Budva Stari grad

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Stari Grad u Budvi (lat. Butua, Butoba) je gradska tvrđava u današnjem istoimenom naselju. Tvrđava je prvobitno podignuta na ostrvu nedaleko od obale, a kasnije je prevlakom spojen sa kopnom tako da je danas to obalsko utvrđenje, iako je prvobitno bilo ostrvsko. Grad je očuvan i dan danas. Njegove se kuće koriste za život. Teško je stradao u velikom zemljotresu1979. godine, ali je uspešno obnovljen.
    Prošlost grada
    Utvrđeni grad na ovom prostoru je postojao još u doba antike. Mada su Grci osnovali mnoge kolonije u Mediteranu, na području današnje Crne Gore, nisu uspeli u naseljavanju kolonista, jer im to nije dopuštalo domorodačko ilirsko stanovništvo. Umjesto toga, postojali su samo pojedini grčki tržišni centri - emporiji. Jedan od njih je, tokom VI - V vijeka pre nove ere, bio u Budvi (Butua).
    Nakon ilirsko-rimskih ratova, Budva potpada pod vlast Rima. Konventi ili opida (oppida civium Romananorum) bila su naselja koloniziranih rimskih građana, doseljenih u Ilirik, odnosno kasniju provinciju Dalmaciju. Među takvim naseljima se pominje i Butua-Butuanum (Budva). Razaranjem antičke Duklje od strane Avara i dolaskom Slovena, veliki broj romanizovanih starosedelaca se povukao u utvrđene primorske gradove. U ranom srednjem veku, Budva je vizantinski grad, sa grčkom vojnom posadom (garnizonom) i iliro-romanskim stanovništvom, a nastanjivali su je i grčki i italijanski trgovci. Sloveni žive po župama i bili su nekoliko vekova podanici vizantijskog cara. Kasnije je u sastavu Kraljevine Duklje. Posle 1181. u državi je Stefana Nemanje, Kraljevini Srbiji i Carstvu. U kasnijem periodu, ovaj grad se nalazio pod vlašću Balšića, Crnojevića i Srpske despotovine. Međutim, nakon prvog pada Srpske despotovine pod tursku vlast 1439, takvo stanje su iskoristili Mleci, zauzimaju cio obalski pojas Donje Zete, od Bojane do Kotora. Tako su pod njihovu vlast pali i gradovi: Ulcinj, Bar i Budva. Posle pada Mletačke republike, Budva ulazi u sastav Austrougarske.
    The Old Town in Budva (lat. Butua, Butoba) is a city fortress in today's homonymous settlement. The fortress was originally built on an island not far from the coast, and later it was connected to the mainland by an isthmus, so today it is a coastal fortress, although it was originally an island. The city has been preserved to this day. His houses are used for living. He was seriously injured in the great earthquake of 1979. year, but it was successfully restored.
    The past of the city
    A fortified town existed in this area since ancient times. Although the Greeks founded many colonies in the Mediterranean, in the territory of today's Montenegro, they did not succeed in settling colonists, because the native Illyrian population did not allow them to do so. Instead, there were only individual Greek market centers - emporia. One of them, during the 6th - 5th centuries BC, was in Budva (Butua).
    After the Illyrian-Roman wars, Budva falls under the rule of Rome. Convents or opida (oppida civium Romananorum) were settlements of colonized Roman citizens, immigrated to Illyricum, i.e. the later province of Dalmatia. Among such settlements, Butua-Butuanum (Budva) is also mentioned. With the destruction of ancient Duklja by the Avars and the arrival of the Slavs, a large number of Romanized natives retreated to fortified coastal cities. In the early Middle Ages, Budva was a Byzantine city, with a Greek military crew (garrison) and an Illyrian-Romanian population, and it was also inhabited by Greek and Italian merchants. Slavs live in parishes and were subjects of the Byzantine emperor for several centuries. Later it was part of the Kingdom of Duklja. After 1181, it was in the state of Stefan Nemanja, the Kingdom of Serbia and the Empire. In the later period, this city was under the rule of Balšić, Crnojević and Serbian Despotism. However, after the first fall of the Serbian despotism under Turkish rule in 1439, the Venetians took advantage of this situation, occupying the entire coastal zone of Donja Zeta, from Bojana to Kotor. Thus, the cities of Ulcinj, Bar and Budva also fell under their rule. After the fall of the Venetian Republic, Budva became part of Austria-Hungary.


  • @sozundeduranadam
    @sozundeduranadam 3 місяці тому +2

    Budva is very beautiful but Kotor is also very amazing too, thanks for sharing my friend 😍😍😍👍👍👍

  • @IvorsTravels
    @IvorsTravels 3 місяці тому +2

    Budva has a picture perfect old town. Lovely place to explore.

  • @gocas4971
    @gocas4971 3 місяці тому +2

    Divan grad! 👍🤗

  • @nadastojic2510
    @nadastojic2510 3 місяці тому +2

    Divan grad,divni ljudi,isla godinama,vise ne zelim posle ovih desavanja i politike vlasti.Volela bi bar jos jednom otici kod Krste da jedem hobotnicu na zaru i skoljke❤