I'm clean off drugs for alcohol healed frommental health issues,healed from a broken heart,I'm a father to 3 kids a grandson,I got batised last year I've been through all thos battles in 1 year., I've had to do it all with a family ,I've not done 12 steps or been to a rehab I done it all by faith in God in Jesus name Amen
He came to set the captives free! Sending you a lifetime of God's Love and Keeping in His cleft in the rock; one day atta time. Congrats and celebrations@Courtney McAley!
I was a drug addict for over 20 years and Jesus delivered me in an instant! Been clean for almost 6 years! I am suffering from severe pain in my back and when I hear this I lose it! Awesome song!
Try Kratom!! It helps with pain and is helping alot of people come off opiates. Mainstream media has a negative take on it cause it could put a dent in the pharmaceutical companies that produce opiates. I've been suffering chronic pain for the past 20 years and Kratom has helped me get off all opiates. I've been using Kratom since February of this year. I've never gotten high off Kratom I've never gotten sick off kratom and it is completely helped me! I had been praying and the Lord led me to kratom. I've had four neck surgeries and I have spinal cord injury. I can live now! I am not bound by the drugs of this world. Kratom comes from Asia from the caffeine plant. You cannot overdose on it you can not get high off of it. Research it and look at message boards and what the people are saying. You will see the truth! May God bless you and may He heal your pain in the mighty name of Jesus! God bless you!
I’m 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My baby gets active and worships with me every single time I play this. I’m going to play this on repeat in my delivery room, as I could not think of a better time to worship and praise God. ❤
I'm listening to this song exactly at 3.25 am, I wasn't able to sleep then I found this song accidentally. I start to worship and feel the Presence of God surrounds me tonight.
When the presence of God is on something it doesn’t matter if it is only a single word! The anointing is what breaks yokes and brings deliverance and healing to broken souls!
YOU hold us LORD ... after serving 2 life sentence in California went in at the age of 16 years old and got out at the age 33 years old and I couldn't have done it without YOU leading me... I praise YOU LORD!!! Thank you for restoring my freedoms and my life...
This song got in my head out of the blue on my way to court the other day. As I was super nervous and anxious. Then in front of judge I felt a strong presence to my left and I know it was an angel. I have a long road ahead of my for custody but the battle belongs to The Lord 🙏🏼. He knows what’s best . ✝️
The crazy part is if it's from your heart ask him what is it that you want fixing and he will fix it that's the love of God...let him fight our battles Amen cause he is victory
Freda Hanson very true. The war is already won, but we still encounter battles. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”-Ephesians 6:12
I had to stop eating my breakfast. I was sobbing. I’ve been addicted to pornography for 15 years and I finally see hope with the resources I’ve found and this song has set it off!!! I finally feel God moving in me, my home and my church like never before.
When I heard this song the scripture that came to my mind was 2 Kings 6:17. I pray that God opens all of our eyes in the midst of our battles to see clearly that we are actually surrounded by His heavenly host and that we do not have to fear the enemy around us.
Amen! That was the key verse a while ago in our prayer night! 2 Kings 6:8-23 I'm still meditating it.. suddenly i read these encouraging words again. The Lord has spoken again, that verse speaks so much for me. thank you
Newly separated from my husband. It’s so painful and terrifying……Jesus above me, Jesus below me, Jesus before me, Jesus behind me. Jesus beside me. This is how I fight my battles.
I was struggling with not being able to forgive people for a long time, because I had felt so hurt, so destroyed and empty because of what so many people had done to me or said to me. I literally carried on for about two years just keeping to myself, keeping conversations to a minimum to avoid being hurt more, to a point where I didn't care about anything anymore. I had lost faith in God, and felt totally alone. But God loved me so much, he didn't want me to live like that. It took me those two years to realize that because I had not had faith, I had not felt it necessary to forgive. I finally turned to God again, and told him, "if you do not help me, I fear I will die." I recommitted my faith to him, and as a step of faith, I had called one of the people that hurt me the most, who never had apologized, and I told him that I forgave him and that I know God forgave him too. He literally broke into tears, saying that he had been waiting for forgiveness from me for 2 years and had been wanting to apologize to me, but felt too ashamed to say anything. He told me how sorry he was, and after I told him I don't need him to say that because I already had forgiven him and didn't expect anything in return, he wept harder. It was then I was able to share the love of God with him, tell him my testimony, and was even able to listen to him getting saved. That was 3 years ago, and one year ago I was able to watch him as he went through water baptism. So no matter how much you feel you aren't worth a grain of sand, you are important enough for God to give away His own Son so that you can be forgiven and have a chance of going to heaven, without giving God anything in return. Amen. Throughout writing this whole comment, I had felt the Holy Spirit so strong on me I almost was slain in the spirit. God wants to do something great in your life, and is waiting for you to let him do it. Will you?
I know there were hordes of people in Heaven celebrating each step of your journey. Rejoicing when you turned away from your sin, when you gave Him your heart again and when that person came to Jesus. He is good and I can see His goodness in your story. God is good!
it Doesn't matter what it's happening in your life right now know this you are surround by him it may be an addiction, or sicknesses, financial crisis whatever may be my personal problem it's in the middle of a divorce right now I got 7 kids in the middle of it and it's terrible but I do know one thing I'm surround it by his glory love and holy spirit so that why I say this it's how I fight my battles.....
Lord I am not sure about everything I am feeling right now, but this I know is certain that I have Jesus. Thou I walk in the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. I love you Jesus. I know one day when I stand there ,you are there watching me and waving because you are so proud of me. You are rejoicing because I am rejoicing. LORD One year from now, I'll go back here knowing you are faithful and is with me.
2 Kings 6: 15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. 16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lordopened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
I heard Matt. Whatever your husband's name is. I lifted prayers to our Heavenly Father. May He restore the first love. May He uphold you both in Jesus name.
this and 2 Chronicles 20 the story of King Jehosphat putting the praise team ahead of the army just shows how GOD will fight our battles if we let him.
My husband of committed suicide in February....I still have so many unanswered questions, but this is how I fight my battles!.... God is still God and I pray for our family to heal, especially his mom & dad.....no parent should ever bury their baby, no matter how old they are:(
Tuesday, April 05, 2022 8:39 a.m. IB Dallas “The Lord Jesus just healed my Mom during the time of praise and worship. » My Mum has hardly ever been sick in her whole life: but last Wednesday her heart started to tachycardia, she has high blood pressure and she is weak, she can't do anything: she stays in bed all day. This event was followed by terrible spiritual oppression in his room. On her birthday, Friday, April 1, I had commissioned my cousin to come to her house to give her a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her 80th birthday...She couldn't get out of bed and receive the gift and flowers… She is alone in France, I am her only son, I don't have a brother or sister to come and visit her, pray for her, cook her a meal, do her shopping...She has a lot of friends but my mother is a person who does not like to disturb and does not often ask for help… What to do? I'm in Dallas, she's in France! You can imagine the anxiety that can be in the heart of a son who knows that his mother is in such a state. What a feeling of helplessness… But God gave us an effective weapon: Fasting and prayer! Last Wednesday when I learned that my mother was in bed, the Lord put me on my heart to start a time of fasting and prayer. Luke 18:1 “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” and James 5:16b " The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." I didn't really know how to pray other than to cry out to God to heal my Mom and deliver her from this spiritual oppression. He showed me that it was an attack from the enemy to destabilize me. My only recourse was God, my only way out: my faith in Jesus, the power of prayer and the work of the Cross. This Tuesday morning during the time of worship, we were singing the song "This is how I fight my battles: God fights for me and it is through prayer and praise that we receive God's blessings and His healing . At the end of this song, Marya began to prophesy that it is now in praise that God wins victory and gives healing to our family members who are sick, who are struggling spiritually, who live under the spiritual oppression of the enemy, attacks and who does not come out of it… I pick up my phone, it's 8:39 in the morning: I'm writing to my Mom: It's now that you receive your healing, it's now that we are in adoration that you are healed, Jesus accomplished everything on the Cross, it is while we are worshiping that Jesus will perform the miracle... I see on the phone that she is also writing on her side. I send the message and at the same time I receive hers and she says to me: "My Marc the Lord healed me..." I call her on video and I see her standing, dressed and ready to go to the church: She tells me that the Lord has healed her. That God worked the Miracle. She testifies to me that during this week, death came three times to take her life, but she was not discouraged, she remained firm on the Word of Jesus. Even without strength, she trusted in God. The prayer of the righteous is very effective and Jesus invites us to always pray and not to be discouraged.
Every Christian, blood bought born again must be clearly completely convinced and "fully" persuaded Almighty God is "I Am," in control and ultimately He has the "final say! Ephesians 6:10-19 God's Word is our shield, sword, buckler, defense, fortress against a fierce enemy! Learn the Word of God as a banner against false doctrine; spiritual discernment is a requirement and necessity in these evil and perilous times! Trust God at "all" times!🙏🙏🙏⛪️✝️🕎✡️🙏🙌🙏
Please stay focus keep your eyes to Jesus. May the lord God heal you and open your husband spiritual eyes and ears so he may realize that he had been captive of the enemy! Nothing is impossible to God , believe in Him and trust Him. May he minister to your husband where he is right now in Jesus name
God will replace your lost of your husband with someone worthy and I am going threw this process to and hopefully God will be there in prayer and mighty hard to lose someone we really loved 😔
This is such a powerful worship. If you just give it to Jesus, he will surround your enemies and fight you battles. When the prophet of God thought only himself was left in battle, God told him to look around and he open his spiritual eyes and let him see who was really fight for him!
I have always heard this song but today it hit me hard! It may look like am sorrounded by negativety, failure, hatrade d, luck, etc but am sorrounded by you Lord of postivety success love mercy hope greateness favor .........name them! Thx guys
The lady who wrote this song is on the praise & worship team at Upper Room in Dallas, Texas. It came to her in a prayer set. I thank God for sending it to her bc it's my anthem song this year!!!
Today. I went through tremendous warfare. In the area of my health. So much so that I could not walk. My goal was to get home from work. When i got to my door. This song began to flood my mind and my Spirit man. I praise God for the victory. I am surrounded by the love of God.
We all feel surrounded....at some point.. surrounded by bills, surrounded by lack, surrounded by pain, surrounded by weariness, surrounded by fear.. surrounded by loneliness.. but one thing is true we really are surrounded by God and his angels which is more than them that are against us.. whatever it is that is trying to take our peace.. it is not more powerful that the most high God.
I ran across this song and fell in love instantly. Started to share with some close friends and my SS teacher (whom I love dearly). I told her to listen to this and I played it. She started to cry. I thought it touched her like it did me and I told her "I know! It's awesome!" Come to find out, two days earlier that Friday afternoon she was diagnosed with breast cancer and hadn't shared it with others yet. She assumed her husband had told me and I was just sharing the song with her for encouragement. She later found out I was clueless and it became her anthem throughout the whole treatment. She is an amazing lady, and she recently had a double mastectomy and is doing well. Hope the writer knows that this song became a battle anthem for one of Christ's warriors!
1 John 4:4 (NET) You are from God, little children, and have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 🙌
I love it. I have suffered with rejection and I remember that all those years I was alone, God appealed to my heart and showed me that he was my one true friend. Thanks Charlotte for the reminder of what the Lord did for me. I LOVE YOU JESUS!!
Amen! What came to mind was Isaiah 40. Who can compare to the mighty glorious God? Fellowship and friendship is important but what are mere humans who have short lives compared to the God of eternity? He has taught me to find my comfort and identity in him, not flawed humans. And don’t get me wrong, mentors and leaders and God friends are key in growth and we need the body of Christ, but Jesus should truly come first. Amen!
That scene with Jim and the former Cartel member is so powerful and moving. When he realized that he was the darkness and the sadness that he saw in the girl's eyes. Thank God this man changed his evil ways and decided to help rescue children 🙏 🙌
Thank you lord for loving me even when I feel unworthy. This is how I fight my battles. Im surrounded by you and your undying love. No greater feeling than this. Amen.
This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line This is how I repeat one line Mindless repetition is not praising God!
me and my six year old daughter where worshipping to this song and God touch her little soul she busted out and tears and said she didn't wanna make slim anymore she wanted to worship God everyday lol wow Lord we praise u you are truly worthy of the highest praise
God had commanded thy visit Bethel Church Redding. This is the first time thy heard this song and Father God spoke loud and clear. He's sending thy everywhere into the darkness and fight the battles to rescue his lost lamb. GOD is good! ❤️✝️🙏
Amen. Isn't our Abba Father so awesome that He loves each of us exuberantly, abundantly! You matter to Him & you are precious in His sight. He stamped "APPROVED" upon your life before the foundations of the world. He stamped "ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED"! Wow. Surrounded! He holds each of us in the palm of His Hand! He stamped "LOVED" beyond measure.
I just found this video in the midst of possibly losing two of the closest friends in high school because of dumb things I did. I felt so alone today and God knows. His work is real. ❤️
Lyrics "It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You" makes sense in the verse below: 2 Kings 6: 15-17 15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. 16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
I am praying for a cleansing of America. Impeachment applies to ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT. Pray for God's justice to fall on those falling into their own nets. IMPEACH CAN BE GOOD.
He is all you will ever need. Take it from me brother, the enemy has been trying to destroy me my entire life, but JESUS has always had my back and crushed the devil before my very eyes. 🙏🩸✝️🕊❤💪🙌
Love this song...My daughter my granddaughter all of us dance to this...Sing this song of victory in the battle...Before you see the result..God fights for you
fighting a battle with illness right now, my son is very ill in ICU can I ask you to pray, his name if Charles, May our Lord Jesus Christ heal him and make him whole again. thank you.
My sister recommended this song to me. I shud say it's full of anointing and power. They are just 2 sentences but they can change ur life forever. All the glory goes back to God. This is how I fight my battles.
It may look like I'm surrounded....by enemies. But I'm surrounded by You...God. When I am for God, who can be against me? NO ONE. Because I have God and no matter how many enemies surround me-it could be 300-I have God. And He is one among many but one that is SO ALMIGHTY POWERFUL (El Shaddai El Shaddai), that He can fight 300 by Himself and win: This is how I fight my battles! Thank you my Father in Jesus' name thank you Abba!! ❤️
I'm a year clean off drugs and alcohol! This is how I fight my battles. We will never loose. Even the bad; GOD uses for glory to God's kingdom.
I'm clean off drugs for alcohol healed frommental health issues,healed from a broken heart,I'm a father to 3 kids a grandson,I got batised last year I've been through all thos battles in 1 year., I've had to do it all with a family ,I've not done 12 steps or been to a rehab I done it all by faith in God in Jesus name Amen
I will be 300 days clean on Tuesday after 25yrs of use. THIS IS HIS GLORY
He came to set the captives free! Sending you a lifetime of God's Love and Keeping in His cleft in the rock; one day atta time. Congrats and celebrations@Courtney McAley!
You keep pressing on you have made it Courtney, the God that brought you threw is always with you. would you pray for me to not give up.
Hallelujah! He sure is our prison-shaking Saviour. I'm so happy for you and I'm rejoicing with you.
Merry Christmas. Jesus Is Risen Today. Miracles are Real Today Amen.
Oh Yes Right On for Our Father is The Suddenly GOD.
I was a drug addict for over 20 years and Jesus delivered me in an instant! Been clean for almost 6 years! I am suffering from severe pain in my back and when I hear this I lose it! Awesome song!
Hallelujah i was a drug addict for 6 years and been clean 14 years. God delivered us because we wanted to be delivered
Try Kratom!! It helps with pain and is helping alot of people come off opiates. Mainstream media has a negative take on it cause it could put a dent in the pharmaceutical companies that produce opiates. I've been suffering chronic pain for the past 20 years and Kratom has helped me get off all opiates. I've been using Kratom since February of this year. I've never gotten high off Kratom I've never gotten sick off kratom and it is completely helped me! I had been praying and the Lord led me to kratom. I've had four neck surgeries and I have spinal cord injury. I can live now! I am not bound by the drugs of this world. Kratom comes from Asia from the caffeine plant. You cannot overdose on it you can not get high off of it. Research it and look at message boards and what the people are saying. You will see the truth! May God bless you and may He heal your pain in the mighty name of Jesus! God bless you!
im 10 months, i gave my life to god last yr too
He can take away that back pain in an instant too. Speak to the pain and tell it to leave!! Claim your healing!! ❤❤❤❤
I’m 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My baby gets active and worships with me every single time I play this. I’m going to play this on repeat in my delivery room, as I could not think of a better time to worship and praise God. ❤
I'm listening to this song exactly at 3.25 am, I wasn't able to sleep then I found this song accidentally. I start to worship and feel the Presence of God surrounds me tonight.
Hallelujah Jesus 🙌 🙌
Christina Ispriyamtie My story is similar.
I read this comment at 3.25 am too
3:30 am here now
It's 3:00 am.
I am at work listening to this song and crying
"The darkness around me is just the shadow of your wings..."
I’m 9 months sober today! After 20th years abuse I am set free in Jesus name! Chains are broken !
Good job 🤝 🐦 🕊 🌟
How can two verses repeated over and over make me cry so much like this is truly groundbreaking composing.
i agree, two POWERFUL verses is all it takes
When the presence of God is on something it doesn’t matter if it is only a single word! The anointing is what breaks yokes and brings deliverance and healing to broken souls!
Yes, yes, this is what I said to my husband...that’s when you know God’s anointing is all over it...truly blessed by this 2 simple verses!
I know right?
229 days sober today.. Thank you God!!! Im nothing without you..I am who you say I am...🙏
YOU hold us LORD ... after serving 2 life sentence in California went in at the age of 16 years old and got out at the age 33 years old and I couldn't have done it without YOU leading me... I praise YOU LORD!!! Thank you for restoring my freedoms and my life...
fantastic - witness! x
Amen. Jesus is taking your mess and turning into HIS message!
God bless you and those you love!
Matt 23:11 servant u r the greatest among us!!!!!!
Whoever reading this, I pray for you that God visits your home today with Healings, Blessings, and Miracles. Amen.💕
My wife starts her day with this, Praise God.....
This song got in my head out of the blue on my way to court the other day. As I was super nervous and anxious. Then in front of judge I felt a strong presence to my left and I know it was an angel. I have a long road ahead of my for custody but the battle belongs to The Lord 🙏🏼. He knows what’s best . ✝️
Jessica, I'm praying for you as you walk through this battle, don't give up those children need you and Jesus in their lives. 💚
The crazy part is if it's from your heart ask him what is it that you want fixing and he will fix it that's the love of God...let him fight our battles Amen cause he is victory
How is everything?
J B God Bless and lead you. He’s always by your side. May you be lifted up!💕🙏🌸
AMEN!!! Believe 🙏🏽 ask according to his will and in the name of Jesus
This is how I WIN my battles
you have to fight to win
Freda Hanson very true. The war is already won, but we still encounter battles. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”-Ephesians 6:12
Continue to Fight but save your soul and join a Real Christian Religion.
Big Brain
MoTheCrown AMEN!!! 🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌
Three years clean and sober, after 30+ years of abuse.... This is how i fight my battles!💙
Lying in hospital with covid
Your song will help me fight my battles
I had to stop eating my breakfast. I was sobbing. I’ve been addicted to pornography for 15 years and I finally see hope with the resources I’ve found and this song has set it off!!! I finally feel God moving in me, my home and my church like never before.
I hope you're well, mate ✝️🫂
When I heard this song the scripture that came to my mind was 2 Kings 6:17. I pray that God opens all of our eyes in the midst of our battles to see clearly that we are actually surrounded by His heavenly host and that we do not have to fear the enemy around us.
ME TOO! I think of it EVERY TIME and it gives me so much strength!!!!
Amen. I got let go from my temp job and i know Gods gona manifest miracles I trust you Lord the victory belongs to you and so does the battle
@@cvillan-reb3675 yes, stay encouraged!
Amen an God bless u!
Amen! That was the key verse a while ago in our prayer night! 2 Kings 6:8-23 I'm still meditating it.. suddenly i read these encouraging words again. The Lord has spoken again, that verse speaks so much for me. thank you
30 yrs of me the last 37 for Jesus
God is with everyone you are safe and loved ❤️
Why are we encouraging such ambiguous worship music? Our God deserves more than this!
Newly separated from my husband. It’s so painful and terrifying……Jesus above me, Jesus below me, Jesus before me, Jesus behind me. Jesus beside me. This is how I fight my battles.
I was struggling with not being able to forgive people for a long time, because I had felt so hurt, so destroyed and empty because of what so many people had done to me or said to me. I literally carried on for about two years just keeping to myself, keeping conversations to a minimum to avoid being hurt more, to a point where I didn't care about anything anymore. I had lost faith in God, and felt totally alone. But God loved me so much, he didn't want me to live like that. It took me those two years to realize that because I had not had faith, I had not felt it necessary to forgive. I finally turned to God again, and told him, "if you do not help me, I fear I will die." I recommitted my faith to him, and as a step of faith, I had called one of the people that hurt me the most, who never had apologized, and I told him that I forgave him and that I know God forgave him too. He literally broke into tears, saying that he had been waiting for forgiveness from me for 2 years and had been wanting to apologize to me, but felt too ashamed to say anything. He told me how sorry he was, and after I told him I don't need him to say that because I already had forgiven him and didn't expect anything in return, he wept harder. It was then I was able to share the love of God with him, tell him my testimony, and was even able to listen to him getting saved. That was 3 years ago, and one year ago I was able to watch him as he went through water baptism. So no matter how much you feel you aren't worth a grain of sand, you are important enough for God to give away His own Son so that you can be forgiven and have a chance of going to heaven, without giving God anything in return. Amen. Throughout writing this whole comment, I had felt the Holy Spirit so strong on me I almost was slain in the spirit. God wants to do something great in your life, and is waiting for you to let him do it. Will you?
I know there were hordes of people in Heaven celebrating each step of your journey. Rejoicing when you turned away from your sin, when you gave Him your heart again and when that person came to Jesus. He is good and I can see His goodness in your story. God is good!
Even if I’m only 10 I loved it sooooo much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Justin Thomas Holy Spirit is no respecter of age! Jesus loves you and is making a warrior of God of you.
Different ages have different battles but there is only 1 answer to all of them. JESUS!!
Stay close to God Justin! Every day, every moment. Stay humble! You will become so powerful, having God shining through you.
Victory is yours!
Amen this song makes me victories each day.
This song helps me battle against suicide... it would be a second attempt... pray 4 me
It may look like I’m surrounded
but I’m surrounded by You
Philip Smylie y
Yes, those are the lyrics
In 5 days I will have one year clean
That is wonderful news!!!
it Doesn't matter what it's happening in your life right now know this you are surround by him
it may be an addiction, or sicknesses, financial crisis whatever may be my personal problem it's in the middle of a divorce right now I got 7 kids in the middle of it and it's terrible but I do know one thing I'm surround it by his glory love and holy spirit so that why I say this it's how I fight my battles.....
I love this song badly my church they’re always singing this song I don’t know why I cry 😢 every time I love you lot in Jesus Christ name Amen 🙏👍🙌👏
It's so reassuring to place our battles in His hands!
Lord I am not sure about everything I am feeling right now, but this I know is certain that I have Jesus. Thou I walk in the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. I love you Jesus. I know one day when I stand there ,you are there watching me and waving because you are so proud of me. You are rejoicing because I am rejoicing. LORD One year from now, I'll go back here knowing you are faithful and is with me.
2 Kings 6: 15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lordopened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
My husband left over a month ago I know God brought us to be together. I pray God opens his eyes we been married for 30 yrs my heart is broken
I heard Matt.
Whatever your husband's name is. I lifted prayers to our Heavenly Father. May He restore the first love.
May He uphold you both in Jesus name.
My grandpa is in the hospital this song is so good please pray for him and if you need any pray comment below
Can someone pray for me.God told me to become a leader and I should help my school out by preaching about him.
this and 2 Chronicles 20 the story of King Jehosphat putting the praise team ahead of the army just shows how GOD will fight our battles if we let him.
He says the battle belongs to him, thanks Gabriel for that verse it have renewed my strength
That girls voice is fire so underrated she needs to be mainstream
My husband of committed suicide in February....I still have so many unanswered questions, but this is how I fight my battles!.... God is still God and I pray for our family to heal, especially his mom & dad.....no parent should ever bury their baby, no matter how old they are:(
Standing with you.
Been clean for 14 years because Jesus the son of God set me free.🙌
There's only one person that I bow to and that's the Lord 🎉
Redding, California is a Beautiful place. Love this song.
I am surrounded by You Lord. Yep, this is how I fight my battles. Praise You Lord!
Tuesday, April 05, 2022 8:39 a.m. IB Dallas
“The Lord Jesus just healed my Mom during the time of praise and worship. »
My Mum has hardly ever been sick in her whole life: but last Wednesday her heart started to tachycardia, she has high blood pressure and she is weak, she can't do anything: she stays in bed all day. This event was followed by terrible spiritual oppression in his room.
On her birthday, Friday, April 1, I had commissioned my cousin to come to her house to give her a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her 80th birthday...She couldn't get out of bed and receive the gift and flowers…
She is alone in France, I am her only son, I don't have a brother or sister to come and visit her, pray for her, cook her a meal, do her shopping...She has a lot of friends but my mother is a person who does not like to disturb and does not often ask for help…
What to do? I'm in Dallas, she's in France!
You can imagine the anxiety that can be in the heart of a son who knows that his mother is in such a state.
What a feeling of helplessness… But God gave us an effective weapon: Fasting and prayer!
Last Wednesday when I learned that my mother was in bed, the Lord put me on my heart to start a time of fasting and prayer. Luke 18:1 “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” and James 5:16b " The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
I didn't really know how to pray other than to cry out to God to heal my Mom and deliver her from this spiritual oppression.
He showed me that it was an attack from the enemy to destabilize me.
My only recourse was God, my only way out: my faith in Jesus, the power of prayer and the work of the Cross.
This Tuesday morning during the time of worship, we were singing the song "This is how I fight my battles: God fights for me and it is through prayer and praise that we receive God's blessings and His healing .
At the end of this song, Marya began to prophesy that it is now in praise that God wins victory and gives healing to our family members who are sick, who are struggling spiritually, who live under the spiritual oppression of the enemy, attacks and who does not come out of it…
I pick up my phone, it's 8:39 in the morning: I'm writing to my Mom: It's now that you receive your healing, it's now that we are in adoration that you are healed, Jesus accomplished everything on the Cross, it is while we are worshiping that Jesus will perform the miracle...
I see on the phone that she is also writing on her side.
I send the message and at the same time I receive hers and she says to me: "My Marc the Lord healed me..."
I call her on video and I see her standing, dressed and ready to go to the church: She tells me that the Lord has healed her. That God worked the Miracle. She testifies to me that during this week, death came three times to take her life, but she was not discouraged, she remained firm on the Word of Jesus. Even without strength, she trusted in God.
The prayer of the righteous is very effective and Jesus invites us to always pray and not to be discouraged.
2 lines 7 minutes 1 GOD.... praise you JESUS!
ufos8mycow 1 man, 1 comment, 11 likes
Every Christian, blood bought born again must be clearly completely convinced and "fully" persuaded Almighty God is "I Am," in control and ultimately He has the "final say! Ephesians 6:10-19
God's Word is our shield, sword, buckler, defense, fortress against a fierce enemy! Learn the Word of God as a banner against false doctrine; spiritual discernment is a requirement and necessity in these evil and perilous times! Trust God at "all" times!🙏🙏🙏⛪️✝️🕎✡️🙏🙌🙏
I am Fistula in ano diagnosis but God help me to heal may Operation because where ever I God is always there to fight my battles in life.
I guarantee you folks who don't like this or get it , are the ones that believe southern gospel is the official music of heaven.
Repent for He is coming! Remember Jesus loves you so much there is not any words to explain His love and mercy for us!
Battles are worn in the realm of the spirit indeed !
Husband left me for another lady been very lonely going on 3 yrs but God...
Our Father will help and guide you, my friend.
Stay in prayer.
There's pain in the night but JOY in the morning!!!
@@mercedyzmarieguion292 Amen!
Please stay focus keep your eyes to Jesus. May the lord God heal you and open your husband spiritual eyes and ears so he may realize that he had been captive of the enemy!
Nothing is impossible to God , believe in Him and trust Him. May he minister to your husband where he is right now in Jesus name
He is coming back trust God!
God will replace your lost of your husband with someone worthy and I am going threw this process to and hopefully God will be there in prayer and mighty hard to lose someone we really loved 😔
This is such a powerful worship. If you just give it to Jesus, he will surround your enemies and fight you battles. When the prophet of God thought only himself was left in battle, God told him to look around and he open his spiritual eyes and let him see who was really fight for him!
I have always heard this song but today it hit me hard! It may look like am sorrounded by negativety, failure, hatrade d, luck, etc but am sorrounded by you Lord of postivety success love mercy hope greateness favor .........name them! Thx guys
I have had some disappointments, some setbacks and some hurt. But through it all, I am surrounded by You and better for it.
Yes, we are surrounded by God and His angels!!
Fight my battles Lord.
Mary Wazny yes
Yes mine too Lord
I've been listening to this song for a couple years now and I'm still waiting for him to tell me how he fights his battles exactly.
Our Awesome King Jesus👑fights
For us for every problem. We are
Over comers in Him.
I Miss all the People who Run the Shelters amen
When she sang the victory is yours, you can really feel the anointing!!👏🏽💞
ALICIA WHITE yes ma'am this is powerful
ALICIA WHITE same!!! I have goosebumps
Alicia white I get goosebumps when I hear this song
This is how I fight my battles,It may look like am surrounded but am surrounded by you.The victory is yours.
The lady who wrote this song is on the praise & worship team at Upper Room in Dallas, Texas. It came to her in a prayer set. I thank God for sending it to her bc it's my anthem song this year!!!
Amen God is awesome. I'm surrounded by Him. Lord I pray for victory in my life. Lord you let us live in Grace.
Today. I went through tremendous warfare. In the area of my health. So much so that I could not walk. My goal was to get home from work. When i got to my door. This song began to flood my mind and my Spirit man. I praise God for the victory. I am surrounded by the love of God.
I heard this song for the first time on TBN . Praise the Lord . Praising in the middle of trials this is my weapon ! 🙏🏼
“It may look like i m surrounded
But i m surrounded by you”
We all feel surrounded....at some point.. surrounded by bills, surrounded by lack, surrounded by pain, surrounded by weariness, surrounded by fear.. surrounded by loneliness.. but one thing is true we really are surrounded by God and his angels which is more than them that are against us.. whatever it is that is trying to take our peace.. it is not more powerful that the most high God.
This song is so needed at a time like this...
I ran across this song and fell in love instantly. Started to share with some close friends and my SS teacher (whom I love dearly). I told her to listen to this and I played it. She started to cry. I thought it touched her like it did me and I told her "I know! It's awesome!" Come to find out, two days earlier that Friday afternoon she was diagnosed with breast cancer and hadn't shared it with others yet. She assumed her husband had told me and I was just sharing the song with her for encouragement. She later found out I was clueless and it became her anthem throughout the whole treatment. She is an amazing lady, and she recently had a double mastectomy and is doing well. Hope the writer knows that this song became a battle anthem for one of Christ's warriors!
I just have to listen to this song this morning... as I feel surrounded BUT I hve SOMEONE who fight my battles for me. JEHOVAH NISSI
Amen!!! 🙌🏽 God’s Grace is sufficient and his mercies are tender!
thank you Jesus the battle is Yours and the victory is ours in Jesus Name. thank You Lord Jesus my daughter's marriage is surrounded by You Amen.
1 John 4:4 (NET) You are from God, little children, and have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 🙌
When so called friends, don’t stick up for us, God is fighting our battles...thought that has come to mind whilst listening to this. 😊
I love it. I have suffered with rejection and I remember that all those years I was alone, God appealed to my heart and showed me that he was my one true friend. Thanks Charlotte for the reminder of what the Lord did for me. I LOVE YOU JESUS!!
Amen! What came to mind was Isaiah 40. Who can compare to the mighty glorious God? Fellowship and friendship is important but what are mere humans who have short lives compared to the God of eternity? He has taught me to find my comfort and identity in him, not flawed humans. And don’t get me wrong, mentors and leaders and God friends are key in growth and we need the body of Christ, but Jesus should truly come first. Amen!
Godly friends*
That scene with Jim and the former Cartel member is so powerful and moving. When he realized that he was the darkness and the sadness that he saw in the girl's eyes. Thank God this man changed his evil ways and decided to help rescue children 🙏 🙌
Thank you lord for loving me even when I feel unworthy. This is how I fight my battles. Im surrounded by you and your undying love. No greater feeling than this. Amen.
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
This is how I repeat one line
Mindless repetition is not praising God!
me and my six year old daughter where worshipping to this song and God touch her little soul she busted out and tears and said she didn't wanna make slim anymore she wanted to worship God everyday lol wow Lord we praise u you are truly worthy of the highest praise
God had commanded thy visit Bethel Church Redding.
This is the first time thy heard this song and Father God spoke loud and clear.
He's sending thy everywhere into the darkness and fight the battles to rescue his lost lamb.
GOD is good! ❤️✝️🙏
THANK YOU for haviing an older than in her 20's plus sized lady on your worship team. Finally someone acknowledges that we're human beings.
Amen. Isn't our Abba Father so awesome that He loves each of us exuberantly, abundantly!
You matter to Him & you are precious in His sight. He stamped "APPROVED" upon your life before the foundations of the world. He stamped "ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED"!
Wow. Surrounded! He holds each of us in the palm of His Hand!
He stamped "LOVED" beyond measure.
I just found this video in the midst of possibly losing two of the closest friends in high school because of dumb things I did. I felt so alone today and God knows. His work is real. ❤️
Jesus is the way the truth & the life
Hallelujah !!!!!!
Lyrics "It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You" makes sense in the verse below:
2 Kings 6: 15-17
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Hallelujah!!! ....I'm surrounded by You.. But I'm surrounded by You..this is how I fight my battles....
Thank Lord for fighting my battles in Jesus Name
I am praying for a cleansing of America. Impeachment applies to ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT. Pray for God's justice to fall on those falling into their own nets. IMPEACH CAN BE GOOD.
Every time i see 6:15 i get goosebumps & tears rolling down… God is so good
August I will be 7 years clean. 🙌🏻
Ashlee what an incredible testimony - thank you for sharing
im constantly being gangstalked but THIS is how I fight! The word of GOD!
We recently had a tragedy within our ministry and this song is our battle cry thank you Jesus
Believers in Recovery bvjjgjhggg. 5th
God bless u guy's I really live this song it has great meaning 🙏🏻 only believe in God
Yes this is how I fight my battles... with Jesus around me...
He is all you will ever need. Take it from me brother, the enemy has been trying to destroy me my entire life, but JESUS has always had my back and crushed the devil before my very eyes. 🙏🩸✝️🕊❤💪🙌
Jesus I know you fight our battles the victory is yours ! Your will be done in our lives !
It May Look Like I'm Surrounded but I'm Surrounded by you !!!!
Does anyone else listen to this song on repeat daily!!!! What an awesome Father God we serve, he is always right there for us and within us.
For we wage not against flesh and blood. Against principalities and powers against spiritual wickedness in high places...
Great warfare song.
Yebo. That's true
Love this song...My daughter my granddaughter all of us dance to this...Sing this song of victory in the battle...Before you see the result..God fights for you
Yeah, much better than “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.” At least this song is saying something.
I cried. This song really touched me and ministered to my heart this morning, in the midst of feeling depressed.
Kyndall Hill the upper room version is much better
Kyndall I pray your battle is over and your free of all depression Praying for you
I cried to wen I herd this song.😪 I cry every time I hear this too the point I can't sing it in church.😪
fighting a battle with illness right now, my son is very ill in ICU can I ask you to pray, his name if Charles, May our Lord Jesus Christ heal him and make him whole again. thank you.
Praying for you dear, it shall be well
@@mutanug.17 it was not to be, my son died on March 23. Missing this young wonderful man. My heart is broken.
Finding peace, comfort, and power during covid19.
My sister recommended this song to me. I shud say it's full of anointing and power. They are just 2 sentences but they can change ur life forever. All the glory goes back to God. This is how I fight my battles.
It may look like I'm surrounded....by enemies. But I'm surrounded by You...God. When I am for God, who can be against me? NO ONE. Because I have God and no matter how many enemies surround me-it could be 300-I have God. And He is one among many but one that is SO ALMIGHTY POWERFUL (El Shaddai El Shaddai), that He can fight 300 by Himself and win: This is how I fight my battles! Thank you my Father in Jesus' name thank you Abba!! ❤️
It may look like im surrounded but im surrounded by you..Thank you Lord im sorrounded by you🙌🏻 victory is mine..HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD
Josh you are the only one who can sing this song... awesome