Buy fish at from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
I love this video. I have 13 with 4 yoyos and some rummy noses and they are my tank bosses and need to make my.40 gal a 125 in the next 4 years. Mine are aged 5 to 2. Love me some clown cloach cheers from Australia bruva
Seeing those tiger barbs with clown loaches cracks me up . They are the literal imbodyment of me . Just lost and confused but around people you think you understand .
Been subscribed to COOP for over two years now. Just Cory talking about fish, plants, and aquariums is what I like. Business end in VERY small doses is cool. I’ll never unsubscribe though. Always some solid knowledge dropped.
Got my clowns pack of 7 over 10yrs in a 125g community tank my fav fish they been though all sorts an ive have power outs while i was away and they survived though everything its a tough fish with loads of character
Back when I was keeping tanks, 90’s, I always wanted them. After all these years, and dragging my tanks and gear around with me, I have set up a 125. Going to begin collecting my pack of Loach-Dogs for this tank!
Bought just one of these guys from my lfs along with 2 bettas 1 male 1 female. Clown had ick and was healthy and ick free after 1 week in medicated quarantine tank, the two bettas were an impulse buy because me and the fiancé felt bad for them being stuck inside practically shot glasses lol so we gave them a new home in our 40 hexagonal planted aquarium which houses Corydoras ghost shrimp and a few emerald tetra.
@@MacHamish jep same here, i thought either filter or glass. So i checked the sealings of my aquarium and i did notice a worrysome spot that i need to get repaired pre-emptively. Cheers on the clown loaches.
I love clown loaches, thank you for the information. I tried keeping th em twice and wish I had this information back then. When I am able to have a larger tank again I will put this information to good use. Thank you!
i loved your input thank you! i had a bunch of bladder snails and they got them out in a day. i will say tho i have 6 red minor tetras and 3 mollies, all the loaches do when they aren't eating algae swimming back and forth across the front of my tank with the others. it's hilarious it's like they're just doing continuous flybys
Great video! Today 2 of my clown loaches(8"), swam in circles, and locked jaws, and turned almost a dark brown , even though you could see their stripes still. I fed them and added some extra plants to distract them from chasing each other. Any thoughts on how to stop that weird behavior? Thanks so much. I have kept tropical fish for 50 years, clown loaches are my favorite.
I recently got a single clown loach to fight off invader snails in my tank...i was not aware they were a pack fish but the boy is in a tank with danios, tetras, bolivian ram and plecos/corys, weirdly enough my tank generally sits at a highish ph and i noticed today is rather warm, so it seems it's naturally not a bad place for the boy, and tbh he's pretty active now that he's settled in...I am going to have to get a bigger tank in the not so distant future though as while this tank might be OK for one larger loach...i think i want to get him a couple of buddies if that means he'll be happier, and honestly he looks brilliant in the tank, definitely a fish i'm glad to have.
Im going through snail invasion now! It's awful. I just relocated my fish, 2 angels, clown loach, and pleto to their new, bigger tank. I hope and pray no eggs got stuck on them. They went into a bucket with aquarium salt for a bit first. I've had tanks all my life, this snail invasion was insane! ( I soaked a baby air plant in tank one day, for the "healthy" water. Im thinking that's where they came from.)🤔🐠
i have 12 in my 150 gallon tank average size are 5-8" absoutly love em i have them with exotic plecos and torpido bards. Also found they are amazing with electric blue acaras, i have some massive ones and their extremly peaceful
@@caroljpenn46 its a really old tank they dont make 5 foot tanks in the larger sizes now unless its custom but its really old ive resealled it and custom made a lid since someone later on made it a center bracket that deffiantly not centered lol
Greetings from jakarta,Indonesia. Hi brother,iam the one who loves clown loaches. In indonesia,we called it "IKAN BOTIA". loves this fish. lets keep loves this fish. God bless you all
I hv 4 clown loaches in my 55g tank and theyre so active and when they get too big i can put it in my dads 250 g tank or the huge pond which is like 25ish degree celcius
I have 3 of these fish and I love them. They are very active little guys and seem to enjoy their home and fish friends. They play, eat snails and seem happy as far as I can tell. But my tank is about 53 gallons. So I might need to look into upgrading in a few years. Gotta say, they had me worried in the beginning with how strange they were acting lol.
Really wanting a clown loach (Or several), I have a 3ft long 50 Gallon tank, could I keep a small group of these guys with some Molly's and danios? I would probably get an even larger aquarium as they get bigger over time
I have order 2 of Botias fish. Botia is common name for clown loaches, in Indonesia. In search informations about this "clowns" I found this channel. Thank you soo much.
I've had one clown loach in my 125 gallon for six years and he seems just fine by himself. He's active, eats anything, never hides, and displays all of those quirks that you've mentioned as well. You cannot replicate nature and keep them in a group of six or more because that would require a monster sized tank. You can keep three or four in a 125 gallon max.
i had ONLY 3, and they didnt hide. they were in a hex and they went all around and up and down, constantly., but they chewed the silicone off the edges of the glass! woops!
I love clowns: I have two that are over 20 years old. You mentioned in a stream that you suspected that the tiger barbs were nipping at the bigger loaches in the 800g and causing the bigger ones to hide more. Here you still suggested keeping tiger barbs with clowns, so did you change your mind on that theory?
Teddy Delacruz I don’t think it was some serious nipping you got to remember he has tons of them in that tank that none of them can be singled out or seriously attacked
imo tiger barbs nip at the biggest fish in the tank when they are in large groups reason to keep it short i think its defence , ie used 15 tiger barbs as differ fish in a demasoni tank and they would kill the dom male 1 by 1 by attacking as a group
wow, i have never heard of keeping them that hot! i have always had problems with the little 1 to 2 inch clowns getting to eat. My skunk botias are always clicking too!
I am trying to start a 75gl tank and want to put 1 red tail shark, 1 severum, 4 angels, 2 gourmes, and 3 clown louchies can some help me out to see if this is a good fit.
So what is their ideal tank size? Like most of us we keep a small group like me I have 3 of them in a 90g and they are about 4yrs old. I would hate to give them up and I would like to add more like 3 or 4. I bought these fish without the knowledge of them bit as time goes on we learn and love them. Mine are about 4-6 inches now and they are happy in there tank. It would be sad to give them up if I had to get a bigger issue. Atm they are with a small group of wild caught Altums angels in a planted tank SA set up and it's Awsome to see both fish with their stripes flashing. Yes the water is warm in this tank above 82°-84° and they love it. Informative video but once you get these fish it's truly a love factor cause they grow on you🐠🐠🐠
So beautiful! I hope to have a Clown Loach tank one day. Thank you for your videos! With your advice I'm now setting up a 21 gallon, 3 foot long, rimless tank with Harlequin Rasboras, either Pygmy or Panda Cory's with a Plakat Betta. I have 3 Betta tanks now so I know these dudes. I really wanted a Dwarf Gourami but I am not experienced enough yet.
They will hunt down evey snail even the most small ones and just eat them..i did not have him when i i had my apple snail tho..but i had him in tank with a lone tetra neon and rainbow shark and they would school with each other..
Adding emerald catfish to Oscar tank good idea or not I heard Oscars will eat them & it won’t end well for the Oscar’s I have both in aquarium both juveniles
I have 4 Clown Loaches and 4 Zebra Loaches in my 110 Gallon Spotted & Pearl Gourami/ Blue Gularis/ Ghost Knife tank that I keep at 80 degrees. And 5 Balas. I hear that scaleless fish like Loaches and Eels and and Knifes can be hurt by regular ick medicine but, can I use ParaGuard? Use partial? Use less? Or full treatment? Nobody is sick but can I be proactive and preventative? How often?
Fantastic info, Cory. It's so obvious how much you adore these fish just watching you talk about them. Wish I had the space for a group of these guys, but my "large" tank is reserved for my fancy goldies.
That is so cute how their personalities are as you described. 😂 Looking forward to getting some for a new tank. They are very exotic and colorful little fish. 🥰 Are there any smaller species than 12 inches? 😲
Do you still have the reticulated hillstream loaches in the 800 galj and if so, how are they alive!? Hillstream loaches usually like temperature at 68-75 degrees fahrenheight, not 86!
Aquarium Co-Op huh. I was thinking about getting some hillstream loaches but thought my tank was too hot. Thanks for responding, probably gonna get 1-2 for my tank now😁
Hey Cory I know this isn’t a African cichlid vid but I’m so confused I have a 55 gallon tank and I want to get some cichlids I’m getting a larger canister filter to handle the waste but how many can I put in my tank plz help
My 20 gallon fish tank got ich a few weeks ago and it has all cleared up, but two of my fish died from it. My tank is pretty empty now with only two danios, 3 Cory’s, and a pleco. I want some ideas, I was thinking of putting a betta sorority in it, but do you guys have any thing els. I don’t want to have to go far away or buy them online though. I just want to find them in a local pet shop. Thank you guys!!
So I have a 20 gallon pea puffer tank. Can I put young clown loaches in there until they outgrow it or will they bother the puffers or will the puffers bother it?
Got 5 in my 100g. They always tend to hide under my filter Tower. Hope they dont get stuck under there. Have no idea how to get them out if i must do something.
!!! Ok so... I saved this loach. But she was alone. So. Can i just introduce her to new baby loaches?? Like she wont get all aggressive and eat them would she. Omg this was so helpful. I didnt know they were mainly carnivorous. Ive been feeding a mix of pellets and algae wafers.
I have a 125 gallon with a bunch of different types of fish from a black ghost knife and bichir to jack dempseys and guppies and have one clown loach. I can't add a bunch of clown loaches but I might be able to add one more. Will he be ok by himself with all the rest of the fish or should I try to add another one?
Hi there, I have kissing gouramis that are 2 years and 4 years old and added 4 clownloaches. The kissing gouramis don't bother baby loaches. My loaches swim around a real lot during the day (which I'm not complaining) and they swim into the flow of the filter. I don't see them sleep really. When I first had them they'd hide under sponge filter. I had to move a big rock away from sponge filter as it obstructing it a bit, but they swim around and around near the filter outlet water flow. Is this just happy playing? I've rearranged the tank too. Do clown loaches not sleep very much. Also how do you tell male from female? I only have a 3 foot tank atm but intend to upgrade eventually. How long will it take them to get to say 4 inches? I have my temperature at 27.5 ° Celsius (in Australia) is that okay? You say about higher temperature but will the kissing gouramis be okay at higher temperature and will that cause algae? Thanks.
I just like these the moment they are hard to find, went to a few shops and they ran out have to wait for the next order! i have some already i just want more haha. I heard these fish are hard to breed is that true?
I had three clone loaches which were around 4 inches long , my tank developed a leak so I had to get a new tank fast , a friend gave me her tank loaded with quiet fish which included three small clown loaches , two of my large loaches died with the stress of changing tanks so now I only have one large loach, mysteriously the three small loaches have disappeared without trace ,I think that maybe the large loach has eaten them what do you think ? Anyway he's on his own now and looks quite happy , he makes us laugh with his antics one of which is facing head first into his bubbles it looks like he's having a jacuzzi , then goes and lies full length in the sand on his side for a quick sleep before feeding time , I give him a mixture of pellets every night , once a week I give him frozen blood worms he also gets what fish food drops from the top of the tank , but he is always watching me if you like and I wonder if he is still hungry due to his size am I giving him enough to eat ? sorry this is a long ask but you seem the person to ask , many thanks ..
What about those random times that they only have one at your local fish store so you save him and he is super active and all over the tank? I know I shouldn’t have taken just one but he was so sad looking by himself. I figured in my 55 gallon community tank at least he’d have friends.
I have just one also and this guy is always swimming around, eating the junk off the floating plant roots, poking the other fish and running away. He's always been extremely active since day one. Even during the day with the tank lights on this one is out swimming around, bumping into the glass, and just having a good time
My loaches aren't responding to my temp and salt ich treatment.. I have 3 tbl spoons in a ten gal every day I take 5 gal out gravel vac and put 5 gal more with with jungle salt 1 half tbl spoon and easy balance i started at 79 degrees up 1 degree a day now at 85 ich gotten worse.... Help started with 6 small incher loaches have 3 left as of today lost three.. Did water test nitrates is a little high rest looks good. Have hang on filter big one for 10 perfect for 20 and air stone plenty of hiding spots... Should I go bare bottom this is just a quaruanteen tank but they might not get out alive HELP HELP!!
I had 10 of them when they hide when they were new I took off the hidding places now I have them more than 10 years on that kind of set up and had no issues they are happy as ever.
Buy fish at from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
These species videos make me fall in love with a new fish every time. Thank you Cory for keeping us all inspired and informed fish guardians!
Man your just the best genuine dude there is on UA-cam hands down. Keep doing your thing your awesome at it buddy :)
Clown loaches when sleep time is very cute to see
I love this video. I have 13 with 4 yoyos and some rummy noses and they are my tank bosses and need to make my.40 gal a 125 in the next 4 years. Mine are aged 5 to 2. Love me some clown cloach cheers from Australia bruva
I have 5 clown loaches and I absolutely love them! Tons of personality. Mine like to pester one of my pictus cats by all laying on him haha
Seeing those tiger barbs with clown loaches cracks me up . They are the literal imbodyment of me . Just lost and confused but around people you think you understand .
Been subscribed to COOP for over two years now. Just Cory talking about fish, plants, and aquariums is what I like. Business end in VERY small doses is cool. I’ll never unsubscribe though. Always some solid knowledge dropped.
Got my clowns pack of 7 over 10yrs in a 125g community tank my fav fish they been though all sorts an ive have power outs while i was away and they survived though everything its a tough fish with loads of character
THANK YOU. I was worried about rescuing a couple from an auction of a clearly neglected tank setup - I'm looking forward to it now!
Thank you I used them with snail problem and they fun to have, Thanks
Back when I was keeping tanks, 90’s, I always wanted them. After all these years, and dragging my tanks and gear around with me, I have set up a 125. Going to begin collecting my pack of Loach-Dogs for this tank!
Bought just one of these guys from my lfs along with 2 bettas 1 male 1 female.
Clown had ick and was healthy and ick free after 1 week in medicated quarantine tank, the two bettas were an impulse buy because me and the fiancé felt bad for them being stuck inside practically shot glasses lol so we gave them a new home in our 40 hexagonal planted aquarium which houses Corydoras ghost shrimp and a few emerald tetra.
I remember the first time i heard them clicking... I thought my tank glass was cracking!
Omg yess this happened to me last week with my new one 😩
Ours as well. We thought our filter was acting up.
@@MacHamish jep same here, i thought either filter or glass. So i checked the sealings of my aquarium and i did notice a worrysome spot that i need to get repaired pre-emptively. Cheers on the clown loaches.
Oh that explains so much I just got some and I thought my tanks were breaking
My golden zebra loaches do the same thing!!! Freaked me out the first time I heard it 😵
I love clown loaches ❤ great video Corey!
I love clown loaches, thank you for the information. I tried keeping th em twice and wish I had this information back then. When I am able to have a larger tank again I will put this information to good use. Thank you!
Wow, didn’t know about the warm water recommendation for these guys.
BeUtiful video my friend thanks for sharing your ideas😃
i loved your input thank you! i had a bunch of bladder snails and they got them out in a day. i will say tho i have 6 red minor tetras and 3 mollies, all the loaches do when they aren't eating algae swimming back and forth across the front of my tank with the others. it's hilarious it's like they're just doing continuous flybys
Great video! Today 2 of my clown loaches(8"), swam in circles, and locked jaws, and turned almost a dark brown , even though you could see their stripes still. I fed them and added some extra plants to distract them from chasing each other. Any thoughts on how to stop that weird behavior? Thanks so much. I have kept tropical fish for 50 years, clown loaches are my favorite.
Awesome video from Cory. Any one new to keeping Clowns this video helps. I myself a huge fan of clown loach.
Got about 35 clown loach in my tank. Got to be my favourite.
Clown loaches are awesome! I have some that are over 10 years old
I recently got a single clown loach to fight off invader snails in my tank...i was not aware they were a pack fish but the boy is in a tank with danios, tetras, bolivian ram and plecos/corys, weirdly enough my tank generally sits at a highish ph and i noticed today is rather warm, so it seems it's naturally not a bad place for the boy, and tbh he's pretty active now that he's settled in...I am going to have to get a bigger tank in the not so distant future though as while this tank might be OK for one larger loach...i think i want to get him a couple of buddies if that means he'll be happier, and honestly he looks brilliant in the tank, definitely a fish i'm glad to have.
Im going through snail invasion now! It's awful. I just relocated my fish, 2 angels, clown loach, and pleto to their new, bigger tank. I hope and pray no eggs got stuck on them. They went into a bucket with aquarium salt for a bit first. I've had tanks all my life, this snail invasion was insane! ( I soaked a baby air plant in tank one day, for the "healthy" water. Im thinking that's where they came from.)🤔🐠
i have 12 in my 150 gallon tank average size are 5-8" absoutly love em i have them with exotic plecos and torpido bards. Also found they are amazing with electric blue acaras, i have some massive ones and their extremly peaceful
What size is your tank dimensions?
@@caroljpenn46 5x2x2
@@caroljpenn46 its a really old tank they dont make 5 foot tanks in the larger sizes now unless its custom but its really old ive resealled it and custom made a lid since someone later on made it a center bracket that deffiantly not centered lol
@@caroljpenn46 oh and i have 27 clowns now
Clown loaches are such wonderful little friends
Greetings from jakarta,Indonesia.
Hi brother,iam the one who loves clown loaches.
In indonesia,we called it "IKAN BOTIA".
loves this fish.
lets keep loves this fish.
God bless you all
mantul bro
Mantul meaning magnificent.
I live in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
I hv 4 clown loaches in my 55g tank and theyre so active and when they get too big i can put it in my dads 250 g tank or the huge pond which is like 25ish degree celcius
I'd love to have a tank big enough for these guys one day
Yoyos and zebras could be decent replacements. My zebras school with my clowns
I have 3 of these fish and I love them. They are very active little guys and seem to enjoy their home and fish friends. They play, eat snails and seem happy as far as I can tell. But my tank is about 53 gallons. So I might need to look into upgrading in a few years. Gotta say, they had me worried in the beginning with how strange they were acting lol.
Short, sweet and informative.
Captain metric over here:
85-86 degrees fahrenheit = 29.4-30 degrees celsius
12-13 inches = 30.48-33.02 centimeters
55 gallons = 208.19 liters
Really wanting a clown loach (Or several), I have a 3ft long 50 Gallon tank, could I keep a small group of these guys with some Molly's and danios?
I would probably get an even larger aquarium as they get bigger over time
I have order 2 of Botias fish. Botia is common name for clown loaches, in Indonesia.
In search informations about this "clowns" I found this channel.
Thank you soo much.
I definitely want to keep them in the future, but for now I don't have a big enough tank. One day I will have a big enough tank to follow my dreams.
I've had one clown loach in my 125 gallon for six years and he seems just fine by himself. He's active, eats anything, never hides, and displays all of those quirks that you've mentioned as well. You cannot replicate nature and keep them in a group of six or more because that would require a monster sized tank. You can keep three or four in a 125 gallon max.
What temperature do you keep it at ?
@@1claytonic1 82 degrees
@@jabe55 sweet thank bro
i have 4. they just hiding behind wood. i will buy more. thanks for the information.
i had ONLY 3, and they didnt hide. they were in a hex and they went all around and up and down, constantly., but they chewed the silicone off the edges of the glass! woops!
Dojo / weather loaches are clowns that highly entertaining but plan looking but a fun alternative
I love clowns: I have two that are over 20 years old. You mentioned in a stream that you suspected that the tiger barbs were nipping at the bigger loaches in the 800g and causing the bigger ones to hide more. Here you still suggested keeping tiger barbs with clowns, so did you change your mind on that theory?
Teddy Delacruz I don’t think it was some serious nipping you got to remember he has tons of them in that tank that none of them can be singled out or seriously attacked
imo tiger barbs nip at the biggest fish in the tank when they are in large groups reason to keep it short i think its defence , ie used 15 tiger barbs as differ fish in a demasoni tank and they would kill the dom male 1 by 1 by attacking as a group
We will never know! lol
Clown Loaches are the best😁
Awesome video Cory
wow, i have never heard of keeping them that hot! i have always had problems with the little 1 to 2 inch clowns getting to eat. My skunk botias are always clicking too!
I am trying to start a 75gl tank and want to put 1 red tail shark, 1 severum, 4 angels, 2 gourmes, and 3 clown louchies can some help me out to see if this is a good fit.
Excellent video! 💯💯💯👍👍👊
I love your honest advice and suggestions
So what is their ideal tank size? Like most of us we keep a small group like me I have 3 of them in a 90g and they are about 4yrs old. I would hate to give them up and I would like to add more like 3 or 4. I bought these fish without the knowledge of them bit as time goes on we learn and love them. Mine are about 4-6 inches now and they are happy in there tank. It would be sad to give them up if I had to get a bigger issue. Atm they are with a small group of wild caught Altums angels in a planted tank SA set up and it's Awsome to see both fish with their stripes flashing. Yes the water is warm in this tank above 82°-84° and they love it.
Informative video but once you get these fish it's truly a love factor cause they grow on you🐠🐠🐠
I have a group of 9 with my planted rainbow tank. They never hide they are always out schooling around
So beautiful! I hope to have a Clown Loach tank one day. Thank you for your videos! With your advice I'm now setting up a 21 gallon, 3 foot long, rimless tank with Harlequin Rasboras, either Pygmy or Panda Cory's with a Plakat Betta. I have 3 Betta tanks now so I know these dudes. I really wanted a Dwarf Gourami but I am not experienced enough yet.
I have a school of 8 with 4 dojo loaches In a 100 gallon planted tank they seem to all get along with my community tank
They will hunt down evey snail even the most small ones and just eat them..i did not have him when i i had my apple snail tho..but i had him in tank with a lone tetra neon and rainbow shark and they would school with each other..
Adding emerald catfish to Oscar tank good idea or not I heard Oscars will eat them & it won’t end well for the Oscar’s I have both in aquarium both juveniles
Hey cory what size aqua clear would you use for a 55?
Oh and to add, I see them (clownloaches) swimming around heaps at night hence the question don't they sleep much?
Hey guys are clown loaches ok with discus in a 75 gallon an also how many would be ok in the 75 gallon?
I have 4 Clown Loaches and 4 Zebra Loaches in my 110 Gallon Spotted & Pearl Gourami/ Blue Gularis/ Ghost Knife tank that I keep at 80 degrees. And 5 Balas. I hear that scaleless fish like Loaches and Eels and and Knifes can be hurt by regular ick medicine but, can I use ParaGuard? Use partial? Use less? Or full treatment? Nobody is sick but can I be proactive and preventative? How often?
Can they be in a 30 gallon octagon tall tank?
If I want to set up a 40 gallon aquarium with 10-15 tiger barbs, could I get away with squeezing in like 1 or 2 clown loaches?
Mine keep dying all at once. Had 3 for 5 year and other batches all died itch has killed them everytime. Yoyo loaches seem to be harder. Good vidoe
Bjorn Savle what temperature?
I didn't hear you mention shrimp. I wondering if I can keep these with shrimp in a heavy planted tank.
Is it recommended to keep them with mbuna chiclids?
Fantastic info, Cory. It's so obvious how much you adore these fish just watching you talk about them. Wish I had the space for a group of these guys, but my "large" tank is reserved for my fancy goldies.
That is so cute how their personalities are as you described. 😂 Looking forward to getting some for a new tank. They are very exotic and colorful little fish. 🥰 Are there any smaller species than 12 inches? 😲
Can the tiger barbs tolerate the high heat as well?
Do you still have the reticulated hillstream loaches in the 800 galj and if so, how are they alive!? Hillstream loaches usually like temperature at 68-75 degrees fahrenheight, not 86!
Yes, and they even breed in there. Can't believe everything you read on the internet I suppose.
Aquarium Co-Op huh. I was thinking about getting some hillstream loaches but thought my tank was too hot. Thanks for responding, probably gonna get 1-2 for my tank now😁
The takeaway from that was they get big, you need a pack of them so surely this is just a supersized tank option ?
Hey Cory I know this isn’t a African cichlid vid but I’m so confused I have a 55 gallon tank and I want to get some cichlids I’m getting a larger canister filter to handle the waste but how many can I put in my tank plz help
If I have a 30G with a massive filter and am prepared to move them into a larger tank in maybe 3 years or so would this be ok?
My 20 gallon fish tank got ich a few weeks ago and it has all cleared up, but two of my fish died from it. My tank is pretty empty now with only two danios, 3 Cory’s, and a pleco. I want some ideas, I was thinking of putting a betta sorority in it, but do you guys have any thing els. I don’t want to have to go far away or buy them online though. I just want to find them in a local pet shop. Thank you guys!!
Hey Cory I am soon to go visit South America. How can I export fish from there? What do I have to do?
So I have a 20 gallon pea puffer tank. Can I put young clown loaches in there until they outgrow it or will they bother the puffers or will the puffers bother it?
Got 5 in my 100g. They always tend to hide under my filter Tower. Hope they dont get stuck under there. Have no idea how to get them out if i must do something.
Cory i have 4 clown loaches , one of the smaller loach is nipping my Angels , i have a 55 gallon community tank what to do
I have a 75 gallon it is empty right now just have the filter and heater goin for about a week now is that a big enough tank for 3 clown loaches
So got myself 3 of them put them in my QT and doing ur trio so am I going to need more ?
yeah definitely
!!! Ok so... I saved this loach. But she was alone. So. Can i just introduce her to new baby loaches??
Like she wont get all aggressive and eat them would she.
Omg this was so helpful. I didnt know they were mainly carnivorous. Ive been feeding a mix of pellets and algae wafers.
I have a 125 gallon with a bunch of different types of fish from a black ghost knife and bichir to jack dempseys and guppies and have one clown loach. I can't add a bunch of clown loaches but I might be able to add one more. Will he be ok by himself with all the rest of the fish or should I try to add another one?
Hi there, I have kissing gouramis that are 2 years and 4 years old and added 4 clownloaches. The kissing gouramis don't bother baby loaches. My loaches swim around a real lot during the day (which I'm not complaining) and they swim into the flow of the filter. I don't see them sleep really. When I first had them they'd hide under sponge filter. I had to move a big rock away from sponge filter as it obstructing it a bit, but they swim around and around near the filter outlet water flow. Is this just happy playing? I've rearranged the tank too. Do clown loaches not sleep very much. Also how do you tell male from female? I only have a 3 foot tank atm but intend to upgrade eventually. How long will it take them to get to say 4 inches? I have my temperature at 27.5 ° Celsius (in Australia) is that okay? You say about higher temperature but will the kissing gouramis be okay at higher temperature and will that cause algae? Thanks.
I just like these the moment they are hard to find, went to a few shops and they ran out have to wait for the next order!
i have some already i just want more haha.
I heard these fish are hard to breed is that true?
Another great video
If I run my Oscar / turtle tank at 80 and I want a pack of clown loaches would it be okay to run the tank around 82 or 83
It's been a year how did it go, did u try it?
I have clown loaches and i want to raise my temperature to 85 but i don't know if my tiger barbs can handle it
Did u find answer to this?
@@winay4244 No sadly
@@mariusrhodes8199 pretty sure cory kept the 800 gallon at like 86 with the tiger barbs and clown loaches
How many clowns would you keep to adults in a 300gal.?
My clownloach died the early hours of the morning It was 8/ 9 inches It got stuck in a rock 3 weeks ago Probably tramer from that do you think ? Xx
can these go well with tiger barbs, mine are small rn but i have a school of 12
I have a 60 gallon tank but plan to get larger in the future how many small can I safely put in this tank? And I have 2, where can I find more?
Omg the CLICKING is what I’ve been hearing?! I’ve been panicking about this 😂
I had three clone loaches which were around 4 inches long , my tank developed a leak so I had to get a new tank fast , a friend gave me her tank loaded with quiet fish which included three small clown loaches , two of my large loaches died with the stress of changing tanks so now I only have one large loach, mysteriously the three small loaches have disappeared without trace ,I think that maybe the large loach has eaten them what do you think ?
Anyway he's on his own now and looks quite happy , he makes us laugh with his antics one of which is facing head first into his bubbles it looks like he's having a jacuzzi , then goes and lies full length in the sand on his side for a quick sleep before feeding time , I give him a mixture of pellets every night , once a week I give him frozen blood worms he also gets what fish food drops from the top of the tank , but he is always watching me if you like and I wonder if he is still hungry due to his size am I giving him enough to eat ? sorry this is a long ask but you seem the person to ask , many thanks ..
What about those random times that they only have one at your local fish store so you save him and he is super active and all over the tank? I know I shouldn’t have taken just one but he was so sad looking by himself. I figured in my 55 gallon community tank at least he’d have friends.
I have just one also and this guy is always swimming around, eating the junk off the floating plant roots, poking the other fish and running away. He's always been extremely active since day one. Even during the day with the tank lights on this one is out swimming around, bumping into the glass, and just having a good time
@@zp944 mine too! It’s been a few months and mine seems happy as could be. I think in all things there’s an exception to the rule.
Q: Is it mandatory that the clown loach tank set up needs floor space or can I just have the entire tank covered with plants?
Please some one help
Will they do well with a Bala shark?
Could they be kept comfortably in 78 degree water
So can I turn temp up to 85 degrees with my tiger barbs and dollars ? Tia
I suspect a couple of my clown loaches have skinny disease, they are in a community tank what do you suggest for treatment?
Maddy Dombrowsky do you feed any kind of shrimp pellet or wafer?
What’s the ideal tank temperature for these combined with Tiger barbs?
Do you keep the tiger barbs in the same 85 degree waters ?
Is 1 Clown Loach at 78 degrees in a 75GAL community tank doable at all?
I watched this whole video before but I didn’t think they look that great from this video. I just saw one in my local lfs and it looked amazing!
My loaches aren't responding to my temp and salt ich treatment.. I have 3 tbl spoons in a ten gal every day I take 5 gal out gravel vac and put 5 gal more with with jungle salt 1 half tbl spoon and easy balance i started at 79 degrees up 1 degree a day now at 85 ich gotten worse.... Help started with 6 small incher loaches have 3 left as of today lost three.. Did water test nitrates is a little high rest looks good. Have hang on filter big one for 10 perfect for 20 and air stone plenty of hiding spots... Should I go bare bottom this is just a quaruanteen tank but they might not get out alive HELP HELP!!
Use ich x
@@AquariumCoop thanks for the fast reply brother I'm a new sub as of last month knew u were a bad ass thanks!!!
I had 10 of them when they hide when they were new I took off the hidding places now I have them more than 10 years on that kind of set up and had no issues they are happy as ever.