The world lost a truly amazing man. If I could go back in time and try to save someone, other than my husband who passed in May, and my daughter who died in Auguast after battling cancer for 7 years... I'd try to save, Freddy Mercury, Robin Williams, John Candy and George Carlin.😢😢😢
"We're in the Highlands, where else? Running down a mountainside. The sun is shining. It's not cold. You've got your sheepskins on, and the boots I made for you. Good night, my bonny Heather."
Brian May! I don't know if y'all noticed that the first verse was sung by Brian May, the guitarist. He also wrote this song. He also wrote and directed the orchestration. Let's not forget, Freddie isn't the only genius in Queen. Oh, yeah...Brian is also an Astrophysicist.
This song is from the soundtrack to The Highlander with Sean Connery, Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown. An excellent cult classic with OUTSTANDING music. Much love ❤️ …if love must die
Technically it’s not the soundtrack to Highlander. The studio bungled and never really had a queen soundtrack. A kind of magic was the best soundtrack that wasn’t a soundtrack of all time
@@chrissmith7669, I heard it while watching The Highlander way back when that was new. The only music you hear in a movie is the soundtrack. This song is from that soundtrack.
@@CuttinEJ That’s the thing. It’s in the movie and everyone calls it the soundtrack but as far as I know the movie people never released an official movie soundtrack. It’s from the Queen Album “A kind of Magic” that everyone calls the soundtrack because it has most of the songs used in the film. I call it the greatest soundtrack that’s not the soundtrack. Lol
@@chrissmith7669, a soundtrack doesn’t have to be released to actually be a soundtrack. Back when The Highlander was released a lot of soundtracks weren’t released separately. This movie in particular was a fairly low budget film that I don’t even remember seeing in theaters. My understanding is that one of the ways Queen was enticed to write the score was that they retained the right to release an album. Even the name of the album was taken from a line in the movie when Connor is saying goodbye to Rachel. “It’s a kind of magic.” So, yes, this is from the soundtrack.
@@chrissmith7669, I should mention that “low budget” isn’t an insult or a slur. Considering the cast, crew and music they were operating on a shoestring just to get it done. Producing a soundtrack for separate release would almost certainly have been cost prohibitive.
Despite this song being written by Brian May for the Soundtrack of Highlander, this has a lot of foreshadowing of Freddie's passing, which makes this song even more special for its style and quality.
@@FuzzyFoot58 Sick, maybe...but unlike the scene in the "Bohemian Rhapsody" film, Freddie wasn't actually diagnosed with HIV until 1987, a year after this film came out. And because there were no reliable treatments for it at the time, he only lived four more years.
@@Moviefan2k4 I believe that Brian mentioned that they all suspected that Freddie was sick long before he actually got the diagnosis. It was very common back then to push off going to the doctor to find out, because they were afraid to get an official death sentence with a positive diagnosis. He most likely had symptoms for a year or more before he got up enough courage to see a doctor. that you have heard this song, you need to see the film it comes from...Highlander! Starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, and Clancy Brown, it tells the story of immortals battling in New York City to win a mystical prize, with lots of flashbacks to eras in history focusing on Lambert's character, Connor Macleod (Mac Cloud), a Scots warrior from 16th Century Scotland. The scene that this song plays over is haunting and sad...and one of my favorite moments in the film. This is just one of several songs Queen wrote for the film, others being "Kind Of Magic", "Princes Of the Universe", "One Year Of Love", "Gimme The Prize", and "Hammer To Fall". All of the songs were released on the Kind of Magic album.
I have no idea what these other guys are talking about. They never made any sequels to Highlander or a TV show. Nope. They sure as hell wouldn't remake it. It's a perfect movie. It has a perfect end. "My bonnie Heather..." Oh my god, what a scene.
@@magnificentfailure2390 Do some research before making a fool of yourself. Just because YOU haven't heard anything about a remake doesn't mean it's not true. Well, congratulations, you heard it here first. You're welcome.
Same. Arms wide open screaming at the sky as the Quickening finds its prize. I loved Sean Connery’s mentor character. We all wanted a dad, uncle or grandpa like him (or Captain Kirk lol). Clancy Brown is a good villain to watch; still deserves head removal but I enjoyed watching him confidently step into that hoodlum causing chaos role. I think of him when I see safety pins. And Yes I silently cheered seeing the Highlander show up in Mortal Kombat a decade later, with that laugh (you humans are so unpredictable).
When you watch Highlander, make sure it's the Director's Cut. There's a pivotal scene, cut from the theatrical release, that explains the relationship between two characters. Brilliant film. One of my absolute favorites. Queen contributed several songs besides this one. It's a kind of magic.
@@spambaitpro Yep its so sad and powerful in that film. But I dont know why Freddie sings whole song with no Brian at the start. But its still amazing in the film
This was the love theme in the movie Highlander, starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery. A 1986 sci-fi movie about a race of immortals living among us. Queen did the soundtrack. Check out the theme song "Princes of the Universe".
@@conniedean1977 Couldn't agree with you more and it wasn't even close. I recently introduced my sister to the show and she absolutely loves it as well. Sure there was some 90's cheese but the series delved into so many more interesting things about what actually being an immortal meant. Topics that they couldn't really touch on (much less in depth) in the the movies due to time constraints. Adrian Paul and Stan Kirsh were both so good in their roles. Amanda was a really good side character as well, and then there was Methos who was the best character in the whole series. So interesting that a reboot of the movies is confirmed and in the works. I think with the director of John Wick and Henry Cavill on board as Connor MacLeod there is a real chance for the thing to succeed. The rumors are that apparently they are going not only borrow from what's already been done in the movies but also borrow ideas and lore from the series which should also up the chance for it to be really good.
"Who waits forever, anyway..." My Mom and I held each other and cried, after I got home and she told me of his passing. Last year, my daughter cried over their video "These Are the Days of Our Lives." It was so beautiful to her. Freddie Mercury will always be my favorite singer, and Queen is my favorite band.
The lyrics is about "Highlander" movie, the story of the movie, "the guy (Highlander) who lives forever" but he lost his lover. The song is from "Highlander" soundtrack ("A kind of Magic").
I mean Brian is really good, but when Freddie enters in with "there's no chance for us" I get chills every single time, his voice had some kind of magic (pun intended)
This song was made for the movie Highlander that came out in the '80s. Queen did every song on the soundtrack for the movie You should watch it. It's about an immortal and this song is played as the love of his life throws old and passes while he stays young cuz he's immortal That's why it's who wants to live forever
Such a beautiful song, a lament from an immortal to his mortal love as she passes. A fantastic anthem from Highlander, a movie well worth a reaction I think.
The day Freddie left us .... OMFG!!! I laid down on my floor in my living room and was inconsolable by anyone for hours! I shed so many tears. That was the first time I ever cried over a star. Losing him felt like losing a family member. I grew up with a grand piano in my home and it was played almost every day and it was almost always a Queen song that got played. Music lost so much when we lost Freddie.
You need to watch the movie Highlander, which was scored by QUEEN. Brian wrote this song but all of the songs are amazing. This song in the movie will make you cry.
My favorite Queen song. This was from The origional Highlander movie, the soundtrack in the entire movie is from Queen. I hope you watch the movie Someday,its so good😊
There's a lovely quote from Sir Terry Pratchett about living forever. "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away." It's so true. None of these stars will ever truly be dead with art like this left behind to make them live on. I mean some of the great classical composers have been gone for hundreds of years, but still we speak their names.
Thank you so much for playing the official video. The live version only has Freddy doing both vocal parts, where this one shows the beautiful contrast between Brian's and Freddy's vocals. While Freddy's vocals are always great, I prefer heading the two different vocals on this one. By the way, there is an instrumental version of this song called "Forever", which is a bonus track on the "A Kind Of Magic" album. That album is mostly the soundtrack for the movie "Highlander", but also includes "One Vision" from the movie "Iron Eagle". To fully understand the meaning behind this song, you really need to watch the movie "Highlander". I recommend the director's cut, which has a little more background information filled in. I don't want to ruin the song or the movie for you, but the song directly relates to a key part of the movie.
They were originally asked to do one track for the film and ended up doing the music for the whole film. Incidentally all songs were recorded the old way of having the film playing in the studio as they played and sang whilst being recorded.
One of the most hauntingly beautiful songs ever. I always think of Highlander when i hear it. It's so powerful!!! The story of someone who is imortal, and who loses people through all the lifetimes that he lives - hence, Who Wants To Live Forever! But in the end, There Can Be Only One!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard , it brings tears to my eyes listening to Freddie's powerful voice. Forever miss you Freddie 😢
Amber & Jay, there are so many great Queen songs to react to: "Stone Cold Crazy", "Death on Two Legs", "Tie Your Mother Down", "The Millionaire Waltz", "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy", "Spread Your Wings", "Play the Game", "Save Me", "Tear It Up", "It's a Hard Life", "Hammer to Fall", and SO many more!
When Freddy recorded this song, he was already deathly ill suffering from the effects of AIDS but was determined to record the song even though he was in such a weak state of health. R.I.P. Freddy.
This song is even more impactful and powerful when you consider that it is part of The Highlander soundtrack. There is an incredibly moving montage in one of the episodes of the tv series that features this song. It speaks to the tragedy of outliving those you love in a very profound sense because mortality is exaggerated by way of contrast to the lives of the Immortals (Connor and Duncan MacCleod, respectively) in the movie and the show.
What Amber said about how Freddie will live forever was so poignant and beautiful it actually brought a tear to my eye. Frediey will live forever in our hearts through his legacy.
The penultimate lyrics: "Who wants to live forever Who wants to live forever Forever is our today Who waits forever anyway?" Brian May/Queen define *forever*. Only One Sweet Moment set aside for us... Forever is our *today*; who *waits* forever (even one day). "'Carpe Diem"! This day, this moment, is all we have, each moment is our only forever. ❣Thank you Dr. Sir Brian, Freddie, Roger and John. Powerful. Brilliant 🤗
It was also used in the television series as well. In the Highlander context it's mournful to me, perhaps suggesting grief on some level. Regardless, it's a beautiful piece.
I'm used to the album version; which doesn't go into the choirs a second time in the end, but the music drops with Freddie singing, "Who waits forever, anyways." Then we hear the strings and drums play out. No fade out like they did in this version; just music
You really need to listen to Freddie's last recording from their last album together '' made in heaven '' the song is called '' A Winters Tale '' he was really sick at this time but was determined to finish it, his voice is superb it makes me cry ❤❤❤❤❤❤
One of my favorite Queen songs. It's just so damn beautiful. And the guitar and drums and orchestration elevate the song to a whole other level. It touches my heart every time I hear it. So glad you both loved it too! 🎵🎶
Queen was commissioned to write the soundtrack for the movie Highlander, which was about a group of Immortals -- people who really did live forever. The song is about how it feels for them watch friends and loved ones get old and die while they lived on. You should also take a look at the live version of this from the Wembley 1986 concerts, which were the last time they performed together live. It's heartbreaking for me to hear Freddie sing this because at the time, even though he had not been diagnosed with AIDS, he was starting to feel ill, and I'm sure he had a suspicion of what it was. Loved your reaction, though. I'm ready for more!
You absolutely must do Queen. "Take my breath away." The vocals and harmonies just might blow your mind!! More so than any other Queen song, in my opinion. 🤯
I totally agree! You take my breath away is a definite must, both the studio and the live version at Hyde Park with only Freddie on the piano. Love both versions 💕
Good bless Freddie Mercury! Every time I hear a Queen song, I wonder if they would be like the Rolling Stones, and still going strong if our man was still alive today. Could you imagine the music they would have produced. I loved the man, I loved their music. I can listen to the songs, but watching videos always brings tears to my eyes. Long live Freddie Mercury! There will never be another that can hold a candle to him, BRILLIANT! MISS YOU!
Good point since Jagger, Elton John, Rod Stewart, Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant, and many others are still here. But maybe since he is gone that's why people remember him.
The day Freddie died, I was at college studying Prforming Arts. I walked into college to find everyones head turned down. I stopped, looked around, and everyone was quiet. Some guys were crying,and some just looked shocked. Others mirrored my own confused face. Then i heard it. FREDDIE MERCURY JUST DIED. The shock! I looked around again and saw not just students but the teachers, too. All had a look of inner turmoil. The world just stopped. It was unbelievable and unforgettable.
Freddie can still give you the chills! When you really think about the words, it brings tears to your eyes! We will always miss Freddie! Have you guys reacted to Freddie’s opera stuff? He has such a range that opera seems effortless to him. You should really check it out!
My favorite Queen song of their entire catalogue. This song was one of several written by Queen for the Highlander film (1985) soundtrack and is featured both on the soundtrack album "A Kind of Magic" and on Queen's Greatest Hits - Volume 2. The song is questioning just how much of a gift immortality is, when you get down to the realities of living it. "Who wants to live forever...when love must die?" A poignant question, when you think about it.
Emotional! Powerful song! This is also from the album - A KIND OF MAGIC in 1986, which was made after their Live Aid Performance. Some of their best work on that album. The song was used in the film HIGHLANDER. They were asked to make a song for the film and Brian May wrote this song for it. The song was not written about Freddie dying from AIDS but it is sort of ironic that it was written after Freddie was diagnosed with AIDS. The talent of all of the Queen band members is undeniable.
My apologies. He Had HIV. He was diagnosed with AIDS in 1987. He had symptoms and knew he had HIV earlier. There is a difference between HIV and full blown AIDS. Anyone at the time in the early to mid-80's who had symptoms of HIV knew it was a death sentence.
I can't imagine dying of a disease and having to write songs for a movie, about a man that is Immortal. Has to watch everyone he ever loved pass away while he never grows older.
I am so so so glad y'all finally reacted to this incredible song. Although the official video is outstanding, I suggest y'all also check out their performance of this song (it was their introduction of it to their fans) at their Live from Wembley (Live Aid) concert . The crowd went from cheering to complete, mesmerized silence as they were captivated by Freddie's raw, emotion-filled voice. This song was written for the movie "Highlander", which was about an immortal man & this song was the love song played as they showed his life with his one true love, a mortal woman, as she grew older & then died. This song was also played at Freddie's funeral. It is my favorite Queen song & is, imho, one of the greatest love songs ever written.
This song was NOT on the LiveAid setlist. Queen played six songs: "Bohemian Rhapsody;" "Radio GaGa;" "Hammer to Fall;" "Crazy Little Thing Called Love;" "We Will Rock You;" and "We Are the Champions." The live album from Wembley Stadium was recorded a year later.
I was 18 years old when I was driving home from Thanksgiving dinner... then the radio announced Freddie died. I had to pull over to collect my thoughts as I grew up with Fred and Queen. I cried for days, it was such a huge loss.
This is from the movie Highlander(1986) with Christopher Lambert as Connor Mc Cleod, he's immortal and this song is playing when his mortal wife, the love of his life is dying, it's a very sad moment, giving you wet eyes. The song Princes Of The Universe is from the same movie and in the official video you can see some fragments from the movie through the song, The song is awesome, I guarantee you. I already recommended it earlier but maybe you already tried to upload it and UA-cam didn't give permission yet, I don't know.
Brian May wrote this while they were driving in a van. They were kicking around ideas for the Highlander soundtrack and this came into his mind and he started singing it. By the time of recording, Freddie was so impressed by it that he insisted that Brian be the opening vocalist.
The all the band members are genius. They contribute in may different ways to makeup of the queen. What I really love about is there never any negative among the members even though they had their differences. They seem like more than bandmates. They seems like brothers and family. Love queen. RIP Freddy.
Since you were finally able to get to this song, you have to check out the movie "Highlander" (Which happens to be about immortals) in which this song was featured in. Queen had several songs in the soundtrack for it. Another of which is Hammer to Fall, which is in the movie you just saw about them when they performed at Live Aid!!!
I love this Queen song "Who Wants to Live Forever" is closely associated with the Highlander movie. The song was written by Brian May, the guitarist of Queen, and it serves as the movie, Highlander, emotional theme. The lyrics reflect the bittersweet and eternal nature of immortality, capturing the essence of the Highlander storyline. In the movie, the scene paired with "Who Wants to Live Forever" is particularly poignant. It occurs during a love story between Connor MacLeod and a mortal woman named Heather MacLeod, played by Beatie Edney. The couple experiences the challenges and heartbreak associated with Connor's immortality, as he ages very slowly while Heather ages normally. The song plays during a montage that spans centuries, showcasing the couple's enduring love and the passage of time. This combination of the emotional song and the visuals in the film adds depth and resonance to the Highlander narrative, exploring themes of love, loss, and the consequences of immortality, quite profound really.
R.I.P. Legend Freddie Mercury. You are gone but never forgotten. Say hi to Bon and Mal and tell them they are also loved and missed and hopefully someday we'll all join them for an amazing show! Highlander was such a badass movie. Total 80's movie with swords, sorcery and music! The church scene is STILL a classic! "I have something to say: It's better to burn out than fade away!"
At a recent funeral they played happy songs and this,which is one of the most popular in the UK.Everyone was bawling their eyes out,that is what Queen and Freddie could do
This song is the story of all of our lives….Life does fill our dreams yet it still slips away from us all.Every year slips by faster and faster.Even if you live a long life all your friends ,family and love will die….so who wants to live forever?
What has always struck me about this song is that Freddie Mercury knew he was very ill and didn't have much time left. This song (and the movie - "Highlander" - that it was written for_ always make me tear up. Just think of the magic tricks Freddie and the band would never be able to share with the world.
I've been a massive Queen fan since I was a kid (im now 50) ...I was lucky enough to be brought up in a house were music was so important mum dad and elder sister had a rich mix of music playing all the time ..I used to get woken up on a satuarday morning to my mum hoovering (vacuming) with Bohemian rhapsody or Radio GaGa , Led Zepplins Stairway to heaven and many others blasting out of the stero ....but it was Queen that really connected with me ..even though everyone knew Freddie was ill it was still such a blow when he passed ..such a shame ..Great reaction 👍
The day that Freddie Mercury died I walked into a record store and this was blasting on the speakers. I am not ashamed to admit I shed a tear.
I still do
That’s epic man. Poetic
I bawled
The world lost a truly amazing man. If I could go back in time and try to save someone, other than my husband who passed in May, and my daughter who died in Auguast after battling cancer for 7 years...
I'd try to save, Freddy Mercury, Robin Williams, John Candy and George Carlin.😢😢😢
"We're in the Highlands, where else? Running down a mountainside. The sun is shining. It's not cold. You've got your sheepskins on, and the boots I made for you. Good night, my bonny Heather."
There can be only one
Damn you, as if the song isn't emotional enough :P
reading this line legit just gave me chills. now i need to go watch the movie again. thanks.
"Aye Love" - Connor MacLeod
@@vh1ghland3rv28 Someone had to say it
Brian May! I don't know if y'all noticed that the first verse was sung by Brian May, the guitarist. He also wrote this song. He also wrote and directed the orchestration. Let's not forget, Freddie isn't the only genius in Queen.
Oh, yeah...Brian is also an Astrophysicist.
Well said. Freddie is one of the best ever, but because of that Brian May and his contributions get overlooked
@@lazaruslong8092 One could say the same for Roger Taylor's songwriting and vocals.
❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉John playing the double bass in this video
@@theresarandall7448 Right? How many rock bassists can handle an upright double bass?
Dr Sir Brian May 🙂
Queen was comissioned to write this song for the movie Highlander.
Great movie - great song.
This song is from the soundtrack to The Highlander with Sean Connery, Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown. An excellent cult classic with OUTSTANDING music. Much love ❤️
…if love must die
Technically it’s not the soundtrack to Highlander. The studio bungled and never really had a queen soundtrack. A kind of magic was the best soundtrack that wasn’t a soundtrack of all time
@@chrissmith7669, I heard it while watching The Highlander way back when that was new. The only music you hear in a movie is the soundtrack. This song is from that soundtrack.
@@CuttinEJ That’s the thing. It’s in the movie and everyone calls it the soundtrack but as far as I know the movie people never released an official movie soundtrack. It’s from the Queen Album “A kind of Magic” that everyone calls the soundtrack because it has most of the songs used in the film. I call it the greatest soundtrack that’s not the soundtrack. Lol
@@chrissmith7669, a soundtrack doesn’t have to be released to actually be a soundtrack. Back when The Highlander was released a lot of soundtracks weren’t released separately. This movie in particular was a fairly low budget film that I don’t even remember seeing in theaters. My understanding is that one of the ways Queen was enticed to write the score was that they retained the right to release an album. Even the name of the album was taken from a line in the movie when Connor is saying goodbye to Rachel. “It’s a kind of magic.” So, yes, this is from the soundtrack.
@@chrissmith7669, I should mention that “low budget” isn’t an insult or a slur. Considering the cast, crew and music they were operating on a shoestring just to get it done. Producing a soundtrack for separate release would almost certainly have been cost prohibitive.
Despite this song being written by Brian May for the Soundtrack of Highlander, this has a lot of foreshadowing of Freddie's passing, which makes this song even more special for its style and quality.
The band knew Freddie was sick when they made this album.
Bonjour, il savait déjà qu’il était condamné quand il a enregistré cette version, il manque tellement 😢❤
@@FuzzyFoot58 Sick, maybe...but unlike the scene in the "Bohemian Rhapsody" film, Freddie wasn't actually diagnosed with HIV until 1987, a year after this film came out. And because there were no reliable treatments for it at the time, he only lived four more years.
@@Moviefan2k4 I believe that Brian mentioned that they all suspected that Freddie was sick long before he actually got the diagnosis.
It was very common back then to push off going to the doctor to find out, because they were afraid to get an official death sentence with a positive diagnosis. He most likely had symptoms for a year or more before he got up enough courage to see a doctor.
@@FuzzyFoot58tbh it was highly suspected he had it from the late 70s but it can lay pretty silent for years unfortunately that you have heard this song, you need to see the film it comes from...Highlander! Starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, and Clancy Brown, it tells the story of immortals battling in New York City to win a mystical prize, with lots of flashbacks to eras in history focusing on Lambert's character, Connor Macleod (Mac Cloud), a Scots warrior from 16th Century Scotland. The scene that this song plays over is haunting and sad...and one of my favorite moments in the film.
This is just one of several songs Queen wrote for the film, others being "Kind Of Magic", "Princes Of the Universe", "One Year Of Love", "Gimme The Prize", and "Hammer To Fall". All of the songs were released on the Kind of Magic album.
Did you know they are remaking Highlander?
Didn't they use Prince's of the universe for the Highlander TV series?
I have no idea what these other guys are talking about.
They never made any sequels to Highlander or a TV show.
They sure as hell wouldn't remake it. It's a perfect movie.
It has a perfect end.
"My bonnie Heather..." Oh my god, what a scene.
@@magnificentfailure2390 Do some research before making a fool of yourself. Just because YOU haven't heard anything about a remake doesn't mean it's not true. Well, congratulations, you heard it here first. You're welcome.
@@ScottieContact YES!!! Henry Cavill, and directed by Chad Stahelski...move over Mr. Wick!
Can't hear this without picturing Christopher Lambert striding through the Scottish highlands in a kilt!
There can be only one
Same. Arms wide open screaming at the sky as the Quickening finds its prize.
I loved Sean Connery’s mentor character. We all wanted a dad, uncle or grandpa like him (or Captain Kirk lol).
Clancy Brown is a good villain to watch; still deserves head removal but I enjoyed watching him confidently step into that hoodlum causing chaos role. I think of him when I see safety pins.
And Yes I silently cheered seeing the Highlander show up in Mortal Kombat a decade later, with that laugh (you humans are so unpredictable).
@@DeAnne1233 Mom, woof.
@@billa3785 ‘Roo-Rooo-Roo-Rooo’
When you watch Highlander, make sure it's the Director's Cut. There's a pivotal scene, cut from the theatrical release, that explains the relationship between two characters. Brilliant film. One of my absolute favorites. Queen contributed several songs besides this one.
It's a kind of magic.
The scene featuring this song is just incredible.
@@spambaitpro Yep its so sad and powerful in that film. But I dont know why Freddie sings whole song with no Brian at the start. But its still amazing in the film
Between Connor and heather?
One of the most saddest songs in music history, especially if you know the meaning behind it.
Yes the Scene where heather dies is so heart felt and heart wrenching I love the ending line Aye Blossom
Who wants to live forever? You will, Freddie, you will. RIP.
This was the love theme in the movie Highlander, starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery. A 1986 sci-fi movie about a race of immortals living among us. Queen did the soundtrack.
Check out the theme song "Princes of the Universe".
I was so into the Highlander TV series. It was way better than any of the movies.
I love Highlander (first movie), TV show (all 6 seasons) and this soundtrack. Thanks guys!
Perfect music for the montage of Connor's wife aging while he doesn't. Sad and sweet.
@@conniedean1977 Couldn't agree with you more and it wasn't even close. I recently introduced my sister to the show and she absolutely loves it as well. Sure there was some 90's cheese but the series delved into so many more interesting things about what actually being an immortal meant. Topics that they couldn't really touch on (much less in depth) in the the movies due to time constraints. Adrian Paul and Stan Kirsh were both so good in their roles. Amanda was a really good side character as well, and then there was Methos who was the best character in the whole series. So interesting that a reboot of the movies is confirmed and in the works. I think with the director of John Wick and Henry Cavill on board as Connor MacLeod there is a real chance for the thing to succeed. The rumors are that apparently they are going not only borrow from what's already been done in the movies but also borrow ideas and lore from the series which should also up the chance for it to be really good.
Great film, spot on comment. Any argument isnt worth a runny shit.
"Who waits forever, anyway..." My Mom and I held each other and cried, after I got home and she told me of his passing. Last year, my daughter cried over their video "These Are the Days of Our Lives." It was so beautiful to her. Freddie Mercury will always be my favorite singer, and Queen is my favorite band.
These Are the Days of Our Lives is gut wrenching at their concerts.
Brian May is an amazing singer in his own right.
As is Roger Taylor.
If they eventually get to No-One But You they'll soon figure it out!
THey all 4 CAN sing! And Friedy is a very special case ;)
The genius, Brian May! He wrote it, arranged the orchestra, played the brilliant guitar and sang the opening verse.
Dr. Brian May.
Or Sir Brian May.
This is my absolute favourite Queen song. Let's not skip over the amazing vocals of Brian May.
The lyrics is about "Highlander" movie, the story of the movie, "the guy (Highlander) who lives forever" but he lost his lover. The song is from "Highlander" soundtrack ("A kind of Magic").
Between this and "Love of My Life" for me, but yeah, one of the absolute best songs by one of the absolute best bands of all time.
i Agree!
I mean Brian is really good, but when Freddie enters in with "there's no chance for us" I get chills every single time, his voice had some kind of magic (pun intended)
There will never be another Freddie, literally the greatest showman ever!!
Absolutely, he had the audience captivated from the minute he walked on.
Brian opened the song singing lead and playing keyboards. Brian wrote the song.
Its a Kind of Magic!!!
This song was made for the movie Highlander that came out in the '80s. Queen did every song on the soundtrack for the movie You should watch it. It's about an immortal and this song is played as the love of his life throws old and passes while he stays young cuz he's immortal That's why it's who wants to live forever
This song always makes me cry. I lost my brother in 1994, mum in 2010 and dad in 2020. And it's just always been a song that reflects that grief.
Such a beautiful song, a lament from an immortal to his mortal love as she passes. A fantastic anthem from Highlander, a movie well worth a reaction I think.
The day Freddie left us .... OMFG!!! I laid down on my floor in my living room and was inconsolable by anyone for hours! I shed so many tears. That was the first time I ever cried over a star. Losing him felt like losing a family member. I grew up with a grand piano in my home and it was played almost every day and it was almost always a Queen song that got played. Music lost so much when we lost Freddie.
You need to watch the movie Highlander, which was scored by QUEEN. Brian wrote this song but all of the songs are amazing. This song in the movie will make you cry.
Who wants to live forever is a statement. The complete expression is who wants to live forever when love must die!!
He was already sick when this was done. It gives it an even more painful meaning.
He didn't know yet. He would only be diagnosed in early '87.
@@DBoy38 He knew. He was aware he had HIV in 82.
WTF is wrong with the mods here. How about this? He knew as far back as 82 he was ill.
@DBoy38 he had an inkling. All his friends were and exes were dying. He found out he had full blown AIDS in 87. He pretty much knew he had it in 85
No he didn't, he was diagnosed in 1987. He might have suspected in 86. This is according to his family and band mate's.
My favorite Queen song. This was from The origional Highlander movie, the soundtrack in the entire movie is from Queen. I hope you watch the movie Someday,its so good😊
Just remember "There can be only one"... highlander movie that is..
@ingiford175 lol... You are right...Best movie ever!!!
There's a lovely quote from Sir Terry Pratchett about living forever. "No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away." It's so true. None of these stars will ever truly be dead with art like this left behind to make them live on. I mean some of the great classical composers have been gone for hundreds of years, but still we speak their names.
This is probably my favourite quote ever. I've read that book several times just for that one line...
What a voice and a showman ..One of the best ever sadly missed 😢..
Thank you so much for playing the official video. The live version only has Freddy doing both vocal parts, where this one shows the beautiful contrast between Brian's and Freddy's vocals. While Freddy's vocals are always great, I prefer heading the two different vocals on this one. By the way, there is an instrumental version of this song called "Forever", which is a bonus track on the "A Kind Of Magic" album. That album is mostly the soundtrack for the movie "Highlander", but also includes "One Vision" from the movie "Iron Eagle".
To fully understand the meaning behind this song, you really need to watch the movie "Highlander". I recommend the director's cut, which has a little more background information filled in. I don't want to ruin the song or the movie for you, but the song directly relates to a key part of the movie.
There is a studio version with freddie singing the first verse, i prefer it tbh
There was some legal battle about making a soundtrack album for the film, so the A Kind Of Magic album was Queen's workaround for it.
They were originally asked to do one track for the film and ended up doing the music for the whole film. Incidentally all songs were recorded the old way of having the film playing in the studio as they played and sang whilst being recorded.
One of the most hauntingly beautiful songs ever. I always think of Highlander when i hear it. It's so powerful!!! The story of someone who is imortal, and who loses people through all the lifetimes that he lives - hence, Who Wants To Live Forever! But in the end, There Can Be Only One!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
A true showman, entertainer, amazing vocalist and an absolute legend. The world was lucky to have you. Love you Freddie ❤❤
The tag line of Highlander was "there can be only one" and there can only ever be one Freddie Mercury...another legend gone but not forgotten 💜💜💜
And there can be only one movie...
This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard , it brings tears to my eyes listening to Freddie's powerful voice. Forever miss you Freddie 😢
When Freddie hits that part where he sings WHEN LOVE MUST DIE ! ….its tough to keep it together😢
Agree, you can see how his face is thinner. He was on the way down in this time period.
There will never be another like him. His range was massive
Amber & Jay, there are so many great Queen songs to react to: "Stone Cold Crazy", "Death on Two Legs", "Tie Your Mother Down", "The Millionaire Waltz", "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy", "Spread Your Wings", "Play the Game", "Save Me", "Tear It Up", "It's a Hard Life", "Hammer to Fall", and SO many more!
Yeah Great Movie
Brighton Rock as well!
The March of the Black Queen
When Freddy recorded this song, he was already deathly ill suffering from the effects of AIDS but was determined to record the song even though he was in such a weak state of health.
R.I.P. Freddy.
This song is even more impactful and powerful when you consider that it is part of The Highlander soundtrack. There is an incredibly moving montage in one of the episodes of the tv series that features this song. It speaks to the tragedy of outliving those you love in a very profound sense because mortality is exaggerated by way of contrast to the lives of the Immortals (Connor and Duncan MacCleod, respectively) in the movie and the show.
Freddie was royalty but he was no King . this Man was 100% a Queen.
OMG - Ya'll are going to LOVE THIS ONE!!! JUST BEAUTIFUL!! RIP, FREDDY! YOU are SO MISSED! Thanks for this one, Rob Squad!!
What Amber said about how Freddie will live forever was so poignant and beautiful it actually brought a tear to my eye. Frediey will live forever in our hearts through his legacy.
Brian May’s wife, Anita Dobson, was in a 6th Season of the Highlander tv show called Diplomatic Immunity.
Yeah, I’m one of THOSE Queen fans ☺️
*Queen - Live Aid 1985 Full Concert*
Who wants to live forever, when love must die..... An immortal falling in love with a mortal... So BEAUTIFUL!
I absolutely loved Freddie! On the day he died I cried all day.
Highlander really needs to be on your movie review list now!
The penultimate lyrics:
"Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Forever is our today
Who waits forever anyway?"
Brian May/Queen define *forever*. Only One Sweet Moment set aside for us... Forever is our *today*; who *waits* forever (even one day). "'Carpe Diem"! This day, this moment, is all we have, each moment is our only forever. ❣Thank you Dr. Sir Brian, Freddie, Roger and John. Powerful. Brilliant 🤗
My favorite song by Queen. It was played in the movie Highlander.
This is your favorite Queen song? 🤯😱
There is a remake of Highlander in the works. I hope this song is still in it 😊❤😊
I believe it was written for Highlander.
It was also used in the television series as well. In the Highlander context it's mournful to me, perhaps suggesting grief on some level. Regardless, it's a beautiful piece.
"Forever is that today? What is forever anyway" Such a powerful line
I don't mean to nitpick. I promise I'm not trying to be nasty. But it's actually
"Forever is our today.
Who waits forever anyway?"
@Leeme3 thank you, I didn't realy catch that 😊
@Angelldustt it's all good :). It your defence. It sounds a lot like what you wrote
@@Leeme3 😊
I'm used to the album version; which doesn't go into the choirs a second time in the end, but the music drops with Freddie singing, "Who waits forever, anyways." Then we hear the strings and drums play out. No fade out like they did in this version; just music
Yes, the ending in this video threw me! I really love the version that ends with him singing "who waits forever anyway?"
That's the best version. The last line on the album version really rounds the song off in bittersweet fashion
You really need to listen to Freddie's last recording from their last album together '' made in heaven '' the song is called '' A Winters Tale '' he was really sick at this time but was determined to finish it, his voice is superb it makes me cry ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I was waiting for the end too 🤣
One of my favorite Queen songs. It's just so damn beautiful. And the guitar and drums and orchestration elevate the song to a whole other level. It touches my heart every time I hear it. So glad you both loved it too! 🎵🎶
I am Sixty years old and this song still brings the tears
Queen was commissioned to write the soundtrack for the movie Highlander, which was about a group of Immortals -- people who really did live forever. The song is about how it feels for them watch friends and loved ones get old and die while they lived on. You should also take a look at the live version of this from the Wembley 1986 concerts, which were the last time they performed together live. It's heartbreaking for me to hear Freddie sing this because at the time, even though he had not been diagnosed with AIDS, he was starting to feel ill, and I'm sure he had a suspicion of what it was. Loved your reaction, though. I'm ready for more!
You absolutely must do Queen. "Take my breath away." The vocals and harmonies just might blow your mind!! More so than any other Queen song, in my opinion. 🤯
I totally agree! You take my breath away is a definite must, both the studio and the live version at Hyde Park with only Freddie on the piano. Love both versions 💕
Absolutely love that song! ♥
Yes but it must be the live version "Live at Hyde Park 1976"
live version with freddie telling audience to be quiet and listen to this song,he sings and plays the piano just him and the piano,wrote for his lover
Good bless Freddie Mercury!
Every time I hear a Queen song, I wonder if they would be like the Rolling Stones, and still going strong if our man was still alive today. Could you imagine the music they would have produced.
I loved the man, I loved their music. I can listen to the songs, but watching videos always brings tears to my eyes.
Long live Freddie Mercury!
There will never be another that can hold a candle to him, BRILLIANT!
Good point since Jagger, Elton John, Rod Stewart, Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant, and many others are still here. But maybe since he is gone that's why people remember him.
I think the fact that Freddy sang and performed right up to the point he no longer could, is the answer to that.
Yeah, you guys definitely need to react to the movie “Highlander”. Queen did the soundtrack
Who could ever forget this song only Freddie could sing this most powerful song that totally resonates with your soul
Princes of the universe is another classic queen song
Such a haunting, beautiful song! RIP Freddie.❤
The day Freddie died, I was at college studying Prforming Arts. I walked into college to find everyones head turned down. I stopped, looked around, and everyone was quiet. Some guys were crying,and some just looked shocked. Others mirrored my own confused face. Then i heard it. FREDDIE MERCURY JUST DIED. The shock! I looked around again and saw not just students but the teachers, too. All had a look of inner turmoil. The world just stopped. It was unbelievable and unforgettable.
This is a Brian May written song.
Freddie can still give you the chills! When you really think about the words, it brings tears to your eyes! We will always miss Freddie!
Have you guys reacted to Freddie’s opera stuff? He has such a range that opera seems effortless to him. You should really check it out!
Queen is one of my all-time favorite Rock bands!!! Love this song!!! Great reaction!!!❤❤❤ R.I.P. Freddie.
Immortality isn't you living forever. It's everyone-else dying.
Freddie was sick at this time and him singing this knowing he didn't have long.... My God 🥺
He didn't know yet.
My favorite Queen song of their entire catalogue.
This song was one of several written by Queen for the Highlander film (1985) soundtrack and is featured both on the soundtrack album "A Kind of Magic" and on Queen's Greatest Hits - Volume 2.
The song is questioning just how much of a gift immortality is, when you get down to the realities of living it.
"Who wants to live forever...when love must die?"
A poignant question, when you think about it.
Would love for you two to check out the Flash Gordon theme that Queen did. It is epic.
And the Battle theme!
Most definitely the Battle Theme....So good, the entire album is just a rocking good time. @@bsilvers1037
Prince Vultan (Brian Blessed): "Oh, well... Who wants to live forever? Ha ha ha ha!"
Definitely and watch the movie too!
Emotional! Powerful song! This is also from the album - A KIND OF MAGIC in 1986, which was made after their Live Aid Performance. Some of their best work on that album. The song was used in the film HIGHLANDER. They were asked to make a song for the film and Brian May wrote this song for it. The song was not written about Freddie dying from AIDS but it is sort of ironic that it was written after Freddie was diagnosed with AIDS. The talent of all of the Queen band members is undeniable.
BEFORE. This was released in June 1986 and Freddie would only be diagnosed with AIDS in April 1987.
My apologies. He Had HIV. He was diagnosed with AIDS in 1987. He had symptoms and knew he had HIV earlier. There is a difference between HIV and full blown AIDS. Anyone at the time in the early to mid-80's who had symptoms of HIV knew it was a death sentence.
Magic indeed!
Live each day as if it was your last, Live your life as if you where IMMORTAL.
I can't imagine dying of a disease and having to write songs for a movie, about a man that is Immortal. Has to watch everyone he ever loved pass away while he never grows older.
I am so so so glad y'all finally reacted to this incredible song. Although the official video is outstanding, I suggest y'all also check out their performance of this song (it was their introduction of it to their fans) at their Live from Wembley (Live Aid) concert . The crowd went from cheering to complete, mesmerized silence as they were captivated by Freddie's raw, emotion-filled voice. This song was written for the movie "Highlander", which was about an immortal man & this song was the love song played as they showed his life with his one true love, a mortal woman, as she grew older & then died. This song was also played at Freddie's funeral. It is my favorite Queen song & is, imho, one of the greatest love songs ever written.
😮 spoiler alert!
Только фредди на концерте поёт на несколько тонов ниже. Высокие ноты не по силу.
This song was NOT on the LiveAid setlist. Queen played six songs: "Bohemian Rhapsody;" "Radio GaGa;" "Hammer to Fall;" "Crazy Little Thing Called Love;" "We Will Rock You;" and "We Are the Champions." The live album from Wembley Stadium was recorded a year later.
Not performed at the LIVE AID concert in 1985 joker.....they performed it later at an actual Queen concert filmed at Wembley.
I was 18 years old when I was driving home from Thanksgiving dinner... then the radio announced Freddie died. I had to pull over to collect my thoughts as I grew up with Fred and Queen. I cried for days, it was such a huge loss.
This is from the movie Highlander(1986) with Christopher Lambert as Connor Mc Cleod, he's immortal and this song is playing when his mortal wife, the love of his life is dying, it's a very sad moment, giving you wet eyes. The song Princes Of The Universe is from the same movie and in the official video you can see some fragments from the movie through the song, The song is awesome, I guarantee you. I already recommended it earlier but maybe you already tried to upload it and UA-cam didn't give permission yet, I don't know.
Brian May wrote this while they were driving in a van. They were kicking around ideas for the Highlander soundtrack and this came into his mind and he started singing it.
By the time of recording, Freddie was so impressed by it that he insisted that Brian be the opening vocalist.
This song was featured in the 1986 movie Highlander. Very moving!!!!!!!
The all the band members are genius. They contribute in may different ways to makeup of the queen. What I really love about is there never any negative among the members even though they had their differences. They seem like more than bandmates. They seems like brothers and family. Love queen. RIP Freddy.
Since you were finally able to get to this song, you have to check out the movie "Highlander" (Which happens to be about immortals) in which this song was featured in. Queen had several songs in the soundtrack for it. Another of which is Hammer to Fall, which is in the movie you just saw about them when they performed at Live Aid!!!
This song has one of my favorite lyrics, "this world only has one sweet moment set aside for us."
Have to react to the film where the song comes from, the unofficial soundtrack of the “The Highlander”. Cult classic.
Probably one of my favourite queen songs. Remember hearing it for the first time about 25 years ago. You gotta love Freddie ❤❤
Freddy will live on forever 😢❤😢❤
I love this Queen song "Who Wants to Live Forever" is closely associated with the Highlander movie. The song was written by Brian May, the guitarist of Queen, and it serves as the movie, Highlander, emotional theme. The lyrics reflect the bittersweet and eternal nature of immortality, capturing the essence of the Highlander storyline.
In the movie, the scene paired with "Who Wants to Live Forever" is particularly poignant. It occurs during a love story between Connor MacLeod and a mortal woman named Heather MacLeod, played by Beatie Edney. The couple experiences the challenges and heartbreak associated with Connor's immortality, as he ages very slowly while Heather ages normally. The song plays during a montage that spans centuries, showcasing the couple's enduring love and the passage of time.
This combination of the emotional song and the visuals in the film adds depth and resonance to the Highlander narrative, exploring themes of love, loss, and the consequences of immortality, quite profound really.
R.I.P. Legend Freddie Mercury. You are gone but never forgotten. Say hi to Bon and Mal and tell them they are also loved and missed and hopefully someday we'll all join them for an amazing show!
Highlander was such a badass movie. Total 80's movie with swords, sorcery and music! The church scene is STILL a classic!
"I have something to say: It's better to burn out than fade away!"
At a recent funeral they played happy songs and this,which is one of the most popular in the UK.Everyone was bawling their eyes out,that is what Queen and Freddie could do
This has always made my heart cry
Freddie was such a massive God given talent
R .I. Paradise 🙏🙏🙏
Your words describing this magnificent performance completely touched my ❤️. Blown away 🎵🎶🔥
This song is the story of all of our lives….Life does fill our dreams yet it still slips away from us all.Every year slips by faster and faster.Even if you live a long life all your friends ,family and love will die….so who wants to live forever?
5:59 Amber, you and I put our hands on our hearts at the exact same time!
Brian Mey is soooo talented on that guitar. And so academically accomplished. Doctorates in Music Theory and Astrophysics.
The others are talented as well. Jon Deecan, Rawjer Taeler, and Phreddy Murcrie
I saw his name on a paper last week on a channel about astrophysics.
@@richardupcott9026 Did they spell it Mey also? 🤣🤣🤣
@@ScottieContact Can not remember for sure. But the host (Dr. Becky), pointed out that he was from Queen.
@@ScottieContact he did a project with NASA. Lucky aliens.
I love soooooo many Queen songs, but I THINK this is my favorite. It's always in my Top 3 for sure.
This is a song that is even more powerful in the context of the movie it is from.
After all these years it’s still gives me chills
What has always struck me about this song is that Freddie Mercury knew he was very ill and didn't have much time left. This song (and the movie - "Highlander" - that it was written for_ always make me tear up. Just think of the magic tricks Freddie and the band would never be able to share with the world.
Freddie was not ill when Brian wrote this song (well, he didn´t know it yet). He might be feeling something wrong, but he wasn´t diagnosed until 1987.
Their music will live forever, as a group they were so creative together and brought Freddie to his peak!!!!
Definitely gotta watch Highlander on your Movie Reactions after this. Such an awesome movie.
I've been a massive Queen fan since I was a kid (im now 50) ...I was lucky enough to be brought up in a house were music was so important mum dad and elder sister had a rich mix of music playing all the time ..I used to get woken up on a satuarday morning to my mum hoovering (vacuming) with Bohemian rhapsody or Radio GaGa , Led Zepplins Stairway to heaven and many others blasting out of the stero ....but it was Queen that really connected with me ..even though everyone knew Freddie was ill it was still such a blow when he passed ..such a shame ..Great reaction 👍
I know what the next movie selection is "The Highlander" This song is key
Freddie mercury was the greatest performer to every live he has so much emotion in his voice and he could change the tone of his voice so easily