On the Taking Souls v Doing Your Job debate, I really think there’s a lot to be learned from a common adage used as advice to Quarterbacks in American Professional Football: Take what the Defense gives you. I think it’s pretty apparent within the first few minutes of lane how much better or worse you are than your opponent. If they’re letting you kill them on repeat-kill them on repeat! But if they’re playing solidly just take whatever it is that you CAN take, don’t force anything. Take what the opponent gives you.
Just play at your maximum intensity over a long time and you'll progressively improve. Sometimes you'll dominate sometimes you'll be dominated, sometimes you'll go even
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you both for all the work you do. Your unique perspective on wins and losses has completely changed how I view the game. Learning to embrace the process and focus on improvement rather than just the outcome has not only made me love League of Legends again, but it’s also helped me become a more productive person in other areas of life. Your content has been truly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work
As a Bel’Veth main, I’m very excited for these changes. She’s 100% getting nerfed in the future. These indirect buffs are insane. New LT, slower fights which means more value from attack speed, tank items getting stronger. We eating good tonight 🤤
she will be stronger but not as much as she use to be. The new LT does cap out now. But it really seems to do its job of early game power with pretty decent scaling late game. For champs like bel, yi, yone etc it will probably do its job but nothing too overpowered. If they start buffing it however, then we will run into problems again.
In the recent meta I have noticed that if no one on your team is playing a champion that will build liandrys torment you better play something that will
When riot they said they nerfed a champion but didn't, and saw the win rate drop. That IS NOT an example of placebo. Placebo controls all other factors, if they nerfed an item that champion rushes, or the champs that are good against them were buffed, that could EASILY explain it. They make it sound like because people thought the champ was bad it became bad, but there are many other factors.
the comment about 27% yasuo is fascinating to me. At like march in 2022 I had 21% wr on fiora, my most played champion, over like 100 games. People would literally dodge my fiora because it was so low winrate (this was before that got removed). However, they were proved wrong. I ended the season with 55% winrate on her. There were a lot more wins than losses to get that winrate back up, and I'm proud of that. To me, this experience proved that someone having a low wr on their champion doesn't mean they're going to play poorly in this game. I was never the type to look up all my teammates anyways, but this firmly entrenched the idea that looking up teammates doesn't do anything for me.
I just hope all these changes don’t bring back the 40-50 minute games again. Pace of the game was perfect in my opinion, most games lasted 30 minutes tops.
I find the general league player base really struggle to understand patches. For example the reason items are getting nerfs now is because they have been power-crept over time, which disrupts the pace of play. Players often get very emotional about patches, but are not at all capable of understanding or evaluating the changes.
Anyone know when did they talk about voice comms? Voice comms would make the game so much better. It would allow us to add tone to what we say making the game less toxic (yes some people will flame in voice comms but anything that can be said can be typed.) It would allow communication between team mates that isn't possible at the moment (for example asking Karthus to ult. It woud be very difficult to type if you have to kite and dodge skillshots at the time.) You would be able to communicate and use abilities at the same time which is not possible currently.
Riot REALLY needs to listen and hear this entire video, not because its broken by concept, but because it the video has the entire community participating in it through reddit. I hope riot isn’t just listening to “us”, but these highly respected veterans in the community with thousands of followers as well.
Its funny that you guys brought up laning dynamics seldom changing right after lethal tempo. Lethal tempo flips matchups on their heads level 1 in a lot of scenarios top lane.
This honestly feels like a patch that's meant to create issues so they can stick around to solve them Now every legendary needs to be balanced again. Now everyone's base stats need to be balanced again...and don't even get me started on how bad of an idea letting tanks not only dominate lane early but now they have the most gold efficient items while their counters legit need a full build to see significant damage.
The only way tanks have ever been able to truly tank is when they are very strong. With pen/max/current/true damage put into both items and every new champ for the last 20 champs, there are no tanks. You’ll notice you aren’t crying when they tank, you’re crying when they kill too. WALLS are good for the game. You don’t even remember what a tank is
so far this is panning out pretty badly. such a huge change like an entire rune being removed, then the game being rebalanced, then the rune being reworked and added back in the span of like a month is crazy. these recent changes strike me as super unprofessional and they indicate to me that riot is not putting deep thought into any of these changes, despite pumping them out at insane rates. the game feels very unstable this season.
@@eebbaa5560 As long as they learn from failures i dont see the issue really. As long as they dont say "yone players just arent building correctly" ever again then its fine. Just like they did with master YI, if you remove lethal tempo and a champ relys on it, BUFF THEM. Dont leave them in the state they left yone for how long? Yone players want to fight, not sustain with fckin fleet. While every other champ has actual synergy with items and runes and they dont. Im sure other champs were impacted by this too and ignored, and it needs to never happen again.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin that's the thing though. i don't think they're learning anything. i know a lot of people whine about yone all the time, but the fact that riot has done this to yasuo and yone this many times, either through rune changes or the constant crit item reworks, shows that riot is just not considering these pain points when designing changes (if you can even call it design at this point). they removed lethal tempo and then buffed adcs past the point of no return to compensate for that and fucked up the entire game for months. riot keeps making huge changes this season without thinking about the ramifications and the lack of stability from patch to patch is really making the game difficult to enjoy, much less keep up with. i'm usually not one to complain about the meta or patches or power creep or whatever bullshit players usually complain about, but it seems like riot no longer has a clear methodology for the changes that they are continuously making to the game, which is a huge problem and has been an overarching theme of season 14.
@eebbaa5560 maybe im just used to other game devs just changing things, it goes horrible and they dont care or back petal ever. Riot atleast trys something new, then if it goes wrong 90% of the time they will back petal to what they know works and the community enjoys. They atleast can realize when they are wrong most the time. And i respect that from them. You arent wrong either though. The gane is pretty unstable this season. One patch samiras running wild, another lilias dominating everything, another master yi is extremely overtuned, leona and warmogs champions in general, start of the season when juggernauts were extremely overpowered (and now most are kinda bad), then the whole adc stuff. It does suck to like a champion just to hsve them completely gutted the next patch. (Look what happened to katarina recently, buffed in the wrong way, was pretty overtuned, then gets gutted worse then she was before the buffs). I dont really understand the end goal with most their changes, it does seem like most of them are just to spice up the game. But like you said that has its own problems.
Nerfing the items will slow down the damage but it wont change items being important to champs. Sett, Darius, and Garen build Stride breaker not for the stats but for the active slow.
It'll be worrying for those exact champs though. Their current balance is tied to these items so hard. Manamune is seeing huge changes and it enormously effects someone like Ezreal and what kind of build he has to go for to fill the gaps.
@@gyranix No they are buffing tank items actually. While most damage items are losing between 200-800 gold in value, tank items are either neutral or gaining gold value.
I am very happy they are toning down burst again. As Darius I feel like steraks helps for the first fight Im in after completion and after that I never see the shield and get popped right through it.
Matchup is mostly the same except runechanges, that can change a lot in matchup ( and doran and low cost item changes like longsword amptome etc) other then that (basicly untill 1000-1200 gold items) everithying is the same imo that is when the laning phase ends( or start to end) around 1. Big compoment and level 7-9
Lethal Tempo will be not fine, because they didnt deal with its main issue being the melee vs melee matchup in TopLane. LT gives the same AS as prev. and now it got bonus damage with it. All the champs that are not supposed to win early game, especially level 1 - 2 like Tryndamare, Yone, Jax, Kayle will be now even stronger at level 1 than they used to be. They can yet against just stat check you. Some examples from the past. Yone could win level 1 against a freakin Darius. Kayle, Tryndamare and Jax thanks to LT were one of the best level 1 champs in the game. Now those champs will win even harder at a point of the game they are supposed to be smashed, before they can scale up their damage and become absolute monsters. Riot is going to regret bringing back Lethal Tempo. They will be forced to hard nerf all those champs. Watch out for Yone players missing all their Qs and winning anyway. Btw - I dont remember if it was Phreak or August, but one of them said that Yone probably shouldn't win 1v1s when he misses half of his abilities especially early game.
Darius can go LT then. So can sett. So can anyone else who already has a great lvl 1 and make it greater. Thats the cool thing about league of legends. But it seems like you just want it all, with no drawbacks or counters. When you actually have to think while playing sett is that too much for you? Really seems like it. All i see is "im suppose to win level one no matter what!!!! yone so op omgggggggg" the typical low elo opinion. Only one who scales like a monster that u listed is kayle, and she still takes forever to do that. Yone does not scale, he doesnt even have a first crit item and even when he did he still didnt scale, trynda doesnt scale and i mean his whole thing is being a lvl one monster??? jax is also a lvl one monster? his passive is literally a better lethal tempo. So idk what ur saying rly. Just seems like low elo complaining that you cant stat check with zero brain anymore.
Riot can only go so far in predicting what changes will be good or bad for a game in the long run. Community perception and sudden meta discoveries play a huge role in the state of a game. The only thing they can do in the moment is what seems reasonable and fun for the player base, and most of the time, this involves fixing the most problematic aspects.
I think you're wrong that riot is changing things just to change them. Balance is fucking hard, and necessarily requires a lot of iteration. Combine that with the very real need to keep the game fresh and you get what feels like a pendulum but is more like a top spinning into a funnel
you’re contradicting yourself. trying to keep the game ‘fresh’ often takes precedence over keeping the game balanced for riot, which is the same thing as changing things to change them.
I think there is way too much damage in the game ans nerfing items is good idea, the problem is some clases like adc are to dependent on their items and riot has already nerfed them enough...
There's no point in even reading these large system changes because of how quickly they get reverted. They basically entirely undid the durability within a month of the patch. They almost entirely reverted the 13.20 jungle changes within 6 weeks and then 14.1 changed the entire map away from the ganking playstyle they wanted to have from 13.20. We have almost a decade of evidence that riot will almost entirely revert any large system change because people complain. The only changes that matter are champ changes and item changes because those actually shift the meta for more than a month - they typically don't nerf a champion or item class out of the meta then revert them back to being *very* good within 6 months.
If something is a good in a lane it's not intended to be played, I don't agree with nerfing it out. The entire point of the game is to play your champion the way you want, itemization, lane, playstyle etc.
riot has made the game very rigid in recent years. there are way fewer opportunities to have success playing different styles these days since they just need every emergent strategy
You're wrong about this, the goal is to have the vision of the champion express itself in the most fun way. If that is a different role that is fine, but often unintended builds or roles for a champion is not really what players want, it's not fun to play against or it creates other problems. I thik Riot do a good job of allowing champions to play other roles when that makes sense, but address issues when they arise
Normally I'd skip ranked in the first 2 and last 2 weeks of a ranked season because of how many trolls, mental booms and just generally worse matchmaking. If I do that now I skip about 33% of the entire ranked season instead of 10%. I barely manage to get in enough games to reach the same rank 1 week before the end of the split. For context I climb back to my old rank with a 58% winrate, which you'd think would get me there pretty fast, but it takes over 100 games just to get back to where I was last split
@@glenndiddy yeah this game needs some kind of ranked reset or rework. it’s impossible to climb unless you double or triple your games played and manage to maintain a 60% winrate because of how stuck the mmr is. i don’t even grind ranked anymore because of how demoralizing it is just to get back to the same rank over and over again before i can even start climbing.
A solution a have for your shorts problem is to intentionally make a short from scratch instead of making one from your podcast, so you can have total control of what you are talking about without worrying about taking stuff out of context
I disagree with Riot. A lot of the champs I learned to play were shaped around the items I wanted to use. I was obsessed with Liandry's into Riftmaker so I took time to learn all the champs that could use that combo.
@@jinnyplays ? But you're saying you're disagreeing with their statement that 'most people que up to play champions, not items' which is true despite you obsessing over item combos.
@@briantbb2749 there is no way you're just coming into the comments to start an argument. ➰️ the part of the statement I disagreed with is the part where they say no one is loading into a game excited to play with infinity edge.
Personally I really dislike the runes that drastically change how a champion plays. The main offenders currently being Phase Rush and previous Hail of Blades. They warp things so much you have champions balanced around them taking that specific rune. At that point the runes aren't a choice any more, if you play one of the champions married to a rune you either take that rune or be under powered. Would rather see these sorts of runes removed and champions that relied on them fixed.
I think if you're gonna make shorts you shouldn't necessarily just pull it out of the podcast like uploading an unedited vod. I think sometimes a short might be better off if you took a concept from the podcast and re-recorded it more concisely for the short, with a link to the fuller discussion.
Fundamentally, League is an unstable system. It's really difficult to keep it at an interesting spot without just completely tilting it over the edge towards another valley of stability. Kinda like a magnetic pendulum.
The playerbase isn't getting better, the game is just becoming easier. The playerbase still makes the same basic shitty mistakes, the thing that has mainly improved is pretty much mechanics. But yeah, but a current s14 diamond player in an s8 diamond lobby, and he will get outskilled on so many things.
I am going to look at other videos to see if I can find your takes on voice comms because I am curious why you guys are so against the idea. As someone who only plays league casually for the most part the idea sounds interesting to me if not a little bit risky due to the toxic nature of the playerbase but not outright bad for the game. As a person who was a competitive player in Rocket League within the top 1% ~ top 0.5% and sometimes even higher, when they added voice comms to rocket league almost nobody uses it anyway. It was almost a non existent change, and the times when people did use it in my games, it was only positive experiences. I never dealt with people being toxic to me over voice (but maybe that was due to being higher ranked with less of the toxic lower ranked players). I found the comms useful but not outright necessary, similar to a 5% patch note I guess. But maybe that's just because rocket league is not as reliant on information from teammates as league is, almost all the information you need you naturally get yourself.
I respect your opinions guys but you are out of your mind if you think this kind of changes wont do anything. I mean the core game will be the same as always but the pace, builds and the meta will change, if its for the worse or the better we will see... Love the podcast!
I'm not seeing a part where they say that patches don't change the meta. It's just that the game's meta is constantly changing and adapting to it is a part of the game.
@@HamsterPants522 the first part of the video both agree to that. Also the Lethal tempo comeback is not the same as riot changed how it works so the rune would scale with bonus AS and not with base stats, so now is more of a late game option for AS char. I dont think we have to be too worried about it, I hope🤞
Have they not had enough of buffing tanks/ADC's/scaling/passive play? Why are we doing this? Who is asking for the game to be slower? Who wants to go back to aurelion sol winning by default if the games goes over 30 minutes? Why do we want assassins to be outscaled at about 15 minutes because people just don't die anymore? Fighters? Nah. Not even gonna bother with them. Can I adapt? Yes, do I think it's gonna be more fun? Hell no. Tanks, scaling and enchanters are the literal anti-christ to fun in league
What role do you play? As a diamond top lane player I love these changes. I literally play the game to feel like a raid boss most of the time. I don’t even hate losing Dmg as long as others do so too. It’s going to make fights last longer and actually get use out of haste and attack speed. Makes things more valuable instead of raw burst.
i actually agree with you. when is the last time that assassins were actually playable? i think it was at the start of the season when stormsurge was broken for one patch. i think the main issue isn’t damage, it’s the fact that the game is so snowball-heavy. if you didn’t lose games off one or two mistakes, then the game wouldn’t feel as fast as it does now. everyone blames damage because that’s what you can see. once they lower the damage, the real problems will become apparent. idk why riot thinks that a tank meta is always the solution to everything.
@@dirtydard4870 Tanks are already viable in 4/5 roles. They even reliably have champions in the top 5 for every role except ADC. So why are they still not popular or picked often?
in my experience i can really have fun in my league because im climbing and im really good, and it's sad that people can't have fun because ye of course because they thought, teammates is the reason why they lost when in reality most of the time it's actually theirs.
I think Riot is running out of ideas at this point. We're pretty much just doing something new like mythics, then taking them away, then going back to 25% crit, then removing lethal tempo, then adding it back, buffing ADC and mage items, then nerfing all items. I sorta disagree that we want to play Yasuo/Jinx and not items.I just want to play something NEW. A champion + item + rune combination is exciting and game warping. Quinn with Symbiotic Soles and Lethality is exciting and new and fun to play. We need more of that. A combination of a champ/item/rune that feels exciting and adds diversity. I think Riot is just lazy and out of ideas at this point. Most "fun" items have been removed from the game like like Zz Roth, Hullbreaker (lost it's identity), Sanguine Blade, Everfrost, Prowler's Claw etc. The game is broken not because of items but because of just number imbalance. ADC Mid meta didn't happen because they had dashes or kit warping items, they just had too many numbers on their key items like IE and Kraken Slayer. In summary, I think Riot should do more FUN items with dashes and actives and abilities and just balance the NUMBERS when things are broken. I disagree with the current gameplay philosophy. Make more fun exciting things that are new and just nerf numbers when things are broken. I actually think the game was way more balanced in Split 1 this season than it was in Split 2 after the ADC item changes.
yeah i think you’re right. items and runes should be strong. my only complaint is that there should be more items and more than one viable option for each champion
@@maxx_xero I can show you a clip where I as aatrox missed 6 q casts and still beat kaisa 1 vs 1 who had barrier and more items than me.(diamond 1 this split)
I wanna believe in myself as much as Curtis does in his shirt holding his biceps
LMAo, why is he so ripped XD
Bc he needs to workout in between his blocks so he works out 3x a day
On the Taking Souls v Doing Your Job debate, I really think there’s a lot to be learned from a common adage used as advice to Quarterbacks in American Professional Football: Take what the Defense gives you.
I think it’s pretty apparent within the first few minutes of lane how much better or worse you are than your opponent. If they’re letting you kill them on repeat-kill them on repeat! But if they’re playing solidly just take whatever it is that you CAN take, don’t force anything. Take what the opponent gives you.
Just play at your maximum intensity over a long time and you'll progressively improve. Sometimes you'll dominate sometimes you'll be dominated, sometimes you'll go even
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you both for all the work you do. Your unique perspective on wins and losses has completely changed how I view the game. Learning to embrace the process and focus on improvement rather than just the outcome has not only made me love League of Legends again, but it’s also helped me become a more productive person in other areas of life. Your content has been truly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work
no one:
1:23:08 subtitles: "mental sex"
As a Bel’Veth main, I’m very excited for these changes. She’s 100% getting nerfed in the future. These indirect buffs are insane. New LT, slower fights which means more value from attack speed, tank items getting stronger. We eating good tonight 🤤
Ye shes gonna have like 40 banrate euw xd gonna abuse her before she gets riot specialed
she will be stronger but not as much as she use to be. The new LT does cap out now. But it really seems to do its job of early game power with pretty decent scaling late game. For champs like bel, yi, yone etc it will probably do its job but nothing too overpowered. If they start buffing it however, then we will run into problems again.
the coaches: very interesting league take super serious
me: holy fuck Curtis is jacked.
In the recent meta I have noticed that if no one on your team is playing a champion that will build liandrys torment you better play something that will
When riot they said they nerfed a champion but didn't, and saw the win rate drop. That IS NOT an example of placebo.
Placebo controls all other factors, if they nerfed an item that champion rushes, or the champs that are good against them were buffed, that could EASILY explain it.
They make it sound like because people thought the champ was bad it became bad, but there are many other factors.
Thank God this podcast dropped, I'm traveling today an this will be perfect to have with me
the comment about 27% yasuo is fascinating to me. At like march in 2022 I had 21% wr on fiora, my most played champion, over like 100 games. People would literally dodge my fiora because it was so low winrate (this was before that got removed).
However, they were proved wrong. I ended the season with 55% winrate on her. There were a lot more wins than losses to get that winrate back up, and I'm proud of that. To me, this experience proved that someone having a low wr on their champion doesn't mean they're going to play poorly in this game. I was never the type to look up all my teammates anyways, but this firmly entrenched the idea that looking up teammates doesn't do anything for me.
“Every mistake, a lesson.” -Master Yi
I just hope all these changes don’t bring back the 40-50 minute games again. Pace of the game was perfect in my opinion, most games lasted 30 minutes tops.
I find the general league player base really struggle to understand patches. For example the reason items are getting nerfs now is because they have been power-crept over time, which disrupts the pace of play. Players often get very emotional about patches, but are not at all capable of understanding or evaluating the changes.
Anyone know when did they talk about voice comms? Voice comms would make the game so much better. It would allow us to add tone to what we say making the game less toxic (yes some people will flame in voice comms but anything that can be said can be typed.) It would allow communication between team mates that isn't possible at the moment (for example asking Karthus to ult. It woud be very difficult to type if you have to kite and dodge skillshots at the time.) You would be able to communicate and use abilities at the same time which is not possible currently.
Riot REALLY needs to listen and hear this entire video, not because its broken by concept, but because it the video has the entire community participating in it through reddit. I hope riot isn’t just listening to “us”, but these highly respected veterans in the community with thousands of followers as well.
Its funny that you guys brought up laning dynamics seldom changing right after lethal tempo. Lethal tempo flips matchups on their heads level 1 in a lot of scenarios top lane.
More splits = more patches and changes = more content creation which will build hype and stimulates player interaction and interest
This honestly feels like a patch that's meant to create issues so they can stick around to solve them
Now every legendary needs to be balanced again. Now everyone's base stats need to be balanced again...and don't even get me started on how bad of an idea letting tanks not only dominate lane early but now they have the most gold efficient items while their counters legit need a full build to see significant damage.
The only way tanks have ever been able to truly tank is when they are very strong.
With pen/max/current/true damage put into both items and every new champ for the last 20 champs, there are no tanks. You’ll notice you aren’t crying when they tank, you’re crying when they kill too.
WALLS are good for the game. You don’t even remember what a tank is
Holy shit Curtis is looking SWOLE AF
phreak said in a video that they are doing 3 spilts so they can do bigger changes between splits.
so far this is panning out pretty badly. such a huge change like an entire rune being removed, then the game being rebalanced, then the rune being reworked and added back in the span of like a month is crazy.
these recent changes strike me as super unprofessional and they indicate to me that riot is not putting deep thought into any of these changes, despite pumping them out at insane rates. the game feels very unstable this season.
@@eebbaa5560 As long as they learn from failures i dont see the issue really. As long as they dont say "yone players just arent building correctly" ever again then its fine. Just like they did with master YI, if you remove lethal tempo and a champ relys on it, BUFF THEM. Dont leave them in the state they left yone for how long? Yone players want to fight, not sustain with fckin fleet. While every other champ has actual synergy with items and runes and they dont. Im sure other champs were impacted by this too and ignored, and it needs to never happen again.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin that's the thing though. i don't think they're learning anything.
i know a lot of people whine about yone all the time, but the fact that riot has done this to yasuo and yone this many times, either through rune changes or the constant crit item reworks, shows that riot is just not considering these pain points when designing changes (if you can even call it design at this point). they removed lethal tempo and then buffed adcs past the point of no return to compensate for that and fucked up the entire game for months.
riot keeps making huge changes this season without thinking about the ramifications and the lack of stability from patch to patch is really making the game difficult to enjoy, much less keep up with. i'm usually not one to complain about the meta or patches or power creep or whatever bullshit players usually complain about, but it seems like riot no longer has a clear methodology for the changes that they are continuously making to the game, which is a huge problem and has been an overarching theme of season 14.
@eebbaa5560 maybe im just used to other game devs just changing things, it goes horrible and they dont care or back petal ever.
Riot atleast trys something new, then if it goes wrong 90% of the time they will back petal to what they know works and the community enjoys. They atleast can realize when they are wrong most the time. And i respect that from them.
You arent wrong either though. The gane is pretty unstable this season. One patch samiras running wild, another lilias dominating everything, another master yi is extremely overtuned, leona and warmogs champions in general, start of the season when juggernauts were extremely overpowered (and now most are kinda bad), then the whole adc stuff. It does suck to like a champion just to hsve them completely gutted the next patch. (Look what happened to katarina recently, buffed in the wrong way, was pretty overtuned, then gets gutted worse then she was before the buffs).
I dont really understand the end goal with most their changes, it does seem like most of them are just to spice up the game. But like you said that has its own problems.
Nerfing the items will slow down the damage but it wont change items being important to champs. Sett, Darius, and Garen build Stride breaker not for the stats but for the active slow.
It'll be worrying for those exact champs though. Their current balance is tied to these items so hard. Manamune is seeing huge changes and it enormously effects someone like Ezreal and what kind of build he has to go for to fill the gaps.
@drew7491 that and they arent nerfing tank items so unkillable Mundos and Volibears might show up for for split start
@@gyranix No they are buffing tank items actually. While most damage items are losing between 200-800 gold in value, tank items are either neutral or gaining gold value.
@@glenndiddy yay another tank meta
I am very happy they are toning down burst again. As Darius I feel like steraks helps for the first fight Im in after completion and after that I never see the shield and get popped right through it.
In top lane it is your job to take their soul ☠️
leathal tempo is different this time,
adds adaptive force instead of attack speed
It still gives AS per stack. It's only the max stack effect that's different.
@@yGKeKe the stacking as speed is NOWHERE near old tempo
Matchup is mostly the same except runechanges, that can change a lot in matchup ( and doran and low cost item changes like longsword amptome etc) other then that (basicly untill 1000-1200 gold items) everithying is the same imo that is when the laning phase ends( or start to end) around 1. Big compoment and level 7-9
Lethal Tempo will be not fine, because they didnt deal with its main issue being the melee vs melee matchup in TopLane.
LT gives the same AS as prev. and now it got bonus damage with it. All the champs that are not supposed to win early game, especially level 1 - 2 like Tryndamare, Yone, Jax, Kayle will be now even stronger at level 1 than they used to be. They can yet against just stat check you.
Some examples from the past. Yone could win level 1 against a freakin Darius.
Kayle, Tryndamare and Jax thanks to LT were one of the best level 1 champs in the game.
Now those champs will win even harder at a point of the game they are supposed to be smashed, before they can scale up their damage and become absolute monsters.
Riot is going to regret bringing back Lethal Tempo. They will be forced to hard nerf all those champs.
Watch out for Yone players missing all their Qs and winning anyway. Btw - I dont remember if it was Phreak or August, but one of them said that Yone probably shouldn't win 1v1s when he misses half of his abilities especially early game.
Darius can go LT then. So can sett. So can anyone else who already has a great lvl 1 and make it greater. Thats the cool thing about league of legends. But it seems like you just want it all, with no drawbacks or counters. When you actually have to think while playing sett is that too much for you? Really seems like it. All i see is "im suppose to win level one no matter what!!!! yone so op omgggggggg" the typical low elo opinion. Only one who scales like a monster that u listed is kayle, and she still takes forever to do that. Yone does not scale, he doesnt even have a first crit item and even when he did he still didnt scale, trynda doesnt scale and i mean his whole thing is being a lvl one monster??? jax is also a lvl one monster? his passive is literally a better lethal tempo. So idk what ur saying rly. Just seems like low elo complaining that you cant stat check with zero brain anymore.
Riot can only go so far in predicting what changes will be good or bad for a game in the long run. Community perception and sudden meta discoveries play a huge role in the state of a game. The only thing they can do in the moment is what seems reasonable and fun for the player base, and most of the time, this involves fixing the most problematic aspects.
I think you're wrong that riot is changing things just to change them. Balance is fucking hard, and necessarily requires a lot of iteration. Combine that with the very real need to keep the game fresh and you get what feels like a pendulum but is more like a top spinning into a funnel
you’re contradicting yourself. trying to keep the game ‘fresh’ often takes precedence over keeping the game balanced for riot, which is the same thing as changing things to change them.
I don't think giving champions over 1000 gold worth of stats at lvl 1 is a good thing.
I think there is way too much damage in the game ans nerfing items is good idea, the problem is some clases like adc are to dependent on their items and riot has already nerfed them enough...
Lmao yeah ADC is picked on 3 out of 5 positions regularly but they're weak and need help :(
What exactly does too much damage?
entitled adc main sobbing he doesn't win in every lane for free anymore
There's no point in even reading these large system changes because of how quickly they get reverted. They basically entirely undid the durability within a month of the patch. They almost entirely reverted the 13.20 jungle changes within 6 weeks and then 14.1 changed the entire map away from the ganking playstyle they wanted to have from 13.20. We have almost a decade of evidence that riot will almost entirely revert any large system change because people complain. The only changes that matter are champ changes and item changes because those actually shift the meta for more than a month - they typically don't nerf a champion or item class out of the meta then revert them back to being *very* good within 6 months.
Players own their champions status and display them on shelves, no one buys an infinity edge statue to display on the shelves
If something is a good in a lane it's not intended to be played, I don't agree with nerfing it out. The entire point of the game is to play your champion the way you want, itemization, lane, playstyle etc.
riot has made the game very rigid in recent years. there are way fewer opportunities to have success playing different styles these days since they just need every emergent strategy
You're wrong about this, the goal is to have the vision of the champion express itself in the most fun way. If that is a different role that is fine, but often unintended builds or roles for a champion is not really what players want, it's not fun to play against or it creates other problems. I thik Riot do a good job of allowing champions to play other roles when that makes sense, but address issues when they arise
@@garagavia You just said the same thing as me but with different words.
Do you guys have any advice for a new player to the game struggling to stick to one role?
I feel like tbe meta changes too often and there are too many splits. Ranked feels like work now.
Just one split away from matching business quarters 😂
Normally I'd skip ranked in the first 2 and last 2 weeks of a ranked season because of how many trolls, mental booms and just generally worse matchmaking. If I do that now I skip about 33% of the entire ranked season instead of 10%. I barely manage to get in enough games to reach the same rank 1 week before the end of the split.
For context I climb back to my old rank with a 58% winrate, which you'd think would get me there pretty fast, but it takes over 100 games just to get back to where I was last split
@@glenndiddy yeah this game needs some kind of ranked reset or rework. it’s impossible to climb unless you double or triple your games played and manage to maintain a 60% winrate because of how stuck the mmr is. i don’t even grind ranked anymore because of how demoralizing it is just to get back to the same rank over and over again before i can even start climbing.
@@glenndiddy That's insane, it's just too much work. I have a real job and a life outside of this one game.
A solution a have for your shorts problem is to intentionally make a short from scratch instead of making one from your podcast, so you can have total control of what you are talking about without worrying about taking stuff out of context
Splits should feel fresh. I think the number of changes are good. Just my opinion
Another "everyones a winner" patch. I want my individual skill to matter or what's the point?
I disagree with Riot. A lot of the champs I learned to play were shaped around the items I wanted to use. I was obsessed with Liandry's into Riftmaker so I took time to learn all the champs that could use that combo.
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone does
@@jalalal8056 I never said that everyone does, just that I do.
@@jinnyplays ? But you're saying you're disagreeing with their statement that 'most people que up to play champions, not items' which is true despite you obsessing over item combos.
@@briantbb2749 there is no way you're just coming into the comments to start an argument. ➰️ the part of the statement I disagreed with is the part where they say no one is loading into a game excited to play with infinity edge.
@@jinnyplays cool!
Personally I really dislike the runes that drastically change how a champion plays. The main offenders currently being Phase Rush and previous Hail of Blades. They warp things so much you have champions balanced around them taking that specific rune. At that point the runes aren't a choice any more, if you play one of the champions married to a rune you either take that rune or be under powered. Would rather see these sorts of runes removed and champions that relied on them fixed.
I think if you're gonna make shorts you shouldn't necessarily just pull it out of the podcast like uploading an unedited vod. I think sometimes a short might be better off if you took a concept from the podcast and re-recorded it more concisely for the short, with a link to the fuller discussion.
"most players queue up for a game of league bc they want to play a champion", gets autofilled in a role where said champ is unplayable :P
This is gonna suck ass, tanks are already overpowered
Point is, are you losing your games because tanks are overpowered, or because you're making basic mistakes?
@@RocoPwnage I have a 68% winrate on my main, tanks are still overpowered
Fundamentally, League is an unstable system. It's really difficult to keep it at an interesting spot without just completely tilting it over the edge towards another valley of stability. Kinda like a magnetic pendulum.
The playerbase isn't getting better, the game is just becoming easier.
The playerbase still makes the same basic shitty mistakes, the thing that has mainly improved is pretty much mechanics.
But yeah, but a current s14 diamond player in an s8 diamond lobby, and he will get outskilled on so many things.
How dare you say people don't care about items like Malignance. I love my Maligma, it make my shrooms go BOOM!
The only people who make mistakes are the people actually doing something.
I am going to look at other videos to see if I can find your takes on voice comms because I am curious why you guys are so against the idea. As someone who only plays league casually for the most part the idea sounds interesting to me if not a little bit risky due to the toxic nature of the playerbase but not outright bad for the game. As a person who was a competitive player in Rocket League within the top 1% ~ top 0.5% and sometimes even higher, when they added voice comms to rocket league almost nobody uses it anyway. It was almost a non existent change, and the times when people did use it in my games, it was only positive experiences. I never dealt with people being toxic to me over voice (but maybe that was due to being higher ranked with less of the toxic lower ranked players). I found the comms useful but not outright necessary, similar to a 5% patch note I guess. But maybe that's just because rocket league is not as reliant on information from teammates as league is, almost all the information you need you naturally get yourself.
I respect your opinions guys but you are out of your mind if you think this kind of changes wont do anything. I mean the core game will be the same as always but the pace, builds and the meta will change, if its for the worse or the better we will see...
Love the podcast!
I'm not seeing a part where they say that patches don't change the meta. It's just that the game's meta is constantly changing and adapting to it is a part of the game.
@@HamsterPants522 the first part of the video both agree to that.
Also the Lethal tempo comeback is not the same as riot changed how it works so the rune would scale with bonus AS and not with base stats, so now is more of a late game option for AS char. I dont think we have to be too worried about it, I hope🤞
@MajestykStorm u re too smart mister plat
@@YShidou thank you!
I'd argue not far enough
Have they not had enough of buffing tanks/ADC's/scaling/passive play? Why are we doing this? Who is asking for the game to be slower? Who wants to go back to aurelion sol winning by default if the games goes over 30 minutes?
Why do we want assassins to be outscaled at about 15 minutes because people just don't die anymore?
Fighters? Nah. Not even gonna bother with them.
Can I adapt? Yes, do I think it's gonna be more fun? Hell no. Tanks, scaling and enchanters are the literal anti-christ to fun in league
What role do you play? As a diamond top lane player I love these changes. I literally play the game to feel like a raid boss most of the time. I don’t even hate losing Dmg as long as others do so too. It’s going to make fights last longer and actually get use out of haste and attack speed. Makes things more valuable instead of raw burst.
A lot of people have been asking for it to be slower for a long time
i actually agree with you. when is the last time that assassins were actually playable? i think it was at the start of the season when stormsurge was broken for one patch. i think the main issue isn’t damage, it’s the fact that the game is so snowball-heavy. if you didn’t lose games off one or two mistakes, then the game wouldn’t feel as fast as it does now. everyone blames damage because that’s what you can see. once they lower the damage, the real problems will become apparent. idk why riot thinks that a tank meta is always the solution to everything.
@@dirtydard4870 Tanks are already viable in 4/5 roles. They even reliably have champions in the top 5 for every role except ADC. So why are they still not popular or picked often?
@@BloodDrenched-y6i I play jungle mainly. The last thing I want is going back to tank or troll jungle meta.
This probably buffs Smolder which is kinda yikes
Faker and other pros were still spamming grasp smolder in soloq. I think the dragon isn't going anywhere.
in my experience i can really have fun in my league because im climbing and im really good, and it's sad that people can't have fun because ye of course because they thought, teammates is the reason why they lost when in reality most of the time it's actually theirs.
I think Riot is running out of ideas at this point. We're pretty much just doing something new like mythics, then taking them away, then going back to 25% crit, then removing lethal tempo, then adding it back, buffing ADC and mage items, then nerfing all items. I sorta disagree that we want to play Yasuo/Jinx and not items.I just want to play something NEW. A champion + item + rune combination is exciting and game warping. Quinn with Symbiotic Soles and Lethality is exciting and new and fun to play. We need more of that. A combination of a champ/item/rune that feels exciting and adds diversity. I think Riot is just lazy and out of ideas at this point. Most "fun" items have been removed from the game like like Zz Roth, Hullbreaker (lost it's identity), Sanguine Blade, Everfrost, Prowler's Claw etc. The game is broken not because of items but because of just number imbalance. ADC Mid meta didn't happen because they had dashes or kit warping items, they just had too many numbers on their key items like IE and Kraken Slayer. In summary, I think Riot should do more FUN items with dashes and actives and abilities and just balance the NUMBERS when things are broken. I disagree with the current gameplay philosophy. Make more fun exciting things that are new and just nerf numbers when things are broken. I actually think the game was way more balanced in Split 1 this season than it was in Split 2 after the ADC item changes.
yeah i think you’re right. items and runes should be strong. my only complaint is that there should be more items and more than one viable option for each champion
Split 1 balanced? Did you play against tf or skarner top? Did you climb with crit adcs in split 1?
@@moresah every split has something broken but adcs were far more broken in split 2 given how they were meta in literally all 3 lanes
@@maxx_xero I can show you a clip where I as aatrox missed 6 q casts and still beat kaisa 1 vs 1 who had barrier and more items than me.(diamond 1 this split)
the amount of delusion i see on my coaches comments is crazy. silver players giving advice like its fact lol
I play league to pick champions that use liandris 😂😂😂
Idk league will never be balanced, so it's just shifting metas forever
i used to get excited to play items like duskblade and galeforce. now items are boring as fuck and overpowered.