Looking for more help than I can give you in the comments? Check out my paid evaluation service over here for really detailed feedback: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/toefl-essay-evaluation-and-scoring/
Hi, I'm an Afghan girl and as you know that nowadays Taliban don't let girl to continue their lessons. So for continue my lesson I must pass the TOEFL exam and get scholarship in another country. Please I need your help to pass the exam.🙏
I am fully convinced that social media influencers have a huge impact on marketing, especially among the younger generation. Since the use of social media has grown among millennials and Gen-Z during the last decade, it is evident that social media influencers would target these groups of people into buying what they advertise through their internet platforms. I believe that celebrities have a huge impact on sales because they are quick to catch up with current trends and many young people take inspiration from them in order to be trendy as well. Therefore, when a celebrity advertises a product or service on their social media, the mass audience would get the incentive to pay for the product, and thus it would make a huge profit. Thank you very much!
Possibly. The e-rater is flukey, so another strategy is to simply avoid the sorts of mistakes it easily notes. I've seen some really poor answers get scores of 5.0.
Thanks for this video Mr. Michael. My response: ............. This is a challenging topic, but I think that influencers could affect the behavior of consumers. I strongly support Jack's idea that some influencer promotes products that they don't trust or believe them. I would add that some influencers promote a kind of product that is not suitable for their audience. While Emily raised the relevant point that people nowadays have sufficient awareness about their purchases and can distinguish between their needs and wants, she didn't mention that currently an enormous number of users on social media platforms are people under sixteen, and not all of them care about needs or wants. They just buy the thing that they like it. For instance, My little cousin saw an ad about VR glasses then entered the website and bought it using my uncle's credit card and actually, he never needed it.
This would probably score about 24 or 25 points, a bit better than the one you posted in another comment. There are too many little errors like "some influencer" (make sure to use the plural form) "promote a kind of product" (should be "promote products").
Thanks for this video! My response While social media influencers have had a significant impact on people’s purchasing power recently, I believe that social media are becoming not as influential as they were a few years ago. I can relate to both Jack’s and Emily’s opinions, but I would like to add that there are too many social media stars nowadays and furthermore any usual person may start their career as a blogger so the people’s confidence in products, promoted by influencers hardly decreases. But in spite of this fact, platform TikTok affects consumer’s minds the most. As an example, there are many videos of beauty influencers on this platform making hauls on what they bought at Sephora or other drug stores. After those videos it is very hard for consumers to find promoted products in stores because of a huge fan’s interest in the product or brand.
This is pretty good work. There are just a few minor errors like: "are becoming not as influential" (just use "are not as influential") "any usual person" (use "any normal person") "so the people's confidence" (should be "our confidence") There are other errors, but you get the point. I'd say this one would score 22 or 23 points.
First of all, I appreciate the opinions of both Emily and Jack. While some people think that marketing does not affecting by social media, I strongly believe that the world has been completely changed and everything become related to the technology, specially, the social media influencers. I agree with Jacks claims, that when influencers present goods through different social platforms, this has a huge impact on people in different nations with different cultural or social backgrounds all over the world. We note that they have a great footprint on individuals. However, this will increase the sales and profits for the companies. So, I think in the future companies will depend mainly on influencers rather than other famous characters in their marketing and products promotions.
I think this one would score about 18 points. Your ideas are good, but there are multiple grammar and language use errors in just about every sentence. Consider using a service like Grammarly to identify specific errors in your practice responses.
In my opinion social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok abound with influencers who have a serious impact on consumers behavior. As Jack mentioned, people tend to trust influencer´s opinion about something without checking if the product meets quality standards. Moreover, companies are taking advantage of this phenomenon to control their customers through influencers. They send several products to these people so they agree on showing them on their videos. Most of the time, influencers promote products that they did not even try. From my point of view, people are losing their power to decide what to purchase because someone else is making a decision for them. Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it I got 90 points but I need over 100. I have 5 months more to get prepared. I hope you cand upload more videos like these ones.
There are some grammar and language use errors here. Like: "on consumers behavior" (needs a possessive apostrophe) "tend to trust influncer's opinion" (should be "tend to trust influencers' opinions") "that they did not even try" (should be "that they have not even tried") You should also try to use more conjunctions. Your grammar lacks complexity. I think this one would score 20 or 21 points. Do keep in mind that if you want much more detailed help you can try the paid service: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/toefl-essay-evaluation-and-scoring/
Hi! This is my answer: The way I see it social media influencers definitely have an impact on the consuming preference of society. Not only because of what Jake states about how people look up to these mediatic figures but also due to how they tend to believe in absolutely everything they say. Moreover, I believe the problem is that consumerism is shown by them as an activity to spend your free time and not to satisfy basic needs. In my opinion, a solution to this issue is to educate adolescents in this topic since high school, by teaching them how to be skeptical and selective of what they are buying. If they are raised to be aware of what they consume, the impact of social media influencers will be reduced.
This one would probably score 24 or 25 points. Your work is solid, but it sometimes sounds awkward and unidiomatic. I mean phrases like "the consuming preference of society."
Thanks for the video my response, I am on the same side as Jack. I think social media influencers have a significant effect on users. Firstly, an average of people spend 3 hours each day on social media. During that time they get suggestions from a wide variety of influencers, and they gradually embrace some of them and form trust. This type of relationship causes them to buy the products that the influencers suggest. However blindly buying products brings a really big problem, selling scam products. Since there are a high amount of people who will buy just what the influencer suggests, the companies can earn money by selling even harmful products that have not been tested or validated.
Good afternoon! This is decent work, but there are a few errors. Like: "an average of people" (should be "an average person spends...") "brings a really big problem" (should be "causes a really big problem") "by selling even" (should be "by selling") Meanwhile, make sure your word count is about 100 or 110. I didn't count the words here, but your answer seems a bit short. Overall, I think this one would score about 22 points.
Try something like: "I agree with xxxxx's idea that...." to agree. Try "While XXX and YYY make some good points, I think that..." to state your own point.
hello here is my response This is a challenging topic, but I think that social media influencers and celebrities with large number of followers have a huge impact on consumer behavior. I strongly agree with Jack’s idea that people who follow them and admire them will trust their recommendations.I would add that most followers of these social media stars are people who want to be like them. Consequently, if the celebrity shares products or services that they use, their followers would most likely like to use them. While Emily raised the relevant point that today there are a lot of different influencers promoting various products which makes it difficult to choose whom to trust. I half agree with her there. However, I would like to add that nowadays there are different advertisements everywhere and I think influencers’ suggestions do not differ from them. From my point of view, their promotion is another type of advertisement and helps consumers to learn more about specific product or service.
This is solid. I think it would score 26 or 27 points. There are just a few little issues like "if the celebrity" (should be "if a celebrity"). Nice work.
I believe that social media influencers play an important role in the selling process. There are two reasons to support this idea. Firstly, the cost of hiring them is cheaper than paying for well-known celebrities. For example, companies can hire 10 influencers from varied backgrounds for the same cost as hiring one famous artist. This action will provide more advantages for the products to be recognized by many people from different walks of life. The next reason is that influencers are more creative in introducing new products to their audiences. Social media influencers understand what their followers want; for instance, they can create short stories or host live sessions on their own accounts. This allows them to communicate directly and attract their followers' attention without the intervention of others. In conclusion, using influencers to promote or sell products on their accounts can significantly benefit companies.
which will get more marks either supporting particularly one idea or supporting both the ideas ?like is it gud to mention just one or both?foe eg : i agreee with jack that social media influencers have significant impact. or i agree with both jack and emily but social media influencers impact depend on how one perceive them..........
My answer: Although I value the points made by Jack and Emily, I consider that social media influencers have a lot impact on buyers. In todays fast paced world people are consuming social media platforms to enhance their businesses. People are more likely to get effected by their favorite influencer. For instance, Individuals buy things by taking people opinions and ideas. If observers notice their favorite people using that particular thing, they might purchase it. Furthermore, for most of the people, their inspiration are their influencers. So, some people may beleive that influencers dont affect their lives, however I always assume that social media influencers are much powerful.
This is an okay answer. I think it would score about 21 or 22 points. To improve your score, you must reduce your error rate. I mean things like: "In todays fast paced world" (you forgot the possessive apostrophe) "are consuming social media platforms" (should be something like "are consuming content from social media platforms") "Individuals" (should not be capitalized) "by taking people opinions and ideas" (I think you mean "based on the opinions and ideas of other people")
Thanks a lot!☺ My response While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior is definitely important. First and foremost, many people spend lots of time on social media. So who use social media can be exposed many times to some products by influencers. Plus, influencers also have lots of fans as a celebrity. Their fan used to buy the products that the influencers promoted or bought. Sometimes they don’t consider usefulness. To illustrate with an example, my friend Amy always buys cosmetics that her favorite influencer buys. Some people, including Emily, may feel that influencers don’t have a significant impact on consumer behavior, but I think that influencer’s impact on consumer behavior is powerful.
Can you be a bit more specific than "important"? That's really vague. Don't start sentences with coordinating conjunctions like "so." The e-rater doesn't like that. Note the missing plural on "their fan" (should be "their fans"). There are other issues, but I will leave it at that for now. I think this one would score about 22 points, but I am sure you can do better!
Many people nowadays are concerned about the impact of social media influencers on consumer behaviour. Though Jack has a good point of view that many people especially the young one are more likely to imitate and trust social media infuencers, another key factor to consider is adolescents have the desire to try new products, especially those that have been advertised by social media influencers. while I agree with Emily's point of view, I would like to qualify that despite the high number of people following the influencers, there are many people who are more aware when they buy certain products because they know very well that there are side effects and not all feedback is true.
I recommend slightly shorter sentences. The second one really got away from you. Meanwhile, remember to start every sentence with a capital letter. Don't use "I would like to qualify." Instead use "I would like to add". I think this one would score about 21 points, but I bet you can do better.
Hey, this is my answer. Could you please tell me whether I need to make any changes? While I appreciate the contributions made to this discussion by Jack and Emily, I believe that social media influencers play a major role in consumer behaviour in today's world. Almost everybody has access to social media nowadays, be it teenagers or working professionals or older adults in their 60s. The world comes together and interacts on social networking sites thus making these platforms a hub to market products to a vast audience in a short time. In such a scenario, social media influencers play a crucial part in attracting a large number of consumers towards the products that they choose to endorse. These influencers have an enormous amount of followings and are popular among younger audiences that are often the target audiences for various brands. Influencers today have the ability to captivate our minds and bring us to buy something that we may not necessarily need. Although I agree that some influencers may not spare time to verify the authenticity of the products that they're offered to endorse, it is hard to deny the impact that they have on social media users thereby manipulating consumer behaviour.
Thanks for the video! My response While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that the public are not completely influenced by social media. Nowadays most people read and review the products before they buy any. As a result, they would not blindly buy any items online without good ratings. Remember that most people purchase only according to their needs rather than making any blind guesses, so they are most likely to check the authenticity of the brands they are about to buy. Some people may feel that online products or services are all true, but many of them will look into the product’s or services' quality before buying any. Thus, I believe that social platforms don’t have a significant impact on the costumers' purchasing preferences.
This is really solid. I think I would say "the public is not completely" but I bet others disagree. I would also stick a comma after "nowadays" when it begins a sentence, but that is somewhat optional. I would use "As a result, they DO not blindly buy..." since that sentence is just a generalization about how the world works. Overall, I think this one would score about 26 points.
I have a question, Can I write something like this “ while I appreciate the points mentioned by Emily, I agree with Jack’s idea that…” or should I just say “ I agree with jack’s idea that…” and not even mention Emily’s pint of view. I am planning on sending my all assay to your e-mail but I want to check with you before. Thank you so much for all the you do.
I just have one question please. I heard that we should not use informal words in our responses. Meaning that, I would use "do not , will not , would not " instead of "don't, won't, wouldn't". What are your thoughts on this?
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that nowdays social media influencers have a strongly impact in the endorsing products and services. Even if people is looking for a product they search an influencer on instagram or tiktok to have more options and feel safe in their election. Although, we have the possibility to read the comments from other people that have used the product before and sometimes we can obtain a percentage off with the codes they share in the stories, this is another interesting point for people that is looking for a product. However, some influencers have lost credibility because some people think that their job is to endorse as different products as possible to earn money and that sometimes they do not use the products. This is a challenging topic but I think influencers will continue influencing people.
This is good, but there are a few little language use errors like: "have a strongly impact in..." (should be: "have a strong impact when they endorse..." "even if people is" (should be "even if people are") "search an influencer" (should be "search for an influencer") There are others, but I will leave it at that. I think your answer would score about 21 or 22 points. Try using something like "Grammarly" to get a better idea of the mistakes you are making.
Thank you Michael for this helpful video and detailed explanations. I haven't practiced writing that much before. I was mostly focused on reading, listening and speaking and I have just started practicing writing and my test is in two months. I don't know how much I can trust the e-rater. I have practiced four samples that ETS has uploaded, got 2 fours and 2 fives. I don't know how well I actually write. Do you think we can trust the score that the e-rater gives?
The exact same tech will be used on the real test, so I think it is trustworthy. THAT SAID, on the real test you will also be graded by a human rater who could pick up on other problems.
What do you think? While I was reading Jack and Emily answers, I realized that I agree more with Emily. Despite we have those social media influencers all day long doing advertisements, we are in a society that have lots of information, not only what Instagram or UA-cam says. I believe that when we are interested in a product, we look for other information and not only what the influencers says. For example, If I were alone, reading or watching what a famous social media influencer has to say, I would not believe in that at first. I will probably ask the opinions of people around me, people that I trust and know that have knowledge.
This one is just too short, I think. I'd give it about 18 points. Try to state your actual opinion in the opening line. Don't JUST say who you agree with.
Thanks for your detailed explanation and tips. By the way, I have a question for your first example. Why 'While' can be used at the beginning of the paragraph? As we know, there are two meaning for the word 'while' a s a conjunction. 1. During the time 2. Whereas I guess if you want to argue against Jack and Emily, it is natural to use while for 2nd meaning. But, I felt the paragarph insist in the same way with Jack and Emily. Can you explain more about my question?
Social media influencers have become increasingly popular in recent years, and their impact on consumer behavior is undeniable. With millions of followers on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, influencers have the power to sway people’s opinions and purchasing decisions. For example, a study by the Influencer Marketing Hub found that 63% of consumers trust influencers more than traditional advertising. This is because influencers are often seen as more authentic and relatable than celebrities or brands. Additionally, influencers can provide detailed reviews and recommendations for products, which can help consumers make informed decisions. However, there are also concerns about the authenticity of influencer content and the potential for misleading advertising. Despite these concerns, it’s clear that social media influencers are here to stay and will continue to play an important role in shaping consumer behavior.
I would likely give this a somewhat low score. Maybe 22 points. Your answer lacks a clear position or "thesis." It seems to consist of random sentences without a coherent argument. The good news is that your grammar is really strong.
Hello , since i have to listen to the lecture , Can i replay that audio as many times as i want to write my summary? because it won't be always a question made by the lecturer or Did they change it?
I think you have the questions confused. This one has no lecture. Just reading. The OTHER question has a lecture (which you hear one time). Read this page: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/
While I appreciate both opinions, I think social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. I totally agree with Emily's point that most people are smart enough to know what they need. However, sometimes the power of the advertisement makes you need something you are not thinking about. Additionally, the most targeted audience on social media comprises young adults, who are highly susceptible to these advertisements. Overall, social media influencers have a significant impact on our lives. Undoubtedly, that is not a good thing and we have to be focus on what we need.
You need conjunctions! There is a lack of grammatical sophistication here. Try using both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. I think your answer would score about 21 or 22 points.
Could you please clarify if there is any additional time allocated for reviewing the task and responses in WRITING TASK 2, or if the total time is limited to 10 minutes, including both reading and composing the response? I appreciate your response in advance.
here's my response : This is a controversial topic, but I personally think that social influencers have drastically affected consumers behaviors. When a person sees an advertisement done by their favorite influencer for a certain product, they will going to want to buy it no matter if they need it or think it's good or not. I strongly agree with Jack's view point about whether the products they promote are trustworthy or not. And I would like to add that as I've seen, most of the time people realize these products end up being highly unreliable. While Emily raised the relevant point that consumers are capable of choosing what they need instead of what's promoted, she neglected to mention that a lot of costumers unconsciously make those decision. So, to sum up, I believe that influencers have definitely changed our decision making abilities.
hi @beerusgurung8200, I saw you replied to some of the writing posts, I am looking for practicing my speaking with someone else, would you be interested?
Thanks a lot for great efforts, it is really helpful, can you post more of academic discussion tasks, where can l find ,on google or youtube, kindly guide n help ,need it ,thanks
Sir, kindly tell ,do we have to read the entire paragraph of each student or we can read first 1-2 sentences from each student's reply. Can this serve the purpose? Do guide ,thanks
Hi Michael, Thanks in advance for your valuable feedback. In my opinion, no one can turn a blind eye to the fact that people are impressed by influencers. I strongly agree with Jack's idea that young people count on celebrities a lot. I'd add that influencers are role models for youngsters, and they follow and imitate their standpoints blindly. Youth tend to keep up with the new trends in society, so influencers' comments are of great importance to them. While Emily raised the relevant point that most people make wise decisions about what to purchase, she did not mention that juveniles believe everything. As they are less equipped and experienced, they are unable to distinguish an authentic point of view from a destructive one. For example, when I was a twelve-year-old child, a popular singer advertised a cell phone on TV and showed it much better than it really was. Although it was an ordinary product, the majority of my classmates purchased that cell phone.
This is a strong response. There are a few grammar errors here, but they are very minor. I think this one would score about 26 or 27 points. Great work.
Personally, I can guarantee that social media influencers have massively impacted purchasing power nowadays. Especially among new generations and youth. I strongly agree with Jack’s point of view. Influencers have their own ways of attracting people and engaging them to follow their opinions and recommendations. For instance, I have a young niece, who follows a Facebook blogger, and she imitates her in everything. Therefore, she buys lots of trivial stuff only because she watches reviews about them on her UA-cam channel without even reading other customers’ reviews. The blogger’s feedback is so reliable to her. However, Emily’s opinion may be right with seniors or adults who validate and buy only what they legitimately need and also read reviews for each product they buy.
Use the simple present tense instead of the present perfect tense when "nowadays." As in: "social media influencers massively impact purchasing power nowadays." Avoid using really colloquial language like "stuff." Try "products" here. Reviews are "of" things, not "about" them. There are other minor issues, but I think you get the point. Overall, I'd say this one would score about 24 points. Nice work.
Hi, Michael! Thank you for the video. Could you review my response? While I appreciate the points mentioned by both Jack and Emily, I think that social influencers do have a very significant impact on consumer behavior. First, we are currently seeing a lot of brands looking for partnership among these social influencers, and the reason is not only because they became very popular among social networks, but also because their followers are committed to what that person says, does and what products they trust. Furthermore, Jack states an important detail about the veracity of these recommendations given by the social influencers. It’s likely that many of them act out of financial interest nowadays, rather than genuine taste for the product offered by the brand they are associated with.
I don't get why you are giving everyone a mediocre score of around 20 when your own response is not even that special either. Their minor grammar mistakes resulted in a dramatic score decline, but your "nowadays. Nowadays" response got a perfect score. How's that even fair? Smh
Yes, grammatical mistakes result in large score drops. It is that kind of test. You can be angry at me, I guess. It is worth noting that I have given very few people here an estimated score of 20. The average is much higher than that.
@@Toeflresources Interesting blog, I might pay more attention to my lack of specific vocabulary as well from now on, but how could you tell the difference in the score between the response with commas and the one without them using e-rater? Is this a free AI tool? It seems pretty useful to practice with it for the writing section. Thanks in advance.
Oh, you don't know about access to the e-rater! Check this out (scroll to the bottom): www.ets.org/toefl/test-takers/ibt/prepare/practice-tests.html I don't really have time to input more answers into the e-rater right now, but you can experiment yourself with and without commas.
My response The rising of social media influencers also affect the advertisement sector and the effects of these influencers on consumer’s behavior has generated much discussion in recent years. My personal belief is that they have a huge impact on society. Because they are usually followed by the people who find them sincere and warm. So the followers have a tendency to trust them and the tendency makes easier for them to buy the products which the influencers have promoted. But, I also understand the concerns of Jack over reliability of the influencer’s comments, but I think that he misses another crucial point that most of the influencers also use the products for some time before they promoted it. Therefore, they are also one of the consumers and if they continue to use it, this shows the reliability of their support to the brand.
Thanks for the video. My response. The topic of effect social media influencers on consumers is much debatable these years. I believe that people nowadays are addicted to social media, and try to follow most of the things displayed on these platforms. Social media influencers take advantage of these scenarios and can be biased in promoting a product for their financial gains. I understand Emily’s point that the number of such influencers is too high. However, she is missing a critical point that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher. These influencers can significantly affect the consumers selection of items for sale and can be hired by companies to increase the sales of their products. People nowadays need someone whom they can trust. To sum up, these are the reasons why I believe that social media influencers can sway consumer behaviors to a great extent.
This is okay, but there are a lot of little grammar and language use errors. Like: "is much debatable these years" (should be something like: "it debated a lot nowadays") "most of the things" (should be something more specific) "take advantage of these scenarios" (should just be "take advantage of this") There are more, but I think you get the point. Focus on improving your language use. Study grammar. I think this answer would score about 21 points, but I am sure you can do better.
Good afternoon! Thank you so much for such a free opportunity! My biggest problems are in essays because I can't write them in the required time and I have a lot of problems with grammar. Here is my essay : This is a challenging topic, but I would rather agree with Jack then with Emily. While Emily raised a logical point that people are smart enough to make their own decisions, then they make these decisions, they usually choose from products that they are already aware of. In general, the whole point of advertisment is to make people know about you and blogers complete this task very well. In conclusion, I will say that influencers are called that for a reason, and even if you think that they will never affect your decisions, in fact, most likely, they have already did.
I think this one would score about 20 points. I'm worried that it is too short to earn a score in the mid or high 20s. Keep practicing and try to write a bit more each time. A few other points are worth mentioning: 1. Don't use "I would rather agree with Jack than with Emily." Just say "I agree with Jack rather than Emily." 2. You can delete "then they make these decisions." 3. You should say "the whole point of an advertisement."
@Toeflresources when I was writing this essay the exam was coming up soon and as you said I scored 20 points) the final score was 88 and I needed 72+ so I'm doing well
My response is: If I were to choose, I would definitely say that social media influencers have a strong impact on consumer behaviors. My personal belief is that when a product is promoted, we see it on social media as it is advertised. I have to admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own personal experience. For instance, I am overly influenced when I see on social media a pretty girl putting skin care products on her skin. I am, to be honest, easily convinced by the idea that the product in question will purify and enlighten my skin as it does for her. I understand Emily’s point regarding people having their own choices and acting towards their own needs, but I believe that she misses another critical point: the undeniable effect of idolization and social media. It is tremendously hard to step back and think logically when faced with a glorified advertisement, with a chilly music in the background. In light of the reasons mentioned, I strongly believe that social media influencers have a major power on our society, especially on young people.
Thank you for ideas. My response - The topic of Social media celebrity has generated much discussion in recent years. My personal belief is that social media influencers do not possess much talent, so I would not consider them role models for the society. I must admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own personal experience. I remember when I was in high school, my classmate Rina started her won social media account, where she used to show her luxurious life. Her father was a Pilot and subsequently, he collected a lot of wealth. She does not have any talent of her own and she just takes pride on her father's money. This negatively impacts the life of kids who consume her content and feel sad about their lives. Especially, children from the lower strata of the society face stress from such type of content. To add, I totally agree with Emily's point about the numerous influencers who promote different product, many times this influencers take advantage of the competition between various companies and charge more money for promotion. For instance, Rajdeep star, an influencer, endorses both Puma and Reebok which have competitive interests. To sum up, I do not prefer social media influencers as celebrities.
I think this one would score about 23 points. Your grammar is decent, but there are a lot of sloppy typos like "Social" and "won" and "Pilot." Be careful.
Thank you sir for the video.What do you think about my response: "With the rise of social media,a lot of influencers have taken it as a full time job where they promote different kinds of products on their platforms.I agree with Jack about influencers having a significant impact on consumers but I'd like to add that it can be both positive and negative depending on what they are promoting and who is watching.For instance,we have influencers who promote sex toys, don't get me wrong,there is no harm in toys but they don't have control over who is watching or purchasing.Teenagers might end up purchasing and using since a they want to imitate a certain celebrity.On the other hand,others may market something like land or a hotel which leads to a lot of people checking them out due to their massive following and the trust people have on them.But one thing people should know is that they do all this for money. In light of the reasons mentioned, I strongly believe that influencers have an impact on people's behavior.
I think this one would score about 22 points. Your ideas are fine, but there are some grammar and language use errors. Honestly, you should probably avoid writing about "sex toys" in your TOEFL test. You don't want to trigger any "offensive content" flags.
Thank you so much for the video My response I definitely believe that these new tagged celebrities: social media influencers actually influence the market as a whole. As Jack has aptly suggested, not only young social media users are attracted but also elderly people trust and buy through these advertisements. However, I believe that not all the influencers can be trusted, due to the role they play in these videos or photos recommending products but, most young generations benefit from discounts and coupon codes offered and provided to buy a service or product by the influencers. Furthermore, Emily has contended that it is cumbersome to trust the influencer but she is overlooking the broader context in a way that is advantageous to not only customers but also to miniature companies trying to establish their brand globally. To make a long story short, I personally believe that they modify consumer behavior through their honest and trusted review.
How is this? Personally speaking, I think with the advancement in technology, social media marketing is on the rise and is reaching much higher levels than previously seen. These new "digital economic giants" referred to as social media influencers have a huge part in this upshoot. With new phone releases like the "iphone series", just anybody can become a social media influencer. Hence, I believe Jack has a point when he questioned the authenticity of the products. Many of the social media influencers are not experts, so the validity of the products they recommend can not be verified. Besides, a lot of then are more interested in the monetary compensation they recieve from the companies that work with them. Social media has become deep rooted in our society especially amongst the new generation. I believe the swaying abilities of these influencers is only going to increase. Day by day, parents are slowly losing control over the wants of their children. The average 15yr old would rather take advice from his favourite youtuber or tiktoker than his parents. This is the extent of things.
This is pretty good. I think it would score 24 to 26 points. Your grammar is really strong, but your word choices are a little unidiomatic. That is, they sound a bit unnatural to me as a native speaker. Also, never use "15yr old." Write that out in full!!
Great video! Could you please take out a minute to rate my answer? - The trend of social media influencers has been on a rise in the recent times and thus, we have been witnessing a sky rocketing of endorsements on every platform we visit. I believe the influencers have a considerable impact on the consumer behavior. While I do agree with Emily on the point that there are too many people Endorsing different products, making it hard to choose from, I don't agree that most people are smart enough to refrain from buying the products. First of all, the products are meticulously marketed to target the buyers and often claim to address their issues in a better way than the other products in the market. For instance, hair care and skin care products claim to be all natural and chemical free to appeal to people. Thus, even when people are unsure about the authenticity, they might get convinced to give the product a try after seeing the advertisement multiple times. Because even when people think they're smart enough to not fall for marketing strategies, they could still find the ingredients and claims to be plausible and try them.
There are quite a few errors here. I mean stuff like: "has been on a rise" (should be "has been on the rise") "in the recent times" (should be "in recent times") "a sky rocketing of endorsements" (should be something like "a huge number of endorsements") There are more, but I think you get the point. Try your best to reduce your error rate. I think this one would score about 20 points, but I am sure you can do better.
Thanks for the video my response, Personally, I believe that social media does have an impact on the goods and products we consume. I agree with Jack’s thoughts, in this new era we live in, influencers have become almost like movie stars. Take the Kardashians as an example, they have millions of followers on their platforms and charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to post stories or pictures with a specific brand. We might ask why? The answer is simple: because they drive sales. The vast majority of people want to buy, wear, and consume what these celebrities do. Regarding Emily’s comment, I think generalizing that most people are smart enough could be a misconception. Data shows that most users of these platforms are young people who can easily be influenced, and manipulated.
This is okay, but there are a lot of grammar and punctuation errors. You should resist the urge to use so many commas. You should have just used a period after "I agree with Jack's thoughts" and "take the Kardashians as an example." I think this one would score about 21 points, but I think you can do better. Keep practicing!
While i appreciate the points mentioned by jack and emliy.I think social media influencer as an great impact in the consumer behaviour. Has jack told They usually manipulate the teenagers to buy product.I would add although the consumer have least use of it they purchase unlike and needs and wants.Especially ,most of the consumers just look thought the famous people and be in an illusion that they will recommend an useful and genuine product.For instance,when i was a kid i used to buy a lot of facial products promoted by an famous influencer in thought emi which is completely overspending.
There are grammar and language use mistakes in every sentence. That's where you went wrong. I can't fix them all for you in a UA-cam comment, but I encourage you to use something like "Grammarly" to get corrections.
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily. I think social media influencers have a great impact on consumer behaviour. Has Jack told influencers usually manipulate teenagers to buy the products. I would add although the consumers have the least use of it, they purchase unlike need and want. Especially most consumers just look through famous people and are under the illusion that they will recommend a useful and genuine product. For instance, when I was a kid, I used to buy a lot of facial products promoted by a famous influencer Through emi, which is completely overspending.
Thanks a lot for your great effort.🙏🏽 However, I think ETS made this change because they can't handle the influx of students using AI to learn and ace the independent question. So, they're hustling to cash in by tricking students into thinking this is an upgraded deal. It's a money-making machine company. Ever since the new executive director took over, ETS has been making all sorts of messed-up changes. That's why more universities are accepting Duolingo and IELTS now.
The changes are certainly a response to the massive popularity of the Duolingo and Pearson tests. ETS is likely desperate to get some of their marketshare back. It is worth mentioning that ETS has always been a revenue-seeking organization. Entire books were written to criticize ETS for that even before I was born.
Hi, thank a lot for the video. here is ny response While i appriciate the points mentioned by both Jack and Emily, i think that at the beginning of social media and influencers back to 2016, people did not really understand what is behind all of this inuncers they were not aware that those who they trust and follow benfith. However, years passing by and people start to understand that some of these infulncers promoting different types of think that do not work together, For example when influencers that i follow once recommended about retinol serum and moth later she recommend about other serum and said she used them together which as a result cause about thirty teenangers girls to burn their face and eventually this teeangers went to court. In the end, regarding some cases people understand they should not trust any influencer.
With the emergence of social media, Marketing took a new form called the Influencer Marketing. From my perspective, I believe social media influencers can greatly shape the purchasing decisions of their followers. In fact, an influencer is by definition, a person with strong influence on their fanbase that look up to them in every aspect of their lifestyle. I believe jack touched on this already, young people are gullible through their admiration for those influencers, and so they would blindly trust any recommendation they would give. While i understand Emily's perspective about the rationality of people, I believe she misses an important psychological factor in the equation. In fact, customers are considered to be irrational in Influencer Marketing, and thus viewed as sheeps in a herd by the brands. For instance, the actress Millie Bobby Brown managed to sell her Skin care business while she was not even applying any of the products on her own face in the promotional videos. Yet, her business scored numbers. Aren't people smart enough? To sum up, consumer behavior is heavily impacted by many social factor, ultimately social media infuencers.
I agree with Jack because nowadays, there are a lot of famous influencers on social media who are paid BY big companies to they endorsing their products. My personal belief is that if influencers had not existed, then people would buy fewer things. There are a lot of people who buy certain things only because their favorite influencer is promoting them. In addition, it is very common that people spend a lot of time on the Internet looking for something to buy. I think it is a kind of addiction. For example, it is well-known that people who spend a lot of time on the Internet, also buy more stuff, even when they do not need the things.
I think this one would score about 22 points. A few things are worth mentioning: 1. Just write one paragraph. Smush all of this together. 2. Watch out for typos like "BY." 3. You should have written "to endorse their products." There are more errors and issues, but you get the point!
Hi micheal, My response: In my opinion, social media influencers do indeed have a significant impact on consumer behavior.My personal belief is that Influencers do build strong connections with their followers, so that they can increase the sale of products they endorse.For example, a beauty influencer promoting a skincare product can gain consumer interest and have high chances of increasing sale of that particular product . however,I understand Emily’s concern over the number of influencers and the challenge of choosing whom to trust. but I believe she is missing another critical point that inspite of the abundance of influencers, people still choose to follow and trust specific one based on their personal preferences and past experiences. For instance, I once got influenced from an influencer and brought the brand which she endorsed and got a gud result . so inspite of many influencers my chances of getting influenced from this particular person is more because of my past good experience.This shows that even with many influencers in the market, those who are honest can have strong impact
Can you please let me know how this template is and if any changes need to be made? I have test next week And How should I end academic writing? Should I end with so I believe that influence do have significant influence on consumer or simply I have to end as I have ended in my above answer
Hey Mr Micheal, this is my answer I think Social media has changed consumer behavior and marketing strategies. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, people constantly use their social media platforms to look for a product or a service they want. Their choices are based on the reviews and recommendations of other users as well as celebrities who have already endorsed a certain product. Teenagers and young people are more likely to be impacted by their social media influencer's recommendations. Therefore, some of them may purchase a product or a service that doesn't necessarily respond to their needs. What is worrying about these social media platforms and those influencers is they increase the feeling of wanting more and they create in the consumer some needs that aren't real.
This is strong work! I think it would score about 27 points. Just watch out for small errors like "Social media" (should be "social media") and push your word count further to get a better score.
Heyy Michael! Thank you so much for the great work you are doing here for us, all the test-takers. I have written a post on this prompt and am wondering if you could give me some feedback. Since i am from Afghanistan, I cannot do any online transactions so the only way for me is to use free resources to prepare my self for my test which i will be taking on 29th this month. I am of the convection that social media influencers, with a large number of followers, have a considerable impact on the consumers and hence their purchasing and preferences. As known to all. most of their followers are people who try to follow what these celebrities do and imitate their behaviors because of the trust they have in them. Therefore, if they advocate for a product on their social media platforms, the followers are also most likely to go and purchase the same good. On the other hand, if these celebrities campaign against a commodity, it will also have a significant impact on the market for such commodities. For instance, a few weeks ago, Cristiano Ronaldo, who is a well-known footballer, pushed away two bottles of Coc from the scene in an interview. This simple action resulted in more than 3 million dollars loss of the company's shares.
I think this would score about 20 points. There are multiple errors like: 1. "I am of the convection that" (should be "I am of the belief that...") 2. "As known to all" (should not be followed by a period) 3. "the followers are" (should be "their followers are") 4. "the same good" (should be "it") There are more, but I think you get the point! Focus on grammar!
@@mohammadamanalimyzada1462 did you pass the exam? I have an exam in the next month .Can you tell me about your experience in the exam? Your exam was online at home or in exam center?
While the growing significance of social media influencers on consumer behavior is undeniable, I disagree with the point that it holds power to shift the consumer’s perspective. It just makes today’s consumer more aware about the options available. This trend is in favor of product or service providers as they now have a better platform to market their products or services that can reach to millions, and it is a cost-effective marketing strategy as well. In addition to this, this era is of intelligent consumers. They understand that there is a tendency for influencers to be biased towards a product. Therefore, service or product providers should consider this new avenue an opportunity rather than a threat.
I think this one would score about 23 points. There are minor errors throughout the answer, like: "today's consumer" (should be "today's consumers") "aware about" (should be "aware of") There are others, but I think you get the point.
I am open to any feedback! I believe that social media influencers are the strongest marketing force in our generation. People became easily influenced by others, especially individuals with huge followers and viewers. This can be either positive or negative. For example, Jack mentioned a good point by questioning the authenticity and realism of social media. Many influencers care about nothing other than money, which drives them to promote low-quality and poor products, and their followers can be easily tricked by that. However, these same influencers can advertise helpful products that could change people's lives. So, I assume we should raise awareness on whom and what to trust on social media and never be tricked or easily influenced by others. And always have an independent opinion.
I think you mean "people ARE easily influenced by others" in the second sentence. Otherwise, I like this a lot. I think it would score about 25 or 26 points. Nice work. Just avoid starting sentences with coordinating conjunctions like you did at the very end.
As every thing in life the topic of social media influencers on consumer behavior has multiple facets to consider so people must weigh the pros and cons before jumping into conclusion Even though some adamantly believe that the impact of social media influencers on consumers is positive , i strongly think this opinion lacks coherence to some extent first and foremost most of the individuals will agree with the notion that these influencers offer more drawbacks than advantages as they can alter public perception and believes as they intentionally played a significant role to shift the society attitude to consume more and more products without actually needing them As most of the time they promote for products so that they can make money from these companies , regardless the product quality or importance to the consumers as matter of fact they tend to convince people to buy certain service or product so that they serve their own interest and make more profit out of it , after all each and every topic requires careful deliberation as there are always multiple variables to a truth
This is okay. But there are a lot of little errors. Like: 1. You forgot to capitalize the pronoun "I." 2. You forgot to use periods at the ends of sentences. 3. There are a lot of grammar mistakes. Run your work through something like Grammarly to highlight them all. I think your response would score about 20 points out of 30, but I am sure you can do better.
Thanks for the video!! Could you please check my answer While I appreciate the points made by Jack and Emily, I believe that nowadays influencers have a large influence on how we buy products and services. Years ago, marketing companies focused their efforts on creating unique TV advertisements so people could buy their products and services. However, that has changed with the expansion of platforms such as UA-cam or Instagram, whereas if you live in New York or Antartica, you probably pass your free time watching your favorite influencer on these platforms. As a consequence, many of us and even more of the younger generation are susceptible to being influenced by these influencers, who do not hesitate to promote companies products without making sure about their effectiveness. Overall, nowadays influencers have great power, and I do believe they make a difference when talking about consumer behavior and marketing.
hey, guys! You've been very helpful! Can you see more texts that I made? Economic growth and protecting the environment I believe that the question made by our professor is very interesting and polemic. The importance of economic growth and protecting the environment are two essential thing that every person must be concerned. In my opinion our top priority is to protect the environment. Since we think of the nature and the lives that are involved on this, being sustainable, we have our first problem solved. Then, naturally the economy will be articulated with our future. It’s a big problem to human beings when they prioritize economic growth instead of thinking and protecting the environment. Because of this thought, we should think: how could we live in this planet, if we don’t take care about the environment? Soon, there will be no planet, no life at all. The ethics of targeted advertising Our professor brought up a polemic discussion concerned with the ethics of targeted advertising. Our technology has advanced, and we now face some problems and not only happiness. For example, the targeted advertising phenomenon happens every time in our daily lives. Let’s think of a situation where a person is interested in a product that is being sold on the internet. When a person starts to look for the best price and store to buy, suddenly a lot of targets advertising starts to pop up on the screen. The person doesn’t want that, but this is above her choice. Therefore, I agree that there is a big ethical problem that has no way to resolve, unless you restart all your history on the website used to search for the product. The effects of social media I believe that social media and its effects on human lives is an important issue, that should be discussed with the population in general. We are here in an academic place, so we must know that we are thinking different from people in general. We have backgrounds, studies that help us to discuss and help us to have a critical look about this issue. For instance, if I came out with this polemic issue to know my mother’s opinion, probably she wouldn’t care about it. Social media to her is a place where she talks to her friends form childhood that no longer live near here. On the other hand, if this question will be brought in a class at the university, the controversy will be big, since we will be dealing with young people that use social media every day, since they were kids and don’t know how to deal with life without it.
Thank you for this video. Can you please rate my response? My response In my opinion, social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. I agree with Jack's point that people trust their recommendations. I would add that if we check the product online they only mention ingredients, and how to use them, and the product is nice to use. But influencers will provide honest reviews about products after using them. So, this is the advantage for us to know whether we want to buy that product or not. For instance, I want to buy makeup products say a foundation. First, I will check with my influencer person's page which brand she is using and what's the review. After that, I will buy that product for myself. Second, we sometimes get discounts if we use their promo code which is cheaper than buying from the store Therefore, for those two reasons, I will get honest reviews, and save money I feel social media influencers have a remarkable influence on people.
Stop starting sentences with coordinating conjunctions. Use them between clauses. That will please the e-rater. This reads a bit like a mini essay rather than a message board post. Consider follow the structure recommended in my guide: www.toeflresources.com/new-toefl-writing-task-description-and-guide/ I think this one would score about 19 points.
Thank you for your videos! It helps me a lot. Could you please give me feedbacks on my answer? There are many discussions about social media influencers impacting consumer behaviors and purchases. Personally, I believe that celebrities have been affecting the way that consumers perceive goods and services. Firstly, as influencers these days are not only people who are famous, but are people with large numbers of fans who love them and would like to imitate them. This could mean that consumers are likely to follow what the influencers have been exposing on their own social media accounts, based on their admirations. It is true that most people are smart enough to choose their own decisions, however, it is true that admiration towards the celebrities are increasing as well, influencing the choice of customers largely. This shows that people with large followers on social media must be cautious of what they are posting, with the responsibility that they could alter audiences’ viewpoints and choices.
I think this one would score about 21 points. Your ideas are fine, but the sentences are hard to follow due to grammatical errors and unidiomatic word choices. This task might be easier for you if you make your arguments specific rather than broad. Try talking about specific examples of products and how they are promoted.
Hi, this is my response. It will be of great help if you can rate this. Thankyou Thanks for the video. My response. The topic of effect social media influencers on consumers is much debatable these years. I believe that people nowadays are addicted to social media, and try to follow most of the things displayed on these platforms. Social media influencers take advantage of these scenarios and can be biased in promoting a product for their financial gains. I understand Emily’s point that the number of such influencers is too high. However, she is missing a critical point that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher. These influencers can significantly affect the consumers selection of items for sale and can be hired by companies to increase the sales of their products. People nowadays need someone whom they can trust. To sum up, these are the reasons why I believe that social media influencers can sway consumer behaviors to a great extent
Don't use "is much debatable these years." Use something like "is often debated nowadays." "most of the things" is a bit vague. Can you be more specific? I don't know what you mean by "that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher." Can you rephrase that? Overall, I think this one would score 20 or 21 points, but I bet you can do better. Keep practicing!
Thank you for the video, it's very helpful ! Would you mind checking my essay please? That's my first one. I do not believe social media influencers have changed the way people consumed. As a matter of fact, I think social media influencers are only replacing television adds. Advertisers have noticed that less people watch TV, which means that less people see their adds and they are now asking influencers to promote their products since there are more and more people on social medias. Moreover, I agree with Emily and I believe most people do not buy products just because they saw it on social media and that they think twice before purchasing something. The only people who could do that would be children but they don’t have a credit card, and are, normally, not allowed on those platforms.
This is pretty good, but there are a few small errors. LIke: "people consumed" (change to "people consume") "less people" ("fewer people" is better) "saw it" (should be "saw them") There are others, but I will leave it at that. I think this answer would score 26 or 27 points. Nice work.
While I appreciate the points presented by Jack and Emily, My approach is entirely different from theirs. I firmly believe that the role of social media influencers should be eliminated through new regulations by the authorities. There is a massive amount of millennials who are financially dependent on their parents or guardians. They spend an excessive amount of time on social media, driven by impulsive and insatiable desires rather than awareness of their actual needs. So, Influencers exploit those vulnerable people, and resulting in financial difficulties for those who are financially responsible for taking care of the millennials. Furthermore, I believe that this perpetual consumer culture must change because the world is turning into a wasteland by unnecessary items. In conclusion, millennials should become aware of the value of creation rather than perpetual consumption.
I think this one would score about 23 points. Your ideas are good, but I am worried about your grammar and language use. A few things are worth mentioning: 1. Watch out for capitalization errors. I can spot a few right away, like "My approach." 2. Use "massive NUMBER of millenials" since that is a countable noun. 3. Don't start sentences with coordinating conjunctions like "so." The e-rater doesn't like that. I'll leave it at that, but there are more issues so consider running your work through a service like Grammarly to get a better idea of the mistakes you've made.
@@Toeflresources Unfortunately, I make massive number of grammar errors due to self-studying for a very long time. You are a dedicated tutor/teacher. Your contribution is so precious.
Title: The Paramount Role of Marketing: Unraveling its Transcendence The topic of marketing has ignited extensive deliberation in contemporary times. In today's fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity, it is imperative to explore the changes made by influencer whether, can sway the behaviours of consumer by endorsing products or services. In my unwavering conviction, I firmly contend that influencers stands as the catalyst for aligning the changes in consumer's behaviour, exemplified by people's choice of buying the products used by their influencer and have them in advance. People's often love to see those products in their hand, if their influencer had mentioned about it before. Not only did they follow all trendings created by them, they also love being called their fan's, wearing the product's they endorsed. While I comprehend Emily's concerns regarding trust issue, I posit that she overlooks another crucial dimension. Trusting and following them unreasonably is the act that the true fans usually make. Usually, so they don't have trust issues. Instead, they follow them blindly. Subsequently, it becomes patently evident that following them blindly and not having trust issues is of utmost significance, hence warranting meticulous attention and nurturing.
It looks like you are trying WAY too hard to use fancy words. That isn't helping. Indeed, it makes your writing look unnatural and awkward. I think this one would score about 18 points, but I think you are certainly capable of better. Also, don't give your answer a title.
Looking for more help than I can give you in the comments? Check out my paid evaluation service over here for really detailed feedback: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/toefl-essay-evaluation-and-scoring/
Hi, I'm an Afghan girl and as you know that nowadays Taliban don't let girl to continue their lessons. So for continue my lesson I must pass the TOEFL exam and get scholarship in another country. Please I need your help to pass the exam.🙏
I am fully convinced that social media influencers have a huge impact on marketing, especially among the younger generation. Since the use of social media has grown among millennials and Gen-Z during the last decade, it is evident that social media influencers would target these groups of people into buying what they advertise through their internet platforms. I believe that celebrities have a huge impact on sales because they are quick to catch up with current trends and many young people take inspiration from them in order to be trendy as well. Therefore, when a celebrity advertises a product or service on their social media, the mass audience would get the incentive to pay for the product, and thus it would make a huge profit.
Thank you very much!
Nice work! I think this one would score about 24 or 25 points. There are a few grammar and language use errors, but they are not major.
Always the best!
From the looks of it filling the essay up with fluff is the way to go for people with poor grammar and expressions.
Possibly. The e-rater is flukey, so another strategy is to simply avoid the sorts of mistakes it easily notes. I've seen some really poor answers get scores of 5.0.
You are one of the best explaining and teaching Toefl, big thanks.
You're very welcome! I am so happy to have helped a bit! When will you take the test?
This video is so good for me to prepare TOEFL! Thank you so much for the video!
You're so welcome!
Thanks for this video Mr. Michael.
My response:
This is a challenging topic, but I think that influencers could affect the behavior of consumers. I strongly support Jack's idea that some influencer promotes products that they don't trust or believe them. I would add that some influencers promote a kind of product that is not suitable for their audience. While Emily raised the relevant point that people nowadays have sufficient awareness about their purchases and can distinguish between their needs and wants, she didn't mention that currently an enormous number of users on social media platforms are people under sixteen, and not all of them care about needs or wants. They just buy the thing that they like it. For instance, My little cousin saw an ad about VR glasses then entered the website and bought it using my uncle's credit card and actually, he never needed it.
This would probably score about 24 or 25 points, a bit better than the one you posted in another comment. There are too many little errors like "some influencer" (make sure to use the plural form) "promote a kind of product" (should be "promote products").
Thanks for this video!
My response
While social media influencers have had a significant impact on people’s purchasing power recently, I believe that social media are becoming not as influential as they were a few years ago. I can relate to both Jack’s and Emily’s opinions, but I would like to add that there are too many social media stars nowadays and furthermore any usual person may start their career as a blogger so the people’s confidence in products, promoted by influencers hardly decreases. But in spite of this fact, platform TikTok affects consumer’s minds the most. As an example, there are many videos of beauty influencers on this platform making hauls on what they bought at Sephora or other drug stores. After those videos it is very hard for consumers to find promoted products in stores because of a huge fan’s interest in the product or brand.
This is pretty good work. There are just a few minor errors like:
"are becoming not as influential" (just use "are not as influential")
"any usual person" (use "any normal person")
"so the people's confidence" (should be "our confidence")
There are other errors, but you get the point. I'd say this one would score 22 or 23 points.
First of all, I appreciate the opinions of both Emily and Jack. While some people think that marketing does not affecting by social media, I strongly believe that the world has been completely changed and everything become related to the technology, specially, the social media influencers. I agree with Jacks claims, that when influencers present goods through different social platforms, this has a huge impact on people in different nations with different cultural or social backgrounds all over the world. We note that they have a great footprint on individuals. However, this will increase the sales and profits for the companies. So, I think in the future companies will depend mainly on influencers rather than other famous characters in their marketing and products promotions.
I think this one would score about 18 points. Your ideas are good, but there are multiple grammar and language use errors in just about every sentence. Consider using a service like Grammarly to identify specific errors in your practice responses.
In my opinion social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok abound with influencers who have a serious impact on consumers behavior. As Jack mentioned, people tend to trust influencer´s opinion about something without checking if the product meets quality standards. Moreover, companies are taking advantage of this phenomenon to control their customers through influencers. They send several products to these people so they agree on showing them on their videos. Most of the time, influencers promote products that they did not even try. From my point of view, people are losing their power to decide what to purchase because someone else is making a decision for them.
Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it
I got 90 points but I need over 100. I have 5 months more to get prepared. I hope you cand upload more videos like these ones.
There are some grammar and language use errors here. Like:
"on consumers behavior" (needs a possessive apostrophe)
"tend to trust influncer's opinion" (should be "tend to trust influencers' opinions")
"that they did not even try" (should be "that they have not even tried")
You should also try to use more conjunctions. Your grammar lacks complexity.
I think this one would score 20 or 21 points.
Do keep in mind that if you want much more detailed help you can try the paid service: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/toefl-essay-evaluation-and-scoring/
You are mentioning what a student said
Hi! This is my answer:
The way I see it social media influencers definitely have an impact on the consuming preference of society. Not only because of what Jake states about how people look up to these mediatic figures but also due to how they tend to believe in absolutely everything they say. Moreover, I believe the problem is that consumerism is shown by them as an activity to spend your free time and not to satisfy basic needs.
In my opinion, a solution to this issue is to educate adolescents in this topic since high school, by teaching them how to be skeptical and selective of what they are buying. If they are raised to be aware of what they consume, the impact of social media influencers will be reduced.
This one would probably score 24 or 25 points. Your work is solid, but it sometimes sounds awkward and unidiomatic. I mean phrases like "the consuming preference of society."
I am doing practice of it.... but sometimes, I dont know that writer...
Do you mean the topic is too challening?
Thanks for the video
my response,
I am on the same side as Jack. I think social media influencers have a significant effect on users. Firstly, an average of people spend 3 hours each day on social media. During that time they get suggestions from a wide variety of influencers, and they gradually embrace some of them and form trust. This type of relationship causes them to buy the products that the influencers suggest.
However blindly buying products brings a really big problem, selling scam products. Since there are a high amount of people who will buy just what the influencer suggests, the companies can earn money by selling even harmful products that have not been tested or validated.
Good afternoon! This is decent work, but there are a few errors. Like:
"an average of people" (should be "an average person spends...")
"brings a really big problem" (should be "causes a really big problem")
"by selling even" (should be "by selling")
Meanwhile, make sure your word count is about 100 or 110. I didn't count the words here, but your answer seems a bit short.
Overall, I think this one would score about 22 points.
Can we include personal examples related to the topic
Yes, I think so.
Can you also suggest an opening line for when we are agreeing with the students or making an independent point
Try something like: "I agree with xxxxx's idea that...." to agree. Try "While XXX and YYY make some good points, I think that..." to state your own point.
i have 17 days from now for my toefl ibt test..im nervous but ur resources is helping me .thannk u
I am so happy to have helped! Let me know if you have any questions.
here is my response
This is a challenging topic, but I think that social media influencers and celebrities with large number of followers have a huge impact on consumer behavior.
I strongly agree with Jack’s idea that people who follow them and admire them will trust their recommendations.I would add that most followers of these social media stars are people who want to be like them. Consequently, if the celebrity shares products or services that they use, their followers would most likely like to use them.
While Emily raised the relevant point that today there are a lot of different influencers promoting various products which makes it difficult to choose whom to trust. I half agree with her there. However, I would like to add that nowadays there are different advertisements everywhere and I think influencers’ suggestions do not differ from them. From my point of view, their promotion is another type of advertisement and helps consumers to learn more about specific product or service.
This is solid. I think it would score 26 or 27 points. There are just a few little issues like "if the celebrity" (should be "if a celebrity").
Nice work.
I believe that social media influencers play an important role in the selling process. There are two reasons to support this idea. Firstly, the cost of hiring them is cheaper than paying for well-known celebrities. For example, companies can hire 10 influencers from varied backgrounds for the same cost as hiring one famous artist. This action will provide more advantages for the products to be recognized by many people from different walks of life.
The next reason is that influencers are more creative in introducing new products to their audiences. Social media influencers understand what their followers want; for instance, they can create short stories or host live sessions on their own accounts. This allows them to communicate directly and attract their followers' attention without the intervention of others.
In conclusion, using influencers to promote or sell products on their accounts can significantly benefit companies.
This is good, but it looks more like a mini essay than a post in an ongoing discussion. Try to use something like the templates I've recommended.
which will get more marks either supporting particularly one idea or supporting both the ideas ?like is it gud to mention just one or both?foe eg : i agreee with jack that social media influencers have significant impact. or i agree with both jack and emily but social media influencers impact depend on how one perceive them..........
Support one idea. Don't support both of them.
My answer:
Although I value the points made by Jack and Emily, I consider that social media influencers have a lot impact on buyers. In todays fast paced world people are consuming social media platforms to enhance their businesses. People are more likely to get effected by their favorite influencer. For instance, Individuals buy things by taking people opinions and ideas. If observers notice their favorite people using that particular thing, they might purchase it. Furthermore, for most of the people, their inspiration are their influencers. So, some people may beleive that influencers dont affect their lives, however I always assume that social media influencers are much powerful.
This is an okay answer. I think it would score about 21 or 22 points. To improve your score, you must reduce your error rate. I mean things like:
"In todays fast paced world" (you forgot the possessive apostrophe)
"are consuming social media platforms" (should be something like "are consuming content from social media platforms")
"Individuals" (should not be capitalized)
"by taking people opinions and ideas" (I think you mean "based on the opinions and ideas of other people")
Do you have online class speaking and writing part? My level is intermediate. Thanks
Yeah. You can contact me over here: www.toeflresources.com/sample-toefl-essays/contact-us/
Thanks a lot!☺
My response
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior is definitely important. First and foremost, many people spend lots of time on social media. So who use social media can be exposed many times to some products by influencers. Plus, influencers also have lots of fans as a celebrity. Their fan used to buy the products that the influencers promoted or bought. Sometimes they don’t consider usefulness. To illustrate with an example, my friend Amy always buys cosmetics that her favorite influencer buys. Some people, including Emily, may feel that influencers don’t have a significant impact on consumer behavior, but I think that influencer’s impact on consumer behavior is powerful.
Can you be a bit more specific than "important"? That's really vague.
Don't start sentences with coordinating conjunctions like "so." The e-rater doesn't like that.
Note the missing plural on "their fan" (should be "their fans").
There are other issues, but I will leave it at that for now. I think this one would score about 22 points, but I am sure you can do better!
and how do we come up with supporting reasons?
Well, try to think about the question in terms of these four common categories: work, family, education, health
That sometimes helps.
Many people nowadays are concerned about the impact of social media influencers on consumer behaviour. Though Jack has a good point of view that many people especially the young one are more likely to imitate and trust social media infuencers, another key factor to consider is adolescents have the desire to try new products, especially those that have been advertised by social media influencers. while I agree with Emily's point of view, I would like to qualify that despite the high number of people following the influencers, there are many people who are more aware when they buy certain products because they know very well that there are side effects and not all feedback is true.
I recommend slightly shorter sentences. The second one really got away from you. Meanwhile, remember to start every sentence with a capital letter. Don't use "I would like to qualify." Instead use "I would like to add".
I think this one would score about 21 points, but I bet you can do better.
Hey, this is my answer. Could you please tell me whether I need to make any changes?
While I appreciate the contributions made to this discussion by Jack and Emily, I believe that social media influencers play a major role in consumer behaviour in today's world. Almost everybody has access to social media nowadays, be it teenagers or working professionals or older adults in their 60s. The world comes together and interacts on social networking sites thus making these platforms a hub to market products to a vast audience in a short time. In such a scenario, social media influencers play a crucial part in attracting a large number of consumers towards the products that they choose to endorse. These influencers have an enormous amount of followings and are popular among younger audiences that are often the target audiences for various brands. Influencers today have the ability to captivate our minds and bring us to buy something that we may not necessarily need. Although I agree that some influencers may not spare time to verify the authenticity of the products that they're offered to endorse, it is hard to deny the impact that they have on social media users thereby manipulating consumer behaviour.
This is superb work. I wouldn't change anything.
Thanks for the video!
My response
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that the public are not completely influenced by social media. Nowadays most people read and review the products before they buy any. As a result, they would not blindly buy any items online without good ratings. Remember that most people purchase only according to their needs rather than making any blind guesses, so they are most likely to check the authenticity of the brands they are about to buy. Some people may feel that online products or services are all true, but many of them will look into the product’s or services' quality before buying any. Thus, I believe that social platforms don’t have a significant impact on the costumers' purchasing preferences.
This is really solid. I think I would say "the public is not completely" but I bet others disagree. I would also stick a comma after "nowadays" when it begins a sentence, but that is somewhat optional. I would use "As a result, they DO not blindly buy..." since that sentence is just a generalization about how the world works.
Overall, I think this one would score about 26 points.
@@Toeflresources Thank you for the reply and the comments
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
@@Toeflresources Taking it on November 1st
I wish you the very best of luck!
I have a question, Can I write something like this “ while I appreciate the points mentioned by Emily, I agree with Jack’s idea that…” or should I just say “ I agree with jack’s idea that…” and not even mention Emily’s pint of view. I am planning on sending my all assay to your e-mail but I want to check with you before. Thank you so much for all the you do.
Both are totally fine.
I just have one question please. I heard that we should not use informal words in our responses. Meaning that, I would use "do not , will not , would not " instead of "don't, won't, wouldn't". What are your thoughts on this?
It is totally fine to use contractions.
Highly informative! Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily, I think that nowdays social media influencers have a strongly impact in the endorsing products and services. Even if people is looking for a product they search an influencer on instagram or tiktok to have more options and feel safe in their election. Although, we have the possibility to read the comments from other people that have used the product before and sometimes we can obtain a percentage off with the codes they share in the stories, this is another interesting point for people that is looking for a product. However, some influencers have lost credibility because some people think that their job is to endorse as different products as possible to earn money and that sometimes they do not use the products. This is a challenging topic but I think influencers will continue influencing people.
This is good, but there are a few little language use errors like:
"have a strongly impact in..." (should be: "have a strong impact when they endorse..."
"even if people is" (should be "even if people are")
"search an influencer" (should be "search for an influencer")
There are others, but I will leave it at that. I think your answer would score about 21 or 22 points. Try using something like "Grammarly" to get a better idea of the mistakes you are making.
Thank you Michael for this helpful video and detailed explanations. I haven't practiced writing that much before. I was mostly focused on reading, listening and speaking and I have just started practicing writing and my test is in two months. I don't know how much I can trust the e-rater. I have practiced four samples that ETS has uploaded, got 2 fours and 2 fives. I don't know how well I actually write. Do you think we can trust the score that the e-rater gives?
The exact same tech will be used on the real test, so I think it is trustworthy. THAT SAID, on the real test you will also be graded by a human rater who could pick up on other problems.
Please make more videos about TOEFL essential
Really? I didn't think that was so popular...
@@Toeflresources some universities accept it and it's more affordable.
What do you think?
While I was reading Jack and Emily answers, I realized that I agree more with Emily. Despite we have those social media influencers all day long doing advertisements, we are in a society that have lots of information, not only what Instagram or UA-cam says. I believe that when we are interested in a product, we look for other information and not only what the influencers says. For example, If I were alone, reading or watching what a famous social media influencer has to say, I would not believe in that at first. I will probably ask the opinions of people around me, people that I trust and know that have knowledge.
This one is just too short, I think. I'd give it about 18 points.
Try to state your actual opinion in the opening line. Don't JUST say who you agree with.
Thanks for your detailed explanation and tips. By the way, I have a question for your first example. Why 'While' can be used at the beginning of the paragraph?
As we know, there are two meaning for the word 'while' a s a conjunction.
1. During the time
2. Whereas
I guess if you want to argue against Jack and Emily, it is natural to use while for 2nd meaning. But, I felt the paragarph insist in the same way with Jack and Emily.
Can you explain more about my question?
In this case "while" is closer in meaning to "even though".
Social media influencers have become increasingly popular in recent years, and their impact on consumer behavior is undeniable. With millions of followers on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, influencers have the power to sway people’s opinions and purchasing decisions. For example, a study by the Influencer Marketing Hub found that 63% of consumers trust influencers more than traditional advertising. This is because influencers are often seen as more authentic and relatable than celebrities or brands. Additionally, influencers can provide detailed reviews and recommendations for products, which can help consumers make informed decisions. However, there are also concerns about the authenticity of influencer content and the potential for misleading advertising. Despite these concerns, it’s clear that social media influencers are here to stay and will continue to play an important role in shaping consumer behavior.
I would likely give this a somewhat low score. Maybe 22 points. Your answer lacks a clear position or "thesis." It seems to consist of random sentences without a coherent argument.
The good news is that your grammar is really strong.
Hello , since i have to listen to the lecture , Can i replay that audio as many times as i want to write my summary? because it won't be always a question made by the lecturer or Did they change it?
I think you have the questions confused. This one has no lecture. Just reading.
The OTHER question has a lecture (which you hear one time). Read this page: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/
While I appreciate both opinions, I think social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. I totally agree with Emily's point that most people are smart enough to know what they need. However, sometimes the power of the advertisement makes you need something you are not thinking about.
Additionally, the most targeted audience on social media comprises young adults, who are highly susceptible to these advertisements.
Overall, social media influencers have a significant impact on our lives. Undoubtedly, that is not a good thing and we have to be focus on what we need.
You need conjunctions! There is a lack of grammatical sophistication here. Try using both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. I think your answer would score about 21 or 22 points.
Could you please clarify if there is any additional time allocated for reviewing the task and responses in WRITING TASK 2, or if the total time is limited to 10 minutes, including both reading and composing the response? I appreciate your response in advance.
Total time is ten minutes. That is ten minutes for both reading and writing.
here's my response :
This is a controversial topic, but I personally think that social influencers have drastically affected consumers behaviors. When a person sees an advertisement done by their favorite influencer for a certain product, they will going to want to buy it no matter if they need it or think it's good or not. I strongly agree with Jack's view point about whether the products they promote are trustworthy or not. And I would like to add that as I've seen, most of the time people realize these products end up being highly unreliable. While Emily raised the relevant point that consumers are capable of choosing what they need instead of what's promoted, she neglected to mention that a lot of costumers unconsciously make those decision. So, to sum up, I believe that influencers have definitely changed our decision making abilities.
Please, make more videos like this🥺
I will! Just make sure to sub to the channel.
Does a score of 5 from the e-rater ensure that you will get a good score from the human checker as well?
No, no. The human rater doesn't see the e-rater score.
hi @beerusgurung8200, I saw you replied to some of the writing posts, I am looking for practicing my speaking with someone else, would you be interested?
thanks a lot for helping us💫
My pleasure 😊
Thanks a lot for great efforts, it is really helpful, can you post more of academic discussion tasks, where can l find ,on google or youtube, kindly guide n help ,need it ,thanks
I have a ton of them over here: www.toeflresources.com/toefl-writing-sample-questions-and-answers-discussion-board-questions/
Thanks ,l will see
Sir, kindly tell ,do we have to read the entire paragraph of each student or we can read first 1-2 sentences from each student's reply. Can this serve the purpose? Do guide ,thanks
I think you should read them all the way through, but quickly. Don't worry TOO much about comprehension. Just skim.
Thanks sir for giving your time
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
I plan to give shortly ,little held up, but going through all uour materials especially writing ,thanks
If I’ll be taking the test on 26th of July, which pattern will the examination follow?
According to ETS, yes.
The new patter right?
@@raynercardoso_7038 yes.
Hi Michael,
Thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.
In my opinion, no one can turn a blind eye to the fact that people are impressed by influencers. I strongly agree with Jack's idea that young people count on celebrities a lot. I'd add that influencers are role models for youngsters, and they follow and imitate their standpoints blindly. Youth tend to keep up with the new trends in society, so influencers' comments are of great importance to them. While Emily raised the relevant point that most people make wise decisions about what to purchase, she did not mention that juveniles believe everything. As they are less equipped and experienced, they are unable to distinguish an authentic point of view from a destructive one. For example, when I was a twelve-year-old child, a popular singer advertised a cell phone on TV and showed it much better than it really was. Although it was an ordinary product, the majority of my classmates purchased that cell phone.
This is a strong response. There are a few grammar errors here, but they are very minor. I think this one would score about 26 or 27 points. Great work.
@@ToeflresourcesThank you so much for your feedback.
@@Toeflresources The maximum score I can get in reading, listening, and writing sections is 26. How can I boost my score?
I don't have an easy answer for that,@@Reyhane-ys2eu . You need to study and practice.
Personally, I can guarantee that social media influencers have massively impacted purchasing power nowadays. Especially among new generations and youth. I strongly agree with Jack’s point of view. Influencers have their own ways of attracting people and engaging them to follow their opinions and recommendations. For instance, I have a young niece, who follows a Facebook blogger, and she imitates her in everything. Therefore, she buys lots of trivial stuff only because she watches reviews about them on her UA-cam channel without even reading other customers’ reviews. The blogger’s feedback is so reliable to her. However, Emily’s opinion may be right with seniors or adults who validate and buy only what they legitimately need and also read reviews for each product they buy.
Use the simple present tense instead of the present perfect tense when "nowadays." As in: "social media influencers massively impact purchasing power nowadays."
Avoid using really colloquial language like "stuff." Try "products" here.
Reviews are "of" things, not "about" them.
There are other minor issues, but I think you get the point. Overall, I'd say this one would score about 24 points. Nice work.
Hi, Michael! Thank you for the video. Could you review my response?
While I appreciate the points mentioned by both Jack and Emily, I think that social influencers do have a very significant impact on consumer behavior. First, we are currently seeing a lot of brands looking for partnership among these social influencers, and the reason is not only because they became very popular among social networks, but also because their followers are committed to what that person says, does and what products they trust. Furthermore, Jack states an important detail about the veracity of these recommendations given by the social influencers. It’s likely that many of them act out of financial interest nowadays, rather than genuine taste for the product offered by the brand they are associated with.
I don't get why you are giving everyone a mediocre score of around 20 when your own response is not even that special either. Their minor grammar mistakes resulted in a dramatic score decline, but your "nowadays. Nowadays" response got a perfect score. How's that even fair? Smh
Yes, grammatical mistakes result in large score drops. It is that kind of test. You can be angry at me, I guess.
It is worth noting that I have given very few people here an estimated score of 20. The average is much higher than that.
@@Toeflresources Not angry at all. Just confused.
@@Scarsight check this out: www.toeflresources.com/blog/more-toefl-e-rater-explorations/
@@Toeflresources Interesting blog, I might pay more attention to my lack of specific vocabulary as well from now on, but how could you tell the difference in the score between the response with commas and the one without them using e-rater? Is this a free AI tool? It seems pretty useful to practice with it for the writing section. Thanks in advance.
Oh, you don't know about access to the e-rater! Check this out (scroll to the bottom): www.ets.org/toefl/test-takers/ibt/prepare/practice-tests.html
I don't really have time to input more answers into the e-rater right now, but you can experiment yourself with and without commas.
My response
The rising of social media influencers also affect the advertisement sector and the effects of these influencers on consumer’s behavior has generated much discussion in recent years. My personal belief is that they have a huge impact on society. Because they are usually followed by the people who find them sincere and warm. So the followers have a tendency to trust them and the tendency makes easier for them to buy the products which the influencers have promoted. But, I also understand the concerns of Jack over reliability of the influencer’s comments, but I think that he misses another crucial point that most of the influencers also use the products for some time before they promoted it. Therefore, they are also one of the consumers and if they continue to use it, this shows the reliability of their support to the brand.
I think this one would score about 20 points.
Thanks for the video. My response.
The topic of effect social media influencers on consumers is much debatable these years. I believe that people nowadays are addicted to social media, and try to follow most of the things displayed on these platforms. Social media influencers take advantage of these scenarios and can be biased in promoting a product for their financial gains. I understand Emily’s point that the number of such influencers is too high. However, she is missing a critical point that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher. These influencers can significantly affect the consumers selection of items for sale and can be hired by companies to increase the sales of their products. People nowadays need someone whom they can trust. To sum up, these are the reasons why I believe that social media influencers can sway consumer behaviors to a great extent.
This is okay, but there are a lot of little grammar and language use errors. Like:
"is much debatable these years" (should be something like: "it debated a lot nowadays")
"most of the things" (should be something more specific)
"take advantage of these scenarios" (should just be "take advantage of this")
There are more, but I think you get the point. Focus on improving your language use. Study grammar. I think this answer would score about 21 points, but I am sure you can do better.
Thank you for your valuable feedback
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
Good afternoon! Thank you so much for such a free opportunity! My biggest problems are in essays because I can't write them in the required time and I have a lot of problems with grammar. Here is my essay :
This is a challenging topic, but I would rather agree with Jack then with Emily. While Emily raised a logical point that people are smart enough to make their own decisions, then they make these decisions, they usually choose from products that they are already aware of. In general, the whole point of advertisment is to make people know about you and blogers complete this task very well. In conclusion, I will say that influencers are called that for a reason, and even if you think that they will never affect your decisions, in fact, most likely, they have already did.
I think this one would score about 20 points. I'm worried that it is too short to earn a score in the mid or high 20s. Keep practicing and try to write a bit more each time. A few other points are worth mentioning:
1. Don't use "I would rather agree with Jack than with Emily." Just say "I agree with Jack rather than Emily."
2. You can delete "then they make these decisions."
3. You should say "the whole point of an advertisement."
@Toeflresources Thanks a lot for checking and helpful tips. I will continue to practice)
@Toeflresources when I was writing this essay the exam was coming up soon and as you said I scored 20 points) the final score was 88 and I needed 72+ so I'm doing well
My response is:
If I were to choose, I would definitely say that social media influencers have a strong impact on consumer behaviors. My personal belief is that when a product is promoted, we see it on social media as it is advertised. I have to admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own personal experience. For instance, I am overly influenced when I see on social media a pretty girl putting skin care products on her skin. I am, to be honest, easily convinced by the idea that the product in question will purify and enlighten my skin as it does for her. I understand Emily’s point regarding people having their own choices and acting towards their own needs, but I believe that she misses another critical point: the undeniable effect of idolization and social media. It is tremendously hard to step back and think logically when faced with a glorified advertisement, with a chilly music in the background. In light of the reasons mentioned, I strongly believe that social media influencers have a major power on our society, especially on young people.
Should I mention both of the students' viewpoints?
That's optional.
I think this one would score about 26 points. Nice work.
thank you so much for your time!@@Toeflresources
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
Thank you for ideas.
My response -
The topic of Social media celebrity has generated much discussion in recent years. My personal belief is that social media influencers do not possess much talent, so I would not consider them role models for the society. I must admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own personal experience. I remember when I was in high school, my classmate Rina started her won social media account, where she used to show her luxurious life. Her father was a Pilot and subsequently, he collected a lot of wealth. She does not have any talent of her own and she just takes pride on her father's money. This negatively impacts the life of kids who consume her content and feel sad about their lives. Especially, children from the lower strata of the society face stress from such type of content.
To add, I totally agree with Emily's point about the numerous influencers who promote different product, many times this influencers take advantage of the competition between various companies and charge more money for promotion. For instance, Rajdeep star, an influencer, endorses both Puma and Reebok which have competitive interests.
To sum up, I do not prefer social media influencers as celebrities.
I think this one would score about 23 points. Your grammar is decent, but there are a lot of sloppy typos like "Social" and "won" and "Pilot." Be careful.
Thank you sir for the video.What do you think about my response:
"With the rise of social media,a lot of influencers have taken it as a full time job where they promote different kinds of products on their platforms.I agree with Jack about influencers having a significant impact on consumers but I'd like to add that it can be both positive and negative depending on what they are promoting and who is watching.For instance,we have influencers who promote sex toys, don't get me wrong,there is no harm in toys but they don't have control over who is watching or purchasing.Teenagers might end up purchasing and using since a they want to imitate a certain celebrity.On the other hand,others may market something like land or a hotel which leads to a lot of people checking them out due to their massive following and the trust people have on them.But one thing people should know is that they do all this for money.
In light of the reasons mentioned, I strongly believe that influencers have an impact on people's behavior.
I think this one would score about 22 points. Your ideas are fine, but there are some grammar and language use errors.
Honestly, you should probably avoid writing about "sex toys" in your TOEFL test. You don't want to trigger any "offensive content" flags.
@@Toeflresources thank you very much.
Thank you so much for the video
My response
I definitely believe that these new tagged celebrities: social media influencers actually influence the market as a whole. As Jack has aptly suggested, not only young social media users are attracted but also elderly people trust and buy through these advertisements. However, I believe that not all the influencers can be trusted, due to the role they play in these videos or photos recommending products but, most young generations benefit from discounts and coupon codes offered and provided to buy a service or product by the influencers. Furthermore, Emily has contended that it is cumbersome to trust the influencer but she is overlooking the broader context in a way that is advantageous to not only customers but also to miniature companies trying to establish their brand globally. To make a long story short, I personally believe that they modify consumer behavior through their honest and trusted review.
Kindly make video upon speaking ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
There are already a ton of videos in my channel about speaking. Just check the main channel page. :)
How is this?
Personally speaking, I think with the advancement in technology, social media marketing is on the rise and is reaching much higher levels than previously seen. These new "digital economic giants" referred to as social media influencers have a huge part in this upshoot. With new phone releases like the "iphone series", just anybody can become a social media influencer. Hence, I believe Jack has a point when he questioned the authenticity of the products. Many of the social media influencers are not experts, so the validity of the products they recommend can not be verified. Besides, a lot of then are more interested in the monetary compensation they recieve from the companies that work with them. Social media has become deep rooted in our society especially amongst the new generation. I believe the swaying abilities of these influencers is only going to increase. Day by day, parents are slowly losing control over the wants of their children. The average 15yr old would rather take advice from his favourite youtuber or tiktoker than his parents. This is the extent of things.
This is pretty good. I think it would score 24 to 26 points. Your grammar is really strong, but your word choices are a little unidiomatic. That is, they sound a bit unnatural to me as a native speaker.
Also, never use "15yr old." Write that out in full!!
@@Toeflresources thanks for the feedback.
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
Great video! Could you please take out a minute to rate my answer? -
The trend of social media influencers has been on a rise in the recent times and thus, we have been witnessing a sky rocketing of endorsements on every platform we visit. I believe the influencers have a considerable impact on the consumer behavior. While I do agree with Emily on the point that there are too many people Endorsing different products, making it hard to choose from, I don't agree that most people are smart enough to refrain from buying the products.
First of all, the products are meticulously marketed to target the buyers and often claim to address their issues in a better way than the other products in the market. For instance, hair care and skin care products claim to be all natural and chemical free to appeal to people. Thus, even when people are unsure about the authenticity, they might get convinced to give the product a try after seeing the advertisement multiple times. Because even when people think they're smart enough to not fall for marketing strategies, they could still find the ingredients and claims to be plausible and try them.
There are quite a few errors here. I mean stuff like:
"has been on a rise" (should be "has been on the rise")
"in the recent times" (should be "in recent times")
"a sky rocketing of endorsements" (should be something like "a huge number of endorsements")
There are more, but I think you get the point. Try your best to reduce your error rate. I think this one would score about 20 points, but I am sure you can do better.
Thanks for the video
my response,
Personally, I believe that social media does have an impact on the goods and products we consume. I agree with Jack’s thoughts, in this new era we live in, influencers have become almost like movie stars. Take the Kardashians as an example, they have millions of followers on their platforms and charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to post stories or pictures with a specific brand. We might ask why? The answer is simple: because they drive sales. The vast majority of people want to buy, wear, and consume what these celebrities do. Regarding Emily’s comment, I think generalizing that most people are smart enough could be a misconception. Data shows that most users of these platforms are young people who can easily be influenced, and manipulated.
This is okay, but there are a lot of grammar and punctuation errors. You should resist the urge to use so many commas. You should have just used a period after "I agree with Jack's thoughts" and "take the Kardashians as an example."
I think this one would score about 21 points, but I think you can do better. Keep practicing!
Thank you Michael
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
@@Toeflresources Hello, Michael Thank you once more! I'll actually take the exam on August 5th.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help before then!
@@Toeflresources Thank you very much, Michael
While i appreciate the points mentioned by jack and emliy.I think social media influencer as an great impact in the consumer behaviour. Has jack told They usually manipulate the teenagers to buy product.I would add although the consumer have least use of it they purchase unlike and needs and wants.Especially ,most of the consumers just look thought the famous people and be in an illusion that they will recommend an useful and genuine product.For instance,when i was a kid i used to buy a lot of facial products promoted by an famous influencer in thought emi which is completely overspending.
I think this one would score about 17 or 18 points. There are just too many grammar and language use errors.
Can u please tell me where I went wrong
There are grammar and language use mistakes in every sentence. That's where you went wrong. I can't fix them all for you in a UA-cam comment, but I encourage you to use something like "Grammarly" to get corrections.
While I appreciate the points mentioned by Jack and Emily. I think social media influencers have a great impact on consumer behaviour. Has Jack told influencers usually manipulate teenagers to buy the products. I would add although the consumers have the least use of it, they purchase unlike need and want. Especially most consumers just look through famous people and are under the illusion that they will recommend a useful and genuine product. For instance, when I was a kid, I used to buy a lot of facial products promoted by a famous influencer Through emi, which is completely overspending.
This has the same problem. :(
Thanks a lot for your great effort.🙏🏽
However, I think ETS made this change because they can't handle the influx of students using AI to learn and ace the independent question. So, they're hustling to cash in by tricking students into thinking this is an upgraded deal. It's a money-making machine company. Ever since the new executive director took over, ETS has been making all sorts of messed-up changes. That's why more universities are accepting Duolingo and IELTS now.
The changes are certainly a response to the massive popularity of the Duolingo and Pearson tests. ETS is likely desperate to get some of their marketshare back.
It is worth mentioning that ETS has always been a revenue-seeking organization. Entire books were written to criticize ETS for that even before I was born.
Hi, thank a lot for the video. here is ny response
While i appriciate the points mentioned by both Jack and Emily, i think that at the beginning of social media and influencers back to 2016, people did not really understand what is behind all of this inuncers they were not aware that those who they trust and follow benfith.
However, years passing by and people start to understand that some of these infulncers promoting different types of think that do not work together, For example when influencers that i follow once recommended about retinol serum and moth later she recommend about other serum and said she used them together which as a result cause about thirty teenangers girls to burn their face and eventually this teeangers went to court.
In the end, regarding some cases people understand they should not trust any influencer.
This one is about the same as the other one you posted. Focus on grammar and language use.
Thank you so much
You're most welcome!
With the emergence of social media, Marketing took a new form called the Influencer Marketing.
From my perspective, I believe social media influencers can greatly shape the purchasing decisions of their followers. In fact, an influencer is by definition, a person with strong influence on their fanbase that look up to them in every aspect of their lifestyle. I believe jack touched on this already, young people are gullible through their admiration for those influencers, and so they would blindly trust any recommendation they would give.
While i understand Emily's perspective about the rationality of people, I believe she misses an important psychological factor in the equation. In fact, customers are considered to be irrational in Influencer Marketing, and thus viewed as sheeps in a herd by the brands. For instance, the actress Millie Bobby Brown managed to sell her Skin care business while she was not even applying any of the products on her own face in the promotional videos. Yet, her business scored numbers. Aren't people smart enough?
To sum up, consumer behavior is heavily impacted by many social factor, ultimately social media infuencers.
I agree with Jack because nowadays, there are a lot of famous influencers on social media who are paid BY big companies to they endorsing their products.
My personal belief is that if influencers had not existed, then people would buy fewer things. There are a lot of people who buy certain things only because their favorite influencer is promoting them.
In addition, it is very common that people spend a lot of time on the Internet looking for something to buy. I think it is a kind of addiction. For example, it is well-known that people who spend a lot of time on the Internet, also buy more stuff, even when they do not need the things.
I think this one would score about 22 points. A few things are worth mentioning:
1. Just write one paragraph. Smush all of this together.
2. Watch out for typos like "BY."
3. You should have written "to endorse their products."
There are more errors and issues, but you get the point!
Hi micheal,
My response:
In my opinion, social media influencers do indeed have a significant impact on consumer behavior.My personal belief is that Influencers do build strong connections with their followers, so that they can increase the sale of products they endorse.For example, a beauty influencer promoting a skincare product can gain consumer interest and have high chances of increasing sale of that particular product . however,I understand Emily’s concern over the number of influencers and the challenge of choosing whom to trust. but I believe she is missing another critical point that inspite of the abundance of influencers, people still choose to follow and trust specific one based on their personal preferences and past experiences. For instance, I once got influenced from an influencer and brought the brand which she endorsed and got a gud result . so inspite of many influencers my chances of getting influenced from this particular person is more because of my past good experience.This shows that even with many influencers in the market, those who are honest can have strong impact
Can you please let me know how this template is and if any changes need to be made? I have test next week
And How should I end academic writing? Should I end with so I believe that influence do have significant influence on consumer or simply I have to end as I have ended in my above answer
I think this one would score about 22 points. Watch out for spelling and punctuation errors like "so inspite" and "gud".
The template is fine. But if you really want a template, you can just use one of mine: www.toeflresources.com/writing-section/toefl-writing-templates/
@@Toeflresources what changes I have to make to secure better marks??
Reduce your error rate. Reduce your rate of grammar mistakes, your rate of punctuation mistakes and your rate of spelling mistakes.
Hey Mr Micheal, this is my answer
I think Social media has changed consumer behavior and marketing strategies. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, people constantly use their social media platforms to look for a product or a service they want. Their choices are based on the reviews and recommendations of other users as well as celebrities who have already endorsed a certain product. Teenagers and young people are more likely to be impacted by their social media influencer's recommendations. Therefore, some of them may purchase a product or a service that doesn't necessarily respond to their needs. What is worrying about these social media platforms and those influencers is they increase the feeling of wanting more and they create in the consumer some needs that aren't real.
This is strong work! I think it would score about 27 points. Just watch out for small errors like "Social media" (should be "social media") and push your word count further to get a better score.
@@Toeflresources thank you sir so much, your channel is really helpful ❤️🙏
Tnx a million
Heyy Michael!
Thank you so much for the great work you are doing here for us, all the test-takers. I have written a post on this prompt and am wondering if you could give me some feedback. Since i am from Afghanistan, I cannot do any online transactions so the only way for me is to use free resources to prepare my self for my test which i will be taking on 29th this month.
I am of the convection that social media influencers, with a large number of followers, have a considerable impact on the consumers and hence their purchasing and preferences. As known to all. most of their followers are people who try to follow what these celebrities do and imitate their behaviors because of the trust they have in them. Therefore, if they advocate for a product on their social media platforms, the followers are also most likely to go and purchase the same good. On the other hand, if these celebrities campaign against a commodity, it will also have a significant impact on the market for such commodities. For instance, a few weeks ago, Cristiano Ronaldo, who is a well-known footballer, pushed away two bottles of Coc from the scene in an interview. This simple action resulted in more than 3 million dollars loss of the company's shares.
I think this would score about 20 points. There are multiple errors like:
1. "I am of the convection that" (should be "I am of the belief that...")
2. "As known to all" (should not be followed by a period)
3. "the followers are" (should be "their followers are")
4. "the same good" (should be "it")
There are more, but I think you get the point! Focus on grammar!
@@Toeflresources got you man!! Thanks a bundle
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
@@Toeflresources I am taking it tomorrow on 29th July.
@@mohammadamanalimyzada1462 did you pass the exam? I have an exam in the next month .Can you tell me about your experience in the exam? Your exam was online at home or in exam center?
While the growing significance of social media influencers on consumer behavior is undeniable, I disagree with the point that it holds power to shift the consumer’s perspective. It just makes today’s consumer more aware about the options available. This trend is in favor of product or service providers as they now have a better platform to market their products or services that can reach to millions, and it is a cost-effective marketing strategy as well. In addition to this, this era is of intelligent consumers. They understand that there is a tendency for influencers to be biased towards a product. Therefore, service or product providers should consider this new avenue an opportunity rather than a threat.
I think this one would score about 23 points. There are minor errors throughout the answer, like:
"today's consumer" (should be "today's consumers")
"aware about" (should be "aware of")
There are others, but I think you get the point.
@@Toeflresources Thank you so much! Your input means alot.
My pleasure!
are you that miCHAEL? FROM the official video?
Sadly, no. That is some other dude.
i write 100 percent same answer and got 4 point not 5, you are claiming wrong.
ETS does adjust the AI now and then. They've likely changed it since I created the video.
I am open to any feedback!
I believe that social media influencers are the strongest marketing force in our generation. People became easily influenced by others, especially individuals with huge followers and viewers. This can be either positive or negative. For example, Jack mentioned a good point by questioning the authenticity and realism of social media. Many influencers care about nothing other than money, which drives them to promote low-quality and poor products, and their followers can be easily tricked by that. However, these same influencers can advertise helpful products that could change people's lives. So, I assume we should raise awareness on whom and what to trust on social media and never be tricked or easily influenced by others. And always have an independent opinion.
I think you mean "people ARE easily influenced by others" in the second sentence. Otherwise, I like this a lot. I think it would score about 25 or 26 points. Nice work. Just avoid starting sentences with coordinating conjunctions like you did at the very end.
@@Toeflresources thank you so much! this was really helpful and motivating ❤️
Happy to help,@@levsiii ! When is your test?
@@Toeflresources this Saturday actually
Good luck,@@levsiii ! Come back and let me know the result.
As every thing in life the topic of social media influencers on consumer behavior has multiple facets to consider so people must weigh the pros and cons before jumping into conclusion
Even though some adamantly believe that the impact of social media influencers on consumers is positive , i strongly think this opinion lacks coherence to some extent
first and foremost most of the individuals will agree with the notion that these influencers offer more drawbacks than advantages as they can alter public perception and believes as they intentionally played a significant role to shift the society attitude to consume more and more products without actually needing them
As most of the time they promote for products so that they can make money from these companies , regardless the product quality or importance to the consumers as matter of fact they tend to convince people to buy certain service or product so that they serve their own interest and make more profit out of it , after all each and every topic requires careful deliberation as there are always multiple variables to a truth
This is okay. But there are a lot of little errors. Like:
1. You forgot to capitalize the pronoun "I."
2. You forgot to use periods at the ends of sentences.
3. There are a lot of grammar mistakes. Run your work through something like Grammarly to highlight them all.
I think your response would score about 20 points out of 30, but I am sure you can do better.
Thanks for the video!! Could you please check my answer
While I appreciate the points made by Jack and Emily, I believe that nowadays influencers have a large influence on how we buy products and services. Years ago, marketing companies focused their efforts on creating unique TV advertisements so people could buy their products and services. However, that has changed with the expansion of platforms such as UA-cam or Instagram, whereas if you live in New York or Antartica, you probably pass your free time watching your favorite influencer on these platforms. As a consequence, many of us and even more of the younger generation are susceptible to being influenced by these influencers, who do not hesitate to promote companies products without making sure about their effectiveness. Overall, nowadays influencers have great power, and I do believe they make a difference when talking about consumer behavior and marketing.
This is fantastic work. I think it would score about 28 points. Well done!
hey, guys! You've been very helpful! Can you see more texts that I made?
Economic growth and protecting the environment
I believe that the question made by our professor is very interesting and polemic. The importance of economic growth and protecting the environment are two essential thing that every person must be concerned. In my opinion our top priority is to protect the environment. Since we think of the nature and the lives that are involved on this, being sustainable, we have our first problem solved. Then, naturally the economy will be articulated with our future. It’s a big problem to human beings when they prioritize economic growth instead of thinking and protecting the environment. Because of this thought, we should think: how could we live in this planet, if we don’t take care about the environment? Soon, there will be no planet, no life at all.
The ethics of targeted advertising
Our professor brought up a polemic discussion concerned with the ethics of targeted advertising. Our technology has advanced, and we now face some problems and not only happiness. For example, the targeted advertising phenomenon happens every time in our daily lives. Let’s think of a situation where a person is interested in a product that is being sold on the internet. When a person starts to look for the best price and store to buy, suddenly a lot of targets advertising starts to pop up on the screen. The person doesn’t want that, but this is above her choice. Therefore, I agree that there is a big ethical problem that has no way to resolve, unless you restart all your history on the website used to search for the product.
The effects of social media
I believe that social media and its effects on human lives is an important issue, that should be discussed with the population in general. We are here in an academic place, so we must know that we are thinking different from people in general. We have backgrounds, studies that help us to discuss and help us to have a critical look about this issue. For instance, if I came out with this polemic issue to know my mother’s opinion, probably she wouldn’t care about it. Social media to her is a place where she talks to her friends form childhood that no longer live near here. On the other hand, if this question will be brought in a class at the university, the controversy will be big, since we will be dealing with young people that use social media every day, since they were kids and don’t know how to deal with life without it.
Ah... just post one at a time. I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to get some comments. :)
@@Toeflresources ok! I’m sorry! I can’t change what I have sent. Can you see the first text?
Uh... if I haven't already checked it you should just post again.
Thank you for this video.
Can you please rate my response?
My response
In my opinion, social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. I agree with Jack's point that people trust their recommendations. I would add that if we check the product online they only mention ingredients, and how to use them, and the product is nice to use. But influencers will provide honest reviews about products after using them. So, this is the advantage for us to know whether we want to buy that product or not. For instance, I want to buy makeup products say a foundation. First, I will check with my influencer person's page which brand she is using and what's the review. After that, I will buy that product for myself. Second, we sometimes get discounts if we use their promo code which is cheaper than buying from the store Therefore, for those two reasons, I will get honest reviews, and save money I feel social media influencers have a remarkable influence on people.
Stop starting sentences with coordinating conjunctions. Use them between clauses. That will please the e-rater.
This reads a bit like a mini essay rather than a message board post. Consider follow the structure recommended in my guide: www.toeflresources.com/new-toefl-writing-task-description-and-guide/
I think this one would score about 19 points.
Thank you for your videos! It helps me a lot. Could you please give me feedbacks on my answer?
There are many discussions about social media influencers impacting consumer behaviors and purchases. Personally, I believe that celebrities have been affecting the way that consumers perceive goods and services. Firstly, as influencers these days are not only people who are famous, but are people with large numbers of fans who love them and would like to imitate them. This could mean that consumers are likely to follow what the influencers have been exposing on their own social media accounts, based on their admirations. It is true that most people are smart enough to choose their own decisions, however, it is true that admiration towards the celebrities are increasing as well, influencing the choice of customers largely. This shows that people with large followers on social media must be cautious of what they are posting, with the responsibility that they could alter audiences’ viewpoints and choices.
I think this one would score about 21 points. Your ideas are fine, but the sentences are hard to follow due to grammatical errors and unidiomatic word choices. This task might be easier for you if you make your arguments specific rather than broad. Try talking about specific examples of products and how they are promoted.
@@Toeflresources Thank you for the feedback!
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
Hi, this is my response. It will be of great help if you can rate this. Thankyou
Thanks for the video. My response.
The topic of effect social media influencers on consumers is much debatable these years. I believe that people nowadays are addicted to social media, and try to follow most of the things displayed on these platforms. Social media influencers take advantage of these scenarios and can be biased in promoting a product for their financial gains. I understand Emily’s point that the number of such influencers is too high. However, she is missing a critical point that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher. These influencers can significantly affect the consumers selection of items for sale and can be hired by companies to increase the sales of their products. People nowadays need someone whom they can trust. To sum up, these are the reasons why I believe that social media influencers can sway consumer behaviors to a great extent
Don't use "is much debatable these years." Use something like "is often debated nowadays."
"most of the things" is a bit vague. Can you be more specific?
I don't know what you mean by "that even the number of people using these social media platforms is proportionally higher." Can you rephrase that?
Overall, I think this one would score 20 or 21 points, but I bet you can do better. Keep practicing!
Thank you for the video, it's very helpful ! Would you mind checking my essay please? That's my first one.
I do not believe social media influencers have changed the way people consumed. As a matter of fact, I think social media influencers are only replacing television adds. Advertisers have noticed that less people watch TV, which means that less people see their adds and they are now asking influencers to promote their products since there are more and more people on social medias. Moreover, I agree with Emily and I believe most people do not buy products just because they saw it on social media and that they think twice before purchasing something. The only people who could do that would be children but they don’t have a credit card, and are, normally, not allowed on those platforms.
This is pretty good, but there are a few small errors. LIke:
"people consumed" (change to "people consume")
"less people" ("fewer people" is better)
"saw it" (should be "saw them")
There are others, but I will leave it at that. I think this answer would score 26 or 27 points. Nice work.
@@Toeflresources Thank you very much 😁
My pleasure! When will you take the test?
@@Toeflresources tomorrow haha, I didn't have a lot of time to prepare
While I appreciate the points presented by Jack and Emily, My approach is entirely different from theirs. I firmly believe that the role of social media influencers should be eliminated through new regulations by the authorities. There is a massive amount of millennials who are financially dependent on their parents or guardians. They spend an excessive amount of time on social media, driven by impulsive and insatiable desires rather than awareness of their actual needs. So, Influencers exploit those vulnerable people, and resulting in financial difficulties for those who are financially responsible for taking care of the millennials. Furthermore, I believe that this perpetual consumer culture must change because the world is turning into a wasteland by unnecessary items. In conclusion, millennials should become aware of the value of creation rather than perpetual consumption.
I think this one would score about 23 points. Your ideas are good, but I am worried about your grammar and language use. A few things are worth mentioning:
1. Watch out for capitalization errors. I can spot a few right away, like "My approach."
2. Use "massive NUMBER of millenials" since that is a countable noun.
3. Don't start sentences with coordinating conjunctions like "so." The e-rater doesn't like that.
I'll leave it at that, but there are more issues so consider running your work through a service like Grammarly to get a better idea of the mistakes you've made.
@@Toeflresources Unfortunately, I make massive number of grammar errors due to self-studying for a very long time. You are a dedicated tutor/teacher. Your contribution is so precious.
What are you talking aboot?
Title: The Paramount Role of Marketing: Unraveling its Transcendence
The topic of marketing has ignited extensive deliberation in contemporary times. In today's fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity, it is imperative to explore the changes made by influencer whether, can sway the behaviours of consumer by endorsing products or services.
In my unwavering conviction, I firmly contend that influencers stands as the catalyst for aligning the changes in consumer's behaviour, exemplified by people's choice of buying the products used by their influencer and have them in advance. People's often love to see those products in their hand, if their influencer had mentioned about it before. Not only did they follow all trendings created by them, they also love being called their fan's, wearing the product's they endorsed.
While I comprehend Emily's concerns regarding trust issue, I posit that she overlooks another crucial dimension. Trusting and following them unreasonably is the act that the true fans usually make. Usually, so they don't have trust issues. Instead, they follow them blindly.
Subsequently, it becomes patently evident that following them blindly and not having trust issues is of utmost significance, hence warranting meticulous attention and nurturing.
It looks like you are trying WAY too hard to use fancy words. That isn't helping. Indeed, it makes your writing look unnatural and awkward. I think this one would score about 18 points, but I think you are certainly capable of better.
Also, don't give your answer a title.
@@Toeflresources sir, cant we use fancy words overly or , does it lower our marks using those fancy words.
@@drSumanBhattaraiVetNepal You can use fancy words. But if you use them poorly (as you did) they will hurt you.