphones)?
Ah I just realized they include an adapter, but well that sucks.
Roses are red Violets are blue
UA-cams end is near
We would all be safe
If Harambe was here
Cab you please make a DB bags vlog
can you do a vid on gear
Jon and Marcus,
Here's a challenge for one of your Vlogs. Do a whole video speaking Swedish & Norwegian with swear words in English.
Maybe test Marcus's editing skills and have sub titles for some or all of it.
Just a thought, What happened to Team Overkill ?
U skipped from the drone shot to bye. Should have shown Riley
Can you fix a discount on the Db bags?
Where's the Q and A with Riley ?